Cuccinelli is to be involved heavily in immigration process. Cuccinelli, its worth noting, the former attorney general of the state of virginia somewhat during the 2016 campaign was in effect going against President Trump. He was the one that led the delegate effort for senator ted cruz trying to strip delegates away at the time from President Trump. But he and the president do have similar views, cuccinelli is a hardliner here and someone who is a little bit closer in tune with Stephen Miller behind the scenes than he is with Jared Kushner as it relates to that issue. Lets just talk a little bit peter about another departure at the white house, a senior aid anded a haver to President Trump, Johnny Destefano is leaving. Who is he . And what is this all about . Reporter yeah, Johnny Destefano, not a name our viewers have known, he served since the earliest of days, kind of a conduit between the Republican Party and the party, one of the few establishment persons that came in, in the early days, at times aligned with Reince Priebus and john kelly. He kept a low profile. He will be leaving to take a job we are told likely advising some clients we are told the ecigarette company juul as he departs. He played a role. He led the office of personnel here. So basically, he was in charge of trying to fill one of the positions, one of the challenges in this administration. We are told he and President Trump remain on good terms even as destefano prepares to depart. Thank you as always, Peter Alexander at the white house for us. We are following four stories surrounding investigations into President Trump. One of the key witnesses in the Mueller Administration is causing big, big drama on capitol hill after refusing to testify about muellers probe. There is new pressure put on nancy pelosi to begin impeachment proceedings against donald trump. The president of the United States of America Needs to be impeached. Each day is going to bring about new information. We have members who are strongly talking about an impeachment inquiry. I believe that we have come to the time of impeachment. I think that at a certain point this is no longer about politics but this is about upholding the rule of law. I see a lot more people believe that an Impeachable Offense has occurred and would like to see an impeachment inquiry. This is a separate issue now, the president could be forced to hand over financial records to congress and a stunning revelation about what trump fixer and lawyer, former lawyer Michael Cohen told congress behind doors. Four Different Things going on. So why dont we get right to you . Former White House Counsel Don Mcgahn was a no show in front of the house judiciary hearing on the mueller investigation, defying a congressional subpoena and lawmakers were forced to wrap it up in over just 23 minutes. The president took it upon himself to intimidate a witness who has a legal obligation to be here today. This conduct is not remotely acceptable. Let me be clear, this committee will hear mr. Mcgahns testimony even if we have to go to court to secure it. The special counsel closed up shop without giving democrats a eng to deliver to their base. Now the democrats are trying desperately to make something out of nothing, which is why the chairman has haphazardly suspend todays witnesses. That move has ensured the witness will not testify. Joining us heidi pryzbilla National News correspondent. Don mcgahn is a private citizen, what grounds in the Trump Administration gives for mcgahn to show up. Reporter they say there is no legislative purpose. This is the white house way of stonewalling every piece of oversight that this congress is trying to perform. But as far as it relates to mueller and the mueller investigation, theyre saying that this is essentially a doover, that muellers report has already been put out and theyre trying to retread space here and ground. Steph, i think this is a really important moment to step back and explain to viewers why the question are here right now. We are here because this is not a doover. Were here because mueller outlined numerous instances, in some cases, quote unquote obstruction, cases that 900 former federal prosecutors said would have put President Trump in front of a conviction if he hasnt been president. Were here because barr made the call he did not obstruct. He disagrees with those 900 former federal prosecutors. That is the problem is we have not heard from mueller. Where is mueller . That is a question i believe House Speaker nancy pelosi views as potentially an intermediate step. Why she is trying to hold off some of her members now who are calling for immediate impeachment. A lot of the members believe the American People have not gotten all of the facts that are in the report and the way of doing that, getting all of those obstruction instances before all americans, including americans an on all networks is to have bob mueller testify and its not happening. In fact, just hearing from Hakeem Jeffreys who disagrees with the notion that a lot of members of the congress very democrats are wanting to jump straight to impeachment. But thats the issue here. Right . What are the intermediary steps . What do they look like . Reporter so the members arguing for impeachment say, look, we were planning to have these hearings, planning to hear from mcgahn to hear from mule early. Now that plan has to change because were not hearing from those people. Were not able to get the documents. So if we did launch an impeachment inquiry, which is different than articles of impeachment, that would strengthen our hand in the judicial proceedings to force all of this expeditiously through the court system. Because they say, democrats, that whats happening here is that the administration is trying to essentially run out the clock on congress being able to get any witnesses or any documents out there before the next election. Heidi thanks, as always for joining us. Now to President Trumps finances, a federal judge in washington has upheld the House Oversight subpoena to obtain the president s financial records from his accounting firm. But i want to know what that actually means. The committee, of course, is investigating allegations that President Trump may have committed financial crimes, fraud possibly, before becoming president. Back in february, former trump fixer Michael Cohen, we just talked to you about him, told congress that President Trump inflated or deflated his assets for financial benefit. Remember, the president talked about doing his taxes. National security reporter ken delaney, this is important. Every time there is a subpoena, the white house or the president s Legal Team Denies it, the question is what happens next . This is an element of what happens next. It went to a court. What did the judge say about congress authority to investigate the president . He said this wasnt a close call, unlike the case of don mcgahn which you just discussed, where there are legal arguments against him to testify. Congress goes back deeply into our history to colonial times. Its a very broad pow were. Not unlimited. Very broad. It certainly includes whether the president has violated the emollients clause against foreign payments and whether the president engaged if financial corruption, which is another legitimate subject of inquiry, the trump team argued, there was no argument and the judge resoundly rejected the argument and declined to give trump a stay pending an appeal, which is a normal thing. Hold on. So the judge upholds it. Trump, walk us through what the stay means what happens with washington is you can hit him with subpoenas, rulings, theyre like take a hike. Reporter theyre going to appeal all the way. Number one this judge acted quickly, which signaled perhaps the courts will move expeditiously on these matters given the stakes. Secondly the trump team filed an appeal today. Theyre appealing it. They asked to judge to put it on appeal while we appeal. The judge said your argument is so weak, you have no argument, so im not going to give you the stay. Theyre apeeling it to the circuit court. That just shows you this judge feels that trump has no leg to stand on. Its a signal trump may win on some of these, he may win with don mcgahn, there is an immunity request on president ial advisers. Even though don mcgahn wasnt the president s personal attorney, hes the white house lawyer. Reporter yeah, you know, the trump team raised arguments that the obama and Clinton Administration has raised, its only been tested with understand in court for Harriet Meyers in the Bush Administration and the judge ruled the privilege wasnt as broad as they thought. But there is really no case law on it. So the trump position in that case is reasonable. In this case a judge is saying its not reasonable and they will lose ultimately. I know we have to wrap it up. Do we know anything about this judge . Reporter hes an obama appointee. That shouldnt matter, judges are independent. We dont want to play the trump game who appointed the judge. Theyre not political. He made a ruling on the law. Every legal expert i talked to has no problem with this ruling. Ken delaney thank you from washington. We are learning what Michael Cohen revealed to congress in closed door interviews. He told the House Intelligence Committee that President Trumpd him to lie. Cohen said sekulow told him to say discussion ended in january 2016 when they actually continued for months after that. With us now danny sa savales. He is if jail for lying, jay sekulow says he lied to congress, has nothing to do with me. Hes in jail for being a liar. If this were court, a defense attorney would be standing up saying this man is a convicted liar. He made a deal with the government and part of that deal is telling the government what they want to hear. He has a motive to lie. Thats what he is doing right here. He is lying because he thinks thats what the government wants. Its a part of his deal. Thats exactly what Defense Attorneys do every day with cooperating witnesses, yet, in spite of that juries will still believe cooperating witnesses, while jay sekulow is correct, his testimony should be given special scrutiny, sometimes cooperating witnesses are believed, even when they are convicted liars. Whats the importance of the actual subject matter here, the time line, that jay sekulow allegedly told Michael Cohen to say this project ended before it ended. Michael sekulow says it ended in january 2016 and he and sekulow arrived at that date together. There was a text message, that was the last text message where Michael Cohen says, im done, im out of here, im finished. Michael cohen says sekulow and him came up with that together. On the other hand, even Michael Cohens own version is that jay sekulow might have known that this was false or might have known that this was an untrue time line. So even Michael Cohen is not definitive on whether or not sekulow knew or not. But that january 2016 time line, we know that thats how they arrived at that date, it was bookended by tech messages that Michael Cohen supposedly sent. This is relative to whom . As it relates to potential impeachment proceedings . You are talking about what a jury believes . There is no jury here . No, not at all. Impeachment doesnt require a crime. It is conduct that is abuse of official power. Its helpful if it is a crime. It need not be a crime. It can be a corruption of the electoral process that reaches conduct before a person is even elected. So these are the things that congress looks out for when it comes to an impeachment inquiry. Thats the day when the sentence is helpful if its a crime. All right. Danny savales. Right now, a protests are take place across the country against abortion bans. We will be live in st. Louis, where investigators are making a last ditch effort for missouris governor for stopping those demonstrators. You are watching velshi ruehle on msnbc. G velshi ruehle on msnbc ohhh. Ooh ohh here we go, here we go. You got cut off there, what were you saying . Oooo. Oh no no. Maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military for over 75 years . Is that what you wanted to say . Mhmmm. I have to say, you seemed a lot chattier on tv. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. You ok back there, buddy . Applebees new loaded fajitas. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Applelisten to your mom,jitas. Knuckleheads. Hand em over. Hand what over . Video games, whatever you got. Lets go. You can watch videos of people playing video games in the morning. Is that everything . I can see whos online. Im gonna sweep the sofa fort. Well, look what i found. Take control of your wifi with xfinity xfi. Lets roll now thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity xfi gives you the speed, coverage and control you need. Manage your wifi network from anywhere when you download the xfi app today. All right. Welcome back to velshi ruehle. Breaking news. Right now, protests denouncing antiabortion laws are taking place across the country. Theyre in direct response to abortion bans. For some, its an emotional experience. Its our choices and our bodies and its really personal so the government, they dont know what you have been through, so for them to dictate what you can do, its not right. Today nearly 500 protests will take place in all 50 States Puerto rico and even canada. Joining us live for the protests in missouri, marianna, what are you seeing at the protests you are covering . Reporter as you mentioned, 50 states from d. C. To california, fork, florida and here in missouri, organizations like planned parenthood and the womens march are leading this national day of action to quote stop the bans. In fact, that hashtag has been playing on twitter for the last couple hours. You can see the activists and the organizers behind me. It is an issue that is front and center in this state because lawmakers last friday approved a bill that would ban abortions after eight weeks. No exception for rape, incest or victims of human trafficking. In fact, it would penalize people who performed the procedure for a minimum of five years in prison. I want to bring if sarah philips. You are a clinic. Meaning, you accompany people who want to get this procedure done. Give us an idea where missouri was before this bill was passed . Even before this, missouri was already a state in the country that was making it extremely difficult for women to access abortion by instituting a 72hour rule. Which means that basically if you want to access an abortion, you have to go consult with a physician provider for the abortion and receive counseling mandatory before you have to come back 72 hours later to receive the procedure. Were seeing a lot of barriers in accessing care in gentlemanography. There is one clinic in the state of missouri. Reporter only one . Only one and for st. Louis. For women here, they have to access it and cross state lines. They might have to get child care, transportation, hotel accommodations, you name it. And the financial barrier is very high. It already was before this legislation passed. Reporter so, guy, this bill is expected to be signed by the republican governor of missouri any day now. I can get an idea from you, its likely to be challenged in court. Are there concerns for Immediate Repercussions on the ground . Sure. I want to clarify that abortion is still legal here. Its still legal here in missouri and all 50 states, and the many states with these such bans. We are worried about people that access abortion care believing it is already accessible and outlawed. It is not case. It hasnt even been signed by the governor yet. We want to get that message out there and encourage people to still seek it. Reporter any expectations that the republican governor will not sign the bill . No, we expect he will sign it. What is next for you and all these protesters . I think we want to keep sending the message that the lawmakers who are doing this, we want to call them out on their hypocrisy, they want to defund medicaid and planned parenthood. They want to throw up barriers. We want to speak to them. Reporter thank you so much, putting the pressure on republican lawmakers and also he tells me, guys, on the 2020 democratic candidate, they want to hear more on this issue of the 20 or so people rung for president on the democratic side. Thank you very much. Next, mcdonalds employees are protesting Sexual Harassment in the workplace. Now those workers have a huge name in their corner, top chef host joins us next with one of mcdonalds employees, who is bravely speaking out after she says she was sexually harassed. She wants change now. No one should face harassment in the workplace, you are watching velsvelshi ruehle. Well be back in two. Velshi r. 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Its unacceptable that as the second Largest Employee in the world mcdonalds is failing to keep workers safe from harassment. That was a mcdonalds worker speaking out randomly about the harassment she faced on the job. She and at times nearly 100 other protesters took to the streets in chicago where the company is holding its annual Shareholder Meeting braving the rain, they spoke about harassment and retaliation working at different restaurants. A man that works with the times fund prompted a letter from mcdonald another ceo. In the letter, he highlighted a new Third Party Harassment reporting hot line that will be available to employees in june and says in part mcdonalds system always had an unyielding commitment for all. Both the company and our owner operators understand we must create an environment will everyone feels respected and valued. Joining us now, activist and author, host of top chef and a mcdonald another employee, jemileia, first, thank you for coming out so bravely. What you are doing is helping so many other people. Please share with us what happened to you. Im sorry, what did you say, maam . Share with us, tell us what was your story. I was sexually harassed by two coworkers by mcdonalds, one physically touched me. The other made comments about my daughter and how hard was it for to you make a decision to come forward about this . I made a decision to come forward because i no longer wanted to be silent about it. At first i was scared. I felt like i needed to speak up, it was my daughter he was talking about and. How old was your daughter . She was 1yearsold at the time he was talking about her. She just turned 2. How did he ask . He made a sexual competent saying he wanted to have sex with her. How much would it be . Is he still working in the mcdonalds . No, hes no longer working at the mcdonalds. They removed him from the store. He comes up there as a customer. Still makes comments to me like stupid or say like just like rude things to me, i can im an idiot. You are not. You are a brave person for coming forward, steve made an announcement today, now offering operators a Third Party Hotline for reporting complaints of any kind, what do you make of that . Reporter i think thats great that hes offering a hotline. I would love to see more than a hotline. I would love to see you know a program with consequences with a zero tolerance policy that has disciplinary actions. I mean, its great that he has a hotline for victims. But what is he doing about the offenders . You know, its more important to, let me take that back, sorry, rather than just have training and a hotline, i want to see a set of guidelines that says if you do this, you will be terminated immediately. If an investigation find out this is actually true, then you will suffer, you know, your wages are cut or your hours are cut. There is no punishment, there is nothing to scare people from committing these kind of action against women and some men who work there. So the issue is. Its despicable. Gem illya, you are in a position to complain about this, you are a provider for your young daughter and so many people are in that situation. You have to rely on the fact you have to pick up a hot line or complain to your company that something would be done affirmatively, otherwise, you could pay the consequences for i it. Yes. I guess thats the problem. Right . If there isnt sequence, then people who are in vulnerable positions, if the person harassing you is not in the media or not a tv star or a movie star or a bank executive, it becomes really hard . Yeah. I think its really difficult for these women. You know a lot of them need this job very badly and you know theyre scared to come out. And the fact that mcdonalds has been made aware of these kind of issues, look, im not an attorney and i dont know if these allegations are true, but if 25 different people across the country come out and talk about the same kind of issues and it shows a pattern of behavior, that means mcdonalds has a serious problem on its hands and it should address it. Not just with the victims, but with the offenderings. If an investigation or you know whatever the due process is establishes that these things, that these ladies are saying happened, happened, then i want to know, what are the consequences for those offenders, in the 3page letter published and sent to me, there is not one word about consequences or discipline, zero tolerance, nothing. There is no language like that. It doesnt talk about the offenders at all. And those are the ones we have to, you know, hold accountable. There is no accountability. I dont have any information. I have a lot of information about hotlines and them working with all which is great. I want to know what are they doing to scare mcdonalds employees from perpetrating these kind of things against their colleagues. Thats what i would love to know. Well, this is a first step, the hotline. Well soon find out what the ens requests will be. Thank you so much for joining us. Next, President Trump makes the immigration argument that this country is full . Full of what . Full. Dont need any more people. Well, heres the thing, facts say she wrong. We will break down why america actually needs more workers right now. Plus a shocking news investigation, thousands of migrants all over the world has been held in solitary confinement here in the United States. Half of them without having violated any rules, some are mentally ill or disabled. What happens to these people now the word is out. You are watching vel cvelshi ruehle live on msnbc. Son,ant. Your hearts not strong enough. 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Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your dermatologist about humira. This is my body of proof. All right. I think were waiting for something to happen. If not ill till the story. President trump was making his case against immigration at a rally in northeastern pennsylvania on monday night. Lets listen. Our country is full. We dont want people coming up here. Our country is full. We want mexico to stop. We want all of them to stop. Our country is packed to the gils. We dont want them coming up. For facts sake, the United States actually needs more people. Before taking office, the president and his Economic Team talked about getting the countrys Gross Domestic Product growth to 4 . Thats this line, something ha hasnt hit since 2000. There is agree ingredient to hitting and sustaining gdp growth. That is workers. The president s team what was ecstatic when the june report found out there were more open jobs than people say they are available to fill those jobs. After years of a tight job market, this was good news. It could very well be an indicator the administration should expand immigration into the United States rather than limit it. Almost 20 years, the cdc celebrated the news but the u. S. Had his something called a replacement rate, a population replacement rate for the First Time Since 1971. That is defined as 2,100 per 1,000 women of child bearing age for a generation to replicate its numbers, ensuring replacements for those who age out of the work force, but in many developed countries, people start having fewer children so maintaining or growing the population, it requires steady or even increased rates of immigration. Now, since hit tag replacement rate in 2000, in the 2000s, it started a steady decline about a decade ago. By 2018, this number was at a new record low and as Older Americans retire, this is the chart of the number of workers per Social Security benefit history. Back if 2000, it was almost 3. 5 people. Its also on a downturn. We are almost at 2. 5 people so we feed more people to fill jobs to sustain the economy, pay taxes and contribute to your retirement n. This case, most of these people, stephanie, are going to be immigrants. You are not going to give birth to enough people. The United States being a country of immigrants is not just a story of nostalgia. It is what makes United States special. Last week, i was speaking to a tax ceo. He said you go to china. You know what you have . China people. In the United Nations we have some of the most extraordinary minds in the world. Back if 2005, we start restricting those student visas, you have International Students come to the United States for four years of college and sent right back home. Here we are, it is graduation season. Right. The United States needs great minds, entrepreneurial minds, we are saying to those great brains, take our fantastic College Education system and head on home. You mentioned japan, japan had serious problems, it couldnt bump its Economic Growth up. It didnt have the work force. It had two problems. It didnt bring women into the work force and it didnt have any immigration. So now japan is trying to lure immigrants. It doesnt have a culture acclimatized to that. We do. This is a culture that is finally tuned to immigration. There is a fundamental and deep seated respect for immigration in this country. But the idea that the country is full is just mathematically not true. Its incorrect. As the president pushes his hard line on immigration at rallies, nbc news is learning chilling new details about the conditions in which immigrants from around the world are held here. A new nbc news investigation reviewed thousands of documents from the trump and obama administrations and found more thanle,000 immigrants were placed in solitary confinement over a fiveyear period. Many who didnt violate any rules at all. Only half of the isolation cases involve punishment. The rest involved the mentally ill, disabled, or others sent to solitary for what i. C. E. Officials and enforcement officials describe as safety reasons. Joining us with more is nbc correspondent gape fruit res. Gabe, explain this. So this is the result of a freedom of information act that was submitted and also by the International Consortium of investigative journalists that shared with nbc news, as you mentioned what it found is 8,000 detainees were put in solitary confine. From 2012 through 2017. About a third of those detainees were mentally ill. We spoke with a federal whistleblower, ellen gallagher. She currently works for the department of homeland security. She had been looking at the segregation reports for several years and is very troubled by what she saw. Take a listen to our conversation. Solitary confinement was being used as a first resort not the last resort. So why are you speaking up now . Because if i didnt speak up, i dont think i could live with myself. And ape gen she has looked at the segregation reports and there were 80,000 or so, one sentence to 390 days, stephanie, ali in solitary confinement. We did reach out to i. C. E. , this is what immigration and Customs Enforcement said, it is firmly committed to the safety and welfare of all those in its custody. The use of restrictive housing in i. C. E. Detention facilities is exkeyedingly rare, but at times necessary, what this report shows, guys, it really raises the question of whether i. C. E. Is following its own policy, solitary confinement is supposed to be a last resort. As you heard from that whistleblower right there, she says its oftentimes a first resort. Is there any oversight, we are learning, is who is supposed to provide oversight for this. The dhs employee says she has sounded the alarm for years. She has sent memos up the chain. She actually alerted senator Chuck Grassleys office and senator franken back in 2015. They wrote a letter to i. C. E. , sofaer in her words the response has been quote muted. Thats why she is speaking out now. Thats why she wants to call attention to this problem. Especially with the surge in numbers at the border. This is really important. Thanks to our investigative unit. You can see more of this interview and gabes report this evening on abc news with leicester holt. Breaking news, the abortion ban if d. C. Called stop the ban. Demonstration, msnbc politics reporter Josh Letterman is there with new York Democratic senator kirsten gilldebrand. Reporter hi. Were here outside the supreme court. A big rally in light of those new measures down in the south. Were here with senator kirsten gilldebrand. Senator, there are a lot of democrats that are running for president that are all in a similar place on abortion rights. A lot of them here today, pete buttigieg, corey booker, what makes you uniquely qualified to lead democrats on this issue . I have been fighting for womens rights and many years before that, working to elect pro choice liberal candidates for at least a decade and so i believe this is an issue of our basic human and civil rights. I think all democrats have to use every ounce of their strength and capabilities to fight against this. Its an all out attack on womens freedom and our basic human rights. If President Trump wants a war on women and wants to fight this with americas women, its a fight hes going to have and a fight he will lose. You were saying you would make support for making roe v. Wade a litmus test. Would you actually sit down with them in the oval office and ask them how they would vote on a future potential court case . I would ask them whether they believe row. V. Wade settles precedent. Its that simple. This issue goes to the humanity of women and whether we have bodily autonomy. Whether we can make life and death decisions about ourselves, about our families, when were having children, how many we are having, under what circumstances we will have them. To take that Decision Making away from women is turning the clock back decades, decades. Its not consistent with equality. Reporter what about the prohibition, the Hyde Amendment, what would you sa toy tax payers that say look i support everyone having their own freedoms but when it comes to my tax dollars, abortion isnething i support. You know we have a tenet in our constitution called separation of church and state and i do not believe that that is abo valid argument. I think the Hyde Amendment should be appealed and women have a basic right to reproductive care. Its about our humanity and basic civil rights. So i will work to repeal the Hyde Amendment. I will also work to codify row. V. Wade and roe v. Wade and will you have a full range of reproductive services. Reporter lets look at that proposal to codify row. V. Wade, do you think roe v. Wade, you think it should be signed through the senate and signed by the president into law . I do. I think there is a Common Ground, 70 of americans support row. Roechlt roev. Wade. I think if you ask them to listen to constituents in their districts and states, they will know that they have to protect womens reproductive freedom. So i believe you can find the Common Ground even in a divided senate. We do big things like repeal and dont ask, dont tell. I led the charge. The most important gay rights legislation in the last decade out of the u. S. Senate because there was at least seven republicans that believe you shouldnt be denied surro gather in the u. S. , in the same way, i think i can get governments to agree and actually is the law of the land and what we believe that those decisions are womens to be made with themselves, their doctors and tear families. Don mcgahn, the former counsel not testifying before congress today, do you think he should be held in contempt of congress . I do. Senator gillibrand, thanks, a lat. Thanks, very much. Coming up next, a disturbing new Study Reveals how Many College Students are going hungry and experiencing homelessness. We will look at why so Many American students are living in poverty. A lot of my money is for rent. I dont have enough money for Grocery Shopping sometimes. You dont have enough money to shop for food . Sometimes. You work . I work part time. So a parttime job plus being if school is not enough to pay for food and rent . Yeah. Food and rent . Yeah. I have heart disease, watch what i eat, take statins, but still struggle to lower my ldl bad cholesterol. Which means a heart attack or stroke. Could strike without warning, pulling me away from everything that matters most. siren because with high bad cholesterol, my risk of a heart attack or stroke is real. Repatha® plus a statin seriously lowers bad cholesterol by 63 . And significantly drops my risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Do not take repatha® if you are allergic to it. Repatha® can cause serious allergic reactions. Signs include trouble breathing or swallowing, or swelling of the face. 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Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor, since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Slow heart rhythm has been reported. Tell your doctor about bleeding new or unexpected shortness of breath any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. If you recently had a heart attack, ask your doctor if brilinta is right for you. My heart is worth brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Welcome back to velshi and ruehl. Please Pay Attention to this. A stunning survey of College Students finds that half of the students who responded said they could not afford to pay for food or a place to live. At more than 100 institutions across the country participated in the survey. Almost half of the students experienced Food Insecurity in the 30 days before they took the survey. 56 experienced housing insecurity in the last year. And 17 of those surveyed were homeless in the last year while trying to earn a degree. Jacob soberov who just spent time in california where the number of homeless students are higher. I want to talk about an issue of personal responsibility. Were talking about structural inequality particularly with College Students. This came up when we were on the campaign trail. You hear the president say, the economy is booming. Thats a complete and total myth to the students we met when we were out in california. What kind of stuff did you pick out today . Pasta, almond milk, things for sandwiches. This will last you the week . I think so. Well make it stretch. A lot of my money is for rent and i dont have enough money for Grocery Shopping sometimes. You dont have enough money to shop for food . Sometimes. Do you work . I work part time. A Part Time Job plus being in school is not enough to pay for food and rent . Yeah. Something like this, what does it mean to you to come here and get this. It means so much. Just the energy inside and the staff here everybodys so friendly. It makes you emotional . Yeah, it does. Stop that. Yeah. So the larger issue here is that these kids, even if they wanted to work hard, many of them are working one job or two jobs and its pervasive across the country, the idea that you can go to a College Campus by the food pantry and a homeless shelter is not unusual today. Is it their income thats not suited to their housing costs . Whats the issue . I think theres a wide variety of things that make living in college today difficult. Some of these kids are on Financial Aide. They not only do not have tuition costs, shes a former foster child. And while she gets Financial Aide, her job that she works is not enough to pay for rent and for food, and you have to prioritize on your list. Thats not new, right . Theres been kids on Financial Aid forever, how have the numbers gotten so extreme . I think since the Great Recession the numbers have gotten worse. Ive heard a lot today from people saying, when i was that age, when i was a kid. Its just disconnected from the reality of today. The cost of living, the cost of tuition are all going up while wages for young people in particular are either stagnant or going down or you have to work multiple jobs. Low unemployment is a massive misrepresentation. Theres a particular situation at San Jose State University that has a very high number of homeless students. 13 . People dont want to rent to students, they want to rent to other people who will pay much higher dollar for rent, food, the type of restaurants you have, all sorts of things. If you go online, youll see administrators from these schools saying, the cost of having a place to live especially in places like the San Francisco bay area, los angeles, seattle, new york city, boston, massachusetts, is prohibitive in terms of having a normal way of life in the big metropolitan areas, affordability is not something that is a word thats familiar to a lot of these College Students. With this kind of now that this information is out there. Anybody got a plan to fix it . Well, its so funny. You heard aoc take a lot of grief when she said, people working two jobs low unemployment, people working two jobs. Just what youre saying. Have you to look closer at that to say, whats going on many you hear people talking about it like her, theres no action in washington, d. C. But what about on these College Campuses. Certain campuses have food pantrys. Are colleges now taking this on. Is that really what the solution is going to be . Were going to have a food pantry ucla has a homeless shelter run for students by students and its constantly full. But colleges cost tens of thousands of dollars and many people are concerned saying, why does college cost this much, maybe they need to lower the cost. Is this survey something the colleges and universities could or should take a look at . I think so. And i think thats why you see so many young people enthusiastic about proposals for free or reduced college and tuition for young people. You have to find a way, you cant do all of this, you cant be out there and quite literally be a starving student and survive. When you look at the impacts of a study like this, you dont have information retention. We talk about little kids going hungry. You cant actually get through your day. Thats what were this is the future of the United States of america, and its not being addressed. How much does college cost right now . Here at nyu, tens of thousands of dollars at private universities. Theyre getting up to 50 or 60,000 a year. Can you imagine, if you dont have a parent or a benefactor, this gentleman who gave 40 million to moorehouse to forgive the debt of one college graduating class. Play that out over and over and over again throughout the white house. Thank you, jacob. Really important piece. Thank you for watching this hour of velshi ruehl. Ill be back at 3 00 p. M. Eastern. And ill see you tomorrow at 9 00 a. M. Eastern. Connect with our show at velshiruehl. We send you to washington where kasie hunt picks up coverage. Thank you so much. Enjoy your afternoon. I am kasie hunt in for katy tur. Its 11 00 a. M. Out west and 2 00 p. M. In washington. Where the drum beat for impeachment is growing louder among House Democrats after former White House Counsel Don Mcgahn didnt show up before the house judiciary committee. The president took it upon himself to intimidate a witness who has a legal obligation to be here today. This conduct is not remotely acceptable. Mr. Mcgahn did not appear today because the president prevented it, just as the president has said he would fight

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