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Which george h. W. Bush was. And by not going partisan, george w. Bush helped remind us just how starved we are for decency in American Public life. And im going to leave you with that picture, get ready to put to rest one of our points of light, one of my points of light, the 41st president. Thanks to nancy, brett, nick, elise. Thats it for this hour. Im any coko nicolle wallace. Mtp daily is next with chuck todd. Good evening, im chuck todd here in new york. And welcome to mtp daily. Moments ago, president george h. W. Bushs remains arrived by train in college station. Next is a Burial Ceremony at the george bush president ial library. We will be keeping an eye on these proceedings as the 41st president is officially laid to rest in a few minutes. Well take you back there, but were going to begin tonight with yet another piece of reporting that raises questions if the trump administrations Foreign Policy is for sale. It raises other questions about whether bob mueller might be investigating something much bigger than just russian interference, but a massive pay to play scheme involving the president. According to the Washington Post, saudifunded lobbyists paid for 500 rooms at the president s Hotel In Washington after the 2016 election. They racked up a bill of more than 270,000. Now, fast forward to the president S Redecent Decision T side with the saudis of the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi. It would appear to be an example where the saudis could appear to have paid and the u. S. Played. Making matters worse is how blatantly the president is seemingly trying to cover up his personal business ties to the saudis, which appear to extend well beyond a few hundred rooms at his d. C. Hotel. We are with saudi arabia, were staying with saudi arabia. And by the way, just so everybody i have no business whatsoever with saudi arabia. I like is saudis, theyre very nice. They buy all sorts of my stuff. All kinds of toys from trump. They pay me millions and hundreds of millions. Just so you understand, i dont make deals with saudi arabia, i dont have money from saudi arabia, i have nothing to do with saudi arabia. I love saudi arabia, the people are very nice to me. They buy my apartments, you wouldnt believe it. Its true. Theyll pay me anything. They have nothing but money. Well let you decide which trump to believe, but heres where the saudi connection might be of interest to bob muellers investigation. And this certainly adds to the appearance that multiple foreign governments tried to buy access to the president s Foreign Policy, and there is the appearance that some were successful. Just last week, we learned that mr. Trump was being briefed during the election on a possible deal with the russians to wild a trump tower in moscow, which included the consideration of a 50 million penthouse for putin, which was going to be used as marketing. And just jeyesterday, mueller disclosed information that his National Security adviser was working as an agent for turkey. Im joined now by tonights super panel. Kimberly, let me start with you. Here, this saudi story, on one hand, its it feels separate from what muellers doing and on the other hand, the larger picture here is, who has leverage with this president , suddenly seems as if that might be the greater question needing to be asked. I think thats exactly right. I mean, you have this case, which seems to be a textbook example of what the Emoluments Clause is about. There should not be foreign officials, foreign nationals, buying influence when it comes to the president of the United States. And here we have an example of where foreign nationals spent large amounts of money at a trump property, ostensibly to curry favor with the president of the United States. The trump administration. This is something that is not exactly new, we have seen since the election foreign nationals, diplomats saying, going to trump tower saying, yes, this is a great way to try to curry favor, to try to gain access to the president. The same thing with maralago. But with respect to the mueller investigation, from what the unredacted part of the flynn of the Flynn Sentencing Report we saw, there are other investigations going on, aside from just the straight russian interference investigation that we dont know about yet. We dont know if this is something that mueller is already looking into. Well, susan, i want to play for you, the irony in all of this is, of course, candidate donald trump was excoriating the clintons on a pay to play scheme quite a bit. Take a listen. Its called pay for play. Pay for play. Pay for play. Pay for play. Pay for play. Really, really bad, and illegal. 100 illegal. Pay for play. If you are outraged by the clinton foundation, and plenty of people i think legitimately were, because it was a question of, what are you doing here, youre at least hanging out a sign for foreign governments to try to influence then Secretary Of State clinton. What is the difference . There isnt. Because both are based on perception. If the president was serious about wanting to at least put this issue aside, he would have gone into a blind trust. Of course, he should have shown his tax returns and everything else. But why didnt he go into a blind trust . Because he still wanted to have control over his business. Which means his business is a way to get to him. And thats whats so concerning about what we saw with the candidate, giving, you know, offering a 50 million apartment to putin or when it comes down to the saudis. Lets not forget, everyone knows this president s transactional. He said he brags about it. He said the reason not to go after saudi arabia with khashoggi, the journalist who was murdered, was because they buy our military goods. I guess thats always what trump referred to as toys earlier, i dont know. But its thats the Big Fu Fundamental Problem with trump, is that he becomes not just transparent, but translucent. You can see just right through him and where to go. Let me play for you the s. O. T. That basically, the soundbyte from the president that essentially is rationalizing the saudi arabia decision and listen to how he rationalizes it. Take a listen. Theyre Buying Hundreds of billions of Dollars Worth of things from this country. It means hundreds of thousands of jobs. Im not going to destroy the World Economy and im not going to destroy the economy for our country by Boeing Foolish with saudi arabia. If you want to see oil prices go up to 150 a barrel, all you have to do is break up our relationship with saudi arabia. Well, Lindsey Graham had something to say about that today. Take a listen to that. We tolerate bad behavior, thats part of politics at times, but this is an ally. If you get in the orbit of the United States, if you want to buy our weapons and integrate your economy into ours, theres a certain price to be paid, dont chop somebody up in a consulate. Thats not too much to ask. Eugene . No, its not too much to ask. And you heard the rationalization. The saudi relationship is all about the money, according to President Trump. And really, its even more about his money. And in a sense, if you step back, i mean, this was always going to come down to money with donald trump. With everything we know about him. I you know, one assumes, and actually we know, or we think we know, that, if not mueller than the Southern District of new york and new York State Attorney Generals Office and maybe the Manhattan District Attorney are all looking at various aspects of trumps money. Theres and the Trump Organization, trump foundation, theres a lawsuit going on about the Emoluments Clause, about involving the states surrounding states here, and its you know, so, this is all sort of closing in, i think, or closing in on some truth about trump and his Business Interests that potentially could be explosive. Noah, wheres the you think there should be more outrage about this on the right . I dont know, frankly. Im not entirely sure that another presidency would act any differently with regard to the Saudi Arabian would another presidency have put their businesses in a blind trust . Almost certainly. But establishing that theres some sort of quid pro quo here, unless theres a paper trail, would be very difficult do his words create the paper trail, though, in some ways, the president s transactional bragging about, hey, they buy our oil, they buy our gas. Yeah, thats why its strange, because our genuine interest with the saudi government is in geopolitics and security. And thats what the president should be saying, is that we use them as a means s to contain iranian influence. And that is where our relationship is. Saudi arms purchases from the United States wouldnt shave a point off gdp. Their oil exports, while important, are nowhere near as important as they were a decade ago. The president uses these explanations, rationalizations, but our Trust Interest is in geopolitics and no administration would jettison that relationship. Why does he jeopardize it, by not showing the public what his interests really are with saudi arabia . When they start when they gave the donations of the income they received in the hotels, they made a donation recent it will for x amount of dollars and said, take our word for it, this is what we believe we have to donate. Any other administration would give all of the information out there because they had nothing to hide. And by not doing it, at least makes you think they must have something to hide. Thats the thing. Its the perception, that was always the concern of the clinton foundation. Were going to actually, i believe, sneak in a quick break here and then were going to come back oh, no, sorry. We are moving towards it, sorry, we are the president , theyre about to take him to his Resting Place, his final Resting Place at college station, at texas a m. Im switching conversations here a little bit. This is obviously, we want to follow this. Im just curious, noah, what should Young Conservatives take away from george h. W. Bush . They should perhaps take away that there was a particular code of conduct that was valued by a generation past that is no longer valued. That is looked upon as naive, as perhaps a little dated, as not sufficiently cynical, enough to navigate the world around you. That is something that, i think, is particularly lamentable. In part because, and weve talked so much about it, john meachum delivered a Spectacular Eulogy in discussing the codele of conduct how george h. W. Bush navigated life, and it is one thats lost. His presidency, his legacy of a president is debatable. His character is not. And character counts. And if we take away anything from the trump era, it should be that. Eugene robinson, it struck you, you were on the news side of the post for quite a bit of the bush presidency. Yeah. One of the things that struck me the most yesterday was how we were talking about how shocking it was that he worked across the i aisle, or how extraordinary it was he had a relationship with sonny montgomery, a longtime democrat from the south, and you say, you know why back then, that wasnt extraordinary, that was just washington. Yeah, it was nothing extraordinary about it at all. You know, at that point, people certainly had fresh in their memory the friendship between Ronald Reagan and tip oneill. And the way washington had worked, really, for our entire lifetimes until recently. It just Wasnt The Case that washington was so tribal that there were not relationships across the aisle. It wasnt until fairly recently that all republicans were very conservative and all democrats were liberal. It was there were liberals and moderates and conservatives in both parties when i was growing up, and, really, to the through the reagan years. It things changed. But so, you know, this is a chance to sort of remember those earlier times. I dont know that, i mean, we dont immediately recapture them, we dont go back immediately to the way things used to be, but i think its very useful to know, as noah said, that theres a different model for all of this. Theres a different model for personal conduct. Theres a different model for political conduct. That, you know, many people remember and think was a much better model than what we have now. I was struck by something today, someone wrote a brilliant line, i apology, that the real end of an era was that the president should be all consuming. And we have made the presidency all consuming and smaller at the same time, when george h. W. Bush was president , it was not all consuming and yet larger. It was so much bigger than him, and i just think, one of the things i take away from his presidency, but thats where i entered into politics. I assume this was your first professional person. Exactly. It was that he believed that your political principles can guide your policies, but they must not dictate how you govern. You always have to put interest of country first. And that was thats what stayed with you, and now looking at where the country is, i dont think anyones willing to sacrifice their political beliefs to put their country first. Kimberly, have we part of this is, have we helped make the presidency too all consuming . I think so. I think its good this week to have this reminder that the presidency and american politics in general has not always been this scorched earth, all or nothing, brutal battle. People have always had political differences, of course. And president h. W. Bush was not perfect. But it does he did govern in a way and at a time where there was a sense of personal responsibility, a sense of patriotism that didnt equal tearing down the other side. And i think having that reminder, i hope, that that leaves some lasting mark on washington after this week, that reminder that working together doesnt have to be a dirty word. Eugene, george h. W. Bush wasnt interested in being a celebrity. And im not saying that the last that the one and the last three president s before them, im not going to sit here and say that obama, w and clintons wanted to be celebrities, but they became bigger than the presidency itself, sort of in the reverse. Do you think how do you how do we can you change that, or are we forever sort of stuck on this model until somebody gets elected and says, you know what, im shrinking the personality of the presidency. You know, i chuck, i think its possible that just the media and communication and the Information Age and all that potentially has changed things to the point where, at least a certain degree of celebry if i case is evidentable. Thats a hypothesis, im not sure thats certain. One thing that could change, successive president s, republican and democratic, have sort of, Enlarged The Powers of the presidency, have grabbed power from a congress that became increasingly gridlocked and dysfunctional and unable to, you know, to do its job, basically. And some people would say thats the demise of the seniority system, which was, you know, had its problems, but did work. Some people say, you know, bring back earmarks, that allowed things to happen. Even though, you know, it wasnt necessarily the fairest system, but whatever you want to trace it to, congress isnt working, and because congress isnt working, it the power sort of devolves to president s, and so the presidency becomes more important than the founders intended it to be, and probably more important than it should be. Why dont we step aside here, just watch. Theres, for some reason, it feels theres a finality of this. After the week, theres a finality of this, i think we ought to step back here and take a listen. The family heads to what will be a private service for the final burial of the 41st president. Well take a quick break, be back right after this. Minimums and fees. They seem to be the very foundation of your typical bank. Capital one is anything but typical. Thats why we designed capital one cafes. You can get savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. And one of americas best savings rates. 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If americas Foreign Policy if for sale, a lawsuit accusing the president of violating the Emoluments Clause could provide the receipts. Maryland and washington, d. C. s attorneys joer s general filed w lawsuit. Earlier this week, those Attorneys General is up pinaed five federal agencies and Trump Organizations for records that could expose foreign spending at the hotel. With me now is marylands attorney general. Mr. Frosh, welcome back to the show. Let me ask you this. I understand how maryland has standing for this. Explain to me how washington, d. C. Has standing in this, if theyre collecting d. C. , you know the trump hotel is in the district, so, they are, certainly, not being penalized in getting taxes and things like that. Well, look, d. C. Not only has governmental entities that suffer from competition by the Trump Post Office hotel like the convention center, but it has many other businesses that suffer from the trump hotels competition. Restaurants, hotels, et cetera. Thats how they have standing. So, obviously, theres a story today about how saudi lobbyist purchased hotel rooms for lobbying purposes, in order to get a in order to get recruit veterans to help them lobby against a bill they didnt like in congress. If americans are representing the saudis, does that fall under the Emoluments Clause . If its an american lobbyi inin organization, im just curious, legally, would you be able to make that case, if its an american entity purchasing the room . You mean because the moneys been laundered before it gets to the Trump Post Office hotel thats your word, not mine, but i guess that would be the argument you would make, right . I dont think that works as a defense. But there have been many direct payments, whether orp not those payments, the payments from the Lobbying Firm on behalf of the saw dips to the Trump Post Office hotel qualify or not. Weve seen repeated examples of direct payments through the post office hotel from foreign governments and from State Governments. State of maine brought a delegation down here. United States Government has paid money to the Trump Post Office hotel, and all of those are emoluments within meaning of the constitution. Explain let me you said the state of maine. They fall under the Emoluments Clause . I thought it was only supposed to be foreign money. They do. There are two Emoluments Clauses. The first is the foreign Emoluments Clause that says that the president may not receive any present or any emolument of any kind whatever from a foreign state. The domestic clause says that the president gets only his salary and may not receive any other emolument from the United States or any of them, any other state. So, when he receives payments from the United States Above And Beyond his salary, or when he sevens a payment from another state, those are both violations of the domestic Emoluments Clause. What constitutes a payment to him, if he is currently not running the Trump Organization . Well, if he receives any gain profit or advantage from the payment, thats a violation of the Emoluments Clause. Look, what the clauses were designed to do was to show th that to make clear that the president must put the interest of all other americans above his own. We ought to be able to know when the president is governing and acting in his executive capacity, that hes not thinking about his own financial interest, that hes not thinking about himself. And thats why these payments are barred, the framers didnt want him to be under the influence of a foreign state or use the united States Government as his atm. What does relief look like for the state of maryland . So, a judge, lets say you win your lawsuit, theyre going to outline what they believe will be relief here. What will that look like, in your best Case Scenario . The judge will enjoin President Trump from receiving any further payments from foreign governments, from the United States other than his salary, and from any other state. How would they enforce that . Well, thats up to the court to figure out. But it should be selfenforcing. When a judge issues an order and says to the president , dont do it, he risks being held in Contempt Of Court and there are other sanctions that could be applied, as well. The reason i ask this is because it is not clear to me how you police and enforce the Emoluments Clause. A lawsuit is one way. Lets say you get your relief. Hes said hes donating all of his foreign profits and they sent to the federal treasury, so he gave some 150,000, i think, is what they claimed was foreign profits off of the hotel to the federal treasury sure. Whose job would it be to double check that . Well, the issue is not what his profits are. Hes not allowed to receive any payments, period. So, hes trying to negotiate the terms of the Emoluments Clauses, but the United States constitution is not negotiable. Just the fact that he sevens a payment is a violation of the Emoluments Clauses. It doesnt matter if hes making or losing money. If hes getting money from saudi arabia, hes violating the constitution. So, you get this relief and that means you need to get him to go to a blind trust . One would assume thats about the i mean, the court is going to order this, they got to come up with a they got to come up with a way to do it. Is that the expectation . Well, its going to be up to the court and up to trump, i mean, there are lots of ways that he can avoid violating the Emoluments Clauses. He can sell the Trump Post Office hotel and his other properties, though theyre not at issue in our lawsuit. He can give them away. Im not sure that a blind trust in these cases would be sufficient, because he knows whats in the trust. Its, at least from the Trump Post Office hotel or the ownership of maralago or one of his hotels or condominiums in new york. It may be difficult for him, but this is what he signed up for when he ran for president. How much do you need his tax returns or is this Financial Disclosure form enough . I say this, because through his Financial Disclosure, we learned they started a new llc where he earned 100,000 just selling trump 2020 tshirts. And other trump para fa nail ya. Number one, would that be a violation of the Emoluments Clause . Well, Him Profiteering is off the office is repugnant, but not necessarily a violation. Unless hes getting paid by a foreign government, a State Government or the united States Government may not violate the Emoluments Clauses. And he its easy for him to stop that kind of conduct. Its really disrespectful, i think, of the office, but not necessarily a constitutional violation. All right, youre subpoenaing five different federal agencies, youve talked about the state of maine, 13 different organizations. Are they cooperating . At this point . Well, the subpoenas have only just been served. Well know in a matter of weeks whether or not folks are going to cooperate. And i believe because were subpoenaing a number of different agencies and organizations, well have various degrees of cooperation. Just one of many different areas where the president s personal finances coming under scrutiny. Brian frosh, democrat from maryland, thank you for coming on, sharing your views. Thanks for having me, chuck. Up next, the president s undocumented worker problem, and it gets personal. Guess who is working at president up trumps golf club in new jersey . Welcome back. Tonight in 2020 vision, the crowded democratic president ial primary is going to be ugly. That we know. And thats reason enough for at least one candidate to say, im not running. Its time for democrats to grow a backbone and stand up for what we believe. Deval patrick, once one of the democratic partys rising stars, has decided not to run for president in 2020. In a statement today, the former Massachusetts Governor says he wont seek the dnomination, citing quote, cruelty of the election process. The inevitable comparisons with a fellow bay stater, elizabeth warren, had already started to ramp up after he met with President Obama earlier this year. I describe myself as a capitalist, im not a market fundamentalist. By our count now, thats at least 33 democrats that were calling still flirting with a bid. Well see if the anticipated ugliness of the Campaign Season is enough to keep a few more from jumping in. Well be back with more mtp daily right after this. Do your asthma symptoms ever hold you back . 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With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. And just like you, the further into winter we go, the heavier i get. And while your pants struggle to support the heavier you, your roof struggles to support the heavier me. Crash and your cutrate insurance might not pay for this. So get allstate, you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. Mayhem is everywhere. So get an allstate agent. Are you in good hands . We will put our people, not people from other lands, our peop people, back to work. We will hire americans. American hands and american labor. Hire americans. Hire americans. Hire american. Hire american, right . Welcome back. Time now for the lid. President trump talks the talk about hiring american and getting tough on illegal immigration, but a new report shows he isnt walking the walk. The New York Times is out today with a stunk new story highlighting an undocumented immigrant, quite a few, that worked at the president s golf club in new jersey. Like a maid from guatemala, who has duties like making the president s bed, cleaning his toilet, since she startled working there in 2013. This is in her interview. I ask myself is it possible that this senor thinks we have papers . He knows we dont speak english. Why wouldnt he figure it out . Our panel is back. Noah, i know some of these things, the president says one thing and does another, right, on some of this stuff and he has a history of this, back to when he built at trump tower using illegal workers, caught during the building of the trump hotel in d. C. , and now this. Does his credibility matter here . Yeah, i see a fair built of hypocrisy here thats evident on just about every side. So, the president now, he spends a lot of time discussing how immigration, particularly unskilled immigration displaces american workers, but the administration has sought the not the administration. Trump organization. At maralago. And the administration has consented to that they consente allowed for the increase that should be visas. They were talking about the emoluments. As to whether or not this particular Undumted Work Er sai no evidence he knew that. He claimed to use the e ver vie and it came to the trump building. I asked him about this during the campaign. Lets take a listen. The Trump Company hired illil immigra immigrants. He even paid a Million Dollar fine. The Washington Post interviewed about 15 laborers at the d. C. Hotel reporting that many said they entered the u. S. Illeg illegally. You dont practice what you speech on immigration the one judge is from 35 years ago. When people have to go 35 years back to find out about workers and as far as one of the greatest hotels in the world between the Capital Building and the white house, there were no illegals. We do checks like you wouldnt believe. Kimberly atkins, he tries to talk his way without of this stuff. Does it matter . It matters for two reasons. On tell us we know when the economy booms, those in the Reportity Industry said repeatedly they depend on Immigrant Labor to survive. We are seeing from trump himself that that is the case. These are jobs often filled by immigrants and particularly in good Economic Times and trumps to be visa request is reflected. It also reflects in terms of those from mexico and Central American countries and really horrifically Derock Torrey terms like vacuum the floors and wash his under way. Its more than hypocritical. Its very problematic especially to republicansas they continue to say they want to expand their base. For seems like the Business Wing that would say see, will you hurry up and legislate this. This is happening today. Not to harp on the fact, but this is why president s put their companies into grind trust. He is responsible for what happens at his golf courses. He receives financial benefit from it. Of course there should be wnl his own party to get it done. Now he just sits there and looks like a rip krit. When you had republicans saying look, he claims he cares about illegal immigration, but look at his business practices. It didnt work for other republicans. I believe that ad was a super back ad. So who knows. I am not surprised that the times was able to find an immigrant working at bed minster and find out that others worked there and in fact i would be surprised if you didnt find the same at mar a lago and other trump properties. I wonder since this is a central issue and i do wonder whether this might have some impact in the trump base. This is the central thing. Immigration and illegal immigration is bat. This woman has a Secret Service and went through a background check. I wonder about the Background Checks at the white house. The 2018 campaign is not over. In fact we have a with drawn concession. It may not surprise you that the with drawn concession is in that North Carolina Ninth District and the democrat there just tweeted out a video of himself and said i didnt serve overseas to come home and watch a criminal. They didnt take away peoples right to vote and call on mark harris to end his silence and the head of the North Carolina Republican Party and maybe there needs to be a good election. I have a feeling it will go into 2019. It has to. No other way as you said here and this is not difficulty with counting the votes. A crime may have been committed in the primary and the general. Right. I cant think of another solution than a new election. Thats what we are going to have. Thank you very much. Thank you for getting both stories today. 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