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Administration. 224 days now until our president ial election. Its been 12 days since the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic. Again tonight, if you saw the White House Briefing earlier this evening, then you know the news is basically good. The president sees a light at the end of the tunnel. Hes thinking we can start making our way back to work, start circulating again round about Easter Sunday. He says hed like to see churches packed on east every sunday. In fact, hes been thinking even sooner than easter. At minimum, hed like to be able to clear large sections of our country that its safe to get back out here. Mike pence reported today mcdonalds is doing Curbside Pickup at select locations. And it turns out apple had 9 million masks, more than the u. S. Strategic reserve. Apple has now decided to donate those masks for use by our medical workers. And this caveat. Again tonight back in the real world, the coronavirus news is grim. We are now north of 53,000 cases in this country. The u. S. Has found a way to lead the world yet again. Sadly, thats us at the top in red. The highest trend line of new cas cases. As the Financial Times put it today, we continue to set the pace. Its still true that we have no idea how Many Americans have this virus because not enough americans can get tested. Its also true that testing depends most on where you live and how much money you have. New york is now at the center of this outbreak in this country with more than 25,000 cases. Today Governor Andrew Cuomo revealed the case count is now doubling every three days. He laid out in stark terms exactly what that means. We havent flattened the curve, and the curve is actually increasing. The apex is higher than we thought, and the apex is sooner than we thought. That is a bad combination of facts. New york is the canary in the coal mine. New york is going first. We have the highest and the fastest rate of infection. What happens to new york is going to wind up happening to california and Washington State and illinois. Its just a matter of time. We are just a test case, and thats how the nation should look at it. Look at us today. Where we are today, you will be in three weeks or four weeks or five weeks or six weeks. We are your future. The governor of new york. And this afternoon the president and the Vice President offered up their own warnings about americas largest city. It certainly is by far the if you call it hot, if you call it any word you want to use. Its a level that no place else is close. The reality is the new York Metro Area was 60 of the new cases. If youre in the new york city, metropolitan area or elsewhere, take the guidelines that we issued and avoid nonessential travel. Now, the advice from the two leading Health Officials on the White House Task force was even more blunt, including this request to anyone who recently left new york city because of the coronavirus. Everybody who was in new york should be selfquarantining for the next 14 days to ensure that the virus doesnt spread to others no matter where they have gone whether its florida, north carolina, or out to far reaches of long island. We are starting to see new cases across long island that suggests people have left the city. What were seeing now is that understandably, people want to get out of new york. If you look at the statistics, its disturbing. About one per thousand of these individuals are infected. Thats about eight to ten times more than in other areas, which means when they go to another place, for their own safety, theyve got to be careful, monitor themselves. Meanwhile, as you well know, as weve been covering medical supplies are getting scarce all across our country. New yorks mayor predicts the city of new york could run out of ventilators in just weeks. The shortages prompted a fresh round of claims and counterclaims today between the president and the governor of new york, andrew cuomo. Fema is sending us 400 ventilators. That was on the news this morning. We are sending 400 ventilators to new york. 400 ventilators . I need 30,000 ventilators. You wanted a pat on the back for sending 400 ventilators . What are we going to do with 400 ventilators when we need 30,000 ventilators . Youre missing the magnitude of the problem, and the problem is defined by the magnitude. Were there to help them. They have to get that gear themselves. Were there to help them. If they dont have like with governor cuomo, he had a chance to order 16,000 ventilators two years ago, and he turned it down. He turned down the chance. Now, he cant be blaming us. But were there to help them. Quit fact check here from our own ken dilanian. The purchase of 15,000 ventilators mentioned there was not a recommendation. In fact, the socalled shortfall the president s talking about was based on a state Task Force Report based on a model that used the 1918 socalled spanish flu as its basis. This afternoon the white house announced 4,000 ventilators are now on their way to new york and other emergency supplies are being shipped as they continue to say every day around the country. Federal and state officials are also monitoring spikes in cases across the country. New orleans is seeing a rapid rise of infections. Indeed, according to the governor, the state of louisiana is the leading hot spot right now in the world. With all that happening, the president is ramping up his effort to, quote, reopen the country. He is eager to remove restrictions shutting down much of the u. S. In an effort to contain this virus so the country can get back to work, as he puts it. He has even set a date, which he announced today on fox news. Id love to have it open by easter, okay . I would love oh, wow. Okay. I would love to have it open from east ter. Thats 19 days from now. Thats okay. Is that true. We have to get our country back to work. Our country wants to be back at work. This cure is worse than the problem. Again, people many people, in my opinion, more people are going to die if we allow this to continue. Easter is a very special day for me, and i see it sort of in that time line that im thinking about. And i say wouldnt it be great to have all of the churches full . Im not sure thats going to be the day, but i would love to aim it right at Easter Sunday so were open for Church Service and services generally on Easter Sunday. That would be a beautiful thing. Most medical experts say we are nowhere near being ready for that. Even some republicans beg to differ on this one. We want to get people to work. When people are dying, when people dont feel safe, this economy is not going to come back. The primary obligation we all have is Public Health and safety. If the goal is to get the economy going, the best thing we can do to get the economy going is to get covid19 behind us. We must bend the curve on the growth of the coronavirus in texas. As soon as we do that, the economy will come roaring back. Republican congresswoman liz cheney of wyoming posted this, quote, there will be no normally functioning economy if our hospitals are overwhelmed and thousands of americans of all ages, including our doctors and nurses, lay dying because we have failed to do whats necessary to stop the virus. This morning, trumps former Homeland Security adviser was asked about easing restrictions. President trump is saying he wants to reopen the country. But hes talking about weeks, not months. So everyone is wondering how is that realistic . Yeah, michael. So i think everybody shares his frustration and his hope. But what he needs to do is avoid second waves and reinfections. You know, at this stage weve paid a very heavy cost in our economy and in our lives. To lose the benefit of it at this point by not sticking to our guns would be a really devastating decision. And late this afternoon, after this easter story became a thing, trump added this caveat during his briefing. Well also be looking again at very large portions of our country, and i will be guided very much by dr. Fauci and by deborah and by some of the other professionals that work with both of you. And were going to see what what will be. And up on capitol hill in washington, the Senate Remains in session at this late hour as negotiations over a 2 trillion stimulus package to rescue the economy drag on. At least americans can rest assured while they are suffering, at least their senators are busy bickering. Sources tell nbc news a deal is on the horizon as it was last night and the night before that. And the holdup is over funding for states and how the money is distributed. Rumors that a deal is close were enough today to cause a historymaking jump in the stock market. It surged more than 2,100 points today as the president pointed out in the briefing room. Tonight here for our leadoff discussion on a tuesday evening, two Pulitzer Prize recipients, both from the washington post. Ashley parker, white house reporter. Phil rucker, White House Bureau chief. Also happens to be the coauthor along with his post colleague Carol Leonnig of the bestselling book a very stable genius. Also joining us again tonight, dr. Natalie azar, an assistant clinical professor of medicine who has been in private practice for over two decades. Ashley parker, id like to begin with you because id like to begin with the trump white house. Has someone over there reached their social distancing Attention Span in effect . Yes. In effect, the president has. Hes grown incredibly frustrated with the economy basically being shut down. Hes hearing from people like Steve Mnuchin and larry kudlow and outside sort of wall street voices, Business Community people, that he needs to jump start the economy, and thats what he wants to do. You saw this start sunday night with his tweet that the cure cannot be worse than the virus itself. Thats something hes repeated. And you are seeing a real eagerness by this president to jump start the economy, and that is being tempered by just about every medical professional, Public Health official, and scientist inside and outside the white house. Phil rucker, its the end of the day. Youre the president. Youre in the oval office. Youre in the residence perhaps. You need your goto advisers to get advice. Who does this president turn to according to your reporting . Well, brian, theres an array of people that the president s been talking to as is normally the case in crises like this. Certainly Vice President pence and jared kushner, his soninlaw and senior adviser, are leading the effort inside the administration. But the president is seeking advice far outside the administration and beyond the experts like dr. Fauci. Hes talking to a lot of business leaders. Hes talking to buddies in the Hospitality Industry and other sectors. Hes talking to allied congressmen and women, hardline conservatives who are loyal to him. And hes seeking input anywhere he can turn. And part of the problem according to many public Health Officials and experts and scientists is that hes not necessarily taking what dr. Fauci and dr. Birx are telling him about the consequences here. In fact, hes much more motivated to fix the economy, to get the stock market back up, to stave off devastating unemployment that the administration is bracing for in april. And in so doing, try to rescue his own chances for reelection. Dr. Azar, here we are talking about setting a date certain for the reopening of our country. We lead the global trend line of new cases. Theyre doubling on an average of every 60 hours. One of our 50 states, louisiana, now leads everywhere in the world for new cases. What do you make of this discussion . I know, brian. So the u. S. Is in a very unique position. We can look ahead with the models that all the experts are giving us, and we can see that the trajectory continues to go steeply up. And we also have the ability to look into hindsight, in 20 20, and see whats happened in italy and spain, who just used or repurposed an arena to house all of their deceased people. So, you know, when he speaks of this, you know, 19 days, theres no sound reasoning there. Theres no scientific explanation for that. Theres no rationale for that, and thats really not a logical kind of reasoning. He has medical experts who are advising him, but he needs to be listening to them. Ashley parker, how is this daily White House Briefing able to continue to take place when most americans even casually following on their phones any given days developments find themselves factchecking the briefing to themselves on the fly . Thats a real challenge about the briefings is to make sure, of course, that if the president says something that is not accurate, is misinformation, that news outlets do factcheck this. The challenge with Something Like a Global Pandemic is the president makes a lot of misstatements and falsehoods that arent true. But it can range from inflating the size of his crowds at rallies to putting out information that goes against what his own Health Experts are advising, and thats where it becomes quite dangerous. And so youre seeing in these briefings someone like dr. Fauci coming up to the podium or even dr. Birx, but especially dr. Fauci coming up to the podium after the president and trying to gently correct him, say, well, the president is offering the perspective of hope, and im here to represent the scientific perspective, the perspective driven by data and evidence. And so you see that tension in those daily briefings every single day. Phil rucker, i want to play for you one exchange that aired live on fox news earlier today. Well talk about it on the other side. We are doing very well with i think almost all of the governors. Its a twoway street. They have to treat us well also. They cant say, oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that. So, phil rucker, its a twoway street. Does that little bit of conversation right there upend the traditional relationship and view weve had of our federal government in our life . It does, brian, because were in a pandemic right now, a national emergency, which the president declared a couple of weeks ago. And the governors are exasperated. You saw that from new yorks andrew cuomo, but other governors as well. I talked to Regina Raimondo of rhode island today, who tells me shes having to deal with her own organizations in rhode island to deal with this response because in part its up to the governors to lead, and President Trump has told the governors as much. He had an acrimonious call with them late last week where he said its up to you guys. Were going to try to help at the federal government level, but its up to you in the states to use private markets to do anything you can to get the medical equipment and the ventilators that you need. That is a deep source of frustration and real urgency and alarm in new york right now, but i would expect that to be replicated in a number of other states. Were already seen, for example, the governor of illinois, pritzker, a democrat, speaking out very aggressively against the president because he feels like theyre not getting in chicago and other areas of illinois the kind of support they need from the fed. And, doctor, final question to you. If were going to ration ventilators, if were going to jerryrig them so two patients can run on them at once even though theyre supposed to be specific to each patient, that is truly going to make for life and death triage in e. R. S across the country for your fellow professionals. It will. Yeah, brian. The dissonance here cant be overestimated. The rosy picture that the president is painting with the regular town halls that we have every day with our hospital where we have different waves wave one, two, three, and four of basically reassigning faculty because all of our hospitalists and intensivists are taking care of our covid patients. So we have people we are pulling people out of outpatient practices just to fill the need to take care of the regular general medical floors. We have neurointense visits and surgical intensivists lending their assistance to our pulmonary Critical Care and our icu doctors as i speak. So whats happening in reality in hospitals and were not short on vents right now, and thats fantastic. But thats this week, and that may not be the same next week. So, again, so disparate from the picture at the podium that he is, you know, painting and whats actually happening in his hometown of new york. A physician and two Pulitzer Prize recipients starting us off on a tuesday night. To ashley parker, phil rucker, dr. Natalie azar, our thanks. Coming up, governors in hardhit states have been leading the fight against coronavirus. In many cases they cant wait for the feds to act. The governor of new jersey is standing by to talk with us. And later, factchecking the president , who tonight said he sees light at the end of the tunnel. Plenty of medical authorities, as weve noted, do not share that as the 11th hour is just getting under way on a tuesday night. Chip like this to crack your whole windshield. With safelites exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. Plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. Customer really . singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Im phil mickelson. Thats me long before i had Psoriatic Arthritis. Ive always been a gogetter and kinda competitive. Flash forward, then Psoriatic Arthritis started getting the better of me. And my doctor said my joint pain could mean permanent joint damage. And enbrel helps relieve joint pain, helps stop that joint damage, plus helps skin get clearer. Ask about enbrel so you can get back to being your true self. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. 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In the state with what is now the second highest number of positive cases in our country, earlier today new jersey reported its largest singleday death toll recorded so far. And with us to talk about it and more, the democratic governor of the state of new jersey, phil murphy. Governor, thank you for being with us. Lets start here. The u. S. Case rate is doubling roughly every 60 hours. How can you as governor of what is the nations most densely populated state, my home state, avoid that same fate and, most urgently, what is it you still need . Good to be with you, brian. We started meeting on this in january. I formed a whole of Government Task force on february 2nd. So weve been trying to stay out in front of this thing for now going on months, and its hard. So weve got among the most aggressive social distancing policies in place. We basically want you to stay at home. Only if youre essential do we want you out. So were trying to break the back of the curve on the one hand, and were going to see over the next week or two whether or not were succeeding. And on the other hand, were adding capacity to the health care system, more beds, more equipment, more Health Care Workers. We need the federal government in a big way on the beds and the equipment. To their credit, we got another slug of personal protective equipment yesterday. Still a fraction of what we need. The army corps and fema are helping us set up four Field Hospitals, but we are its an allin moment both in what were doing, our hospital systems, the federal government, and were doing everything we can to stay out in front of this thing. A talking point, governor, is emerging on the right at the white house, at fox news, and some friendly media that maybe weve overdone it. Maybe after a fashion, we can just start loosening these restrictions perhaps by region of the country, that we should maybe accept a certain death toll while trying to save the u. S. Economy. I want you to listen with us to glenn beck from his radio show today. Well talk about his point on the other side. I would rather have my children stay home and all of us who are over 50 go in and keep this economy going and working even if we all get sick. Id rather die than kill the country because its not the economy thats dying. Its the country. Governor, who do we see about that point of view . I want to say as a point of personal privilege, thats the first time ive ever heard glenn beck on the radio and i hope the last. Listen, hes not looking at the facts. We got to make decisions based on science, medicine, the facts. Im all for reopening up parts of the economy on a responsible in a responsible way, and god willing well get there sooner than later. But everything we look at tells us that this is going to continue. Weve predicted this, by the way, from day one, that this is going to continue to go up in terms of the positive testing results. Were as aggressive a testing state in the nation, so in fairness our numbers are going up partly because of aggressive testing. But weve lost 44 precious souls in new jersey. Thats 44 too many. I dont know how you can get into a discussion of its worth x number of fatalities in exchange for the economy. We ought to be able to rip the bandage of now on the economy, take pain now, crack the back of this, save as many lives as we can, and then with the help, i hope, of the federal government and Congress Acting in a big way, get the economy back on its feet at the right moment. But i think its in that order break the back of the virus and then get the economy back on its feet. And i dont think we can afford to get the cart before the horse and get that order wrong. You want people indoors. No one disputes that. But how hard is it for you to determine that the e word, essential, when Home Health Aides are essential, pharmacists, grocers, everyone who works at shoprite, Power Company workers, and on and on . Yeah, and First Responders of which you are one. Theres a list that weve established. I think its a coherent list, and i dont think its a list that we can live without in this state. Our Health Care Workers and First Responders are incredible heroes. The folks in the Grocery Stores who i hear from all the time are putting themselves right at the point of attack. So its a stay at home, only go out if its essential, only go out if you need to go out. Otherwise, we want you working from home. Weve mandated that every business in the state have a workathome policy, and were enforcing that. We have to enforce it. So we are trying to get this as right as we can, but the big message is stay at home, social distancing. Do the basic stuff like washing your hands with soap and water. And together well get through this. Governor phil murphy, governor of the state of new jersey, thank you very much for making the time and joining us from home tonight after what i know was another long day. Coming up for us, what the president s push to get this nation back out and back to work by, say, Easter Sunday would mean to those on the front line, nurses, doctors, medical professionals, First Responders. You met on an app. Delete it. Why . Hes the one. Gesundheit. [sneezes] i see something else. A star. With three points. Youre in a. Mercedes. Yeah, we wish. Wish granted. With four models starting under 37 thousand, there could be a mercedesbenz in your very near future at the spring event. Lease the a 220 sedan for just 349 a month with credit toward your first months payment at your local mercedesbenz dealer. For ralphies appointment. Whos his groomer . Carrie. Full groom for sure what . 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Then you can get back to whatever you were doing in no time at all. Shape your future. Start here. Complete the census at 2020census. Gov. Now all of a sudden he is being tough on china. Hes making sure and now hes being soft on his xenophobia in the past. So i just i just cant figure the guy. Its like i dont know. Its like watching a yoyo. The democratic frontrunner, joe biden, says he wants the president to, quote, stop talking and leave the medical advice to the experts. Heres more of what the president had to say about his push to get our country back to work. When you talk about areas that you could open up, what specifically are you looking at . What states . Are you talking about out west . Well, you can talk about the farm belt. Take a look at the farm belt. Take a look at areas out west. Look at big sections of texas. I was talking to the great governor of texas. Theyve done a fantastic job out there, but they have very big sections of texas where, you know, its like numerous states frankly. But we can have large sections of if we want to do it that way, we can have large sections of the country open. Well, lets talk about it with lets talk about it with a professional, dr. Ann remoney, a professor of epidemiology at the ucla Fielding School of Public Health and Infectious Disease division of the Geffen School of medicine, who specializes in emerging Infectious Diseases, doc, thanks for coming back on. I need to get your lead on this. Do you really see us clearing, giving the movearound permission to large sections of our country . Do you really see us trying to get back on our feet as early as Easter Sunday morning . And whats the better chance . Are we going to have pack theed churches or packed hospitals on Easter Sunday . I think this is a very dangerous strategy, and that were going to be losing any ground that we will have gained at a critical moment by keeping people in place. You know, any country that has had any measure of success in being able to slow the spread of this virus has taken very strong measures of restricting social of having social distancing and restricting movement of people. We here in the United States have no idea how many cases we have right now because the testing has failed so has been so far behind, and we. Referee are most likely at the worst part of the curve. So this is a very dangerous idea, and i think that anybody that is suggesting that were going to be able to relax when we should be tightening restrictions is not thinking about what the impact will be on hospitals, on Health Care Workers who are already beleaguered, and frankly going to be reaching a breaking point if we do not continue to socially to keep social distance measures in place and more. Ive never asked our doctor whos are contributors on the air to delve into politics, and i wont ask you, but i am going to play a little bit of what the president said in the rose garden this morning to fox news. And im going to ask you to factcheck it after we hear it. We lose thousands and thousands of people a year to the flu. We dont turn the country off. We lose much more than that to automobile accidents. We didnt call up the Automobile Companies and say stop making cars. We dont want any cars anymore. We have to get back to work. Doc, what is the counterargument to that where covid19 is concerned . Well, i think it is its foolish to compare this to influenza or to car accidents. This is a onceinourlifetime and in a generation and multigeneration event, catastrophic event that is unprecedented even in comparison to the 1918 influenza given the fact that it has a higher case fatality rate. It is more contagious. And the population density that we have now makes it much worse. I think that this whole idea of opening up the country again is is very, very dangerous and will only cost lives. And when we think about opening up the country, you know, you have to think about what toll that will have on the Health System. If the Health System is overwhelmed, which it will be with a strategy like this, which it will be even with the measures that are in place now, Health Care Workers are going to break under the pressure. They cannot be sacrificial lambs. And what will happen, as has happened in ebola outbreaks and other large epidemic situations, Health Care Workers will start to refuse to go to work. They are scared, as they should be. They are like sending a soldier into a battle without a gun. It is just a very, very difficult situation to be able to manage, and by opening things up, all we are going to do is crash our Health System. We either are paying now, or were paying a lot more later. Doctor, thank you so much for rejoining us on the broadcast. This is exactly why we invited you back to be a part of our discussion. From los angeles, dr. Anne remoney, our thanks. Coming up for us, where things stand on the issue of help tonight in the u. S. Senate as millions of americans await some kind of economic relief. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Once weekly trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. It starts acting from the first dose. And it lowers risk of heart attack, stroke, or death in people with known Heart Disease or multiple risk factors. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. 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Serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. Rare, lifethreatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. Do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. Tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. If you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. Common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. If youre living with hiv, keep loving who you are. And ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. Resa place to celebrate,been to take a first date, to grab a meal between soccer practice and piano. And even though tables are empty at the moment. The kitchens are full, prepping everything so its just right. Keeping customers safe. And making the food as delicious as ever. Theyre still there for you. Now you can be there for them. While the doors may be closed, the kitchens are open for delivery. Were gaining great progress on this phase three legislation. Negotiations continue. Weve had continued reports. Ive been up there with secretary mnuchin. Secretary mnuchin continues today with chief of staff mark meadows checking in with the president. That was larry kudlow, but one point there just slipped by. Mark meadows, his staff put out word last night mark meadows is not the chief of staff in the white house. Hes still in congress representing his district in north carolina. They took pains to point out Mick Mulvaney is the acting chief of staff at the white house even though mark meadows was again today functioning as white house chief of staff in this crisis. Back with us tonight to talk about all things government, andrew desiderio, congressional reporter for politico, who is with us just outside the Senate Chamber by phone. Well get to him in a moment. Tamara keith, White House Correspondent for npr, is back with us, which looks a lot like her home. So, tamara, lets begin with you. Indeed. What is mark what is mark meadows deal, and would it be a big deal if a member of the legislature had, lets argue, the chief ranking civilian job in the executive branch . There would be a constitutional problem, and mark meadows today, asked by reporters in the hallway in the capitol as he was Walking Around clearly with the executive branch, going into negotiations with senators and coming back out. He said, no, i am just a congressman. I am a united i am still a congressman. His top aide in his Congressional Office tells me that he plans to resign from congress by the end of the month and will start officially as chief of staff, that white house officials tell me he is in the transition process. Hey, Mick Mulvaney, the outgoing, acting chief of staff, it turns out hes still coming to work at the white house too. So this has been a threeweek transition in what is arguably one of the most critical moments in the nations history in the last in the last several generations at least. And during this transition from the time President Trump tweeted that meadows would be his chief of staff until now, the number of cases of coronavirus in the u. S. Has grown from about 250 to 50,000, at least diagnosed cases. All right. Mr. Desiderio, it has fallen upon you to tell us just what in good heavens the u. S. Senate is doing while americans suffer and while larry kudlow et al. Talk about the size and strength and robustness of this incentive package thats about to pass the u. S. Senate. What are they doing right now . Well, unfortunately, brian, thats an evergreen question these days. Im standing outside the Senate Chamber right now where basically weve been beginning the runaround from all sides of the negotiations all day long. Youll recall this morning they were told us they were in the red zone and then the 5 yard line and then the 2 yard line. But the problem is theyve been at the 2 yard line for about 12 hours now, and, you know, secretary mnuchin has been going back and forth between senator mcconnells office and senator schumers office, and each time they tell us the same message, which is were close, were close, were close. And in reality what theyre doing, brian, is theyre drafting legislation in real time. And what theyre trying to do is make sure that the legislation they draft matches what they agreed to verbally with senator schumer in particular as theyre negotiating with the democrats. And the reality is this process takes a very long time. This bill is probably going to be at least 1,000 pages long. Of course the price tag is going to be in excess of a couple trillion dollars, so they want to get this right. But in the meantime, they are still at this very late hour here on capitol hill drafting the legislation. I think i may have fellow new york giants fans in the senate because being at the 2 yard line without result is what we do. Thats how we live. Hey, tamara, who is driving this on the republican side . The white house or mcconnell or a loose confederation of both . It looks to be a loose confederation of both. You know, the thing is President Trump wants something to sign. Its very clear that President Trump wants a deal. He has traditionally not been particularly involved in negotiations with congress. In the times when hes gotten too involved, things have gone south in past deals. This is a very big piece of legislation and a big element here is there are members of the house of representatives who have been diagnosed with having coronavirus. The house is not in session right now. They would like to find a way to come up with a bill that somehow the house could vote on without everyone having to come back, that they could pass through some sort of unanimous consent. So this is a careful balance that theyre working out. Wait till 50 states have to design remote voting along with congress. Andrew, i want to play for you real quick Lindsey Graham and get your reaction to it on the other side. I am encouraging the president , begging the president to end negotiations now. Write what we have done, and lets vote. And if its not perfect, well try to fix it later, but it is damn good. Okay. Andrew, 30 seconds. Whats the difference between damn good what lays between that and trumps signature . Well, look, ill tell you what, brian. Here at the senate, senators are getting very antsy. Theyre getting impatient. One senator, rand paul, has already tested positive for coronavirus. Twothirds of the senate is above the age of 60, which is of course that more vulnerable age bracket for this virus. They just want to get this done. They want to be able to go home to their districts and feel like theyre safe, and that is part of whats driving this. The voice of politico, the voice of npr, andrew desz dareio, tamara keith, two friends of the broadcast. Thank you both for coming on and staying up late with us. Coming up, how americans are adapting to upheaval in their once normal way of life. Pointme. Whos his groomer . Carrie. Full groom for sure what . I just booked ralphies appointment online. That work . Wait you what . Its that easy download the app or book online at petsmart. Com sensethe lack of control when iover my businessai, made me a little intense. But now quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. With koala kai. vo save over 40 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. 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[ barking ] in just a few days time, roughly half of our country will be under some sort of stayathome order. To use the president s preferred phraseology, no one would have believed it just a month ago. Nevertheless, for millions of us, this is our life now. We work at home. We stay at home. We dont see anybody from the outside. For kids especially, its a huge disruption in routine. And we have a report tonight on a mom who is quarantining with her kids in their home in the state of maryland. We get the story from Megan Pringle of our nbc station in baltimore, wbal. Reporter on a culdesac in a quiet annapolis neighborhood, something has become a new morning routine. I needed a routine. I needed these kids to have a sense of normalcy, and i needed it. Reporter Danielle Lawrence and her daughters, olivia and amelia, walk to the end of their driveway to meet their neighbors and say some familiar words. I pledge allegiance to the flag reporter reciting the pledge of allegiance may have started as way to keep a little familiarity with the kids, but it didnt take long for the whole culdesac to join in. It warms our heart. Were a military family, and we consider these people our ship mates, which is a very endearing term we news in the navy. Reporter danielle started this for her daughters but it turns out she needs it too. Mommy, are you crying . Yeah, sometimes you just sorry. Emotional morning. You dont know when this is going to end and how its going to affect family and friends that dont live near you and you cant check in on everyone in person. Reporter her neighbors say its turned into a way to check in on one another. Start out with a conversation every day, and then we do the pledge of allegiance, and then we continue the conversation for a few moments and just let everybody know if anybody needs anything, just to contact each other. Reporter which is great for the adults but even the kids on this culdesac say its a great way to start their day. We can get all of our work done and yeah. Its a good way to start the day, saying something for our country especially. Reporter theyll continue this morning routine and pledge allegiance to the flag while also pledging to look after one another to get through this. I think were more than a neighborhood. Were all very, very good friends with each other. How great was that. Our thanks to Megan Pringle with our nbc station wbal in baltimore. Coming up for us after one last break, the news that arrived today that so many people found so hard to take on top of everything else. Counts in the 2020 census isnt complicated. Everyone living in your home on april 1st counts. My aunt and uncle who live with us, count. My best friend who sleeps over every friday night, doesnt count. laughs my new baby sister, she counts. My moms best friend, whos been living with us, she counts. 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Or if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b, have been treated for Heart Failure or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Visit enbrel. Com to see how your joint damage could progress. Enbrel fda approved for over 20 years. There are the rings. Last thing before we go tonight, as you may have heard, those of us here at the network of the olympics are getting used to the same news our viewers heard along with us today. No summer olympics this year. Here is how our friend, Sports Writer and author mike lupica explained it today on the air to nicolle wallace. I talked to bob costas about this. He did 11 prime time olympics for nbc and did another one in late night. And he said, people keep saying that things are going to be back to normal, and he said tell me what normal is. And its amazing that it took this long to cancel the olympics because as costas said, oh, 10,000 athletes, delegations, media, throw them together for like wrestling, basketball, have them live together in the olympic village, and then send them back home to where every single country has a varying health care process, and what bad could come out of that . Everything. The man makes a good point. That was mike lupica from earlier today. And now here is nbc news correspondent Stephanie Gosk on what were going to be missing and how the athletes are reacting. Reporter there really is no other event that brings the world together like the olympics, and that is of course why the world has to wait. It is bigger than the sport. It is actually about the well being of society as a whole. Reporter today u. S. Athletes handled the difficult news with impressive grace. It allows everyone to kind of envision the path forward and, you know, now we know what were working with. Reporter and good humor. Runner lolo jones new take on the breakfast of champions. When this u. S. Team does get its chance, it will be well worth the wait. Simone biles ready to turn four gold medals into many more. Katie ledecky dominating. The womens soccer team out for revenge after a tough time in rio. And then there are the runners chasing usain bolts records. The dream is still here. Its been delayed but it hasnt been denied. Reporter tonight they are likely disappointed but by no means defeated. Stephanie gosk, nbc news, new york. Thats where we are right about now. Thats our broadcast for this tuesday evening as well. Thank you so much for being here with us. On behalf of all of my colleagues at all the networks of nbc news, good night from our temporary field headquarters. In spain today, the Main Convention center in the city of madrid has been converted into a hospital. Spain has the second worst outbreak in europe right now after italy. Hundreds of patients are already at this Field Hospital that they have set up at the Madrid Convention center. They expect it will be 1,300 by the end of this week. They then expect to scale up that facility to 5,500 patients as soon as they can, at

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