We learn today Robert Mueller plans to speak to the former spokesman for the trump legal team, mark customer ral low, who resigned earlier this summer. The significance is big given this story breaking in the New York Times just tonight which reports mueller plans to ask carell low about the statement President Trump and advisers drafted as a cover story to explain the trump tower meeting that don jr. Accepted with several russian nationals. The times says mr. Corallo is planning to tell mr. Mueller about a previously undisclosed Conference Call with mr. Trump and hope hicks, White House Communications director, according to the three people cited earlier in the hour. Mr. Coralla planned to tell vest gais ms. Hicks said emails written by donald trump jr. Before the trump tower meeting in which the younger mr. Trump said he was eager to receive political dirt about mrs. Clinton from the russians will never get out. That left mr. Corallo concerns that ms. Hicks could be contemplating obstructing justice. Hope hicks attorney notably denies she said this. You remember the cover story about that meeting was that it was mostly about russian adoptions. Now we turn to the other big news developing tonight. Senior Administration Officials are telling nbc news that it is likely that highly controversial secret memo about the russia inquiry which has pitted the white house against the fbi will indeed be released tomorrow. That memo is the work of House Republicans and it alleges antitrump bias at the fbi and the department of justice and that investigators improperly obtained warrants to surveil a member of the trump president ial campaign. The House Intelligence Committee led by republican california congressman devin nunes voted monday to release that memo to the public. The memo has been at the white house which has final say on its release. Last night, after delivering his state of the union address, the president on the way out was overheard all but assuring a house member it would be done. Release the memo . Oh, yeah, dont worry. 100 . The fbi has argued against the memos release and made an up precedented move with this statement. The fbi was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it. We have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memos accuracy. Even though the bureau director, Christopher Wrays name is not on that statement, it will still be seen as a direct challenge to President Trump and the white house. Its not the first time this week that wray has weighed in on the memo. Sources tell nbc news that monday, wray and Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein went to the white house and asked the chief of staff, john kelley, not to make that memo public. Late this afternoon, devin nunes released his own response to the fbis objections, having stonewalled Congress Demands for information for nearly a year, it is no surprise to see the fbi and doj issue spurious objections to allowing the American People to see information related to surveillance abuses at these agencies. Regardless, its clear the top officials used unverified information in a Court Document to fuel a counterintelligence investigation during an american political campaign. The top democrat on that committee, house intel, adam schiff of california, has new complaints on this memo tonight. Well get to those in just a moment. And there is also reporting from the New York Times that points to the latest effort by President Trump to put pressure on an official involved in the russia investigation. Its that name again, Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney general. The paper says, mr. Rosenstein was also asked by the president last month whether he was quote on my team, according to an official briefed on the exchange. You may remember donald trump told former fbi director james comey, i need loyalty, i expect loyalty. That was according to comeys sworn testimony. Washington post reported during their first facetoface meeting in the Oval Office Last may, the president asked the fbi Deputy Director Andrew Mccabe who he voted for in the 2016 election. Earlier tonight, democratic senator chris murphy of connecticut had this reaction to the new report that the president wanted to know on if Deputy Attorney general rosenstein was on his team. This feels like a really dangerous day. News of the president once again asking for loyalty from a Law Enforcement officer whose loyalty is only supposed to be to the country he serves and the rule of law. A member of the u. S. Senate calling this a dangerous day. Our panel on what is a busy wednesday night. Jennifer rogers, former assistant u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york, now the executive director for columbia law school, center for the advancement of public integrity. Clint watts, former fbi special agent. Ashley parker, White House Reporter for the Washington Post. Thank you for joining us. Jennifer, lets go back up to the top of our reporting which is the New York Times reporting tonight and hope hicks, the White House Communications director. She again is denying those comments through an attorney. But what if it turns out she said Something Like, no one will ever see those emails, as a matter of law . Well, it depends, right . It depends what she meant. If she said it in a way thats kind of speculative, like i dont think theyll ever get out because so few people know about them, then thats not necessarily signaling that she plans to actually engage in obstruction of justice. But whats key to me and well see what the mueller team makes of it, but corallo, his take was that she may be talking about obstructing justice, and thats so important to him and troubling to him he ends up quitting. So clearly thats kind of going to be his take on it to the mueller team. And he was there. Something thats really important, of course, when youre evaluating what somebody says, how it sounds, what is the tone . That is something that corallo can give that none of the rest of us are going to be able to weigh in on. As an fbi man, how easy is it to put your hands on the very email shes talking about . Isnt that kind of step one of a modern investigation . For sure, step one is always go to the search warrants, the subpoenas, the investigative reports, financial records, any communication between any of these people, thats the baseline. Thats all going to be pulled in right away before you ever go to interviews. Whats fascinating about this is youre really just seeing hope hicks, youre looking at three people in this conversation. One of them has no experience. And so any of these statements are not only ridiculous but very damning for this team later on down the road. Ashley, yet again, the story were talking about tonight has at its core, really, chaos on the inside and infighting on the inside. Since the birth of this administration. I mean, thats certainly true. And if you even look at some of the clips you played earlier, one of the things that has gotten this president in such trouble is that amid all of this chaos, infighting, backstabbing, the one thing he cares deeply about is loyalty. And its also the one thing he fundamentally misunderstands. To the president , loyalty is loyalty personally, to him. And hes always asking these people who serve in his administration, from mccabe to rosenstein to comey, to basically pledge their loyalty to him personally. And not understanding that their lowellty is to the constitution or to the agencies they have served. That has again become one of the key buckets mueller is looking at in his probe. Lets turn the corner into this memo which is likely to be the lead story tomorrow, though predicting that kind thing these days is fraught. Especially with the fbi director now kind of on the record saying, please dont do this. Using words like, grave. Which gets your attention. Why the zeal, why the urgency to put this memo out, knowing the damage it could cause to our institutions as a precedent . The urgency is that President Trump had been telling his team as earlys last week, before he had even read the memo, that he believed it would vindicate him in the Mueller Probe. And he would also last week complaining about Rod Rosenstein again, maybe he should fire him, and he believes this memo, if it becomes public, would give him the pretext or the grounds to potentially fire rosenstein, to make changes in the department of justice generally that he thinks could help him with the Mueller Probe. And at the very least, even if hes not able to sort of ward it off, he is laying the groundwork for whenever these conclusions are reached, whatever they are, that trust is now so eroded by the president attacking his own department of justice, his own fbi, in moves that are quite unprecedented, that it will likely land with a lot less of a punch because the public has sort of been conditioned not to trust these institutions. Jennifer, mr. Schiff of california said on twitter tonight, kind of adding to the argument over this memo, discovered late tonight that chairman nunes made material changes to the memo that he sent over to the white house, changes not approved by the committee. White house therefore is reviewing a document the committee has not approved for release. I guess its all relative. The democrats are arguing this document has been highly edited and compiled by the republicans. But now schiff is saying, dont you dare put that out because this is not what we agreed to at all. Well, thats right. There is a process for the release of this information. Even if its misleading information youre supposed to go through steps in order to put it in the public domain. What hes saying is its no good anyway, the information is misleading, by the way they havent approved the release. You have to go through the steps to do this. Strategically is the democrats have written a rebuttal document that the republicans are saying doesnt have time to go through the process to be released at the same time, so if the first memo has to go back and start from square one, the second memo will likely catch up, so they could be released at the same time, which i think schiff thinks would benefit everyone because it would be a more full review of the facts. When an fbi director uses the word grave, especially after what the fbi has been through, what do you take from that . This will literally slow down so many investigations. It will create a fisa application is the most reviewed packet that you would have done at the fbi. It goes through rigorous reviews before it even gets to the court. Can you imagine being an fbi agent whos Going Forward with evidence, maybe multiple sources, particularly in a public corruption case, knowing that maybe three, four years down the road, some politicians is going to look into that application, pick out something they want for political purposes, and throw it out into the open public without any sort of context around it. It will really harm investigations around this country. People wont trust fisa as a tool. Weve already been going through this debate with the 702 provisions, fisa and additional clauses, it will do great damage both to the fbi as an institution and to the tools that they use. What happens to christopher wray, what does he do if the president disregards his advice, his plea . It will be fascinating to watch this play out between Deputy Attorney general rosenstein and christopher wray. They may have to make a decision that they will defy their leadership in order to defend their institution. Theyre going to be caught in a hard place. Am i loyal to trump, or am i loyal to my country . If they want to protect the American People, i would think they would have to devise some way to justify why that fisa renewal application, by the way, not the actual fisa application from the beginning, was signed off again by rosenstein, who is the republican that came in to replace sally yates. I think they will have to defend themselves, their institution, and for the people that work for them. They want to know, does my leadership have my back . Because otherwise this will have just a corrosive effect on our Law Enforcement operations around the entire country. Ashley, your last point bears repeating. We talked about it here last night. What if they really need the fbi and the department of justice, what if god forbid the president s job changes on a dime and were chasing down a domestic terrorist threat where the work of the fbi, no more important than it is right now tonight, but has to seem important to justify an action, perhaps, the president wants to take . Thats exactly right. And one of the risks with all of this is the president is sort of thinking in a very short term and doing what he has always done, which is eroded trust in the media when he doesnt like stories, eroded trust in the judicial system when he doesnt like verdicts, he has now eroded trust in the fbi and his Justice Department to serve his shortterm political interests. But this is his fbi. This is his Justice Department. And you are right, these are the agencies that in another moment, if the president needs to focus on a Law Enforcement issue or even potentially credibility on reforms hes making to the immigration system, these will be the people he is turning to and citing to carry out those orders but he may have a lot of trouble with that because he personally is responsible for helping eroding the Publics Trust in them. Jennifer, lets say youre number two at justice. Lets say that in that job, Robert Mueller reports to you and youre visiting the white house and the president asks you if youre on his team. How do you answer . And what does that mean to you . Well, its highly inappropriate, right . This has been the pattern for trump. Of course Rod Rosenstein, like any dad, his responsibility is to the constitution and the country. You can do one of two things. What jim comey apparently did and pushback and say, mr. President , my loyalty is to the country and the constitution. Or you could just kind of pretend not to really understand him to be meaning personal loyalty and you can say, of course, sir, were all on the same team, or Something Like that. What would i do . I dont know, id like to think i would do the former, but maybe if youre in the job for the right reasons, you want to do the right thing, maybe you just try to smooth it over and get out of there knowing that he says this to everyone. And hopefully you can kind of get out without pledging him personal loyalty, but also not ruffling his feathers. Clint, if youre mueller you hear that rosenstein was asked if hes on team trump, is it an anecdote that you brush off and find amusing . Or is it furtherance of an evidence point . You know, it happens once, no big deal. Happens twice, you start to think about it. Three times, you got a pattern. And this is more than three. This is consistent for everybody who hes not comfortable with. When hes not comfortable with something or someone, he will push that loyalty test, the loyalty pledge, to see what side theyre on. Its always about sides. So its fascinating. I think for mueller he must be going through these interviews or getting evidence every day and he sees this pattern keep coming up over and over again. That loyalty to him rather than country, job or constitution, thats really at the heart of an obstruction case when you get down to it. Ashley, at least from this distance, washington looks like a place where two races are under way. Down one track there is the mueller investigation. Down another is an effort to block it wherever it can. Its kind of a race to either fog up the field or see where this is headed. What is the mood, what do you sense among west wing employees, what do you sense among republicans there . Well, west wing employees are of two minds. On the one hand, they understand that the Mueller Probe is problematic for them. And they sort of hope naturally that it will just go away. On the other hand, they also recognize that the president s actions to try to make it go away, ironically, have the exact opposite effect and exacerbate it. So, you know, theres a general sort of frustration and, frankly, if they are not directly involved in it, if they are not one of the staffers who has had to hire a personal lawyer, they want nothing to do with it. You know, anything where you even mention russia, they will just say not my portfolio and kick it to the lawyer. So theyre trying to steer clear while feeling a constant state of being under siege. We are much obliged to our leadoff guests on this night after the state of the union for joining us and helping us understand the lead stories at this hour. Jennifer rogers, clint watts, ashley parker, thank you all three very much. Coming up, as we head to our first break, more on the Trump Administrations attacks on fbi and on the Justice Department, including these suggestions that theres kind of an institutional plot against the president. Plus a key republican in Congress Says hes done and heading home. Why its raising new questions about republican prospects to hold the house in the midterms. Were just getting under way on a wednesday night, please stay with us. My business was going nowhere. So i built this kickin new website with godaddy. Building a website in under an hour is easy 68 of people. Who have built their website using gocentral, did it in. Under an hour, and you can too. Type in your business or idea. Pick your favourite design. Personalize it with beautiful images. And. Youre done and now business is booming. Harriet, its a double stitch not a cross stitch build a better website in under an hour. Free to try. No credit card required. Gocentral from godaddy. 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Part of the president s campaign of criticism against the fbi and the broader department of justice, this is something we have not seen in generations, a president at war with elements of his own government. Today concerns over the release of that house intel memo come as reports suggest republicans are in search of more ways to discredit the special counsels russia investigation. The Associated Press reporting it this way tonight, trump has been telling confidants in recent days that he believes the memo will validate his concerns that the fbi and Justice Department had conspired against him. A piece in politico puts it this way, lets be clear about whats happening here this memo is the latest escalation in an eightmonth effort to tarnish the russia investigation that might be the most significant Smear Campaign against the executive branch since joe mccarthy. Only here the effort is being led by the head of that branch himself. Here to talk about it with us tonight, two of our favorites, jonathan la mere, White House Reporter for the Associated Press, msnbc political analyst who coauthored that ap report. Eli stoke ankles, msnbc political analyst as well. Gentlemen, good evening to you. Jonathan, i looked up at the tv, saw you on the white house lawn today, that means you were inside what is the mood and what are you hearing about the mood of the commander in chief these days . The president first of all feels very happy about the state of the union even though weve all forgotten that even happened. Theres been so much news today. The state of the union, the bump has been gone. He also has decided not to pursue the usual caravan, the publicity tour that usually follows state of the union where he goes across the country and promotes those ideas. He didnt do any sort of major White House Events today to promote them. In terms of this, they feel like the president has told people around him he feels like this memo is the latest sign that the fbi and the Justice Department, agents there, had been working against him. That he feels like its another reason, as was mentioned last segment, that rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney general, he could use this to discredit him. The memo is something the white house has. Theyve had it a couple of days now, its in the care of the special counsels office. Theyre weighing what to do with it. We heard chief of staff john kelley say he has read it and the National Security Council Legal team is now reviewing it to figure out what the next step would be. The president has told people around him that he wants this out. We heard him say last night after the state of the union that he wanted it out. The white house has not confirmed, however, whether the president has actually read the memo or whether he is just picking up on it from what he has heard in the media and those around him. Until tonight, the plan was to release the memo soon, potentially as early as tomorrow. The news from congressman schiff, however, and the accusations hes made that the memo may have been altered, could delay those plans. Weve asked the white house, they have not yet responded. We just got a statement from the spokesman for nunes. Apparently saying these material changes that schiff has accused are minor edits to the memo, including grammatical fixes, two edits requested by the fbi, and the democrats themselves. So hes saying to suggest otherwise is a bizarre distraction. Theres also a middle ground and that is the white house redacts things they want to take out. This is already an edited document so its not like theyre taking on anything foundational. Eli, you have a theory of reverse engineering. Tell the good folks what you mean by that. Lets just set the nunes schiff thing aside. Lets say they release the same memo that they presented to the committee, that is still a stunning thing given what the department of justice and fbi director are saying here. Huge. In terms of reverse engineering, that is something weve seen throughout this presidency, the president decides on a version of reality that works for him, something that may not be true but hes going to repeat it, hes going to say it, hes going to make it true. The entire staff has to stand that up. Discrediting the Mueller Probe, that is the end goal. And this so the end justifies any means here by which nunes, allies of the president and congress, and the white house, are now trying to put forward any sort of semblance of evidence, anything they can do to confuse the public, to muddy the situation, and to basically say, look, there might be people at the fbi who acted improperly about something, theyre out to get me. The cognitive dissans required by some of this. You played the clip with lester holt. Bashing the fbi. And the email investigation. I mean, that what comey did arguably helped donald trump as much as anything that putin and the russians did, the way that played out at the end of the campaign, it really hurt hillary clinton. Yet that is forgotten and its all about the deep state and the sort of conspiracy theories and loyalty tests we see where its right out of the 1950s. If youre not 100 loyal to the president , maybe youre suspect. Maybe you dont like him. Its this very sinister sort of smoke and mirrors of accusations, even though theres not much concrete. And its stunning to see and to watch play out, given the stakes. This is different than the president saying something about his crowd size and somebody saying it was the biggest crowd. This is a matter of National Security. And really fundamental to the moorings of this democracy. Jonathan, in the intro i wrote i said, its been generations since weve seen an american president at war with elements of his own government. I guess i was going back to nixon. But he wasnt this overt. He wasnt this public. Right. President trump is not hiding this war. This is not a covert action. This is right up front. He has done it time and time again. Whether it be on twitter, whether it be in comments to reporters, privately behind the scenes to aides, sort of getting them to carry the fight against the fbi. We have seen we know the chief of staff john kelley in recent days has made a number of phone calls to Justice Department officials to say to them, you need to perform better, you need to he was very critical of their decision to object to the release of this memo. Saying, this is what the white house wants, you need to do this. And then it was reported he would end those conversations with the disclaimer, but hey, dont break any laws while youre at it. Were seeing this president set a tone. Elis right, set a tone that is unprecedented, that is something that demands a personal loyalty. He tells people around him, he refers to Justice Department as his Justice Department, as the Trump Department of justice. And that is what he sees. Hes asking for loyalty to him, the president , as opposed to the country or the constitution. Eli, among republicans, does anyone have any limits . Is there a Tipping Point out there, do you think . The only people with limits so far are those not running for reelection. I mean, that is what we have seen. We have seen the politics of personal survival inside a Republican Party that is fluid and right now controlled by donald trump and his assumed base of voters. That is what is above perhaps speaking out, talking about the separation of powers, the basic tenets of american democracy. There is no concern for history. The fact that this is all playing out in public, in plain view, and that this will be written and people will be judged and their legacies may be tarnished by this, theres no concern for that, its shortterm political gain, go into 2018 and sell tax cuts. And the ability of republicans on the hill to sort of not see some of these things, to look the other way or squint and see things in a way where they dont really see a problem with these things, for paul ryan yesterday to say the Mueller Probe shouldnt be messed with and yet to green light devin nunes sending this memo to the white house for release, knowing like any logical observer of this knows that this is all pretext to mess with that investigation, its stunning. Its stunning to see playing out in plain sight. A lot of people never thought theyd see this from a lot of republicans, including paul ryan. Hardly a pleasurable conversation. Always a pleasure to have you gentlemen on. Thanks very much. Much obliged to jonathan la mere and eli stoke ankles. The continuing insistence by the white house that americans dont care about the russia investigation. We heard it again today. But is that the truth . That and more when we come right back. I think weve addressed it every single day weve been here. I think weve addressed it every single day weve been here. Its one of the questions you guys ask over and over and over again. In fact we spend more time on that than we do any other topic despite the fact that time and time again, poll after poll, says frankly no one cares about this issue and its certainly not the thing that keeps people up at night. Brace secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders on monday responding to questions on this russia investigation suggesting the investigation just doesnt matter to most people, but according to a recent Washington Post abc news poll, nearly half of americans believe trump did in fact try to interfere with the russia investigation in a way that amounts to obstruction of justice. 49 there to be exact. Here with us to talk about the reach of this investigation, cornell belcher, democratic pollster who worked on both president obamas campaigns and with a number of house and senate democrats. Back with us coleen mckay nelson, Pulitzer Prize winner, Editorial Page Editor for the Kansas City Star formerly with the wall street journal. Charlie psychs, longtime conservative radio host, author of how the right lost its mind and msnbc contributor. Welcome to all of you. Colleen, id like to start with you. Proud as i am at having lived in missouri and worked in kansas for a good deal of time, there you are in america, our link for the purposes of this conversation to america. What is the level of interest and the level of granularity, detail, in a place like kansas city . Thank you for letting me speak for all of america. No pressure. But Sarah Huckabee sanders is not exactly correct when she says no one cares, that people arent interested in the russia investigation. People are interested in the russia investigation in america. But a year into that investigation, a lot of minds have been made up. So some people here are viewing the investigation through the lens of crimes may have been committed, perhaps the Trump Campaign work the with a foreign power and we should get to the bottom of that. Others are viewing this through the lens of, this is a partisan witch hunt. And the memo only serves to reinforce the idea that everything in washington is partisan, everything has been politicized, even intelligence at this point, and we cant even agree on the same set of facts and we cant even work off the same set of memos. Charlie sykes, you are also proud to live in america and the great state of wisconsin, home of i note the speaker of the house paul ryan. So whether im asking about ryan or anyone else in the party, the question i posed in the previous segment, is there a limit for republicans in congress . Is there a tip point for anybody in this thing . Not so far. I think you saw that. Shift the focus from the state of the union from the podium to the audience, you saw Republican Party that has completely basically pledged its loyalty to donald trump, including going so far as to joining his attacks on this investigation. To our other people, do people care about this, look, there are two americas out there. Two realities. And if you are listen to the conservative media and are part of the protrump grassroots, you dont think this is a very big deal. In fact, this memo which has been this elaborate charade, building up as the great reveal, there are a lot of americans right now who think that the reveal of this memo is going to be the greatest thing since Geraldo Rivera opened up al capones safe. But in general, though, i think that what youve seen has been the success in confusing people. I talked to a very, very wellinformed political activist from wisconsin the last couple of days and he said something very interesting. He said, you know what, this is not somebody whos protrump. He said, i dont know who to believe anymore. And if the strategy has been misdirection, if it has been distraction, it has been successful to a certain degree. Which doesnt mean it will succeed in the end. But it has been somewhat successful in muddying the waters. Cornell that old phrase, elections have consequences, has reared its head again. Look at the struggles of mr. Schiff and his democrats on that committee. They can argue and fuss and fight and at the end of the day the republicans ship that memo across town to the Republican White House and they get to decide if we all start reading it tomorrow afternoon. No, thats right. And brian, look, youve been around long enough to cover washington and congress. And look, what youre seeing is unprecedented. And we play our partisan games on a lot of the committees. When the Ethics Committee and the Intelligence Committee, theres been a longrunning idea that these are where you leave partisanship at the door because the integrity of the country and our democracy was too important. You know, it was governor kasich i think on this network yesterday, republican from ohio, who said, speaker ryan should tell nunes to cut it out. Right . I think we got to go further. I think its time for speaker ryan to tell nunes, hes got to stop this and cut it out, because this is fundamentally dangerous and were going into territory that is really not normal or safe or safe for the country. And the other thing i wand to undermine is you have 49 . You have near a majority of americans who think the president has, in fact, interfered here. And that is just staggering. And it does have consequences because when you look at sort of the builtin number of people who are strongly disapproving of trump, he leaves off his first year with the highest disapproval in history, that is built in and its problematic. The question is will republicans in congress now carry some of that weight with the actions that you see coming out of the Intelligence Committee . Cornell, another one for you, that is the word today from trey gowdy of south carolina. He is not going to seek reelection as we all know. He kind of came to fame first of all came in with the Tea Party Wave of 2010, came to fame chairing the Benghazi Committee where he led the nowfamous marathon questioning of his nemesis, hillary clinton. He said today hes leaving congress to return to the justice system. But importantly, remember the number 34. His departure brings the total number of Republican House retirements to 34. Cornell, no one needs to remind you, that doesnt equal permission to flip the house. Thats just republicans leaving congress. The latter is a big challenge. Well, heres the thing. Look, in 2006 i worked for government at the dnc. I think when we had a wave election, you had i think 18 or 19 republican incumbents stepping down. This is a big deal in campaign terms, brian. Because knocking off incumbents is really, really hard. Right . Its darn near impossible to knock off an incumbent. Youre seeing more incumbents knocked off in primaries. Open seats are real opportunities, theyre really tossups. Im not saying south carolinas seat is something thats going to be put automatically in play. But the sheer number of open opportunities for democrats along with a president with historical disapproval, a congress with historical disapproval, and majority of americans thinking the countrys heading the wrong direction, that is getting right in line with what we saw in 2006 before we had the wave election. And then in 2006, brian what we didnt have what is we see today, you have collegeeducated white women breaking democrat in a way we hadnt seen in 2006. When i said the number 34, 34 vacancies, you would shaking your head. Extraordinary number. Its not just the fact that its 34. Its who is retiring. These are chairmen of major committees. Including one from new jersey. Exactly. The chairman of the appropriations committee. This is one of the most important members of the house of representatives. So it would certainly signal that some of them might think that they will not be in the majority next year. But i would caution people, its been a lot of talk about a wave. There have been polls lately, most notably monmouth, which may be an outlier, showing the republicans have closed this gap. And i do think that sometimes democrats i think are perhaps underestimating the way in which the republicans are winning, at least for the time being, the messaging war on the tax cuts. That as people begin to get some relief. Plus the economy looks strong on paper. The stock market has continued to be strong. So i think that before we invest too much money in the wave, although we are seeing all of these retirements, i do think that the democrats need to become more serious about providing a more coherent response to what you heard last night from the president. I agree with that. Colleen of america, you know im coming back to you, because the question for you becomes, in the kind of adi, the area of dominant influence, that is the kansas city, missouri metro area, republican members of congress, do you see voters taking out their antitrump frustrations against a republican incumbent . Thats a distinct possibility. And a person to e a race is kevin yoder, he represents the Third District in kansas, the suburbs of kansas city. Hillary clinton won his district by 1 point. And so hes certainly someone who could be in peril. Hes told people privately hes seen concerning signs in his internal polling and has kind of raised the question of whether donald trump could drag him down. And theres a line of democrats waiting to take him of on. Even though kansas and missouri are very red states, its possible you could see a republican or two fall in the house. But you still have a really tough senate race in missouri where claire mccaskill, a democrat, is going to be fighting for her life. Its important to remember where democrats have some opportunities in the house. Its still a really tough slog for them on the senate side. Our thanks to charlie sykes, Colleen Mckay nelson, cornell belcher, for the record all proud americans. Thank you all very much. Coming up for us, how a push for regime change could be a new u. S. Weapon in these efforts to stop the north Korean Nuclear program. Theres been a development, as they say. From the very beginning. It was always our singular focus, a distinct determination. To do whatever it takes, use every possible resource. To fight cancer. And never lose sight of the patients were fighting for. Our Cancer Treatment specialists share the same vision. Experts from all over the world, working closely together to deliver truly personalized cancer care. Specialists focused on treating cancer. 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Gordon chang writes in the daily beast that rather than focus on north koreas quest for Nuclear Weapons the president undermined the kim family by launching an assault on its abuse of human rights and indirectly made the case for regime change. Washington post also victor cha is now out of contention for the job. The post reports that the veteran of the bush administration, quote, raised his concerns with National Security Council Officials over their consideration of a limited strike on the north aimed at sending a message without sparking a wider war, a risky concept known as a bloody nose strategy. With us is gordon chang. Lets take on these subjects in order. Why do you think it was better that the president went in the direction of human rights and not in the direction of Nuclear Weapons last night . Because the kim regime is so much more concerned about its human rights record. You got two koreas. They sit side by side. Ones free and the other is slaved. The people in enslaved korea, north korea, and theyre not going to accept that indefinitely. And theres one other thing people dont talk about. By trump talking about human rights in north korea, he also is restraining president moon jaein in south korea. Wasnt there a suggestion of getting together . And wont it be good when the Olympic Games get under way . This was north korea talking about unification of the two koreas. Now its been consistent policy from the beginning of north korea in 1948 to unify the kree koreas. That is core to maintaining kim family legitimacy. They need to continue to do that. The thing about the olympics is its good, when youve got the two koreas competing as one, you dont have them fighting each other. But after the end of the olympics, brian, the north koreans are going to be demanding things of south korea that south korea cant give and thats when things get really testy between the two koreas. South korea is about to be in the news of the games, were about to send our very best athletes to south korea, a country where we dont have an ambassador. Is that an embarrassment . Yes, it is. No issue is more important to the president and we havent had an ambassador in seoul for more than a year. Unbelievable. This is a very simple thing for the Trump Administration to do is get an ambassador through the senate. Theyre executing poorly on simple things. But after the end of the olympics, brian, the north koreans are going to be demanding things of south korea that south korea cant give and thats when things get really testy between the two koreas. South korea is about to be in the news of the games, were about to send our very best athletes to south korea, a country where we dont have an ambassador. Is that an embarrassment . Yes, it is. No issue is more important to the president and we havent had an ambassador in seoul for more than a year. Unbelievable. This is a very simple thing for the Trump Administration to do is get an ambassador through the senate. Theyre executing poorly on simple things. On the hard stuff, i think theyre doing pretty well. You have this sort of paradox. Easy things done poorly, hard things done well. In our closing seconds, is it tough to find a candidate for these jobs . Now it is, especially what happened with victor cha. No everyone may agree with victor but he was very, very well thought of. I think people will have second thoughts about even putting their name in the ring. Gordon chang, its always a pleasure to have you on our broadcast. Coming up, something that just didnt sound right about last nights speech. Well take it apart and look at it when we continue. Some air fresheners are so overwhelming, they can. Send you and your family running. Introducing febreze one for fabric and air. No aerosols. No dyes. No heavy perfumes. It cleans away odors for a pure light freshness. So you can spray and stay. Febreze one, breathe happy. Hi, im the internet you knoarmless bowling. Lt . You got this, jimmy you know whats easy . Building your website with godaddy. Pick a domain name. Choose a design. You can build a website in under an hour. Now thats a strike get your domain today and get a free trial of gocentral. Build a better website in under an hour. I love you. Last thing before we go here tonight, something the president said during the state of the union last night while paying tribute to one of those honorees in the gallery, something just didnt sound right. Here tonight is one leader in the effort to defend our country, Homeland Security investigation special agent sell istinno, he goes by c. J. Or d. J. It just seems highly unlikely someone was go by d. J. Or c. J. It is much more likely that what the president did there was what he does often when hes making a teleprompter speech and he makes a mistake. He then employs the word and followed by the correction in order to make the misstatement sound like it was a perfectly plausible oral option. Our friends at the 8 p. M. Broadcast of all in took the liberty of springing together some other examples that come to mind. Authority and authoritarian powers. Through their lives and though their lives were cut short. Our hope is a word and world of proud independent nations. And has instead given unelected regulators and regulators. They sacrifice every day for the furniture and future of their children. He goes by d. J. And c. J. He said call me either one. Without further comment, that is our broadcast tonight. Thank you very much for being here with us. Good night for all of here at nbc news headquarters here in new york. New overnight, a bombshell report from the New York Times, special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly working to deconstruct a cover story offered now for the Infamous Trump tower meeting with russian officials. Plus, a memo written by congressman devin nunes could be released today, but now hes being accused of altering the memo before he sent it to the white house. And at least one

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