But some republican members of congress didnt get that memo. President obama is back from his weeklong asia trip and squaring up for a renewed fight with republicans over immigration. I think all bets are off as far as what the next two weeks look like. Members of congress are bracing four executive action on immigration. Are they willing to risk a Government Shutdown against executive action . I dont think anyone wants to shut down the government. Republicans, chris, are looking at different objections about how best to respond. A Government Shutdown is not off the table. Were looking at all options. Theyre on the table. All the options are on the table. All options are on the table. Take a breath. Mitt romney pressing president obama to put the brakes on that executive action. Let the congress and this election have its say. Ive got Legal Authority to make improvements on the system. But republicans make it clear theyre going to put up a big fight against the plan. Were going to fight tooth and nail if he continues down this path. I think the president wants a fight. Weve seen this before. The government has been shut down. I dont think anybody wants to shut down the government. Its time for the republicans to man up. Its time to man up and start dealing with this. Thats what they were sent there to do. Since the New York Times reported that president obama will announce as soon as this week, quote, a broad overhaul of the nations Immigration Enforcement system that will protect up to 5 million unauthorized immigrants from the threat of deportation and provide many of them with work permits, the white house has remained silent about any more details of the president s plan. But this afternoon on msnbc, the president s plan was described this way. Let me say this. Not getting into the specific, its going to be big. Its going to be bold. I hope the republicans that are trying to figure out what they want to do should understand that. Its going to include millions of people. Its going to have various parts. A hightech component. Its going to have a component to keep Children Together with their moms and dads. Republican senator john thune who is part of the Leadership Team is trying to silence republican threats of a Government Shutdown in response to the president s action on immigration. I think republicans, chris, are looking at different options about how best to respond to the president s unilateral action, which many people believe is unconstitutional, unlawful action on this particular issue. But my concern is shutting the government down doesnt solve the problem. My concern is what happens if we end up shutting down what could be a record legislative accomplishment there for the taking if the president would choose cooperation instead of conflict. But a man with a much louder voice thinks that shutting down the government is exactly why voters sent republicans to washington. Its an unwritten rule in washington, whenever the government gets shut down the republicans get the blame and as such, the republicans take a giant weapon out of their arsenal. Its time for the republicans to man up and stop worrying about this constant, this apparent cliche that no matter what happens, the republicans are going to get blamed for the Government Shutdown. They were not sent there to govern and sit there and compromise. They were sent there to stop it. Joining me now is msnbcs casey hunt. Any word on when the white house is going to take this action . Reporter at this point were not exactly sure what the timings going to be. But we know that it could come before december 11, which is the sort of looming deadline before th this potential shutdown. And there are some who are urging the president to wait it out. But the president said in a recent press conference that he isnt going to be beholden to anytime frame. Republicans are very aggressive saying this will poison the well. But Mitch Mcconnell knows that republicans would likely take the blame for a Government Shutdown. And john thune was quick to walk back his comments on sunday, saying that he did not at all suggest a shutdown. Joining me now is democratic congressman peter welsh of vermont. And a lawyer and director of the migration policy institute. Congressman welch, has the president and the white house been briefing you democrats on exactly what the president has in mind . Some of us. But in fact, the briefings okay, you can tell us now what is in the president s plan. Well, i cant do that. I can do this. Theres a lot of excitement that the president s going to act. And what i would regard as the preemptive whining of the republican majority. Theyre forgetting about one thing. The constitution. The chief executive has independent authority. As long as the president age the house act within their lanes, they wont get smacked back by the spleupreme court. The president says hes going to act. The republicans who have the largest majority since herbert hoover, they can act. The problem is not with obama. The problem is with their own conference. Are they going to use this majority to lead us like the hoover majority did into the past, or are they just going to get with the program and present a bill and tell us what they are in favor of . Congressman welsh no one at the white house has been able to give me the legal justification for the following component of the president s plan, which was leaked to the New York Times, the part where it says, and just to be clear, most of this is prosecutorial discretion, Law Enforcement discretion. Everyone have that. Most of it is completely within the president s power. The part thats questionable is the part where the New York Times says they will be able to obtain legal work documents. Can you tell me, and has the white house told you what is the legal justification for the president to create a new category of beneficiaries for work documents . How can that be done without legislation . You know, lawrence, i cant tell you, and im not the lawyer whos going to be litigating this case, so the answer to that would be decided by the courts, as you and i know. But heres what i can tell you as far as you know, i dont mean to badger you about this. But ive been on this for days now. I havent found a single elected democrat, not one democrat in washington who can answer the question that i just put to you. Have you heard it answered by any democrats . I havent. I havent. Heres the point though. Ill talk about vermont. Weve got farmers who having my rant workers who if we didnt have them we wouldnt be milking our cows. We have hightech companies who are twisted in knots to figure out how to get some of these workers that they need with high skills. We do have kids that were born here it when they were 2 or 3 years old and they are in college. Why shouldnt they be allowed to come out of the shadows . The response of the republicans here is to complain that the president is acting. If theyve got sol legal question about some aspect of it, thats legitimate. But, you know, under our constitutional separation of powers, the Supreme Court will decide that, and then that will be settled. But meanwhile, lets get on with the program and move forward. The, Speaker Boehner has had two years. The Senate Passed a bill with senator mccains support, a big bipartisan vote. We havent had a chance in the house to vote on a bill. And Speaker Boehner has had the opportunity to put a bill on the floor. Hes got a huge majority. So show us the bill. Thats where im coming from. This is why you are here mustafa. Its all about the enforcement, arrests they will not make, clearly within the president s jurisdicti jurisdiction. But how without legislation will the president be able to create a new category of beneficiaries for these legal work documents, according to the New York Times leak about this plan. We only know what we have seen in the press. And hes not going to create a new category. There is going to be deferred action. Deferred action has been in our law since at least the 70s, and its recognized at least in two or three provisions. And congress, in 1986, when it enacted the immigration control act made it unlawful for employees to hire. It gives attorney general and now the security chief the authority to give Work Authorization to people who may be unauthorized. And that was put into regulations in 1987 with the deferred action as a named group of people if youre under deferred action it is within the attorney generals hour to say im going to authorize that person to work while the action is deferred. Thats right. Even if theres no document indicating that this person would fit any existing category . They fit the category by calling them beneficiaries of deferred action. But theres no document indicating that if the action was actually completed that this person would end up a legal ben fish airy because there is no indication that the person has a legal claim. Theyre not going to get permanent residence. Theyre not going to get any status. This is frequently misunderstood. This is not a grant of status. This is just using discretion to say we will not remove you from the United States because you are a low priority for removal. The president has limited resources. We cant remove everyone. So we establish priorities. Theyll be declared as low priorities and given deferred action and that also authorizes you to give worker authorization, and the Supreme Court has recognized deferred action many times, as recently, the authority of the government exercised as recently as 2012, and regulations have recognized this since 1978, when, for the first time, the first known beneficiary of deferred action was john lennon. I thought it was done on an individual basis. It sounds like the president is going to do deferred action for millions of people. The numbers have never been this big, thats true. But the law never speaks to that issue of numbers. The law never says one way or the other. Thanks to you. I was able to study this law today. And half of what you said to me is not a surprise. I just learned it today. And congressman welsh, thats why we need mustafa on the show tonight. Heres where the explanation is. Thank you for joining us, and thank you for solving the problem. Thank you. Coming up, you will hear the very best analysis of the 2014 elections, and it will not be from me. It is from a conservative texas republican, who says the 2014 election is proof that the republicans cannot win the white house in 2016. And, its anything can happen night now, because bob saget is actually here, not just in the building. Hes somewhere around this studio. He will join me later or whenever he feels like it. [singing to himself] here she comes now sayin mony mony. [mony mony by billy idol kicks in on car stereo] dont stop now come on mony come on yeah i say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cause you make me feel like a pony so good like your pony so good ride the pony the sentra, with bose audio and nissanconnect technology. Spread your joy. Nissan. Innovation that excites. [singing] mony mony let us be lovers, well marry our fortunes together ive got some real estate here in my bag it took me four days to hitchhike from saginaw ive come to look for america democratic senator, mark beg itch of alaska has conceded to republican dan sullivan. You have to keep reading. Nbc news predicted dan sullivan as the apparent winner of the election. The begich campaign released this statement. As a born and raised alaskan, i will always be involved in my community. And the results have never diminished my passion. When i spoke to dan sullivan today, i spoke to him. I urged him to have a bipartisan outlook. In the rewrite, you will hear a republican say that the republicans will be doomed in the 2016 president ial election. The last time you hosted the awards they didnt have that . They didnt tell me to do anything, but im honored you had me here. Those codes in the prompter are to be ignored. If you ever do this again. Well, thats not going to happen. When it says hash tag, i just think im trending. And why is this not water . This is really good. So bob saget is here. Were going to be back with bob saget some time in this show. I was out for a bike ride. I didnt think id have a heart attack. But i did. Im mike, and im very much alive. Now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen to help prevent another heart attack. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. The mercedesbenz winter event is back, with the perfect vehicle thats just right for you, no matter which list youre on. [ho, ho, ho, ho] no matter which list youre on. Lease the 2014 cla250 for 329 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Introducing. A pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until. The am. New aleve pm the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. Peter kassig, who changed his name while in captivity when he converted to islam is now the third american to be beheaded by the Islamic State. Today his parents spoke for the First Time Since the Islamic State released a video of his execution this weekend. Peters life is evidence that he has been right all along. One person makes a difference. Our hearts are battered. But they will mend. The world is broken. But it will be healed in the end. And good will prevail at one god of many names will prevail. Please pray for abdul rackman or pete as you know him. Pray also for all people in syria and iraq that are held against their will. Ed kassig recently shared a letter his son sent this summer. Dont worry, dad, if i go down, i wont go down thinking anything but what i know to be true. That you and mom love me more than the moon and the stars. And that same letter, peter kassig says, i am obviously pretty scared to die. But the hardest part is not knowing, wondering, hoping and wondering if i should even hope at all. I am very sad that all this has happened and for all that you back home are going through. Just know i am with you, every stream, every lake, every river in the fields and the woods and every place you showed me. I love you. Joining me is amman. You knew peter. I knew him before he was kidnapped. And that day that we had a chance to spend some time together, hes an amazing young man, a remarkable young man, a very compassionate individual, a person who is driven with a sense of purpose. A very funny guy. We enjoyed an afternoon together. And you really got a sense from him that he was a person who had found his calling in life. He was very committed to what he was doing, which was helping syrian refugees, and really embodied all of the good qualities that you want in people who are trying to help people. He knew what he was getting into. He knew the dangers, but was still very much driven by what he wanted to do. Talk about the knowing what he was getting into. Did you guys talk about this kind of possibility . We did. This was an individual who obviously had served in iraq, was in the army, and we had told him that obviously he should be careful. He knew that. But he felt that he had a very Strong Network of activists that he was working with. The circumstances of his kidnapping still somewhat unclear. We knew when and where it happened. But at the end of the day, he was a person who had a sense of purpose and as a result of that was willing to believe that that was going to get him through any hardships in the days and weeks ahead. I mean, isnt it a different calculation today . If you and peter kassig were sitting here earlier today and he was talking about maybe going into syria, isnt it a much riskier calculation than it was then . Right. The rise of isis, the fact that there is no mercy, not even for people like peter who had converted to islam. People who are very close to helping the syrian people. These are nonpolitical figures, and there was no mercy shown to them. If he were here today and we were having this conversation, i think he would still want to help the syrian people. I think his calculations may be different, but at the end of the day, he was very the committed to helping them. And i dont think anything would have stopped him from doing that. Thank you for joining us tonight and for your memories of peter kassig. Coming up, a last word exclusive. The vatican weighs in on euthanasia and the life of Brittany Maynard. You will hear her mothers response to the word reprehensible. Next. Across town. Are all the green lights you . No. Its called grid iq. The 4 51 is leaving at 4 51. They cut the power. Itll fix itself. Powers back on. Quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. Thrillingly predictable. Esurwhich means fewer costs, which saves money. Their Customer Experience is virtually paperless, which saves paper, which saves money. 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Built for business. I cant even tell you the amount of relief that it provides me to know that i dont have to die the way that its been described to me that my brain tumor would take me on its own. In the spotlight tonight, death with dignity. 16 days ago, Brittany Maynard wrote this. A good bye to all my dear friends and family that i love. Today is the day i have chosen to pass away with dignity in the face of my terminal illness. This terrible brain cancer that has taken so much from me, but would have taken so much more. Pope francis, this weekend, called assisted suicide a false sense of compassionate a meeting with the association of Italian Catholic doctors. The pope said we are living in a time of experimentation with life. This is playing with life. Be careful, because this is a sin against the creator who kree tated things this way. The pope did not specifically mention Brittany Maynard in his remarks, but a vatican official did that earlier this month. The head of the Pontifical Academy for life called maynards choice to die on her own terms, quote, reprehensible. He said we dont judge people, but the gesture in itself is to be condemned, assisted suicide is an absurdity. Dignity is Something Different than putting an end to your own life. Brittany maynard can no longer defend her choice, but her mother can. Debbie ziegler provided the last word with an exclusive first look at the statement that she wrote in response to her daughters critics, obviously including the vatican. She writes, i am Brittany Maynards mother. I am writing in response to a variety of comments made in the press and online by individuals and institutions that have tried to impose their personal belief system on what brittany and our family feel is a human rights issue. The imposition of belief on a hume and rights issue is wrong. My daughters choice to die gently rather than endure intense pain does not deserve to be labeled as reprehensible by strangers a continent away who do not know her or the particulars of her situation. Reprehensible is a harsh word. It means very bad, deserving very strong criticism. Reprehensible is a word ive used as a teacher to describe the actions of hitler, other political tyrants and the exploitation of children by pedophiles. As Brittany Maynards mother, i feel it difficult to believe that anyone who knew her would ever select this word to describe her actions. She was a giver, a volunteer, a teacher, an advocate, she worked at making the world a better place to live. This word was used publicly at a time when my family was tender and freshly wounded, grieving. Such strong public criticism from people who do not know, have never met, is more than a slap in the face. It is like kicking us as we struggle to draw a breath. People in institutions that feel they have the right to judge brittanys choices may wound me and cause me unspeakable pain, but they do not deter me from supporting my daughters choice. There is currently a great deal of confusion and arrogance standing in the way of americans going gently into the good night. I urge americans to think for themselves. Make your wishes clear while you are competent. Make sure you have all the options spelled out for you. If you are diagnosed with an incurable, debilitating, painful disease, do your own research, ask your family to research and face the harsh reality with you. Ask your doctor to be brutally honest with you. Then make your personal choice about how you will proceed. It is your choice. The culture of cure has led to a fairy tale belief that doctors can always fix our problems. We have lost sight of reality. All life ends. Death is not necessarily the enemy in all cases. Sometimes a gentle passing is a gift. Misguided doctors, caught up in an aspirational belief that they must extend life whatever the cost cause individuals and families unnecessary suffering. Brittany stood up to bullies. She never thought anyone else had the right to tell her how long she should suffer. The right to die for the terminally ill is a human rights issue, plain and simple. Debbie ziegler, brittanys mother. Joings me now, barbara coombsly. Barbara met with Brittany Maynard days before she died. Barbara, you know the family. An official at the vatican, close to the pope calling what brittany did reprehensible. We heard debbie zieglers words about how that felt, but what do you know about how this kind of criticism has affected the family . I think its affected the family profoundly, as it would anyone. Any grieving mother, someone grieving a daughter whom she loved beyond words, and she admired. One of the last things brittany said was i hope that my family is proud of me. On november 2nd. And i think her family is intensely proud of her. All the more reason that they found the words from the vatican presumptuous and hurtful. Lets listen to brittany in her own words, talking about her plan, which the vatican finds reprehensible. I plan to be surrounded by my immediate family, which is my husband and my mother and my stepfather and my best friend whos also a physician. Im probably not much more people. And i will die upstairs in my bedroom that i share with my husband. With my mother and my husband by my side and pass peacefully, with some music that i like in the background. Barbara, you have to wonder if the official at the vatican who called that reprehensible ever saw that video. Ever saw that video or ever felt the intensity of family bond. That was apparent in the maynard and diaz family. This was a family that stuck together and faced the worst that they could imagine together. You know, those are values that, you know, carry us through in hard times. And brittany and her family had them in spades. And this is a point of consistency with the catholic church. It is a religion belief that life and the processes of life in all forms at any level can never be tampered with. This is why the church is opposed to every single abortion, including those from rape or incest. And so this is a perfectly consistent religious belief that the church is enunciating, but obviously, the publicity surrounding her death made them come out with this. It may be consistent, but it is consistent in a belief system that Brittany Maynard and her family did not share. So thats where the presumption comes in. That it really is not our place to impose our personal belief system on people who have their own relationship to the divine mystery, and their own way of relating to that, as the time comes for them to die. Barbara coombsly, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Thank you. Coming up, rewriting the meaning of the 2014 election. No one has done that better than a conservative texas republican, who says republicans have no chance of winning the white house in 2016. Thats in the rewrite. Mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm here we go, here we go, here we go. Fifty omaha set hut losing feeling in my toes nothing beats that new car smell chicken parm you taste so good nationwide is on your side mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm [mony mony by billy idole she cokicks in on car stereo]y. Dont stop now come on mony come on yeah i say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cause you make me feel like a pony so good like your pony so good ride the pony the sentra, with bose audio and nissanconnect technology. Spread your joy. Nissan. Innovation that excites. [singing] mony mony no question about that. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. 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Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. You can even take a fullsize or above, and still pay the midsize price. aaron purrrfect. vo meeeow, business pro. Meeeow. Go national. Go like a pro. Up next in the rewrite, one texas republican feels like the elections were not a big victory for the republican party. Thats next. You are getting so good at this. I want this job. Okay. Dont leave. Im not. Im not ever leaving. Ill be right here. Health can change in a minute. So cvs health is changing healthcare. Making it more accessible and affordable, with over 900 locations for walkin medical care. And more on the way. Minuteclinic. Another innovation from cvs health. Because health is everything. receptionist Gunderman Group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. 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Once again, republicans are disappearing from the Competitive Landscape at the National Level across the most heavily populated sections of the country, while intensifying their hold on a declining electoral block of aging, white, rural voters. The 2014 election not only continued that doomed pattern, it doubled down on it. As a result, no republican candidate has a credible shot at the white house in 2016. And the chance of the gop holding the senate for longer than two years is precisely zero for republicans. The 2014 election is a prelude to disaster. Understanding this trend begins with a stark graphic. Behold the blue wall. The blue wall is a block of states, a block of states that no republican president ial candidate can realistically hope to win. That block has finally extended to New Hampshire, meaning that at the outset of any president ial campaign, a minimally effective democratic candidate can expect to win 257 electoral votes without even trying. Thats 257 out of the 270 needed to win. Arguably, virginia now sits behind that blue wall as well. Democrats won the senate seat there when hardly anyone showed up to vote. Virginia would take that tally to 270. Again, at thats 270 out of 270. By contrast, republicans control a far more modest red fortress, which currently amounts to 149 electoral votes. What happens to that fortress amid the glory of the 2014 victory . It shrunk yet again. Not only are New Hampshire and virginia probably off the competitive map, georgia is now clearly in play at the federal level. The republican parties demographic separation from the rest of the nation, actually but worse. Republican candidates lost every single race behind that blue wall. Every one. Across the country, every major Democratic Initiative was successful, including every minimum wage increase, even in the red states. Every personhood amendment failed. Democrats in 2014 were up a technically tough climate because they had to defend 13 senate seats in red or purple states. In 2016, republicans will be defending 24 senate seats and at least 18 of them are likely to be competitive based on geography and demographics. Democrats will be defending precisely one seat that could possibly be competitive one and that republican wave . In Congressional Elections this year, it amounted to a total of 52 of the vote. Thats it. Were about to get two years of intense intense, horrifying stupidity. If you thought benghazi was a real scandal that reveals obamas plans for america then these two years will be briefly a happy period for you. Not one word of the election analysis you just heard came from me, not one word. I stole every bit of that from a column on the houston chronicles blog by conservative chris ladd. Thats right. A texas conservative thinks the Congressional Republicans will deliver two years of intense horrifying stupidity. And if youen j enjoy that, youn idiot. Thats his words, not mine. He thinks that the win was not that big and that the democrats will easily win back the senate in two years and that a any democratic president ial candidate will beat any republican candidate in 2016. I have not heard anything, that it comes from a cleareyed republican from texas that wants the best for his country makes it all more compelling, and quite honestly, i could not have said it better myself. I thought itd be bigger. dad theres nothing i cant reach in my subaru. vo introducing the allnew subaru outback. Love. Its what makes a subaru,a subaru. I have the worst cold with this runni better take something. Dayquill cold and flu doesnt treat your runny nose. Seriously . Alkaseltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. Oh, what a relief it is. Im just looking over the company bills. Up . Is that what we pay for internet . Yup. Dsl is about 90 bucks a month. Thats funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. Wow thats fast. Personally, i prefer a slow internet. There is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. Dont listen to the naysayer. Switch to comcast Business Today and get 50 megabits per second for 89. 95. Comcast business. Built for business. Up next, the difference between playing a dad on tv and being a real dad with real responsibilities. Thats next. And who would know better. I dont know. There really is just one authority for that. Tim allen . No, i think its ray row ma know. I think its bob saget, if we can get him. I dont know. I miss you. Gas at the same location. During the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. At night and when its cloudy, we use more natural gas. This ensures we can produce Clean Electricity whenever our customers need it. Wethey were a littlehorizons to mbit skeptical. Ss, what they do actually is rocket science. But at ge capital we also bring expertise from across ge, like lean process engineers we asked who does what, when, where, and why that step first . Ideas for improvement started pouring out. With a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. At ge capital, were builders. And what we know. Can help you grow. Daddy, wed like you to meet minni. Weve met. Oh, look, dad, minis crazy about you. She loves to hug. This is your kind of dog. My kind of dog is on a bun with mustard. Bob saget will never stop laying a tv sitcom dad as long as reruns of full house continue to run. But bob saget is a real dad in real life, and he takes the role of father more seriously than his foul mouth standup suggests. Bob saget writes, ive put my what am i doing reading your book. Here, read this highlighted part. Just the highlighted part . I can read the whole thing. No, just the highlighted party. The sentence after that is filthy. Some of it is. I put my entire soul into raising my own daughters and will continue to, because its the most rewarding part of my life. But theyve also inspired me and taught me how to embrace and acce step up to that honored role. I get thousands looking at me as the dad they wish theyd had. And yeah, its only for about an hour and i still take it very seriously. Thats not the comedian part of me using the word seriously. And i know its not. Its not funny at all. I know. Thats not the funny part. Oh, dirty, right . Its the real part. And its true. Ive seen you. Hold on, my things coming out of my ear. You dont need it now. I dont need this . It feels good. Youre note going to run anymore scenes of full house. I needed this to do that show. You swroenwont have to do t again. Ive seen you with your daughters, ive seen you hanging out with your daughters. Yes, and the injunctions coming out soon. They love their dad. Their real dad, youre saying. And they like hanging with you. Yeah. And theyre at an age when hanging with their father is not their first choice. Thats really sweet. I love hanging with them too. How did you do that right . How did you pull that off . I guess they call it luck. But whats luck . When opportunity and preparedness meet . That has no application to parenting. They have a great mom who i know. And they were and youre no longer married. We were divorced 16 years ago, you and i, but i want to get back with you. But my daughters, to make this more clear. Are you trying to make me blush . No. It will work. I like making you blush. Do you think we can go camping tonight . I asked them in makeup to give you the bad makeup. You have more color. I have tons of makeup. They had none. They said heres a quick fluff. But my daughters are whats so striking about this book are not just passages like that about your daughters. Which i know. Ive seen that they are heartfelt. They are amazing human beings. But you talk about your mother, your father, your sisters who are no longer with us. Right. And you cannot resist the joke on every page, and i have deliberately avoided those. And i know you. Thats how we know each other. Thats how you get through the pain. Watching you do the news, watching you tell the stories of the day, thats hard. And watching the news is just hard. So when i have gallows humor, when things are difficult in life, when weve had a lot of loss in our family, my dad introduced gallows humor. So the darkest stuff would enter a page about loss. And then thered be a joke about my nether regions or something incorre incorrect. Something you could not say at this hour. No, because kids are watching. Im probably going to ruin a bunch of kids potential as students by what im about to quote from your memoir here. My career in comedy was a direct result of being the kid in class who was screaming out for attention. Yeah. And it worked. It did, but its a difficult path, because youre either, i was either very popular or the biggest nerd, antisocial person that most comedians will tell you they were outsiders. Were you an outgoing kid . Im asking the questions. Darn it. How did this work in class . It work forded for a couple , then i wrote a paper on the odyssey. And it was all just jokes. And my teacher wrote back and said you are my student not my entertainer. Im giving you a d because it was kind of funny. I made an animated movie out of clay mation. I did cruel stuff. Im not a hazing type of comedian. But i did acting out stuff. I would throw lollipops on the floor and the teacher would stick to them. Ive done things im not proud of. And then now the therapies have helped get through it. You talk about, you have such a positive attitude in here that it surprises me, because i know, i know enough to know when to be surprised about bob saget if here. I know there are a lot of good, smart, kind people out in the world. I see human kinds glass being more than half full. You will never hear a sentence like that. But in your contempt playtive moment, this is the kind of thing that comes out, as well as, a dirty joke in every other paragraph. Some of them are smart. And then i say please reserve your laughter to the end of this paragraph, but my dad was a very sweet, kind man. And thats what impressed me the most. So through all the darkness and dirty stuff that i was raised listening to, the kindness was the most important part. So thats, i guess, the duality or the bipolarness of what my comedy is and has continued to be. I am not black or white or a or b or whatever. But kindness, i wake up in the morning. You take in the world. Once you take in the world, you feel that, but im known, by myself, to be a positive person. Youre positive when you woke up with me that day, i remember oh. Is this still on . We were renting plains, trains and automobiles. And it was uncomfortable. We had a bolster pillow between us. Your dad never edited himself around you. No. He should have. He just said whatever he was going to say. Yeah. He didnt care if you were 4 years old. He didnt know. And that wasnt the socalled appropriate word. And thats how we got bob saget, an unedited father. And my mom was the straight man. Everything was stoic and very serious and matter of fact. Yes, bob, yes. Did she know that comedically she was functioning as a straight man . She did. She used to ask me if i could stop saying on television that she was a viking with plates. I dont know what theyre called, but they were armor. But she knew, she used to say about my father and myself, shed go, oh, i have to live with both of them. And were like, no, you dont. You can leave. Well just do this little comedy team. My dad could have been a comedian, i think. He just was in a difficult life. He went through the depression. When he married my mother. No, when he went through the whole thing that happened. Did you hear about the depression . I heard about it. I feel it coming on, as you speak. I had nothing to do would it. Can we do more of this that well post online. Sure. Were going to end the tv show right now and have someone else take over on tv. It will be up online and its going to have to be almost as clean as this. Its another seven grand. That what were going to do. So stop talking now and chris hayes is up next. Tonight on all in. Did you mislead americans about the taxes, about keeping your plan insuring order to get the bill pass inside. Year two for obama cad and the president reacts to the latest assault on the law already in progress. There was not a provision in the healthcare law that was not extensively debated. Tonight, inside the grubergate historia with the president s former chief political advisedder david axle road. Then the shutdown machine is officially cranked up. Time for the republicans to man

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