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Mike flynn. This is an exclusive nbc news report. Flynn is now one of only three formal subjects in this probe. Thats not good news for the flynn family. Flynn jr. Has worked in government and business for his father, traveling with him everywhere from trump tower during the transition to moscow to celebrate the russia outlet and sit next to Vladimir Putin. This is breaking today so we go straight to kenainian and he broke the story with two of our colleagues. It is big to identify anyone as a subject of probe of why is mike flynn jr. Under this scrutiny and how did you get four sources to confirm it . As you mentioned, we have a dogged team working this story for days and we found right people who are familiar with this. They confirmed it for us and we dont know the conduct the special counsel is examining. With mike flynn jr. But we know he was the right hand man of his father who is apparently facing some criminal jeopardy over his failure to declare his lobbying work for turkey and for some other financial entanglements. And the son would have known about almost every meeting. As you mentioned, he attended the gala where his father sat next to Vladimir Putin and the son was along for that. So he would have intimate knowledge of his fathers business deegs. If you look at muellers strategy, if it is his goal to have strategy, having his son on the whook some potential criminal jeopardy is certainly a point of leverage. And as lawyer i wouldnt want to answer the question but youre here so ill try to get to you answer it. What portion of this is about the son and what portion is about the father . Well, i have to believe a lot of it is about the father. The son is collateral damage. To the extent that the son for instance, one of the issues is he apparently failed to disclose foreign contacts and certain business arrangements on his securitier application. To what extent did mike flynn the son know about these arrangements and the failure to disclose . Was there a conspiracy of any kind . If he had knowledge of or participated in illegal acts by the father, he may be on the hook for that. Bits the fathers conduct. Right. Stay with me. I want to bring in the correspondent. Walk us through what it means to be a subject. So a subject of an investigation is someone whose conduct potentially because the within the range of what is under investigation. Youll remember, ari, the federal prosecutors use three of they will. Prosecutors havent determined they are a target. And then a target is someone who prosecutors believe they have sufficient evidence to charge or that they will have that evidence. Right. So its not good for him. The point that ken and i were discussing, this relates back to the father. Creates potential prosecutorial leverage. Bob mueller will follow facts. I dont think theyll have him in the cross hairs if there is contact to support it. So looking at the pushback there team trump, i want to play the old pushback. Well, flynn junior is not involved in things. Here was the old pushback. General he has no involvement in the twlangs rans whatsoever. Email is something weve all heard about through the course of 2016. And then here just breaking in our hour, mike flynn back on twitter. Mike flynn jr. , hes pushed a lot of conspiracies. He says fake news media. Were done covering those pesky hurricanes, right . Back to russia. And then calls this nothingburger. What are we hearing from trump world . Theres no doubt white house is distancing themselves from this widening russia probe. Today the White House Press secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders said she had not discussed this with the president and referred her quarters to outside counsel. But mike flynn jr. Emailed during this transition and the Vice President said he had no involvement. Why did he have an email during transition process if that was the case . Certainly there are still questions that the white house has to answer about mike flynns jr. s involvement. And thats something prosecutors will be looking at as well. The other piece to this, the other Flynn Development was from capitol hill. They have evidence that he flynn senior had a plan to build Nuclear Reactors in the middle east. They say he broke the law, handing over evidence. Flynn admitting on his third Financial Disclosure form that he says he did get paid 5,000 on that project. The report paints a picture of a secretive official on the take. And do i think this raises questions that extend beyond 2016, beyond november and into these two men. Father and son. The way they work the government. Absolutely. What we know now from mike flynns disclosure statements baltimore he was paid around 1. 8 million. And this is one deal were learning about. It was a scheme the build Nuclear Power plants in the middle east with some russian involvement. Here was mike flynn making thought money from private entities up to and including the transition. Then he becomes National Security adviser. You have to believe hes asking dirgts influence the money . He was paid more than half a million by the government of turkey. Did he take any action to benefit the government of turkey . And as a prosecutor, we talked about intent and motive. It is fascinating to see someone operating at such a high level. Taking these relatively small deals by had a they can get. You dont need sell access to get 25,000. We know from the public reporting, a general could do a couple speeches or other kinds of work. Does that help or hurt him . The idea that this may have been motivated by money . So i think that hurts him. Prosecutors like to think about investigations. They like to think about it like surfing across the surface of a pond. You see the smooth moving body while underneath, the feet are paddling wildly. I would guess that muellers folks are viewing the 25,000 transactions as the smooth part of the body and theres a lot more beneath the surface here. And is this another way where the white house feels theyve been pulled back into russia . Or have they made piece with that because theyve seen the strategy sometimes being, well, leave it alone. Were doing other work. And other days, them picking fights with jim comey as they did on monday. Well, a major discussion at the white house today has been the president s tax reform package which we have yet to see yet but his team has been working aggressively with legislators, james comey has come up several times this week the white house saying the president was 100 right to fire him. When it comes to Michael Flynn, you have to recall hes not worked at the white house since february when he was let go by the president. But that wasnt for failing to disclose this business that he had with these foreign governments. To the government. That was because he reportedly lied to the Vice President about whether or not he discussed sanctions with the russian government. Which is also something that is being looked at. So you have to keep that in mind as you think of Michael Flynn in the white houses involvement. The white house has blamed thor Obama Administration for not vetting flynn better even though it clearly didnt vet him too well during transition. In a sea of bizarre talking points, that might be the most bizarre. Because it was leaked out at the time before flynn was ever recommendory minded or fired that barack obama tried to warn President Trump, you know, basically saying, this is not someone you want to have in this high a post. Of course he did. And by the time Michael Flynn was appointed National Security adviser, everyone knew what had happened and how James Clapper pushed flynn out early basically over an issue of management chaos. The idea that first of all, it is extraordinary that a man became the National Security adviser after essentially earning more than 1 million in part from foreign governments or lobbying on behalf of foreign governments. We havent seen that before and it really raises a lot of questions about what vetting there was. So finally to you on the subject we have here. Paul manafort, Michael Flynn sr. , and Michael Flynn jr. , are the confirmed subjects. And then the people under some sort of scrutiny, President Trump for the discussion around whether there was obstruction or interference as well as any role he might have played in his campaign. Donald trump jr. , jared kushner, and carter page. So all told, that is seven plus. What are we to make of that in terms of your understanding of how mueller is looking at these different people . Mueller is looking from the outside in. Were starting to see him talk with people who worked in the white house with this group of people who are under investigation. He will be thoroughly and carefully examining exactly what happened. I think ken is exactly right, that a lot of this circles around flynns conduct, of course, acting attorney general sally yates took the remarkable step to go to the white house to warn the white House Counsel about potential problems involving flynn. Weve seen increased attacks on the white house on james comey which seems to say that something is coming from the direction of james comey. And weve learned there are two senior fbi officials who mueller is trying to keep from testifying on the hill. Which seems to be an indication that he wants to protect their testimony from public view. That theres something important there. So all told, it looks like he is starting to focus this smaller group. But at the same time being very careful to get all of the details on board and to thoroughly test evidence before he makes any final decisions. Understood and very interesting. Thank you for sharing your scoop with us. Thank you for being here. Up next, another focus of the fbi. These kremlin backed propaganda groups. How are investigators probing flynn seniors ties . And later, ill speak to a former facebook employee about whether the site is putting profits above democracy and letting fake news slide. And Congress Finds a way to be bipartisan. Forcing trumps hand and issuing a morally clear response to charlottesville. Youre watching the beat on msnbc. Cable. Just like some people like. Banging their head on a low ceiling. Drinking spoiled milk. Camping in poison ivy. Getting a paper cut. And having their arm trapped in a vending machine. But for everyone else, theres directv. For 1 rated Customer Satisfaction over cable. Switch to directv. Call 1800directv. And lifes beautiful moments. Ns get between you flonase outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. It helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause symptoms. Pills block one and 6 is greater than 1. Flonase changes everything. Lock her up thats right. Thats right. Lock her up. General flynn there at the convention. Meanwhile today, nbc news learning that the former trump National Security advisers son, Michael Flynn jr. , is a subject of the probe. He had a key role working with his father in the business and transition team. So that brings us to Michael Flynn sr. Who said he would be willing to testify in the russia probe but only in exchange for criminal immunity. With the flynn family back in the spotlight, it is worth remembering the entire question of whether there was obstruction of justice which revolves around intent was an issue jim comey said involved a request, very unusual torsi unusual, to let flynn go. General flynn at that time was in legal jeopardy. There was an open fbi criminal investigation of his statements in question, the russian contacts. Months later, he was fired for lying about it. The president telling flynn to, quote, stay strong. Whatever that means. Today white house was asked if theyre still in touch. When was the last time he spoke with mike flynn . Im not sure. Im not aware of any conversation thats taken place in quite a long time. That is nbc reporting on the focus of mike flynn jr. And just this week, the former employee of one, the sputnik, was on the beat just last night in his first interview since he spoke with the fbi. Did this new interview you had with the fbi suggest theyre looking at making sputnik potentially register as a Foreign Agent . Absolutely. That was the purpose in the interview. It doesnt stop there. U. S. Intelligence on russian hacking has already named sputnik and rt propaganda outlets. It is the russian outlet that paid mike flynn 35,000 to go to that gala where he infamously sat right next to Vladimir Putin. And flynn denied the russians paid him for going. Were you paid for that amount . You would have to ask my, the folks i went over there. Ill asking you. You would know if you were paid. I went over there. It was a speaking event. It was a speaking event. What difference does that make . Someone says, hes paid by the russians. Donald trump has made a lot of the fact Hillary Clinton has taken money from wall street and sachs. I didnt take money from russia if thats what youre asking me. Who paid you . My Speakers Bureau. Ask them. With me, Political Correspondent for new york magazine, Michael Isikoff who was conducting that interview, and of course the New York Times who has a big new piece digging into these outlets. Was the general lying to you . Well, he used the same sort of formulation that he later used, and not just significantly with me but in his security clearance when asked, what money he took from foreign governments. He said he did not disclose that he took money from russia. He said he took money from u. S. Firms. The Speakers Bureau is a u. S. Firm. But Everybody Knows who works the Speakers Bureau, the money comes from the company or entity that is paying the Speakers Bureau. He knew michael, you know i love you. I love your reporting. I feel like youre taking extra time on say if you put crack money in a laundromat it still comes out as crack money of the. You said it better than i did of the. What do we see adding up . It was clear when i did that interview that he had been paid by russia and received russian money of the by the way, that was the same day as the lock her up speech which you showed at the outset of this. And it was a sleight of hand. He was trying to throw people off. Even then, even then, there was so much attention to russias role here, that same week wikileaks was disclosing the dnc emails. It was clear that the russians were playing a big role, Paul Manaforts connections to russia, pro russia people in the ukraine. All this was an issue at the time and he was trying to deflect from that. The fact he continued to deflect with that, with his security clearance form is one of the issues mueller is looking at and one of the issues he is under investigation. And jim, you are talking directly to putins press secretary who test you, this new reality creates a perfect opportunity for mass disturbances and initiating mass support or disapproval. They feel theyve been effective and theyre bragging about it. One thing to clarify, they feel like you guys started this. The color revolutions, they think the west has been part of upheaval in their part of the world so theyre saying theres an information war. He says this directly. There is an information war and were engaging in it and he thinks theyre doing quite well. And you viewed this in your reporting that was significant. There was a point in time earlier in the campaign when people thought, is this getting hyped . Exaggerated . Now it seems like, no, this is something that russia is very effective at. Now you have an administration that wont even acknowledge that they did it. I was struck when i he left his office. Let me go check the tape. He was very open about it. This is an information war. And he described rt as an army from the opposite side. That there was western media. Heres something from our point of view. Well, army, it is so interesting to hear that word. The entire legal shift is the fbi saying wait a minute. We have been too soft on these groups. They are, if not an earp, an agent of a foreign power and have to be regulated as such and that seems the put more heat on flynn senior because he has this very public link to them. And that nice seat noefl putin of the will. Certainly. Theyre in the White House Briefing room. You spoke to the former correspondent yesterday, and theyre everywhere in washington. It is not very far from the white house. They are very influential and you know, you have Michael Flynns son. He was perpetuating conspiracies like pizza gate during the campaign. This was somebody really doing everything he could to go after the democrats. Even using conspiracy theories being perpetuated by the furthest of far right people. But i think the whole thing now, all the news today, it really proves that trump cannot get away from this. There is a drip, drip of even if he fires somebody, it doesnt really matter when youre talking about a federal investigation. This is going to continue to follow him and continue to be a problem for him. And i think he will be increasingly agitated by it as he tries to get something done legislatively. The question is whether the drip, drip is coming from Donald Trumps water bottle. He is the one who was basically obsessing over the flynn inquiry before the public or other people had any sense really how far it went of the take listen to him with lester holt. This is a different part of that interview that gets a lot of attention. General flynn is a part of this investigation. Sally yates recently fetched the white house was notified that he had been compromised, he was at risk of being black mailed. It was 18 days later that he was finally fired. My white House Counsel, don mcgann, came back to me. He didnt make it sound like he was, and she actually didnt make it spound way either in the hearings the other day. Like it had to be done immediately. This man has served for many years. Hes a general. In my opinion, a very good person. So to be clear, olivia, the man hes talking about, don mcgann, has now caught grand jury subpoena, or least an fbi subpoena from mueller so we may be hearing that side of the story. And whether trump was fixated on flynn. Certainly. Donald trump has by all accounts, every one ive spoken to, great affection. He didnt want to fire him. It was just this cascade of events that sort of forced his hand and forced him to fire Michael Flynn. Wasnt as though he looked around and he said he will be a problem for us. Perhaps he shouldnt be in the white house. In all of these important meetings, getting all of this important information. The pressure became so intense that he was forced to fire him. And i think that tells you a lot about how he feels about Michael Flynn and how he fwees people in this administration who might be problematic more broadly. On the one hand, it is not a surprise that mueller wants to talk to flynn, that flynns son is being looked at. He was chief of staff of the Consulting Company which has been central to the investigation of flynn. Not just russia but the turkish work and that they didnt disclose that. So it is entirely expected that mueller would be going in this direction. If you take a step back and look at who mueller wants to interview. Who he is seeking documents from. It is all entirely predictable. Right. With the trail we had. Jim, looking at your article, at the end of the day, is it just sort of a bummer . Put the politics aside. You finish an article like yours and you think, it will only get worse and there is no truth and it will be abusesed by all these foreign entities. The good news is that people are aware that our news sources always have agendas and motives. Thats the most important thing. Where is this coming from . Youre making us all feel a little better a little at a time. I want to thank the panel. Up next, Congress Officially saying to trump, the hate in charlottesville was not both sides. It was one side. And forcing hip to denounce White Supremacists. This is a story that hasnt gotten much attention had week. And Robert Muellers red hot focus on the role of virtual crime. Ill have a special comment on that later. Dont let dust and allergens get between you and lifes beautiful moments. Flonase outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. It helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause symptoms. Pills block one and 6 is greater than 1. Flonase changes everything. And its also a story mail aabout people and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you when youre close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Do not use if you are allergic to taltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. Including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Nows your chance at completely clear skin. Just ask your doctor about taltz. Congress is forcing donald trump to condemn White Supremacy. Last night the gop controlled house pass ad resolution to condemn one side of White Supremacy. This forces trump to change his message from the infamous things he said after charlottesville. You had a group on one side and a group on the other. And they came at each other with clubs and it was vicious. I think theres blame on both sides. You look at both sides. I think theres blame on both sides. And i have no doubt about it and you dont have any doubt about it either. Congress has a doubt about it. Thats why the new resolution rebuts that famous speech and it does Something Else important. Formally declaring in one unanimous bipartisan statement on behalf of the federal government what happened in charlottesville was terrorism. Trump wasnt sure about that either. Well, i think the driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family and his country. And that is, you can call it terrorism. You can call it murder. You can call it whatever you want. I would just call it as the fastest one to come up with a good verdict. Because there is a question. Is it murder . Terrorism . And then you get into legal smantices. The driver of the car is a murderer and what did he is a horrible, hofk inexcusable thing. Horrible and murder but also call it what you want. This resolution coming now at a time when people have stopped thinking as much about charlottesville is actual 50 important. It is a National Discussion led by people in washington by both parties about how to define it. Yesterday they said they werent so sure what the president would do. Today President Trump saying he will sign this. And that would send a message that hes been dragged to. That this was terror and that one side must be condemned. I want to bring in our panel. Rich benjamin is author of the book, why topia. Thank you both. This is something that comes up and sometimes will we just rush off and move on. And it is pretty fascinating, even though it is a month later. To see the congress on a bipartisan basis, look at what donald trump argued about both sides, about the monuments, about george washington, and say no, mr. President. You must sign this and it condemns one side. Because there was one time of hate at the white supremacist rally, and number two, were calling it terrorism. Well, two things. Lets address the White Supremacy first. It is horrifying that congress has to pass something for White Supremacy. I thought we settled that. The second part is the fact of terrorism. And it is not just legal semantics. If you pass the resolution, what do you do about it . How are you going to ferret it out. As far as the Trump Administration is concerned. When we think that some of the best journalists, are investigating the extent to which white nationalists and extremist groups might be infiltrating Small Police Departments in small towns, then what . The terrorism part is new. The fact we have to condemn White Supremacy in 2017, thats horrifying. Your old boss backed this and spoke out. What does it say that donald trump had to be dragged here by a unanimous resolution . Well, it is extraordinary that congress felt the need to do this. That congress is sending this to the president s desk for a signature. I think it does show the president he could have used much better language when he was could not will depping what happened. Obviously, he condemned white sprelcy and nazis. Did he that but it was one of only three statements and the other two got him in trouble. Ultimately, this is something thats good. I think it is great that congress is going on record. The congress will scene ign it hopefully we can move forward. We should not be defined by the extremes. The extreme left and the extreme right. I dont think White Supremacists are accepted in the Republican Party of the. Dont you think donald trump hurt that cause when he started saying there were good people at a white supremacist rally . Weve shown this show the posters which had the nazi insignificant 93 he on there. Oh, yeah. Anybody who showed up at that rally to tear down the robert e. Lee statue and saw nazi flags and people talking in very extremist language probably should have left. So i dont think that was the right language for the president to use. But ultimately, i think that many overreached. Theyve accused the president of being a racist, of being surrounded by White Supremacists. I dont think thats true at all. I dont think the 60 Million People who voted for donald trump are racists. Im fascinated to know, how steve bannon stayed in the white house, if he had stayed in the white house, would this have gone down a different way. What do we do with domestic terrorism, with extremism. The proof will be in the pudding of will. Thank you both for a discussion on something, a topic we wanted to return to. Coming up, why bob mueller is demanding more information from sites like facebook and an update on the devastation after hurricane irma. The Climate Change contributing to the extremity of these natural disasters . Dont let dust and allergens get between you and lifes beautiful moments. Flonase outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. It helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause symptoms. Pills block one and 6 is greater than 1. Flonase changes everything. We dei should know. M our eyes every day. I have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation. So i use restasis multidose. It helps me make more of my own tears, with continued use, twice a day, every day. 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Where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. Which makes me one smooth operator. Ah still a little tender. vo go national. Go like a pro. You myour joints. Thing for your heart. Or your digestion. So why wouldnt you take something for the most important part of you. Your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. New reports that bob mueller is making the issue of social media a red hot focus. He is commanding additional evidence from Companies Like facebook about what happened on their networks. This builds on recent reporting on facebook in the election. The Company Received at least 100 k in ad spending from russian firms linked to the kremlin. I talked to the reagan democrat about all this. This was a very comprehensive approach. Weve seen the rugs intervene he in france. We know theyre intervening in germany as well. This is a tactic of 21st century of cyber misinformation and misinformation campaigns. With me now, antonio martinez, a former facebook executive who worked on the ad targeting and wrote Mark Zuckerberg was being disingenuous when in the wake of trumps unexpected victory. Is facebook doing enough to deal with this and are they putting their profits above their role in being fair as a utility in our democracy . I think the short answer is no. I am the first to defend facebook but in this case, particularly in the case of the allegations of russia and buying ads on facebook, theres more that facebook can do. And i dont think it is facebook putting profit above patriotic duty but i think it was not on facebooks radar screen. So not malicious. They just didnt know about it. I was in charge of the Ads Quality Team during last president ial election and this was so far from our minds and not something we would have thought about i think doesnt surprise me that facebook was blind sided by this. Did you ever hear about these ads in idaho that were from russia and you thought it looked little hingy . At this point we were trying get the campaigns to use facebook to begin with. What should zuckerberg do now and there are cause for him to testify . Do you think he should . I think it will be a great show. But zuckerberg talking to senators who dont know much about tech wont teach us much. What i think they need to do, like wall street banks know their customer and have to understand who opens accounts, i think facebook needs understand who opens these accounts, why, and it is not something theyve done and they should be doing. Do you want to say anything to bob muellers investigators. What should they know . Something that is very technical. What should they know about how facebook works and its susceptibility to these foreign plots . I would stress that facebook has over 2 billion users and hundreds of thousands of advertisers. Theres only so much do you know and hindsight is 20 20. Facebook needs to do what it does with other accounts. Start policing more. I think it is clear that facebook has debt to democracy which is to make sure there sanity meddling in affairs. Some of the most shared pieces on all of facebook were fake news, false accounts that were helping donald trump. Why didnt they catch that . Should they do more on that . Look, facebook is a technology company. It doesnt see itself as a media coil and it doesnt want an editorial function. They just cant use that excuse but it is a real change in their dna. Theyre not used to thinking about how you edit a bofd information. I think theyll have to start going to going forward. When you say theyre only a tech coil, theyre the most powerful media in the world. Ask any website or newspaper. Appreciate you sharing your experience with us on the beat. Today in the wake of hurm, six residents dead at a nursing hole. Power out angs left they without air conditioning and there were questions about why they were not evacuated. Four people killed. Very scarce relief supplies are starting to arrive. So focus on the recovery is essential but how to manage and what to expect in future extreme weather events. Part of discussion focusing on Climate Change. The head of the epa said it would be insensitive to discuss Climate Change while still dealing with this storm. Another high ranking official, gary cohn, who is hosting an event next week. Anyone who believes that there is no such thing as Global Warming must be blind or unintelligent. Lord, please save us all. With me now is ann thompson, the chief Environmental Affairs correspondent. Thank you for being here. Are these Severe Weather events increasing in frequency . It certainly seems like it but i can tell you when you go to the National Centers for environmental information, they say in the First Six Months of 2017, we saw nine climate or weather events, extreme events, that caused more than 1 billion more in destruction. Nine events. That is on track to challenge the record years of 2011 and 2016. Now on average from 1980 to today, there are usually 5. 5 billion streel weather events. We saw nine in the first half of this year. And that didnt include harvey and irma. And when you think about harvey and irma, they are the first two category four hurricanes to make landfall in the u. S. In the 166 years of record keeping. So were in some uncharted territory. When people talk about once in a century. What do we know that the data . Not that theyre caused by Climate Change but are they more extreme because of it . Thats the question. What role does Climate Change play when we see incredible storms . Talking to scientists, they say Climate Change is like loading the dice. It makes it possible for these storms to have a greater impact. Another way to think about it. Think of it like steroids in baseball. The role of steroids with a home run hitter. It doesnt make it easier, it doesnt improve his handeye contact. It improves his strength to hit the ball farther to go over the fence more often. And thats essentially with a Greenhouse Gases do in weather events. It makes it more likely that these events will be extreme. So Climate Change is juicing the hurricane. Take hurricanes, for example. Hurricanes feed off warm water. In the part of atlantic where hurricanes form, there year, sea surface temperatures have been anywhere from one to two degrees warmer this summer. Now youve got more warm water to feed hurricanes. More warm water over warm air that can contain more moisture. When you have warm water plus warm air, it creates a hurricane, hits he landfall. Then it has the ability to produce more rainfall as we saw in hurricane harvey. So those pictures, to give people the information, the evacuation orders, then give way to this wider discussion of what the data shows. I think were out of time. Go ahead. We have to talk about it. One of the things is we have to figure out, how do we adapt to it . How do we prevent homes from flooding . How do we prevent houston from flooding again . From miami flooding the way did it . Without talking about Climate Change, i dont know how you get to those answers. Which is whstevie wonder was getting to. Congratulations on your new show. Thank you. Appreciate. That up next, will eye going to share a special look at what i think is a new clue in the russia investigation. And ahead, a million things he has not done. Wait until you see Lin Manuel Miranda and what he was up to today. Dont let dust and allergens get between you anddont let dust and allerfor1 nondrowsy allergy pill. It helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause symptoms. Pills block one and 6 is greater than 1. Flonase changes everything. And its also a story mail aabout people and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you it can detect a threat using ai, and respond 60 times faster. It lets you know where your data lives, down to the very server. It keeps your insights from prying eyes, so theyre used by no one else but you. It is. The cloud. The ibm cloud. The cloud thats built for your business. Designed for your data. Secure to the core. The ibm cloud is the cloud for enterprise. Yours. Now i have a legal look for you at an important new clue in the russian probe. Many describe this probe as an investigation of collusion. There is evidence of collusion. I believe that was collusion. Yes, there was collusion, i still maintain that there is evidence of collusion. Collusion is a big legal issue because any conspiracy between americans and a foreign power is a major crime. And its a big political issue because the evidence shows if political operatives worked with a foreign power, it is seen as a scandal. Why were there so many russia meetings with trump aides . Why was there an email about trumps support like it was already an established thing . But, the latest reports from mueller shows him digging into how . How did russia target so many important parts of the investigation . More on the redhot use of social media, according to a bloomberg today, dhs banning federal agencies from using software from a lab link to the kremlin. And this focuses on how, bringing up a new word, you may start to hear about it almost as much as collusion. The word is virtual, because the report shows mueller is focused on virtual crime, which is still pretty rare. There were over four times as many Violent Crime convictions as there were complaints about virtual crime. Now two keys are at play in order for them to solve virtual work at play. First, its much harder to locate the people behind virtual crimes for a basic reason. In a regular crime, the perpetrator has to be at the crime location. That limits the suspects of people who were there, in the old days the best alibi you could give the fbi was, you were out of town. For virtual crimes, you could be colluding with any hacker from around the world. But secondly, virtual crimes leave more fingerprints. So there is big news that Facebook Says that russians used their site to plot rallies, those are evidence of organized event such as ohio. Now, there would be no evidence to gather such as fingerprints, a year later. But with the Virtual Event all the evidence is there, the code, the receipts, even a list of people who said they were interested in a rally on facebook and who clicked that they went. So the old saying is that the internet never forgets. Even if russians say they cant remember a hack or email or a russian facebook plot if they so much as touched it in virtual space, the internet may remember it. And bob mueller may have the receipts. There is another new report saying lawyers for trump aides are advising him not to lie to the fbi investigators in the russian probe. Sounds like good advice. It is hard to outsmart the fbi or outremember the internet, or as mark twain said long before the virtual crimes were ever imagined, if you tell the truth you dont have to remember anything anything. I kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. I thought i was doing okay. Then it hit me. Managing was all i was doing. 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He is not throwing away his shot. That is a hamilton reference, but applies to the activities this week, going to d. C. You can see standing with congressman john lewis as miranda accepts the role about educating people about history. And randall rolled out the show tunes on the capitol hill underground train. Ding, Congress Train whoa, whoa, whoa they call this train, it just keeping rolling along. Congress train, those are mirandas political tunes, now what song is getting you through this political moment . Tell us, you can post it at msnbc. Com, that is our show. Hardball starts now. Another trumpster targeted. Lets play hardball. Good evening, im Chris Matthews in washington, msnbc learned that the son of the president s former National Security adviser is now the subject of the investigation being led by special counsel robert mueller

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