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This is a dangerous country, especially for president s. The American People want to know if there is a president safe. Our security plan was not properly executed. You are protecting the most threatened american president in our inaugurations history. Dont let somebody get close to the. The law maker es are drilling the director of the secret service. Stunning lapses in the white house security. The white house intruder 11 days ago. There were five things that should have stopped him. None of them seemed to kick in. Why we cant get straight answers from the head of the secret service. I wish to god you protected the white house like youre protecting your reputation. Were you lying to the american or were you misled . The secret service is conducting an ongoing investigation. Im not sure ms. Pierson has been completely transparent with us. Is her job on the line . 9 director of the secret service said this this is unacceptable. And i take full responsibility. She then went on to defensively make excuses for every terrible display of utter incompetence the secret service has given us in their protection of the white house and the first family. She tried to give defensive speeches instead of answers to very simple questions. Your agency previously had reported an indictment against mr. Gonzalez, asserted that he was arrested in that entry area. Isnt it true that he actually penetrated the cross hall, the east room, and, in fact, was arrested in the vicinity of the green room. Referring to your map on the wall, as i have been briefed, mr. Gonzalez entered the front double doors. Maam, i want a short answer. I have very little time. That was the day that i agreed with darrell issa. Thats not the darrel issa i have seen in other hearings. That was darrel issa being perfectly reasonable today and final bly losing patience with a witness who couldnt find her way to a simple yes or no answer to simple yes or no questions. A witness who claimed in her written Opening Statement to take full responsibility and then took no responsibility. The director of the secret service does not deserve the full responsibility for all of the secret Service Failures that were discussed in that failure today, but she bears enough of the responsibility that she should have already submitted her Resignation Letter to the president. But before resigning, she should have fired everyone involved who left the white house vulnerable on that september friday to a crazed man with a knife jumping over the fence, running across the front lawn, through the unlocked front door deep into the white house. Every agent responsible for the security of the front fence at 7 30 p. M. On friday september 19 should be fired. Every agent responsible for the security of the front lawn of the white house at 7 30 p. M. On friday september 19 should be fired. The agent who was overwhelmed by the intruder at the unlocked front door should at least be reaseened to other duties in the secret service that do not involve the protection of the white house and the president or the Vice President. There are 6,500 people working at the secret service. The secret service is in charge of investigating counterfeit money, among other things, and there are plenty of jobs for secret Service Agents and officers who are incapable of effectively protecting the president. Plenty of jobs to do within that same agency. Before she resigns, the secret Service Director should also have fired the officers responsible for stopping the investigation that night of the shooting that occurred at the white house on november 1 1, 2011. She should have also fired the supervisor of the personnel who assigned the incompetent agents to guarding the front fence of the white house and the front lawn and the front door. All of the supervisory personnel involved in making the personnel decisions that have left the white house vulnerable, all of them should be fired. And the House Committee investigation today should continue and they should press for the names of each of the secret Service Agents and officers im referring to now, including the supervisory personnel. All of them fail the the president and his family. Joining me now is nbc news correspondent chris jansing, susan crabtree, susan broke the secret service news today. And u. S. Historian michael beshlov. Apparently the skres service has not offered an explanation. She met with the president last week. She gave him an update on the investigation on the latest incident. Did not offer her resignation but obviously the pressure is on. It was hard to find anyone on capitol hill who had a nice thing to say. They kept using words like outrageous and disgraceful. Even though only a few have called directly for her resignation, theres no doubt about the fact they werent happy with her performance and certainly not happy with whats gong on at the secret service. You had two major new revelations in just the last 24 hours in addition to what weve seen over the last couple of weeks. So again, the pressure is on, the white house being very measure in what the to say about the secret service and Julia Pierson, something you can auns, given the fact that these are men and women, many of them extraordinarily competent who put their lives on the line to predict to thent president , Vice President , their Family Members in the white house. But there is a lot to answer for. Eni couldnt find anybody in congress today, we didnt hear it when they came out of a closeddoor classified briefing who had felt that they got their questions answered. Susan crabtree, you broke an extraordinary story about the president finding himself on a elevator with someone who turned out to be clearly untrustworthy and shouldnt have been there. It was three days before the incident where the white house intruder breached the security and ran into the white house. So this was when the president obama was going down to visit the cdc and get a briefing on ebola. And he found himself in an elevator with a cdc security guard, he was a contractor. And he actually had a gun on him that the secret service did not know about. This was a major breach and the secret service was astonished to learn he had a gun. The only reason they knew about it is he was videotaping the president and acting unprofessional and they questioned him about it and his supervisor was there when they questioned him about it. They said you need to give up your gun youre fired immediately, and thats when the secret Service First learned he had a gun. Hes not the only one who should be giving up his gun tonight. I went into the hearing tonight with an open mind. I was hoping to hear the secret Service Director put us at ease in some ways or tell us what measures she has taken. Show us her outrage first of all at what happened. I didnt see any outrage. I heard excuses. I heard defensiveness. I felt that her job after darrel iss as questions was legitimately on the line. And as far as i was concerned, the rest of what i saw today, she lost her job, lost any right to her job in that hearing room today. Well, i was just waiting when i watched that testimony, i was waiting for her to give us some sense that she understood how serious this was. A potential assassin running into the white house through the east room just steps away from the stairway up tot president ial quarters upstairs where the family lives. I mean, this is unbelievable. Its something that we have a right never to expect to have happen. And she said, our security plan was not properly executed. I heard that and i told a friend, well at least she didnt say mistakes were made. And as soon as of course i said that, i heard he say mistakes were made. You just wonder whats going through her head. Mike, as a his tor i dont know, you have to think, this is the hearing we should be having in october of 1963 about motor kads, about the speed of motor kads. You think okay, this guy got through there with a knife and we are lucky that this hearing is about. Its incredible. Its not a hearing about something much, much. We have to remember how serious this is. The white house is supposed to be a sanctuary. When a president is endangered, Ronald Reagan was shot at the washington hilton. The great hero, his secret Service Agent, his first instinct was lets go right back to the white house because thats where he will be safe. As it happened, of course, he noted that the president was probably shot so they went to the hospital enstead. But for us to be in a situation where a president cannot even feel safe in his own white house, this is something thats an absolutely fundamental case of bureaucratic malfunction that i think people who are frustrated and watching director pierson using this bureaucratic language this morning, i think there were very justified. Chris jansing, what are you where the stories are coming from. I dont want to make it awkward for susan crabtree, because shes got confidential sources. Obviously she cant reveal directly anything about that, but clearly, it seems that these stories are coming. Theyre being leaked from inside the secret service. I wonder if theres any sense of them being leaked from inside the white house. Some of these have actually come from members of congress who have gotten bree r briefed on this. But most of what i hear is theres a concern within the secret service. A lot of people have watched and tell me and i think have told other people that theyre concerned about what they see as kind of a culture of coverup. Also a culture of kind of relaxing things when the president lifts off to go away for the weekend to camp david or friday afternoon. I think its worth pointing out that in the breach into the, essentially into the green room of the white house. There was someone off duty who could have just as easily been outside and packing up his things. Then it might have been a very different situation. I think the leaks that may be coming from within the secret service are from people who are concerned, who take their jobs very seriously. And are worried about the series of things in their time that theyve served dating back, lawrence, to the salahis. And the security at the white house is a consistent thing. Its the same job every day. Youre trained in it. You know how to do it. But susan crabtree, when theyre on the reed as they were in atlanta and the story that you reported, everything is up to the advance team, the team that goes down there ahead of time, sometimes weeks ahead of time and they rehearse everything. They rehearse the walk, they rehearse the elevator. How many floors is it going to travel, all that stuff. And nowhere in there rehearsal did they think there was going to be someone on that elevator with a gun acting in an unprofessional way. He was actually in arms length with this guy in the elevator. And they hadnt done the clearance and the background check on this person. They also do not allow any security contractors on that point, do we know why this person wasnt didnt have a background check . We dont know. I am told that there was no paperwork filed after this incident, even though the agents on the ground were extremely alarmed and shaken by it. There was no paperwork filed and this is a culture of coverup. They left an agent on the ground to take care of the matter to sort of followup. But Julie Pierson just supposedly asked one person, a top agent to look into the matter but there was no paperwork filed whatsoever. These people, everybody who comes into close proximity with the president including waiters, anybody, any staffers, they have background checks on them cleared. The secret does this beforehand. And Law Enforcement officers are allowed to carry guns but only if theyre cleared. And security contractors, as this man was a security contractor, he did not work for the cdc. He worked for a security contractor and ill have that story tomorrow. But he was not cleared and they were very, very surprised to see that he had a gun. And michael, Julia Pierson is the director because of failures of the advance teams. In this case, the advance teams in colombia where they were caught with prostitutes. The testimony this morning, lawrence, when a hearing begins with one of the members of congress saying, and then there was the prostitution scandal, you know its not going to go too well. This incredible failure of the advance team and then the horrible failure of the afteraction investigation going on there that Julia Pierson was in charge. The president is in danger. As you well know, we all know, its a Heroic Organization with a heroic history in a situation where you have a leader who takes these things i think, with a larger sense of responsibility. A former secret Service Agent will give us his opinion. And the director of the cdc tries to calm fears tonight after confirming that the first case of ebola has been diagnosed here in the white house. And later in the rewrite the most powerful interview yet on the killing of michael brown. Today, steve harvey talked to Michael Browns mother about what it was like for her when her sons body was lying on that street in ferguson for 4 1 2 hours. Your customers, our financing. Your aspirations, our analytics. Your goals, our technology. Introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning to the word partnership. Banking. Loyalty. Analytics. Synchrony financial. Enagage with us. Car Insurance Companies say theyll save you by switching, youd have, like, a ton of dollars. But how are they saving you those dollars . A lot of Companies Might answer um or no comment. Then theres esurance. Born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. So whatever they save, you save. Hassle, time, paperwork, hairtearing out, and, yes, especially dollars. Esurance. Insurance for the modern world. Now backed by allstate. Click or call. These guys, this is its not very costly. You can subscribe. But that can be installed. Its a simple technology. Or they can just lock the damn door. A former secret Service Member will join me next. Ill ask him who should resign or be fired. Guys youre not gonna believe this watch this. Sam always gives you the good news in person, bad news in email. Good news fedex has flat rate shipping. Its called fedex one rate. And its affordable. Sounds great. [ cell phone typing ] [ typing continues ] [ whoosh ] [ cell phones buzz, chirp ] and we have to work the weekend. Great. More good news its friday woo [ male announcer ] ship a pak via Fedex Express saver® for as low as 7. 50. Life on eriprise asked people a simple question saver® in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms . I sure hope so. With healthcare costs, who knows. Umm. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor. Can get the real answers you need. Start building your confident retirement today. Did she offer her resignation . She did not. Joining me now via skype, dan emmett, the author of within arms length the secret Service Agents definnive inside account of protecting the president. Also joining me nbc Law Enforcement analyst jim cavanaugh. I want to listen to a sample of reaction to director piersons testimony today at the house hearing. I have serious concerns about the current leadership. I have concerns about training. And i have concerns about protocol. I dont sense from you, director pierson, a sense of outrage about that. A sense of mission that you want to reform and correct this cascading set of mistakes that led to potentially a catastrophe for the United States. This is beyond pale. I listened to your testimony very deliberately here this morning. And i wish to god you protected the white house like youre protecting your reputation here today. I think theres little doubt if that committee was empowered to take a vote on her job today she would have been fired in that hearing room. What changes, what personnel changes do you think are necessary at the secret service now . Your old the place where you served for many years. Lawrence, i agree with your initial assessment of the individuals who should be fired. But only, only if the top level go with them. All too often, lawrence, the rank and file get thrown under the bus. While the upper level managers on the eighth floor go unscathed. And so my recommendation, in this particular case is that the director retire, along with several other people up there in her office who have been in headquarters now for, some of them, over ten years. Its simply a matter that secret Service Management has become very stagnant. And if real changes come into effect, youre going to have to start at the top. Jim cavanaugh, im tired of the first reaction to everything is, he should resign, she should be fired. But in this case, i sat there, and it was only because of her testimony, it was only hearing her responses to very simple questions where i saw this was a bureaucrat giving bureaucratic answers, defensive answers after the fake pretending, i take full responsibility, which she absolutely didnt mean. And it was on the basis of her testimony that i determined in that hearing she absolutely has to go. Along with, as i said earlier in the show, people who have specifically failed in their jobs of securing that white house. Well, lawrence, you set it up earlier in your piece so accurately. As you jute lined, she seemed to try to make an excuse for each question. The chairman asked her, did this happen, did that happen . The right answer is, you know, we flubed it, we blew it. It was awful. I testified before congress in these critical things, and its not pleasant. But you want to give direct answers if youre a leader and tell it like it happened. Youre going to have to take some punches. But she didnt do that. She seemed to make a party line or make an inside baseball argument. When Kristen Welker hit her up in the lobby, its an ongoing investigation. Youre the leader, you have to answer the questions directly. I was knocked over this afternoon on that report of a man with a gun with three convictions in an elevator with the president. I mean, you dont have to even think about how close that is. Weve all ridden in elevators. And you just could have knocked me over with that. So im just flabbergasted to see that happen to the secret service. And that story about this guy in the gun with a guy in the elevator with a gun. Hes one of the security personnel there. He hasnt had his background checked. Thats a failure of the advance team. And its one of those illustrations of how important the advanced team is and how much the people in the traveling party are relying on the advance team to have done their job. When you arrive as a member of the working shift next to the president , you assume, you trust that sight agent has done everything they can do to make that site as safe as possible. The secret Service Advance agent is supposed to name check, run through every person whos going to be in close proximity with the president and if they have a significant criminal record theyre not allowed to be there on the day of the visit. Only Law Enforcement officers are allowed to have weapons in close proximity to the president , and then only if theyre working the event. So in other words, if a Police Officer shows up at an event, he is not allowed to come in with his weapon. Hes turned away to take it back. So this is another massive failure. And i cant say it during my two decades of service that we were always perfect, but what im hearing now is just beyond imagination. How has it come to this . I think their cull youre is broke, their atmosphere is broke. Theyve got to have a change agent for a leader there. Youve got to have direct answers. The director should have notified those committees, lawrence. You were on the hill, you were on the senate. A chief of staff role. She should have notified those committees prior to the hearing about this elevator incident and they would have decided if they wanted to bring it up. I wouldnt expect her to bring it up in the hearing but she should have brought it up to them prior. How has the secret Service Reached this low point . Lawrence, to be honest, i really dont know. My 21 years that ended in 2004, it just wasnt so. When i left, we were solid, very squared away. Things have changed a bit, but nothing to the extent that im seeing now that would have caused the wlapss in the president s security as weve just seen. Thats why im so shocked by this. My experience of the secret service, especially in your years, thats when i was around them the most, absolutely superb. Just flawless. And thats why theres just so much shock and astonishment about this. Jim cavanaugh and dan emmett. Weve got to go. Thanks for joining me tonight. Coming. Uh, the cdc vows to stop it here, after revealing that the first ebola case has been diagnosed here in the United States. Ed composites hors to map their process, they were a little bit skeptical. What they do actually is rocket science. But at ge capital we also bring expertise from across ge, like lean process engineers we asked who does what, when, where, and why that step first . Ideas for improvement started pouring out. With a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. At ge capital, were builders. And what we know. Can help you grow. Thank you. Ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. I order b14. I get b14. No surprises. Buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster White Knuckle thrill ride. Youre promised one speed. 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On the 20th of september, had no symptoms when departing liberia or entering this country. But four or five days later, around the 24th of september began to develop symptoms and while we do not currently know how this individual became infected, they undoubtedly had close contact with someone who was sick with ebola or who had died from it. State Health Officials in texas confirmed that the patient was admitted to the Texas Health Presbyterian hospital in dallas on sunday and remains in isolation. Tonight, president obama spoke with the director of the cdc by phone about the recently diagnosed patient. And today, officials also stressed that ebola can only be spread through direct contact with people who are showing symptoms of the virus. Joining me now is dr. Alexander van toliken. He has done aide work in both congo and what is ebola . This air born dds, you can spread with a few droplets. Ebola is not like that at all. It doesnt survive well outside the body. So you need to be in contact with saliva, commit, diarrhea, some kind of bodily fluid and you would need to get it in a mucus membrane, on your mouth, in your eyes or broken skin. Its a difficult thing to catch. Everyone who travelled from liberia on the day in question here is wondering if they were sitting on a plane beside this patient. They possibly were. They are not exposed. He was not symptomatic, he didnt have a fever so he wasnt contagious. He took two days to seek medical care. After that two days there was another two days before he was admitted to hospital. Now hes isolated. Its fair to say the hospital in dallas will do an excellent job of him preventing that any further. But once he developed the symptoms and before he was isolated hes contagious. People he was with, people he may have but youre saying it wouldnt be someone he passed through a hotel lobby or a restaurant. He has to have actual touching contact. The guy who discovered ebola now runs the London School of tropical disease, one of the best institutions in the world said he would confidently sit next to someone with ebola on the subway. But it isnt going to be acceptable we shouldnt be worried about abepidemic in the u. S. That isnt going to happen. But even a transmission of a couple of case, hes got to be all over this. Theres nothing that could have been done to prevent us from being at this spot tonight. This guy there was nothing to say he shouldnt be allowed on a plane in liberia. I think thats absolutely right. Look on the blogs and on twitter. Everyone saying we need to shut down the airports op theres that bit of rhetoric i think thats absolutely wrong. It would be impossible to make sure this doesnt happen again. He didnt have a temperature or any symptoms when he got on the plane. I think to prevent all travel from west africa would be irresponsible and the wrong response. The best way is doing what were doing in west africa, massive deployment of military sources to stop the spread. What about the responsibility to people who were on that flight. You seem to be saying scientifically, theres absolutely no danger they could have gotten anything. Theres no responsibility by the cdc to check with the airline and make contact with people who were seated near him. If i was youve been talking the whole program about institutional failures. They make mistakes and they make big mistakes. Hes not going to sleep a wink tonight. I would definitely be tracing down every person on the airline, letting them know. I would be in contact with every place hes been, every Family Member. This is what you can do in america that you cant do in west aftercan. We can email, tweet, facebook, phone, we can go to peoples houses. We have route maps, street addresses. So thats its going to be a massive headache, but thats the way you stop the spread. Do you worry about the panic if you notify a couple of hundred people who are on the plane. Hey, this guy was on your plane. Please dont worry because you couldnt have gotten it because he didnt have any symptoms. Thats what were saying on your show and lots of other shows. You dont have to worry about it. But if you go to the cdc, you have to deploy the precautionary principle here, you have to be in touch with those people. If nothing else, you need to reassure them. But you also need to say, if youre feeling ill at all, there are the resources here to look after you. Thats totally different from panic. You will reach out as far as you need to to make sure we have contacted everyone, thats what we should be doing. Thats why there wont an epidemic. Were good at doing that. Youre saying do that even though youre firmly convinced. You would want to know if you were on that plane. And so would i. I would then want medical advice who says its the very best of our knowledge, you can not have caught ebola in this way. But if youre feeling ill, eel check you out. Thank you very much tonight. Coming up, Michael Browns mother and n her own words, very anguished words. And later, a look at the fighters the United States is now funding in syria. This is video you have never seen inside syria. They are actually using a playstation to fight the assad regime and the Islamic State. I love having a free checked bag. With my united mileageplus explorer card. I have saved 75 in checked bag fees. Priority boarding is really important to us. You can just get on the plane and relax. I love to travel, no foreign transaction fees means real savings. We can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the us. When i spend money on this card i can see brazil in my future. I use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family which means a lot to me. 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Thats why dentists recommend using polident. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. The center for strategic and budgetary estimates says the cost to fight the Islamic State is getting close to 1 billion. Congress still has not voted on whether to allow president obama to continue military operations in iraq and syria, and john boehner doesnt believe Congress Needs to. I think he does have the authority to do it. But the point ive been making is this is a proposal congress ought to consider. If the president put a resolution forward now, you would Bring Congress back . I would Bring Congress back. Coing up, some of the fighters inside syria the United States congress has voted to arm, hoping that they will beat the Islamic State. One of the things theyre using now to beat the Islamic State is a play station. Seriously. Youve got to see this. But next in the rewrite why Michael Browns mother did not accept the Ferguson Police chiefs apology. Dad, i know i havent said this often enough, but thank you. Thank you mom for protecting my future. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Remember when Ferguson Police chief Thomas Jackson was asked this question by his own state senator . Am i going to be gassed again like i was on monday night and i was peaceful. Your state senator. And we couldnt get out. And we were peacefully sitting. I just want to know if im going to be gassed again. I vote no. I really hope not. That was before he had a writing staff. Now the police chief has a pr firm to give him scripts like this. The events of the past few weeks have sent shock waves not just around the community here but around the nation. Overnight, i went from being a Small Town Police chief to being a part of conversation about racism, equality and the rule of policing in that conversation. The script, written for the chief by the pr firm included an apology to Michael Browns family. I want to say this to the brown family. No one who is not experienced the loss of a child can understand what youre feeling. Im truly sorry for the loss of your son. Im also sorry that it took so long to remove michael from the street. The time that it took involved very important work on the part of investigators who were trying to collect evidence and gain a true picture of what happened that day. But it was just too long and im truly sorry for that. Please know that the investigating officers meant no disrespect to the brown family, to the africanamerican community, or the people of canfield. They were simply trying to do their jobs. Michael browns family did not accept the apology written for the chief by a pr firm. They know how empty that apology is. Michael browns mother says she doesnt want words, she wants actions. She knows that theres not an experienced crime scene investigator in the country who has defended the Ferguson Police for leaving Michael Browns body on that street for 4 1 2 hours. And she knows how chief jackson and his officers at that scene treated her during those 4 1 2 hours. In what is the most powerful and emotional interview conducted by any of us in the media about this case, steve harvey today asked Michael Browns mother about those 4 1 2 hours and what they were like for her. Her answer brings you closer to the pain of a mother losing her teenage son than anything ive ever heard. What she went through is agonizing to listen to. Steve harvey wasnt asking her why she didnt accept the Police Chiefs apology, but the answer to why she wouldnt accept that apology is there in every anguished word of what she had to say. She began by telling steve harvey that she was at work when she got a phone call telling her someone had been shot near her mothers house. I was at work. And i got a phone call that someone had been shot by my mothers house. I initially just felt a deepening in my chest and my line clicked and it was my sisters number and i clicked over and before she could say anything, she was crying. And she said, they shot michael. And i didnt ask any questions because i just didnt want to even think that he was dead at all. And when she said it, i just started running. My first instinct was to run. Like i just wanted to run to him. But i ran back in my job and i just said get me to my son, please get me to my son. And the first thing i saw that let me know was the yellow tape. And i asked, can i look and see is that my son. They told me no. And i repeatedly asked for the 4 1 2 hours that we were out there. And they wouldnt. I wanted to see for myself. For retirement. 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Number 44. Whoooo fortyfour, thats me get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts whooo gimme some geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Whoo fortyfour ladies, thats me whoo. Gonna get some cold cuts today if energy could come from anything . Or if power could go anywhere . Or if light could seek out the dark . What would happen if that happens . Anything. Today, the United Kingdom and the United States launched 24 new air strike against Islamic State warriors making today the largest day yet for strikes in syria and iraq. The only aspect of the undeclared war congress has actually voted on is to arm socalled moderate rebels in syria. Our partners embedded with members of the Free Syrian Army earlier this month, these are some of the people that the United States is betting on with that funding to beat the warriors of the Islamic State. Joining us now is a columnist for Foreign Policy magds and the daily beast. Hes reported from syria. Michael, im unimpressed but okay. They will go from using playstations to using real equipment that the United States will somehow be able to get to them . Some of rebels have already received that equipment. Its not just from the United States, its from saudi arabia, qatar, transported from turkey and jordan through the north and south. But its true, since the very beginning of the armed campaign, the armed rebellion, syrians have done what i would refer to as a doityourself insurgency. Making things in ad hoc factories or basements. As you see, homemade armored personnel car yors. New sling slots where theyve literally propelled mortars, using david v goliath era. They were all on the amazon trying to buy Remote Control helicopters, toys. I said what do you want these for . They said we want to make drones so we can survey army positions. Of course, we dont have an air force. So the ingenuity and the creativity thats gone into this is remarkable. But again,s a the fighters in the video revealed, they were outnumbered. A consortium of regimes built up. And more importantly, theyre outgunned. Isis is using u. S. Humvees taken from iraq and driven into syria. And the regime has helicopters and spider jets. And how does assad play this. If he watches this group in a fire fight with the Islamic State, what he rooting for . Thats exactly his sort of dream scenario. He bombs free syrian positions. He drops barrel bombs on bakeries. He kills civilians. Hes looking to destroy the moderate rebels, the westernbacked rebels. Whilst mostly leaving isis alone. Now, thats a caveat by the following. Its true when icy invaded mosul a few months ago, suddenly assad decided nows my chance. I want to bring the United States onboard. I want to show them im their true partner in the war on terror. Im their true counterinsurgency regime force what he said he was doing was bombing isis locations. More often it was bombs being dropped on bakeries and civilian targets more so than on militants. So theres been a sort of former u. S. Ambassador to syria called it a tacit alliance. Might call it a Defacto Alliance between the regime and isis. Now, of course, hes playing the propaganda for all its worth saying yes, your enemy is my enemy. Were both at war with radical jihad. Michael weiss, thank you for joining us. Its here. And this is hardball. Good evening, im Chris Matthews in washington. One of the worlds most terrifying diseases has reached u. S. Shores. The cdc has confirmed the first ever case of ebola diagnosed here in the United States. Ive got some questions id like answered tonight, especially after the president said this just two weeks ago. I want the American People to know that our experts here at the cdc and across our government agree that the chances of an ebola outbreak

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