0 have a long laughs and i get respect to sometimes. >> sometimes. we are sending much, much respect and gratitude tonight to this incredible actor and as long successful career. james caan gone at 82. and on that note, i wish you all a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with us. i will see you at the end of tomorrow. i will see he was fired from his very first job for lying. it was his first job as a newspaper reporter in london and he got caught making up quote. the more right-wing newspaper didn't see that as disqualifying so they snatched him up to brussels to cover the headquarters of the european union. once there, he spent the early 1990s doing what he did best, he made things up. they filed reports about how the autocratic foreigners running the eu were making harebrained rules about what the uk could and couldn't do. things like the shape of britain's strawberries and how british cheese could be made, and making good old fashioned english fishermen wear hair nets. there was even a column about the eumaking condoms too small. none of this was true but he seemed to think it was all great fun. he told an interviewer quite, i was just chucking these rocks over the garden wall and listening to the amazing crash from the greenhouse next door over in england. everything i wrote from brussels was having this amazing, explosive effect on the conservative party. it really gave me this i suppose rather weird sense of power, end quote. his right-wing newspaper would splash its headlines over the front page of the secret evil plans of european bureaucrats to take over british life and rule the uk from afar. and this newspaper for readers learn to distrust and hate the eu. those readers included a lot of your conservative lawmakers and he watched with glee a civil war broke out in his own party about how anti europe they should be. for people who know them him well, will tell you back even then as a cover reporter, checking those rocks over the garden wall, he had higher ambitions. his name of course was boris johnson. you have to hand it to him, however improbably, he did eventually achieve the highest ambition of them all. he became the prime minister of the united kingdom. all it took was tearing his party and his country apart and plunging the uk into a catastrophic economic and logistical crisis by ranching his nation out of that thing that he taught so many of his countrymen to hate, the european union. and the story of how boris johnson came to resign as prime minister today after three tumultuous years at the helm is of course its own unique tale of hubris and scandal. unlawfully suspending parliament to ram through his own brexit deal, throwing parties during covid lockdowns, promoting a lawmaker he knew to have history of sexual harassment allegations, trying to get a job for his girlfriend. enough scandals to have brought down ten prime ministers. he blustered through all of them until he couldn't. but it's also the story of what happens, stop me if this sounds too familiar -- when too many people are taken in by an ambitious liar who for years is treated like a joke until suddenly he's the most dangerous man in the country. take a look at this clip of boris johnson on a news quiz show in 2003. this is just a couple of years after he first became a member of parliament. watch as how much of a joke even he treats the idea of him being prime minister was someday. >> there has been top of you boris perhaps becoming the next conservative leader. >> i think the chances of that are -- you know being blinded by champagne cork or being decapitated by a frisbee. not by a used fridge or some other statistic. a very effective effective opposition that is being led let down by the media. [applause] [laughs] >> they're laughing boris, the laughing. >> it was all a joke. there was no way someone as buffoonish as boris johnson could get it together to become prime minister. once he became mayor of london, a surprise in such a liberal city, the iconic image of him hanging helplessly of that zipline, british flags in hand, boosting his cities hosting of the olympics. he didn't take himself or anything too seriously. he managed to come across as harmless. when he campaigned to get people to vote to leave the eu in the 2016 brexit referendum, he toured the country with frightening-looking images of hordes of foreigners invading, promising people he'd save all this money and reinvested in health care. it was all invented. boris johnson just wanted to be prime minister. he watched gleefully as the brexit referendum and then the years of trying to actually extricate the uk from the eu, this project built out of his lies and ambition tore the country apart. but he did finally get the job he wanted and he had to be dragged kicking and screaming out of office. there is a reason why people call boris johnson trumpian, but for all the obvious parallels to our recent history, it appears the united kingdom is going to get one thing out of this change of leaders that we didn't get. a peaceful transfer of power. now let's be clear is not over yet. johnson says he will remain prime minister until his party chooses a successor which could take months. and it's not like he's built up a lot of trust. some people think his resignation announcement may be just a delay tactic, and he hopes that he can still hold on his job long term. but i think it's fair to say that no one expected boris johnson to send an armed mob of his supporters to storm parliament if he doesn't get his way. one reason for that is that boris johnson doesn't have many supporters left. more than 50 members of johnson's government quit in order to force him out. his own party abandoned him. something that never happened to donald trump. and here in this country did not only did we not get a peaceful transition of power, we are still investigating, still learning the full contours of trump's attempt to break our democratic system to remain in power. yesterday marked 18 months since the attack on the capital. the justice department says more than 855 people have been arrested for their roles in the attack, nearly 330 of whom have pled guilty including a handful of militia members who pled guilty to seditious conspiracy. another ten people have been found guilty at trial. as for the investigation in congress tomorrow, trump's white house counsel pat cipollone, who was in the middle of so many crucial moments in the days and weeks leading up to the attack on the capital, pat cipollone will sit for a transcribed video interview with the january 6th committee. and next week, more public hearings. on tuesday morning, the committee will present its findings and links between trump and the extremist militias the played a pivotal role in the attack. this will reportedly include details of conversations between trump allies and these extremist groups. and the committee will reportedly be holding a second hearing next week on thursday. this one will be in primetime, which may suggest that they expected to be particularly important. perhaps we can expect some kind of synthesis of all the investigations uncovered thus far. it's gonna take a while to come to terms with all the damage wrought by january six and by donald trump's time in power. like boris johnson, it wasn't too long ago that donald trump was a figure of ridicule. his presidential aspirations a joke. then their respective political parties fell in line behind them. today in the uk, the conservative party has belatedly realized the mistake they made. we're still waiting on the republicans. joining us now is luke broadwater, the pulitzer prize -winning reporter for the new york times. he's also one of the reporters who broke the news about pat cipollone brokering a deal to testify with the for the january six commission. thank you for being with us tonight. >> thanks for having me good evening. >> let's talk about pat cipollone's interview tomorrow. he's one of those characters, we said his name and talk so much about him in the last week or so that it may be civil to remind us why he is such an important witness right in this moment? >> well, pat cipollone is the top attorney in the white house in the final weeks of the trump administration. in that position, he is privy to every extreme plot and plan that is presented to donald trump and that donald trump considers. he's there for conversations about seizing voting machines. he's there whetehr a plan is floated to send false letters to state officials saying the doj, the justice department has found fraud and they should reconsider their election results. he's there when bill barr offered to turn in his resignation to donald trump and donald trump accepts it after bill barr concludes there is no widespread fraud in the election. and he is there on january 6th when donald trump is in the oval office in the dining room and cipollone and others come in to tell him to try to call off the mob as they are storming the building, and donald trump refuses. according to cassidy hutchinson's testimony, the white house aide that we all saw testify last week that he was there when donald trump said that he was accepting of the mobs endorsement of hanging mike pence, that he thought they had the right idea. there may be other things that we don't even know about. i'm just saying what i know. pat cipollone would have had access to multiple other conversations that have not yet been reported. so his testimony could potentially be very explosive for the committee. >> what's your sense of when we're gonna find out about his testimony and when we're going to actually see any of it? >> well, we are going to do our best to get it leaked as soon as he testifies tomorrow. i don't know if we can guarantee that or not. they've been pretty good about keeping leaks to a minimum, but you know, we do expect them to use video from pat cipollone at perhaps the second hearing next week. i do think there is a potential of pat cipollone's testimony if it is explosive enough that we could see another hearing added featuring his testimony in large part or even a hearing pushback into the following week. as of now, i expect them to use that a potentially the hearing that most of us on the hill beleive will happen thursday evening a crunch time it hasn't been officially announced yet, but that's the hearing we're dealing with. donald trump and his three hour delay in calling out the mob. >> there are two themes next week. there's this one that we don't have confirmed on thursday night dealing with what you said, and here's tuesday's hearing which we think is going to deal, we've been told by the members of the committee, it'll deal with the links between the extremists and militia members and donald trump's allies and perhaps even donald trump himself. until now those have been parallel tracks of investigation, the militias and the extremists were doing on the capitol grounds and let the trump allies were doing. there are no attempt on tuesday to bring that together? >> yes, and this is the hearing that i am actually most interested in, because this is has been the big question for me from the start. we know donald trump encouraged the mob to come to the capitol on january six, and we know they brought weapons and they attacked the building and they were carrying out his plans. is there anything more? are there closer ties than what donald trump said publicly? we've heard of some of these ties. we know about roger stone and the close ally of donald trump and how he was involved with some members of the oath keepers and the proud boys, and how he had some of these extremist groups as bodyguards. perhaps that will be discussed. we know there was a meeting in the garage between the proud boy's leader and the oath keeper's leader. perhaps that will be discussed. we know one of the leaders tried to call donald trump in the january six and use an intermediary who nobody is identified yet, so we don't know who that is. i am very, very interested to see who in the political world does the committee believe was the link between trump and the extremist groups and how much planning, coordination, if any took place. >> you said something interesting. you talked about thursday's hearing possibly dealing with the three hours of inaction. liz cheney very specifically refers to it as 187 minutes of inaction, a little longer than three hours. her argument, and in fact she has been out ahead of some of the democrats on the committee, her argument is that it was more than inaction. you can see it as inaction, but he actually failed to stop something he knew was happening. a suspect between tuesdays and thursday's hearing, the committees going to try and illustrate that for americans, that wasn't the america not doing something it was the president failing to do something to protect democracy and the sanctity of the electoral count. >> yes she often uses the words dereliction of duty. i think that most people when they see donald trump when they hear testimony about donald trump agreeing with the mob -- when he knows they have weapons and he says let's march into the capitol anyway. when he sees them attacking the building and agrees with what they are doing and thinks it's proper to put pressure on and then tweets out against mike pence saying he didn't have the courage to do what he needed to do, i think most americans see that or are aghast at those actions. that said, if one of the goals of the committee is to establish a criminal conspiracy or to provide evidence that would help prosecutors advance a case of criminal conspiracy, but help prosecutors help prosecute, -- they will need to put some more meat on the bones at these hearings. we've heard cassidy hutchinson 's testimony, are there other people who can testify to similar things to backup that testimony? and other things we don't know about. are there conversations that donald trump had a lot to be revealed? >> so you know i'm gonna be watching like the rest of america very closely these hearings. >> look thank you as always for your time. new york times congressional reporter luke broadwater with some excellent reporting. well ever since roe was overturned, the fight over abortion access, which used to be either national or was it at a time, is now playing out in a dozen states at once, all in different ways. every dayhas felt like an avalanche of news, but today was a particularly big day on that front. both for bad news and for good news, that is next. but first an update on the story we lead the show with last night, the new york times broke the incredible story of how the former fbi director, james comey, and his former deputy, andrew mccabe, both of whom president trump viewed as his enemies for their role in starting the investigation into trump's connection to russia. last night the u.s. new york times broke the news both comey and mccabe were selected from the irs says supposedly random most intense audit. the odds of being selected for that audit are about one in 30,000. two people who trump saw as his top enemies were selected. well tonight, the irs has asked the treasury department inspector general to investigate how that happened. maybe it was truly random. maybe it wasn't. looks like we are about to find out. looks like we are about to fin out.

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