Out in full force. Rand paul called his bluff. Some of them i think secretly want them to be an attack in the United States so they can blame it on me. I think rand paul made a terrible mistake. Im not sure why youre blaming hawks in the party because i was one of them. You know youre on the right track when everybody is after you. I ran for president twice. But i would never stoop to Something Like this. You would only stoop to Something Like this. This isnt tiddlywinks were playing the republican 2016 field heads to the happiest place on earth. Theyre calling it the Economic Policy summit. What it really is a cattle call. We got 75 people running, i think, the last time i check. Offering the red meat issues that conservative voters want to hear. We need to repeal oh boom ma care. I trust your state, not washington, d. C. Learned that they are for Ronald Reagan and for america. Lindsey graham, the favorite son now is running in south carolina. Id say theres no hope well survive this summer. Tonight, president obama signed the usa freedom act. Continues most of the provisions of the patriotic act, but does not include the bulk Data Collection of telephone records that had been operating under the authority of the now expired patriotic act. Senator Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell tried to preserve all the elements of the patriotic act, but in the end had to settle for passing the identical version of the usa freedom act that was passed by the house of representatives last week. Ted cruz voted for the usa freedom act. The other president ial candidates in the senate, rand paul, marco rubio voted against it. At the end of todays debate, senator mcconnell said this. As the Associated Press declared today, the end of section 215 program is a, quote this is the headlines in the ap today, a resounding victory for Edward Snowden. A resounding victory for Edward Snowden. It is also a resounding victory for those who currently plotted against our homeland. Joining us now, former congressman and msnbc contributor barney frank, author and congressional scholar norm warenstein author of its even worse than it looks. Barney frank, if you were still in the house, how would you have voted on this . Well, i did not study the revised bill fully. I should know that i wrote it against the original patriot act. We actually, in the Judiciary Committee back then, under the leadership of a guy names Jim Sensenbrenner who is generally conservative put together a bill that was very much in support of liberales and conservatives and sent it to the floor of the house. It was unanimous. And then dick cheney thought it wasnt tough enough and did not do enough to be intrusive. And he got the house leadership to change it so i then voted against that bill. I certainly agree with getting rid of the meta data, the collection by the federal government of every phone call made by everybody. Among other things, by the way, what do they do with that . The notion that theres anything rational they can do with it, it seems to me a little bit hard. But the notion that the federal government should have every phone call ever made by anybody, a record of it, yeah, thats pretty intrusive. So i cant tell you exactly how i would have voted on the bill that passed. I did vote against the original one and i would have voted for something that improved it. The no votes in the senate were interesting today because they were for different reasons, many of them. You had rand paul voting no because hes opens dollars to anything in any of the bills, he doesnt want us to have any form of the patriot act to continue. Then theres rubio voting no because he wanted all of the patriotic act to continue so he wouldnt vote for this partial version. And, of course, what we have here, lawrence, is the headache, the multiple headaches that Mitch Mcconnell faces with four president ial candidates now in his own party in the senate who have their own ideas and in both cases they were defying mcconnell, basically. And that was true, as well, on the amendments that he tried to offer to strengthen the act today. And, you know, as you watch mcconnell on the floor saying that this is a great victory for Edward Snowden and for our enemies and the terrorists out there, it also has to be remembered that this bill passed by overwhelming bipartisan margins in the very conservative house of representatives and was accepted by the administration and the Intelligent Community as something that they could live with. So mcconnell, basically, is getting hit from both ends and all ends and especially his own state colleague whom he has endorsed for president. Can i make an important point here . This is really an opportunity for norm warstein. He wrote that book and hes now ready for the sequel, its even worse than it was when i told you it was worse than you think. Actually, the next one is run for your lives. Norm, talk about the run for president. Norm, talk about this population of senators running for president and what that does to a majority leaders life in the senate. This is a much bigger number than usual. It certainly is. And remember that mcconnells margin with his own party is razor thin to begin with. For the things that dont have a filibuster where he needs just the 51 republican votes, if hes trying to jam something through and that will include looking to the future or reconciliation bill, for example, if youve got four of your colleagues who take you below that number running for president , much of the time they are going to be, as Lindsey Graham was today, absent without leave, theyre going to be offer raising money, doing debates, campaigning in different places and, worse, theyre going to be like rand paul which is thwarting you at every turn, even if it alien ates those in your own party because he other octoberives. The primary and caucus electorate for the Republican Party is even to the right of the republicans in the house of representatives not to mention the senate. And remember one other thing that mcconnell is trying to protect people like mark kirk and pat toomey who are going to be up next year in very blue states. So he cant verge that far to the right. This president ial campaign is an enormous series of ongoing headaches for mcconnell. As an additional fact here, i cannot remember a more incompetent performance by a majority leader than mcconnell to be totally frustrated and i think he does not understand the role. When you take leadership in a legislative body, youre making a tradeoff. You are increasing your authority and your power in general. But you are no longer a free acting individual. You do have to take into account the views of your membership. What mcconnell tried to do here was to use the power of the majority leadership to force through a view that he holds that much much is a minority view in the body hes leading. And the result was a disaster. And that is a fundamental misunderstanding of the role of leadership in a legislative body. Yes, you have more authority, and you get to say more, but there are limits. And you cannot take a minority view that he hold and as the majority leader force that, too. Thats why we had this terrible mess up. But hes exactly right on that front. Let me just grab there and react to this possible element of it. Sometimes the leader knows where he wants to end up but he cant take a Straight Path to it because he wants to offer other things, votes on certain things, and then he has to make the endpoint look like a victory for more people than its a victory for. So is it possible Mitch Mcconnell could have gotten this very same result earlier in this process or did he have to go through all this in order to end up where they end up today . Well, youre certainly right that you sometimes have to take a round about route to get your colleagues to go an long. Lets face it, thats what john boehner has done as speaker, a kind of passive aggressive route to finally reach a point where people will get along with you. But mcconnell didnt have to take it to this level. He was not just pitted against rand paul. He was pitted against a lot of his own colleagues. He played the kind of game. I think in the end he offered a bunch of amendments. In identify those amendments had passed, it would have left the patriotic act in limbo for another few weeks or so which he did not want. Maybe that goes to a victory for him. It goes to my point that mcconnell knew those amendments werent going to pass. So the way i was watching them, it didnt look to me like he was really trying to get those amendments to pass, but he just had to go through this play to end up where he is. Go ahead, barney. Thats true as of todays amendment, but i think you are giving him too much credit. This was his he did not want to see this amendment. He wanted metadata. We are in a place he tried to get to. He did try to salvage it today. When you said that the meter couldnt take the straight route, at first i thought he was talking about denny hastert. I thought you might. Barney, one more thing before we go about mcconnell. I get your point about legislative leadership. And i completely generally agree with it. But, what about is there something to be said for seeing a majority leader, which is very rare, going out there and saying this is what i think, i as a senator believe this very strongly and i strongly believe we should go in this direction . And, by the way, as a leader, be willing to suffer that loss if thats what it comes to . Yes, if thats what you but thats not just what he did. Its legitimate for the leader to say, look, i am going to argue for this position. But he used his leadership control over the agenda to not have a fair fight. What he should have done, and i given the depth of his conviction, he should have said i am going to bring this bill up and i am going to offer this amendment which i believe in. But he didnt do that. I tried to use the coercive powers of the leader so keep it off the floor so that he would win not because he would get a majority in the roll call, but because he was threaten them with a disaster. People said he tried to block the senate and they called his bluff. One last point here, mcconnell, when he was in the minority used every trick and basically bent the norms of the senate with filibusters in ways it had never been used before to try and block everything. Then he becomes majority leader and says im going to go back to the regular order. Now hes getting thwarted, but not by becomes, by his own party. Norm gets the last word on this strategy tonight. Barney is going to stick with us and come back. Coming up, we have new poll numbers that are going to change the way the race looks for both democrats and republicans in the president ial race. Thats come up. When i started at the shelter, no one wanted benny. So i adopted him. Hes older so he needs my help all day. When my back pain flared up i was afraid i would have to give him away. I took tylenol at first but i had to take 6 pills to get through the day. Then my friend said, try aleve. Just 2 pills, all day. And now, im back for my best bud aleve. All day strong. And try aleve pm now with an easy open cap. Police abuse of citizens can be very expensive, very expensive to taxpayers. Taxpayers in the detroit suburb will soon face a onetime tax to help the city pay a settlement to a man beaten by a Police Officer during a traffic stop. Last week, floyd dent settled his lawsuit with the city of easter for 1. 4 million for this attack caught on video. But the city doesnt have that kind of money. Michigan state law allows a one time tax to cover that kind of judgment without voter approval. That tax will go on, property tax bills and average 178 for each property owner. Up next, jeb bush loses the top spot in the republican president ial polling. You exercise. You choose the salad. Occasionally. But staying well physically, financially, emotionally its hard on your own. So cignas got your back and your knees, 24 7. Cignas there to answer your questions. Or when you need some coaching. In sickness and in health, cignas there, helping you to get well and stay well. Thats having a partner, whos with you all the way. Cigna. We all enter this world with a shout and we see no reason to stop. So cvs health is creating industryleading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. It could help save tens of thousands of lives every year. And that would be something worth shouting about. Cvs health, because health is everything. If i run, that discussion is going to be forthcoming real soon. My intention is to run on my record and my ideas and run to try to win the presidency. I know the only way one wins in a toperson race is to get to 50 . And i know in order to get to 50 , you cant tear down the 40 or the 35 . Its just that simple. A new poll shows that jeb bush might never get the chance to run in that twoperson race against a democrat. In a Washington Post abc news poll, jeb bush is one point behind both rand paul and scott walker. In that poll, jeb bush is tied with marco rubio. But the top four in that poll are actually so close that it is at least a fourway tie for first place within the margin of error of that poll. A cnn orc poll released today shows jeb bush once again onepoint behind the frontrunner, who this time is marco rubio, but that too is close enough for a twoway tie for first place in that poll. Hillary clinton continues to lead every republican candidate which matched against them oneonone. In the Washington Post poll, she leads jeb bush by three points in the cnn poll. She leads jeb bush by eight points. The republican who is closer to Hillary Clinton is rand paul who trails Hillary Clinton by only one point. Joining us now is steve kornacki, steve is in orlando where jeb bush and six other republicans, potential republicanal president ial candidates hosted by governor rick scott. Also joining us, caitlyn hueyburns and back with us former congressman barney franks. This part of the discussion is so tricky at the moment. These socalled potential candidates because jeb bush, once again, actually in his comments doing that thing of pretending he hasnt yet decided that hes running for president so he can, you know, legally raise all that money on the outside of the campaign and without being accused of coordinating. In that parade down there of candidates, who was best received in that group in florida . Well, ill tell you, to be honest, i think it was jeb bush today. But that comes with a couple of big catches. I mean, obviously, this is bushs home state, not only that. If you look at what this crowd was today, this is an event organized by rick scott, the republican governor here. The audience was by invitation only from the governor. These were his financial supporters from the Business Community in florida. So these are people that jeb bush is the former governor of florida, he has very close relationship thats go back to a number of years, maybe decades in some cases. The other big catch, though, is marco rubio wasnt there in person today because of the patriotic act stuff that was happening back in washington. Marco rubio only spoke by video. So he didnt get him working the room, getting that interpersonal warmth going that maybe bush did. Even if florida still looks like a pretty promising venue for bush, i mean, theres some question about whether bush or rubio would have a leg up here, but we can agree that bush and rubio together are light years ahead of the other candidate necessary florida right now. But even with that being the case, the bigger problem for bush is getting to florida. When you start to look at how the map sets up, how the calendar sets up for next year in the republican primaries, you could start right away and say weve got huge problems right away in iowa, the caucus state, all the activists the caucus webs right now hes running and ive seen polls that have him in seventh place in iowa. Look at New Hampshire and New Hampshire looks better for bush. Hes running in the high teens in New Hampshire. In nevada, the bush people hope to turn nevada into a primary, a bigger electorate. That plan blew up yesterday for the legislature in nevada wouldnt go along with it. Its going to stay a caucus state. South carolina, marco rubio has made big inroads there. Lindsey graham running as a favorite son, he will probably eat into jeb bushs support in south carolina. If youre jeb bush and you cant put some wings on the board in those first four contests, forget it, youre not get to go florida. Caitlyn, these reports are always reported to have a frontrunner, even whether theres a onepoint lead which were always told theres a margin of error, one point means nothing. The way these things report, jeb bush has to suffer that when he falls one point behind the frontrunner. That spreads into the crowd, spreads into the talk of the crowd that steve was with today. And theres only so much of this that bush can survive. He lass to stay up there, doesnt he . Oh, sure. Because there are so many candidates running, because its a wide open race. Thats a big factor. If youre jeb bush and youre falling mind other candidates look at that and see an opportunity to move forward. So i think throughout this debate, youre going to see a lot of kind of fire throwing, a lot of people trying to get up because it is such a big, open race. Barney frank, they have their message ready on taxes. Marco rubio participated via satellite today in the florida event. Im going to give you a sample now of what these guys had to say about taxes. Well talk about it after we hear it. Lower that Corporate Tax rate and you will see a powerful message sent across the world. Lower the Corporate Tax rate so that its competitive with the rest of the developed world. The best thing we can do is just get the government out of the way. Whether its lower taxes or bring our tax rate down. We have to fix one of the most convoluted complex tax codes by lowering rates. Barney frank, if they gave you a minute on that stage that far, what would you have told that audience . That we have enormous needs in this country that have to be addressed and reducing the revenue is not a way to do it. I keep reading about the people in texas and the insistence they have now that we send them some federal money. Do they think the federal money falls down like the rain that theyre worried about . We have Lindsey Graham who wants to increase theyre all for increasing American Military expenditure in iraq and afghanistan. Logically, you reduce taxes and you accuracy that kind of spending, then Social Security and medicare which are otherwise quite sound fiscally if we do it right, theyre in serious trouble. So the cutbacks, its cut taxes, it will and by the way, theyre not talking about cutting taxes for working people. Theyre not talking about cutting the Social Security payroll tax which has a regressive impact. Theyre talking about cutting taxes at the high end while they are also and lets be clear. When john boehner complained about having to raise the debt, i pointed out john boehner put more of the debt on that rolls than i did. I didnt vote for the iraq war and a lot of these other things. So the inconsistency between talking about reducing government revenue and talking about substantial increase and expenditures of the highest kind, i hope there will be more conversation about that during this campaign. Lets listen to what jeb bush said about immigration reform. And listen carefully because this is really quick. We Senate Immigration reform for crying out loud. A broken immigration system puts drains on our economy. Steve kornacki, how did that work with that audience . In this particular audience, again, youre talking about a room of Business Leaders here i think in a lot of cases may not the immigration may not be as pressing an issue to them in terms of opposing as it is to the broader republican base. And i think that gets into one of the problems that jeb bush has here. And that is he has to be you look at the poll there, you show him at 11 nationally. There was another poll that had him at 10 . Just by contrast when his brother is running for president in the 2000s, that was another crowded republican field. That is a pass to the nomination that when this campaign began, the jeb bush people thought they could emulate in a lot of ways. Well, at this point in that race, he was at that 40 or 50 in the republican polls. He was 30 points ahead of his nearest rivals. And the rivals at in point were start to go drop out of the race in that cycle. That is not happening this time. Looking at issues like immigration, it gives bush limited room to geoff get away from where the pace is. Steve kornacki, thank you very much for joining us. Coming up, those people trying to draft Elizabeth Warren to run for president are now start to go think they have to look for another candidate. D talk and text. Plus 10 gigs of shareable data. Yeah, 10 gigantic gigs. For 80 a month. And 15 per line. More data than ever. For more of what you want. 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People can see better when theyre out doing their tasks, young people are moving back in town the kids are feeling safer while they walk to school. And folks are making investments and the community is moving forward. 40 of the lights were out, but theyre not out for long. Theyre coming back. Is there such a thing as a sure thing in business . Some say buy gold. Others say buy soybeans. I say, buy comcast business internet. Unlike internet providers that slow down when traffic picks up, you get speed you can rely on. Its a safe bet. Like a goldplated soybean. Reliably fast internet starts at 69. 95 a month. Comcast business. Built for business. Run, warren, run. The campaign to push senator Elizabeth Warren into the ft. Al race is shutting down. Today, they said, coat, we worked to amplify her voice wherever and whenever possible by raising the possibility of a warren run for the presidency. We elevated the significance of her words and actions. Joining us now is ben wicker, the washington director of moveon. Org. Ben, how did it come to this . Why did you guys surrender . Well, i wouldnt call this surrender. I would say it was a long shot for anyone to run for president. We nigh when we started that this is not something someone who plays coy. What we knew is that she rises to big fights and we wanted to make the case for her that theres a hunger for progressive fighters. There are enormous to be won on behalf of regular people. We didnt get our candidate. We obviously wish we had. But we do feel like weve moved the debate, the millions of americans who want these issues debated, when want inequality in a system where corporate money has too much power, when want those issues talked about, everyone who wants that fight won because those are now front and center across the field. Even republicans are starting to Pay Lip Service to issues like inee called. That, to us, is a significant step forward. Barney frank, i think you have a candidate that youd like to talk ben into supporting. Well, let me just say i was on morning joe on this network yesterday with bill crystal who was doing everything he could to promote bernie sanders. The transparency of that was very clear. They dont want Hillary Clinton to be the nominee because they think shes very tough. I do not understand where the criticism comes from of her on domestic issues. As paul krugman documented, one of our best writers on public policy, Hillary Clinton was to the left of barack obama in 2008 on health care. When president obama signed the bill that weakened the financial reform bill somewhat not a huge way, but i wish he hadnt done that, although it was republican pressure that forced him into what he felt. Hillary clinton spoke right out and said she was against it. She was an original supporter of a Broader Health care bill. Look, i wish that somebody who had a set of positions, for instance, like mine, could get elected president. And if i thought that maybe i would have run, although i think jim would have not really enjoyed being the first man. But congressman i want to elect somebody and when billy crystal, on behalf of the republicans starts you know undermining Hillary Clinton, i think thats a mr. Crystal is making the case for bernie, obviously, as a way of attacking mrs. Clinton. But if you look at the run Warren Run Campaign what youre hearing is not an anticlinton campaign, but a pro fighter campaign. Presumably secretary clinton and all the candidates have the chance to move into that exact space. Whenever secretary clinton or the other candidates, go to bat for the middle class, they get stronger. That is good for the party. I think thats a debate that we need to have please stop we talk about the issues, the stronger we are. I think, too, whats interesting, too, is that youre seeing kind of this primary within the primary. Elizabeth warren has forced this debate, i think, but shes having more of an impact in the senate weve seen so far. Bernie sanders and Martin Omalley competing for a lane within the Democratic Party and then they have to face clinton. So i think theres a little primary within the primary there. Barney, what do you go ahead, barney. This notion that until moveon talks about running Elizabeth Warren by the way, Elizabeth Warren is much more sensible than her supporters. The notion that you amplified her voice . No. It was amplified when she helped us capacity consumer protection. She correctly understood that to the extent she was seen as someone maneuvering for the presidency, her voice would have been diminished. The purity of her concern for issues has been one of her strengths. And she understood better than others that seem to go be toying with the presidency would have diminished her influence, i believe, rather than strengthening it. As far as the issues are concerned, yeah, we have been there for a while. Im glad to hear that this is not an attack on anybody. I do think there is an effort, frankly, for people to claim more credit than is necessarily the case. And, again, i want to stress we have a serious problem in november with money. We are going to be outspent significantly by all that republican money. I dont understand why some of my friends on the left think that we should do to ourselves this year what the republicans did four years ago weaken who will be the nominee. I want to save our money and if people have a specific issue that they want to push, id like to hear it. I believe that we have been there for some time. Congressman frank, first of all, i agree with you that senator warrens voice is extraordinarily powerful and her authenticity and her focus on issues is the source of her strength. I think what the millions of people who have cheered senator warren on when she goes to bat against corruption and youre changing the terms of the discussion. Im not talking about cheer her on. Im talking about saying that she should run for president. A run for president is not suggesting she is toying with the possibility. Its suggesting that we want to see an action more like warren. Thats what we want to say in our youre being disingenuous. Energy and energy is what wins elections. I think that youre being disingenious. You are not saying we cheer her on. You were saying she should run for president. That is a disservice to her and that is not saying shes being enjoy. Its absolutely authentic. We love her authenticity and what were looking for from all the candidates is the same fighting spirit and energy. Thats how you win elections and people out are on the streets. You dont win elections by weakening your own side. When you say oh, we were just cheering her on, thats not true. There was a serious effort to get her to run for president which would not have been good for her. Lawrence was right, you did collapse that effort. Im glad you did. It was a mistaken effort in the first place. I dont think that cheering elizabeth on i dont think that any weaker today because of run warren run. I think democrats are in a stronger position because democratic issues no one have been talked about for the last six months. If this had only been they have been talked about before. Then we would have been talking on tv about tax cuts day in and day out. No this, that is simply on our side of the aisle. Now theres going the be a primary and that is simply not the case. I think were talking about better situations. The democrats were not talking about tax cuts, though. No, im saying republicans are talking about filibustering. The democrats were, in fact, pushing heart with Hillary Clinton support, barack obama support for raising taxes on people. And, again, you are trying to confuse two things. Being enthusiastic about Elizabeth Warren, very important. Saying she should run for president , it was a bad mistake and let me get a last word to caitlyn before we go to break. You have all of these republicans on the other side, you know, up to 18 of them almost going directly after Hillary Clinton. So if they are going to spend the next several months fighting among each other, but directly attacking her. So i think democrats are seeing this as an open a first open race in a long time. If they can help prepare her for that general election and get her ready after this long nominating fight. I think they could consider that a kind of success. That will have to be the last word on it tonight. Ben, caitlyn, barney, thank you all for joining us tonight. Thank you. Thank you. Up next, a republican and his partner will share their message for Marriage Equality. And later, the president of fifa announces his resignation as a Major Investigation closes in on him. Youre welcome. Ugh. Youre the valet . Yea, sorta the valet. Both drive for a living, both like to save money on Car Insurance and we both know you may not get this car back in the same condition. Watch your toes. Wo ya boy. Get it sorta you isnt you. With drivesense from esurance, you can earn a personalized discount based on how you drive not how someone sorta like you drives. Youll even get a discount just for signing up. Esurance. Backed by allstate. Click or call. Bennys the oldest dog in the shelter. He needed help all day so i adopted him. When my back pain flared up, i thought id have to give him away. I tried tylenol but it was 6 pills a day. With aleve its just 2 pills, all day. Now im back aleve. All day strong. If you cant put a feeling into words, why try . At 62,000 brush movements per minute Philips Sonicare leaves your mouth with a level of clean like youve never felt before. Innovation and you. Philips sonicare. One of the states that would work affected by the samesex marriage issues would be tennessee. The Group Freedom to marry created a new ad featuring a Tennessee Republican who wants to marry his partner. Television station necessary nashville, memphis, and chattanooga, tennessee, are running that ad. But the nbc affiliate wrcb in chattanooga refused to run the ad saying it was, quote, very controversial. In a statement, the tv station told us here at the last word, we review all commercials before airing them. In this case, we decided to not accept ads for gay marriage or against gay marriage. Here is that ad. Jessie ehrenfeld. Im a republican, im a doctor and im a soldier. As a military physician, i take care of other peoples loved ones who are wounded in combat. But here at home, im fighting a different fight. Because im gay, im not allowed to marry my partner here in tennessee where we live. I was able to stand up and put my life on the line for the freedoms we all enjoy, yet i dont have the freedom to marry my partner, judd. Support the freedom to marry because freedom means freedom for everyone. Joining us now for exclusive interview, dr. Jerry ehrenfeld, u. S. Navy airman and his partner, judd taback, an administrative judge for the state of tennessee. So, judge, what do you think is going to happen in the Supreme Court . Well, i hope that they vote in our favor. I can tell you that, lawrence. And, jesse, what made you do this ad . What gave you the idea for that . Well, we certainly want the freedom to to marry, to marry each other, to make a lifetime commitment to one another, to stand up in front of our family and our friends and have the opportunity to do that here in our home state of tennessee where weve created a life for ourselves surrounded by our friends and our community. And were hopeful the Supreme Court will come out in our favor. Its is that desire to stand up on this issue that led us to make the ad when freedom to marry called us and asked us if we would be willing to be featured in it. Youre living in a state where the 2014 poll by the Public Religion Research institute finds that support for Marriage Equality in tennessee supporting it is 39 and opposing it is 55 . Judd, thats a change in those numbers over time and thats more support than there was in tennessee at the time they took that vote in 2006. Yes, we hope that trend continues and that people are more in our favor today. However, we do i do believe that this issue should be decided by the Supreme Court. And should not be left up to the people who decide who i get to marry and who you get to marry, lawrence. Lawrence, you wouldnt want someone telling you and you wouldnt want people in your state voting on whether you could get married or not, would you . No. And jesse, what has been the reaction to the ad in tennessee . Its actually been overwhelmingly positive. I was in the operating room yesterday taking care of patients and one of our housekeepers came up to me and said, doc, great job with that ad. Weve gotten a lot of positive comments from friends, from phone calls from all over the country, really, and, you know, i think when we made this ad, we were hoping it would start some conversations in our community. And we never expected the kind of attention we would get because of the decision that was made by this tv station. And certainly, you know, were just delighted that this conversation is happening. And like i said, the response has been pretty positive overall. And, judd, what about for you, what has been the response to you personally in peoples comments . Its been pretty much the same. Very positive. Mostly from family and friends. And, yeah, everyone seems pretty excited about it. And, jesse, it may well be that pretty soon Marriage Equality is legal in tennessee through the Supreme Court. And is this ad intended to, in effect, kind of soften up that opposition to what might become the law in tennessee very soon . Well, certainly, you know, the Supreme Court is going to rule. Theyve probably already made their decision, probably in the writing phase right now. And our hope was really this our neighbors, our community members, my patients, people that we interact with at the Grocery Store could hear our story, hear about the love that we have for each other so that we can have that conversation here across the state of tennessee. You know, youre right to point out that peoples hearts and minds are changing on this issue and i think thats because theres so much more conversation about what it means. Certainly for judd and i, we certainly want to have the protections that are offered by being legally married, you know . I just got back from afghanistan about six weeks ago. One of the things that was really on my mind when i was there is that if i got hurt or something happened to judd, you know, we wouldnt have the same protections for emergency leave to be able to come back and be with each other, that married couples have and there are all sorts of other benefits, veterans benefits, Social Security benefits, that we cant access today because we cant get legally married here in tennessee. So were hoping that the Supreme Court rules in our favor and that well be able to get up and say i do together. Thank you very much for joining us tonight and im glad we got to run your ad here. Thank you, lawrence. Thank you. Well be right back. As my go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. On us. Get your first months payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. Make the most of summer. With volvo. You probably know xerox as the company thats all about printing. 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And im wearing orange for hadiya pendleton. She would have been celebrating her 18th birthday today, but on january 29th, 2013, one week after she marched in president obamas second inaugural parade, she was shot and killed in chicago. Today is you National Gun Violence awareness day in honor of hadiyas birthday. The Wear Orange Campaign was inspired by her friends and classmates in chicago who began wearing orange, the color worn by hunters in the woods, to make sure that no one shoots them. Today, president obama tweeted, people across the country are wearing orange to stand up against gun violence. Nancy pelosi led some members of the house of representatives in wearing orange today. The entire new York Mets Baseball Team wore orange today as did Sara Silverman and many other supporters. Im wearing orange for hadiya. Im wearing orange for hadiya. Im wearing orange so no other parent has to lose a child. 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And save without settling. Only on verizon. Four days after he was reelected president of the scandaled organization that runs world cup soccer, sepp blatter announced his resignation today. [ speaking Foreign Language ]. [ speaking Foreign Language ]. The New York Times is reporting tonight that sepp blatter is now the focus of a federal corruption investigation that has already led to the indictments of 14 fifa officials and marketing executives. Its america. This investigation and finds something to indict him, i dont think you understand how much that would mean to everyone on earth. If the dutch somehow found a reason to extradite and lock up donald trump, you would think holy [ bleep ], the dutch are awesome. The dutch are what a country. That is what is on the table for you, america. Joining us now, the Washington Post sports columnist jordan post. Is the world of soccer grateful to the United States today . Absolutely, lawrence. I also point to the fact that this doesnt change everything. There still has to be transparency and leadership. But this is the right step in the direction you needed to see if youre fifa, if youre the americans. Remember, america, if qatar had not got the world cup in 2022 would have received it. That tells us, lawrence, just how corrupt things were. Youre talking about a country, 3 let you know,000 people, no tradition, no soccer tradition, no stadium to speak of. Theyre estimating 14 degrees. 140 in the summer and theyre at the same time estimating workers will die. This has to be moving at very high speed. Here is this guy four days ago getting himself reelect for life, four days later, his world has changed enough in that time, he goes, okay, i quit, im out. 17 years. This was his fifth term, something he said he would never do, five terms, lawrence. But you talk about being like the ultimate bad guy in sports. This is the most important and arguably the most meaningful position in all of sports. Certainly the most influential and way more than Roger Goodell in the nfl. You know weve talked about him at length on this program. So i look at sepp blatter. Hes finally realized, everybody, and i mean everybody, not only soccer fans only, this guy needed to go and he finally got the hint. Now who takes over this thing and i think it will be print ali, who got 73 votes. Its interesting, if sepp blatter had stepped down two weeks ago before winning the election, the president of concacaf probably would have taken over. But he was arrested. One of the big indictments. He was arrested. So i think it is going to be prince ali who had bowed out of the race and i think is a guy that brings some more leadership and certainly transparency to the position. Oh, yeah. Princes, theyre great on moral leadership. Middle eastern princes, theyve always been wonderful about that. Clearly, blatter had to figure out these people that have been arrested, theyre going to crack. Absolutely. Obviously, their way out of jail, basically, is to give me up. And i think thats something hes certainly worried about. You talk about back rooms, lawrence, in terms of getting qatar 2022, theres a story out thats been reported literally they were in a hotel room in africa where they were given 1. 5 million bribes to voters. And theres not a lot of votes, so every vote matters to get qatar to the world cup in 2022. That doesnt even include russia, which is next in three years, which apparently has a lot of issues, always well. So this is just the beginning, but its a big step in the right direction. Soccer was not it wasnt being affordable to the world any more. And one of the big things with fifa, they were taking the money and they were pocketing it. They were not making fields. That was another big issue. Thank you for joining us tonight