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We are proud patriots. This is a country where freedom of speech is in the dna. We do know there is a growing tide of islamic phobia. I fear that thats precisely what the jihadists would like to see. Not only in france but all across europe. A polarization a battle between muslims and the secular europeans. At this hour the man hunt continues in france for two of the three suspects in yesterdays attack on the parisian newspaper Charlie Hebdo, one that left a dozen people dead. Frances interior minister said more than 88,000 personnel were involved in the search. The two suspects at large have been identified as 34yearold said kouachi and his younger brother 32yearold cherif both citizens of algerian descent. Recorded in french video in 2004 was arrested in 2005 and tried three years later on terrorism charges for his role in sending militants to iraq. Earlier today the suspects who authorities consider armed and dangerous were reportedly seen at a gas station in northern france. The third suspect, 18yearold hamid mourad has turned himself into a Police Station north of paris. France extended the highest terror level to greater paris as authorities continue their search for the suspects and for a second night the people of france stood in solidarity at the Place De La Republique. The eiffel tower went dark to honor the victims. Charlie hebdo confirms today that the next weeks edition of the magazine would still be released, but with the print run of 1 million, far above the standard 100,000 copies. Joining me now from paris is Foreign Editor for the daily beast, christopher dicky. Thanks for joining me at this late hour. I know we have a short delay so i will get right to it. Let me ask you just about the tone among the French Public at the moment. The video that we came out shows Cherif Kouachi in 2004 in a french documentary series on the appeal of jihad to frenchalgerian citizens. I wonder if the grief in paris is ever so slowly giving way to a feeling of confusion about how French Security did not have a better tab on someone who clearly was monitored by both media and police and Security Forces inside the country. Yeah look, Cherif Kouachi was a guy since he was a very young guy had been looking to carry out some kind of violent act to vindicate his notion that he was fighting jihad. In fact some of the reports included that he intended to attack jews in france and was persuaded by the imam or leader of his group of young men that really he should go fight in iraq against the americans in 2005 and it was when he was on his way there trying to get on a plane to damascus to get into iraq that he was intercepted and eventually was arrested and did some jail time for his involvement with terrorism. So he is definitely the kind of guy that you would think the Security Forces would be all over all the time but what they say is we have a lot of guys like that around and we just dont have the resources to be all over them all the time. We have to do a little triage and we have to figure out which are the greatest risks and which are the tierone risks as they say and they didnt classify him in that category. We are getting breaking news that the two french shooting suspects said kouachi and Cherif Kouachi have been on the terrorism database and on the american nofly list quote, for years. We know that the u. S. Officials have said that they are assisting french officials in this investigation to the degree that france needs and wants american involvement. Er eric holder our attorney general, is planning to go there on sunday. Have you gotten a sense from your reporting behind the scenes that the u. S. Is substantively involved in this investigation . Yes, but i think the fbi involvement is not going to be all that important. You dont need to teach the French Police and Security Services and Intelligence Services how to look for people like these in france on french soil or for that matter in many other parts of the world. What the americans can provide, though, is the kind of enormous amounts of meta data and specific data that can help expand all kind ofs of information about these guys. Once youve got their names and once youve got their i. D. S and basic information you can expand that and you can look at all their communications and look at their atm usage. You can look at all kinds of things and start to basically finger not only them but their relatives and those are the people who have been arrested over the last 24 hours, the relatives of these guys of these brothers. Seven people have been detained for questioning and, you know in a fashion that would be hard to justify in the United States from a Civil Liberties point of view, but all of that works together. The information from the United States and those huge databases that the United States has that many of us worry about in the United States, tremendously useful to france when shared with france and then the french of course on the ground doing their own investigations. The daily beasts Christopher Dickey thanks for your time. Joining me now is eamon mohyeldin, and matthew levitt. Let me first start with you as we learn more about these suspects. Cherif kouachis biography is both totally hum drum in a way. He didnt really have he went from job to job, pizza delivery man, Fitness Instructor grew up in an orphanage and had parents who were from algeria and it is now totally extraordinary given the ghastly events in which he is implicated. I wonder when you sort of heard initially who he was and where he came from how much did that dovetail with the now what appears to be standard biography for radicalized islamic youth . It seems to be very much in the norm of at least some of the people that ive always kind of read about and the groups. He comes from a group and a background of people who i would say are in a category of high risk to carrying these kinds of attacks out because of so many of the issues that you were just talking about. More importantly, i think when you look at several issues and there arent several issues that make a person prone to these types of attacks and perhaps the sense of confusion about identity and grew up in a western society unable to reconcile those two. Same time, socioeconomically disenfranchised and feeling there is a loss of purpose in his life and living in a type of society by france and at the same time seeing whats happening in parts of the arab world and muslim world back home that he feels personally connected to and unable to reconcile saul of these issues and felt and draub to the lure and fanaticism and the romantic ideal of jihad and as a result felt this is the way to address his calling in life. Matthew, do you get a sense that this was i mean when we talk about the training that these brothers and the 18yearold, their assistant, presumable ney thesee ablably in these attack his, does it sound like they were part of a network or singularly trained jihadists who came to france to execute their attacks . Were not going to know for some time. We can speculate based on the information thats come in and ayman is right based on the different factors and the sense for someone who grew up in an orphanage looking for family and there were reports of one of them coming back from syria. They clearly have some training and its not like theyve never held a weapon before. Theyre crossing in front of each other. They went to the wrong building in the first instance. This would suggest there is some element of training but these are not the most professional of the professionals. You dont need that much. They did appear to have some preoperational surveillance and they appeared to know what office to go to hit their primary target and so this doesnt this doesnt surprise given the way, vents are unfolding in the world and the war in syria in particular and lots of people are being drawn from the west and in particular from europe into this conflict. Many, the vast majority of them are people who have some type of socioeconomic issues and some type of criminal background and when they go they get some measure of training but theyre not master terrorists. Matthew, let me follow up on that, and does the fact that there seems to be an escape plan. They must have left france because to stay in france would only greatly enhance their chances of being caught. The fact that they potentially robbed a gas station and they were in the greater paris metro area. Does that tell you about who they may or may not be associated with . No. Not yet. We dont know if their original plan was to the expectation theyd be killed by cops. We dont know if they had access to money some place and then there were they saw police in that area and couldnt go there and therefore they had to conduct a robbery. The idea that they could leave the country quickly is something more out of television than reality. An event like this happens the borders are shut down very quickly. As chris dickey told you the french are very, very good at what they do Police Domestic security. My guess is right now theyll try to lay low and weve seen time and again that if someone does lay low it could be difficult to find them. The Boston Marathon bombing case people there was this massive search to find the surviving brother. They did. In the case of the hamas terrorist who kidnapped and murdered three kids. There, too, it took some days but they eventually found them. They will find these individuals and the aim is to find them before they strike another soft target. There are conflicting reports that when these two, potentially three attackers came to the door to Charlie Hebdo they said they were from al qaeda. Theyre posting on social media about it. Do you think, if this ends up being an Al Qaedaaffiliated recruitment process or that they were somehow trained by al qaeda, does that measurably change the dynamic weve seen in the middle east the tension between al qaeda and isis and that it is the new gang in town . The short answer to that is no, i dont think so and the reason being even if al qaeda had an operational link and even if they were given some kind of order the reality hasnt changed which is that the aspirational of al qaeda wanting to carry out terrorist attacks can now be carried out by a single individual and each if they didnt want to make a political statement. Even if they could have gone into a mall they could have wreaked a havoc and they targeted a magazine and it has political underpinnings and is no way to stop a crazy individual from waving whatever banner whether it be al qaeda, isis and any personal that he wants. Thank you for your thoughts. Thank you. After the break, the attack in paris tests the new republicanled congress. How are american lawmakers responding . Plus tension and fear. How much will the shooting bolster antimuslim sentiment already in europe . That is ahead, but first, a dangerous deep freeze has enveloped a huge part of the u. S. For more lets check in with msnbc meteorologist domenica davis. Thanks alex. We are still looking at this dangerous cold and the worst of the windchills are in the midwest. Heres a look at the current windchills and minus 16 in chicago and minus 17 in detroit. Frost bite can be felt within 20 minutes under these conditions. So this is still a very cold situation for much of the country, and this is going to continue into tomorrow through the midwest. Now to add to this we have a clipper system thats moving off to the northeast and that will bring snow on friday. The cold starts to loosen its grip finally by the weekend. 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The Nigerian Terror Group gained international notoriety last spring when it abducted over 200 teenage school girls from the village, girls that remain missing to this day, more than eight months later. The bbc reports the Nigerian Army has been powerless to stop the advance of the militants. The group now controls an estimated 20 to 25 square kilometers which is roughly the same amount of terrain as the Islamic State in iraq and syria. Coming up well have more on the new information this hour from a department of Homeland Security official that the two suspects still at large in france had been on a u. S. Nofly list for, quote, years. That is next. Alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours, but aleve can last 12 hours. And aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. So why am i still thinking about this . How are you . Aleve, proven better on pain. No matter who you are, if you have type 2 diabetes, you know it can be a struggle to keep your a1c down. 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No hidden fees from the bank where no branches equals great rates. We have some breaking news on the investigation into yesterdays deadly shooting in a paris newspaper. A Homeland Security official tells nbc news that the two french shooting suspects who are still at large brothers said and Cherif Kouachi have been in the u. S. Terrorism database and on the u. S. Nofly list for, quote, years. Just hours ago the department of justice announced that attorney general eric holder will travel to paris on sunday to attend an International Meeting to address terrorist threats. That meeting was scheduled in response to yesterdays attack. Here in the u. S. The mass shooting is offering the first test for a republicanheld congress, one that took control just one day before the terrorist attacks. Earlier today the man recently reelected House Speaker john boehner was asked how the attack will affect the looming battle over funding the department of Homeland Security. The issue isnt about funding the department of Homeland Security. Members of congress support funding the department, but we cannot continue to allow the president to go around the congress and go around the law and take unilateral action like he has. Joining me now is the democratic representative from californias 28th district newly appointed Ranking Member of the House Select Committee on intelligence, congressman adam schiff. Congratulations on the new position. Thank you very much. So let me first start with the breaking news here that dhs officials tell nbc news that the two suspects the two kouachi brothers have been on the u. S. Nofly list and the terrorism list for years and what was your reaction to that and french officials, did they miss warning signs . Well i cant confirm that thats the case but frankly, its not surprising that they would be on the list if you have, for example, one of the brothers that was convicted of trying to recruit people to join the jihad against american troops in iraq. You would hope that they would be on our list and not allowed to fly to the United States. So not a surprising result there. In terms of whether the french missed something. I think its very early to make those kind of of conclusions and they were known to french authorities at the same time. The Boston Marathon bombers were known to american authorities and the assailant in canada and australia and they were known wolves as opposed to lone wolfs and the fact that you know people are of concern doesnt mean you can surveil them 24 hours a day and its too early to say if the french missed something here. When we talk about surveillance Michael Hayden had some choice sort of thoughts on what dragnets produce or not, and its been highly skeptical publicly of american dragnets and lets hear what he had to say on morning joe. I was talking to you guys about 12 months ago about these massive amounts of metadata that they held in storage. That metadata doesnt look all that scarey this morning and i wouldnt be surprised if the French Services pick up cell phones associated with the attack and ask the americans where have you seen these phones active globally . Congressman, what do you make of that contention that metadata doesnt seem all that scary this morning . I think the former director really misses the point. The point is that the American Government doesnt need to hold all of that private data in circumstances like this we can go to the phone companies and say what numbers do you have connected to these numbers and that better protects the privacy of the American People and it also gives us access to this information very quickly at times when we need it so thats a better way to do it and balance privacy and security. So i think this is a false argument hes been making and unfortunately, often we see in the event of these tragedies theyre being used to propel arguments that dont find support otherwise and shouldnt find support here either. Let me ask you about funding for dhs. Republicans have had a curious position on the funding of dhs now that the rubber is meeting the proverbial road in terms of the deadline that looms for dhs funding which expires next month. We have news that there is a draft report released on what theyll try to pass which excludes funding for the executive memoranda released by the president on immigration or dhs on immigration that the d funds effectively an executive action which isnt in fact funded by congress. I guess im confused and i oned earn if wonder if you can shed more light on what the republican position is on funding Homeland Security. Lets do something symbolic and not something that will have a practical consequence or a desirable one. Its very much in line with the president over what we saw with the Affordable Care act and no one thought that litigation would go anywhere or be successful. I think theyre looking to make a point on the Homeland Security bill even though its not a practical way to do that and i dont think there will be much appetite on the republican side of the aisle to defund an agency thats responsible for protecting the country. So i dont think its workable. I dont think it will be successful except to the extent they feel they can placate their base by doing this. Doesnt this further enrage a base by saying were doing something symbolic that does nothing measurably and were trying to defund an executive action but that should be enough to make you guys quiet down. Doesnt that exacerbate tension that exists during the establishment wing of the party and the insurgent rightwing base. It certainly can, but thats been their formula for the last couple of years and theyve gone through symbolic vote after symbolic vote and votes to repeal obamacare 50 times now and take issue with the president s executive orders and i dont think anyone believes these things that they would be successful whether theyre mollifying it up to the base and probably to the leadership view on the gop side and they may not be, but its the best they can do. Congressman adam schiff, thank you for your time on a busy day. I appreciate it. Thanks, alex. Was an explosion outside an naacp chapter in colorado a case of domestic terrorism or hate crime . The fbi has arent ruled out either. More on that coming up next. Are all the green lights you . No. Its called grid iq. The 4 51 is leaving at 4 51. They cut the power. Itll fix itself. Powers back on. Quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. Thrillingly predictable. [coughing] dave, im sorry to interrupt. I gotta take a sick day tomorrow. Dads dont take sick days, dads take nyquil. The nighttime, sniffling sneezing, coughing aching, fever, best sleep with a cold medicine. Okay buddy whats your favorite kind of cheerios . Honey nut. But. Chocolate is my other favorite. But Apple Cinnamon is my favorite too. And fruity. Oh yeah, and frosted okay, but. Whats youre most favorite of all . Hmm. The kind i have with you. Me too. As the world watches the man hunt for terror suspects in france authorities are investigating a possible act of domestic terrorism against the naacp in colorado. According to the fbi domestic terror is one motive being explored in tuesdays bombing, the building that houses the Colorado Springs chapter of the naacp. The fbi says it is too soon to say whether the Civil Rights Organization was targeted. The building also houses a barbershop and there is a Tax Services Office nearby. Whatever the motive it appears that the bombing was intended to have a serious impact. A gasoline canister placed next to the explosive failed to ignite and the attack took place at midday when more people were in the building. The fbis released a description of the suspect a balding white man in his 40s driving a dirty white pickup with a liner on the truck bed and a license plate that was missing or covered. As Colorado Springs naacp vows to remain undeterred some are asking why the incident arent drawing more National Attention outside of social media. Headlines called out media for their lack of coverage. I am deeply troubled by the bombing in colorado. It reminds me of another period. These stories cant be swept under the rug opinion joining me now is Washington Post columnist of the Brookings Institution e. J. Dionne and charles ogle tree. Professor ogletree let me start with you. Whats your assessment of john lewis contention that this is being swept under the rug. Well you know, congressman lewis is very correct. Whats happening now is none of us expected it and i grew up as a kid with the naacp in merced. I became a life member a few years ago. It has made a big difference and the naacp is a Multiracial Group and to see that theyre getting bombed and attack the way it is to me, it calls for an extensive investigation and the people should be brought to justice and prosecuted for what theyve done. E. J. We have no specific conclusions whether or not this was the naacp was the target but if it is i wonder we have a huge news story in france about a foreign terrorist attack and a potentially very big story of a terrorist attack or hate crime if it ends up being linked to the naacp and we in the media have an easier time talking about the foreign terror attack rather than an incident of racial violence here in the states. You know, when i heard about this story i heard about it late and the first question i asked myself is why didnt this get more attention . And i think, first, you can say that the natural time that people miss a story is to cover it big the next day and then the next day paris happened and thank god no one was killed and thank god that canister did not ignite to hurter kill a lot of other people. So News Agencies being News Agencies they went immediately to paris and this sort of lack of coverage wasnt just a rightwing network. It was everybody who ignored it. I think the fact that youre talking about it now is a good thing because it is very serious. The naacp is the oldest Civil Rights Organization in the country and if they were indeed targeted especially at a time when we are having a lot of debates again around issues related to race this could be a big deal. So i suspect the very fact that were talking about it today is an indication that people are finally going to give this story the attention it should get. Professor, this particular chapter of the naacp had been active in statements and events critical of raising awareness about the grand jury decisions in the wake of mike brown and eric garners deaths. Again, if this ends up being an attack directed at the naacp what does that say about the conversation that we are having or the issue youre grappleing with in Domestic Society among Racial Injustice and the racial biases therein. It certainly is an issue of Racial Injustice that were talking about and i really appreciate the fact that this chapter like i said before is multiracial, men, women, black, white, young, old, are involved in it and we need to look at this as an attack on an american institution. The whole idea of trying to promote civil rights and promote Racial Justice, promote equality in our society that has arent happened yet and i agree with e. J. About the fact that we need to look at this and make sure its covered day after day after day after week after month and make sure that we understand that there is an attack not just globally, nationally on americans. E. J. Maybe im waxing and overly analytical here. You could never do that alex. Definitely not on cable television. To the professors point, this took place in Colorado Springs. A chapter of the naacp that boasted of its own diversity among there were hispanics, republicans, Tea Party Members and this was near a military base, many of the volunteers who staff this branch were retired military officers. I mean if we talk about sort of conventions of who is on what side or how the sort of chips fall on issues on certain issues especially racial issues this chapter was very unique and in a state that i dont think most americans associate with racially tinged violence or racially directed violence and i wonder sort of how we begin to unpack that. Again, if we find out in coming days that this was the naacp was the target. As you know Colorado Springs itself is a very conservative town and a military town although i have found over the years that a lot of people in the military and even people whose political views may be different than mine have a real sense of Racial Justice and the importance of Racial Justice precisely because theyve served side by side with so many africanamericans and i think an attack on an naacp chapter anywhere in the country would be a terrible thing, but the fact is that civil rights has been a multiracial cause in our country from the beginning, and if you go back to the original Civil Rights Movement it was a movement that crisscrossed these line and so i guess, again, were making a lot of assumptions before we know what happened here but a racist might be each more put off by an organization that was that multiracial, and so yeah there is a story well have to get to the bottom of. Indeed the suggestion is in no way that folks from various across different aisles political, ethnic social economic what have you cant and should not be part of of a coalition to promote diversity and equality but to your point, does that incite further violence . The very diversity of the naacp chapter in a state that is changing whether that exacerbates the situation or not. Right. I think thats very possible. Look, a lot of times people get angriest at those whom they think should be their natural allies allies. I dont think that way myself, but i think that happens a lot and so could that be a motivator . Again, if all of the facts turn out that way, yes, it could, but whatever the case is you know i hope the fact that youre doing this story will be an indicator that people will Pay Attention to this after the attention weve properly given to the horror in paris. E. J. Dionne and professor Charles Ogletree thank you both for your time. Thank you. My pleasure. French police are going door to door searching for two suspected gunmen in yesterdays paris shooting. We will have the latest on that man hunts just ahead. F, and the 45 highway mpg tdi clean diesel. And last but not least the High Performance gti. Looks like were gonna need a bigger podium. The Volkswagen Golf family. Motor trends 2015 cars of the year. U for calling Colonial Penn life Insurance Company. Im glad i was able to help you today. Hi, my name is diane tull, and im a Customer Service representative for Colonial Penn life Insurance Company. Insurance can sometimes be difficult to understand, but here at Colonial Penn, we make it simple. Alex trebek has been representing Colonial Penn for over ten years and is here to tell you how we do it. Thanks, diane. Im happy to be here with these knowledgeable Colonial Penn representatives. I know that Customer Service is a priority for them. 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Its what you do. sigh if you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Ok. Tonight, thousands of parisians once again gathered in Place De La Republique Holding Signs in display of defiance and solidarity with the victims of yesterdays shooting but that unfortunately, was not the only response. There were reports on three attacks on muslim places of worship across the country and nonlethal, and in Southern France and an explosion was reported at a kebab shop in the eastern part of the country and no injuries were reported. The attack on Charlie Hebdo comes at a time of rising religious tension in france home to the largest Muslim Population estimated at 5 million or 8 of that country. Antisemitic attacks and threats nearly doubled in france in the first seven months of 2014 compared to a year earlier and antimuslim attacks have risen across europe including in scandinavia where sweden has seen a string of attacks on mosques. In germany this week, 18,000 antiimmigration protesters marched under the banner of patriotic europeans against islamization of the west. Now many fear yesterdays deadly attack will further boost the fortunes of frances farright antiimmigrant National Front party, a party that continues to see gains after winning an historic 25 of the vote in european elections last year. Joining me now is staff writer for the new Yorker John Cassidy and from london chair of contemporary middle Eastern Studies at the London School of economics and author of the new middle east fawaz georges. Let me start with you, in terms of the implication for europe. Where is europe in your professional assessment where has europe been on the subject of immigration in the past year and how different is that from where its been historically. Over the past year the immigration that has been bubbling up for the last 15 years even before this attack. Yeah. We saw it in britain with the rise of the party and in france with the National Front and the rightwing movements who have been having demonstrations. It it wasnt motivated just by the recent attack. This put a fire to a tinder that was already burning. Fawaz, in terms of how to assess some of the rhetoric coming from these farright grurngs groups, the International Business times says france is a nation where mainstream discourse in the media has taken an islam phonetic tone that in the u. S. Would be reserved for the extreme reaches of the right wing. How accurate do you think that is . Probably its a bit exaggerated and there is a sense that some muslims in france call hypersecularism. The french state is trying to impose a uniform set of ideas and i think this particular uniform set of ideas has had some backlash against some elements of the Muslim Community and has provided ammunition for the strikes. You cannot understand the choice of the target the newspaper charlie because charlie represents a symbol of the what i call the fundamentalist secular france and i think whoever was behind it whether it was al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in yemen or whether it was isis or whether it was a Small Network of militant i think what they are trying to say is that there is a clash of ideologies. The ideologies of islamist fundamentalism is secular fundamentalism which in a way is a simplification but thats a fact and reality in particular in todays france. To put it in economic terms, the macro picture is perhaps that. The microby on graphically pictures which is tied to the social disenfranchisement. I would love to get your thoughts on that because when you talk about certain parts of these communities, there is a sense of hopelessness and a lack of future and that is in no wayan excuse for ghastly acts of violence, but does that inform how these two young men may have gotten radicalized . I dont think we know quite enough about these two individuals yet and there are two things that rub up against each other, in france as in other european countries, but particularly in france and there is disenfranchised youth and most who hail from algiereria who are in depressing suburbs outside paris and most people go to paris and you see the beautiful boulevards downtown and think what a wonderful place, but if you go into the suburbs and you see these Council Projects where most of the algerians live. We dont know exactly where these guys came from and it came from there, you cant generalize. In the british case after the bombings in 2006 everybody assumed these were poor pakistani from leads which is actually my hometown and one of them was well to do and one of his father was a businessman and drove around in his fathers mercedes. It cant just be reduced to economics. With the high Unemployment Rate has got to play some role for being displaced in french society. Explain to us the macro trends and the microtrends and the socioeconomic trends and the french have taken a bigger role in combatting isis overseas. Obviously, the west has been there controversially for the better part of a decade. Do these all combine into a super storm . You know alex you cannot talk about the attack without understanding the context. You cannot talk about any particular, the context is very critical and the context in particular in the last few years, france has taken the lead in the fight against militant islamists. Whether youre talking about west africa and whether youre talking about Central Africa chad mali north africa iraq and syria, france now is the vanguard. Its seen by all militants of al qaeda variety whether youre talking about isis or the Islamic State or al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula as basically as the lead state. In fact let me go further to say france today is an enemy, public enemy number one. Bigger and greater than the United States. This tells you a great deal about changing and shifting roles and thats yet focus on france this is not the first attack, as you know there have been several attacks on french territory in the last few months. The second point to come back to the macro and the micropoint. We have some portfolio of the now of the young, diluted muslim man who live in the heart of europe and even theyre born in britain in france and germany and disadvantaged susceptible to recruitment, believe in utopia they live on the fringe of society. They basically fall under the sway of charismatic recruiters and again, the cultural element and there is a sense around certain muslim segments, in particular, the religious right. The hiesh secularism is imposed from top down and the reality is this is a kind of backlash and final point on this regardless of who was behind this attack whether al qaeda affiliate in yemen or whether it was isis or north african elements and what al qaeda and its affiliates are trying to do is to hijack islamic identity. The reality here is you ask a critical point at the beginning. The Muslim Community in the heart of europe is between iraq and the hard place. The rock of militants within, and the hard place of the far right elements who are using and abusing the rise of the religious right within the muslim communities to gain and maximize their electoral gains. John what is the political i mean what happens politically here . On one hand does france rethink its hypersecularism . Does it rethink its presence you know, in wars in the middle easted . It leaves the french gdp are government in a terrible position. There has been a shift in uniforms in school and everything, but theyre facing these french provincial people and a lot of them are openly racist and they support the National Front. There is a chance theyll win the president ial election, and i know it sounds outlandish and lapen is outpacing hollande who is outpacing the 13 . There will be some sort of a crackdown, i think. It will be an enormous political problem for the french government. John cassidy and fawaz gerges. Thank you both for your thoughts. The two suspects wanted in the paris shooting had been in the u. S. Terror database for years. More on the ongoing man hunt in france coming up next. Rs at my house. Its a full day for me, and i love it. But when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. I dont like asking for help. 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We have new information this hour. The department of Homeland Security says the chief suspects in the massacre at Charlie Hebdo said and Cherif Kouachi had been on the u. S. Terrorism database and on the nofly list for years. In an ongoing man hunt for the suspects police are swarming a rural Northeast Area of paris conducting doortodoor sweeps and frances interior minister says that individuals resembling the kouachi brothers have been spotted in that area. Nearly 90,000 Security Forces are deployed in the extensive search and in an effort to guard against any further violence. It is not known whether the two new attacks and the shooting of the Police Officer and a street sweeper as well as a blast near a kebab shop. The u. S. Is lending its support. Attorney general eric holder will travel to paris this sunday for meetings on terrorism and foreign fighters. That is all for now. The ed show continues our coverage coming up next. Good evening, americans. Welcome to the ed show live from new york. Lets get to work. This dragnet continues. There a very active man hunt going on. People wonder if these people will attack again. Americans wonder could an attack like this happen here . The attack on the principles of the civil society. We just take it for granted that its our right to poke fun at the untouchable or the sacred. The conversation among those lets call it team civilization. Every american stands with you. Good to have you with us tonight, folks. Thanks for watching. We start with the latest on the massive man hunt in france. At this

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