These have to be investigated. And laid out to the American People. Im going to reserve judgment till im finished. There is no one that can factually say there is not plenty of evidence of collaboration or communications between Trump Organization and russians. You use your rights, you use your power. If you use article 2, its called obstruction. But only for trump, but nobody else. Devastation. Take a look from above as an Alabama Community is reduced to a pile of rubble after tornadoes rip ripped through. The death toll expected to sore with dozens unaccounted for. Its heart breaking. It feels not real. It really does. Right now, you know, people are in shock. People are sad. People dont know what to do. The community is coming together. There are houses that are completely flattened. There are people that are searching for loved ones. There are people that have no homes to go home to last night. Its devastating. We now have an even dozen democrats running for president in 2020 officially. Former colorado governor announcing his campaign this morning. Im running for president because i believe that not only can i beat donald trump, but that i am the person that can bring people together on the other side and actually get stuff done. The problem that i think a number of democrats are going to have is that base thats fizzling right now. You have a biden lane, a Bernie Sanders lane and theres probably another lane for a candidate. All right. The public testimony from President Trumps former personal lawyer is reverberating throughout the political world as a Congressional Committee follows up on the thread that Michael Cohen dangled in his opening hearing. House Judiciary Committee Gerald Nadler sent out a document or request for documents saying this weekend he would add subpoenas if necessary to over 80 people and entities, reaching out from the white house to the department of justice to members of the Trump Organization and beyond. A name that quickly came up. Allen weisselberg. This guy is a longtime chief Financial Officer of the president s company. Hes spoevg ento federal prosecutors in manhattan following cohens guilty plea there and is expected to be called before the House Intelligence Committee soon. Nadler and the Judiciary Committee are skrcrutinizing weisselberg over this check which cohen claimed was part of the hush money paid to stephanie daniels, alleging the Trump Organization was involved in a potential Campaign Finance violation. Also set to receive a request request, donald trump, jr. , the president s son, also allegedly signed this check to cohen, which fits the set of 35,000 payments laid out in the Southern District of new yorks criminal information that cohen pleaded guilty to in 2018. But the clearest picture were getting of what the Judiciary Committee is looking for came just this morning when a source provided nbc news with documents allegedly sent to former Trump Campaign aide sam nunberg. The committee is asking sam nunberg for any and all documents relating to financial interests by russia involving President Trump, ivanka trump, or jared kushner. Documents relating to the trump tower moscow deal, the june 2016 trump tower meeting, discussions of russian sanctions prior to the inauguration, contacts with wikileaks, and more. All of this showing the wide scope of the committees probe into the president and his campaign. Now, the white house simply said it received the request for documents and that the white houses Counsel Office would just a moment ago the president had this to say about the document request. Sir, are you going to cooperate with mr. Nadler . I cooperate all the time with everybody. And you know the beautiful thing . You know, its all a hoax. You learn about that as you grow older. Its a political hoax. All right. Joining me now nbc news Intelligence National reporter ken dilanian, jill winebanks, and former federal prosecutor kathy fleming. I told a lie because the guy i see on my screen is not ken dilanian. Sir, who are you . Im a poor substitute for ken dilanian, but ill do my best. I apologize for that, mike. I know you and ken have been working on this together. Mike, the list of names which we can put up on the wall there is extensive. What jumps out at you . Believe it or not, ali, the Committee Sources tell me when they first drew up a list of potential targets as part of this investigation that the Judiciary Committee is launching today, they started with over 150 names. They realized they couldnt necessarily begin with that big of a number so they tried to narrow it down, came down to 81. Of course there are obvious headliners there, the white house itself, the fbi, the Justice Department. This sets up potential battles over executive privilege and what kind of documents the white house will itself turnover. Obviously we go to the family. Eric trump, donald trump, jr. , jared kushner, the president s soninlaw, although we should mention ivanka trump his daughter. Then, of course, we have entities like the trump transition team. We know theres been a lot of scrutiny into that, the Trump Campaign itself. But whats interesting is its interesting listening to the president s reaction to jerry nadler right now. These are two men with a history that goes way back into new york politics when jerry nadler was an assemblyman fighting donald trump businessman attempts to build some buildings in manhattan. But the president has been very clear about his businesses being a red line, that he does not want investigators to cross. And jerry nadler is very much crossing that red line today. Some of the names you mentioned, allen weisselberg. We see david pecker, american media. These are the national enquirer, there is scrutiny. His gate keeper at trump tower for a long time, we know shes also spoken to the House Intelligence Committee already. But these are getting closer and closer into trumps own the business dealings and that is going to provoke a reaction down the road. The Judiciary Committee are asking for a lot of documents. Jerry nadler saying he might ask for more. Whats the danger here of the committee looking like its redoing the special counsels work . Is that dangerous . And possibly partisan looking . I think whats important for people to understand is the role that Congress Plays versus what mueller does. Mueller is investigating violations of existing laws. Congress has to look at whether there are laws that should exist but dont currently exist that would protect us from things that are just corrupt and wrong. And i think they have to look at all of the things that they are looking at. I think its very fair to look at his business, his transition team, his campaign, his foundation to see whether that is affecting how he is running the country. Is there something in his business dealings with russia or saudi arabia that is influencing decisions being made in the white house . Those are things that need to be understood. And if there is not a law that says you have to turn over your Financial Information or your tax returns, maybe there needs to be in order for people to understand before they vote what theyre voting for. So i dont think its going to be a problem in terms of duplicating the work of mueller. And whatever mueller has and whatever his report says is not making it public. And people in america need to be brought into this. One of the things that worked in watergate was that the Senate Hearings let americans know what the evidence was, and so the American People supported the action of congress because they knew about it. You cant operate in secrecy and expect to have public support for a political action. Kathy, when you were federal prosecutor, you dealt in political corruption. This business mike just talked about, donald trump having said initially it will cross a red line looking into his personal business, thats out the window now. Thats just a silly request that no one should be paying attention to. Michael cohen, if nobody else, brought it to the fore that Donald Trumps business interests, the Trump Organization, the trump foundation, the Trump Campaign, the inauguration, theyre all mixed up and in a lot of cases its the same people helping them. Thats correct. You have people being tour guides to take you through the analysis. Its not only Michael Cohen, there are other people being tour guides here. I think what youre going to see is theyre going to look at what all the various documents are, what gets produced, who produces them, how long, who fights it, what gets turned over. Theyll look particularly at the financial transactions. And theyre going to see whether, in fact, the lines were blurred. One of the areas theyre looking at particularly is whether the emoluments clause was violated, and whether the business and the presidency were, in fact, blurred. And so theyll come down to see whether that has, in fact, happened. Or whether the trusts that were set up were effective, in fact, the lines were not blurred. Jill, take us back to watergate. Whats the right number of investigations and who should be doing them . Theres a pent up demand for proper investigations after certainly the first two years in which certainly the house side of things didnt manage it very well. The house intel investigation was supposed to be one of the lead investigations, and we know for a fact, certainly with devin nunes in charge of it in the beginning, it just didnt do what it was supposed to do. Now there is a pent up feeling post midterm elections. They want the house to do the right thing. We have three current investigations in the house plus the senate investigations. I dont think its too many, and i think what has to happen, of course, is there has to be some deference to the ongoing criminal investigation. We were able to work very well with the senate and ultimately with the house. I mean, we turned over information to the Judiciary Committee for their use as a road map to impeachment. But that was the situation where we had a bipartisan support for that. There was an actual impeachment hearing already going unrelated to us. And so we felt obligated to provide the evidence we had gathered so they didnt have to spend a year regathering the same information. But as i said, i think there is after difficuis Different Reasons for looking at these things. Congress has a constitutional obligation, checks and balances, their Constitutional Authority and responsibilities mandates that they have these hearings, and that they do it in a respectful way, not to interfere with the ongoing criminal investigation. Kathy, some of the names on the list included jay sekulow, for instance, the president s lawyer. Does he have to comply with the subpoena to provide documents given that there is Attorney Client privilege . Im wondering what the roadblocks are. There are a number of roadblocks. Its not only his privilege. Hes an attorney, there is a joint defense agreement. Until a client waves or a court waves, hes obligated to follow that privilege. Congress cant have that waived i think its going to be difficult. If they do, they can compel testify testimony because the lawyer has to follow an order of court or an order of congress. No lawyer would violate that knowingly and flippantly. And jay sekulow will not do that. But i think he would take it to the legitimate courts judicial court, move to quash the subpoena, move to narrow it, move to do something before he would produce documents that he believes are covered by the Attorney Client privilege or joint defense privilege. Same thing with the fbi. As interesting as it is a defense lawyer, 50id love to have the fbi have documents to be subpoenaed. If youre in a defense case, you have to comply with the touey regulations. You have to make a showing to a court before you apply for the documents. In this case theyll have a Law Enforcement privilege. Theyll say its protected, were protecting a criminal investigation. We shouldnt be required to turn these documents over. Theres another one some people make claim, there is an active production privilege. Even if you have documents, you have a 5th amendment privilege not to testify and in limited circumstances you can say my documents my tax returns, that should be privileged. One of the things that is clear here, this is full employment for lawyers week. There will be a lot of people reaching out to get counsel right now. And congress is a little different an man that most of us are used to. There are different rules and different standards you have to apply. I looked at the cover letters of the subpoenas not subpoenas, requests. I noticed a lot of them, they said we can cut a lot of your time off. Give us what you produced to the special counsels office or any other Law Enforcement agency thats requested the documents. Thats kind of interesting because as a lawyer, thats work product privilege. What did i think was called for under those spds. There is going to be a lot of legal wrangling, a lot of negotiating. Legitimately so before people willynilly turnover the documents. Former watergate prosecutor and a guy pretending to be ken dilanian, our National News political reporter, thank you for your contributions today. All right. We just learned some sad news. Actor luke perry has died. A spokesperson for his family says the Beverley Hills 90210 star passed away in burbank california after suffering a massive stroke last week. Perrys children and fiance were with him when he died. Luke perry was 52 years old. Did President Trump try to use his power to retaliate against one of his least favorite news outlet or put the brakes on a megamerger . He took steps to try to block the deal between at t and time warner the Parent Company of cnn. We have the details next. Youre watching smeebl. Msnbc. I got cones, anybody wants one oh, yeah get ya some no, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Ed ed we struck sprinkles [cheers] believe it. Geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. I found a companyeans to yowho believes in me. Rt. They look out for me. And they help me grow my career. At comcast its my job to constantly monitor our network, prevent problems, and to help provide the most Reliable Service possible. My name is tanya, i work at the Network Operations center for comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Welcome back. Just out today, a new piece from Investigative Reporter jane mayer in the new yorker detailing the trump administrations relationship with fox news, titled, the making of the fox news white house. It highlights among many things how under President Trump, actions taken by his administration have, whether intentionally or not, favored fox chairman Rupert Murdochs business interests. Chairman under bill clinton told mayer, there are three moves that have taken place in the regulatory and antitrust world that involve telecommunications that are extremely unusual. The only way to explain them, they are pro fox, pro fox, and pro fox. Number one the administration approved the 71 billion bid to obtain fox group. It was blocked in its attempt to merge with Tribune Media a move some saw as forming a rival to fox news. And this one, how the president wanted to handle the merger of at t and time warner, the company that owns cnn, back in 2017. The new yorker claims a few months before the Justice Department filed suit, trump ordered gary cohn, then director of the Economic Council to pressure the Justice Department to intervene. According to a well informed source, trump called cone into the oval office along with john kelly who had just become the chief of staff and said in exasperation to kelly, ive been telling cone to get this lawsuit filed and nothings happened. Ive mentioned it 50 times, and nothings happened. I want to make sure its filed. I want that deal blocked. Joining me now, nbc news senior media editor claire atkinson. Good to see you. Claire, what do we know about that exchange, whether that happened, donald trump telling john kelly in front of gary cohn he wants this tone . Folks confirm to me its real. What is surprising about the whole situation is that trumps antitrust chief had spoken on Canadian Television before he was appointed to the top antitrust job and said he didnt have any issues with at t time warner merger. Once he took the job he had a lot of issues. In fact, the d. O. J. Took them to court twice. Its taken 28 months for them to finally close their deal. Think about the ramifications that the employees that work there, the shareholders spending money on legal fees. And so even though trump wasnt able to block the deal, he certainly threw a big wrench in their plans. Sentimentally america likes when governments are tough on big mergers. People like that. We have laws that are meant to prevent huge mergers. So the president not liking a big deal, whatever his motivations are, are in keeping with a lot of american sentiment. But George Conway has tweeted in response to these allegations, he said that its an impeachable offense. Using president ial authority for First Amendment rights would be grounds for impeachment. Do you think thats true . I dont know if its impeachment, but it certainly sounds wrong. The president does not control the Justice Department. The Justice Department makes decisions based on the law and thats something beyond the pir view of donald trump. Thats not to say that he cannot express an opinion on it. He did on the campaign trail. He was very very clearly. I dont want this deal to happen. And to your point about whether these are in the interests of the public, the at t folks made an argument that the courts eventually accepted that there was no issue here. Its a vertical merger and not in the same business. Theres no competition. But, of course, at t can exercise market power and thats what the Justice Departments problem with the deal was, that at t owns direct tv if they decide to withhold hbo from direct tvs rival dish, then dish suffers the consequence of that. They lose subscribers and subscribers go back to direct tv. That was the argument the d. O. J. Was using to block the deem. At t ultimately was victorious. What do we think about trump and fox . Fox is actually a little apprehensive at the beginning of trumps candidacy. Has this now assuming that you read jane mayers story is true, is the quid pro quo there because trump likes fox and fox likes trump . I mean, its a convenient relationship. And i think that Rupert Murdoch has very Close Relationships with governments all over the world, and so why should it be any different in america . This situation with fox news as jane details in the new yorker story, there are plenty of examples that are shocking on the face of it. Sean hannity attending the rally. The number of execs they share in common raises issues how close the organization is with the white house. Thats not to say that previous administrations havent had a close relationship with other Media Outlets in the past. Just on the topic of whether any governments have raised issues with mergers before or problems, there was a situation in 2013 with the ftc was looking at google and google the issue was is google manipulating search results in a way thats anticompetitive. The ftc looked into that for two years and ultimately found that wasnt a problem. So folks also raised that as an issue, the relation between the tech guys not like cnn, would he be angry he was trying to block the merger. Thats the interesting question. Claire, good to see you. Claire atkinson, nbc senior media editor. Now there are 12. He became the 12th major democrat to announce he is running for president. A look at his platform and why he thinks he can beat donald trump next. Youre watching msnbc. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Youre smart,eat you already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. When it comes to reducing the evsugar in your familys diet,m. 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Were a purple state that got universal background checks passed a. Joining me beth huey. The last time we talked about a candidate thinking about running who thought he was an extreme moderate was howard schultz. That did not go well for him. Why is John Hickenlooper different . Its not clear that message is going to be any better or any different from John Hickenlooper or lets say governor jay inslee who has gotten in. Were seeing suddenly governors ee erl emerging as the new crop of candidates to make their decision, their announcement. We have inslee on friday, a week ago friday, hoi hickenlooper. Terry mcauliffe. Even Governor Cuomo in new york in the atlantic. Part of the issue, these governors are by their nature, they sort of sometimes have to be a little more moderate because they have to deal with a legislature thats split. They have to get bipartisan stuff done. Exactly. We think of governors as the best people to run for president because they have executive experience. They have experience working across the aisle to get things done, very pragmatic. We saw bill clinton was a former governor, george w. Bush was a former governor. For some reason that hasnt been carter, reagan, a lot of them. Just in the last recently that hasnt so much been the case because we see these senators, you know, the Kamala Harriss of the world, Bernie Sanders, theyre Getting National attention, having speeches that they are giving to criticize President Trump, visibility is much higher for a senator, national visibility. These governors i talked to a lot of them, theyre all just frustrated. They feel like they do work. And the senators speechyfy. They dont have National Name recognition. He is talking like inslee, hickenlooper is talking about climate change. Hes from a purple state. Hes sort of the antipolitician, not really, hes been a mayor twice and been a governor for two terms. Hes got the approach that makes him feel like hes on the outside. He was originally a geologist. He ran a brew pub, successful brew pub in denver that still exists. He likes to talk about himself as a entrepreneur, restaurateur, coke bottle, somebody like me can consider doing this. He talks to points to a record of accomplishments. They have things to point to that they actually accomplished. For example, governor hickenlooper talks about gun controls he was able to pass in colorado, a purple state where a lot of people has guns nevertheless he was able to get that through because there have been a number of mass shoot ings in colorado in part. However, the question is can these governors raise the kind of National Money you need to compete against somebody like a Bernie Sanders who has this incredible fundraising base. Beto orourke if he gelts in, same thing. Or Mike Bloomberg if he gets in, who is independently wealthy. Its hard for the governors who are less name recognition who are running as moderates in an environment right now where the left has remember a time when that was the big thing if youre a moderate, getting the moderates, getting completely. Most people, most will tell you its much more you have to win the nomination. That means going left in the democratic party, but you have to immediately pivot to the middle to run against President Trump because most voters are in the middle. Bernie sanders, his problem is not going left. Its certain pockets of democratic voters to whom he doesnt have the greatest appeal. You spent time listening to him this weekend. Yeah, i went to both of his events in brooklyn and chicago. Massive, massive crowds in both places. It really reminded me of 2016 in that regard. What was different this time, its many of the economic lines hes been pushing his career. Free college, guaranteed federal job, medicare for all. Hes expanding the message to focus and lean in on race. One of the reasons he was not successful in 2016 running against hillary clinton, he lost black voters to her by a 50 point margin. With black voters being such a key part of the democratic base, hes got to do better if he wants to really follow through and see the promise of this race. Hes talked about his activism and civil rights movement. He talked how black people experience the economy different than white people do. He can no longer have a color blind message, its about class versus the 1 versus everyone else. The black people experience is differently, and he needs to address that. Beth, thank you very much. Senior politics editor. Big blow to President Trumps Emergency Declaration from in his own party. Rand paul, a trump ally in a lot of things says he will support of a resolution opposing the declaration over the border wall. He couldnt, quote, vote to give extra constitutional powers to the president. Senator pauls support for the resolution would cement its passage through congress, sending it back to the president s desk where he would likely issue the first veto of his presidency. Msnbcs Garrett Haake is live for us on capitol hill. Garrett, the president has promised to and almost certainly will veto this bill when it gets to his desk. But what does that bipartisan rebuke mean . Reporter its largely symbolic, ali, but it is a powerful symbol. In this case it would be the biggest legislative rebuke of the president , not only since he lost the fight on obamacare repeal. In this case the margin could be conceivably even worse in the senate. Rand paul becomes the decisive republican vote here. He gets the democrats above the 50 vote threshold. He certainly wont be the last. Omari alexander, the retiring republican senator from tennessee last week gave a big speech on the floor he might vote the same way. Mike lee, mitt romney, the two republicans from utah have not said how they plan to vote on this. Both think of themselves as small Government Conservative constitutionalist kind of guys. Could conceivably also join paul and these other more moderate republicans in rebuking the president. But, again, this wont stop the fight here now, but it will show that there is Major Division and that the president has lost not one, but both houses of congress on this issue. That said, there is no likelihood of congress having the votes to override the president s veto. Its almost impossible to see. They need to pick up a few dozen votes in the house from republicans there. They need to pick up, lets say roughly 15, maybe more than what theyre liable to get here on the first vote in the senate. It seems next to impossible. I mean, in this day and age, its 2019, no one is saying anything is possible. I wouldnt hold my breath. Thank you, Garrett Haake. Tragedy in the south as tornadoes kill 23 people including children in alabama. The search is on right now for those unaccounted for as families face the magnitude of their losses. On our phones, they said shes gone to heaven. Shes only 8 years old. Its heart breaking. It feels not real. It really does. Truecar is great for finding new cars. Youre smart, you already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. But when i started seeing things, i didnt know what was happening. So i kept it in. He started believing things that werent true. I knew something was wrong. But i didnt say a word. During the course of their disease around 50 of people with parkinsons may experience hallucinations or delusions. But now, doctors are prescribing nuplazid. The only fda approved medicine. 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Austin ranks move that, all right. There we go. Austin ranks number one on the list. Its home to dell, amazons whole foods, and the university of texas. The city also just landed another huge employer, apple. The company is building a 1 billion campus there. Another thing austin has to brag about, an Unemployment Rate of just 3 . San jose, california, this one is also relatively obvious. It comes in at number two on the hottest job market list. The heart of Silicon Valley with major tech giants like facebook and google right on the outskirts, the city also boasts the nations lowest Unemployment Rate at 2. 7 . Number three on the list, salt lake city, a city with a Labor Force Participation rate of 72. 5 . Side note, utah has led the nation in the percentage of job growth since in 2018. All right. Lets look at the other side of the equation. The three coldest job markets, rochester, new york ranks number one. Its home to east man kodak. The Unemployment Rate stands at 4. 5 . It used to be a Big Industrial place but has lost a number of industries. Number two on the list also comes from new york state. This time buffalo, a city with an Unemployment Rate of 4. 8 . Also former industrial city. Buffalo was in the preliminary stages of approving a california companys plan to build a 200 million campus for the production and Legal Distribution of cannabis. But that only happens if new york state legalizes recreational pot statewide. Third is detroit. Joblessness still remains high there compared to the nations other big cities. They recently cut white collar staff in detroit. Joini joining me now is diane swonk from Grant Thornton and someone specialized a great part of her career in labor economics. Diane, anything on the list that surprises you . The High Technology economies, places that need educated people and places that are doing well. The Old Industrial cities are doing less well. Unfortunately thats what we expect to see. Now whats really interesting is how that is phoenix open gotten so much worse over the decades. This is many decades in the making. As you know im from detroit originally so i grew up with this. Its many decades in the making. Not only does it not matter where you live and what job prospects, mobility has gone down. There isnt the premiums in the cities that was there for lower skill and lower wage lets talk about that, mobility has gone down. You can attach a uhaul and drive somewhere else. Not any more. You can go to some of these places with jobs, there is also the affordability issue. If you are low skilled and you end up in Silicon Valley or austin and youre earning a low skilled wage, it doesnt pay. Exactly. And thats one of the things. You see some, you know, anomalies like in some of the boom areas, i saw in the wall street journal about 170,000 a year in an oil boom area, that is an anomaly. The reality is for most people they cant get the premium they once did for sort of middle income jobs. I hate to say low skilled, but not for lower wage jobs you used to get a premium in the cities to be able to live in the sfiz and work there. They can no longer get that. I think thats very important. Slowing down mobility. We also have higher lower lifespans, much more so in the cities that are Industrial Areas that have lagged behind. Some 30 in metropolitan areas have not even recouped the jobs they lost to the great recession, and 90 of americans dont have the net worth that they did prior to the great recession. Diane, you and i have been talking for a lot of years. At one point we used to said unemployment is the intractable thing we have to solve. We have a low employment number, lower than what economists call full employment. The number of job openings are 7 million, outnumbering the 6. 5 Million People who are officially classified as unemployed. Is this a mobile issue, is that a training issue, what is this . All of the above. One of the misnomers out there, a lot of millennials graduated in the great recession, they say we dont have enough educated people out there we have too many educated people, too many b. A. S running around, they shouldnt have gotten these degrees. Thats not right. We are 30 who are getting an education. That is lower than our international counterpart. And all of the increase in Educational Attainment since the 19. 50 has come from women getting more degrees. Of course they are being discouraged into going into the areas that pay the most and need the most mathematical background. There is research on this systemically discouraged from that. We arent training enough people. We arent educating enough people. Were losing ground the world over. Its why we need well educated immigrants willing to come here. It also speaks to the fact we no longer if youre poor and the smartest in a poor area, your chances of going to college now is much less than it was several decades ago and a decade ago if you were the dumbest kid in a rich area. I was driving from philadelphia to new york yesterday. The billboards which are often advertising, one was from an auto company an auto dealership saying hiring altec any cal skills right now. There is a shortage of workers even at the technical level. Were finding this from community colleges. Were training people in the wrong places sometimes. I want to ask you about something unrelated. The dow is down this morning 1. 5 last time i checked. Responding to a report showing that in december Construction Spending dropped by. 6 . Not a huge number, but its three times what economist were expecting. Do you read anything into this . Whats interesting is how weak the Fourth Quarter ended. The overall quarter, in residential, thats where one of the biggest losses, also the Public Sector which i can attest to. The infrastructure here in the United States. Its residential losses. We had four quarters in a row where the residential spectre contracted in the United States in 2018, and we know that kind of theory in the coal mine what can go forward. Thats disturbing. We had a housing bust and we never had, again, an uneven boom. Many are under water from where they were and we never fully recovered and now were contracting. That was where the warning sign is, residential, people were worried about where was i going to go going forward. Good to talk to you. Diane swonk is a chief economist at Grant Thornton. Tornadoes tore through alabama killing 23 people. The desperate search for the unaccounted continues. We are live on the ground next. Youre watching msnbc. vo there for you when it matters most. Get a free Samsung Galaxy when you switch. Only on verizon. 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Reporter what was it like . What did you hear . First, i heard a loud noise. I grabbed my daughter by the arm and threw her in the bathtub with me and after that, a lot of shaking and rumbling and as soon as it stops, i stepped out the bathroom and checked and i saw all the devastation. Reporter describe to me what your street look like . It was horrible. You think you are in the restroom and hearing wind blowing. I didnt know how bad it was. I am in the medical field and i was making sure anyone was trapped. You know just being Good Neighbor and checking on everybody. There is still devastation of her house is totally gone. Reporter when you look at a house like this thats completely flatten, it is just hard to believe that anybody in this neighborhood survived. 165 miles an hour winds. Residents in this neighborhood had less than an hour to prepare for this. Smiths station, nobody was killed in this town, it is amazing. They were not so lucky. A lot of deaths over there and injuries and they are actually still going house to house over there, ali, looking for survivors and looking for people with injuries. That search is going to be going on through the next few days. Looks like houses there are shredded, you know interesting of 165 miles per hour, these are stronger winds that we have seen of tornados and it comes with no warning. What sort of aid are they looking for, what are they looking for . Reporter i can tell you right now they are still very much in the search and rescue stages. Fema though does have a crew on the way to assess the damage and theyll have fema resources out here at some point in the very near coming days. I know you spoke to a bar owner who lost his whole business. Yes, i did. He was actually one of our first stops last night when we came into the town and he owned that bar for about six years, david, you know he had come back to the bar despite his wifes wishes to pick up a purse for a friend who left it there. He said he saw the tornado coming and he thought my god, what am i going to do . I am here now. He got into his car and waited as the tornado got closer and closer and there was really nothing he could do. He just watched it as it basically took his bar and tore it apart in front of his eyes. He says his bar was like being torn everywhere. It was really amazing. The only thing left in his bar was across that heitaied tied t ceiling. He thought that was a sign. Tammy leitner in alabama for us. The house of judiciary firing off businesses of the president as it investigates or obstruction. Whats the end goal of the democrats. Thats the next hour, you are watching msnbc. 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She was the first black woman to be broadcasted on american radio. Mcdaniels accepted many roles for black actor that was criticized by the naccp for accepting them. In 1939, mcdaniels won an oscar for her performance in gone with the wind. You can find her name twice on hollywood boulevard as she was a star in both radio and film. If you got a monumental american, please tweet us. Thank you for watching velshi and ruhle. Right now kasie hunt picks up our coverage live from washington. Ali velshi, thank you very muff. It is 2 00 p. M. In washington. It is 1 00 p. M. In alabama, at this hour, search and rescue efforts continue for others who are still missing. Officials now in alabama including the governor are holding a News Conference right now. Well go there live. Thanks fhes thinking of all and he wanted us to know that. On that note, i want to introduce the governor and we appreciate thank you so much. Good afternoon, after 2 00 p. M. Yesterday, tornados ravaged part of our state, leaving the lost of human lives. We lost children,

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