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Have some boots on the ground. His book worthy fight is critical of the president s middle east policy. He writes, too often in my view, the president relies on the logic of a law professor rather than the passion of a leader. My experience in washington is that logic alone doesnt work. More on the u. S. Led fight against isis. Isis takeover. The terror group takes control of a syrian town. Isis fighters are moving closer to seizing a key city along the border with turkey. People saw isis, walk up, drive up to kobani, enter the city. Turkish troops a mile away have done nothing. What will it take to degrade and destroy isis . I think thats the question. Tonight, we have a new perspective on president obamas Decision Making, thanks to a new book by leon panetta, entitled worthy fights. Panetta served as president obamas first director of the Central Intelligence agency and as the president s second secretary of defense. As with all cabinet members and advisers to president s, he agreed with the president on many policy issues and disagreed on some others. The news media, which is populated almost entirely by people who have never been in a working meeting in the cabinet room or the oval office, always registers shock when disagreement within a president ial administration is revealed in memoirs such as panettas new book. The media shock is always good for book sales, but doesnt reflect the reality of how normal and, indeed, helpful disagreement inside administrations actually is. Here is leon panetta explaining to Henry Mitchell this afternoon, one of his disagreements from two years ago. We then had an obligation to try to work with the rebel forces to develop the moderate forces, to support those forces, in order to make sure that we could establish some kind of group there, that would be able to do the right thing in syria. The only way you could do that is by providing arms to the right group. It was the right thing to do at that point. I think the president was concerned that those weapons might wind up to be fair to him, concerned that they would wind up in the wrong hands. Would isis have been able to grow as it did . I think we would at least be in a better position. Heres how joe biden explained why the president didnt take leon panettas advice on arming the rebels in syria. So this idea that somehow it was within our power early on in this process, and there were a couple former members of the administration that were arguing, we should give, quote, the opposition, which we couldnt identify as moderate, by the way. Im serious about that. Give them ground air launch missiles. Can you imagine what would have happened if that had been done .  doubt they would have been in the hands of al nusra or al qaeda or Corazon Group or isil . So the idea that there was an option there is fiction. It did not exist. Bill oreilly gave half of his show to leon panetta tonight, hoping to emphasize a rift between the president and his former adviser. He tried to reduce his carefully constructed observations into something quite simple. Its very possible barack obama is just not up to the job. I dont believe i dont believe that. You dont want to believe it. No, because i want this president to be successful. I know. And i want this country to be successful. And i think deep down, you know, he knows what needs to be done. What hes got to do is develop the will to fight. Joining me now is nbc news foreign correspondent, ayman mohyeldin, david l. Phillips from columbia universitys institute for the study of human rights, and david corn, Mother Jones Washington Bureau chief. Well, mr. Washington bureau chief, here goes washington again, all excited that a member of the administration actually, believe it or not, has some disagreements with the president. This is not the first time. Robert gates had disagreements, others have come out and said the same. If you read a book that i wrote called showdown, you would see that when it came to the bin laden raid, what to do in egypt and what to do in libya, there were some profound differences among the Foreign Policy experts themselves, at the highest levels of obamas government. So its really not that unusual. I do think that the main point that people are latching on to here, that obama, you know, could have, should have left troops in iraq, is, you know, some of the argument that mitt romneys been making, that somehow magically, obama, if he had tried harder, could have convinced Nuri Al Maliki to keep troops there when maliki didnt want them there for all sorts of reasons of his own. And, you know, the bush administration, bush and cheney, said fine to taking him out when he couldnt get a status of forces agreement. Obama took a stab at it and couldnt succeed either. I dont think it would make much difference, given how the iraq army itself completely caved at the first sign of a real isis advance. Lets listen to what leon panetta told Andrea Mitchell today about the president not bombing syria when chemical weapons use was discovered. I really believe, when your commander in chief, of the United States of america, that when you lay down a red line, when you put our word on the line, if they use chemical weapons, that we will take action. And they use chemical weapons, and there are innocent men, women, and children that are killed as a result of that. Everyone confirmed that that was the case. That when that happens, we have an obligation and the president has an obligation to take action. Because its not just syria. Its the rest of the world is watching. Whether or not the United States will stand by its word. David phillips, your reaction to that . Its good that we didnt take action at the time. But in the process of making that decision, we subcontracted our Foreign Policy to the russians, and we showed real weakness internationally. Since that decision was taken, the world has taken advantage of the lack of u. S. Resolve. And weve seen it play out in other situations around the world, and were seeing it playing out today in kobani and syria. Ayman, one of the things that joe biden was talking about is, here are the possible unintended consequences that we dont have in front of us because the president didnt make the choice that leon panetta wanted to make. And what weve seen with every choice made in this region is, there is always a set of unintended, unpredicted consequences, negative consequences, that were not part of the intended policy. Yeah, in this case, i think if you take a step back and look at syria early on, the fact that the u. S. Did not get involved immediately in a way that some of the arab allies in the region wanted the u. S. To, left a void that ultimately allowed groups like hezbollah in lebanon and iran to say, well, we can actually now support this regime in a very aggressive, robust way, sending in advisers, military advisers, sending in weapons, and in the case of hezbollah, sending if fighters. I think thats what some of the arab allies say that as a result of the United States not taking definitive action early on, allowed these countries to come in and prop up the syrian regime, despite the fact that there was growing opposition. And to use a line from david, that Foreign Policy got outsourced, because we do know that arab countries including qatar and kuwait and others actually began sending funds and weapons to some of the groups that ended up being involved in the syrian opposition. So that was not a hidden secret. That was very well known, that these countries were providing arms and finance to the groups that joe biden was saying that the u. S. Was not. Lets listen to something that David Ignatius has written1 in his review of the book, the washington post. He says, panetta confides that he thought obama was wrong on some key decisions, just as gates and clinton was in his memoirs. Which makes this reader ask, why did officials continue to serve a president with whose policies they often seemed to disagree . Retrospective candor is fine, but wouldnt it have been better to speak out at the time and perhaps even resign on principle . The country would have done poorer without their service, but we need officials who will tell the truth publicly in realtime before they make the book deal. David corn, you would have cabinet resignations every week, were they to use the ignatius standard. It depends on the nature of the disagreement. What to do in syria, what to do in libya. These are very complicated questions. Often, there is no obvious right or wrong. What to do with the bin laden raid. You know, several people who did not want obama to do that, who were advising him. Bob gates, even joe biden said he was in favor of this. Should they have resigned because obama went ahead . I think david, who i like, is making too much of this. And i think its really easy to play this sort of armchair game of looking back. You know, we have never done a good job of giving arms to anybody overseas in territories and areas that we dont know well. You know, whether its the hungarians, the cubans, you know, the contras. Time and time again, we dont play this game well. The brits didnt do it well before us in the middle east. So the idea that we could have gotten and done Something Better in syria two years ago, at best, thats a flip of the coin, and i think thats giving it really the benefit of a very big doubt. Yeah, you know, i know leon panetta and i worked with leon panetta. I have absolutely no doubt, david, that he would resign on principle if a matter of principle was crossed with him and if he thought he was in a pattern with an administration where he was his role was being ignored and his advice was being ignored. And david÷ sure, very clearly, the way leon panetta presents this, these decisions were a close call. He understands in each case why the president made the decision that he made. And he also knows that there were people advising that course of action, as well as people advising the other course of action. And what you dont have in leon panettas memoir is any situation where he says, this was outrageous and the president absolutely had no justification or no reasonable position in making some of these decisions. Of course its a close call. These are difficult decisions about national security. Whats important is, what do we learn from that Decision Making. David corn just talked about not giving arms to people that we dont know. We do know the curds in iraq and the curds in syria. Theyre on the point of the sphere, confronting isis. If were going to be launching air strikes, there needs to be some sort of combat force on the ground. If were not going to send in u. S. Troops, we need to align ourselves with forces that we know and can trust and the peshmerga and the kurds have shown that theyre reliable. Amann, i want to go back to that biden point, which is that every action we dont take in this region can always be claimed to have been the superior choice, because it was never tested in the field and we never saw those outcomes. And thats where i think this debate that will occur now for the next couple of weeks probably in the media between, say, the biden side of the world on behalf of president obama and leon panetta on a book tour, it seals to me thats what this debate is going to reside. Its going to be like that for some time. I think weve seen that debate a little before the book came out in the comments of leon panetta. Were already starting to see questions about whether or not the military campaign against isis is actually working. For the past several weeks, weve been hearing, the u. S. Is degrading the capability of isis, taking out targets. But weve seen over the past 48 hours that isis has made strong pushes against towns like kobani on the syrian border. So youre already getting people saying, is the military Campaign Going to work. I think that also goes to your point, theres always going to be a criticism of the decision taken and the consequences of those not taken. Had the u. S. Not participated in any military operations, everyone would still be sitting around saying, here we are, weve lots hundreds of thousands of lives and the u. S. Is still not doing anything. When they are doing something, everyone is complain saying, is the campaign actually working . Why arent day doing enough to stop isis attack on kobani and elsewhere. Words matter. And when the president says hes not going to allow a genocide and then isis turns and starts massacring syrian kurds, it degrades the authority of the United States. And that has ramifications not only in the region, but worldwide. Ayman mohyeldin go ahead, david corn, very quickly. At the same time, weve given billions j m of dollars in aid the iraqi army, and it really hasnt worked out that well. I just think its very easy to say, give aid, give money, do this, and things will go forward in a positive way. We havent seen a lot of evidence of that. The iraqi army, thats a great example, because thats an organized group. We know exactly where they are. We know their names, we know how to give them paychecks, and they failed completely with all of the support we gave them and theyre supposed to expect these unnamed, unknown rebel groups to work better than them. Ayman mohyeldin, david corn, david phillips, thank you all for joining me tonight. Coming up, Jennifer Lawrence speaks for the first time about the theft of her private photographs. She calls that a sex crime. And rock the vote is back. Many americans who have prescriptions fail to stay on them. Thats why we created programs which encourage people to take their medications regularly. So join us as we raise a glass to everyone who remembered today. Bottoms up, america. See you tomorrow. Same time. Another innovation from cvs health. Because health is everything. Get to the terminal across town. Are all the green lights you . No. Its called grid iq. The 4 51 is leaving at 4 51. They cut the power. Itll fix itself. Powers back on. Quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. Thrillingly predictable. [light instrumental music] female announcer recycle your old fridge and get 50. Schedule your free pickup at it was another day of big wins for marriage equality. The ninth u. S. Circuit court of appeals in San Francisco struck down samesex marriage bans in idaho and nevada. The court has ordered an immediate start to samesex marriage in idaho. Judge Steven Reinhart concluded, idaho and nevadas samesex marriage proscriptions are sexbased and these bans do serve to preserve invidous, archaic, and overbroad stereotypes concerning gender roles. The bans, therefore, must fail as impermissible gender discrimination. Up next, what Jennifer Lawrence has to say about her stolen private photographs. So ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts . Thats right. Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. Yyou think it smellspet fine, but your guests smell this. Eliminate odors youve gone noseblind to with febreze fabric refresher. Smells good. So you and your guests can breathe happy. Ameriprise asked people a simple question in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms . I sure hope so. With healthcare costs, who knows. Umm. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor. Can get the real answers you need. Start building your confident retirement today. I i i i think this one is my favorite. This is just it was just for fun, mom. Well, im glad to know its not a job. Its that todd, isnt it . Theres one where you can see his face. Is that what bothers you . That i did those things or that i did them with todd . Gee, whiz, julie, theres so many things that bother me about this, i dont know how to separate them. That scene from the 1989 movie parenthood before the invention of digital photography. It seems public reaction to private photography has not matured in the 25 years since then. Its not a scandal, it is a sex crime, thats what Jennifer Lawrence told vanity fair if her first Public Statements about her stolen photos posted on the internet. The Academy Award winning actress told the magazine that she took the pictures while she was in a fouryear, Long Distance relationship, and makes no apologies for the pictures. Jennifer lawrence called the leak a sexual offense and violation. Just because im a public figure, just because im an actress does not mean that i asked for this. It does not mean that it comes with the territory. Its my body and it should be my choice. And the fact that it is not my choice is absolutely disgusting. It is a sexual violation, its disgusting, the law needs to be changed and we need to change. Thats why these websites are responsible. Just the fact that somebody can be sexually exploited and violated and the first thought that crosses somebodys mind is to make a profit from it, its so beyond me, i just cant imagine being that detached from humanity. I cant imagine being that thoughtless and careless and so empty inside. Joining me now, megan garver, a staff writer for the atlantic and mitchell who specializes in internet law. First of all, Jennifer Lawrence is hoping for stronger laws in this arena. What possible laws could be strengthened in this arena . Well, one thing that she says is, that thats why these websites are libel. In fact, theyre not liable, they have immunity under federal law under the decency act, which provides that the websites can not be held liable if its put up there by somebody else. What needs to be done is to change that law. Remove that immunity for this particular type of website. You can keep it for the things it was intended for, which is amazon. Com or trip adviser, that should not be help liable for things that other people say on their websites. But insert an exclusion that makes these websites that are knowingly and intentionally, really, providing a platform for publishing these private photographs, making them liable under traditional defamation and invasion of privacy and that kind of law. So the changing the Communications Decency act, immunity, i think, would go a long way towards solving this problem. Jennifer lawrence told vanity fair that she tried to make a Public Statement about this early on and she said, every single thing that i tried to write made me cry or get angry. I started to write an apology, but i dont have anything to say im sorry for. I was in a loving, healthy, great relationship for four years, it was Long Distance and either your boyfriend is going to look at porn or hes going to look at you. Megan garber, there is a normality to this, certainly within a certain age group, and it has been with us for a very long time. That movie clip we just showed is 25 years old. So what Jennifer Lawrence is saying, in effect, in that last statement i just quoted is, come on, everybody does this. This is perfectly reasonable, especially in a Long Distance relationship. Yeah, exactly. I mean, i think this idea of, i have nothing to apologize for is a very powerful one. I think, you know,e gi8 one of reasons that this story resonated with so many people is that this could really happen to anybody. So, yeah, i think what shes getting at is we do need legal changes, perhaps, but we also need just sort of cultural Decision Making when it comes to how we treat these pictures and how we as a culture and as a society and almost as a network view the images themselves. I think the most important thing shes saying is about, is how people should feel about these kinds of pictures. If they do become public. And let me just quote her. It cant be said better. She said, anyone who looked at those pictures, youre perpetrating a sexual offense. You should cower with fame. Even people who i know and love say, oh, yeah, i looked at the pictures. I dont want to get mad, but at the same time, i want to say, i didnt tell you that you could look at my naked body. And mitchell, thats the point. And it may be why Jennifer Lawrence is a perfect messenger for this. Because she does, as an actress, make choices to exhibit her body in certain ways, in certain places, in certain kinds of photography, including, by the way, by vanity fair, but it is her choice. And she has private choices about what she can do with private photography and this violates that. I think thats exactly right. The fact is that if Jennifer Lawrence were walking down the veto and somebody came up to her and tore her clothes off, they would be arrested for Sexual Assault. This is the same thing, kpexcep its on the internet. She took personal photographs of her naked body, she had them in her private space, somebody broke in and stole them. Rather than tearing her clothes off in the street, theyre tearing her clothes off and exposing her body on the internet. And its actually in some ways worse than a Sexual Assault on the street, because the entire world cease it. And the photographs dont go away at the end of the day. You can andnt hide them from your future employer or your father or your grandmother. It really is a Sexual Assault. Megan, she talks to vanity fair about the difficulty of calling her father and telling him these pictures were coming out. Youve written brilliantly today about this issue and about how important it is that women in these in a situation like this, have complete control over these kinds of photographs. Yeah. I mean, i think part of what was so striking about the presentation of her thoughts was, you know, it came in the package of this image, you know, which was very i mean, she was essentially naked on the cover of vanity fair, yet, that was an image that she controlled and she decided she wanted that image out, and i think that is definitely the most important thing. I mean, so much about selfies and so much about these images is really just a matter of controlling what we allow people to see of us. So, certainly, that was, i think, one of the biggest parts of this. You made a great observation, actually, about the bird we just showed. Get that picture back up. And megan, give us tell us your comment about that bird. I think on some level, i think my line was, all of us are cockatoos. But the bird is sort of looking away from her, but its part of the image. Its sort of complicit in her nakedness, in some ways, but not part of it at all, and she ultimately is controlling that bird. That is kind of a metaphor. We are all that bird. And i dont want to get carried away with the notion of vanity fairs naked picture, especially for people who cant see this and are just hearing it on sirius radio. That photograph reveals nothing more than an evening gown would reveal, was the important point about it is this was her choice and a photographers choice and a magazines choice about how to do this presentation. It was a carefully considered choice. The lines in the photograph are drawn very carefully and thats not what happens when stolen private photographs get revealed. Megan garber and mitchell, thank you both very much for joining me tonight. Thank you, lawrence. Coming up, we will combine this is going to happen lil john and Sister Simone in one segment about the same thing. What do they have in comment . And later, what the acting head of the secret service had to tell lawmakers today about the failures of the secret Service Agents and officers at the white house. 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In the spotlight tonight, rock the vote. Ill swing by later after im done voting. Dont tell me youre still watching dancing with the stars. No, its november 4th, its midterm elections. What . Im voting in midterm elections. What . Midterm elections. I cant hear you, youre breaking out. Ill call you later, bye i love you too, yeah mr. John, im a big fan. I saw you perform last week. It was pretty, pretty great. Sometimes people think we kind of look like. I dont know if its the glasses. Can i have the ballot . There are voting booths from the windows to the wall and rock the vote, dude. Rock the vote turn out for what . Turn out for what . Im darren and im turning out for education. Im ej and im turning out for marriage equality. My name is lina and im turning out for reproductive rights. Im turning out for human rights. Hi, im natasha and aisle tu im turning out for prison reform. Rock the vote turn out for what turn out for what turn out for what im sophia and im turning out for womens rights. Im turning out for deforestation. Im lil john and im turning out for the legalization of marijuana. Im ireland and im turning out for Global Warming awareness. Im gabriel and im turning out for racial equality. Rock the vote rock the vote vote vo vote. Hi, im fred and im turning out because i want to impress my friends. Thats the only reason to ever do anything. Townurn out for what joining me now is Sister Simone campbell, leader of the nuns on the bus tour, and the executive director of the National Catholic social justice lobby. She is on day 21 of her current bus tour. Sister simone, so, you and some very hip young people have something in common. We absolutely do. And thats the key message of our bus trip, is that we have got to get out the vote. That is urgently required in our society and in our democracy. Were really concerned about it, so weve been on the road these 21 days, working really hard to get out that message. And what do you what are the issues that you think are when youre trying to get out the vote, it means youre talking to people who werent intending to vote, because they didnt necessarily see something at stake for themselves. Because its not a president ial election or they just generally dont see something at stake for themselves in voting. So what are the issues that you bring to their attention that could turn them into active voters for noshow voters . Well, i think what we see, lawrence, is so much, so many people are so depressed by the big money in politics, all the negative ads that are really so present on the air waves. And what theyre feeling is, why does it matter . What we talk about is the issues that touch their lives. Tonight we had a town hall here in charlotte. And there the conversation was a lot about issues of prison reform, about the issues of the safe net thats been shredded here in North Carolina, how the importance of making living wages a possibility in our nation or at least raising the minimum wage. And the urgent requirement that folks who work fulltime not continue to live in poverty. When folks see the connection to those living, breathing issues, then they say, well, maybe they can turn out. The second piece, what we know is, people dont do it alone. Its all about community and we do it together. If i feel like if i do it with you, together we can make a difference. Were finding that people are more committed to turning out. Wherever i hear about get out the vote drives, it always sounds like, get out6  the democratic vote, or get out the republican vote. Because the issues that are animating the people trying to get out that vote tend to fall on one side or the other of these parties. Well, thats true. But i must say, we were in louisville at a food pantry, and i was talking to one of the men there, waiting to get food. It was the end of the month and he was having a really hard time, he needed food for his family. And he told me that, yep, he needed food and this was important to him, but he was a republican and he was voting republican. And from my perspective is, great. Do it, just get out the vote. Because heres the thing. In a democracy, we have got to be about everyones vote, that we value it as much as i value my own vote, which may be different. So the important thing is, is that we exercise our power as citizenships and claim it. Citizenship is all about being responsible and voting in our society. So however you vote, were out to try to get you out. And this is one of those elections where every vote is going to count, as they say in the cliche. Theres one analyst that says that 3. 4 of the u. S. Population is going to be in a position to decide the control of the United States senate. Absolutely. Its a very close race, where here in North Carolina where its very close. And the fact is that having conversations with people to understand how close it is, and how much their vote counts. And in kentucky, we found a woman who had won her election by ten votes. That is critical, that we make a difference. Sister simone campbell, thank you once again for joining us tonight. An honor to be with you. Thank you. Coming up in the rewrite, a court rewrites virginias republican gerrymandered Congressional Districts. Skpnc skpnc and later, the culture of the secret service and why that has created a risk for the president and his family. Iktaest test test test test te test test test this is just a test. ninihour inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. Tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. 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We are farmers bumpadum, bumbumbumbum [announcer] call 1800farmers and see how much you could save. I thought itd be bigger. dad theres nothing i cant reach in my subaru. vo introducing the allnew subaru outback, redesigned inside and out. With symmetrical allwheel drive and named the most fuelefficient midsize crossover in america. Love. Its what makes a subaru,a subaru. We have breaking news from california. Rescue crews are trying to get to an air tanker that has crashed fighting a wildfire Near Yosemite National Park in northern california. There is no word on the condition of the pilot who was the only person on that plane. The plane went down within a mile of the parks west entrance. Rescue crews are working their way through the rough terrain right now to try to reach that downed plane. The 130acre fire started this afternoon near state highway 140, which leads into the heart of Yosemite National park. Several dozen homes have been evacuated. Up next, in the rewrite, a republican attempts to minimize the political strength of africanamerican voters in. et unconstitutional. whistle bl ws alright, we got one shot. Lets go twinsright 24 stretch. Hit him with a hard count,ne. All diamonds on 3, break see if theyll tip their hand. The nfl trusts duracell quantum to power their game day communication. Theyre blitzing up the gut get out of the pocket hut duracell quantum. Lasts up to 35 longer than the competition. Want to change the world . Create things that help people. Design safer cars. Faster computers. Smarter grids and smarter phones. Think up new ways to produce energy. Be an engineer. Solve problems the world needs solved. What are you waiting for . Changing the world is part of the job description. [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring americas future engineers. Energy lives here. [ male announcer ] over time, youve come to realize. [ starter ] ready [ starting gun goes off ] [ male announcer ] its less of a race. Yeah [ male announcer ] and more of a journey. Keep going strong. And as you look for a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Expect the same kind of commitment you demand of yourself. Aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Go long. I wish. Please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above all. Is health. So we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. Expanded minuteclinic, for walkin medical care. And created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. Introducing cvs health. A new purpose. A new promise. To help all those wishes come true. Cvs health. Because health is everything. Virginia, i introduce to you my husband and our president , president barack obama hello, virginia in the rewrite tonight, the battleground state of virginia. President obama kicked off his 2012 Reelection Campaign in virginia, which he went on to win with 51 of the vote over mitt romney. He won it with 53 of the vote over john mccain in 2008 and before barack obama won virginia twice, george w. Bush won virginia twice. In recent elections, virginia has alternated between democrat and republican governors and democrat and republican senators. It is a classic swing state. Power shifts back and forth between the parties, but only in statewide elections. In virginias 11 Congressional Districts, power rarely shifts. Although a majority of virginia voters voted for president obama twice, only three of virginias 11 members of congress are democrats. One of those democrats is the only africanamerican member of the virginia congressional delegation. Bobby scott, who first won his seat 22 years ago. Congressman scott has never won with less than 69 of the vote. And that is not necessarily a good thing for democrats. In 2012, after the Republicancontrolled Legislature passed a redistricting bill that was signed by thenrepublican governor, bob mcdonnell, now convicted felon, bob mcdonnell, congressman scott won with 80 of the vote in his newly redrawn district. Three voters in that district, virginias third Congressional District, sued the Virginia State board of elections and virginias eight republican members of congress, challenging redistricting as racial gerrymandering, saying that africanamerican voters were being packed into the third Congressional District and kept out of neighboring republicanheld Congressional Districts. Today, in a 21 decision, judges Allison Duncan and brady, both bush appointees, agreed. The third Congressional District is the reece compact Congressional District in virginia. The legislature used water c contiguity as a means to bypass White Communities and connect predominantly africanamerican populations. The third Congressional District splits more local political boundaries, counties or cities, than any other district in virginia. Tellingly, the populations moved out of the third Congressional District were predominantly white while the populations moved into the district were predominantly africanamerican. The legislative record here is replete with statements indicating that race was the legislatures paramount concern in enacting the 2012 plan. Upon review of those facts, the judges concluded, because plaintiffs have shown that race predominanted in virginias 2012 plan and because defendants have failed to establish that this racebased scrutiny, we find that the 2012 plan is unconstitutional and will require the commonwealth to act within the next legislative session to draw a new Congressional District plan. Congressman scott issued this statement after the ruling. During the last round of redistricting in 2011, i was a strong proponent of an alternate redistricting plan, which made all Congressional Districts in the commonwealth were compacted and contiguous. I hope and expect the General Assembly will more equitiably and appropriately balance the influence of all virginias voters, as man dated by this decision when they redraw the third Congressional District and adjacent Congressional Districts next session. The legislature has until april 1st of next year to rewrite the boundary of virginias Congressional Districts. The new redistricting plan that the republicancontrolled Virginia Legislature and the democratic governor, terry mcauliffe, agree on will be the product of political compromise. But thanks to todays court the Virginia House delegation into being a bit more representative of the people of virginia. You pay your Auto Insurance premium every month on the dot. Youre like the poster child for paying on time. 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Well, knowing gives you confidence. Start building your confident retirement today. But now were karate parents. One day i noticed her gi looked dingier than the other kids. So i used tide plus bleach alternative and now shes all. Pow she looks as sharp as a serpent strike. [ female announcer ] tide plus bleach alternative. Thats my tide plus. [ female announcer ] tide plus bleach alternative. Theres confidence. Then theres trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. Our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. Its no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. And during the big tire event, get up to 140 in mailin rebates on four select tires. Were anxious to get started. Were happy to be here today and looking forward to working with the men and women in the uniform division and special agents. On his second day on the job, acting secret Service Director Joseph Clancy visited capitol hill for a closeddoor briefing with Staff Members from both the Senate Judiciary and Homeland Security committees. Director clancy also met with president obama today in the oval office. Clancy was the former lead agent on president obamas security detail before clancy retired from the secret service in 2011. A new report from the New York Times today says, had last months white house fence jumper made his dash across the north lawn just a few minutes earlier, he would have found the building teeming with darksuited secret Service Agents and a couldnt assault team trained to repel surprise attacks on the president. But when president obama left the white house for camp david, the night of september 19th, responsibility for protecting the white house fell to a lesser known branch of the secret service, the uniformed division, whose officers have traditionally been younger, less experienced, and paid less. The two tiers of the secret service were created when the congress folded the White House Police force into the secret service in 1930. A former member of the uniform division told the new york time times, theres a disparity between agents and officers. It is an agentrun organization. Joining me now is Washington Examiner and white house correspondent, susan crabtree. Shes been covering the secret Service Breach and stories of her own. Susan, this article makes much of this culture difference, but i dont see whats how that should then translate into inadequate performance by the uniformed officers. Thats right. Ive heard about this, that theres been a long time resentment between the uniform division and the agent division. And the protective division. So, i dont think that this really gets at what the problem here is. And the Senior Leadership is involved and what their sources tell me is a culture of coverup, and that they operate as a family and they choose who theyre going to punish, even though they pick and choose who theyre going to punish and the punishment is not uniform across the ranks. So i think that this is this is longtime held resentment between those divisions. But i dont really think that gets at the real problems with the secret service right now. The more i look into this, the more mind boggling it becomes. You know, you have this incident that i wrote about this morning, with a gun, an agent lost his gun, he left it in his car overnight in his bag. Thats supposed to be verboden in the secret service, youre not supposed to do that, and he ended up getting promoted afterwards. And his supervisor decided they were not going to do any type of formal report. So he didnt get any discipline action at all. These are just these types of stories that im hearing over and over again. Its becoming almost like i cant write fast enough about this problem. Yeah. I mean, your report this morning about that gun and about the processes there with that agent is just, i think, so much more important an indicator of whats going on there than one of the items the New York Times points out is that the starting salary for the Uniformed Branch is 56,000 a year. As if i dont want to be unfair to the article, but it carries the suggest that because thats lower than the agents, then youll get a lesser performance. But thats higher than the starting salary for a washington, d. C. Police officer, higher than the starting salary for most Police Officers in america, who could do a great job, most of whom could have grabbed that guy on that lawn without any specific training about how to protect that building. And so i just dont see what explains such a terrible performance that day. I know, i think that that incident its true that the training is a problem in the secret service and the pay, theyre leaving in droves to go to the tsa. And thats a real problem. You want this to be an elite agency. But theres also other the problems stem from Senior Leadership. And thats what i keep hearing over and over again. You have operation moonlight, you know, where they diverted senior agents from the Washington Field office, diverted agents patrolling the perimeter of the white house to la plata, maryland, to get involved in a domestic neighborhood dispute. And we still dont know, that story broke five months ago. We still dont know who ordered operation moonlight. Was it mark sullivan, the two agents in charge of the Washington Field office. The secret service will not tell me and they wont tell me whether theyve been disciplined and whether theres been a formal report. The department of Homeland Security has been investigating this matter, so i asked the dhs press office today, whats the status of that investigation into operation moonlight. They did not even get back to me. So the members on capitol hill, lawmakers want answers about that incident and it has directly to do with controlling the perimeter of the white house and diverting agents to then director Mark Sullivans assistant in a neighborhood dispute. Yeah,. Tonight on all in. Are we secure . Are we protected . Isis property began to as campaign propaganda. An american being beheaded as an attack add. A startling report out of ferguson, missouri. Police are planning for riots in case officer Darron Wilson does not getdi

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