Americans will be without Health Insurance by 2026. Thats 24 million more that have it now. The speaker of the house says things are looking up. The houseplan will expand choice, lower cost and ensure Health Care Access for all. Were negotiating with everybody. Its a big, fat, beautiful negotiation. We disagree strenuously with the report that was put out. We believe that our plan will cover more individuals at a lower cost and give them the choices that they want for the coverage that they want for themselves and for the family, not that the Government Forces them to buy. Actually, i think if you read this entire report, im pretty encouraged by it. Were saying the government is not going to force people to buy something they dont want to buy. So this compared to the status quo is far better. Im excited about this analysis. Pushed on that point and her response was to say that she wasnt asked specifically about President Trumps allegation that he was wiretapped. Before you hear the following, keep this in mind. The question to Kellyanne Conway was, quote, do you know whether trump tower was wiretapped. I was answering a question about Surveillance Techniques generally. The conversation you were having with kelly was about this investigation, you brought it up in that context. It was about surveillance generally. He didnt ask you about it generally. Thats true in the transcript. You may have answered it generally but you were asked specifically. Chris, im not Inspector Gadget i dont believe people are using a microwave of spying on the campaign. The president was asked again youre looking in the wrong place. Three years ago it was bad for the economy. Well, it was bad for the economy. Can you say affirmatively whenever the president says something we can trust it to be real . If hes not joking, of course. No, hold on. Lets start over again with joking. Every time he speaks athor tifl more than 3 million americans voted illegally. Was he joking or does he believe it . He does believe it. Thank you. Time to bring in our panel, chris jansing, kaitlin huey burns. Chris jansing, a question i mean to ask seriously, is it as striking to you in the Briefing Room as it is to Television Viewers that an alternative universe is being proposed, alternative definitions are being trotted out in realtime . Its frustrating because you think youre skasking a logical straight forward question and the answers get circuitous. I think for nine days, the unsubstantiated accusation was the tweet speaks for itself. And today seemingly out of nowhere we hear, actually, President Trump doesnt think president Obama Wiretapped him personally. And Kellyanne Conway did have a different idea and she was saying, no, that wiretapping was in Quotation Marks and it is about broader surveillance. The fact of the matter is there have been no reports. Any published reports in any legitimate newspaper or publication that has any proof that President Obama did this to President Trump. There has been no one in this administration who has that proof, no one on capitol hill who has this proof, no one in the Intelligence Community who has this proof and yet now there is a request to extend the period by which they find this proof and seasoned nd it to the intelligence committee. Eli stokeles, you write tonight about the importance of trust. At the president ial level, it is obviously essential. When people talk about this, they use the example that makes us all sound like the parent that we are and that Something Like iran is found violating the nuclear deal and a president has to address nation. And in this case he is forced to use language to show hes really, really serious because of what came before it. Yeah, president s need to have this credibility for that really important moment and when you just sort of whittle it away willynilly right from the beginning of your presidency when youre lying about your crowd size and the size of your Electoral College victory and pretty much everything, youre not going to have a lot of credibility left. You saw that clip in the briefing today, Peter Alexander asked the most important question of this white house, which is how can anybody trust what is coming from the president . You saw the difficulty of defending and explaining nonsense. When you put out nonsense, you cannot defend it and i think sitting there and saying of course hes telling the truth except when hes joking, to use air quotes basically to defend or parse a tweet to say he Wasnt Talking About President Obama, he was saying hes a nasty, sick guy. None of this holds any muster. That is the point. They need to have some credibility as they begin the legislative process as they try to push forward the obama replacement bill, theyre going to need it when theres a National Security crisis andero. Theyve spent their Political Capital very quickly and on nothing but the president s ego. If it looks like a walkback and sound like a walk back, is it a walk back . Kellyanne conway being the contortionist, trying to spin this. Democrats are saying, look, you started this, you made these allegations, you have to follow through on them. But not just democrats. People like john mccain saying give us the proof. You said this. Donald trump made the accusation and then kicked it to congress and said congress, you deal with this. Now theyre saying we dont have the evidence, congress has to investigate. Now the Department Of Justice is saying they want to delay presenting any kind of evidence, if any, was their quote. So this is a really big mess. To elis point this comes of course with a backdrop of lots of important things needing to get done on t hill. Now, chris jansing, david frum said tonight that the president s bizarre allegation of wiretapping, quote, served its purpose. Were all talking less about the russian story per se but this is also, as kaitlin pointed out a be careful what you wish for period. Two interests emerge here, the democrats in hearings and the president has called for it to be vettinvestigated. Its going to be. Yes, it is going to be. You have a situation where there is sort of a feeling in the white house that they can sort of laugh this stuff away. Youll remember the other thing about sean spacer in his last briefing, when he was asked that they were praising the jobless numbers when throughout the entire time that President Obama was getting good number, this were completely trashing the labor agency. I did, though, tonight talk to a democrat about how theyre feeling about this whole controversy and he said the big unanswered question apart from the concern about obviously the credibility of this president is will there be a price to pay with the electorate . Are people looking at this . Are they concerned about it or if the economy continues to go full bore ahead, if they continue to get good job numbers, if the Consumer Confidence numbers continue to be good, will people just sort of say this is more of the same from donald trump, but i have more important things to and this democrats response was a lot of us think we just dont know know aint to that yes. We have a live picture of the snow you ever guys are starting to get in washington. The blizzard has already consumed the first fry at the tip of ainge la merkel, which was going to be the next chance we had to hear from this president. Its now been delayed from friday. In the meantime, eli, does this communication strategy just spool out day by day . Yeah, and really we have to remember that this is not the first time. That moment that chris just mentioned on friday when sean spicer kind of with a wink, you know, and a joke acknowledged that the president , you know, sees truth as whatever is most convenient to him at that time. And people in the white house Briefing Room chuckled because he sort of made a joke. One, its a stunning thing and, two, it not the only time le did this we dont know what will come up in the future that will really test whether it matters o or not that when you have a president , that when he speaks people have no clue whether or not to pak the word he well squeens a short break in here. Does the republican will be. That and more when The 11th Hour continues. Hashtag no sleep. I got it. Hashtag mouthbreather. Yep. Weve got a mouthbreather. Well, just put on a Breathe Right Strip and. 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Find fast relief behind the counter allergies with Nasal Congestion . With claritind. [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the Allergy Relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. Live claritin clear, with claritind. Tonight republicans are trying to figure out the best way to sell the new report from the Congressional Budget Office that deals a blow to their case to repeal and replace obamacare in the way theyve proposed. As we mentioned, it predicts 24 million fewer people will have Health Coverage in this country in less than a decades time. But before that plan was revealed, trumps stance, just a reminder here, was that everyone should be covered. So nobody that has this coverage through obamacare will lose it or when you say no one, i think no one. Ideal ideally, no one, knowing abc, youll have this one person on television saying how they were hurt. Okay. We want no one. We want the answer to be no one. Everybodys got to be covered. This is an unrepublican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say no, no, the lower 25 , they cant provide it. Im going to take care of everybody. I dont care if it costs me votes or not. The uninsured person . Theyre going to be taken care of. Our panel here, im going to put up on the screen a graphic of the logos of the organizations power houses that have come out against this proposed Health Care Plan so far. Big one in the middle, the doctors, upper right, a hugely important advocacy group, American Association of retired persons. Whats going to happen with republicans . What are you going to looking for with republicans as they get their arms around this . There are very different constituencies involved here. We talked a lot about conservatives in the house and senate and we have to focus on more moderate numbers. Even tom cotton in states like arkansas where Medicare Expansion has worked. Theyve been to the town hall, theyve heard of this, they have their governors lobbying Members Of Congress. Im looking for the political fallout and pressure they feel. By 2018, 14 Million People will be off the rolls. 2018 happens to be an election year. Premiums are supposed to increase before they decrease. Youll sea that in 2018 and 2020. This is a hard sell for republicans to make when you have to go home and sell this to your constituents and run for reelection again. I think thats going to help color this. The challenges in the house certainly but the Senate Looks Like a very difficult battlefield. You on need three republicans to defect, of course. Democrats are showing no signs of giving any votes. Theres a theory out there that the president want to own this. How does that theory go . The white house has said please dont call that trumpcare. But the president has said if this doesnt work, ill let this be congresss fault. Hes great at blaming if things dont go the way he wants to. That may or may not be a problem for the president himself. I think the politics for the Members Of Congress are really compliteand harder to see than, say, years ago when we had the old litmus test politics driving the tea party republicans, a lot of primaries there. Right now a lot of republicans doesnt want trump, they fear trump and his power of the bully pulpit. They dont want him coming to their district and attacking them yet hes sort of pushing them to accept this bill. Yet breitbart is attacking paul ryan on this bill. It makes it very difficult to go to town halls and hear from members worried about losing coverage. Isnt this also a part of working the refs, of taking down institutions to use bannons phrase, the kind of destruction of the administrative state, bureau of labor statistics, Congressional Budget Office, they go after those brands first for whats to come . I think aggressive would be an understatement for the way theyre going after the Congressional Budget Office. It didnt take long to bring out the hhs secretary, to bring out mick mulvanemulvaney. The c. B. O. Has one job. Most people think they do it pretty darn well, which is to look at these kinds of bills, analyze them. These are not partisan people, these are numbers people. And keith hall, the guy in charge of it, not only was he hand picked by the republicans, but one of the republicans that he was hand picked by was tom price. But they went after the c. B. O. Starting this weekend because they knew coming out these numbers were not going to be good. Our thanks to our three guests on a snowy night out east. Thanks all three of you. Coming up, if you live in the northern u. S. And choose to drive to canada for dinner, what can legally happen to you when you try to return home to the u. S. 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Nbc news has talked about 25 american citizens stopped at the border, 8 since President Trump took office, all threatened with arrest if they didnt cooperate and turn over their phones and passwords or unlock them, all but two were muslim americans. None suspected of any crimes. They say it started late in the Bush Administration but by the last year of the Obama Administration the number of Cell Phone Searches increased five fold. Now 2017 is gearing up to be a blockbuster year. More people stopped in february than of 2015. Homeland security wont say how many are americans. Two intelligence officials tell nbc news the increase is driven

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