Theres nothing moderate about what barack obama did in obamacare. No president had come close. He was talking about what several Top Democrats said on that debate stage. Vice president biden, i didnt hear your response when the issue came of all those deportations. You were Vice President of the united states. It looks like one of us has learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasnt. Mr. Vice president , you cant have it both wades. You invoke president obama more than anybody in this campaign. Cant do it when its convenient and dodge it when its not. In 2019 in america for a democrat to be running for president with a plan that does not cover everyone, i think is without excuse. Hmm. How did the race to replace donald trump turn into analyzing Barack Obamas legacy . Let me tell you tonight, the answer matters. And not just for politics. It matters for where america is headed. Do you remember where you were on say november 10th, 2016 two days after trump won which shocked most people including many on his campaign in the reality was still sinking in which made his first trip to the white house as president elect quite a moment. Do you remember seeing this footage for the first time . Obama who knew all about trumps racebaiting rise who campaigned against him, welcomed him with grace and patriotism to the white house. I have been very encouraged by the i think interest in president elect trumps wanting to work with my team around many of the issues that this great country faces. We now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed, then the country succeeds. Well, thank you very much, president obama. It was a great honor being with you, and i look forward to being with you many, many more times in the future. Thank you, sir. Its still kind of weird to watch that. That moment crystallized americas transition from obama to trump. The birther in chief sitting with the commander in chief seld soon replace. A Seismic Shift from an intellectual policymakering to know to a loud entertainer many thought they knew. From yes we can to the ominous nostalgia of make America Great again, its hard to capture how profound that shift was from obama to trump. In the song American Dream jeezy boils it down to ten words, first my president was black, now my press is whack. Many votes basically given agree given trumps historically low approval, especially democrats, 19 out of 20 support obama right now which makes the partys turn last night seem a little surprising and a sign of that is coming already in today because candidates hon did tussle about these issues are quickly emphasizing today in public and tonighten their arguments about building on obamas work or even going farther on policy in some ways than he did is not intended as a knock on him. I have nothing but praise for president obama. I think he did great work. We talked about the health care system, dolores talked about that. Many president s before him tried to reform Americas Health care system. He actually got it done. My proposal is about taking it to the next step but with all righteous and due credit to president obama. Lets get into it. Im joined by al sharpton, host of politics nation. Hes met with several candidates and was a little friend of barack obama. Pablo ramos, host of advices latin x. And longtime washington reporter columnist for the daily beast, margaret carlson. Good to see all of you. Rev, what do you think about the balance here . Certainly parties evolve and building on health care or issues where democrats feel obama was obstructed by republicans is certainly different than saying he didnt get enough done while he was in office. Well, i think that i was there last night, both nights. And i think where they come off a little disingenuous is some of them that are saying that they would be a little more progressive than obama or very regressive in criminal justice and other matters themselves. So you want to know when do they have this great progressive meeting on the road to damascus . Youre talking about people that are saying that he didnt go far enough that were actually doing some of the things that we had worked with president obama to stop getting done in terms of criminal justice. Reb, isnt the road to damascus paved with politically convenient selfcongratulatory tweets . I think thats true. Are you going to name names . No, what im going to say is, i was just attempting to answer your question. But what i am going to say is that i think that it really smacked to me of they were in a real mode of political desperation because they were trying to pin the tail on the donkey of biden and they inadvertently hit obama by accident. Does that ultimately help joe biden . I think it does help joe biden. When i ran in 04, we debated in the fox theater. The last thing i would have wanted to do is have the frontrunner identified with the most popular democrat in the country. I would have tried to say i helped obama get ada, therefore im trying to help more. I would not have the let joe biden own obama by himself if i were them. It would be the other way. I know youre more of a james brown and a soul person. But this sounds a little bit like a snoop dogg line, when you disobama, you disyourself. You must remember james brown helped set the trail for snoop dogg. I can do both. Its true. I have a little bit of a different view. I think its very important this idea in order to look forward and build this progress that everyone is talking about, we have to look back. Right . We have to recognize the mistakes we made in the past. Thats a line that was said yesterday specifically referring to immigration. President obama was an incredible president. You cant deny under his legacy, 3 Million People were deported. Thats not just statistics. Thats pain that a lot of people are feel. Those are families. I dont see anything wrong with someone taking that pain and saying we can do better. Thats not an insult. Those people requesting that apology those are the democrats biggest allies. Its important to leverage that. I guess one of the questions that becomes a little bit deep or metaphysical between the two points you just made are you assessing that based on the politics of today or then. I think youre assessing it both. Because i was one of those that disagreed with the policy then. And i agree with her that we could do better. I said that then in meetings with obama. What im saying is people saying on the stage last night were not saying that then and they were not saying it enough. They have become these overnight progressive converts. And thats what im saying. I had access to president obama and publicly fought with people around daca and did marchs and all of that. They were not there. So im saying wait a minute, now, if were going to hold president obama accountable which we should, weve got to hold you accountable, too. How about that . There is a difference between someone like Bernie Sanders who says hes always been pushing left and always has that history and some of the converts. I do think in the last few years, weve changed. The movement has changed. Dreamers are telling us Something Different and transpeople and queer people. I think what were seeing is that people are listening to them. Theyre the ones that are telling us to challenge our standards or ideals, things that we thought were right back then dont necessarily make sense today. Theres nothing wrong with hearing them and bringing them into the conversation and acknowledging that again, it was not okay to deport 3 Million People. Let me bring margaret in. Listen to one of these exchanges where biden tried to get ahead of it and say i have google and wikipedia, too. If we want to go through anyones done lets talk about it and got back and forth with cory booker on some of these issues, the treatment and rights and due process for black and brown people in america. Take a look. Why did you announce in the first day a zero tolerance policy of stop and frisk and hire Rudy Giulianis guy in 2007 when i was trying to get rid of the crack cocaine industry. Theres a saying inmide community, youre dipping in the koolaid and you dont know the flavor. This is one of those instances where the house was set on fire you claimed responsibility for those laws you. Cant just now come out with a plan to put out that fire. Margaret . When i heard that, i thought former mayor booker was channeling you about the koolaid. It sounded like one of your lines. The big mistake, the good thing that happened for biden last night is that he wasnt muler r muellered. He came out and whispers it hes past his prime and hes a little decrepit, i think those will be tamped down for a while. He turned into a malleable scold. At one point, he said the world has changed since obama because he was taking so many incoming that he wanted to wiggle his way out of that. I mean, you asked to speak metaphysically. Im not sure this is, but what the people on stage didnt do as theyre trademark the greatest legislative achievement of the democrats over eight years, the aca, was compare what obama did even on deportation which as your other guest said, 3 million is not something that to be proud of. But no one compared it to what trump is doing. I mean, by comparison, you know, gallup finds barack obama the most admired person in the world. And in our fractious times, 66 of americans across all parties approve of barack obama. How much better can you get than to be associated with barack obama. Thats a striking statistic. How do you reconcile that with Donald Trumps ig ral crowd being so much larger depending on the math. Theres some things you cant explain. Rev . I think that margaret is right. I think that my problem is that clearly, the Affordable Care act was absolutely one of the greatest achievements of that time and we need to go further. Clearly many of us questioned the deportation at that time. And if youre going to say that i didnt see it then but i see it now, then you got to give joe biden an opportunity to say the same thing. You cant have it both ways. Thats where it broke down. But in criminal Justice Matters which has been a lot of my work in national, there were a lot of them that did things that we could not get them to stop doing and not do that we were pushing obama when we were in ferguson which is five years ago next friday well be back there dealing with Michael Browns shooting, when were dealing with eric gardener. They were doing stop and frisk in some of these plays. Im saying that if youve grown and evolved and shes right, you can say, say that youve evolved and say that you were wrong. For you and then margaret. Just as a follow, was cory booker nailed a little bit on his history . Last night, i dont think he denied it when joe biden said you hired giulianis guy and you all did stop and frisk. He went into the 94 crime bill. Was there a little koolaid on everyone . To use a metaphor im not sure i understand . When you dip in the koolaid and you already have colored it differently, you ought to not dip too deep because you might get your finger dyed a different color. As you know, who can forget, margaret, the dyed fingers of the revolutions abroad . Sometimes thats where people vote. The purple fingers. The dyed finger as im learning that the revs need. I learn every night when we get him on, it can go both ways. Final thought margaret, from you. I want you to learn something at my knee. Theres a sleeper candidate that i sauteuce night. And that was governor steve bullock. He tried to pull the progressives back when he said it used to be that republicans wanted to repeal and replace obamacare. And now its democrats. And you know, if he makes it to the next debate, i think if we end up looking for, say, a biden, if biden falters and im not wishing that he does, it could be somebody a blue man, a blue governor in a red state that trump won by 20 points. He won by five. The only one in the country to do such a thing. Hes right smack in the middle. I think he can get the swing voters. And cory booker always says if you mix blue and red, you get purple koolaid. Purple, yes. Its purple koolaid time. What does the reb think of that . Thats,000 you know youre on the beat, when you hear purple koolaid time. What do i think of that . Purple rain. Purple rain its tom wolf time. The flack sxwraerngz shoutout to tom wolff and the electric koolaid acid test. Ken keysy . Its mostly a note for me. When the producers are nice to me, its their way of saying cut it out. We had a policy oriented conversation. All of that debating last night, we ended up talking a lot about criminal justice, what obama did, maybe that is a break from some of the way politics has been lately. Rev, thanks to each of you. You can always catch politics nation right here on msnbc. Rev mentioned the garner case, the democratic impeachment caucus hitting a potential tipping point. Donald trump launching a new attack on the legal system targeting military prosecutors and Tony Schwartz is here to talk about news from the fbi that be could put trump in quite a bad spot. Plus hours away from this new twist in the very important eric garner case. Im ari melber. Youre watching the beat on msnbc. Ching the beat on msnbc. Hold my pouch. Trust us. Us kids are ready to take things into our own hands. Dont think so . Hold my pouch. vo vfundraising. Giving back. 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We can report moments ago a new call for impeachment from pete agi calf saying muellers testimony has convinced him to join the caucus that support impeachment proceedings which takes you up to 117 House Democrats who now back some kind of impeachment inquiry meaning according to the nbc count, if one more democrat comes out in favor its half the caucus. Today ted deutch declared an impeachment level inquiry in his view has begun. And forming something called impeach august driving constituents to rally public pressure on representatives including presumably Speaker Pelosi im joined by former federal prosecutor john flann y flannery, special counsel to three congressional investigations. Good to be here. What do you think of this basic chorus coming out a little postmueller and during recess but at the pel looking at half her caucus backing impeachment . Two things. One is that everybody underestimated the effect of mueller. There have been 25 members with aguilar today who have joined the impeachment roster, if you will. And i think it puts enormous pressure on pelosi to act and i think the numbers will only increase. If she wants to still remain ahead of her caucus, i think shes going to have to change her position about Going Forward with whether you call it an impeachment inquiry or the impeachment itself. As a mentioned to viewers who know you, as a prosecutor and a legal mind. Youve used that mind in congress where everyone has a district and where there are those calculations. Well put up the evolution on screen that started with about 30 of the caucus which was folks who said okay, when he this he held that vote, therefore. Then you look at july when al green came out, 40 . Now were up around 49 or as of moments ago 49 edging towards 50 . How does that change, in your view, the way an impeachment probe would run if they get there . I think what they should do is pass the resolution now the. Theres this notion that we are defacto an impeachment inquiry rather than put it another way, the great scholar John Paul Sartre said are you potentially nothing, youre only what youve done. A judicial proceeding is what a court will look at if you make a demand on a court for grand jury material that you are an aimpeachment proceeding invoking the power in the constitution. You should do it and you should do it now particularly if youre going to be spending the summer as nadler says hes going to do working on this very problem. With 30 seconds we have left, what do you think was the most important thing to cop out of mueller . I thought the most important thing was his manner. Despite the fact that everybody wanted him to be the caped crusader, he was this steady as you go, firm, careful speaker who said very dramatic things. That finally got through and was the antidote for the toxin that came from barrs lips in writings and the intervening months before mueller came to the hill. As you say, there were things mule irdidnt say that the democrats clearly wanted. But the numbers keep going up. That is one thing we can measure since wednesday. John, thank you as always, sir. Thank you, sir. Donald trump has been openly attacking military prosecutors just for doing their jobs. Important story, neal katyal is here to explain in 30 seconds. Here to explain in 30 seconds. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty dexperience thrillingn operformance. O now at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. Get 0. 9 apr for 60 months on all 2019 models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Donald trump launching a new and brazen attack on the rule of law undercutting his administrations own military prosecutors who handled a war crimes case against a navy s. E. A. L. We covered that trial on this show. There are horrific allegations about stabbing a teenage cabtive, shooting civilians but those allegations were not gound found to be crimes. A jury acquitted the defendant of murder and attempted murder charge. He was convicted of a separate count of posing for a photo way corpse. Under our Justice System and rule of law, we all respect the outcome. Thats precisely regardless of whether one personally agrees with it or not. Thats fundamental. Yet the very person with the authority to execute the law, the chief executive, is now ma lining members of his own military Justice System for working on the case. This is not normal. It should not become normal. And President Trump could have you accepted this verdict and he could celebrate it with his freedom of speech. Instead he is now slamming these lawyers who received condemnation foz their Public Service and announcing a request that the military immediately lid withdraw and rescind their awards. Experts cant think of another instance where any president intervened like this. A former pentagon Spokesman Says trumps involvement also is separately a problem because its a politization of the military and it is straight up, quote, ludicrous. Back with our recurring opening argument series is former acting solicitor general neal katyalal who takes these rules and traditions quite seriously. Sir, the basic points that this is not normal. This is a big story. And a big problem precisely because of what it does to our Justice System. Walk us through your views based on the precedent that youre familiar with. I completely agree. This is the decision really of a hot head, not the decision of a president of the united states. I mean, you have a tradition of military prosecutors that do justice and theres defense attorneys, as well, and it used to be the case a long time ago, it was said military justice is to justice what military music is to music. And it was considered kind of the laughing stock of the american Justice System. But that isnt true anymore and hasnt been for decades. Indeed, i got to the work up close for four years with the j. A. G. Corps in the last decade. It is such an impressive robust system. You see that system playing out in this very case. And what you dont have and youve never had is your opening suggestion. You dont have a president going in and trying to interfere with the prosecution or single prosecutors out for disfavor trying to strip them of their medals and things like that. That is that is a decision that tyrants make. Its not a decision that president s make. I think you put it so well. All those these issues dont always boil down to pro or antiNational Security. Theyre nuanced. I wonder if you think in addition to the legal and judicial rules that were invoking these traditions i wonder whether someone who has balanced the cases in the government whether you think theres also a potential cost to our military National Security apparatus because as i understand it, and youve been inside and closer to it than i have, these are people part of the navy doing their jobs. Now being singled out and attacked by the commander in chief. Youre 100 right. Theres harms to our National Security and military and harms to the rule of law. With respect to the harms to our National Security and Justice System, think about its being a prosecutor is always tough. Thats not an easy job. And you do it and its not like youre getting pid millions of dollars. Its always tough to take an unpopular case, that the law says should be brought but you know youre going to get personal condemnation for. Now you have the president putting his thumb on the scale and saying if you take a prosecution that i dont agree with, then im going to come after you personally, prosecutor. And i cant think of something more dangerous to our military Justice System and the security of all of our military folks and then when it comes to the rule of law, ari, i think theres a big issue here which is what are the cases both in the military and the civilian Justice System that this president chooses to go look at and give special dispensationing to pardons and the like. This is a piece, what happened in this case, is exactly the same kind of thinking that left to Sheriff Joe Arpaio pardon or things like that. Normally president s do mete out mercy in an even handed way. They dont just do you it for political points or because they saw something on fox news that upset them. While i have you, the other big news is the senate pushing through more judges by donald trump onto the federal bench, permanent appointments than obama ever got at this point in his term. Listen to senator mcconnell. One of my proudest moments is when i looked at barack obama in the eye and i said mr. President , you will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy. We intend to keep confirming as many as we possibly can for as long as were in a position to do it. So it will still be my top priority in setting the agenda here in the senate. For that second part, fact check true. 13 more judges here, a big priority even amidst all the controversies and Mitch Mcconnell saying he cant act on Election Security are the things hes enacting here. This is a huge story and mcconnell, its not just the Supreme Court obstruction of the seat that Merrick Garland was to fill. He left 1033 judgeships unfilled on purpose so that trump could fill them. So the numbers are frightening. Trump has gotten confirmed 144 judges at this point in his presidency. Obama had 91. And in the circuit courts the courts of appeals kind of where a lot of the important stuff is decided, environmental, labor, employment, all that stuff, trump has had 43 judges confirmed. Most in history. Obama had 19 at this point. And its astounding to me, ari and i think the democrats are guilty of malpractice on in. Weve had all these debates over last two days. No one bothered to mention it. I think president s when they win should have deference in the judges that they appoint and the senate should defer toe it but a lot of these folks are tremendously unqualified. 11 of 19 judges in this latest batch trump wants to put up wouldnt even tell you that brown versus board of education is rightly decided. Who are we putting up for these Lifetime Appointments . These are pretty darn unqualified people particularly at the trial court level. I cant understand for the life of me why democrats arent talking about this at every turn. You lay it all out there, counselor. Food for thought. Neil cat yashlgs thank you. I want to tell viewers, go to msnbc. Com opening argues and see bothing this segmentallys analysis and a lot of his recent break downs. Later in the show, the eric garner case. Protests are seizing on this debate to make some news. An important story. But first donald trump now retweeting conspiracy theories inciting fear, scare tactics how should we combat it . The art of the deal author Tony Schwartz is here. Well get into it all of it when we come back. Here. Well get into it all of it when we come back t i had no idea that my grandfather was a federal judge in guatemala. My grandfather used his legal degree and his knowledge to help people that were voiceless in his country. That put a fire in my heart. It made me realize where i got my passion for social justice. 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Agents warning that fringe political theories can spread and potentially drive people to carry out violent acts. News comes as trump has provided a vivid example of how theorys are spread. Promoting a Conspiracy Theory on twitter this account was disabled hours later for violating policies using fake accounts to the artificially amplify the message. Some are saying this is part of trumps dark psych force. Take a look. The racism, the bigotry and the entire conversation that were having here tonight, if you think any of this wonkiness is going to deal with this dark psych force that is this president is bringing up in this country, then im afraid the democrats are going to see some very dark days. Im joined now by friend of the beat and coauthor of the art of the deal Tony Schwartz, and the author of the way were working isnt working. Nice to see you again. Nice to see you, sir. How important is it to have someone in this National Debate speaking at that level of breadth and depth in the context of the fbi literally telling us this stuff has consequences . Well, i think its why she got so much reaction. Talking about marianne williamson. Its why she got so much reaction. I couldnt agree with it more. Its what is trump stirring up inside people by the way he behaves. And you know, to me, if you step back and you pull away from the policy for a moment, the big issue is whats the vision of america for our next president whether its trump, we know that vision, or one of the democrats and are you going to lift us up or are you going to drag us down . You know, are you going to inspire us or are you going to scare the crap out of us . And the scary, the scarer in chief is trump. And i think we do, i know its been said before but i think we are in a collective trauma. You know, what happens in trauma is that the nervous system gets activat activated. Fear is the primary agent of that. And i think its pervasive and i think its getting worse. This is why we love talking to you about how this stuff works because one way to look at power is externalally. Right . If you have money or Something Else that affects external reality obviously that is a type of power. Internal, youve argued can be more powerful and you and trump once wrote a book together, now youre a critic. From Bob Woodwards book, it talked about how trump went bankrupt six times, walk away, blow up the deal. Real power is fear. Do you think its deliberate when he triggers other peoples fear . Its 100 deliberate although its hard to say anything donald trump is deliberate because hes so impulsive and reactive because he himself is a trauma victim. He himself grew up in trauma which is why he inflicts it on us. I think its purposeful and i think he realizes it works. And when you dont have a conscience, i keep coming back to that, when you dont have a conscience, its really easy to play to peoples fears because you dont walk away with a sense of shame or guilt. Neither of those ever arise inside him. So one of the habits we have in our your civil discourse and automobile in the media, as well is to talk about politics as this thing over here and then real life peoples lives is over here. Of course, politics is what has a lot of impact on peoples lives. So thinking about the way we live and that we are living in a time where at trump has all this influence, what about in peoples normal lives when you have choices say between fear, im worried whats going to happen and something positive that requires living through some fear of vulnerability like oh, love or relationships . Theres something psychologists call a negativity things that are wrong long before we notice whats right. Thats how we keep ourselves safe and its an instinctive reaction. So i think that what trump does is he pushes us into that survival state, that nervous system activation and what happens in that state is your vision their proepz your prefrontal cortex begins to shut down you. Become reactive rather than reflective and are you vigilant. Are you looking around for where the danger is. What you lose is the capacity for reflectiveness for thoughtfulness, for rationality, and that is pervasive. By the way, i do want to say its not just true for people who oppose trump. Its very much true for the aggrieved people, the people who share his sense of being aggrieved. They too are full of fear and their own draw to trump is a reflection of that. Theyre hoping that this guy can somehow mute their fear. But in fact, if you ask them, they would tell you that theyre among the most fearful people around. Right. I like that point. And i appreciate you saying it in the context of some of the common humanity and not just deemmonizing people based on where they landed in their political views. Tony schwartz, lets choose love. Lets choose love. Happy summer to you. Some food for thought. State of mind with Tony Schwartz. When we come back, a 2020 democrat under fire for his handling of this important alleged Police Brutality case when we come back. Alleged Police Brutality case when we come back. More, more, more how do you like it, how do you like it more, more, more how do you like it, how do you like it all you can eat is back. How do you like that . Applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Dprevagen is the number onemild memopharmacistrecommendedng . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. So that early retirement we planned. Its going ok . Great. Now im spending more time with the kids. Im introducing them to crab. 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The commissioner can decide whether to fire him. Protesters interrupted the debate chanting fire pantaleo. Fire past leo. Fire pantaleo. Later, new york city mayor bill deblasio was pressed on the issue. Why is that Police Officer still on the force . The one who kid eric garner . Please respond. Let me tell you, i know the garner family. Theyve gone through extraordinary pain. They are waiting for justice and theyre going to get justice. Theres finally going to be justice. I have confidence in that in the next 30 days in new york. Was that response adequate . Please respond. No, he should be fired. He should be fired now. If i was the mayor identifier him. As president i would make sure we had a full investigation, that the report would be made public and if i wasnt satisfied, we would have a consent decree. Deblasio draws attention to the fact he doesnt have the technical Legal Authority to fire the officer himself. Critics want him to exert influence over Police Department of his administration. What was also his decision to postpone the Disciplinary Proceedings till after a federal probe with barr after that finished. Of dont touch me. No. No. All right. For the second time in as many weeks, a grand jury has found the evidence is just not there to charge a white Police Officer in connection with the death of a black civilian. I cant breathe. I cant breathe. I cant breathe. I cant breathe. I cant breathe. I cant breathe. I cant breathe. Federal prosecutors say they will not file civil rights charges related to the 2014 death of eric garn near it ultimately came down from attorney general bill barr. Im joined now by black lives matter dre mckesson who worked on this case. We showed the evidence there from the video against the news reports of these probes. To underscore what you and others have discussed which is every time this has been looked at investigated, there has not been any consequence for the officer. Walk us through your views in seeing this hit the National Conversation on the debate stable last night. Its important to remember in new york city, chokeholds are banned in 93. Obviously we saw pantaleo use a chokehold on garner. His lawyer is saying he did not choke eric garner but used a seat belt technique that was not a chokehold. What deblasio failed to say yesterday is after garner was killed in 2016, they actually amended the use of force policy in new york city that essentially removed the ban on chokeholds and now says that chokeholding can be use fundamental a panel of Police Officers, its called the use of force review board, if they say its okay. They deleted a provision that said that deadly force has to be used as a last resort. What we saw after killing of eric garner was the new york city use of force policy became one of the least progressive in the country. Deblasio was mayor for the whole time. When he says the family will get justice, justice is not only about holding pantaleo accountable but making sure these things never happen again and the policy changes when he was mayor make it more likely that chokeholds might be used and defended, not less likely. Thats a pretty searing indictment. Lets play a little bit of the mayors defense here. We just showed, as well what the candidates and others have said. Take a look. Officer pantaleo, youve said the Justice Department prevented you from firing. With the subways, you say cuomo is responsible. He is responsible. When does the buck stop with you. The Justice Department asked the city of new york not to act. Dre. Hes right. The Justice Department did ask the city of new york not to act and did not require the city of test test. 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The manhattan d. A. s office examining whether any Company Executives may have filed false Business Records about this payment, which could be a state crime. So thats an update from today. When you take a step back, its been quite a week. Two democratic debates, or another step, its been quite a month, with mueller testifying, Congress Voting on impeachment, or you could even say quite a year, quite an era, which makes it easy to lose track of time with all this stuff going on. So as i mentioned before, we now want to mark an anniversary. This show is now two years old. So whether you recently found us or maybe youve been watching us since summer 2017, thank you for watching. Thank you to the incredible guests that have gotten us through these two years. Youre about to see some of them in a quick roundup of highlights. Did you speak to the fbi or muellers prosecutors . Yes. Yes. Yes. As leaked to the Washington Post and new york times, yes. Youre going to do a tricky dick or a Richard Nixon on me. You were telling the truth about a lie. No. Yes. Yes . We ended up thinking we killed him. You guys realize this is weird, right . It is super weird. Isnt this ridiculous . No, its not ridiculous, sam. I think your family wants you home for thanksgiving, and i hope you will testify. You wrote a report for them to impeach . I gave them that ari, this is great. Ari this is great . It is. When barr and his letters suggests this is up to him, is he right or wrong about that . I think he is wrong. Well, you and the president now acknowledged mueller did not conclude a total exoneration . No. Im not going to acknowledge that. You think that mueller doesnt understand the legal burden of proof . Some sort of effort to strangle an investigation. We cant let trump play us off against each other. How do we get there . What does that actually look like . And im hopeful about that. Were moving people that are here illegally. This is what i. C. E. Does every single day. Was it in the thousands . I know you can hear me. Were looking at people who have a right to seek asylum. Its that simple. This is real. The pain and the struggle is real. And you cannot play politics. We dont have to put up with it. Were the aftermath. Were the casualties of war. I cant tell you the effect that had on me. It was it was internal. That is the fundamental question about what he has done is even legal. The impeachment has now virtually become inevitable. You know under the law, that is an admission of guilt. Im not a lawyer, thank god. I would call it a virtual wall. Thats your Closing Argument . Theyre paying for a virtual wall . Its like dangling the shiny object saying here, look at it. Oh, man, the keyboard gangsters. Jayz said bin laden been happening in manhattan. For collusion . Oh, god, its when you collude. Its dangerous for me to even step into the political arena. I will say the people i respect from cisco to picard, great bald leaders in the future. Amazing. Kamala harris is . Almost done with this interview. I want a hug like that too. Youre getting one next time i see you. You know what im going to miss the most . Our handoffs. But what specifically about them . The awkwardness of them. You ready for that hug . We dont have enough hugging. Can we toast to both our chef, our comedian, our journalist, and the msnbc moms out there. Get close. Come on. Come on there is always time for a hug, as i mentioned. Thanks to all of our guests. Thanks to the staff at the beat. Thanks to everyone here and msnbc and everyone who supports us and all of our studios and satellite facilities and everything around the country and the world. Its been a fun two years. Well keep working. Well keep going. Thanks for watching the beat. Well be back at 6 00 p. M. Eastern tomorrow. Dont go anywhere right now, though. Its a lot of politics and hardball with Chris Matthews is up next. Is this as bad as it gets . Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews back in washington. After spending two hours on defense last night, former Vice President joe biden today went before the press and cameras to make a positive case for the legacy of the last democrat to occupy the white house, barack obama. A short time from now, the man biden would like to defeat President Trump will speak in cincinnati at his First Campaign rally since the racists send her back chants directed at a

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