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For her to step down. She tried to give defensive speeches instead of answers. Theres something just deeply wrong here that needs to be fixed. Lock the front door . Theyre going to leave the tv on. Yeah, yeah. Are things actually going to get fixed . By mid afternoon, Julia Pierson delivered her resignation to jay johnson. In an interview, pierson said i think its the best interest of the secret service and the American Public if i stepped down. Congress has lost confidence in my ability to run this agency. The media made it clear that this is what they expected. The president s family woke up to this headline this morning in their local paper. Man with gun was feet from obama. That was the latest in a series of stunning revelations by the Washington Post. This mornings Washington Post front page was clearly the last straw for the white house. The White House Press briefing was delayed three hours today and began immediately after the secret Service Director submitted her resignation. This afternoon, the president had the opportunity to telephone director pierson to express his appreciation for her service to the agency and to the country. Director pierson offered her resignation today because she believed that it was in the best interest of the agency to which she has dedicated her career. The secretary agreed with that assessment. The president did as well. Over the last several days, weve seen recent and humiliating reports raising questions about the performance of the agency. And the president concluded that new leadership of that agency was required. Joseph clancy, former special agent in charge of the president ial protective division of the secret service was named acting director today. The president has is very appreciative that somebody with the resume and skills of joe clancy is taking responsibility for leading the secret service during this interim period. Mr. Clancy is somebody whos taking a leave of absence from his private sector job to reenter government service. That is, i think, a demonstration of the sacrifice hes making because of the loyalty he feels for this agency that he served for so long. Joseph clancy woke up this morning as the director of comcast corporate security. Comcast is, of course, the Parent Company of nbc universal. The administration announced plans to appoint a panel of independent experts to investigate the white house fence jumping incident and related Security Issues concerning the secret service. That panel will submit their recommendations by december 15 one of which certainly will be lock the damn door. The 42yearold man who jumped the white house fence and ran deep into the building through that unlocked front door pled not guilty today to three charges, including the federal offense of unlawfully entering a restricted area while carrying a deadly or dangerous weapon. The judge in the case ordered Omar Gonzalez to undergo mental competency exam by the d. C. Department of health. Joining me now are the washington examiners Susan Crabtree and the Washington Posts carol lineg. They have broken story about the Security Breaches this week. And john thompson, a former secret Service Executive deputy director. I want us to listen to how the day began for the white house. Here is the White House Press secretary on morning joe this morning. Are you telling me this morning the president of the United States and the first lady have confidence in Julia Pierson to run an agency thats supposed to protect their two daughters . Yes, joe, they have confidence in them. I think for the reasons that i lay out. These are men and women who wake up every day, professionals, prepared to put their life im not talking about the professionals. I think the professionals deserve to have better leadership than they have. Six hours later, josh earnest is singing the praises of Joseph Clancy whos coming in right after the resignation, that there was no indication it was coming as the day began. Well, i think there was a bit of an indication. It probably wasnt being shared by the White House Press secretary. Congressman chafitz said im calling for his resignation. Hen aefs follow and he was followed by others wednesday morning. You heard Elijah Cummings in an interview say that he was not comfortable with director pierson remaininging in that job. And he was not sure that she was the right person to fix the problems. I think you could feel literally the ground shift tuesday morning. Although certainly, we didnt expect it this quickly. Susan crabtree, as i was watching that hearing yesterday in her first round of questioning, somewhere irnd there, i think i tweeted, she could lose her job in this hearing. And as the hearing progressed, i didnt see any turn in it at the point where you could say okay, now shes being very clear, shes being, you know, responsive in a way that that committee wanted to hear. Shes being responsive in a way the white house had to hear. She could have gone into that hearing and saved her job, but thats not what happened. Youre right. I got an early remarks. Her prepared remarks. So i was very impressed with her Opening Statement where she said she was going to take full responsibility and that it would never happen again. A white house intruder would never be allowed to get into the ceremonial heart of the white house. So i was impressed with that. I put up a story as quickly as i could and then the moment that the questions started, she seemed to appear to have melted, do the whole washington speak where you provide a lot of information but you dont answer the question. She seemed to be back peddling saying she didnt understand the question. It was a pretty bad performance and i think at the end of the day, lawmakers i actually heard that there was the closed part of the hearing. Part of iz was closed. It was a class 2ified portion w even more brutal and she performed even worse. John thompson as a secret service agent, its, you know, morning comes in the white house, the Washington Post comes through with a headline, man with gun was feet from obama. During any presidency, tell us what would happen in the white house with the headline like that, the reaction you would expect from the first family, from children of the president who are old enough to read. I can just imagine what all the people in the security detail and the white house must have been feeling seeing that headline this morning. Well, the disappointment and the embarrassment doesnt just go to the detail. It goes to the secret service organization, both past and present. Its this is an unfortunate chapter that were all facing. The ultimate consumer here is those we protect, the president and his family among them. So when we say when were looking at this morning what are we facing, were clearly, were still facing an embarrassment. But i would suggest to you that the director, who was committed to the secret service clearly, she didnt want to leave her 30 years of service. In this form. But she thought it best for those we serve as well as the men and women that make the service i respect her for what she did and the speed with which she did it. And im also grateful that the president has chosen somebody like joe clancy to fill her chair, so to speak. We have this one resignation, but she wasnt the one whose job it was to watch the fence when that guy got over. She wasnt the one whose job it was to watch the white house lawn when he ran across it unmolested. She wasnt the one who was supposed to protect the white house front door, the agent who just got overwhelmed by this guy coming through the front door. An agent clearly who is incompetent for that particular position. What about those people, what about the names of those people who very specifically failed in their assigned duties at that hour . There are a lot of things we dont know about this. But i would be hesitant to judge those individuals this instant. Ill tell you why. When we did this extensive investigation into the 2011 shooting, what we found were a lot of officers who really did handle themselves pretty well, but supervisors who didnt and training that wasnt provided that would have told them what to do. In this review, at first glance, you know, i was curious, why didnt they release the dog. Its the fail safe to, you know, stop an intruder if you cant collar them. But it seems as though, reviewing a lot of the data, watching sources, it looks like the dog handler maybe did the right thing by trying to keep the dog from attacking other officers who failed to follow protocol. Maybe they werent trained properly. And they all rushed at the same time after this guy. Doing that is going to confuse the dog, could lead to another series of problems. Ultimately, its about training. And whats fascinating about this fence jumper is uniform division. The guys who are in charge on the ground of protecting the north lawn and stopping an sbuder frsbud intruder from get into the white house, there are fewer of them than the secret service is authorized to have on duty. Theyre the lowest morale of any agency ive ever seen. I wonder if theyre overworked and being called in for offduty and they have this incredible churn through the agency. People are leaving like crazy. Theres all this transition. Are they getting a briefing on how to handle an intruder that comes into the building . Ive heard they have not. John thompson, whats your reaction to that. Thats absolutely stunning that you could possibly have people guarding the front side of the white house who are not briefed and not traened on how to handle what happened that day. And i appreciate the frustration in your voice and the frustration by those we serve. What i would suggest is that a review is underway. Before we indict the secret service for inadequate train, we owe it to the organization, the process scene the ultimate consumer, those we protect, to wait until to see exactly what comes out. And then make a determination in an informed way as to what was done, what was done well, and what was accomplished in the way that were trained to perform. You know, theres a zero tolerance that the service does. And, you know, the mantra that training is perishable. Its a perrishable skill. You cant stop doing it. Theres no status quo here. Lets look at the review. Lets give joe clancy, the Senior Secret Service staff together with the department of Homeland Security to kind of put this together. As a former agent, im proud to have joe clancy coming back and i look forward to what he and the senior staff are going to be able to accomplish. Susan crabtree, what im hearing about this is a washington reaction. This is a pure washington reaction where you get the resignation or you fire the boss of agency, the failures, the people who individually failed in their jobs on the patrol of the front of the white house there. Theyre not supposed to be examined in any way at this stage. Were supposed to just assume that theres something, you know, complicated about that that we might not understand. The agent sitting at the front door gets overwhelmed . That agent clearly is incapable of doing that job. Come to new york city. Take a look at the bouncers they have out in front of the nightclubs. Try to get by one of them, okay . It isnt possible. But you can rupp rign right ove secret Service Officer sitting at the front door of the white house and washington says oh, we must not judge that. I, too, have heard complaints about the lack of training and that officers and agents have complained that they learn from each other, word of mouth, emails. They should be going to these classes and getting training. Now, that aside, we have learned a big lesson here, lock the front door. Theres going to be an there is already installed an automatic lock on front door, and Julia Pierson was quick to remind law makers that that has already been installed. We have there was 16 fence jumpers in the last five years. So they didnt catch this one. I do think that we have pierson has accountability now that she resigned. Locking the front door has now solved everything about the problem that we saw with that guy going over the fence. We dont need a big long investigation about what else you need to necessarily do. But you do have to get rid of people who are incapable of actually doing the job and the word de re were definitely people like that involved. Thank you for your time tonight. Coming up, jordan davis parents reaction to the first degree murder conviction today for the man who killed their son for playing music too loudly. And later, if you voted for jimmy carter for president in 1976, you should feel very good about that vote because today we learned that you prevented a war with cuba that Henry Kissinger was secretly planning if the republicans won that president ial election. Kissingers secret war plan was revealed today. We have the memos. This is where i met your grandpa. Right under this tree. man some things are Worth Holding onto. Theyre hugging the tree. man thats why we got a subaru. Or was it that tree . man introducing the allnew subaru outback. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Whos going to do it . Whos going to make it happen . Discover a new energy source. 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Today, a florida jury found Michael D Michael dunn, the man who shot and killed jordan davis guilty of first degree murder. Michael dunn claimed he killed jordan davis because he feared for his life after asking jordan and his friends to turn down their car radio outside of a gas station Convenience Store in november 2012. Todays verdict comes seven months after another jury could not come to a unanimous decision. That jury did find michael dunn guilty on three counts of Second Degree attempted murder for shooting at the three other passengers in the car and one count of firing into an occupied vehicle. At the first trial, jurors deliberated for more than 30 hours. Today, the ten white and two black jurors deliberated for less than six hours. Michael dunn faces life in prison without parole. Jordan davis parents said todays verdict is justice for their son. We know that jordans life and legacy will live on for others. But at the same time, were very saddened by the life that michael dunn will continue to live. We are saddened for his family and for his friends and the community that will continue to suffer by his actions. But we are very grateful that justice has been served. Justice not only for jordan but justice for trayvon and justice for all the nameless faces and children and people that will never have a voice. I wanted jacksonville to be a shining example that you could have a jury made up of mostly white people, white men, to be an example to the rest of the world to stop the discriminatory practices, stop discriminating, stop looking where we have to look at juries and say what the makeup of juries are. I want to give my heart and my prayers to all the mothers and fathers out there that have lost children. That got no justice. Joining now the host of the reid report joy reid. A long road in this case. Two trials. Two years this family has gone through this. The people who couldnt be more poised and more determined not just to help their own situation but other families in their similar situation. Trayvon martins family and others. Including the family of michael brown. But something he said that was very interesting was the verdict meant a lot to them because of the makeup of the jury he got justice. But the makeup of the jury is really critical. This jury had one africanamerican man on it. And i think thats really important. The previous jury that deadlo deadlockdeadloc deadlocked had one black man on it. The other jury had two black women. I think that made the deliberations a lot more succin succinct, that much quicker. I want to thank the circle of fathers, the Trayvon Martin foundation, gathering fathers together. Teaching us even if were disappointed in the Court Decisions that we dont go out and we dont riot. We dont go out and tear other peoples property up. What we do is stand as soldiers, stand as great men and be a shining light to let people know that we can handle adversity and theres different ways to handle it without making an embarrassment of yourself. And i stand here as a soldier for jordan. A soldier for his son. The dignity of these parents are truly extraordinary. They told me theyre going to come on this program tomorrow night. I dont know how they do it, and i wouldnt know how they could possibly do it tonight, but they find a strength, joy. You see, Trayvon Martins parents, you see them rise to this incredible life challenge and somehow go forward. Yeah. And it is incredible. The first time i met these parents, the pain is so evident. Its so close to the surface, but they are able to articulate a case for justice, not just for their child, but for young black men everywhere. You know, there is this unintended fraternity that ron davis and tracy martin, Trayvon Martins father are in that they didnt want to be in, but they really bonded. The Bigger Picture here is that a young black man should be able to play his music loud, make some mistakes, do a few things wrong, maybe cut school, and not have to die for it. A lot of people werent expecting this verdict. Ill admit i was not expecting this verdict. Theres a lot of fatalism that set in in the africanamerican community. A man not only shot at a car but also squared up and shot at the car as it was driving away, as the car was retreating. And a jury previously only convicted him of shooting at the car and at the three people who survived but were unable to commit on the murder, the death of the person who died. It was really distressing to a lot of people. I was getting a lot of texts today from lawyer friends, from friends in florida who are saying wow. You know what, finally this was a case where the jury saw what seemed evident to us. I think a lot of people feel heartened by that. Really, looked at dispassionately, it was a pretty easy case for the jury. The guy fled the scene. Everything that could possibly indicate guilt was there. And angela court needed to win this case. She tried this personally because this was a win she needed. Thanks for joining us. Jordan davis parents will join me for an exclusive interview. Coming up in the rewrite. Mitt romney is rewriting his vow not to run for president one more time. Ever since darryls wife started using gain flings, their laundry smells more amazing than ever. sniff uh honey, isnt that the dogs towel . dog noise hey, mi towel, su towel. More gain scent, plus oxi boost and febreze for 3 big things in one gain fling. Its our best gain ever to map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. 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No you dont remember that because the mad bomber in the white house was stopped by jimmy carter. There is more at stake in president ial elections than we ever realized on election night. Thanks to a stunning new book, we now know that Henry Kissinger was plotting Major Military strikes against cuba including bombing while serving as president gerald fords secretary of state. Ford and kissinger agreed that bombing cuba would have to wait until after the 1976 president ial election, which the world should be ever more thankful tonight to jimmy carter for for jimmy carter winning and finally driving Henry Kissinger out of the war planning business. On february 25 of the election year, Henry Kissinger, National Security adviser, ben scrocroft and president ford discussed attacking cuba in the oval office according to an official me memo. Kissinger said, i think were going to have to smash castro. We probably cant do it before the elections. President ford replied, i agree. A few weeks later, kissinger said i think sooner or later we have to crack the cubans. I think we have to humiliate them. And after that, in a meeting in the white house situation room that included defense secretary donald rumsfeld, kissinger said, if we decide to use military power, it must succeed. There should be no halfway measures. We would get no reward for using military power in moderation. Joining me now are the men who discovered Henry Kissingers secret plans for the war that jimmy carter prevent pd. Coauthors of back channel to cuba the Hidden History of negotiations between washington and havana. Gentlemen, this book just burns in the hands. Youve got all the memos in here. William, when you came across to think its so stunning that after the bay of pigs, you know, back 15 years before Henry Kissinger is having this discussion, to think that at any point after that an american president in the oval office could be plotting an attack on cuba is its hard to stun me about what happens in the oval office. This does. Well, you know, the background, of course, is that kizinger had been interested in normalizing relations with cuba as an extension of his detente with the soviet union and his opening to china. And there were negotiations that began in 1974 and 75. But then the cubans decided that they would send troops into angola to repel the South African invasion of angola on the eve of its inkdependence. Kissinger was so angry that they had intervened in angola he became viscerally angry and decided to commission these contingency plans and approach the president about using them. And peter, you hear what sounds like personal rage on kissingers part that some other country in the world could decide that they have the right to somehow get involved in another foreign country. This after this guy runs a disastrous vietnam war for years and all sorts of other interventions that he was up to 24 hours a day. Hes you raged that cuba would ever reach into another country for anything. Particularly a small island caribbean nation. This was a stunning surprise for kissinger who of course thought only u. S. Imperial pow ee ee ee change the course of other countries around the world. You can see the imperial arrogance in the actual memorandum of conversations he has with the president. He goes and says how can this pipsqueak think he can get away with us. We have to smash castro. You may have detected that i am not a fan of Henry Kissinger, but prior to today when i got my hands on this book for the first time, if someone speculated about this kind of stuff to me, i would have said no, no, they werent that bad. These moment moes are that bad. It was extraordinarily dangerous idea. Because we had promised the soviet union that we would not attack cuba in exchange for the withdraw of soviet Nuclear Weapons at the tomb of the cuban missile crisis. So kissinger is really proposing we break the agreement with the soviet union that ended the missile crisis and reopen that whole confrontation with the soviet union. And in some of his military advisers warned him, the soviet union was not as weak in 1975 and 1976 as it was in 1962. And the possibility was that the soviet union would not retreat in the same way. And thanks to our most demented Foreign Policy in the history of the phrase Foreign Policy which is our cuban policy, you have have hvladimir going down to cuba trying to reopen the assets which hes capable of pulling off now because we continue to maintain this crazy closed door with cuba. Its been almost 15 years since the collapse of the soviet union and the breach of any relationship between russia and cuba in any significant way. That was a window of time for the United States government to get in there, normalize relations with cuba and give cuba every incentive not to turn back towards putin and not be to beholden with any issue in russia at this time. But we have barack obama, he has not taken up this challenge yet. We have an article coming out in the nation magazine next week which says barack obama, here are the lessons from the secret diplomacy thats gone on over the last 15 years. The bigger problem is that in 96, the congress legislated this policy in effect and bill clinton sign i hed it into law. It does write the embargo against cuba into law. So the president cant just unilaterally remove the whole embar embargo. But that same legislation wrote into law the president s authority to use his executive power to license certain commercial transactions. And every president has used that power to some extent. An example of what a transaction the president could authorize today. Allow Telecommunication Companies to do businesses in cuba to cell cell phone services, open up the internet to cuba. All of that can be done to license cuban pharmaceuticals to be sold in the United States. Could the president license commercial air travel directly to cuba . Yes, i believe he could. The two things the president cant do because of the law is to lift the embargo completely, and to allow simple tourist travel. Buzz a theres legislation that prohibits both of those things. But short of those two thing, the president has enormous discretion. I thank you for this book and the world should thank jimmy carter for getting those people out of the white house when we needed to get them out. Thank you both very much for joining me tonight. Thank you. Coming up, in the rewrite mitt romney rewrites his comments about 47 of the voters and in the process, he makes it just a little worse. Your customers, our financing. Your aspirations, our analytics. Your goals, our technology. Introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning to the word partnership. Banking. Loyalty. Analytics. Synchrony financial. Enagage with us. And cialis for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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It was his first major post election interview and the first time he said publicly he will never, never run for president again. But that didnt stop people from continuing to ask him about running again. Ive had my turn. I gave it two good shots. Didnt win. And now its time for someone else to do it. Im not running for president. Im not running for president. Im not running and talk of a draft is kind of silly. And then as the summer of 2014 drew to a close no frontrunner emerged in the republican president ial field of candidates, mitt romney said this to his adoring fan radio host hugh hewitt. Im not going there, hugh. I know youre going to press. But, you know, this is something we gave a lot of thought to early on. I said were not going to be running this time. And again, we said look, i had the chance of running. I didnt win. Someone else has a better chance than i do. Thats what we believe and thats why em not running. I remember that great line from dumb dumb and dumber. So youre telling me i have a chance . There you go, you remember. Youre telling me i have a chance. One in a million. Well, you now know what mitt romn romneys Favorite Movie is. You can see the seeds of the next mitt romney campaign. First the use of the word we where any normal person would use the word i as in i decided were not going to be running this time. Thats pure political speak. And then theres the phrase the political media correctly grabbed out of mitt romneys new answer to the will you run question. And you know, circumstances can change. Circumstances can change. No one who has actually decided not to run says circumstances can change. We in politics know what that means. And mitt romney knows that. He knows how to slam the door on running, which he did when he said im not doing it again. In 2013. And he knows how to reopen the possibility, which he did. By saying circumstances can change. Mitt romney went on hugh hewitts radio show knowing there was no chance that hugh hewitt would ask him an university comfortable question. There was no chance he would be cornered into saying something he didnt want to say. Its very clear that mitt romney chose the hugh hewitt radio show to say circumstances can change. And here is the circumstance that changed. The same week romney was on the hugh hewitt show, a usa poll of iowa voters showed mitt romney with a gigantic lead over every other possible republican candidate for president. So what did mitt romney do after dropping that circumstances can change bomb on hugh hewitts radio show and getting a poll showing him30 points ahead of the rest of the field . He invited a New York Times reporter to visit him at his summer home in New Hampshire knowing that that reporter cared about nothing more than the question of, are you going to run again. That is not what a politician does when he is trying to avoid that question. Or when he really didnt going to run again. He talks about the embarrassments of being a loser for life. He talks about what George Romneys life was like after he exited politics a loser. I remember my dad becoming quite frustrated. He used to say washington is the fastest place to go from whos who to whos that. It seems his children may find themselves with similar memories with their dad. No matter how content he appeared in his disappointment in losing his voice dropped. It really kills me, he said. It really kills me. He became inaudible and it seems as if he might tear up. Mitt romney is as healthy a 67yearold man can be and so he faces a life of tearing up for the next 30 years or so when he thinks about losing to president obama. Or he can try to find something to cheer himself up, like running for president. The article leaves little doubt that romney is already running for president. The only thing that could stop him now, stop him in his tracks would be a series of polls showing romney down there with ted cruz, Chris Christie and rick perry in Single Digits with a frontrunner 30 points ahead of him. But romney knows the first thing hes going to have to do in his president ial campaign is fix the biggest mistake of his last president ial campaign. The infamous 47 video captured romneys new defense for what you just heard him say there is to blame the questioner. He said, i was speaking in a way that reflected back to the man. Thats his entire defense. He was telling a rich guy like himself at a fundraiser what the rich guy like himself wanted to hear. Mitt romney remains so tone deaf to the basics of politics that he doesnt understand that his explanation of the politically deadly thing that he said is just as politically deadly. Mitt romney actually thinks that saying hey, i was just telling the guy what he wanted to hear is not a condemnation of himself as a craven pandering politician who is not very smart about how he panders. Nothing, absolutely nothing could possibly demonstration the abject weakness of the likely republican president ial candidates more than mitt romney being the new republican frontrunner once again. You know what my business philosophy is, reynolds . No. Not exactly. To attain success, one must project success. Thats why we use fedex one rate. Their flat rate shipping. Exactly. It makes us look topnotch but we know its affordable. [ garage door opening ] [ sighs ] honey, havent i asked you to please use the we dont have a reception entrance. [ male announcer ] ship a pak via Fedex Express saver® for as low as 7. 50. I thought so what . , but nowk cai cant stop playing. Rst thats not how it works. I mean its so simple. Its like my Car Insurance. I saved 15 in fifteen minutes. 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Breast exams and checking your own breasts have actually been shown not to make the difference in the outcome of Breast Cancer. Mammography really now we know starts better around 50 if youf e youre not at high risic. Biology trumps everything else. If you have a very aggressive cancer, you can find it early and still die. And if you have a slowgrowing cancer, you can find it late and be fine. Theres a subset of cancers that maybe we can make a difference and shift it. But the answer really isnt probably awareness or screening. The answer is to find the cause and end Breast Cancer. We found the cause of cancer in the cervix. We have a vaccine. Lets find the cause of Breast Cancer and make it history. How far are we from that given the current state of research . Well, not as far as you would like. Most of the Research Goes on to treatments and finding new ways and thats good. We want a cure with those women living with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is deadly. But we dont have enough looking at the beginning of it. Could it be a virus or a bacteria, could it be something that really triggers and causes the initial mutation that starts this all going. If we could find that, then we could prevent it. And thats really the home run. And whats the 30second message, if you got a 30second tv ad that you were allowed to do, what would you say what would you use it for. I wont even limit you to awareness. What would you lose that ad for . Well, i would say when the nfl is wearing pink, weve achieved awareness. Now we have to find the cause and end Breast Cancer so our daughters and our granddaughters will live in a World Without Breast Cancer. So flood the zone with research. Flood the zone with research and make the research not be the same oldsame old. Lets just find something slightly better. Lets make the research be really creative and find tonight on all in the president concluded that new leadership of that agency was required. The head of secret service resigns as we learn the white house wasnt even told about the latest security breach. The white house first learned of that incident yesterday afternoon. Then, did a dallas hospital drop the ball on this countrys first ebola case . We have the Health Care Professionals and the institutions that are second to none. Tonight the administrator for usaid is just back from liberia and he joins me live. Plus top chef iss candidate

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