People have been calling him jihadi john. But now the fbi says they have identified him. But its a chilling story here at home in oklahoma thats raising new questions for Law Enforcement today. An american man is accused of beheading a woman at a Food Processing plant where he worked. Police say he stabbed another woman before being shot by an offduty sheriffs deputy. You can hear what may be those gunshot wounds in this 911 call. Is that him . Hes back . Yeah, it sounds like hes running around out here. And that, thats a gunshot. Got a gunshot. Units responding to vaughan foods, be advised we do now have gun shots. Okay, do you know where hes at now . Hes in the hallway outside of the center of the building. The suspect, 30yearold alton nolan is expected to survive. Workers at the plant told police, nolan had recently tried to convert several employees to islam. Because of the nature of the attack, local Police Called in the fbi. Are you looking at a possible act of terrorism at all . Because i know you had said he was looking to possibly convert fellow coworkers to muslim. Just based on statements made by coworkers, thats what brought us to go ahead and contact the fbi, just to get assistance on a Background Investigation in that nature. As far as specifics, that is under investigation and i cant really comment on those. Authorities tell nbc news, theres no evidence at this time the beheading was inspired by isis or any extremist ideology. But clearly there are many questions for the fbi to answer. Joining me now is congressman Joseph Crowley, democrat from new york. And evan coleman, nbc terrorism analyst. Thank you both for being here. Thank you, rev. Congressman, i want to start with this dramatic new video showing isis fighters in iraq. How big a threat is isis to the United States . Well, i think, reverend al, that isis, isil, is a threat to our country, certainly a threat to our interests in the region, as well as to our allies. And left unabated, will become a direct threat to the United States. And i think thats why the president has asked for the action thats taken place so far and thats with the support of 50 other nations now in this effort against isil. Now, evan, i want to ask you about the suspect in the oklahoma beheading case. Because coworkers at the Food Processing plant said he recently tried to convert employees to islam, but officials said they found no evidence, no information so far connecting him to terrorism. And he was recently fired from the plant. What do you make of this profile . Well, look, it certainly looks like him being fired was a predicating factor in what he did. But nonetheless, if you look at the facts here, in the absence of other evidence, its very difficult to imagine that the events of the past few weeks did not influence this man somehow. You dont just go and behead a coworker. That doesnt happen very often. If this proves that its been inspired by isis, and i doubt it was something coordinated by isis, but if it was something inspired by what isis did in iraq, it illustrates the problem we have with lone wolves. You dont have to have a ph. D. To murder someone, you dont have to operate on somebody elses orders. Even someone unsophisticated, someone whos a crank, you can still hurt a lot of people. This is exactly evidence for why this is such a problem. Congressman, how tuned in are members of congress to these threats and different acts like this in the United States. I mean, are they tuned in to what people are fearing may happen, and seemingly in some cases are happening in the homeland . I think were as tuned in as we possibly can be, given the fact that were not here in washington, doing what we ought to be doing, the peoples business. Having said that, i am aware of these allege threats to the new york city subway system, and look, we are a threat because of what we stand for. Weve lived through 9 11, we know what the potential is, it was great to see governor cuomo, mayor de blasio respond by riding the new york city subway today, but i agree with whats been said so far. Copycat is out there. We see it happen when we see mass murder here in the United States, we always fear about a copycat incident. And i dont think anything i dont think we can expect anything less on the world stage. When someone like what is so depraved and really baseless that isil has been involved with in terms of beheading. That if someone is vulnerable, mentally disturbed, it may have an influence on them. I think that may be what happened here. I hope its not the case. Let me get to a story that dealt with a lot of international outrage. Were getting new details on how the fbi has identified the mass executioner in the beheading videos. The times reports intelligence agencies have used Voice Recognition technology, overhead imagery and records of western fighters who are believed to have joined the group. How much do american authorities know at this point about this execution . Well, they have some idea. I dont think theyre 100 sure, but they feel confident they have an idea. Theres a relatively fixed number of westerners that have gone to iraq and syria to fight there. Theres about 500 britons, but most of those people, we think we know what their identities are. So by going to the family members, by showing them the images, looking at previous images. This is the social media generation. All these guys have taken photos and video of themselves long before they went to iraq and syria. There are ways of doing Voice Recognition, of having family members try to identify folks. It isnt 100 . And i dont think the fbi i think the fbi is being careful here. Theyre not 100 sure. And even if they have, unfortunately, it doesnt do us a lot of good because this person is in iraq or syria and is far outside of our reach. Now congressman, they really want this guy. Theres a visceral reaction to this guy. And understandably so. Will they act if they get this guy and hes the right guy . I dont think theres any question they will just like they did for osama bin laden. If we have information to believe that that is the person, i hope they will. The nature of these beheadings, the bar bear ache acts they they are, needs response. I dont know why they wear the hood. With modern technology, we will find out who they are and they will have no corner. No question about that. Congressman, we saw today the debate in the uk, and that only raises even more why there has been no debate and vote in the congress of the United States. Were watching Great Britain go through a debate and a vote. Will there be a vote here . Just one slight correction. We did have some vote in terms of the authorization for the half billion dollars. All right. To move. I do think we needed to have more debate and more time dedicated to it. The vote was only, in fairness, on training. There was not a vote on action. There was not a vote on air strikes, and there was it was on training. Thats true. And i believe well have that vote. I disagree with speaker boehner. I think we should be in washington right now having that debate. On this issue and on a myriad of issues, but certainly on this debate because its so critical in terms of the role of congress being involved. I admire what our british cousins have done in this particular case, had a very thorough debate on this issue, and i think we need to do that here in washington as well. All right, congressman, Joseph Crowley and evan coleman, thank you both for your time tonight. Have a good weekend. You too, reverend. Coming up, so much for the gop rebranding effort. The Real Republican Party is on display today at a summit here in washington. And folks, it aint pretty. Your commander in chief, well, we then will salute him. Also gop smears against the attorney general. One rightwinger even called eric holder a modern day George Wallace as he vowed to keep fighting for Voting Rights. Plus a reverend is tasered by police, literally while sobbing over the body of his murdered son. How could this happen . Its in tonights justice files. Mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm here we go, here we go, here we go. 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My colleagues and i are acting aggressively to ensure that every american, that every american can exercise his or her right to participate in the democratic process. We will continue this fight until all americans have equal access to the ballot box, no matter who they are and no matter where they live. The attorney general is right. The fight is far from over. Today we learn that about 200,000 voters in virginia may lack the proper identification needed to cast a ballot in the november mid term elections, because of that states voter i. D. Law. And ohios republican secretary of state is asking the Supreme Court to reverse a ruling that would block cuts to early voting, calling it a matter of, quote, protecting states rights. This attorney general has shown his stark commitment to protecting civil rights, and theres a lot of work left to be done. Joining me now is Martin Luther king iii, and congressman emanuel cleaver. Thank you both for being here. Good to be here. Thank you, reverend. Attorney general eric holders resignation comes at a key time for Voting Rights. Absolutely. Perhaps we would have been further behind had he not been doing what he could do, raising the issue, doing all he can do to ensure that everybody has the right to vote in this uncoming election. Congressman, again of us said immediately and reached out from advocacy groups that were more concerned that the work continue and none of us really trying to advocate on behalf of a particular candidate. And i think that a lot of people are very concerned that some of the things that the attorney general was working on is now jeopardized unless theres a real commitment around certain things like Voting Rights. Yes. The department of justice, prior to eric holders watch, had a Civil Rights Division that had become a civil wrongs division. And he came in and hes turned all of that around. In fact, id like to say, and i agree with martin iii, i think eric holder will go down in history as one of the great ags of all time. Keep in mind that difficult times often call for great men and women, who would not have normally been great but for the challenges they faced. And he faced a myriad of challenges. The Voting Rights act, prosecuting big banks on mortgage fraud after the 2008 collapse, and continuing to bring the Justice Department into areas like ferguson, missouri, right down the street from my home. Now, you know, the congressman referred to some of the things that he faced, the obstacles. In the 24 hours since he announced his resignation, the right media has revived this ugly Smear Campaign against the attorney general. Listen to this. The right has called him a stalinist, a modernday George Wallace, and they said, quote, he ran the doj much like the black panthers would. These are quotes. Can we expect this same kind of treatment for our next attorney general . Well, you know, rev, i dont know that any of us can predict what we can truly expect, but it really depends on whether or not people come out and vote in this upcoming election. Its most important that we do all that we can to bring everyone out at this election and that perhaps will determine how congress or anyone treats the next ag. But hopefully its always going to be respectful. Now, congressman, North Carolina residents were recently mailed a socalled official voter application form, sent by the cokefunded americans for prosperity group. This mailer, it gave voters an incorrect deadline to register, the wrong address for the state board of elections, and false voting procedure information. I mean, this sounds like a mailer intended to deliberately mislead voters. Reverend, theres no question about it. And anybody in this country who walks around with their chest out, professing to be patriotic on one hand, and on the other, trying to put barriers in the way, to prevent american citizens from voting, is a hypocrite. And i think we see a lot of that today. We needed an attorney general who would step forth and fight against voter i. D. I hope that the new appointment from the white house, from the president , is someone who will say, look, there are certain things that i am going to challenge. If you dont want me to challenge it, dont approve my confirmation. We must have a strong attorney general now for reasons of fighting terror, but also for trying to make sure that americans, just americans like my dad, who is 92 years old in texas, and if he had to pay an i. D. Fee to get an i. D. , its comparable to a poll tax. And we need an ag who will stand up to that. Thats why working with this attorney general has meant a lot to i know in my work, ive gone through several attorney generals. I never saw one that would be this aggressive on Voting Rights. We actually went in some states and sued and stopped them from changing some of the voting laws. You and i were in ferguson several times. He came to ferguson. Ive never seen an attorney general in history that would come to the site themselves of a civil rights accusation. Bobby kennedy never did that for your father. Well, absolutely. I mean, this attorney general has done an incredible job under very difficult circumstances. One of the things that we think about is the sentencing laws that are modified. That is phenomenal. Because there are so many people of color who are in jail because of unfair sentencing. But voting is probably the most important, because if we get people at the ballot box, voting, participating, then we can elect the elected officials that truly will represent the interests of the people. And this attorney general has over and over and over again stood up to make sure that everyone in our nation can vote. Congressman, voting is extremely important. We had mid term elections, and if their vote does not go the way the democrats want, you could lose the senate. And no matter whos nominated, unless theyre confirmed before january, the president may not be able to confirm a new nominee. Many of us on the hill have been talking about that all day. We started yesterday. I hope people around the country understand that the president can name someone. Doesnt mean that theyre going to make it. Because in the senate, we have these arcane rules that will allow 60 votes to prevent to get a confirmation on a cabinet member. So we could get a bad human over there eventually because if they hold it back past january, and the republicans take over the senate, the president wont be able to get anyone through who has a strong and visible history of enforcing civil rights laws. Thats just the facts. I wish it were not so, but it is. Mart luther iii and congressman emanuel cleaver, thank you for your time tonight and have a great weekend, both of you. Thank you, reverend. Still ahead, no facts, no problem. One of gops rising stars falls right into tonights gotcha. Also today, ted cruz and rand paul were falling all over each other, trying to be trying to throw red meat to the base. Well, could a blast from the past be the real surprise in 2016 . Hello. You can go ahead and put your bag right here. Have a nice flight. Music plays music plays traveling can feel like one big mystery. Youre never quite sure what is coming your way. But when youve got an entire company who knows that the fewest cancellations and the most ontime flights are nothing if we cant get your things there, too. Its no wonder more People Choose delta than any other airline. Tom cotton was just busted for not telling the truth. And whats worse, he doesnt care. The Tea Party Congressman is running to unseat a democratic senator in arkansas. The polls are tight. And now cotton is trying to justify his deeply unpopular vote in his rural home state against the farm bill. He taught me early. Farmers cant spend more than they take in, and i listened. When president obama hijacked the farm bill, turned into a food stamp bill with billions more in spending, i voted no. Hijacked by president obama . Food stamps have been part of the farm bill for decades. The program was started by fdr after the last time a republican president crated the economy. During the great depression. And four republican president s have signed farm bills into law that included food stamps funding. So president obama didnt hijack anything. The Washington Post fact checker gave cottons ad, four pinocchios. So of course the campaign is going to take down the ad, right . Dont bet the farm on it. The Cotton Campaign is now increasing the size of the ad buy. No facts . No problem. Heres how cotton defended his false ad. I dont think liberal reporters who call themselves factcheckers grew up on a farm. So i think i know a little bit more about farming than they do. Congressman cotton, i didnt grow up on a farm either. But i can smell when someones shoveling something pretty stinky. And we could debunk this one until the cows come home. Nice try, but we got you. Aweso. And you. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. And only national is ranked highest in car rental Customer Satisfaction by j. D. 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If Hp Security Solutions can help keep the Worlds Largest organizations safe, they can keep yours safe, too. Make it matter. Republicans have spent the last two years talking about how much they want a change. How they want to be more broadminded and appealing to new voters. All part of a strategy aimed at actually Winning National elections. But today, at the conservative values voter summit, we could tell this party hasnt changed at all. It was like a greatest hits album for the gop. We are going to sign legislation repealing every word of obama care. The president acts like hes a king. He ignores the constitution. Do you think its time to abolish the irs . Then there was the trillion dollar stimulus, i guess that doesnt work so well. Must demand accountability for a string of coverups, fast and furious, benghazi, government spying on american citizens. All the old tunes, obamacare, oh, no, be afraid. Obamas a king. Oh no, ruining the constitution but did you catch the last guy . Oliver north, the man eyeball deep in the iran contra standca, arms for hostages. Now hes lecturing about scandals in the obama administration. It would be laughable if it werent so offensive. And pan panelist in particular couldnt wait to go after the president on Foreign Policy. The medias favorite president , he just cant stop telling lies. You know, he just said that, um, the Islamic State, isis, isnt islamic. You know who that is news to . The Islamic State. Our honored military, on behalf of all americans who do support you and we honor you, we respect you, on behalf of all americans who feel like i do, to your commander in chief, well, then, we will salute him. [ laughter and applause ] the president was lying when he said the Islamic State didnt reflect the true tenets of the islamic religion . And mocking his salute. She cant be serious. Clearly this party isnt serious about changing either. Joining me now is drew courtney, director of communications at people for the american way. Whose blog, right wing watch, monitors far rightwing activity. And msnbcs karen finney. Thank you both for your time being here tonight. Thanks for having me. Hey, rev. Is this really a place where republicans let their hair down . I think that might be the case. The people who have been going to values voters for years upon years are some of the most extreme people in the gop coalition. People wro say that if gay marriage becomes the law, christians will be rounded up into box cars and there will be a holocaust. People who say that the sandy hook massacre was attributable to gods punishment for legalized abortion. So theyre going to pander to these people, the most extreme in their party, and if theyre going to do it, i think they need to be held accountable for it. Sarah palin wasnt the only person there fear mongering over terror. Listen to this. Hes unwilling to listen to his real professionals, thats the military professionals, because he doesnt trust them. Because they represent something that hes never been able to understand, and thats a love for america. Prayer rugs have recently been found on the texas side of the border in the brush. And i believe that if you have an evil, the order of this magnitude, you take it seriously. You kill their army until they wave the white flag of surrender. Thats how you win a war. You know, karen, the president launched 200 air strikes against isis. And she says hes not taking this seriously. Will anybody buy this . No, of course not. And here theyre criticizing him on this when at the same time, weve been having a debate, from the left and the right, about, you know, waging this war against isis. So, no, i dont think anybody will take anything any of these folks have to say seriously. As you pointed out in your opening, weve heard them attack the president for not loving this country. Means a lot of the same rhetoric and the same attacks. Certainly the way they cast him in terms of Foreign Policy is, again, you know, saying he didnt act quickly enough, hes not being decisive enough. If you look at the photos from the air strikes, it was very Decisive Action on the part of this president and our military. You know, republicans across the country, drew, are running on terror too. I mean, check out this ad against georgia democrat michelle nun. Michelle nuns own plan says she funded organizations linked to terrorists. Shes for amnesty while terrorism experts say our border breakdown could provide an entry for groups like isis. I mean, this ad is completely baseless. So why would they run it . I think thats interesting, this kind of attack is really typical in one way. Theres nothing the far right loves more than saying every democrat is in league with isis. The facts dont matter. It has nothing to do with the facts. What i think is really interesting is who is pushing this ad. David per due ran and won the primary as the candidate who beat back the far right candidates and yet here he is launching attacks against his opponent that would sound comfortable out of the mouths of some of the most extreme people in the party. I think what it shows, the difference between the fringe right of the party and the establishment is less and less. Thats not because the extreme is getting less extreme. Its because the establishment has been dragged to the right along with them. You know, karen, i know this is going to sound completely crazy, but there are rumblings that mitt romney may run again in 2016. One columnist is writing about it in the conservative washington examiner. And this week on fox news, ann romney definitely didnt rule it out. Listen to this. You have the name recognition. You have the reagan example of, the third time was the charm for him. And that its been done before. And that would be appealing . Well, we will see, wont we . I mean, what does that say about the state of the party, karen . It tells you that the party, they have no new ideas and they dont really have anyone that they think can appeal to the country and win a national election. A lot of the rhetoric that we heard today, the party, the Republican Party has very much been dragged to the far right, and its interesting that some of the same people who were attacking mitt romney when he ran for president are now sort of fantasizing about the idea, if only mitt romney would run for president. I dont take it seriously. Its one of those comments that was made, because as long as the myth is out there that you might be running, people will take you seriously as a potential candidate. So i dont think its real, but i think its certainly, who doesnt like having their name in the mix, i guess. Plus, they like the oldies, so that includes mitt romney. Drew and karen, im going to have to leave it there. Thank you both for your time tonight. Have i a great weekend. You too, rev. Coming up, tonights justice files. Why did police tase a man who was sobbing over the body of his murdered son . Also, the grandmother who was repeatedly punched by a state trooper in this video wants to know why hes not behind bars. Stay with us. Sometimes healthy is not on the menu. Luckily, i always keep my Meta Health Bars handy. Its my favorite bar hands down. From the makers of metamucil, new multihealth Meta Health Bars have natural psyllium fiber that helps promote heart health with a taste consumers prefer. Would you like one of these instead . Yummy thanks experience the meta effect with our new multihealth wellness line and see how one small change can lead to good things. Here we go, here we go, here we go. Fifty omaha set hut losing feeling in my toes nothing beats that new car smell chicken parm you taste so good nationwide is on your side mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm were back with tonights justice files. Joining me now, former prosecutor and current Trial Attorney mid win charles, and attorney and legal analyst for avvo. Com, lisa bloom. Thank you both for being here. Thanks, rev. Thanks, rev. We start with a disturbing story out of pittsburgh. A man is tasered by Police Officers while mourning over his dead sons body. 23yearold malik grisom was shot and killed in 2012, trying to break up a fight. His stepfather, reverend and Community Activist earl baldwin jr, rushed to the hospital. You can see him sobbing next to his sons body in this surveillance video. Baldwin says he was praying next to his body, but within moments, things took a turn for the worse. Police officers tried to restrain reverend baldwin, and when he didnt move from his sons side, tased him in the back, causing him to fall to the ground. Police say they tased baldwin because he was preventing doctors from treating his son. But baldwin says the young man was already dead and no one was trying to revive him. The hospital has released a statement saying, clearly this was a stressful situation and a tragic loss for this family. However, the allegations about the circumstances are inaccurate. Baldwin has now filed a federal civil rights lawsuit, claiming police brutality. Mid win, why would police tase a father sobbing over his sons body . Good question, rev. Typically Police Officers are supposed to use force whenever they feel their lives are threatened, or that someone poses a threat to others around them. And clearly if you look at that videotape, that doesnt seem to be the case. This is a father who was mourning the loss of his child. He didnt pose a threat to anyone. He wasnt a fleeing felon. So the circumstances under which they decided to use the taser are dubious at best. The video speaks for itself. And for them to say they were trying to get hospital staff to assist the man who had died, you dont see that on the tape. It doesnt make any sense. Lisa, do you see anything that justifies tasing this man . Absolutely not. I represent victims in Excessive Force cases every day, and you think i would be used to these by now. But im not. This is absolutely appalling. Not only is he a father, not only is the young man deceased and not capable of any medical care, but this is a clergyman praying over his deceased son. Are you kidding me we have Police Officers pulling him off of the young mans body and tasing him. I think this is a wel founded case, i hope it does well. And we cant ignore the role of race in this case. Too often its African Americans who are victimized by police and i think this is yet another example of that. I clearly agree this appears to be something that is outrageous at best. And well follow the lawsuit from reverend baldwin. An update on the Police Beating of a grandmother. Marlene has reached a settlement with the california Highway Patrol for being punched over and over again by an officer back in july. Shell get 1. 5 million, and the officer is expected to voluntarily resign. But her Attorney Says they are still seeking criminal charges against him. We are not going to be done with this until he gets actually time in custody. She is going to testify in the criminal proceedings against this man. Lisa, the officer resigned. But why wasnt he fired for his actions . Absolutely. He doesnt have to pay that civil penalty out of his own pocket. So he doesnt have any personal repercussions from the civil case. Thats why criminal charges are absolutely so important. In so many of these cases, reverend, thank goodness we have the video. Right . Which is why every Police Officer in america should have a video on his badge, so we dont have to guess, we dont have to wonder, we can know exactly what happened. You know, mid win, the fact is, to let him resign, it means he walks away not penalized at all. Suddenly the criminal charges are something that they want, and something that clearly are to be looked into, in terms of pursuing them. But the least the Police Department can do even now is say, no, you did this, youre fired. And let that be on your record. Why give him the option to resign like he did nothing wrong . You know, the answer is pretty much in your question, rev. By not firing him, they send the message, not just to that Police Officer, but to the community at large, that this Police Officer is supposed to serve and protect, that what he did doesnt amount to or doesnt rise to a firing. And thats what makes this such a dangerous precedent to set. But i will say this, the one thing i find interesting about this, this Police Officer is resigning. In other words, he is not going to be in that position any longer, so that no one else can get hurt. O on the one hand, it sends this message that what he does, doesnt rise to the level of a firing, but at least he isnt on the job and no one else is going to suffer the fate this woman did. I agree with that, lisa, but i still think its a very, very bad precedent, and i admire her for saying, you can give me the money, but i still want him to go to jail. You cant pay me for the right to beat me. Thats right. Absolutely. I respect her taking that position. Absolutely. Hes punching an unarmed woman over and over and over again on the side of the freeway. Hes responsible from a criminal perspective for every punch that he threw, just like Darren Wilson in the mike brown case is responsible for every bullet that he fired. He has to be accountable for that in the criminal case. And all of our Police Officers have to be accountable for their actions when citizens get harmed. The irony, the Police Officer said he did this to prevent her from walking on to the highway and being harmed by cars. And from the looks of that video, she might have been better off walking on to the highway. Im not impressed with his prent ventative work. Not at all. Thank you for your time. I think we cannot have a precedent where we just pay people to have their lights violated. Mid win, and lisa, thank you for your time this evening. Still ahead, an amazing moment from my hometown city and for sports fans everywhere. Derek jeters farewell game and respect from stars like lebron james, and spike lee. Also, the first lady hits back at critics of her Healthy School lunch program. Stay with us. Want to change the world . Create things that help people. Design safer cars. Faster computers. Smarter grids and smarter phones. Think up new ways to produce energy. Be an engineer. 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Taking the nanny state to the new level, Michelle Obama is suggesting what you should feed your children. Keep it up, 30 seconds left. Despite the attacks, the first lady hasnt let up, pushing for healthier School Lunches with her lets move campaign. The first lady sat down with channel 1 to talk about making the tough choice to eat right. Food matters. You know, i think thats one of the things i talk to my kids about all the time. Change is hard. The thing about highly processed sugary, salty foods is that you get addicted to it. I dont want to just settle because its hard. I know kids are grumbling because they have to make changes. Trust me, my kids roll their eyes at me. You dont have to finish your dinner, but you have to finish your vegetables. But i know that im doing it because im giving my kids the best that i know i can give them. Finish your veggies. Its a good message according to a cdc study, obesity has more than doubled in children in the past 20 years. In 2012, 1 out of every 3 children was overweight or bo e obese. Those numbers should concern everyone, no matter their personal politics. Its good to see that thanks to our first lady, schools are beginning to make big changes. So you say men are superior drivers . Yeah . Then howd i get this. [ voice of dennis ]. Safe driving bonus check . Every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. Silence. Are you in good hands . Silence. Hello. You can go ahead and have a nice flight. Re. Music plays music plays traveling can feel like one big mystery. Youre never quite sure what is coming your way. But when youve got an entire company who knows that the fewest cancellations and the most ontime flights are nothing if we cant get your things there, too. Its no wonder more People Choose delta than any other airline. You know. Theres a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. Try phillips fiber good gummies. Theyre delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. Mmmm. These are good the tasty side of fiber. From phillips today reaction and respect for derek jeter from the sports world and beyond. His farewell game last night was one for the ages. 20 seasons in yankee pinstripes, ending with a gamewinning hit in the ninth inning. You just cant see this moment enough. Base hit to right field. Here comes richardson. Heres the throw from markakis. Richardson is safe derek jeter ends his final game with a walkoff single. Derek jeter, where fantasy becomes reality. Did you have any doubt . After his gamewinning hit, the captain celebrated with his team, as fans across the stadium broke out in cheers. One fan in particular caught our eye. Derek jeters nephew, tipping his cap to honor his uncle. What a special moment. After the game, jeter gave an emotional onfield interview and thanked the fans who have supported him all the way. I want to thank everyone here. Ive said it time and time again. You know, everybodys chanting thank you, derek and im thinking to myself, for what . Im just trying to do my job. So thank you, guys. Jeters impact extends beyond the world of baseball. Lebron james posted a photo of himself, tipping his cap to number two, writing, quote, salute to the captain. Russell wilson tweeted, my buddy derek jeter, greatest of all time, respect. Justin timberlake tweeted, jeter, no words for that. And spike lee posted a picture of himself in a jeter jersey, writing, derek jeter, new yorks finest. Ive had the pleasure of meeting derek over the years and as a lifelong new yorker, i want to congratulate him on how proud hes made this city. In a time we hear so much, some true, some false, about entertainers, athletes all over the world of leisure, it is quite refreshing to see one walk off the field after staying focused, not being distracted, and doing his job, to the ultimate, and walking away with his head high, and walking away with his dignity intact. Thanks for watching. Im al sharpton. Hardball starts right now. Voting with their feet. Lets play hardball. Good evening, im Chris Matthews in washington. Somethings happened and all of a sudden were hearing members of congress saying they want to take this war to an up or down vote. This as the United States continues the Bombing Campaign in syria and iraq. No more hiding in the bushes, no more playing footsy with the other side to protect both sides from taking a political f

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