Learning about the events of 2011 from our stories. Should he is be fired or forced to resign. I hope you protect the white house like you are protecting your reputation here. On capitol hill today, a rare show of bipartisan unity. Promised by a security breech on september 19th and we know an intruder made it into the white house with a knife. We all are outraged within the secret service at how this incident came to pass. It is obvious that mistakes were made. It is self evident that mistakes were made. We must identify what the facts are, learn from the facts, assess, make changes, enhance training and make sure this never happens again. He is said he is didnt know why protocols were not properly followed but it would be the focus of an ongoing investigation. For many republicans that was not good enough. How was he able to sprint the entire length of a football field. When do the red flags go up for the secret service. We must learn if todays secret service as structured, for example, could stop five or six fence jumpers. Tremendous restraint is not what were looking for. The message should be overwhelming force. After allowing a paparazzi crazed reality tv star to crash a state dinner, after the mishandling of the 11 11 11 event, a gunman, who sprayed bullets across the white house. I hate to imagine what could have happened if gonzalez had been carrying a gun instead of a knife. All of this comes as the Washington Post published another scoop this afternoon. The agent who tackled the intruder was not even on duty. At the white house itself, the spokesperson says the president continues to have confident in the secret service and in their leadership. You said earlier that the president continues to have confidence in the men and women of the secret service, does that extend to the director . Absolutely. Now joining me is david corn. David, one of the problems in what is a hornets nest of problem Social Security that the Washington Post is giving us more information on what happened than the secret service. It seems like theyre giving the head of the secret service more nichgs than the secret service has itself. Were having a cascade of revelations that are important to get out, to see some unity in congress, even if it is only about blowing up the white house, and that theyre all opposed to that, thats a good thing. And were moving forward to get the answers here. Alex, glenn, we have all worked at the white house covering it, and we know that we have seen that fence and walked that lawn. It should not take a lot to secure that perimeter. My concern is they will use this now as an excuse to close off and claim more of that great public space in downtown dc in front of the peoples house. Thats what you heard a lot of today. Jason chaffetz was blasting the secret service today, and he was calling for full force. But is that the right scenario right now . I dont know that we want a stream of endless automatic weapons firing around there. But people agree this should have been a reaction, either little the thing that really sort of broke down was there is a trained dog, the dog was not let out in that circumstance, and really in those fuzzy videos, you see people standing around. The notion that you should shut down or create a larger security perimeter is next to the worst is sometimes you can hear the protestors outside on pennsylvania avenue. You have to be able to deal with the security situation by structuring things better. That is a huge part of the magic of the white house. It is accessible and you can walk on to the north lawn. At a time when people feel ever more divorced from their elected representatives, that interaction between the white house and the public is important. The Washington Post, among their many details, there was a study conducted in the Clinton Administration found a way stop several attackers going over the fence. That vulnerability remains many years later. Were going to try to deal with that possible potential threat by having increased numbers of counter attack agents and so forth stationed around, but were not going to erect an even higher barrier to the public. It seems to me im not a security expert. I know the physical layout there. If you want to stop five or six people from jumping at the same time, you can have guards closer to the perimeter. More security at the entrances to the white house. Can you imagine what the country would be going through if that person was wearing a vest bomb. We have seen what happens in some of the suicide attacks. One person can take out a very large part of the white house. I think it is a very serious matter. I have to believe you can patrol that perimeter in a better way, even if you have guards on the fence, but there is more security that could be added so we dont have to turn the white house into more of a fortress. Not to make us all into armchair Security Experts here, there is a piece about the culture of the secret service and the fact that certain agents when there was a shooting in 2011 didnt feel like they could go to their superiors with the information they thought a gunman may have shot the white house. That is something that we have seen as a recurring theme here. I mean that seems like something that whoever is in that position is going to have to really make a systemic change at the secret service. Absolutely. I think two things really popped out at me. First of all, her claim that there was individual failures by the agents struck me as being irresponsible. Youre in charge of creatings that are redundant. An airplane, ferry, or bus, its a failure of the system, how many days did it take for us to find out that he made it to the room. I want to know why that happened. That would seem to be a very big deal. As we talk about fixing all of this, there is a question knowing if anyone is resigned or is fired, but the question that pops up, the resource question. There is a lot of back and fourth and whether the cuts hurts the security at the white house. Is that a big part of this debate. Well theyre on the level they need. Bureaucracies always want more. Im not saying theyre wrong, but were saying it is a chance here, a chance for people on congress, unlike what happens in the benghazi investigation, to get together and look at this in a bipartisan and see if, indeed, what the proper levels are and what the appropriate levels of funding should be to protect the white house and maybe the secret Service Needs to be restructured so theyre not doing financial crimes and it focuses more on Security Matters and the culture needs to be changed. If anyone can identify holes in the system, you want that to be the agents themselves so they have the ability to come forward and talk about it and not feel like they will get the whistleblower treatment. Do you hope this could be the one bipartisan effort that happens before 2016. Its funny, when you hear people clearing when theyre agreeing on the line of questions. It gets back to the systemic question. We have covered governments for a long time. If an agency feels short changed, they have a way they have a way of creating they feel like if there was a resource shortage, pierson should have sounded that a lot sooner than he is did. There is no question this womans job is coming to a close. Thank you, as always, guys. Were continuing to monitor the breaking news out of kentucky. A shooting at Fern Creek High School. One student suffered nonlife threatening injuries. Police are looking for the shooter who they say left the school immediately after firing. When we come back after the break, did the white house receive bad intel on isis or did good advice go unheeded . Plus, california just took a historic step to combat rape. That is ahead on now. Better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. Machines will be sprayed to be made. And making something stronger. Will mean making it lighter. One day, factories will work with the cloud. One day. Is today. Ameriprise asked people a simple question in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms . I sure hope so. With healthcare costs, who knows. Umm. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor. Can get the real answers you need. Start building your confident retirement today. Hours ago the u. K. Officially joined the air fight. American war planes continued their positions in iraq and syria with 22 air strikes overnight. Destroying tanks, and armored vehicles. Back at home the blame game entered a new faze. Two days after the president seemed to point a finger. Some of us were pushing the reporting, but the white house didnt Pay Attention to it. Surprising no one, republicans relished the back and forth between the white house and the department of defense. The intelligence people are pushing back hard. We predicted this and watched it. Its like watching a train wreck. Im sure isis was not in his briefing one day. My guess is this surfaced a lot. Im sure he was talked to about it in the spring and nothing was done until erbil was about to fall. Remember sniping is one thing and pop culture is another. Excuse me, sir, bombing the middle east and throwing the cia under the bus is george bushs thing. Joran ernest josh ernest w today by reading a statement from james clapper. Today he put out a message to the Intelligence Community. As the president pointed out and as i, director clapper, said recently despite all we know about the capabilities of isil, there is no tools that could have predicted their ability to defend off isil and the ease at what think captured forces. Joining me now, brian catulous. I think part of it is a propensity by the white house to want to make so many public statements. I think that have a fairly sound strategy. They want to execute it. He had a good week last week. I would not have done that last interview with 60 minutes. But the bigger policy issues, we have a derth of issues. We did not anticipate, nobody anticipated that the iraqis would melt away in the way they did. People were warning for a year that it was a serious problem and it was rising, but we thought the iraqis would fight for themselves. If you go back to the hearings that were earlier this year on threats in the middle east. Which is presumably one of these moments when the Intelligence Community was saying hey, there is an issue with isis, the prepared statements, i think it is Michael Flynn who says isil will probably attempt to take territory in iraqi and syria in 2014 as demonstrated recently. Those were his prepared remarks. He never delivered those. This, instead, is what he said at that hearing, lets take a listen to it. I would like to highlight three areas of particular concern at the dia. Number one, the threat of weapons of mass destruction following into the hands of nonstate actors and the proliferation of these weapons to other state actors. Number two, the emergence of foreign militaries. And increasing tensions in the pacific. That has nothing to do with isis and the other two dont mention isis by name, they call them nonstate actors. It is hard, we dont know what the president heard behind closed doors, but publicly that is not exactly a ringing of the alarm bell. No, but i think the thing that surprised everybody. And i think if you strip away the partisan politics, everyone was caught off guard that the iraqis would not stand up. Im worried about the next faze. Were bombing and i think that is a fine thing to do to go after these terrorist groups, but the gaps that may still exist in our intelligence i think are quite large and its not surveillance gaps from the air, its human intelligence. I think if we can take a lesson from this episode, it is lets make sure we get as much information as quickly as possible and process it. And the tit for tat that we have seen in the media is not as effective. Speaking of next phase, a big thing happened today. The u. S. And afghanistan signed a new security agreement. How much of that decision do you think is informed by whats happening in iraq . I think the fears are separate. In a certain sense we have been fighting for stability for more than a decade. I take this as a major establishment. Secretary kerry and others saying stop your squabbling, you have a country here, and i think many good people have been trying to broker this agreement. That is essential and i think if you have those sorts of movements in iraq in a similar way. There is a new leader that is in, but the government is still incomplete. The similarities are there. The politics of these countries, and whether the leader wills bridge their own divides, to fight these forces of extremism, thats the centerpiece of the struggle. We talk about bombing from the air, but the other elements are essential. And they are burning homes and beheading civilians. Brian, it is always good to see you, thank you. Coming up, sunrise is just hours away in hong kong where it is officially National China day. Division is the prevailing feeling on the streets as thousands of protestors stand their ground. Introducing a pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until the am. New aleve pm the only one with a sleep aid. Plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. 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Crowds of protestors have continued to swell with no sign that upcoming protests will be just ahead, a new law in california has a simple demand. With sex, there must be consent from both parties. Apparently for some, including a National Mens group, the law is disastrous. More on that coming up next on now. You pay your Auto Insurance premium every month on the dot. Youre like the poster child for paying on time. And then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. No big deal. Until your Insurance Company jacks up your rates. You freak out. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . Hey insurance companies, news flash. Nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Lnever miss a chance to dance. Introducing a revolution in bladder leak protection. New always discreet. Up to 40 thinner, for superior comfort. Absorbs 2x more than you may need. For danceallyouwant protection. No wonder more women already prefer new always discreet pads over poise. New always discreet. Now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. Because hey, pee happens. Curious . Visit alwaysdiscreet. Com. In a year when Sexual Assaults are on the cover of magazin magazines, and National Stories a investigated by universities. There is a revolution taking place. That revolution got a boost from the state of california. Yesterday jerry brown signed into law a bill that makes his state the first in the nation to set statewide standards for how to deal with Sexual Assault and how to define consent. They received state money for financial aid, but they adopt something that they call an affirmative consent standard. As it stands at many colleges across the country, the victims must prove they said no or were unable to consent law. Those accused needs to prove that their accusers consented either verbally or nonverbally. The law also requires training for faculty members that may be reviewing complaints and requires access to counselling, Health Care Services and other resources. Colleges that failed to comply will lose state financial age. Joining me now is anna marie cox. Sandra,ly start with you, you have been a champion for womens rights. It is a very important step that we can take. It not only changes things legally for victims to have a better ability to make their case in court, and be really heard there, but it also changes the conversation around Sexual Assault and it makes really clear that the responsibility should not be put on victims. We should not be blaming them in these cases but we should be placing responsibility with someone who is undertaking Sexual Activity to be certain this is something all parties consent to. This is a change in how we treat victims, that the on responsibility is not on them. The National Coalition for men, we contacted them because they have not expressed enthusiasm for this. They say the new law erodes the due process of rights of College Students accused of Sexual Assaults allowing them to be kicked out of college on a bare accusation of proof. Under pressure to believe the accuser, statistics show that overwhelmingly we are on the side of the victim, not the aggressor. I think statistics also show that only 5 of campus rates get reported, and 40 off campus get reported. And its only 25 of the time that the person who was accused gets a form of punishment that takes them off campus. These are cases in the old system where you had to prove that you said no, not where you have to prove you said yes. 75 of the time, those accused for found guilt of committing Sexual Assault on campus with the person they assaulted. We dont need just this kind of allotted change, we need a change in thinking. Rain is a crime like no other. There is no other crime that society gives us a message that sometimes they want it. When someone is beat up, you know, we dont ask well they really wanted it, when someone is killed we dont say they really wanted it. This is a crime that society has this message, that someone can want this thing to happen to them. I think this affirmative yes means yes law is a step in make thing in taking that kind of thinking away. Sondra, it is a what we talk about, the fact that, you know, they wanted it, is still a meme. There is an oned that says too many young middle class women raised far from the adult streets thinks that it is extension of their safe homes. Its not quite its your fault for wearing that short skirt, but it kind of is in a way. Here in california we want our College Campuses to be safer than savage nature, so were setting a higher standard than that. You know, one of the authors of this legislation, along with senator Hannah Beth Jackson and bonnie lowenthaw. They have said repeatedly it should not be the case that as a parent or student you know that going off to college makes you less safe than you would be in other parts of your community. That is the reality right now given the really high rates of Sexual Assaults on College Campuses. Were taking steps to prevent that. Funding training and requiring programs to be in place on campus to make sure that victims are getting the services they need. Thats especially important this time of year. I just had a piece on refinery 29 talking about how this fall period has been labelled the red zone. These are the first few weeks of college when folks are sent out to campuses and they dont have adequate preparation and preventive training on how to make sure these types of assaults are occurring. It seems like the red zone is something the red zone is part of the savage nature of going to college . You made me read that article, and im angry at you. I apologize, i went to sandra first with the oped, but im not done talking about it. Im going to sue you for the damage done to my head and desk because i banged my head on it. It is really leudacris. He is taps into a sense that we had before that he is dismisses accusations of Sexual Assault on campus. He is calls them hookups got wrong. Thats the thing that i have trouble getting around. And i think i go back to what sondra said. Yes, to live in a state of nature is to have, to have appropriate fears about these things, but we do not live in a state of nature. We worked very hard as humanity over the milennia, and i think we owe people everywhere a higher bar, and it is incumbent on these colleges to ask more of everyone who is affected by this. Some of the most effective programs on campus to increase reporting of Sexual Assault have to do with peer education. People reporting what they see and things they know happened to friends. I think this is an opportunity for this entire conversation to be brought up. Its not just about the victims or the people, but its about all of us and about the way we see these crimes happening and the way we see the victims ourselves. And sondra, it is worth mentioning that the department is investigating 55 colleges. This law puts the responsibility on the institutions themselves, they could lose their state financial aide if theyre not better on this. Yes, and im proud to have worked with the activists that pushed forward on this effort and brought it to the department of educations attention and were helpful in being voices in favor of this bill. Some were working on my campaign. This is just an example of the time of work they try to do in my career is taking this grass roots energy, translating that into a Ground Breaking legislation at the california level that i believe will really be a model for other states. Well see california having an influence on the rest of the country. Im sorry that i made you read that article, but thank you, ladies for joining me on a very important issue, thank you for your time. Thank you. Coming up, i am joined onset to discuss a truly transformational role that is just ahead. Im alex trebek. If youre age 50 to 85, i have an Important Message about security. Write down the number on your screen, so you can call when i finish. The lock i want to talk to you about isnt the one on your door. This is a lock for your Life Insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. But be careful. Many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the Colonial Penn program. Call this number to learn more. This plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable Life Insurance thats simple to get. Coverage options for just 9. 95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. 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Thats how jeffrey tambor, the star of transparent describes his first steps as a transgender woman in public. Known for his roles and george and oscar booth, and hank on the Larry Sanders show. Over the course of the ten seasons, we see his sense of belonging. The show is inspired by a recent discovery that her own father was transgender and its as much about his transition as each characters struggle with identity. Honey, my whole life i have been dressed up like a man. This is me. Joining me now is the lead actor in the new prime series released on friday. Magnificent jeffrey tambor. An incredible show and youre incredible in it. We are honored to have you. How do you prepare as someone who is nontransgender, how do you develop the emotional tool kit to play this role. When they offered me the role, i was going out to l. A. I live here, i was getting off of the plane and i saw the strip, and in 15 minutes, by the time i got to the hotel, i was screaming that i have to play this role. I have got to play this role, and i just threw myself at these people. It is a role of a lifetime. I thought the most difficult part would be the externals, and that was the simplest part, and the costumes, and the wig, and the make up was done expertly. And i was helped by three wonderful people, who are members of trans who are transgender, they are part of the community and they were consultants that led me to that wonderful character, but i kind of understood mora. I dont understand why, but he is was as real to me he is is the most wonderful character. There was sort of a fail safe built in there, mora is very young into her transition. Jeffrey is very young into his playing youre each stepping into new roles. Yes, i loved the opportunity, i have been given this wonderful opportunity, and also in front of me is the great creator, writer, director. Its an amazing cast. Yeah, it just goes on. And just give me a break. We talk so much about how pop culture can shape politics and public attitude. And when we talked about the defensive marriage act and its defeat, many people go back to will and grace. Many shows a transform a society. In terms of a main stream show getting enormous critical accolades, this could be huge and a great deal of light has to be shown. There is a great deal of transphobia. There is ignorance, including my own. Light needs to be shown here and understanding. And i dont think we are the total answer for moving forward and the conversation has to move forward. I love what you said about will and grace because i think we have the same bones and structure to move the conversation forward. Our show is, as you know, very funny, very human, anyone gathered around the table when uncle sid has had too will understand. Do you feel, thats a that is fresher, too. Were ready for you now, i was so nervous. The scene where i come out to sarah, i was shaking, not because i wanted it to review, or to be believable, but i felt such an enormous responsibility about all of the people that have come out in their lives, its a huge responsibility. I did not know that when i first read that and then i went oh, this is bigger than me and i love it. They face a minority, in film, transgender characters are killers or villains. Yes, vulgarized. In the media and in life, it is unsafe. And it is dangerous. And there is huge phobias that go on, huge hatred and misunderstanding. When we talk about changing perception, do you think it is all, not necessarily a problem, but the best thing that they get lumped in with lbgt issues . Transgenders are often sort of an add on to that or carved out when we talk about national policy. And the concerns i think facing those communities are in some ways different. I would say this. Im not the, you know, the spokesman. But what i do know is otherized, and being otherized in society is wrong. And must be stopped. When is the moment that you knew you were doing a good job in this role . Or do you still not know. You have to understand, im the jewish son of russian and hunga hungadred hungarian parents, its not in our dna. I have been getting comments that are very humbling on social media. I have stunned. They say how are you taking all of this and i say im stunned. A truce has hit. People are saying there i am, there i am, there is my family. My family has secrets just like that. I understand something is hitting the truth button and that is great. Jeffrey, it is an amazing intersection of Great Television and Important Television and youre sitting would you like to have though show. You have been replaced and apparently im taking over. I like you less, but i still think youre doing a great job. Transparent is available now on amazon prime. Actor and hero jeffrey tambor, thank you. Coming up, breaking news. The cdc confirmed the first case of ebola diagnosed in america. Well have more on that after the break. Max what are you doing up . Its late. I just wanted to have breakast wih you. If you were a denture . Take this simple test. Press your tongue against it. Like this. Ahh it moves, unlike natural teeth. Did you feel it . It can happen with every denture. Introducing new fixodent plus truefeel. It helps keep denture firmly in place, with its smooth formula free of flavors and colorants. So you get a closer feeling to natural teeth. New fixodent plus truefeel. Fixodent. And forget it. Honey, we need to talk. We do . 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It could help you find an aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. What happens when we travel . The plans go with us. Anywhere in the country. I like that. You know what else . Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company has years and years of experience. What do you say . Im in. [ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. Remember, all Medicare Supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay and could really save you in outofpocket medical costs. Youll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. And with these plans, there could be low or no copays. You do your pushups today . Prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] dont wait. Call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan to go the distance with you. Go long. We have more breaking news this hour. The first ebola case has been diagnosed inside the united states. The cdc is expected to hold a press conference tonight. Officials at the texas health holt said the patient had been diagnosed with ebola and was immediately placed in isolation. Since the outbreak was first detected six months ago, it has killed 3,000 people in west africa. That is all for us today, ill seal you back here tomorrow, the ed show is up next. The first case of ebola has been diagnosed in the united states. Lets get to work how did it happen . Our security plan was not properly executed. How much would it cost to lock the front door of the white house . Im concerned about our leadership. Ill make sure that it does not happen again. I wish to god you protected the white house like you are protecting your reputation here today. The American People want to know if the president is safe. This is our watch. 1 failure is not an option. Someone should be held accountable. It is obvious that mistakes were made. The president and first lady have confidence. The time is right for a 21st

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