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Welcome back, everybody. Im yasmin vossoughian. They have the impeachment planning to go through the house. Will it succeed in the house and the senate . That is the major question. Its not clear how things will play out in the senate. We know that we need to Work Together to get things done. But there is no way that this is about impeachment causing further division. I would definitely consider whatever articles they might move because as i told you, i believe the preponderate has disregarded his oath of office. Coming up, i will talk to two members of the house about impeachment efforts and consequences are coming to some of the people involved in the wednesday violence, including the protester seen carting away Nancy Pelosis lectern and another picture of putting the feet up on the desk of nancy pelosi. They will likely escape legal action, including those caught on time chanting this. Hang mike pence hang mike pence hang mike hence hang mike pence hang mike pence hang mike pence hang mike pence hang mike pence so in case you couldnt make that out. That was chanting for the death of Vice President mike pence for denying Donald Trumps order to ignore democracy. At this point in the show, i would show you a president ial tweet aimed to making things worse. But the president s twitter account has been silenced, forever. We will dig deeper at an issue including michelle obama, the stark difference to how the capitol hill protesters were treated by police. I covered both events. We will get into that. I want to begin with the fall out from wednesdays deadly insurrection. Joining me now, sara jacobs and vice chair of the House Democratic caucus, petinge agui. What a time to start. What a peek to start, shall i say. Was your first week as an official member of congress. A very different way to start off your term and your week. How is it, take us through what it was like inside there . So i was hit income the house gallery on wednesday watching the proceedings. We heard disturbance behind us. We were told to get our escape hoods out, to hide under the seats. Eventually, they evacuated the house gallery, made it to a safe room but it was really scary. We could hear protestors at the door behind us. We could see son of them saz they were subdued as we were evacuating out. I cant say its what ex i expected in my first week in congress and i hope its not something i ever experience again. I dont think anyone wants to see them on television again. It was unbelievable to see. Congressman, i want to bring in the conversation here. Hering from ted lue about 180 cosponsors of the article of impeachment planned to be introduced on monday. Congressman, do i have you . Yep, im here now. Yeah, talk me through this. Were just getting this information from ted lou talking about how they are going to introduce articles of impeachment on monday. We talked about the pros and cons and introducing articles of impeachment when hes with 11 days left in the white house. Where do you stand on this . Im supportive of the sb introduction of the articles. The president needs to be held accountable and we would love for him to leave, without a doubt. But if resignation is not possible and Vice President pence and his enablers are not going to utilize the 25th amendment, it might be possible for us to act. We need to take a good, hard look at what transpired, what happened. The president s enablers have really led us to this position, including many of our house colleague who stood arm and arm to try to get a different result out of a democratic election. Because they dont like the actual result. I think that is what is troubling about this time that were in. I want to read from you for you something from hugh hewitt, as you know, hes a conservative, and he read an oped about impeachment we have to say what is best for the country. And precedents about impeachment are tdisturbances. Allow the 12 days to pass in somber, sigh election and reflection. What is your reaction to this . Can he promise us that sobmbr silence . We dont know that. Many of the pits friends tell us he is going to respect the results of the election. That is what is difficult here. We dont mow what the president and friends are capable of. That is the difficulty. That is why we are concerned about the safety of democracy. What sarah and i experienced was difficult but i think we all agree what we are most concerned about is the president s threat to our democracy itself. So thats why we feel like there this be consequences. The president incited a violent action and a violent insurrection. He needs to be held accountable. We are willing to do that. Congresswoman, i know you are in favor of invoking the 25th. How are you on impeachment . I think its incredibly important that we pursue impeachment. In my experience working in post conflict settings, making sure you have very strong accountability is important that making sure that Something Like this never happens again so we have to hold the president accountable. We have to hold anyone who encouraged or incited so that never knows this is not a way to act in the United States of america. Democratic congresswoman jacobs, and pete aguilar, stu. And good luck in the days ahead. I want to bring in the panel, jeff mason, david jolly, and mustafa, from the department of homeland security. Welcome. I want to start with you, on this one, i want you to take us through the ticktock of we expect in the next couple days and we are learns from ted lou on twitter, they are going to introduce the article of impeachment on monday. As you mentioned, the articles of impeach will be introduced monday. The 180 cosponsored. Few if any democrats are going to vote against it. It had sh sail through the house. But the senate is a different story. Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell has been circulating a memo making it clear that it could require unanimous consent for the senate to begin impeachment any time before january 15th. There are going to be some republicans that reject. That means they would begin a trial the day before he is sworn in. If they want to spend the early days of the new president elects impeach. And some say, that absolutely needs to be done and some of the attitude f they wont punish, impeach and remove a president , what is the point of having a constitution to begin with . I want to bring new the conversation. Its an interesting argument to be made. So okay, democrats are going to pursue impeachment here. Where do the democrat goes from here and how do republicans make the calculation on this . They have to think about their own political future in all this. In both respects, they have to think of their own political future. They have attached themselves to donald trump and attached themselves to Trump Supporters. They are going to think about that and they also have to think about how history is going to judge them. Even if think were to start a senate trial on the 19th and pursue it after joe biden is inaugurated as the next president of the United States, what is the upside and down side for a republican senator . Well, yasmin, we also have to talk about Republican House members. That will the first lo could ligs coalition of republicans that have to go on vote about that, and im in the camp that he referred to. If you do not impeach a president for the purposes of overturning a fair election, the constitution is meaningless. It exists to protect liberty and freedom. House republicans are going to have to say yay or nay, and if you look at the 120 republicans in the house that try to challenge the certification of the election, i think it will be clear probably the majority of House Republicans side with donald trump and try to insulate him from accountability, and i think in the senate, you will try to see republicans drag their feet as well. One wild card here. The house could impeach but not refer the articles at all until well after the inauguration. Hold the president accountable but wait to see what the world looks like after joe bidens inauguration, whether you send it to trial or not. I want to read for you, david, a quote from senator Lisa Markowski for our calls for the president to resign. She write, i want him to resign, i want him out. He caused enough challenge. And if the Republican Party has become nothing more than a party of trump, i inseerly question whether this is the party for me. So theres twofold there. You have her say, resign and or i may leave the Republican Party. Yeah, four years too late for the senator. I dont want to under mine her comments now because theyre correct. But they had a chance last february in the senate to remove the president from office and they didnt and they could have spared the nation the tragedy after this week. Look, the republican will have to figure out what its going to be going forward. I can tell you there is not the crisis of confidence that is reflected in her comments. They performed this past election and they believe they are on the right path with the angry grievance, populism. The question, is it enough to remain control in washington, either the senate house or the white house . That is where the republicans have a lot of soul searching to do. I can tell you there is not the deep refrex they have to change course. I think a lot of folks are echoing the sentiment, too little, too late. Jeff, i want to turn on you on this one. And as we expand on this before we get to all this, there are a lot of weeds we need to get to, i want to get your reporting first on what is happening inside the white house. I cant even imagine what is happening on the inside of the white house and how if anything the president and his team are trying to shore up any confidence or positivity as they lee to say, look what weve done. Look the other way. Look at what we accomplished in all this time. I think you can expect just that next week. The white house is planning events next week. They are considering a trip to texas for the president to visit the border wall there. Of course the wall being one of the biggest pieces of his legacy dating back to his 2016 campaign. Meanwhile, i think its worth noting there is definitely a sense of defeat in the white house. There are people who despite planning or being involved in the planning of the issues are also just dying to get out, and counting the days until President Trump is gone so they can leave as well. And its worth repeating what the former congressman said before. Everything that the congressman said before, wednesday, things he has said before and things hes been saying since november 3rd and in an effort to under mine the election in case he lost. Theres no new element to that, and honestly next week, they will try to change the message, by focusing on some of his accomplishments, even among his supporters and among fellow republicans, the appetite to hear that is just not there. I got to read for you, jeff, seco secretary topompeos tweet. He said, we are getting ready for a second Trump Presidency and cackled about it. It was serious, the ramifications was serious as well. He also tweeted this, talking about trumps ban on twitter. As silences speech is dangerous, its unamerican. Sadly this is not a new tactic of the left. We cant let them silence 75 million americans. This isnt the ccp. He tweeted this from his own personal account. Its astounding to think all that is going on, the most fe fervent supporters, the people who have stuck by in thick and thin have jumped ship with ten days left. But either way and you have p p pompeo sticking through and then saying this is silencing the voice of 75 million. Sticking through to his own political peril. I wrote a story that said based on in the white house that said that not only is the president s political future in peril. The political future of his aides, his family currently, you never know how some of the officials might throw their hats the republican nomination may try to rehabilitate. This is not something they will be able to wash away, and the focus on twitter is in many ways a distraction. I want to bring you in the conversation here. We are talking about the security or lack there of surrounding the capitol when they were able to breach Capitol Grounds there. You were a former consultant for the department of homeland security. The lack of preparedness. The lack of Law Enforcement an hand to protect an institution like the capitol, understanding the threats that kpigsed out there. What is your reanswer, your retoox what we saw take place . And in preparation for january 20th. The gravity i think were can you hear me . We have gone two sets i think were having a bit of an audio issue. I apologize for that. Because i really did want to hear what you had to say. Mustafa, excuse me. I want to hear what huh to say when it came to the lack of security but we are having some audio issues on. My want to end with this, david, and the future of the Republican Party here. Because i want to recount quickly a conversation that i have when i was outside the capitol and it was someone who showed up. Someone who had fatigues on. Sbhon was part of raiding the capitol. Someone who called themselves a trump supporter and a republican and said to me, its over and i dont know what they meant by that. And they said the Republican Party is over. They have to change hands. They didnt support us. We love donald trump and theyre not supporting trump and they went on to say, if joe biden coming after our guns, thats it. It came down that for this individual. And it wasnt the first time i heard Something Like this in a crowd like this. Its a twofold question i guess. The priorities of the folks outside the building, there were a lot of them, and the future of the Republican Party and the reckons they have to have, rebuilding post trump. The first question is a very serious one. What happen our leaders have to do in this moment, Republican Leaders is put an end to a violent political movement. Thats what this is. And it has to go beyond the notional comments about violence doesnt solve anything. And violence doesnt solve anything. What have to do is go fourth inter se you are not welcome in the republican coalition. They have to root out the violence that currently finds safe harbor. We will see more republicans speak out on that specific issue to try to disassociate and remove the party. The construct is there. And most conventional republicans will try to rebuild it match new conservative party might try to emerge. I think the next Political Party is not defined on the left or right. Its around shared values of problem solves, democracy protection, and i do think well see a party like that in 2021. All right, thank you. Our apologies once again to mustafa for the audio issue. Coming up, a look back at the life of the Capitol Hill Police officer killed in the riot. Plus seek shelter. What it felt like to be trapped inside the capitol while rioters were breaking in. Ginger gibson said she could smell the gas being used on the mob while she hid for hours. She will join me later. Stay with us. You should meditate. Eat crunchy foods. Go for a run. Go for 10 runs run a marathon. Are you kidding me . instead, start small. With nicorette. Which can lead to something big. Start stopping with nicorette but come ye back when su mom, dad. Whys jamie here . Its sunday. Sunday sing along. And he helped us get a home and auto bundle. Hes been our insurance guy for five years now. He makes us feel like were worth protecting. [ gasps ] why didnt you tell us about these savings, flo . Ive literally told you a thousand times. Oh, danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling im just gonna. From glen to glen im just gonna. Family not getting clean . Get new charmin ultra strong. Go get em. It just cleans better. With a diamond weave texture, your family can use less while still getting clean. Goodbye itchy squirm hello clean bottom we all go. Why not enjoy the go with charmin. Welcome back. Flags are hat halfstaff on capitol hill right now in honor of 42yearold brian sicknick. Police say he was injured while physically engaging with protesters, returning to his office and collapsing before taken to a hospital where he died. Sicknick is repped as a calming present, and supporter of donald trump who playfully bantered with democrats working there. He grew up in south river, new jersey, and grew up of being a police officerer. And went to the air national guard. He philadelphiaed that goal, joining the police force in 2008, and they released a statement saying brian is a hero. That is what we like people to remember. The family asked that his death not be made in a political issue. He spent his free time, watching movies, rescuing dogs and rooting for his beloved new jersey devils, and moments ago, congresswoman alissa slotnick released, asking that he be given special honors and a bur burial at arlington. I thought we would see the presence we see in the black lives matter administration, when a building was protected. Many of the mob were handled with restraint, even as they broke through windows and doors. Up next, the black lives matters protesters by Law Enforcement. F heinz ketchup. Because you cant be everyones favorite ketchup without making a ketchup for everyone. We made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. When a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa who takes care of yourself. So why wait to screen for colon cancer . Because when caught in early stages, its more treatable. Im cologuard. Im noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92 of colon cancers even in early stages. Tell me more. Its for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your prescriber or an online prescriber if cologuard is right for you. Ill do it. Good plan. Welcome back. As americans watch the violent mob of mostly violent Trump Supporters storm the capital, politicians and victactivists ca stark contrast between the black lives matters protests. Here is a look. Reporter the contrast is striking. Thousands of riots storming the capitol. The Capitol Police overwhelmed, arrest nothing one in the begin. Video showing one taking selfies with the mob. In june in d. C. , here is what happened when Peaceful Protesters were defending social justice. Flash bangs and police trying to clear the peaceful protest. Reporter many storming the capitol were white. Last summer, mostly color. The split screen resealing a double standard. No one can tell me if hit been a group of black lives matter protestors, they would have been tweetreated very, ver differently. Many of us were asking, where are the cops . They may have been there, but it was certainly light. The questions have to be asked and answered. Joining me is black lives matter activist chanel helm. Thank you for joining me on this. Appreciate it. Can you give me your experience when you were protesting Breonna Taylor . Yeah, the first night, may 28th, was extremely violent and the violence came from the the Police Officers and watches it unfold this week is really on par with how they show up with black or brown protestors and there well us really any dhampbs it was outlandish or planned. This there wasnt any direct discipline handed down immediately. I think thats the most shocking piece. Out of all 392 different Law Enforcements, no one was able to make it to a complete not even it was just an overhaul of a messy coup by folks who arent in the same predicament and most of the essential workers, they never get their jobs back in the middle of a pandemic and here you have folks who plan this out, drive across country, and flew to d. C. To take part in im not even sure what you call it. We have been calling it a riot. I guess that is what it is. But what really is outlandish is that we have our government officials going back and forth with trump and his administration around what the discipline looks like. That is really surprising. There is no more time for any type of mediation. In is just outlandish. You know what was really interesting to me, shocking, should i say, is having covered both events, remembering back, the black lives matter protest over the summer, versus what happened on wednesday and remembering the president coming tweeting, with looting comes shooting, and knowing how the president the rhetoric he has used against the black lives matter protesters in the summer consistently, thinking of charlottesville as well. Good on both sides, and you compare it to the message you heard from the president on wednesday, and the message that he put out to his protestors and he said, i love you. I respect you. I know how you feel. What sit like to be a black lives matter activist and see that . I dont mean to be a black lives matter activist. Its a black woman and mother in america. When we are naming what people do and what white men in power do this is exactly it. It isnt anything we can condemn or make condemnation for. This is how it shows up. You use fascism and make sure you build up a following, and folks are a racist and make sure that race is at all costs, anything they stand for. Thp is what we saw, and reheard it as well. We watched with it Law Enforcement, and we watched it as it happened here, even in louisville. We had white militia run up in the city and they were nowhere to go found. As soon as the black militia got to the city, they wanted to be on the streets. S so we know exactly what this is and we have to start calling it exactly what it is if we want to remove this. Is why supremacy. This is hough it showed up. People were branded out there the other day. This is exactly what he wants to see. This is what he knows so i think what we are watching is him showing his own true colors to his own party. Is really interesting that neither one of them know how to control the relationship. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. Really appreciate it. I want to bring in judith viean that, and retired captain from the Montgomery County police department, sonya pruitt. Judith, i want to start with you on this one, and i want to get your reaction to ta what we just heard from chanel. This is White Supremacy. 24 is what it is. The way in which we saw things play out wednesday is in fact White Supremacy . Chanel hit it on the head. What happened on wednesday is from the very top, someone decided to listen to trumps words of stand back, stand by. And thats what the police did. And what we saw was what we have seen over and over again. That white people get protective and serve and black people get law and order. And white people get protect and serve when they are trying to overthrow the government. White supremacists who have decided to overthrow the government get to act like they are on a class field trip, and the police will stand by because their lives are too value sbbl they dont even get arrested when they are walking out of the capitol where not only did they rampage and riot, but they had planned. They were scouting kill pence. Yet, they get to walk away. Meanwhile, black people demanding civil rights and justice and that the state top killing us. Get military tanks, get shot. Get arrested and beat down in the street. This is totally about White Supremacy taking over our country. Were talking about the response here, captain. And the lack there of, and how it played out and specifically comparing the response to the riots on wednesday to the black lives matter protest and i also want to think about the build up and the lack of preparedness and how that played into the protesters they saw coming . I cant help but wonder if they basically said these are the type of protestor thags are coming and we dont necessarily feel they as are much as a threat if they were black or brown. Yeah, so great point. Because the Law Enforcement not only dropped the ball. They kicked it clear akroth tcr river on there. So it begs the question, was this around estimation of the group of people that Law Enforcement, have a history of planning kidnappings of the michigan governor . Or was it sympathy . And in in country, we do know that its no secret that police are sympathetic to the causes. It is a historical police. And cent rips now. And police have been members of of the kkk. Years ago, we found Police Officers were still members of these groups through social media. So i you know, i had been sitting with this and it breaks my heart but yeah, im going to echo my sisters. Lets call this what it is. It is white visupremacy. We need to identify it as tuch. We need to keep pushing the envelope. We want need to run away from that phrase. It is what it is. Can we continue this conversation . I feel like we need to. I need to move on here but the conversation needs to continue. Because we continue to have it and nothing seems to change. And i think for all of us, and so many people watching, that is one of the most frustrating things. We need to call it what it is. So on and so forth. Nothing changes so i hope the two of you promise me and well bring more folks on as well that we can continue to conversation. Its incredibly important. It has to change. Absolutely. Judith brown, and captain sonya pruitt, thank you both. Rhetoric versus reality, two cabinet members have resigned since the president provoked storming the capital. Is it the final straw or are they using it as an opportunity to save themselves . That is next. Selves that is next itis, itis, little things, can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable. With reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis,. Otezla is proven. To reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an. Increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts. Or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. 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We have seen scores of Administration Officials stepping down, and a top state department, Arms Department Christopher Ford is resigning even though he submitted his resignation next week and some of the bigger names that found the light, shall we say, Nick Mulvaney resigned on thursday. Saying we didnt sign up fwhar you saw last night. Adding that trump was not the same as he was eight months ago. Really . Just to remind, this is mull vanney 11 months an i go as he and the president were down playing the covid crisis. The reason you see so much attention to it today is because they think this is what brings down the president. By the way, that is the same mu mulvaney who said this about the call that led to impreach. What you dribed is a quid pro flow. Fund willing not flow unless the administration into the democratic server happened as well. We do that all the time. With foreign policy. Then there is education secretary betsy devos who has been through thick and thin. He said there is no mistaking your rhetoric had on the situation, and its impressionable. Children are watching and they are learning from us. The trump sags, separation of children from their parents which the secretary never had a problem with. Despite the concern about impression able children. And one, good riddance, calling her the worst education secretary ever. And elaine choi, it was too much for her after more than 1400 days in the trump cabinet. Writing, it was deeply troubling to me in a way i simply cannot set aside. Elaine choi was untroubled when she stood by him in august of 2017 when he made these remarks of charlottesville. Huh very booyou had very bad that green and you had very fine people on both sides. And choi has outrage now she didnt have then. She leaves her job a week and a half toerl spend time with Mitch Mcconnell and their family. And the allegations she used her position to help her husbands constituents. Up next, ginger gibson describes being locked in the building for hours as the pro trump mob stormed in. D in anywhere convenience. Everyday security. Bankers here to help. For wherever you want to go. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Less sick days cold coming on . Zicam® is clinically proven to shorten colds highly recommend it zifans love zicams unique zinc formula. It shortens colds zicam zinc that cold five blades and a pivotingglide flexball designed to get virtually every hair on the first stroke, while washing away dirt and oil. So youre ready for the day with a clean shave and a clean face. Keeping your oysters busihas you swamped. You need to hire. I need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com promo on the sleep numberowest pri360 smart bed. Son can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. 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Journalists who were in the building covering congress certification of the Electoral College results had to go into hiding for hours while some of the press outside had their cameras and lights damaged by the protrump mob. One of our own who was inside the capitol that day is ginger gibson. Ginger is joining me now. Ginger, its so good to talk to you this afternoon. Glad youre safe and well. Thanks for sharing your story with us and sharing your story with nbcnews. Com. I just want you to take us through it. There was a point in your story in which you said there was basically a sea change. It felt like the tone was suddenly so different. And then you were taking shelter. Talk us through that. It happened very quickly. I mean, ive covered the capitol for almost a decade. Ive been in there for big moments and big protests. We could hear them outside. And then the volume just started to grow and grow. We knew that we were surrounded. I was in a hallway on the third floor. So if youve watched those images, that video of the cop, the police officer, the single africanamerican man being chased up the stairs, i was at the top of those stories when that happened. And we could hear them and it was just suddenly very different inside the capitol. It went from, like, thinking that, oh, theyre outside and theres just no way they can get in to them being inside and then we ran up another flight of stairs and hid in a small room on the fourth floor of the capitol. So was it scary . I mean, were you scared . At that point theres a thing that happens in our heads where we need to be journalists and chronicling whats going on. At one point i thought i heard protesters outside and i got on the floor, put my back against the door. But put my laptop down so i could keep writing. We were running, posting as quickly as we could on nbcnews. Com. So your brain sort of does this thing. So youre scared, but youre trying to work and it replaces it. It was afterwards that i realized the magnitude and you saw the videos and these images that you realize, like, oh, i was scared and im scared now retroactively for what happened. Its so true. You kind of go into this coping mechanism mode in which your brain turns off the area where you would be scared and focuses on what you should be doing. Later you go, that was a thing, that was a moment. Na in fact, you called your husband who was home with your baby. Yes. We have an almost 9monthold. They were home. I think that was probably the moment i realized how bad it actually was. Not what they came inside the building, but when i got on the phone with my husband and he was panicking. And i thought, oh, no, like, this is not just a day in the office. This is not just another round of protests that ill cover. And so they were home waiting when i got back late that night. But it was a scary moment to have to tell your husband repeatedly dont worry, dont worry, we locked the doors and hidden all the signs. If they get in here, well keep up with a lie so they wont know were reporters hopefully. Im sure there were moments where you were like, this is my life, this is stuff i report on, not what i love to live to. Thank you for sharing your story with us and were happy your safe and okay. Thank you for the work you do every day. Im yasmin vossoughian. Im going to be a b back tomorrow at 3 00 p. M. Eastern. Reverend al sharpton and politicsnation is up next after a quick break. Reverend al sharpton and politicsnation is up next after a quick break. Pton and politicsnation is up next after a quick break. More gain scent plus oxi boost and febreze in every gain fling. Essential for sewing, but maybe not needles. For people with certain inflammatory conditions. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz. 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