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President s approach to the pandemic that has taken more than 196,000 american lives, infected over 6. 6 million americans. In what may have been the toughest questioning of this president yet, donald trump tonight took questions from undecided voters at a town hall anchored by George Stephanopoulos of abc news it was held in philadelphia. Having limited his Media Exposure to largely friendly outlets, having limited exposure period to the American People, the president seemed to be clearly taken aback by the sharp questions and some of the followups in some cases indeed one of the first questions concerned trumps comments to veteran Journalist Bob Woodward about the risks of the virus. I wanted to i wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down. Yes. Because i dont want to create a panic heres what the president was asked about that tonight if you believe its the president s responsibility to protect america, why would you downplay a pandemic that is known to disproportionately harm lowincome families and minority communities . Yeah. Well, i didnt downplay it i actually in many ways, i upplayed it in terms of action did you not admit to it yourself, saying what i did with china, i put a ban on with europe, i put a ban on. So we saved a lot of lives when i did that. That is in direct contrast to what the president was saying about his comments to bob woodward just last week. Did you misread the public by saying you downplayed the conservative and then you repeatedly did that in order to well, i think if you said in order to reduce panic, perhaps thats so. I dont want people to be fri t frighten frightened i dont want to create panic i want to show calmness. I dont want to scare people i want people not to panic, and thats exactly what i did. Why did you lie to the American People, and why should we trust what you have to say now . Such a terrible question, and the phraseology. I didnt lie what i said is we have to be calm we cant be panicked and what i said to woodward was actually good. I said calm. We need calm we dont need panic. Tonight more of Bob Woodwards recorded conversations with trump about the pandemic have been made public cnn tonight aired new excerpts of those phone calls, including one in july when the president grew defensive over criticism of his response to the virus. Ive had opposition all my life, bob, more than most. And lets see how it all turns out. Weve got 105 days lets see how it all turns out i think its gonna turn out okay. Today at 5 00 i was unlucky with the virus because it came in and sure. Whether it was me or nearany else. But you got it. The countrys got it, and the worlds got it but youre in charge of this country, and, you know weve done better than any other country just about, done better than any other country in handling it. And its a bigger, more diverse, more difficult country and weve done better than other than with the press, other than with the press, ive done a great job. With the press, i cant do a good job because its fake its fake news well, but what its a fake group of people, and you know it, and you wont write it. Okay. Are you going its one of those things, bob. The president was asked about the woodward book this morning during a lengthy live phone conversation on fox friends. I actually got to read it last night i read it very quickly, and it was very boring. But there was not much in that book. Is it accurate, mr. President . Thats a boring book. Its okay. I mean its fine trumps opponent, joe biden, was campaigning in florida today, and once again attacked trump for his approach to the pandemic this president s totally ignored look what he did. This president knew. He knew the danger he knew how deadly this pandemic was, and he denied it. He didnt tell he didnt say a word to the American People about it so this its been near criminal the way hes handled this its absolutely bizarre. All of this taking place, of course, against a new report of escalating tensions between Trump Administration officials and the government scientists still struggling to contain this virus tonight politico is reporting Health Secretary alex azar has been battling the fda commissioner, dr. Stephen hahn, over covid tests, writing, quote, the fight over labdeveloped tests has driven a wedge between the agency and the health department. At some points the dispute was so intense that it boiled over into screaming matches between azar and hahn. And there are reports assistant Health Secretary Michael Caputo has now apologized after posting an online rant accusing federal scientists working in the pandemic section of sedition while warning of possible coming violence from leftwing hit squads he is said to be considering taking a leave for his health. Finally back to the big celebration earlier today on the south lawn the middle east signing ceremony was just the latest white house event with standard, closetogether, prepandemic seating, little if any maskwearing among senior officials. Jared kushner was asked why that is weve been holding our rallies outdoors by and large. We had one where several outdoor venues were forbidden to us by the governor, so that one was forced to go indoors people have a First Amendment right. We make masks available and we ask people to follow guidance, and we also tell people who think theyre high risk for the disease to stay home but again at the end of the day in erk m, we still have to figure out how to live our lives. Were not going to all lock ourselves in our homes because of the pandemic. Without delay, lets get to our leadoff discussion on a busy tuesday night. Phil rucker, pulitzer prizewinning White House Bureau chief for the Washington Post. He is coauthor along with Carol Leonnig of the bestseller a very stable genius. Kimberly atkins, now a member of the boston Globe Editorial board. And jeremy bash, former chief of staff at the cia and the pentagon, former chief counsel to house intel good evening and welcome to you all. Phil, id like to begin with you. 49 days to go until the election the candidate, mr. Trump, that you saw tonight, was he in debate shape and debate ready, or did his performance on the abc news town hall show a guy whos been limited to friendly audiences and no time limits brian, to be perfectly frank, that performance tonight by the president at the abc town hall should send shudders and shock waves through the republican party. The first debate is 14 days away, two tuesdays from now, and this is a president whos clearly not ready for that debate his answers, especially on the coronavirus, the number one topic for many voters, were circuitous they were curious. They were sort of all over the map. At one point he was even challenging the Science Behind mask usage and claimed that some people dont think masks work. And when George Stephanopoulos pressed him on it, who those people are, the president said waiters at restaurants it was a very strange answer he was clearly on the defensive taking questions from some of the voters in the audience, and it was so striking and rare to see real people, real americans confronting the president with challenging questions, with urgent questions, and having the backbone and wherewithal to follow up with him and when the president tried to interrupt him as happened with one woman, a professor, she said, no, sir. Please let me ask my question first. It was really a sight to see and a sign that this is a president whos rather rusty after so many months of really talking to very friendly interviewers like judge jeanine over the weekend and fox friends this morning and not really putting himself out there in a grueling way to prepare for these debates. Kim, indeed coming off phils answer, youve watched this guy a long time yourself how does he seem to process the fact that we can hear him on the tapes with bob woodward talk about downplaying the virus. We can see him on those very days publicly diminish and downplay the danger of the virus to the public. And tonight what he saw was the voters also can see him and hear him as well in that clip that you played with the young woman, she herself was factchecking the president in real time, saying that he did indeed say he wanted to downplay the virus. You pointed phil pointed out the professor who insisted that she be able to ask her question. This president is used to shouting down and insulting members of the press when he does do press conferences and otherwise seeking out, you know, media that is beneficial to him. But he seemed off you know, to really be off his step when dealing with actual voters, even at one point confusing a woman talking about the death of her mother in asking a question about immigration and thought it was a question about covid and so, yes, with two weeks away before these debates, with 40someodd days before this election, his campaign really should hope that he can be able to answer questions directly, particularly questions, when hes asked about the coronavirus, because he himself said that it was the biggest obstacle that hesfaced. But he said hes done nothing wrong, and clearly in the minds of these voters, it was about the federal response jeremy bash, to your area of expertise, it is a skeptical age, and so todays middle east accord agreed to on the white house lawn, tell us the meaning and impact whats in it how does this differ from the last one are these lasting agreements, and who, if anyone, do they leave out . I think these are very significant. I mean after all, you had two arab nations, two gulf countries signing a historic Peace Agreement with israel. This is no doubt an important accomplishment towards middle east diplomacy, normalization, and ultimately peace now, of course, the missing aspect of it is what will be of the Israeli Palestinian track. That was not addressed today in some respects, i think the arab naik nations can claim they might make peace more likely because israel had to stop its annexation plans and that could potentially bring the palestinians back to the table but this was no doubt an important, significant day, not unlike the day of the three way shaken between b phil rucker, Jared Kushner raised the fact today that he has tapes of his end of the woodward interview youve spoken to woodward. To quote from you in the Washington Post, woodward added, im quite interested when jared says he has tapes. I have tapes i taped him with his permission. I suspect he was taping me he did not extend the courtesy to me that he was taping the conversation phil, is this a case of someone trying to get out of something uncomfortable in the woodward interview . I think thats right, brian bob woodward quotes Jared Kushner in his book rage as saying that the most dangerous thing to the president and im paraphrasing here. The most dangerous thing to the president are the idiots and that he had gotten rid of them and woodward writes that that was a reference to defense secretary jim mattis, secretary of state rex tillerson, and economic adviser gary cohn when Jared Kushner was pressed this morning on the today show by Savannah Guthrie to explain that comment, kushner claimed that those are not the people he was referring to, that he was speaking instead about staffers on trumps 2016 campaign and so a couple hours later, i had the opportunity to interview bob woodward for Washington Post live and asked him to respond to kushner there and woodward said, no, no, no. These were not Campaign Staffers that kushner was talking about he was very clearly talking about members of the administration and those three in particular. Woodward, of course, recorded those conversations as he did all 18 conversations he had with president trump. And, you know, well see if he releases that audio or if jared releases his audio but clearly this is a case of kushner trying to back away from a comment that he made to woodward and was quoted in the book as being derisive in regards to mattis, tillerson, and cohn hey, kim, one of the questioners tonight, a civilian, was so direct and persistent and effective, ive already heard suggestions tonight that where he really belongs is in the White House Press room i want to play for you a portion of the exchange where he pressed the president. We need to see because you say, again, we need to say when was that great because that pushes us back to a time in which we cannot identify with such greatness and i mean youve said Everything Else about choking and Everything Else, but you have yet to address and acknowledge that theres been a race problem in america. Okay. So if you go well, i hope theres not a race problem i can tell you theres none with me because i have Great Respect for all races, for everybody this country is great because of it kim, your take on that exchange the president was given repeated opportunities by this questioner and by George Stephanopoulos to address race problems in the United States, be it related to criminal justice and more broadly, and each time he refused to, saying even saying just there that he doesnt have a problem with race. He hopes that there isnt a race problem. All he would do was defend police officers. He sees this as a binary choice between acknowledging the racism that exists in not just the criminal Justice System but in all systems in the United States and supporting police as an either or proposition, and you cant do both. And that is his view of this he did not display any sort of empathy or understanding of the fear that black americans do have of this idea that make America Great again as some sort of throwback to a time where race problems were even more fraught than they are today. And so it was just an example of this president s view that there isnt race problems, his lack of understanding about it, and that voter was able to really demonstrate that very well jeremy bash, i know you first and foremost as a patriot, and so it was a gut punch for a lot of people today when we read about the pew poll about how far esteem has fallen regarding the United States visavis our leader the confidence indication is there on the far right for trump of the u. S he ranks below xi, below putin, and forget about the numbers being put up on the board by leaders like macron and merkel how do we ever get this back in a nation where we are fond of calling ourselves, from childrens earliest memories and history books in school, the leaders of the free world . Yeah, brian this poll looking at peoples attitudes in 13 countries showed that the view of the United States is at an alltime low its because of the way donald trump conducts himself as president. Its also because of the way he has failed in his leadership on covid. And just to come back to the stephanopoulos town hall tonight, brian, the most important quote from the president tonight was that he said that if we dont have a vaccine, maybe well just go to a herd he said mentality. I think he ment heant herd immus but even foregetting the flub, a herd immunity strategy would leave 2 million, 3 million in our country dead so the idea that is on the table by the president if the vaccine strategy doesnt work out is incredibly alarming and shows you just how failed his leadership has been on covid and why thats reflected in this pew poll tonight. Indeed im reminded the president s last words in that town hall tonight this was the quote we made a lot of people look good he went on to say they didnt all deserve to look good he was talking about pushing supplies of ppe to governors who dont agree with him politically, but that was his closing quote, that during covid, we made a lot of people look good. Our thanks to our big three for starting us off tonight. Phil rucker, kimberly atkins, jeremy bash. Coming up forrous after our first break, six months ago today schools, restaurants, Las Vegas Casinos were all shutting down because of coronavirus. Well get an update from the medical front lines on where this battle stands half a year later now. And later, chilling allegations about an i. C. E. Defen Detention Center in georgia and the medical treatments possibly going on inside. All of it as the 11th hour is just getting under way on this tuesday night. For People Living with hiv, keep being you. And ask your doctor about biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in certain adults. Its not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv to help you get to and stay undetectable. Thats when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. Research shows people who take hiv treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit hiv through sex. Serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. Rare, lifethreatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. 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Almost 196,000 americans have died from coronavirus, and the president sets an example for the american public. Dont you think to save lives he should be doing more as an example . Yeah. So what weve seen now is i think mortality is about 30 on a daily basis of what it was at its peak i think the number is 700 this week. 700 is still 700 americans a day. Yeah, and at the end of the day, were doing Everything Possible that last bit is simply untrue it is clear by the numbers alone the federal government is hardly doing Everything Possible, not even close that all started with Jared Kushner being asked about the lack of maskwearing at todays white house event. For the record, another 986 american lives were lost in just these past 24 hours because of the ongoing pandemic you heard kushner attempt to relitigate the death toll there. Back with us tonight, dr. Stephen sample hes an e. R. Doc at Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center out in jasper, indiana doctor, before you can say a word, im going to play a little bit for you of tonights town hall on abc news well discuss on the other side. It is going to disappear. Its going to disappear. I still say. Not if we dont take action, correct . No. I still say it its going to disappear george its probably going to go a wa a lot faster with the vaccine. It would go away without the vaccine . Sure, over a period of time sure, with time it goes away. And deaths. And youll develop like a herd mentality its going to be herd developed. Doctor, first of all, hows that herd mentality doing out in indiana . But seriously can you inject some science and or medicine here good evening, brian man, i am tired. I am so tired of this. So i know he slipped up. I know he meant herd immunity. But the herd mentality of his acolytes is whats going to keep this virus around longer its why we are where we are it is coming from the top down, and we are just living every single day with the results of his herd mentality you know, the vaccines going to be great, but this administration has done so much to undermine the Public Confidence in our systems, in our apolitical scientific systems, the skcdc, the w. H. O. That even if we have a perfect vaccine, whos going to get it i dont know what to believe. On that very point, theres no polling about the decreasing percentage of people who say they will get it and i dont know if someone thinks were stupid. The president said today, promising it will be ready, it will be developed between four and eight weeks from now i happen to notice the election is ten weeks from now. You dont have to be a scientist to get the whiff of a product that is being rushed to market for political reasons. It would be a tragedy if people were scared of the vaccine and would leave us in exactly this same situation, correct . I mean youre exactly right i mean even physicians and other medical professionals are questioning this now because we dont know what is going on. We knowthat theres political pressure on the cdc and the fda, and we have certainly never seen a vaccine come this fast now, weve never been faced with a situation like this, and certainly weve got about a million really smart people working on this. But weve got to do this the right way, or people arent going to trust it. Even on the medical side, right . Absolutely. And if the university of washington projections come anywhere close to true, doctor, were talking about a death rate closer to 3,000 souls per week between now and the first of the year its madness, right its were doing a 9 11 every three days right now, and jared kushn kushners on tv trying to minimize it. And i would suggest that Jared Kushner spend less time at his plastic surgeons office, and i would suggest he go visit a covid ward because clearly Jared Kushner has never seen the horror and the helplessness that we feel when we watch somebody gasp for their last breath. It is the most horrifying thing that you can imagine dr. Stephen sample, thank you for agreeing to check in with us from time to time, especially when theres news we need a medical reaction to. Greatly appreciate it. Coming up for us, joe biden back on the road in a critical state. Well ask James Carville how hes doing, how the democratic effort is doing against all this when we come back. That life of the party look walk it off look one more mile look reply all look own your look. With fewer lines. Theres only one botox® cosmetic. Its the only one. Fda approved. To temporarily make frown lines. Crows feet. And forehead lines. Look better. 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I think it might be, but i dont think that all i want to do is get it solv solved there are many people that said to me. They said, youre now a wartime president. Who said that first to you . Oh, many people have said that back with us again tonight to talk about everything we have covered thus far, the sometimes ragin but always entertaining cajun James Carville, veteran democratic strategist who rose to fame with the clinton political effort and host of the 2020 politics war room podcast so, james, if youre counseling the opponent, mr. Biden, if you saw tonights abc news town hall, if youve heard any or all of the recordings between woodward and this president , how do you counsel joe biden to run against this guy, and is he in debate shape i would get Michael Bloomberg to put up 500 million and run the actual town hall on television so everybody could see it i mean his inability to react or empathize with people is something staggering and everybodys trying to wonder why did he do this hes desperate because he knows hes going to lose, and when he loses quite frankly, in my opinion, hes going to jail, and he knows that. So why would he expose himself to a format that is completely ill suited to him . I mean it was quite remarkable and, you know, having worked with bill clinton is probably the best oneonone politician that ever lived, to watch him the way that he reacts with people is just stunning and as dismissive as he is with ordinary people, its really stunning maybe the 42 that are with him will stay, but, boy, he didnt do himself any good tonight beyond that. I didnt see it in any way, shape, or form. I was thinking about that tonight, james number one, tonight afforded interaction with people that despite the fact that people were in extremis, some campaigns would cherish that moment, that opportunity for interaction. Thats number one. Number two, this president hasnt had a time limit imposed on speaking since the last time he debated and to put it politely, he is used to going on a bit yes, because hes desperate and hes gotten worse because if the election gets closer, he understands what hes faced with, and he knows that the manhattan d. A. Is doing. He knows what the new York Attorney general is doing. And hes just swinging wildly, and hes also disjointed as you were talking earlier with the doctor about the herd mentality. Of course i love that doctor i love that jab he got in about Jared Kushner and his plastic surgeon. That guys got a career in politics, ill tell you. But hes up against the clock, and if Vice President biden just sticks to the fundamentals, talks about bringing prescription costs down, talks about expanding infrastructure, talks about Health Care Costs and failed covid response, the things that people are living with every day, we have huge unemployment in this country, huge underemployment, and people are really hurting out there i think biden needs to double down on these very fundamental issues that people are looking for, and that will appeal to the Democratic Base and, by the way, it will have a lot of appeal to these rural voters in pennsylvania and michigan and wisconsin and minnesota, florida, and South Carolina and north carolina, all over the country. So i think its a great opportunity here for Vice President biden to expand his lead, but hes got to do it by doing the basics and doing the fundamentals i think Bernie Sanders was exactly right. Hes got to focus on these issues and im hardly a bernie boy, but i agree completely with his advice to the Biden Campaign let me slip a break in here, james, and on the other side, when we resume our conversation, well ask james his advice for biden to run against this president in this posttruth era. Well show an example when we come back. Who is usaa made for . Its made for him a veteran who honorably served and its made for her shes serving now we also made usaa for military spouses and their kids become a member. Get an insurance quote today. We also made usaa for military spouses and their kids techand your car. , were committed to taking care of you tech well fix it right with nocontact service you can trust. Tech so if you have auto glass damage, stay safe with safelite. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Now you can trade stocks and etfs for any amount you choose instead of buying by the share. All with no commissions. Stocks by the slice from fidelity. 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I saw it the other day where they were serving me, and theyre playing with a mask im not blaming them im just saying what happens theyre playing with a mask, and so the mask is over, and theyre touching it, and then theyre touching the plate that cant be good that was from tonights town hall James Carville remains with us james, please give me your reaction to a president who is not just not advocating the wearing of masks in a pandemic with projections that we could save 40,000 to 60,000 lives. He is sowing doubt about masks in the middle of a pandemic. This is a president that attacks foreign soldiers this is a president that has lied, i dont know, 21,214 times. This is a president that denies any responsibility for the greatest Public Health crisis weve had in this country for 100 years. Theres very little that he can do that would astonish me or surprise me. But what i really thought about tonight was his inability to relate to other human beings, and why would they put him in a situation like that where, you know, voters dont like when other voters are treats cruelly or rudely. And its one thing if he wants to treat Speaker Pelosi or Vice President biden rudely theyre politicians. Theyre big people but i mean the first rule you learn in politics is you dont you dont dismiss ordinary people, and thats exactly what he does and, you know, theres very little he could say that would surprise me. You know, theres very little he could say that the doctor you had previously on, these Health Experts are just exasperated they cant believe what theyre going through. And its tragic, but were just going to have more of it were going to see it in the debates and at the end of the campaign its not going to stop he cant stop being who he is, and hes a very unskilled politician who is incapable of truth, and thats just at the bottom line where we are. James, indeed its getting uglier the president retweeted something were not going to give air time to here tonight. Its a qanon Conspiracy Theory that joe biden is a child molester of course when youre qanon, you believe all prominent democrats and anyone connected to the Entertainment Industry is a child molester right. Well, my friend wolf blitzer took this question to Jared Kushner this afternoon wolf was angry about this, you could tell im going to play that exchange. Well discuss it on the other side i was very disturbed earlier today when i saw the president retweet to his 80 millionplus followers very, very disturbing, ugly message accusing the democratic president ial nominee, joe biden, of actually being a pedophile. Is that appropriate to give publicity to a really disgusting accusation like that i will relay to him your concern, and again i think one thing about this president , hes a very transparent president he you know, he lets people know what hes thinking. So, james, all that was missing from his expressionless answer was the right answer, and that is of course no one believes joe biden is a child molester, a pedophile. But this instead is what we have well, i mean, look, i got to get down to the basement and take care of those children i got there locked up. I mean its Jared Kushner is just like trump. He knows hes going to the penitentiary by the way, i used to represent the jail in baton rouge, the Sheriffs Office jared is not going to do well in jail, i promise you. I prospect is not going to be good and theyre just desperate people theyre clinging on to qanon theyre clinging on to some of the craziest conspiracy theories that you can imagine, and i dont think they have much other place to go in this. I really dont and youre going to see during the debates, youre going to see this be enhanced its going to increase theyre going to start every kind of rumor that they can, and i think we just have to be here and be calm, and Vice President biden and senator harris have to be calm and go through this and legal the American People see who it is. Im very optimistic were going to have a good election, but weve got to stay focused on the issues and stay focused on peoples lives and let him deal with qanon and whatever crazy stuff they come up with. I have no idea. This is the year weve been handed in the year 2020. James carville, grateful as always thank you very much for joining us tonight coming up after this break, a new week, and theres now another whistleblower only this case is very different from the others. If this allegation is true, the horrifying abuse at an i. C. E. Detention facility could rival other historic atrocities. One of our reporters tracking this story joins us to talk about it right after this. [ thunder rumbles ] [ engine rumbling ] [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] uh, you know theres a 30minute limit, right . Tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Always have been. And always will be. Never letting anything get in my way. Not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. And certainly not arthritis. New voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief to help me keep moving. And it can help you too. Feel the joy of movement with voltaren. Feel the joy keeping your oysters growing while keeping your business growing has you swamped. you need to hire i need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base so you can start hiring right away. Claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com promo we are following some horrible allegations out of an i. C. E. Detention center in georgia. A nurse at that facility and lawyers representing clients there claim that immigrant women are telling them they are routinely being sent to a gynecologist who performed unnecessary procedures, including hysterectomies, forced sterilizations the nurse, dawn wooten, has filed a complaint with the department of homeland security. Earlier today ms. Wooten spoke to our own jacob soboroff. And a warning, what she has to say here, in addition to this story itself, is disturbing. Youre quoted in the complaint as saying, thats his specialty. Hes the uterus collector. Is that how people refer to this doctor thats how the detainees refer to this physician. They refer to him as i had a detainee asked me, and she said what is he doing, ms. Wooden, collecting all our uteruses . And i just looked at her puzzled, because i didnt have an answer. The private company that runs the detention facility released a statement that reads in part and we quote la salle corrections has a strict zero tolerance policy for any kind of inappropriate behavior in our facilities and takes all allegations of such mistreatment seriously. Our Company Strongly refutes these allegations and any implications of misconduct at the icdc, the detention facility in a statement, immigration and customs enforcement, i. C. E. , says the accusations will be fully investigated thats a quote they deny detainees are being used for experimental medical procedures, adding, quote, i. C. E. s mission is to protect the homeland and to swiftly and quickly remove people from the country. The health, welfare and safety of i. C. E. Detainees is one of the agencys highest priorities. Any assertion or claim to the contrary is false and intentionally misleading i. C. E. Also said since 2018, two individuals from the facility were referred to doctors for hysterectomies now, Nbc News National Security and justice correspondent Julia Ainsley has been following this story and joins us tonight julia, give us the benefit of your reporting, talking to these women directly and trying to reach one of the attorneys in this case. So, brian, what we can tell you is that we have spoken to four attorneys who say that their clients who were in the irwin county Detention Center in georgia were sent to this doctor his name is mahendra amin. That is the doctors that these lawyers each individually identified without us prompting his name we reached out to him, and i called the office. Someone picked up the phone like id be making an appointment as soon as i identified myself as a reporter, they hung up. I was not able to get through to get a response from him because his lawyers had told us that their clients, the detainees, said that they thought he was unnecessarily harsh. One had a client who reported bruising one had two clients who reported hysterectomies that they found out later that they did not need, that he told them that they had a cancerous condition that needed to be taken care of. They agreed to the hysterectomy only to find out later that was not the case, that they did not have to go that far with that procedure. But now here is what dr. Amin told buzzfeed. Again, nbc news has not yet talked to this doctor. But he did say that his lawyer said that dr. Amin is a highly restre high highly respected physician who has dedicates his life to treating the population in georgia, and they believe they allegations that started with the whistleblower that jacob spoke to, that they believe after they investigate these allegations, that dr. Aminute will be cleared of any wrongdoing all of these are allegations right now. None of this has been presented in a court of law, dawn wooten sent that complaint to the Inspector General of dhs they will do their digging she did not name names she did not even name this doctor she did not give dates it was only from us speaking to lawyers with clients in this facility did we learn more of this story weve also learned that this doctor is someone who they send detainees to outside of the facility hes not actually working inside for i. C. E. One other detail, though, brian, that i did learn about this doctor is that in 2015, he and other doctors had to settle and pay over 500,000 in Civil Penalties for medicaid and Medicare Fraud with the justice department, that settlement in 2015 so were learning more right now hes denying it. What a potentially explosive and obviously potentially very hurtful story. Julia ainsley, thank you we will stay on this story with your help. Coming up, a late live update on the danger that millions are facing as we go on into the late night. Stay restless with the icon that does the same. The rx, crafted by lexus. Lease the 2020 rx 350 for 409 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Experience amazing when you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. But when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. And you can pay your friends back from here. So when someone asks you, wheres your bank . You can tell them heres my bank. Or heres my bank. Or, heres my bank. Because if you download and use the chase mobile app, your bank is virtually any place. So visit chase. Com mobile. Hey. [narrator] she takes two prescriptions. Kates son jack, takes one too. 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From mobile to pensacola, from pascagoula to gulf shores to orange beach, in some places, in fact, 30 inches of rain is a possibility. Youll see what i mean here shortly. Tonight our own ali velshi is in orange beach, alabama, directly on the gulf coast where this storm is knocking on the door. Hello, my friend reporter brian, good evening from alabama this storm at the top of the hour, the storm was 60 miles due south of me, moving at 2 miles per hour, which means its about 58 miles out right now i have never in 15 years of covering hurricanes been 8, 10, 12 hours away from landfall and seen this kind of precipitation and this kind of wind from a storm thats almost 60 miles out. Its been raining since afternoon here, so this is going to soften up all the ground around here that even if we get to 90 miles an hour in terms of wind, at that point you can push poles down you can push trees down. So its going to become quite dangerous. Weve seen a lot of flooding already. This thing is expected to make landfall there are some estimates at about 8 00 a. M. Eastern time the math suggests its going to be later than that unless it speeds up a little bit but look at these kinds of winds. Can you imagine this blowing for the next eight or ten hours and the destruction that this can cause . Its probably going to make landfall as of the latest estimate several miles west of here were between mobile and pensacola. Were right here on orange beach, and everybodys bracing for this storm to come in. Most people who have evacuated who can evacuate have evacuated a lot of gas stations in the area are now out of gas, and theres certainly no chance of getting out now if you havent done so. So everybody right now in this area is hunkering down again, as you said, not going to be the biggest of storms, certainly not even the biggest this region has seen but it is going to be soaked, and these winds, again, eight hours out, nine hours out, are still remarkably high. Brian . All right thank you very much for your live report. I hope you and the crew are safe i hope you and the crew can dry out at least between now and tomorrows landfall. And lets not forget this storm has flooding potential as it moves inland up toward atlanta, georgia, and through the carolinas. Ali velshi, our thanks for that. It is indeed a blessing this storm does not have winds and rain in equal measure. This will cause enough trouble for enough people. And on top of the suffering out west in the rampaging wildfires, please spare a thought for those americans who are on the run tonight, forced into shelters in the middle of a pandemic, and this is going to be another long night along portions of the gulf coast like orange beach, alabama. Thats going to be our broadcast for this tuesday night thank you for spending this time with us. On behalf of all my colleagues at the networks of nbc news, good night it was not the first Trump Administration scandal it was certainly, certainly, certainly not the last but in terms of permanent damage done to humans, in terms of the severity of the damage deliberately done to humans, the Trump Administration, no matter what else they do, they will never, ever get out from the shadow of the fact that they really did, as a policy and a deliberate practice, they really did take little kids away from their moms and dads. It will never not be true that we all lived in a timehe

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