Which would significantly undermine the right wing conspiracy theories that the president and his allies have been pushing. Also this afternoon, the New York Times and the Washington Post are citing documents and people familiar with the matter and now reporting that the president s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, was in talks earlier this year to be paid upwards of 200,000 by ukraines then prosecutor general. As the Washington Post notes with for giuliani the agreements would have been a way to accrue financial benefit from a person who was providing him politically damaging nafgs could help another client. The president of the United States. This new reporting comes as the president is brazenly trying to distance himself from giuliani. I dont really care what he says. But what was Rudy Giuliani doing in ukraine on your behalf . Well, you have to ask that to rudy. But rudy, i dont even know. I know he was going to go to ukraine and i think he cancelled the trip. But, you know, rudy has other clients other than me. Im one person. The president s claims you just heard are, frankly, ludicrous. He suggests he did not know what was happening with giuliani in ukraine. Even though he told ukrainian president zelensky in that infamous july call that rudy very much knows whats happening. If you could speak with him, that would be great. I will have mr. Giuliani give you a call. I will tell rudy and attorney general barr to call. The president s claim that he didnt know what giuliani was doing in ukraine is contradicted by the sworn testimony of his own envoys to ukraine. As a president ial appointee, i followed the directions of the president. We worked with mr. Giuliani because the president directed us to do so. Mr. Giuliani was expressing the desires of the president of the United States. And we knew these investigations were important to the president. And the president s suggestion that giuliani may have been working for other clients is contradicted by giuliani himself, who said this in a New York Times report earlier this year about ukraine. My only client only client is the president of the United States. Hes the one i have an obligation to report to. Lets kick things off with nbc news justice correspondent Pete Williams. Pete, this ig report has found that, i guess, the fbi did not spy on the Trump Campaign. What what can you tell us . Basically, that. That people have seen the draft report say it discounts this claim that the fbi was spying on the campaign. The fbi has long said the only thing they were interested in is whether the russians were trying to influence the campaign. And of course, as muellers investigators were looking whether anyone on the campaign facilitated that with which Robert Muellers investigators concluded that they did not. You may remember that this all started with a spectacular tweet by the president on one saturday. When he said that his phone had been tapped. That obama had authorized a tap of his phone in trump tower. None of that has ever come true. And according to people familiar with this report that weve talked to, its generally supportive of what the fbi did. It says there was no political motivation at the top of the fbi or the Justice Department in conducting these investigations. And then this latest bit of the puzzle, which says theyre concluded that the fbi didnt spy on the Trump Campaign. Do we know how attorney general william barr will respond to this . No. Well hear from the attorney general after the report comes out. As this is happening, theres also another investigation being done by john durham. How are these two investigations going to going to line up . Or what if durhams investigation undercuts what horowitz has found . I think theyre looking at sort of two different things. My understanding is that, remember, the horowitz report was very narrowlyfocused. The primary focus of the horowitz report is the fisa application, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act application, for the for the warrant to eavesdrop on carter page, the former Trump Campaign advisor. Thats the guts of the report that horowitz will be putting out. Thats why he put his report out. It was after claims, especially by house republicans, that the fbi had abused the process. And i think there will be a lot in the report from, according to people weve talked to, about that. It will say some mistakes were made. Although, the people weve talked to say that it will conclude that there were there was a legal justification for seeking the wire tap. But that there was some sloppiness and some mistakes in how the actual warrant was prepared. Now, by the way, that that part of his report may be somewhat controversial. Because some people weve talked to say that the report will be critical that the application didnt say, well, on the one hand, theres this. But on the other hand, theres these reasons to think that the people weve talked to may not be credible. Thats typically not the way warrants are prepared. But nonetheless, apparently thats one of the things the report will say. Pete, thanks very much. We appreciate it. Im joined now by matt, National Security reporter covering the Justice Department at the Washington Post. Hes one of the reporters who broke the story on Rudy Giuliani this afternoon. Matt, always good to see you. So what are your sources telling you about what exactly was happening with giuliani . And what he was potentially negotiating with ukraine . Well, so earlier this year, when Rudy Giuliani is talking to this ukrainian prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko about conducting bidenrelated investigations, investigations of interest to President Trump. Rudy was kind of trying to negotiate his own business deal with this prosecutor. The various drafts of a proposed deal would have this prosecutor pay Rudy Giuliani several 100,000 to help this prosecutor with kind of an Asset Recovery mission he wanted to conduct. He believed that ukrainian assets had been stolen. And he wanted Rudy Giulianis help with the u. S. Justice department. Getting the u. S. Justice department to help him out. So they negotiated back and forth. While talking about the biden investigations. Ultimately, they never actually execute a contract and rudy isnt paid. But this kind of deepens questions for him, you know. Would he have been working for a Foreign Government at the same time hes working for the president of the United States . That would be a weird conflict. Definitely, unethical for a Government Employee and it raises some questions about rudy kind of doing this shadow diplomacy and what the ethics of that are. Who would who is trying to influence who in this scenario . Is it the Ukrainian Government trying to influence giuliani and the American Government . Is or is it giuliani and the president trying to influence the Ukrainian Government . I think theres a medley of interests at play here. So the Ukrainian Government has its own interests. And they want to influence the u. S. Government. The u. S. Government and President Trump has his own interest. He wants the ukrainians to investigate his political opponent, joe biden. And then youve got Rudy Giuliani in the middle who seems to be playing both sides. And trying to negotiate a financial benefit for himself. Importantly, as he has said to some other Media Outlets today, he never actually got money here. He ended up referring this prosecutor to a couple other lawyers. But its its a sort of a, you know, a confluence of all kinds of interest. Some of them competing, some of them in line. Just remind us because theres so many names that were learning. And were having to keep track of in the last few weeks of impeachment hearings and as developments of this story come out. Yuriy lutsenko, hes the prosecutor. Hes no longer the prosecutor. Just unpack who he is and why he mightve wanted Rudy Giulianis help. So Yuriy Lutsenko is the former top prosecutor in ukraine and people have probably heard his name because ambassador yovanovitch testified at some length about him. She believed and americans believed that he was kind of a corrupt guy. And he wanted her, thats ambassador yovanovitch, out of her job because she was sniffing around his corruption. So hes interested in u. S. Politics because he wants to maintain his job. He wants influence over here, like any Foreign Government want influence over here. And then rudy is interested in him because he believes the ukrainian prosecutor can investigate the bidens. The biden family. This prosecutor had been involved in an investigation, which at this time was dormant, into a company that employed joe bidens son. So thats why rudy is interested in him. And then he, of course, has his own reasons to be interested in the u. S. Just quickly, if this deal had gone through and Rudy Giuliani did not register as a foreign agent, thats where he would have gotten into trouble . Or is there some legal boundary that he already crossed thats not clear here . Yeah. I think even it not going through, this is a piece of evidence that prosecutors in the Southern District of new york are going to be interested in, in determining if rudy should have registered as a foreign agent. Of course, if this deal went through, he should have. Though, its possible that he would have if it went through. But prosecutors could see this as a piece of evidence that contrary to what he said that the president his only client, he was looking out for the president interest. Actually, he was looking out for the ukrainian interest and here you have this contract to suggest that. Its not like the contract needs to be signed for him to have to register. If hes doing the thing, if hes lobbying on behalf of ukrainian interest, that would be a problem. Matt, thank you very much. That is the perfect segue to bring in msnbc legal analyst and former federal prosecutor glenn kershner. So, glenn, what are the legal risks for Rudy Giuliani here . Yeah. Katy, you know, its its pretty alarming what the New York Times was reporting because, you know, on the one hand, you have Rudy Giuliani who is serving as the president s lawyer. And then we learn that hes also trying to potentially negotiate business deals to enrich himself with who . With somebody that is, one, reportedly a corrupt ukrainian prosecutor. And, two, somebody that Rudy Giuliani would be interacting with and interviewing under the the theory that he has potential evidence that could assist his client, the president of the United States. I mean, this is really double dealing at its worst. And then when you add into the mix that Rudy Giuliani apparently was also working as part of this sort of personal, political errand. This back channel fake diplomat that dr. Fiona hill testified was his role. It looks like hes going into triple dealing territory. And, you know, its its such a tangled web at this point. But what i can tell you is that it looks like Rudy Giuliani, at a minimum, is violating legal ethical rules in the way he is dealing on behalf of his client. Of course, he also famously said recently that if trump tries to throw him under the bus, he has an insurance policy. Its not often that you hear lawyers give their clients ultimatums on national television. You dont hear many lawyers say any of the things that Rudy Giuliani says. But when youre talking about throwing under the bus, the president distanced himself at the very least, the most has started to throw giuliani under the bus by saying that, you know, he wasnt really working for him when he was in ukraine. Why is the president distancing himself . Is it because politically speaking, Rudy Giulianis becoming more toxic suddenly now . Or is there a legal element here . Yeah, the legal element may be that the president is realizing that all of his bluff and bluster and all of his attacks on the process are not working. And because he has no defense on the merits, it may very well be that at some point, katy, hes going to have to say, you know what . Rudy giuliani was apparently doing wrong in ukraine. He may claim he was doing it for me but i didnt know anything about that part. So if somebody has to be held accountable, if somebody has to take the fall, its got to be Rudy Giuliani. And not me. You can almost see that defense forming in some of what we heard from President Trump recently. Let me ask you another question. On the subject of former National Security official charles kupperman, hes suing to find out whether he needs to appear before the house, i guess, impeachment inquiry. Or whether he needs to abide by the ban on doing that from the white house. Hes added the sergeant at arms to his lawsuit. This comes after you tweeted that you believe democrats should should refer people who dont show up for testimony to the sergeant in arms to be jailed. Why would you add the sergeant at arms to your lawsuit . Because if you have a sense that things are not going your way in the litigation over the enforceability of the congressional subpoena, you might as well add to your lawsuit the person who might be looking to lock you up and hold you accountable for that. Do you think hes really concerned about that . Or is he just being safe . I i think both. I think hes being safe and i think with the opinion that was just handed down by judge Brown Jackson saying there is absolutely no such thing as absolute immunity. So people have to comply with these subpoenas. And if they dont, they dont have a legal basis to refuse to comply. I mean, that sent a powerful signal. And hopefully, congress will pick up on that and will begin issuing subpoenas. And using that as a basis to enforce them with their power. And katy, in that opinion from judge jackson, she sets out just how the inherent contempt power works and how it is a lawful vehicle for congress to force people to comply with their subpoenas. Glenn kershner. Glenn, thank you very much. Happy thanksgiving to you. You too, katy. Ahead, much more on the president now distancing himself from Rudy Giuliani. Could this mean changes for the democrats strategy on impeachment . And later, does Elizabeth Warren have a plan for this . The latest polling shows some trouble brewing for her campaign. 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So weve Pete Williams has been able to confirm what the New York Times reported on the draft ig report that is going to find that the fbi did not spy on the Trump Campaign, as the president has alleged. This is sticking a knife in in one of those conspiracy theories that the president just threw out there out of nowhere very early on. And has used to tear down the credibility of the fbi and a lot of the government apparatus around that. But i dont think its going to stop. I dont think its going to stop the president one one bit. Its an important document to have. Its an important report to have because to the extent that democrats can use it to say, look at this president. He just throws things and see what sticks to the wall. But and i think that that fits into some kind of narrative that the impeachment hearings themselves may also help to to promote. But at the end of the day, i dont think that this changes the president s behavior. It doesnt change peoples impression of the president. Does this balloon ever burst . This idea that everybody is out to get me. And everything that theyre doing is a lie. And i am perfect. The call was perfect. My campaign was perfect. Does that ever burst . No, it doesnt within Donald Trumps orbit. But what is important is that when we look forward, whether its in five years or ten years or 50 years, that these reports did come out. So we can say that just because the president said it, we know it not to be true. Its easy to get into the every day of how much he lies and Everything Else and people are kind of numb to it. But it is important for the record to show that our our systems are doing their jobs. The fbi are filled with people of good integrity. Department of justice. All of our systems are holding up. Our democracys holding up even though it doesnt change donald trump. We have an economic reporter here. So i want to ask you. If the economy starts to falter, if it tanks, tanks or if it falters and donald trump doesnt have that going for him, do the rest of these allegations suddenly or the rest of the, i guess, the does the bubble burst that way . Right. I think its possible. And ive actually got a story coming up the next couple of days that examines this very thing. So thank you for prepromo of that. You are welcome. If the economy goes south in 2020, nafta goes away, the usmca doesnt pass, were already looking at weak growth in 2020. Right now, there are a swath of voters in those important states who hold their noses and say i dont like the giuliani stuff. I dont like the deep state stuff. I dont like the lying. But okay. The economys looking pretty good. My wages are going up. I will hold my nose and vote for donald trump. Its not a huge number of people but its enough to swing the election in 2020 from trump to the democratic nominee. We dont even need to be in recession. We just need to be slowing down. Wage growth slowing. Companies not hiring as much. That could burst this bubble. Among enough people. Some people, it will never burst. He could do anything. But there are enough swing voters i think where the economy does make a difference. Lets talk about Rudy Giuliani. Hes going to Yuriy Lutsenko and trying to get him to investigate the bidens. And Yuriy Lutsenkos going to him saying can you help me with this trouble i have . I mean, you know him. Please. I i think theres something just even a Bigger Picture to keep in mind when youre looking at rudy and all these stories were hearing. He was not nominated for secretary of state because of his International Business dealings. Yeah. That was the reason. Theres enough there. Was that the only reason . It was it was a large part of it from my understanding. Okay. It was also the only position he sought. So its not like he didnt get something else. Thats what he wanted. He didnt get it. He didnt want anything else. I thought he wanted ag too. Oh, that would be a disaster. To my knowledge, he was not offered anything else because he didnt want to be offered anything else. Thats my understanding. Not saying other things couldnt have happened. But this is starting to remind me of Michael Cohen a little bit because Michael Cohen went to jail because of tax evasion. For his other crimes that were investigated while he was doing something equally bad for donald trump. Can he stay under i dont know how long rudy can be under a magnifying glass. Can you interpret his tweets for me . Can you interpret what he means when he says ive got an insurance policy . I cant interpret anything that Rudy Giuliani has said about since wasnt the insurance policy about the bidens thing . Yeah. But didnt make a lot of sense. But why would he need to apologize to trump about the insurance policy idea if it was about the bidens . It didnt make any sense. But heres also part of the thing. You have to remember donald trump is like because hes a cultlike leader, he gets people and he isolates them from everybody else. Rudy doesnt listen to his advisors anymore. Hes caught into that web of trump. So he may feel he knows other things. Maybe hes he just talking trumps language. Maybe hes just making a whole mess of it so we talk about it for all i know. Thats part of the problem too, right . Because if you worked for any elected official, there are all these sort of extra governmental people around, right . Folks that sort of operate outside of the bureaucracy and outside of the normal channels of the office. But theres never been someone whose hands have been in so much that has created such a disaster for this presidency. And for the American People to operate this sort of shadow democracy. Thats whats just so scary about it because i cant imagine any elected official, republican or democrat, allowing someone this much leverage. To go interact with foreign foreign actors. Thats the one we know about. Maybe theres someone with not such a high profile doing trumps work too. We dont know. We do not know. But we will continue this discussion in just a moment. Talk next about democrat steps on impeachment. Stay with us for that. As the House Intelligence Committee hands the impeachment inquiry over to the Judiciary Committee, were still learning new details that could have major implications on the investigation. Now, democrats need to figure out if barrelling toward the im a verizon engineer, and im part of the Team Building the most powerful 5g experience for america. Its 5g ultra wideband for massive capacity and ultrafast speeds. Almost 2 gigs here in minneapolis. Thats 25 times faster than todays network in new york city. So people from midtown manhattan to downtown denver can experience what our 5g can deliver. woman and if verizon 5g can deliver performance like this in these places. Its pretty crazy. 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Im finding it hard to stay on a faster laptop could help. Plus, tech support to stay worry free. Worry free. Boom boom get free next business day shipping or. 1 hour instore pick up shopping season solved at Office Depot Officemax or officedepot. Com. As the House Intelligence Committee hands the impeachment inquiry over to the Judiciary Committee, were still learning new details that could have major implications on the investigation. Now, democrats need to figure out if barrelling toward the next phase is the right move. Or if they should slow down and continue to dig. Here now is democratic congressman steve cohen from tennessee. He serves on the house Judiciary Committee. So, congressman, i know youre going to have academic witnesses for the First Judiciary Committee hearing. Are you going to have any fact witnesses . Are you going to want to hear from Rudy Giuliani . If he does come up or say there is some quick court ruling that allows other people to testify, would that go to intel . Or would it go to to judiciary . I dont think thats been determined. And i think Speaker Pelosi with chairman nadler and chairman schiff would make that decision. I i really dont think the courts are going to have anybody come in very soon. I think the trump teams going to continue to stonewall and appeal and appeal and appeal. And all of the folks were talking about, bolton and mcgahn, have longstanding relationships with republicans. And have been boltons got a book deal and mcgahns got a law practice that are really dependent a lot upon their history in working with the republican team. Theyre not going to jeopardize that. You know, so i i dont see any great change coming in that cart. You might have these two these two fellows parnas and whatever his name is fruman. Maybe they would be available. But i imagine and i imagine schiff will want to interview them first. But thats a question beyond its over my pay grade. Well, let me ask you this. Are you confident that youll be able to convince the American Public that this stonewalling by the white house, this delay, delay, delay tactic from the white house means that you just got to move now . Or are you a little bit concerned that there could be some people out there that say, hey listen. They might be stone walling. They might be trying to run out the clock but i really do want to hear from these people before i personally make a decision on whether or not i want to see the president impeached. Well, i think therell be some people there. But this its not going to be a great number. I think when you see the polls say 50 of the people want him impeached. And removed from office. Those people are going to support the democrats. Its a big number and theyre going to support the democrats. 43 , which is basically your bush bottom line that do not. But some of those people might be people that dont want him impeached and removed from office but might not mind him being impeached. And as a blemish and as as as a record. But dont want him removed. And then you got the other 7 that are obviously out there, too. Hes his only hope is to get all those keep the 43, get the 7 because the 50 are gone. And obviously, the 7, if theyre in a question spot, theyre more likely in my opinion, to lean against the president because the president s been shown to to have done a lot of harm. Its clear that hes abused his power. Its clear that hes tried to use his office to benefit himself politically and personally, which is not what hes in office to do. And its jeopardized our National Security. And its part of the constitution. And people will see at least part of that. Openminded folks and i think that 7 are probably the most open minded of the group. Not having kind of made a decision. And when youre open minded, youll see the facts as being damning to the president. And damning for our country. Our country, really its its at stake. The constitutions what were about. Its not just a piece of paper. Its not just something you read about in history. Its a living, breathing embodiment of the United States of america and what it stands for. And its under attack. Ive spoken to fellow members of the of your committee. Congressman madelyn dean and congressman jamie raskin in the past couple days and theyve walked us through how this first house Judiciary Committee hearing is going to look. Theyre going to explain what an Impeachable Offense is. What a high crime and misdemeanor is. Line up what the president did with what nixon did. Line it up with what clinton did and try to show the American Public how egregious what the president egregious the president s actions were. I know youre calling academic witnesses. I havent seen anybody say who exactly those witnesses are. Can you tell us . Well, i dont know. Ive been told that they will be top flight and the best that you can imagine. Constitutional lawyers . That sort of thing . Yeah. Not going to be one but there will be others. But well have people that you know of who are experts in the field. The white house or weve now learned from the New York Times that the president knew about the whistleblower report in late august. What does that do to the timeline . Well, it shows that he he had a reason to say loudly i dont want anything. That no quid pro quo. Because he knew that trouble was coming down the line and that the he had been caught. And and the the jig was up. You know, they they mulvaney saw it when he went back to try to justify their actions. After he found out about the Intelligence Committee report. And he tried to find a way to justify it. The president saw the same thing. They knew theyd stepped in it. And and it was sticking. And they started to smell it. Congressman steve cohen, congressman, happy thanksgiving. Thanks very much for joining us. Happy thanksgiving to you, katy. And may your turkey smell better than my description. Were going to leave it there. Thank you very much. Next up, Elizabeth Warren takes another hit in the polls. Is medicare for all the wrong prescription for her campaign . Keep it right here. A lot will happen in your life. Wrinkles just wont. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repairs dermproven retinol works so fast, it takes only one week to reveal younger looking skin. Neutrogena® nongmo, made with naturally sundown vitamins are all sourced colors and flavors and are gluten dairy free. Theyre all clean. All the time. Even if sometimes were not. Sundown vitamins. All clean. All the time. 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If Elizabeth Warren prides herself on having a plan for everything, one of those plans, and you could argue the most important plan, could be hampering her campaign. Warren is in third place and 14 points behind joe biden in a new cnn poll of democratic voters. And that came out a day after Quinnipiac University poll showed the massachusetts senators support cut in half from where it was just a month ago. And whats happened in that time . Warren released her plan for financing medicare for all. A plan that came under scrutiny from republicans and some democrats. She downplayed the significance of the new poll yesterday. So its the same answer its always been. I dont do polls. Im out here fighting every day on behalf of working families. Im talking about whats broken in this country. And about how to fix it. And building a Grassroots Movement to get it done. Ben white, susan del percio, and basil are here. All right, guys. The big thing thats changed is the is the medicare for all plan. I mean, for somebody who always has a plan, why did this plan can you say this plan was the reason that her poll numbers are starting to slip . Its hard to attribute to much of anything else. People are afraid of the idea of losing their private Health Insurance. Theyre afraid of the idea of taxes going up on everybody. And its not just hoping that maybe she didnt really want to do it and she was just saying it . Well, that. Or that she wouldnt come out with all of the details on how much its going to cost to pay for it. You know, maybe she could have fudged it and been more trumping about it and just said im going to give you this and i dont have to tell you how. But shes not like that. She is a plan person. And she gave the plan and it is hurt her. I think this was always going to happen when Elizabeth Warren set out to out Bernie Sanders. And shes done that in the primary and its taken a toll and its obviously benefitted biden. Its benefitted buttigieg. And dropping from 28 to 14 in one poll. I dont remember ever seeing that. But there is something else. I mean, yes, the Healthcare Plan she put out there. 52 trillion. Its crazy for most people to process that and not think their taxes are going to go up, for example. But Bernie Sanders is out there with a similar plan and he basically says he doesnt even try and hide it. He says you are going to get a raise in your taxes. Overall, youll be spending less. But i think what happened with Elizabeth Warren was also a timing issue. She went into that. She was surging her campaign has had a great structure going into these states. Really, building up an organization. She went into that debate stage. She was a target. Then she came out. Had to explain where this money was coming from. And then everything happened with the biden the bidens. Ukraine. That stalled any momentum. And you notice in all the debates when someone has attacked the frontrunner, their numbers have spiked a little bit. It seems like Pete Buttigiegs number have been sustained partly because of the timing. But also, he hit Elizabeth Warren on that one thing that she was promoting. But that so many other candidates, particularly moderates, were uncomfortable with. Isnt there a question of when you want to peak . Thats true. Maybe he is peaking too early now. Were still in november. Having said that, i do think there is a little cognitive dissonance with some of our candidates because theres so many, the policies are going to be hard to decipher from candidate to candidate. How much does this cost . So i think youre going to see a lot of fluctuation. Except for biden. So you have a lot of educated, white liberals who are sort of making decisions between bernie, warren, and mayor pete. But you have biden support, older, and a lot of older, africanamericans who say, no, i like this guy. I dont care what else you do. Warren has defied the odds a number of times. One of them just earlier this year when she said she wasnt going to take any money from big donors. Her finance director quit over it and everyone thought her campaign was doomed. And she came back and and she persisted if you want to use that term. And she could do that again. This is a long race. People rise and fall. How does she do that with the medicare for all plan . Does she does she come back and say, okay, i see that this wasnt really working . Let me revisit it . I think were seeing a little of that already when shes talked about maybe its a phase in and theres a medicare buy in option to start with. And then ultimately try to get to medicare for all. I think she has to find an alternative path on this issue of eventually getting to medicare for all because people arent buying the idea that she can get it into the office, immediately deliver it, and not raise gazillion billion taxes on everybody. So phase in. Shell try to make it a little more palatable to people. You look at the calendar also does give her an option to come back in new hampshire. I mean, that does work for her. She makes a good showing in iowa. She could do very well in new hampshire. Shes probably going to have problems going to South Carolina because thats where bidens going to come in strong. But she has money, too. And thats the other thing. We look at these candidates who are moving up and down. Buttigieg, sanders, warren. To a lesser extent, biden. They have tons of cash. Well, thats what i would say thats where i would say warren maybe could shift her strategy and focus a little more on South Carolina because thats where Pete Buttigieg is not getting any support, particularly among africanamerican voters. So maybe change strategy a little bit. Talk a little more policy. Can we trust the polls on this . And i ask this as somebody who went through 2016 and, you know, saw that donald trump was able to convince people who were not being polled reliably those low propensity voters. Young people are really enthusiastic about Elizabeth Warren, about Bernie Sanders. Really enthusiastic about them and theyre not generally the people who are polled as likely voters because they havent been as reliable in the past. Can we trust these polls right now . So its always better to trust the state poll than a national poll. Absolutely. Absolutely, right . So having said that, i i you could trust the polls but with the caveat theres still time. Theres still a lot of time. Its an open race. They can only tell you today. They cant tell you what a campaigns going to do. To a degree, you can trust the average of polls and if shes dropping big double digit numbers across an average of polling, that means something. I think its interesting when its tied to a certain policy. As opposed to just horse race. The thing about polls is these republic polls when campaign operatives. We look at where you can go get votes. We use polling differently. So thats and we make decisions based on microtarget. Thats how we make our decisions. So when you see national polls, they really are just a snap shot. They dont tell you where youre going. If you were warrens campaign and youre microtargeting, what would you be doing . I dont know what their data says. I cant tell you. I havent read a warren poll. Would you be going out to universities and to i would be target over and over young people, young people, young people. Doing what shes doing because its working for her and shes building an organization. And plus, i still say this. Shes the only one out there who looks like shes enjoying what shes doing. My one piece i would say to that is shes got to find a path with some of those older, moderate voters. Because frankly, i think thats largely why Deval Patrick and Mike Bloomberg can have space to the extent they do to get into this race. Because there ever a lot of older voters, moderate voters. No ones showing up at Deval Patricks events. That might be true. But if theres theres something out there, some number out there that gives them the ability to say they can do this. All right. Guys, ben, susan, basil. Thank you all. Happy thanks giving. Ahead, were going to break down the findings with one of the top experts in the field. Thats next. Everybody. Get new deals all day during amazons black friday sale, happening now. Everybody needs somebody to love low prices and Free Shipping on millions of items. Get the perfectly grilled flavors of an outdoor grill indoors, and because its a ninja foodi, it can do even more, like transform into an air fryer. The ninja foodi grill, the grill that sears, sizzles, and air fry crisps. He borrowed billions donald trump failed as a businessman. 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Even if World Leaders follow the paris climate agreement, the same one that the United States is exiting next year, temperatures will still rise to a dangerous degree by the end of the century. Joining me now to break down the report is dr. Ben strauss. Ceo and chief scientist of climate central. Ben, really good to see you. How dire is this warning . I think its quite dire. Its a very important warning we all need to take quite seriously. Why are we not more alarmist about it . Scientists havent been alarmist about it until relatively recently. The idea i guess was from what i read that you dont want to freak people out. Is it too late . Should we have been alarmist much sooner . Actually, theres been research on this and scientists have tended to make mistakes to err on the side of caution and less drama. So unfortunately, we havent gotten quite the strength of signal weve really needed. Str that weve needed. And when you understand the consequences, i think our descendents will wonder why we didnt climb to the top of the nearest hill and shout. The good side of it is its never too late to start doing better, but were in a really bad place. What can we do what needs to happen now in order to push off the effects of Climate Change . In order to change what looks like the future will be, what it looks like the future will be . I think the other piece of good news on climate, i think of it as the easiest hard problem. There are a lot of big problems in the world, poverty, disease, war. Climate change, amongst those, is the most easily solvable. We have the technology that we need. We know what do. The problem is we have a time limit because basically as we pollute the atmosphere, the effects of that pollution today are going to last for hundreds and hundreds of years. Lets put up some of the pictures that this report has or that your organization has provided us with. If were working with two degrees warming, celsius warming in hundreds of years wall street by the bull will still look like this. If its more than 2 degrees of warming in hundreds of years it will look like it is on the left, under water. Look at miami beach sea level, same thing. 2 degrees warming its not great but its not as bad as 4 degrees warming. And washington, this is the pentagon, potentially parts of it under water with 4 celsius warming and not as bad with 2 degrees celsius warm. This will happen years from now, but this will be locked in. All the images show the choices we have right now in terms of the legacy we leave to our descendents. What are the choices we need to make right now . The transition say Clean Energy Economy and to get our Carbon Emissions to zero within a few decades. And then see if we can engineer our ways to removing carbon from the atmosphere after that. But its more than our energy system, its also transportation. Things like transitioning to electric vehicles which can be supplied by clean energy. We have that technology. We have that technology. There are ways we can change how we farm that can be very beneficial to farmers as well as the climate. Why is it not happening . Well, change happens slowly often. We have people are set in their ways. We have infrastructure thats aligned with the way we do things now. We have financial interests that are aligned with the way things the way we do things now. But arent there financial interests in change in pursuing new technology, realizing that oil is not going to be something we can use forever for cars, but realizing later on that, yeah, electricity for cars is going to be much more sustainable and ill have profit 100 years from now and not only a profit 20 yearsy from now . Absolutely theres financial interest in making this change as well, its just Different Companies and different people have interests in the future versus the present scenario. Account states do enough alone . Can the corporations do enough alone . Or does this have to be led by the federal government . I think this problem is too big for any one entity do on its own. Individual states, cities, corporations its important that everyone is pulling an or brrks b orb. But its going to have to start turning if were going to turn it and keep from serious ramifications. Happy thanksgiving to you. Were serving up a holiday helping of politics just in time for thanksgiving. Theres an all know chuck todd cast from chucks favorite interviews the year. Gobble it up now from wherever you get your podcasts. Well be right back. M wherever you get your podcasts. Well be right back. Ullnessfigg neoglucosamine. Boosts cell turnover by 10 times for instantly brighter skin. Bright boost neutrogena®. Im a verizon engineer, and im part of the Team Building the most powerful 5g experience for america. Its 5g ultra wideband for massive capacity and ultrafast speeds. 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My whole body is a compass. Oh boy. The my account app makes todays Xfinity Customer Service simple, easy, awesome. Not my thing. [ dramatic music ]ing ] ahhhh ahhhh elliott. You came back welcome back. Isnt fall the best . The crisp, cool tweed and that turtleneck weather in the crunch of the leaves beneath your feet. The Pumpkin Spice on everything. But theres one fall thing that trumps them all. The white house turkey pardon. On tuesday, President Trump had mercy on this poultry pair aptly named bread and butter. But the night before bread and butter were living it up in washingtons tony willard hotel. And ive got to dell yotell you ruffles my feathers. Theres no doubt its a good hotel, but its not built for turkeys. You cant just lay down a pile of wood chips and call it a day, can you . And that gave us here at meet the press an idea, one truly for the birds. Youre not just any turkey. Youre a turkey traveller who experts the finer things. So why you stay in a hotel for people . Introducing the capitol coop that puts poultry clients first. Stretch out in your airy sing size pen made with chips from zebra wood. Enyou have our nature excursions. Ruffle your feathers at our late nice dance club. Let your fowl mood melt away at the luxury yoga studio. Easy to get to the right off the gravy train. Stay at the only resort that knows how to talk turkey, the capitol coop, for birds with good taste that only taste good. Open the 30 week in november. Thats all for tonight. We wish you a very happy thanksgiving. Tonight, the news refuses to take a holiday on this thanksgiving eve. For starters, the drama is deepening around the former mayor, tv lawyer and accused bagman for donald trump. The latest allegation is that rudy tried to loosen six figures from the Ukrainian Government while he was there as trumps back channel. Tonight, the latest on what rudely is saying. And a report of a Washington Post calls into question that phone call between trump and sondland where the president insisted no quid pro quo. All evidence to the contrary. Also tonight, the lights come up as impeachment hearings ramp up again a week from today. What do the democrats have planned . All of it as the 11th hou

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