i'm very thankful for all of you who watched day in and day out. really. >> we are two minutes under. >> looks great. i am almost thankful for those two. if it's way too early, what time is it? >> time for morning"morning joe richard simmons. >> jerky turkey trot. millions take to the sky for thanksgiving. the weather woes that can slow them down and the fast moving shopping options trying to pull them away from the dinner table before black friday. also this morning a special look at the last two world war ii veterans still serving in beginning and advice about working together. hear what an iraq war veteran thinks about the impact of the quality number of veterans on capitol hill. frankly speaking, pope francis is turning heads with comments on everything from abortion to gay rights and now the economy. good morning from washington. it's wednesday, november 27th, 2013. this is "the daily rundown." i'm in for the great chuck todd and we have new details as an estimated 43 million people hit the road for the holiday. the weather went from bad to worse overnight especially in the northeast. heavy rain shut down roads and caused dozens of accidents. up to ten inches of snow before it's over. we have a team of correspondents standing by with the latest on travel. we will start with the airports where flight delays and cancellations have tripled in the last 24 hours. we start with tom costello from pittsburgh international airport. tom, what's the mood of the passengers you have spoken to? >> i think people are cold and determined to get home for thanksgiving. we have about an inch or two of snow on the ground. a lot of icing over the last 24 hours or so. the story at the moment in terms of airport delays is not so much pittsburgh as a northeast corridor. the faa's website significant delays building for philadelphia and boston and new york city. those four cities in particular are choke points. what happens in and out of those cities can affect those where we are seeing delays in atlanta and chicago. we will watch closely these key hubs and key cities. i counted at last check roughly 300 or so cancellations as of this moment nationwide and system-wide. we had about 100 cancellations and 700 or 800 delays. the good news is that we have for the most part turned this into a rain event throughout much of the northeast. you never want to deal with rain because that will create delays. at the moment it's rain and not snow or freezing rain. the longer they can put that drop in temperature off for the northeast and allow as many people to get through this and simply a rainy day, then probably the better off we will be. this is the busiest travel day of the thanksgiving period. in total over this entire period, about 43 million people traveling. about three million going by air. back to you. >> tom costello in pittsburgh, thank you so much. the wind has been delaying flights overnight. nbc joins us live from la guardia and updates there. how is this wind playing into passengers's travel plans? >> the traffic picked up here in the past couple of hours, but so far leaving la guardia and getting out has not been a problem. a couple of cancellations and it's not a big deal here when you are trying to get out. there is a lot of wind and so far it's okay. the incoming flights are a different story. an hour or two hours in philly. flight aware said there hundreds of delays across the country and there various airports in a atlan atlanta they may not have bad weather, but they are going to areas that have a problem. the wind is not an issue at the moment. it is expected to die down as the day goes on, but it picks back up again later this afternoon and evening and cause more problems tonight. one problem at one airport can cascade and create a number of problems across other airports. if you are going out today, you are going out to catch a flight. check with the airline. that's the smartest way to do it. if you are stuck at an airport, i hope you have a pillow. >> or easy access to the airport bar. the weather is going to be nasty for those people over the next 48 hours. new york city is going to get wild wind. we go to ms frk srkmsnbc's bill. the macy's day parade. if the winds are over 34 miles per hour, you can't see snoopy. >> different size balloons. the biggest one is in jeopardy. if you are preparing your meal and watching the parade on tv, you may not have all of the balloons. some fly a little lower. as far as now, again, it could have been a lot worse. the timing of the winds and the heavy rain went through the overnight president. the delays are not too bat. this was a big storm. three inches of rain which is a big deal. a little over two inches in new york. the delays are not that bad. they are amazing at the airport. one hour delays at la guardia. two hours at philadelphia and 30 in baltimore. that's not horrible. it would be a lot worse. the rain is in green and continues to push up i-95. philadelphia only another couple of hours of rain. stopped rains about noon or so. boston you have to wait until about 5:00 or 6:00 where the strongest winds are. that's about it. by 7:00 p.m., the grown and the brighter colors on the rain is gone. left over snow for the friends in western new york and pittsburgh. the forecast doesn't look too bad. the middle of the nation is very cold and low, but it's crystal clear and dry. again, all that windy cold air arrives in new york and d.c. the parade only had the balloons canceled once in 87 years. i don't think they will all be canceled. >> hopefully that continues. we love the balloons. a record number of stores are challenging tradition and opening on thanksgiving to kickoff the black friday shopping season. nbc's john yang joins us with more on the earlier hours. there is mixed reaction from shoppers. a lot of folks are saying this is consumerism and some people like to do this. this is what they do. not as many thursdays between now and christmas and that's the reason why stores are doing this, right? >> that's right, luke. they are trying to get the shoppers as early as they can. they are also worried that people's limited budgets that come the end of december, they are all going to be shopped out. they will have spent their budgets they wanted early as possible. they are not only opening on thanksgiving night as they have for the past few years, but they are actually opening thanksgiving morning. k mart opening up at 6:00 in the morning. most old navy stores at 9:00. even before the thanksgiving dinner hits the table. before the kickoffs of the football games. there is a lot of division about this. you love it or you hate it from the people i talked to. i talked to one family who has been planning their shopping on thanksgiving day and black friday for two months. others say they think it is just commercialism. they like thanksgiving because it's a quiet day at home with the family. a big dinner and watching football on tv. they are going to skip the whole thing. workers in the stores will have to be working. sears said they are going to make as many volunteers as possible. wal-mart the same thing. wal-mart is giving their workers time and a half and a 25% discount. dinner, football, or shopping. you make the choice. luke? >> all options covered. john yang from chicago, thank you very much for joining us. up next, giving thanks to the members of our military serving abroad. >> theodore yang. i want to say to the people at home happy thanksgiving. >> from afghanistan, i want to wish monique, zoey, cj happy thanksgiving. i can't eat with you this year, but next year, let's bring it on. love you. >> so special. a special look at the last world war ii veterans on the hill. reaction from the first iraq war veteran ever elected to congress. we will talk about the lack of veterans in congress. a look at the politics planner. all eyes on the white house this afternoon for a thanksgiving tradition of the presidential turkey parton. only on msnbc. i will tell you that right now. 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[ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is. . >> just a generation or two ago, the majority of congressional members shared another title. war veteran. since the 1970s, they have seen a steady decline. there is a relative of people who fought in the second world war is down to just two. i got a chance to speak with them. ralph paul and michigan democrat john dingle. the last of a generation. they served their country in the second world war. that brought a sense of service to the halls of congress. republican ralph hall of texas, the navy. >> signed up for the same reason everyone else did. we had a war to fight. we had an enemy. >> democrat john dingle of michigan, the army. >> every american was proud to go. >> one flew planes. trained to be an officer. afterwards both men felt luck tow come home to the gi bill and felt an obligation to give back. >> since you were the last two in congress to serve in world war ii. >> the last on leaves on the tree. >> more than 65% of the members of congress back then were veterans. today it's less than 20%. >> veterans make good public serve acts and good citizens. >> and good friends in congress no matter the political party. >> we were always friends and respected each other and the cooperation and good will that we used to see here you don't see much of anymore. >> what would you want current members of congress especially the younger ones to learn from your world war ii service? >> discipline. that's what you learn. certain things you had to do even if you didn't want to. >> the value of integrity. those are things that we would agree are important. not just on our generation, but the generations that followed. >> after 32 years for and 57 for the other, lasting lessons from the last world war ii veterans in congress. important for colleagues and their country. >> you think of all the members of the greatest generation that have served politically. george h.w. bush and bob dole and ralph hall and john dingle. the last two in congress. thank you very much for making that happen. patrick murphy who was the first iraq war veteran ever elected to congress joins me now and is currently a senior fellow at the center for american progress and msnbc contributor. thank you very much for joining us representative murphy. >> thanks for having me back on. >> interestingly enough, when i was talking to the representatives, one of the things they said, they have a mutual trust. you see folks like john kerry and john mccain. they couldn't be more difficult politically. they have this friendship and a sense of trust. is that lot of in congress because there so few veterans serving in the ranks? >> i think that's a common denominator that you see with folk who is wear the cloth of the country. there 16 iraq and afghanistan veterans in congress right now. veterans are usually willing to put the country first. they put it above political party. i will give it to you straight. if your clip talking about integrity and honor. that's what you do when you serve your country. that selfless service really needs to be in washington especially right now. >> what can be done to try to get more veterans involved in running for congress? you often talked to veterans and a lot of them have ideas from the right and the left about how to improve the united states military effort. what can be done to give those folks a more prominent voice as opposed to a career politician who starts at 22 and keeps moving up? >> i try to bend over backwards to mentor the young veterans. for me, my best friend in the army happened to be republican. he's a u.s. congressman in florida named tom rooney. i'm a democrat and he's a republican. we served together and trusted him. we were different politically, but at the end of the day he will do what he thinks is right for the country every time. especially i have a piece where i talked about less than 1% of america. less than 1% that served in iraq or afghanistan. of the 2.5 million folks, we need what they have seen. they have seen what war is really like. most of the time they are reluctant to engage in other wars. in syria or iran or other places. >> that's an interesting perspective. do you think that perspective is lot of because of the lack of veterans and folks are too quick to pull the trigger who don't understand the ramifications of going to come babat? >> i love 19 men ten years ago. i celebrateding this n baghdad and we didn't have turkey. we were arguing about the iraq war coming up. a lot of folks said patrick, i wish i could vote against this, but they are going to vote me out. i don't have a bronze star to back me up. i said you don't need it. do what you think is right. i was proud that we ended the war in iraq and i am proud that we are winding down the war right now. we cannot forget there 48,000 troops on our behalf still in harm's way that will be celebrating thanksgiving in places like kabul and kandahar in afghanistan. >> it's a very important point because there is a chance they could be celebrating thanksgiving in those places indefinitely up until 2023 or 2024. hamid karzai said he doesn't want to accept a deal unless it's contingent upon a variety of factors. the release of guantanamo prisoners and things of that nature. as a war veteran and studies the policy closely, what is the play showing an increasing reluctance to want to deal with that entity that keeps him in power? >> luckily karzai is going to be out as president in the next several months. i'm looking forward to that day. i met him personally as a member of congress and i don't trust him personally. i'm looking forward to a new generation of leaders in afghanistan. hopefully we can work with them. our troops have done the job in afghanistan and took out bin laden and it's time to bring them home and nation build here at home. that deal that calls them the bilateral security agreement, we need to make sure that is tight and we are not there indefinitely and we need to do the great jobs here at home to make sure we take care of the heroes as they come home. there 22 veteran who is commit suicide every day in america. tens of thousands are homeless. unlike a past generation, when they come back home, we see them as leaders and civic access. whether in politics or community boards or the community coaching soccer or baseball, we need to make sure we view them as leaders and empower them to do what is right. >> absolutely. we thank them on this thanksgiving when they are away from their fam los. patrick murphy is hosting the next installment of taking the hill on december 15th at 1:00 p.m. wonderful special. it's all turkey all the time in the data bank. we have free thanksgiving numbers for you to chew on including the history of the presidential turkey pardon. it's not as long standing of a tradition as you might think. first the trivia question, how many states have laws on the books that prohibit almost all large retailers from being open on thanksgiving. the first person to tweet the correct answer will get an on air shout out. the answer and more coming up. i will give you a hint. blue laws. tion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, like celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don't take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. that isn't the least bit over the top. it's thoughtful, considerate, well-planned. ♪ it's one of a kind. it's completely unexpected. ♪ it's the best gift ever. nothing says "happy holidays" like the photos you love. create your personalized photo gifts on and save up to 50%. i don't have to leave my desk and get up and go to the post office anymore. 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[ male announcer ] get a 4 week trial plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. did you try restarting it? no, not that. i was thinking about getting a tablet as a gift... verizon has tablets. they got a lot of them? accessing brain information... yes, they have a lot to choose from. did you really just... and now you can get $100 off any tablet. thanks, wayne. save like never before on any tablet at verizon now. get $100 off any tablet. plus trade in your old tablet for up to $150 or more. that's powerful. verizon. can you move your beverage away from the keyboard? it's making me anxious. sure thing. . >> per capita consumption is up. 99.2 is up 20 cents per pound 50 accepteds per pound over the past years. speaking of pound per pound comparisons. here's the next number. 14 is the number of ounces separating the two turkey contenders for a with theial pardon this year. they are posting the stats of both birds online. the tom who gobbles up the most votes will get the official pardon. the white house will announce the winner this afternoon. both turkeys will be spared to live out their days at the mt. vernon estate. we are not a gladiator society yet. 1963. that's the year the first official turkey pardon. harry truman and george h.w. bush are the first to officially pardon a turkey, but the team of researchers scoured the archives and found it was president kennedy who pardoned the bird in 1963. a number that can turn the biggest parade into a turkey, we talked about this earlier. 34 mile per hour is the maximum allowable wind gusts with the big balloons in the operate. they will monitor the wind along the route. if the wind blows at 23 miles per hour or more or gusts over 34, the biggest balloons like snoopy will be grounded and crews will have to let the air out of the parade. my gosh, how about that introductory music of the turkey sounds in between the segments there. you only get them on "the daily rundown." a deep dive into the personal letters. what a turn. the advice he gave president clinton after the lewinsky scandal broke and what he would have said to president obama about health care. that ahead of thanksgiving, we want you to tell us what you are thankful for. tweet us using the hash tag why i'm thankful to share your thoughts and read what our msnbc anchors said they are thankful for. shoot it our way. i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce. i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. that's the real walmart. before using her new bank of america credit card, which rewards her for responsibly managing her card balance. before receiving $25 toward her 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referred to president reagan as old ron and predicted the term when he was reelected. he said tottering around in his 70s i would guess he would be in the do nothing eisenhower model. he corresponded with clinton and wrote about the whitewater scandal. he told president clinton i am sure that you will learn valuable lessons from this ordeal as jfk learned from the bay of pigs. later he faced more pressure surrounding the lewinsky scandal. he offered this advice. this is to restore bit clinton's credibility as a president and a man. he was a critic of john boehner before he became speaker. he misquoted him. i am sorry to see them give this forgery new currency. do you really think those quotations sound like abraham lincoln. come o. those are a fraction of fascinating writing of a true insider. they have been published in a new book. the letters of arthur slessinger and they have been edited by two sons. oh, bill clinton and lauren ba call. let me start with you. did you have any nervousness about doing this, making these public? did you say to yourself, hmm, would my father want these in public or not? how did you know he did? >> thank you for your comments about the book. these letters are not personal or private. these letters it turned out that the totality of the letters that we collected over 60 years a are -- it shows dedication of liberalism. every letter pushing the liberal agenda and advising friends and politicians and suggesting the topics for writers to write about. although we have known this, we learn his life was devoted to the promotion of american liberalism and this is what the boo being is about. >> as you read the letters, you were like yeah, that makes sense. i'm sure there were letters that you went really? i didn't know he thought that. give me an example. >> one of the most interesting is the he wrote to then senator john kennedy who was asked to give an assessment of his book in draft form. my father gave a blunt assessment of the book that he compared two of the people that kennedy had chosen for the profiles. he said should be discarded from the book because they didn't fit the notion of courage. my father could be blunt even with the people he admire and was close to. another person he worked for was stevenson, the democratic nominee for the presidency. if you look at his letters and he told stevenson he has to be much sorter in his answers and he gets descriptive and people don't follow him and you have to turn that around if you want to be president. he was honest in his opinions. i think it was appreciated by the people he worked for. none the less, it's alarming to read them and see that he was saying these things to the distinguished individuals. >> it's an inevitable question. what kind of letters would he be writing to president obama? over health care. >> well, obviously let me say he would have felt that obama had not been tough enough on the republicans. he criticized plipt for this. he said a democrat should be a good democrat. i think he would have felt obama was perhaps too passive. he had to use the powers of the presidency as he might have or the bully pulpit. this is unfortunate. >> i'm curious what you think he would say. >> i think my brother is right about that. he also would have been sympathetic to the dilemma that obama faces with a republican-controlled congress. setting out to absolutely abolish anything he did. this was the same dilemma that bill clinton faces in the 1990s. he was more pragmatic. at the same time that he urged as a democrat, you can't allow republicans and talk about all about balanced budgets and no spending and all this kind of stuff, at the same time he understood since he had been in the white house, the reality of american politics. >> if there was a republican he admired most, what did you learn from the letters? >> one of the people he was friendly with was george hw bush. i don't think he agreed with a lot of what bush number one was doing, but he felt sort of a swordi cordiality. lincoln obviously he did and teddy roosevelt. in the modern era, i think there is very few they could point to that he felt a kinship with. he was a liberal democrat and part of that new deal tradition that believed in affirmative government and you had to have public extendtures to make the society better. i don't think he felt sympathetic to those ideas. >> a lot to learn from the book. thanks for coming on. >> thank you. >> great interview there from chuck. we have a pregobble gaggle. the white house's health care website deadline is fast approaching. plus, frank talk from pope francis. big changes he wants to make in the church. first the white house soup of the day is easy peasy. lentil. as the thanksgiving get away continues, you are looking live here at la guardia airport in interstate 64 heading towards st. louis and it looks calm and accessible. that's good. you are watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc. we'll be right back. life with crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis is a daily game of "what if's". what if my abdominal pain and cramps come back? what if the plane gets delayed? what if i can't hide my symptoms? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you're not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit to get your complimentary q&a book, with information from experts on your condition. we will hopefully being enjoying a long holiday weekend. officials will be sweating it out as a close in on the saturday deadline to fix secretary sebelius followed suit on tuesday. she said the site won't be perfect by saturday, but it will be better. >> we are definitely on track to have a significantly different user experience. we added hardware and software and continuing to work on the parts of the website that were confusioning to people and well beyond december 1st, the improvements will continue. >> senate democrats are putting pressure to do more to ensure things go smoothly. in a letter sent to the white house, seven called for a permanent ceo to oversee the website come 2014. the supreme court agreed to hear a challenge to the part of the law that requires employers to offer coverage for contraception. let's bring in the prethanksgiving gobble gaggle. he served as a top aid and is president ofman occasions. a democratic strategist to the center for american progress. with "the washington post," thank you so much for joining us. i want to start off with you. we see this generic ballot. a month ago, it was the republicans and the dantes ninth ring. it now flipped. democrats in october is plus eight. the gop is tied and plus two. how important is this deadline saturday to try to give democrats the opportunity flip it back. >> the democrats cannot run away from health care going to the 2014 elections. there is a lot riding on it going well. the health care battle talk about it in the media, but it will be won or lot of through friends and family. the holiday has been extremely important as people come and talk about the actual experiences. there have been pushes if are young people who are better at navigating websites to help their families sign up which i think is great. young people are more tech savvy andy and can have more patience going through. it will ultimately be the experience of friends and neighbors. >> a lot of folks are leaving the gop for dead. this is a great thing to run on. >> absolutely. this whole law has been a disaster and will continue to be a disaster. they try to diminish expectations and it will get worse when people can't find their doctors and prices get higher. we all knew it was going to happen. for the democrats, they have to think of another strategy of trying to embrace the law. >> the one thing i will try to talk to you about. the supreme court will hear the case and bring the issue back to the forefront. it will bring it back to the forefront. does it benefit democrats who can say we are fighting for women's health or benefit republicans who say we are fighting for freedoms and folks who have a moral conviction here? it's both parties have a good opportunity to a case to relitigate parts of the law they like. >> mitt romney went on the attack, but it worked out well for the obama campaign. they rolled it into the war on women. it would depend on what the supreme court rules and where they go on this. the white house anticipated the decision to bring it forward to make it clear. if they lose that, it's a dilemma for them. >> did it help to say the women's rights argument. this brings it back to the forefront. >> when 99% of women use contraception, it hits home. it is helpful to talk about. i actually think the specifics of this case are problematic for [ republicans who want to support challenging the pieces of it. it's about the religious freedom of companies and secular private companies. one of the arguments is an extension of citizens united and private companies could have the same freedoms of individuals. that's not something that plays that well. >> this is a mulligan for john roberts. what he is going to do is work with anthony kennedy and find this is unconstitutional, this portion of it. further chipping away at the law. i'm not sure if it will play out politically, but it will be a big opportunity for the supreme court. >> do you think politically, david, in terms of when it comes out in keeping the law in the forefront of people's minds? >> absolutely. this is -- not only that that ruling, but how this website goes, but i think after the ruling comes out, of course it's going to be back into the discussion. >> it will keep moving forward. thank you, guys. we'll be right back. before we do that, trivia time. three states have laws on the books that prohibit almost all large retailers from being open on thanksgiving. guess where they were? maine, rhode island and massachusetts. the puritansland at plymouth. all have remnants of old blue laws. congratulations to today's winner, allen henry. probably not a puritan pill gram. send your trivia suggestions to daily we'll be right back. good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. 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[ woman ] finally, clearer skin for more than a few days, weeks, or months. enbrel works for me. ask your dermatologist if you can have clearer skin with enbrel. let's bring back our gaggle, john, emily and david. guys, i want to talk about the pope. pope francis moving in a very interesting direction for a lot of catholics. he's now talking about trickle down economics and income inequality and he had a quote where he said this. quote, just as the commandment thou shalt not kill sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we shall also have to say thou shais shchlt alt not to an economy of exclougs and inequality. i'll go to you, john. how does this play in with republican catholics at all. >> it should play very consistently. it's like from leo xiii. the excesses of capitalism -- if you believe in capitalism, you have to understand that there are excesses and there has to be faith to bring it altogether. and i think it's a very important message. >> emily, are we talking about folks can't even get a day off because they're shopping? >> right. the pope is killing it. he is just killing it. he is bringing new people back in. he is bringing young people back in and he is running to the left of just about everyone. i actually saw a really -- i loved this. i saw this on my facebook feed, it was a website where you identify the quote, if it was the pope or bill de blasio. >> and david, what does this mean sort of politically, because catholics are independent swing voters a lot. this is sort of the message on sundays, could have an impact in 2016. >> i think so. but this was the message of the last election too. mitt romney didn't really bridge this gap very well for republicans, i think. he was hit pretty hard on the 1%, the 47%, so i think it's something maybe the republicans need to square among their electorate. >> why we're thankful around the table. start us off. >> thankful for all the u.s. troops who aren't home with their family. i've been to afghanistan myself, seen them up close and very thankful for their service. >> i'm thankful for the shopping guide so i can support great businesses on think progress. >> i am thankful for my wife who keeps it all together and keeps the trains running on very little sleep. >> and i'm thankful for the wonderful colleagues here at nbc. check at nbc tomorrow, macy's day parade, a little football. john on "sportscenter," thanks for the shoutout last night. that's it for this edition of "the daily rundown." have a safe and happy thanksgiving. chuck will be back on monday. coming up next, "jansing & co." don't miss i we take the time to get to know you and your unique health needs. then we help create a personalized healthcare experience that works for you. and you. and you. with 50 years of know-how, and a dedicated network of doctors, health coaches, and wellness experts, we're a partner you can rely on -- today, and tomorrow. we're going beyond insurance to become your partner in health. humana. she's always been abler it's just her but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. 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