Cooperate, god love them. What, if anything, is going to get done. They want to fight, they want to destroy. Going to put obamacare under a microscope. The obligatin lbligation to agenda of the angriest man in the smallest county in iowa. Could they drive Approval Rating all the way up to 0 . The Republican Party wants to make everything a fight over the president. President obama is expected to act on immigration. He did promise to act. Nobody likes people who actually govern. Look at obama. Work through and eventually solve problems. Weve handled ebow loo wee weve handled ebow loo webola w. He turned the economy around and give millions of People Health care. What a [ bleep ] hole. And after a sevenweek recess, Congress Returns to work tomorrow for an important lame duck session. The first and possibly only order of business will be the funding of the government of the United States, which is scheduled to run out of funding on december 11. The Washington Post reports, house and Senate Negotiators have been at work for weeks on a comprehensive bill to fund federfedc agencies through next september. An aide said they hope to bring a measure to the vote before the december 11 deadline. Senators including Mitch Mcconnell would rather get the bills for fiscal 2015, which began in october, out of the way, so they can focus on crafting a budget for fiscal 2016. Unelected republican leader Rush Limbaugh doesnt understand that republican budget strategy. Now if i ran the Republican Party and i had just skunked the democrats and i had just gotten more seats in the house and senate than ive had in 55,000 years, i would say okay, Spending Authority ends december 11. We get sworn in on january 5 or whatever it is, ill come up with a funding bill for three weeks. And then we budget soo as to give ourselves opportunity to defund that part of obamacare and defund that part. We make him the obstructor. But what im seeing in this story is the republicans dont want to do that. They want to take care of ten months of spending before december 11. If youre serious about hes not going to get away with executive amnesty. Theyve got the power of the purse and theyre going to throw that away, yonlds. Jeff sessions, who will be the Budget Committee chairman in the Republicanled Senate next year agrees with Rush Limbaugh writing in an oped today, why would any member of congress provide president obama the funds to carry out amnesty. We cannot surrender congress most powerful constitutional tool before a single newly elected republican is sworn in. Joining me now, howard dean, former vermont governor and former Democratic National Committee Chairman and david corn, Washington Bureau chief for mother jones magazine, both are msnbc contributors. Howard dean, so what do the democrats do now . Well, if we can get the budget through, that would be a good thing. Its interesting some of the republicans are interested in responsible government. Of course, the outliars are not. The Jeff Sessions and Rush Limbaughs of the world, who we know, in fact, does run the Republican Party. So well see. The first thing is to fund the government, and the second thing is going to be a brawl. Because the republicans are going to have to compromise for the first time in four year fps if we do, we get some stuff done. If they dont, well see what happens. Its a huge test for mcconnell right off the bat, this budget issue. If he does go for the tenmonth budget, and he can do it because he would have enough republican votes to haud to democratic votes to do that. He can do that. It would be the responsible choice. It would be in defiance, no doubt, of the ted cruz wing of that party, and it would tell us a lot about what Mitch Mcconnell intends to do as leader. This is an interesting position mcconnell is in. He knows that if he is irresponsible, probably he strengthens Hillary Clintons hand, assuming shes the nominee, greatly. He doesnt want to do that. On the other hand, if hes responsible, hes now got to confront the tea party such as it is. Hes got a tough choice ahead of him. David corn, it seems like the tough choice is, do you want to do that now or do you want to do that later . Because at some point, the tea party, the cruz party will try to push him to a level of nuttiness, like not raising the debt ceiling or Something Like that. Is the mcconnell move, let me show them right now that ive in charge, im going to crush them on this budget thing. Well, you know, its only been about a week since the last electi election. Governor dean, i hear what he said, but he called some of these folks outliers. Often in the past theyve been the inliinliars. Its not just in the senate, its what happens in the house. They have to pass bills, too. You could have one of these wonderful dances on capitol hill where ted cruz mobilizing not senate republicans, but House Republicans to oppose the republican leadership. Mitch mcconnell right after the election said there will be no government shutdowns on my watch. Now a lot of republicans didnt like the fact that he took away that threat, the ability to hold the government hostage, which he once upon a time embraced. And so but i think its right. There will be a crunch time when well see whether john boehner and Mitch Mcconnell are in charge, whether the tea party tail is still wagging the dog. Governor dean, youre widely quoted about the democrats run age way from president obama. In fact, if we have that in the control room, i would like to show that now. Were going to show that now. The republican message was were not obama. No substance whatsoever. Were not obama. Whats the democrats message . We really arent either. You can not win if you are afraid. Where the hell is the Democratic Party . Stand for something if you want to win. Is that a Lesson Learned for the Democratic Party . Theyve been trying to learn this lesson for quite a number of years. I havent seen any evidence that they have. They just dont seem to be able to articulate a message that connects with peoples values. Democrats have been trying to explain issues for years. People dont vote on the issues. They vote on values. For democrats, issues are a proxy for values. In fairness, kay hagan ran a Great Campaign and she lost because there was a tide. These people are trying to run away from obama. You dont have to run away from obama. They say, well, this guy is always for obama, he votes with obama. The retort for that is of course i voted with obama, because you wanted to gut social security, you wanted to give it to corp rags and take it from the working people. Look at bill Clintons Campaign in 1992. He was asked about gay marriage. What do you think about gay marriage, governor . Very very interesting issue, but im here to talknt a the km i. Boom, boom, boom, there was none of that. What do you think the chances are its a Lesson Learned for the democrats. Its a lesson that has to be learned. If its ever learned again and again and again. The democratic heart historically, i think, has had more ideological divisions within it than the republicans. They usually have historically been on the same page. Their message is simple, antigovernment, antitacks, and antidemocrats, antiliberals and a little fear mongering on the side. The democrats get into these positions so much when theyre explaining too much. And, you know, in 2010, they said they lost because they didnt sell their issues. The same thing happened in 2014. I want to consider something the American Spectator said in an couragement for ted cruz for the american shutdown. It said the shutdown worked. What ted cruz accomplished last fall was drawing a very bright reaganesque line that differentiated republicans from democrats, political disaster was uniformly predicted. Instetd, the exact opposite happened. Were they right . Ted cruzs shutdown was a success for republicans . Nay ear a nutty rightwing magazine. Why anyone would take it seriously i have no idea. But a lot of people predicted that was a political disaster for republicans. To be honest with you, thats because boehner and mcconnell pulled back from the precipice. Boehner did something that i thought was fairly courageous. He pass ed that bill with roughy 125, 130 democrats an 130 republicans. Thats a tough thing to do. He did the right thing. So that actually undid all the damage that cruz did. I only wish that were true. I wish cruz had, in fact, been able to carry the day. So republicans had to li with the damage. But they didnt because the people in the Republican Party pulled back from the abyss. And dont forget, after that, there was the failure of the health care website, there was the va scandal, which might not have been as big a scandal as people thought. Ebola, a lot of things came afterwards to set the tone for the election. A year in politic, as we all know, is a lifetime. Theres no reason to confirming the next attorney general. Shouldnt that be something that harry reid pushes for . I think pat leahy is the one post likely to hear that one. I cant think of why the republicans would want b to delay. I have some hopes that mcconnell and boehner will want to govern for the first time. If they do, that would be good for the country. Thank you for joining me tonight. Sure thing. Coming up, how a long time ago ted kennedy taught jeb bush what to say if jeb bush runs for president. And Chris Christie was once again proven wrong today, shamefully wrong. [singing to himself] here she comes now sayin mony mony. [mony mony by billy idol kicks in on car stereo] dont stop now come on mony come on yeah i say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cause you make me feel like a pony so good like your pony so good ride the pony the sentra, with bose audio and nissanconnect technology. Spread your joy. Nissan. Innovation that excites. Chris christie desperately wants to be president , but in his last term on the National Stage in making a governing decision, he was driven by sheer ignorance, fear and panic. And america has never been much inclined to elect terrified panic victims to president of the United States. Thats next. All around the world the dedicated people of United Airlines are there to support you. Thats got your back friendly. Theres no question the woman is ill. The question is, what is her illness . Theres no question Chris Christie was lying when he said that about nurse kasi hickox who had recently returned from treating ebola patients. She never was ill. And he has no evidence that she was ill. He had her quarantined and a forehead scan at the airport measured her temperature at 101. That same day at the hospital where Chris Christie illegally held kaci hickox her temperature was measured by medical personnel at 98. 6. Nurse kaci hickox tested negative for ebola. But the ebola panicked governor of new jersey insisted to his state and the world that kaci hickox was a threat to america, not an american hero. When able lawyers who Chris Christie feared rushed to nurse hickoxs defense, chris chris e christie, who had no legal or medical basis for quarantining her released her, whereupon she went home to maine and defied the ebolapanicked governor of maines attempt to keep her locked in her home. Her lawyers convinced a maine judge to rule against the governors antiscientific plan for kaci hickox. Today marked the 21st day since kaci hickox is in the ebola region and has proven to Chris Christie and the world that she was never a threat to anyone. Today outside of her house in maine, kaci hickox said this. Mr. Christie, i think a lot of people have messages for him that are better than mine. I will bite my tongue on that one. But like i said, i hope that we continue asking politicians hard questions and really holding them up to a standard that they should be held to. I want them to be more accountable for what they say and what they do. And right now, i just dont see any accountability. Before we show you what nurse hickox had to say about the utterly incompetent and consistently foolish governor of maine, here is an example of what that governor had to say about this hero when she arrived home in maine. You dont want her getting around people . I dont want her within three feet of anybody. Wi lets put it this way. Im going to use the Legal Provisions to the fullest extent that the law allows me. And i just hope that she recognizes that. When asked about maines governor today, nurse hickox said this. I think its specifically disappointing when you have politicians who treat people in such a way, you know, governor lepage said a lot of things about me that were just, first offal all, untrue, and of course, he doesnt know me. And to use that tactic i think says a lot about his character. The United States of america officially became ebola free today when dr. Craig spencer, the new york city doctor who tested positive for ebola last month was pronounced cured and was released from bellevue hospital. My early detection, reporting and now recovery from ebola speaks to the effectiveness of the protocols that are in place for health staff returning from west africa. While incomfort tent gover r governors like christie and lepage were panicking, the worst thing a political leard can do, there was one political leader who consistently told the country there was no reason to panic and never lost sight of who the real leaders are in the war against ebola. Weve got hundreds of americans from across the country, nurses, doctors, Public Health worker, soldiers, engineers, mechanics, who are putting themselves on the frontlines of this fight. They represent citizenship and patriotism and Public Service at its best. They make huge sacrifices to protect this country that we love. When they come home, they deserve to be treated properly. They deserve to be treated like the heroes that they are. Joining us now karen hunster who will return to volunteer on saturday. What are you expecting when you return to this country . Are you expecting the returning hero treatment that president obama would give you . Or Something Like treatment that one of these panicked governors might give you. Well, i hope that science prevails. And i hope that i do not get the treatment Chris Christie gave nurse hickox. I think that there was evidence that was proven by her that she did exactly the right thing. She requested science and evidence. And so fought back the system and she won. And i think the country as president obama said is constitution such that its prevailed and allowed her to be free. Arthur kaplan, what have we learned from this . What was your sense of where this is today . And if another nurse gets off an airplane at newark airport, do you think Chris Christie has learned something about how to deal with this . First, i think weve learned that thank goodness the election is over so we dont have any more terrorists bringing ebola here, which is another myth that got circulated. Ebola would be one tough thing to use as a well. You would be dead before you could control it. Im nervous. I think the leadership in this country did set an atmosphere where there would still be a lot of support. You see it in polls about quarantine. The American People are nervous, theyre afraid. Theyre worried that weve got to lock up noninfectious, nonsystematic people. If theres one thing we have learned from ebola is if that if you dont have pretty severe symptoms and if youre not in intimate con fact tact, youre not going to transmit. The quarantine policy that was advanced, it will hold up in court, but im nervous its not going to be the last time we see it. President obama called dr. Spencer from china. I want to show you something he said today when he was released from the hospital. Please join me in turning our attention back to west africa and ensuring that medical volunteers and other aiders do not face stigma and threats upon their return home. We are trying to turn our attention to west africa. Youre going there. Your focus is clearly on that. How do you suggest the american media, as this story goes forward, keep its focus on the story in west africa . I think its exactly right. Dr. Spencer wants the attention back in africa. The media should be very alert as to how the epidemic is unfolding. I think its changing. It would be great for the media to keep on pushing for good attention to all those countries, sierra leone, to guinea, who are seeing recurrences of cases. And then at the same time, just show case some of the issues that exist, for example, in the lack of staff, in the lack of ebola treatment unit, and the lack of systems. Just show all the areas that we need to strengthen still in western africa. You know, theres an impression, theres always been an impression that people go to medical school to get rich. Its a very highpaying profession, and thats one of the big reasons to go. It turns out theres a lot of easier ways to get rich in this country that people have figured out, especially on wall street. But what were seeing in doctors like dr. Spencer and in medical people is these people are obviously not about how do they maximize their income. This hurts their income to do this and now we have added po ten rnl risks to their become by saying when you come back, were not at all sure what might happen to you for a month or so. And theres stigma, too. Bellevue staff by nyu doctors, some playdates got canceled. People said im not sure i want to go out in a es restaurant with you. Theres a lot of burden. Unfortunately, this is the best we got. Theyre heroes willing to take the risks, willing to go out there. These are tough countries. They are bad to visit before ebola. Very poor, no infrastructure. So really what we want to do is thank them for their service. We treat them for people who have come back from military service from iraq and afgh afghanist afghanistan, acknowledge their courage and try to encourage more people to do what theyre doing and use them as role models. Karen, why are you doing it . Most people with your training, we do have hero doctors and nurses in this country. Most of them choose not to leave the country and take risks and do this kind of work in morn countries. Why are you doing it . You know, one of the units in a big hospital in seattle that did. Lot of care for homeless people, for indigent people, my focus has always been to the underserved. I think this is an extension of my passion, which is to serve the people who dont always or who cannot always have the care that they deserve. And so thats also why i chose partners in health, which is an ngo that does social justice work. And to reach out to those spaces has been so weakened that they cannot take on today the response by themselves. Thanks for joining us tonight. And kevin hus ter, thank you fo your service. A few awkward moments were caught by photographers. Thats next. A simple question in retirement, will you outlive your money . Uhhh. No, that cant happen. 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Referring to the ornate conference room, yes, obama replied coldly. According to journalists who witnessed the scene. When the three president s went to sit at the head table, putin put his arm on president obama making for another awkward photo op. Though tensions between the two president s have never been worse. A National Security Council Spokesperson confirmed that president obama and putin did speak on three separate occasions tuesday for a total of 15 to 20 minutes. The sideline conversations covered iran, syria and ukraine. U. S. Deputy National Security adviser ben rhodes said this tuesday in beijing. We continue to be troubled by russian activities. Weve seen support against separatistser including heavy weapons in complete violation of the spirit of the minsk agreement. Russia will finds if they continue to do that, its a recipe for isolation from a broad swath of international community. At the same time, weve had differences with them on ukraine. Were working to pursue an iran agreement. Were working in a range of areas where we can make progress together. Joining me now is a senior fellow at the atlantic counsel, washington editor at large for atlanta magazine. Adrian, is it your sense that these conversations today were kind of unscheduled snipets of two men moving around the same Conference Center during the course of the day . Clearly they were not prepared. I think putin is craving acceptance as one of the big major leaders. I think one of the things that draws him is a certain kind of meg meglomania. Russias economy is the size of italy and 1 18 the size of the European Union countries. Hes craving this kind of acceptance at a different level. But hes not behaving at a way to be acceptable. I think hes causing oodles of trouble to kind of get into the club. Whats the most we can hope for in these encounters today . Well, i think you see two leaders that are not completely writing each other off. I generally agree with adrian, with the exception that russia still has quite a number of nuclear warheads, as a member of the permanent five, and has what it believes to be a sphere of influence in which its engaging right now in intimidation act tick against sweden, against denmark, against muldova, against the baltics. And, you know, trying to sort of stretch itself. And within russia itself, Vladimir Putins popularity continues to be extremely high with this kind of obnoxious behavior. They demonstrate theyre not completely isolated from one another, because there are fundme fundamental key strategic areas that collapse. It continues do compete with issues like isis. And i think that that all need to happen. So obama is showing that all eggs are not in one basket. Were not just all about ukraine. That would be a terrible failure of Strategic Thinking on the u. S. Part. But you crane matters, but its not everything. Do we know enough about the man Vladimir Putin to know about the best methods of dealing with him in the present . I just came back from western europe and i met with a lot of leaders and the advisers to the leaders of nato, the countries that matter inside nato and inside the European Union. And the general read on putin is that hes extremely emotional, not a very stable guy. And thats a very dangerous reality. People believe that you have to engage him. You have to give him a place to kind of move, to exit if he wants to exit. He has shown no inclination for months to exit this crisis in ukraine. Hes accelerated. Hes escalated every time hes escalated the violence. Hes training new fighters, hes accepteding in new tanks and weapons to these insurgents, half of whom come from russia. Theres no sign he wants that exit ramp. But people are still looking. I think thats the only way out. Thats pressure against him. Support for ukraine to defend itself to the extent that it can and maybe some hopes that he will look at the decline of the ruble, the stagnation of his economy, the fact that they now talking about massive inflation in russia, all of these things coming to a head. Because this guy is petulant and wants to exert a sphere of influence where i think he really cannot. I mean, he doesnt have the economic capacity to absorb i mean, hes threatening sweden, ehes threatening the scandinavian countries. Its preposterous to suggest that russia would have a sphere of influence beyond its economic needs. True, it has a Nuclear Capacity to threaten the word, but that is, you know, that is not a you know, that is not a weapon that russia is likely to exercise. Its going to threaten, its going to cajole. All he does is beats up on the weakest places. Ukraine, georgia. Thats all he can do. So far its working but theres polls that show 70 of russian people would argue against anyone in their family fighting against ukraine on the ukraine front. There are only about 10 , 15 people who would support what putin is clandestinely doing in russia. I think we have to be ready for a dialogue. We have to have a relationship on the other issues. We have to have a relationship to solve problems on iran, on syria. But fundamentally, weve got to be tough with putin, but at the same time, we have to kind of respect and give him a kind of an exit ramp should he choose to use it here. And steve clemens, given all that economic strain that clad mir putin is facing, why havent the sanctions had more of an impact on his decision making. I think Vladimir Putin wants whats happening. Hes willing to pay a very high price. One of the mistakes made during the cold war was that we are constantly applying our calculus and mirror imaging how we would respond looking at how the soviets at that time were behaving. I think when we saw Vladimir Putin tolerate pretty well the confine. Of the wealth of his cronies, seeing banks and sectors of his economy sanctioned and then continue to proceed means that, you know, i dont think that hes just, you know, has personality issues. I think he has a design in which he is calculating right now that the United States looks weak and is doubted in the world. Hes looking at obama and the election that just happened and calculating that this is the time to make his move to muscle out of it, to demonstrate russias strength in the world. Steve clemens, thank you for joining me tonight. Thank you. Coming up, jeb bush just might be the first candidate for office who finds being related to a president is a political negative. Ted kennedy whose brother was also president taught jeb bush how to hand that will problem over 50 years ago. Thats in tonights rewrite. There was no question she was the one. She reminds you every day. But your erectile dysfunctionthat could be a question of blood flow. Cialis for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moment is right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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Another innovation from cvs health. Because health is everything. And now for the good news. Thats the Delta Blues Museum arts and Education Program playing at the white house yesterday. The museum in clarksdale, mississippi, was one of the organizations receiving an award from the president s committee of the arts and humanities at the white house. 12 programs received the award, plus 10,000. And an invitation to the white house for the awards ceremony. One of the 12 recipients was an 11yearold musician from my Old Neighborhood of boston, johnny boyd. First Lady Michelle obama presented the humanity ace ward to johnny boyd and mary jaffey of project step, which promotes classical springed instrument training for young students. I also hope that events like this show our kids that theyve got a lot of people behind them, right . There are just so this people around the world who have your back. Sometimes it doesnt feel that way, but you have all these folks who have your backs. The president and first lady, weve got your backs. We believe in you. We really do. Next, what ted kennedy taught jeb bush a long time ago. Hard it can be. How. To breathe with copd . It can feel like this. Copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Spiriva is a oncedaily inhaled. Copd maintenance treatment. That helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. You know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. Spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. Tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. These may worsen with spiriva. Discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. Stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells,. You can get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. Other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. Nothing can reverse copd. 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With his qualifications, with your qualifications, ted, if it was edward moore, your candidacy would be a joke. But nobody is laughing. Nobody is laughing. And nobody is laughing because his name is not edward moore. Its Edward Moore Kennedy. That was ted kennedys first debate. He just turned 30 years old, minimum age for United States senator as required by the constitution. He was running for his big brothers senate seat before he became president. Massachusetts voters had never seen a less qualified candidate for senate, except for one thing. If elected, Edward Moore Kennedy would always be able to get the president of the United States on the phone. His opponent for the democratic nomination, Edward Mccormack who you just saw there, found that unseemingly. You are not running on qualifications. You are running on a slogan. You can go more for massachusetts, and i say do more how . Because of experience . Because of maturity of judgment . Because of qualifications . I say no. This is the most insulting slogan i have seen in massachusetts politics, because this slogan means, vote for this man because he has influence. He has connections. He has relations. The man who you just saw decrying the fact that Teddy Kennedy had connections and relss was himself the nephew of the then speaker of the house, the u. S. House of representatives, south bostons own john mccormack, the most powerful massachusetts politician of all until massachusetts won back the presidency in 1960. Eddie mccormack, the nephew of the most powerful legislature in america had trouble making connections seem like a bad thing in that campaign. Especially for an irish politician in boston who were in those days for ench having connections was everything. No one thought having connections was a bad thing. What were hearing now from team bush is a rewrite of what Eddie Mccormack said about Teddy Kennedy. George w. Bushs former white house chief of staff andy card said this today. Im convinced if his name was john ellis and he had the same resu resume, everybody would say he should be president of the United States. The fact that hes john ellis bush, jeb, means he is carrying biases of the past. So he may be the first wh ofinds being related to a president is negative. Ted kennedy couldnt have possibly won the senate seat at age 30 in 1962 if the president wasnt his big brother. Hillary clinton never would have run for senate in new york if her husband had not been president. George w. Bush would not have been the frontrunner for the republican president ial nomination in 2000 if his father had not been president. But now, the only apparent drag on jeb bushs potential president ial campaign is that his brother was president. A presidency that turned bill clintons Budget Surplus into massive deficits as far as the eye could see. A presidency that recklessly led this country into an unnecessary war over nonexistent weapons of mass destruction. A presidency that no one wants to return to. If jeb bush does become a candidate for president and any of his opponents try to pin the george w. Bush presidency on him, we know just about word for word what hes going to say. We should not have any talk about personalities or family. I feel that we should be talking about the peoples destiny in massachusetts. Ugh. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. You have made my life special by being apart of it. Enough. everyone cheers glad you made it buddy. Thanks for inviting me. Thanks again my friends. For everything, for all your help. Through all lifes milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. Congratulations thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. You should Come Celebrate with us. Id be honored. 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The remaining 614 manager will be play paid out on a monthly basis. 70 million a month. Hes an oklahoma oil man, the 24th richest man in the u. S. Industry experts estimate his company, Continental Resources owns more unrefined oil in the United States than anyone. The hams married in 1988, before harold earned his fortune and without a prenuptial agreement. She filed for divorce in 2012 claim herg husband was unfaithful. Her lawyers argued that she deserved half the hamm family fortune. The billions of dollars at issue in this case, eclipses tiger and elan woods divorce. Michael and Juanita Jordans breakup, even after mel gibson and his wife robin moore. This is the king kong of divorce cases. Proof that breakups can come at a colossal cost. Joining me now is the president of the American Academy of divorce. Why dependent she get something closer to half of his wealth . Thats a really good question, lawrence. One that ive asked myself, why he would walk away with nearly 90 of the assets that were created during the marriage while she only walks off with about 6 and she has to finance his payout as well. The judge found in the decision that of the 14 billion or 15 billion amassed over the marriage, only 2 billion was marital. So he gave her half of what he felt. And that has to do with the peculiarities of oklahoma law in these matters . But i moan, obviously, look, shes got 1 billion. No one is saying shes not more than well taken care of. And hes got 14. But what about the how surprised are you that there was no prenup . This is his second marriage. This happened after heads first wife filed for divorce on suspicion he was having an affair with the woman who turned out to be his second wife who he just divorced. I guess to be in the oil business you need to be a risk taker and it sounds like he took that quality to his marriage as well. They were married for 24 years, i think. I guess he felt it wasnt necessary. My question to him is, why even struggle over this in court . She wants 1 billion, 2 billion, 3 billion, whats the difference . Why dont you say what do you want and okay, thats it. Not waste all the money on the lawyers. Thats a good question. Its a question that you can ask almost any couple. Its amazing. Myle colleagues and i are of b amazed at the am ount of vitriol and anger taken out in this form and how much it costs them. Chris hayes is up next. Tonight on all in. Violence will not be tolerated. The governor of missouri announces the National Guard is on standby as ferguson braces for a grand jury decision. When the announcement is made, theres no amount of force keeping people from the streets. Todays escalation in ferguson. Then, president Bernie Sanders . The independent from vermont makes a big campaign move and hes here to explain. Plus, overrun by protesters. How do drug cartels gain such a stronghold on a Mexican Government . And america is now officially ebolafree. Good thing we didnt freak out about all of that. Ebola or isis or ebola on the backs of isis could come through

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