supreme court arguments have just concluded on a legal challenge that goes to the heart of the president's affordable care act. >> health care under attack! stand up, fight back! >> 7 million people could lose their subsidies. >> the question for the supreme court is who gets that subsidisome >> it's unwise to draw conclusions based on the questioning of the justices. >> we turn now from the supreme court to the federal court. the federal courthoused in boston. >> the bombing suspect's defense lawyer made a stunning admission. >> it was him. that statement not from prosecutors but the defense attorney. >> this whole trial is not about guilt or innocence. the whole trial is, does he live or die? >> our investigations show that ferguson police officers routinely violate the fourth amendment. >> a pattern of racial bias among authorities in ferguson, missouri. >> stunning patterns of racial bias. >> stopping people without reasonable suspicion. arresting them without probable cause. and using unreasonable force against them. >> nobody wants to see anybody treated unfairly. >> marriage equality is once again on hold in alabama leaving couples in limbo, despite a u.s. supreme court order allowing them to proceed. >> do you think being gay is a choice? >> absolutely. >> why do you say that? >> because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight and when they come out they're gay. >> she is the keeper of her records. >> hillary clinton's exclusive views of a private e-mail account. >> whether it's unprecedented or not is very unusual. as expected, the house committee that's still investigating the deadly attack on american diplomats in benghazi, libya issued subpoenas today for then secretary of state hillary clinton's e-mails. the associated press said today it is considering legal action under the freedom of information act against the state department for failing to turn over some e-mails during secretary clinton's tenure. the ap says the state department has never before suggested that it did not possess all of secretary clinton's e-mails. joining me now is an investigative reporter for the associated press who broke the story about hillary clinton's private e-mail server at her home. jack, the -- how did you trace this server to her home? >> when we began looking, lawrence, at the existence of private e-mail accounts, we looked at these contemporaneous internet records that showed where this -- what server was registered at this time. that ip address had gone back to an internet connections that owned by somebody at the clinton's household at the time, registered to somebody who had a slight misspelling that turned out to be an aide to the secretary when she was first lady under then president bill clinton. we don't know where that e-mail server is located, but we know that it was ran on a network the clintons had owned somewhere in new york state. >> and the aide you're talking about who seems to have set this up is named eric hotham and he has a long history with the clintons that involves other controversies. >> right. i think the question here is when we look into the server and how we know the clintons have used this private internet connection is where are these e-mails being stored, why are they using a service rather than something that the state department had, and how secure were those messages, particularly in the face of foreign adversaries. >> as of now, we have -- no one has succeeded in getting a reason for this from hillary clinton? >> they have declined to comment on this issue, and this comes amid, as you mentioned, the associated press and other news organizations requests under the freedom of information act, to get e-mails in which secretary of state -- when hillary clinton was secretary of state because those messages are between her and her aides are about a variety of topics. journalists use those records to evaluate a presidential candidate as she will likely seek the democratic nomination for the white house. >> and jack, the state department is -- has been sort of assuring us that there were no classified e-mails or information involved, but according to what we know so far, it is impossible for the state department to know everything that happened on that e-mail system. >> well, that's good question, lawrence. when you have e-mails hosted on a separate server, someone that either they owned that server or it's on a third party server like google or g-mail, it's unclear when the government has to go searching for those e-mails because a journalist had requested them. if those are in house, they can go to the i.t. folks and say the state department or any other obama administration executive agency and ask for those records when they're on a third party server, maybe one hosted at somebody's house, it's incumbent on the person there to turn over those records. that's what congressional investigators are asking for today in seeking those e-mails. >> just quickly background us on the freedom of information act request. apparently the ap issued freedom of information act requests over the years to the state department that would have included hillary clinton e-mails. you got no hillary clinton e-mail and the state department never said to you, oh, we don't possess any. she possesses it. >> after a year and a half of seeking these records, we just got to the point whether or not they agreed to speed up the request, and we're tussling over that issue rather than the response of records. the bigger issue here, this occurred with mitt romney's records, with sarah palin's e-mails, with republicans and democrats, when journalists ask for these records, whether e-mails or schedules or calendars, and often a journalist is faced with state agencies or the federal government, these restrictions that either they say the records don't exist or it's going to cost you a lot of money so you better pony up. >> jack, thank you very much for joining us tonight. we're joined now by a security expert who analyzed the internet records related to hillary clinton's server. those records were obtained by bloomberg news. the question, alex, is security. that's the one that i've been talking about from the start. going outside of the state department system, setting up something at home like this, in your analysis, how secure was this? >> well, i think the cogent point here is one of her aides is not going to be able to maintain a secure server in a similar fashion than the state department. even if he did it to the best of his ability, the problem still remains, there's no one -- presumably, there's nobody at the clinton staff or their house who is constantly monitoring the server to see if it's been the victim of compromise. as a result, the security suffers. >> and on the encryption system that they used for it apparently they did not configure it very well. they just used the factory configuration, at least that's what it appears to be, and you get that kind of system you're supposed to reset it to your own configuration so it isn't the factory default. >> yeah, sort of. what we found is, there are some e-mail records, she has an e-mail server and then a vpn, virtual private network. that allows you to have a device with a secure encrypted device to the server. if this is joined to another server, you're able to retrieve your e-mail securely. what we found was that the certificate that a lot of your viewers will be familiar with if you do any online banking or shops, that certificate was what was issued by the manufacturer. and their own documentation states, as soon as you get it, you're supposed to replace it with one that you purchase yourself. that didn't happen. if the configuration that we see now is reflective of the configuration she was using then. >> just as a final word on the security of it, it's not something you would recommend a secretary of state use? >> no. i think it's absolutely ridiculous. we should not allow top government officials to say, you know what? i'm going to handle my own e-mail. not to besmirch their intelligence, but security is a very complex and difficult game to get into, especially when you need to defend against a nation state adversary. as a result, you just can't do it. it doesn't make sense. you need to have the government's help to make this secure. >> thank you very much for joining us tonight. we're joined now by david axelrod, josh barrow, and jennifer granholm. david, you worked in this administration. what was the policy of your administration involving e-mail like this? >> well, there was a rigorous policy about using e-mail. people have private e-mail, but government business was to be conducted on government e-mails. so i don't know what the policy was at the state department at the time. >> do you have any reason to think the policy at the state department was different from what you were told in the white house? >> i honestly don't know, lawrence. i'm not trying to be coy about that. every agency is different. but let me just make a political point, if i can. i think the real issue here, however this turns out, this problem is being exacerbated by the lack of answers from the clinton campaign. it would be good to get out there and answer these questions, why did she use a separate e-mail, how did she secure that e-mail, was there another e-mail for which she communicated with people. by not answering these questions, they're allowing the story to fester in ways that are unhelpful and so, you know, lack of speed kills in this case. >> jennifer granholm, since 2009, the national archives and records administration regulation says, agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages, that would be the state department, using a system not operated by the agencies. if you do that, you must ensure that federal records sent and received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system. and we don't see that that's what happened. we have no way of knowing now how many of hillary clinton's e-mails that were in that system were actually properly preserved. >> well, the issue, lawrence, is that what was the state department's proper recordkeeping system. what she did was follow the precedent that happened before, which is that she did e-mail -- >> when there's a new regulation issued while you are secretary of state in 2009, you don't get to say, i'm doing what everyone before this regulation did. >> why not? >> because they just changed the regulation. if i raise your tax rate, you don't get to say to me, i would like to pay the old one. >> lawrence, if it worked for the previous administration, why not -- >> oh, listen, that's a ridiculous -- are you saying that you should just ignore all new regulations? >> no, of course not. what she's saying is that she followed precedent, which is what was done before. in 2014, there was an amendment to that law to make it clearer, so there was an ambiguity in the law. but she did what secretary powell did and she has released 55,000 pages of e-mails pursuant to the state department -- >> how many did she not release? >> i don't know, but the point is, you've got -- lawrence, i know this is a really big thing for the beltway crowd. i completely understand that. but you have a committee now that is subpoenaing all these e-mails. you start to go down this path, and you have to treat one side the same as the other. and there is a lot of precedent on the other side for people to have private e-mails that are done, because they don't want their private business being on government time. often it's because you don't want the taxpayers to pay for your private conversations. >> governor, i'm going to talk about you now and then come back and give you a chance to respond. but what i just heard is what i don't believe governor granholm would be saying if this was a republican administration and not what i heard any democrat saying when chris christie was discovered using official e-mail. this strikes me of already the reaction to it is purely partisan. if you support hillary clinton's candidacy, you're going to say there's nothing wrong here. but if we turn the tables and just put a republican name beside this story, totally different response. >> this story has been instructive. it's showing who will defend hillary clinton no matter what she does. you've read the rules. just this fall, the state department requested those records but it went years. so who was running the state department during the period that regulation was supposed to be in place? hillary clinton. it was her job to get in compliance. >> governor granholm, we're going to take a break, come back and let you respond to what we just said here in new york. we'll be right back. why do i take metamucil everyday? because it helps me skip the bad stuff. i'm good. that's what i like to call, the meta effect. 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil is clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. experience the meta effect with our multi-health wellness line. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. we're back with my panel. governor granholm, i'm having trouble believing if we were talking about a republican secretary of state hiding e-mail like this that you would be saying the same thing. >> but you're saying hiding e-mails. she turned over 55,000 pages of e-mails. i mean, what you're suggestion is that she didn't turn over everything, and she's getting subpoenaed over that. but if you're talking about one side and the other, then i'm curious as to whether you will see the republicans, you know, jumping up and down about the republicans who have not turned over their private e-mails, too. this is a slippery slope for them, as well. the bottom line is, lawrence, this issue is just not going to be something that voters are going to care about in 2016, whether the archives were kept in the right fashion or not. they care about jobs. they care about foreign policy. they're not going to care about this particular issue, which you're right, does bite both sides. >> david axelrod, the clintons have always been lucky in how clumsy their political opponents are. here we have the benghazi committee going after these e-mails, and in a sense, it's that committee which has been discredited in the eyes of so many people already. >> no question about it. it's the longest running dry hole in history. no reason to believe that would change. again, look, i think lot of these -- i'm halfway between you and governor granholm in the sense i don't know that she turned over all the e-mails. i don't know whether she had another e-mail. i don't know why she didn't have an address at the state department that she used for secure congress. i don't know any of that. but it would behoove them to just answer those questions and get this behind them and not let it become a long running story. i agree with jennifer that i don't think this is going to be the issue that the election turns on. but these little things hijack the story for long periods of time, unless you're responsive in a very quick way. and they've let this lapse for several days now. >> governor granholm, would you as a governor refused to have answered the question of why did you do this for this length of time? >> i don't think she has refused to answer the question. >> no, she has. reporters are getting refusal to answer. let me just ask you, has "the new york times" asked hillary clinton, tried to ask hillary clinton why she did this and has she refused to answer? >> i know reporters have gone to her spokesperson and have not gotten answers about the justification, including they're emphatic about the fact when she e-mailed other people at the state department, those e-mails were archived because those people used their state department e-mail addresses. but there's no answer when she e-mailed somebody outside of the agency. so david is right, we don't know whether she's turned over everything. she hasn't turned it over in a timely manner. you had places like the ap that were making requests going back more than a year trying to get these records from the state department. the state department didn't have the records, so even if she's turned everything over now, it's too late. >> jennifer, one last word. >> i don't think it's too late. the ap should make and renew their request. they're in the right place. do it. >> thank you for joining me tonight. coming up, the u.s. ambassador to south korea has just been attacked in south korea, attacked there by a man wielding a knife. we'll have the latest after this. next. ♪♪ expected wait time: 55 minutes. your call is important to us. thank you for your patience. waiter! vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. vo: we put members first... join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ [ hoof beats ] i wish... please, please, please, please, please. 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"an exchange established by the state." that's it. those are the words. the question before them is, do those words actually mean an exchange established by the state or do they mean an exchange established by the state and/or the federal government? if they mean the latter, why didn't congress simply include those words and/or the federal government in the affordable care act? plaintiffs in the supreme court today argued that because the law provides financial subsidies for the purchase of health insurance through "an exchange established by the state" no one in states that did not establish such exchanges should be eligible for those subsidies. that would mean the subsidies would be denied to beneficiaries receiving them in 34 states. joining me now, author of "america's bitter pill, money, politics, back room deals and the fight to fix our broken health care system." and also dr. zeke emanuel, chair of the medical ethics and health and policy at the university of pennsylvania. zeke, you were in the supreme court chamber today. what was your feeling about where the argument went and how much of the affordable care act will survive? >> well, this isn't how much of the affordable care act will survive, because if it's ruled not unconstitutional but invalid, there goes the act in everything but 16, 17 states. so everything is on the line here. i actually think the government did an extraordinarily good job, don verelli did a good job outlining why you have to read these words in context. and when you read them in context, it makes quite clear many other parts of the statute. if in fact, it's only by the -- people in the state get subsidies, then it makes no sense to talk about exchanges that the federal government will set up, because those exchanges are just shell games because no one would be a qualified individual buyer, and there would be no qualified insurance companies to sell in those exchanges by the definitions of exchanges and qualified individuals in those states. so you would actually have whole parts of the legislation that make no sense. he also pointed out, and justice kennedy picked this up, that this actually threatens federalism, because the federal government is really threatening to destabilize the entire insurance market in states, and only with a very small phrase which, at the time, no one understood as a threat. so that would not be -- that would be coersive of the state and justice kennedy sided with the government. >> they quoted jonathan gruber. let's listen to this. >> i think what's important to remember politically about this, if you're a state and you don't set up an exchange, that means your citizens don't get tax credits but the citizens still pay taxes to support this bill. i hope that's enough political reality for states to realize there's billions at stake here. but once again, the politics can get ugly around this. >> so there's one of the architects of the bill saying this was very deliberate. it was a very deliberate financial incentive to put there. his statement makes perfect sense, but to give the full context of it, shortly after that statement which he made in 2012, two years later he said, one of the greatest denials of what someone said i've ever head, he said -- >> listen, i don't know what to >> listen, i don't know what to say about that. >> i don't either. >> i spent hours interviewing jonathan, and i asked him about the difference between the state exchanges and the federal and he never mentioned any of that. second, this is about legislative intent, not about john gruber's intent. and he did not -- he was not an architect of this law. he was on the outside looking in, much to his frustration the whole time. he ran economic models to figure out the cost of the law, and every economic model he ran, which i saw, assumed that all 50 states, the citizens in all 50 states would get the subsidies. now, zeke, who has a dog in this hunt, actually sounds like he was trained as a lawyer at harvard instead of a doctor. i think he got it exactly right. i don't have a dog in this hunt. i'm a reporter, my book doesn't take sides on obamacare. there's a lot of criticism and praise of it. but this is a fairy tale that the plaintiffs have brought. all of my reporting, all of the members of the house and senate i talked to, all of their staffs, and i talked to them before this surprisingly became a piece of litigation that people were watching, none of them said anything about the states that didn't set up an exchange losing their subsidies. this is pure myth. >> this has always read to me like what we call a drafting error. it happens all the time in this kind of legislation. it's fixed all the time in what they call a technical corrections bill. something the congress is now incapable of passing. >> it's not really a drafting error. >> for years they did technical corrections. >> you can argue it lacks clarity, that they could have said in the state instead of by the state. but it's not an error, because this is getting down into the weeds, but the word exchange is capitalized. as you know, because you used to write legislation, when it's capitalized, there's a definition around it. the definition says the exchange is an exchange established by the state or established by the federal government. >> zeke, did the government make that -- what steve is saying, which i think is crucial -- >> yes, they did. >> did they say that clearly today in front of the supreme court? >> don said it clearly and even more clearly, justice briar, in the second colloquy, right out of the box in the first five minutes, made it very clear that the phrase that you quoted is only part of the phrase that, in fact, it refers back to a definition and that definition of the exchange makes clear. it has the phrase "such exchange" and the such exchange includes both state and federal exchanges. >> i'm sorry, guys, we're out of time. but it clearly turns on how many justices accept the way you just described it. that is the case. >> i'm embarrassed this is even a case. it should they have have been a case. >> i think lit be 5-4 or 6-3. >> you want to do an official prediction? >> no. >> all right. thank you both for joining me tonight. coming up, the remarkable apology dr. ben carson has just issued for the remarkable thing he said earlier today about gay sex in prison. i want my foyer to smell more like a foyer. i want his bedroom to smell like he's away at boarding school. surround yourself with up to 6 hours of luxurious, long-lasting scents... ...introducing new unstopables air refresher. ♪ its effects on society really came about because, not because i was selfish and wanted one for myself, which i did. its because i had, had a passion. my whole life i wanted to teach myself to build computers. i wanted to build these things for free. i just wanted to do it for the world and you know when you want something, that's what you do the best. ♪ ♪ y.line. they have smart online tools which saves money. they settle claims quickly which saves money. they drive an all-hybrid claims fleet which saves money. they were born online, and built to save money, which means when they save you save. click or call. heroes charge! ♪ (explosion) ♪ (explosion) ♪ (explosion) ♪ lead your heroes in the hit mobile game! download heroes charge now! in bed with a favorite book is nice. but i think women would rather curl up with their favorite man. but here's the thing: about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. and remember, you only take it when you need it. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. ask your doctor about viagra. how do crest 3d white whitestrips compare to a whitening toothpaste? 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>> peter alexander, thanks. coming up, republican darling dr. ben carson issued an apology tonight that will set a high standard for all of the other presidential candidates, a standard that few or none of them will meet. you can call me shallow... but, i have a wandering eye. i mean, come on. national gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. i could choose you... or i could choose her if i like her more. and i do. oh, the silent treatment. real mature. so you wanna get out of here? go national. go like a pro. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more. hey mom, you want to live by the lake, right? 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>> absolutely. >> why do you say that? >> because a lot of people who go into prison go in straight and when they come out they're gay. did something happen when they were in there? >> that was potential republican presidential candidate dr. ben carson this morning on cnn and this evening, we have a written apology that dr. carson posted on facebook. >> back with me is "the new york times" josh. what i'm struck by is just the unqualified nature of this apology. politicians don't apologize that way. they always couch it, if they apologize at all. >> as he says, he's not a politician. this is one of the reasons he's not ultimately going to be a serious contender. he's going to get in all sorts of distractions. but what strikes me about the statement he made and the apology is he's talking about gay people as a theoretical idea, like maybe he saw "oz" on hbo and he's heard about gay people and thought about their rights. but if you know gay people in your everyday life and they're around you and you have talked to them about their values and interests and how they came to realize they were gay, this isn't the sort of mistake you would make in an off the cuff remark. so i think it reflects the fact thats a lbgt people look at him, there aren't a lot of gay people in the republican primary, but it sent a signal that he doesn't really know gay people. >> and the issue, it's also about how alive any question involving gay people is in the republican party. it's just something that they're always going to go in some odd direction. let's listen to what jeb bush told sean hannity about it. >> gay marriage, are you changing your position this >> no, i believe in traditional marriage. >> and they're going to go down with that sinking ship as long as it's around. >> but the ship may not be rnld very long. jeb bush has changed his position. 20 years ago, he was talking about how we shouldn't be sanctioning sodomy. so he just hired an openly gay communications director. even though he's out there saying i support traditional marriage, checking the pox in the republican primary. i think the question for republicans is, if we get a supreme court ruling that brings gay marriage throughout the country, how much pressure is there for resistance? you're seeing in alabama you have republican politicians trying to hang on to opposition to gay marriage. but that's been the exception rather than the rule. i think we're seeing a sigh of relief from republican officials when a court finally rules against them that they can take this issue off the table. >> in general, the elected officials love it when a court reaches in and removes their authority and therefore any responsible. >> yeah, they get to say i did my best. but this is out of my hands now. but we are seeing the counterfactual to that in alabama where you've seen elected officials and state court officials acting out, acting contrary to federal courts, issuing rulings that have put officials in a difficult position. you could see states taking action like that. but in general, this issue is going to be de-emphasized for republicans. coming up, the genius of a young husband and father as he approaches what might soon be the end of his life. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda. president obama and first lady michelle obama along with president george bush will visit selma, alabama this saturday to mark the 50th anniversary of the bloody sunday civil rights march. the president will deliver remarks at the bridge. the director of the film "selma" will be there with them, and she will be here with us tomorrow night. we'll be right back. ♪ okay, you ready to go? i gotta go dad! okay! let's go go, go, go... woah! go right, go left, go left stop! now go... (shouting) let's go!! i gotta go! can i go? yup! you can go. (beeping alert) woah! there you go! way to go! lets go buddy, let's go! anncr: the ford fusion. we go further, so you can. today something entirely new is being built into bounty. dawn. new bounty with dawn. what a novel idea! just rinse and wring so you can blast right through tough messes and pick up more. huh aren't we clever.... thanks m'aam. look how much easier new bounty with dawn cleans this gooey mess versus soap and a sponge. thank you! new bounty with dawn. available in the paper towel aisle. obviously! oh yea, that's coming down let's get some rocks, man. health can change in a minute. so cvs health is changing healthcare. making it more accessible and affordable with walk-in medical care, no appointments needed and most insurance accepted. minuteclinic. another innovation from cvs health. because health is everything. this week is msnbc's seven days of genius. one of the characteristics is the ability to see things right in front of us that the rest of us don't see. that's how this neuro surgeon sees life and death. >> clocks are now kind of irrelevant to me. time, we're used to having the linear progression to it. now it feels more like space. in the life of a neurosurgery resident, time is linked to progress. as the numbers on the clock increase, so too should your progress toward some goal. i first began noticing symptoms in hi sixth year of residency. i had a full body ct scan and there were lesions all over the place. obviously, we were very suspicious i had some form of cancer, but having the confirmation is still devastating. and so we were in that hospital room and we just kind of laid there and cried a little bit. and then called my parents, my brothers. after finishing chemotherapy and coming out of the hospital and entering this recuperative phase, time is very different where i'm not thinking about how 15 minutes is going to contribute to some greater productivity. verb conjugation is difficult for me. i finished training, so i am a neurosurgeon. i'm not practicing currently. if i get better, i plan on getting back to clinical medicine. so in that sense, i will be a surgeon, or i won't depending on how things go. so i don't know what the correct tense to use is. i am, i was, i will be, i have been. certainly medical training is very future oriented, because it's all about the way of gratification, so you're always thinking about five years down the line what you're going to be doing. five years down the line i don't know what i'll be doing. i may be dead, i may not be. so it's not all that useful to spend time thinking about the future beyond much. since katie's birth, my time with her has had a very peculiar and free nature. in all probability i won't live long enough for her to remember me or have any clear memory of me. and so the time is what it is. which is fun, because she's a really good baby. >> when he got his diagnosis, he became obsessed with the big question, the big question that floats in the back of all of our minds, how long have i got left? he believed if he knew the answer to that question, he would know what to do with the rest of his life. if it was weeks, he would spend all of his time with his family and loved ones. if it was a year, he would write a book. if it was five years he would go back to work. but his doctor told him that there was no way to know the exact time. in an essay in "the new york times" he wrote -- >> in the current issue of stanford medicine magazine, he teaches us things we should already know about what we should value and what matters most in our lives. things that he can see so clearly now as he approaches the end of life. the article titled "before i go," ends this way. hillary's front page news. let's play "hardball." ♪ >> good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. it's front page news. it's right up there. read all about it. hillary clinton used private e-mail while at state. read "the new york times," "the washington post," read all about it. what is going on? suddenly the once future presidential candidate is the topic of attention from the country's major newspaper, including "usa today." that means we're back to benghazi. there has been subpoenas issued for hillary clinton's e-mails. let's get inside this big spotlight.

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