Because ive seen enough leaking and distortion. Have a hearing and invite everyone. Republicans set to lose control of the house and the house judiciary committee. The president began the thanksgiving holiday with members of the military. The call, which was supposed to be about supporting members of the military. Among reports that their government murdered and dismembered a u. S. Resident. James cole mey is saying he won answer questions if the hearings are not open to the public. We turn to leann caldwell. My first question is this guy is going to be out of the leadership position. Why would you do this at the end of republican control of the house when theyve had two years. Thats right, ali. The fact the democrats are going to take control in january means this is republicans last stand to change the conversation away from trumps controversies and what the base is really like. While theyre doing that, this is also comey and Loretta Lynch are two people republicans wanted to come behalf the committee. Comey says, hes happy to come. A position that he put out in early october. He said, it cannot be behind closed doors. He said he was come up. Ways the response from democrats . Theyre going to very likely if comey does come, a public hearing with an audience in front of cameras. The ranking chairman, he put out a statement that he rejected the attempts of oversight. He said this is not the issue of the day, this is just to show for the republican base. But, again, if he subpoenas, if comey and lynch respond and come before the committee, it will happen very soon. Not a lot of time before Congress Wraps up before the end of the year. Leanleann, thank you very mu. Danny, first, jams comey says hes going to resist. Can he . Only a handful of people subpoenas by congress have successfully changed those subpoenas. Congress has the apparent power to conduct investigations into an almost up limited raise of issues. Sometimes to testify in open hearings. But sometimes privately or sit for depositions which are interviews under oath and recorded, taken down by a court reporter. So that every word is swosh sworn in. Every word is a potential false statement or perjury attempt, as trump might say. From the legal perspective . Doesnt reduce the power to subpoena. But it does matter politically in that as soon as the new cold, the naturally house, takes over in january. The interest in that investigation is going to dissipate. Practically speaking, theres little point in issuing it now. So this is political. Theres no other way to look at it. If you want to look at it as retaliation or what other lawyers have said they would subpoena whitaker. Said whitakers going to be the first person to invite. In that sense, this is retaliation. Danny cevalos. President trump called ivankas emails innocent and shot down comparisons between her and Hillary Clinton. Joining me from west palm beach. Kelly, that was one piece of the president s saez time. When asked about ivanka, who served not only as first daughter, in her house of a private email account in 2017, the earlier part when she became a federal official and the president was offensive. This stands out starkly because of how critical hes been about Hillary Clinton. There was a specific server in the clinton home that had been set up for president clinton when he left office and Hillary Clinton according to the fbi had some classified emails that were transmitted. We dont have information that suggest ivanka trump was using her email to transmit anything that was classified. If youre a Government Official using a personal or private email accounts, the red flag has been during that time counciled the area. The president was defensive about his daughter. Heres what the president said about ivanka and her email use. Okay, im told we dont have the sound bite. He made the distinction she didnt dleelete and it wasnt classified. Those were the issues there. That will be up to people to decide if that is a double standard, if that is something that can be explained. The whole political environment was about this Hillary Clinton email. There was warning already out there. If you were seeing that, okay, good to see you. Kelly odonnell. President trump spent the majority of the time focused on the southern border. He threatened to close the border entirely if mexico didnt get control. A threat hes used before. Thousands of troops stationed at the border this thanksgiving doing what exactly remains to be seen. The troops wont be there any more. Joining me is our pentagon correspondent hans nichols. Trump just signed an order given troops per mission at the boarder. Theres some caveats. That is if needed. Our best understanding of what this entails is you can have troops here behind me. Youve got about 500 mps. Theyre here mostly to harden the border. What the president is talking about is giving present text to Border Patrol agents. That might include a brief moment of detaining migrants, if they did attack and put agents in bodily arm. Its very hypothetical. I think at this point what we heard from the president is theyre very happy they played. Here in texas, more than 11,000 meters. The borders been hardened here. The question is, where do those troops go next . Some may be heading to california. Where some members of the caravan are tijuana. And how do they make sure what trump wants is taken care of when this mission is supposed to end . That deadline could slip and you could have folks not only spend thanksgiving but also more. The construct that the president has created, theres no evidence, no one in these carav caravans with any attack or that sort of thing. This is the president s continued bluster on this one. The troops there are backing for that. Theyre not in their body army. Theyre driving around. Thats standard. Very few of them are armed. Secretary mattis is clear about when he visited here. Theres a world of difference between being in a hardened outpost in afghanistan and here off a highway in donna, texas. You see the normal body crossing, the drug sniffing dogs, normal traffic. So the yidz that you need to have preparing for any some sort of incoming invasion. Hans nichols for us at base camp donna along the mexico texas border. After the break, ill be joined by part of that blue wave. Congresswoman katie hill. Youre watching msnbc. Hold grud. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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Youve done a lot of work for homeless populations for a while. But youre new to politics. Tell me what caused you to run. Sure. Weve been working on these policy issues. The medicate expand. We have one on the ballot in 2016 called prop hhh. The city of los angeles initiative, 1. 2 billion to address the homelessness in our community. Its something weve been working on getting on to the ballot for years. Instead of being able to celebrate the next day, i had people in my office crying, saying weve got donald trump for president , what do we do . It ultimately led me here. Michael moore said the answer is ballotinitiatives. We tend to think all politics is politics. W but people are concerned and maybe motivated to vote where otherwise they would not have been. I think in this particular election, at least where we were sitting, the most watched part was the congressional side of things. But i think that actually helped us in a lot of other ways. Lets talk about your victory. I was watching was it a vice documentary . Yes. Some of your team and you seemed stunned isnt the right word but somewhat surprised you won. We were always expecting to win. The margin of victory showed we had done so pretty handily. You spend 20 months of campaigning and have it really be here was a shocker for us all. The last weeks have been the same where were closing down the campaign offices, moving into actual governing. The things you worked on in your private life, are they priorities for you, health care . Absolutely. Health care was the number one issue to our constituents. The cost of prescription drugs, the high cost of insurance premiums. That has to be something that goes on to affect it. With fires weve seen 7,000 house holds dispoli s displaced. Katie hill, thanks for joining us. Thank you. Coming up, among the hundreds of millions of us celebrating thanksgiving, theres about 100,000 refugees celebrating their first thanksgiving in the u. S. N the u. Today hundreds of millions of people are celebrating thanksgiving. For some, it will be the first time. For 22,000 refugees relocated to the United States, this will be their first thanksgiving. Down sharply from 2016 and 2017. The u. S. Admitted 85,000 and 52,000 in those years. For those resettling this year, the main focus is felting your bearings and learning customs. Joining me, our guests from the immigration service. Thank you to both of you for being here. I should tell viewers, you were here a while ago and then the president had his phone calls to the military. So thank you for staying. Thank you for having us. Its a pleasure. Youve been here for a few years, five or six years . Yes. Tell me about thanksgiving, what does it mean to you . First, thank you for having us today. As a woman, as a Health Care Coordinator integrated with immigration services, as a mom for two beautiful girls, as a former refugee, im excited to be here and to be a voice for a refugee women and girls. I know america. I have seen america support through education in the United States. But i would like to do same thing and help women and refugees get their education here. ing your questions about thanksgiving, it means a lot to me. I love being in the United States. Im honored to be here. Enjoying my time with my friends and family here. My first thanksgiving was amazing is this the picture, your first thanksgiving . It is so beautiful. Kind of yes. I make this beautiful turkey with persian food. Thats great. We couldnt eat all of this turkey, it was too big. We decided to share with everyone else. I thought my building manager, can we share this turkey . She said yes, why not. Ill say to everyone. She announced it, all of my neighbors came down and had a piece of turkey you learned the spirit of thanksgiving right from the beginning. Yes. And its remarkable because the experience with america is positive and feeling that americas kind to refugees. I think weve got starting to scare americans about what refugees are. But this is what refugees represent. Honestly, were hear because of thanksgiving, right . But there is actually a tradition that is just as much thanksgiving, and that is welcoming persecuted people to this country. That is what the families are. They are persecuted families, seeking religion freedom, freedom from prosecution because of war and coming to this country is an opportunity for a safe life. A life where they want to be able to appreciate everyones contributions. When people are watching this and say what can i do . With americas long tradition of benefiting and welcoming refugees in this country . The best thing is look up the resettlement. If they live locally, they can come to our run. Yes, youve got a shirt on. Its called the iris run. On the back of the statue of liberty is what we have believed about. Receive refuges. Even though the number allowed in the United States has gone down, we know while america may be going through some challenges. Weve been here before, we will come back Even Stronger as a country, acknowledging that more need to come in. To remind us of the spirit pass and what does it mean for us. If folks want to learn, they really ought to look out for their local Refugee Resettlement agency. And this case we have former refugees helping current refugees. I thank you both. I messed up your day by about six hours. No, no, its been lovely. Welcome to america and through for your contribution. Look up your local refugee settlement agency. More than 13,000 hopes have been destroyed in the fires. The brave california firefighters remain hard at work to rescue injures. Countless volunteers help those who have been displaced because of the strategy. They broke out in a cheer when the firefighters arrive. This just happened. Its about as bittersweet as you can get. This is about two weeks. Theres about 18,000. This unbelievable organization that goes to disasters like this. One of the can you talk about what youre doing . Well do up to 15,000 meals. We have four kitchens. Going to be doing that for service. Also developed into some of the more former programs. How are you able to to that . We had them in place less than 24 hours after the fire broke out. Really like these amazing individuals with us today, were going to have over 800 chefs involved. This is what we do. Ive been speaking to people who have lost family members, have gone missing and, you know, its been incredibly hard. I cant imagine some of the stories youve heard and seen. What is it like serving these people who have lost so much . I dont think we cab be anywhere else. The community has come together. Really everybody coming together. To put on this incredible thanksgiving. Listening to the Amazing Stories of these individuals who have lost so much and yet are supporting each other. Coming together to support their neighbors. Folks who have lost everything are coming here to help out. Its a special moment and this is really, this is what we do. A hot plate of food. Nourishing the soul. We can all come together to this moment. You can see some of them just scattered, filtering. You also have celebrity chefs. Like, you know, carving turkey out in the parking lot with guy. Theyre so busy, but theyre on the ground here today. Can you talk about their dedication to the community . Yes, we are a community of chefs. Weve got amazing folks that have come together today to donate their time and give back. They havent didnt want to be anywhere else. Guy had a big thanksgiving dinner and hes up here cooking turkeys for us. I think this shows what this industry can do. We are this incredible group, incredible community, that can come together to support folks in need. Nate, thank you very much. Now putting itself back together. It gives people something to look forward to. Weve seen it all through this community in the last two weeks. Lets look at those tables. How many people are they expecting to feed today . They want to feed they want to serve 15,000 meals. Obviously, its not all going to be happening here. Also, theyre making deliveries. Obviously theyll have maybe three or four different locations or meals here. I think 11 00 coming up here. Then two hours after that. And two hours after that. Happening in multiple places as deliveries are going out to people in homes trying to eat across this community. The damage in butte county and paradise, its different when when we need a lot of structures, but many of which were mobile homes. Is there a plan for aid for longer term for people in that area . I mean, at this point, its early. Youre searching about a search operation an where people are looking for human remains, people trying to get people answers, who is still looking for their lost loved one. At least 500 on that list. We get an update, that number has fluctuated. Its incredible. Fema lined up, trying to apply for federal aid. Community groups are, you know, almost with nothing, no resources. Finding people, get people connected with the resources. So some of the groundwork has already started. The longterm plan, that remains to be seen. This will happen after this. But theres still an active firefight going on. Cal fire is still at the front lines, battling flames. A lot of work to be done here. Enjoy your thanksgiving. Youre in a place that is a good reminder of why this holiday exists. Steve patterson, in chico, california. Mark zuckerberg insists hes not going anywhere and facebook can be a force for good. Today, 97 of employers agree that skills like teamwork, attention to detail, and Customer Service are critical to business success. Like the ones we teach here, every day. And Customer Service are critical to business success. My mom washes the dishes. Before she puts them in the dishwasher. So what does the dishwasher do . Cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuckon foods, the first time. Wow, thats clean cascade platinum. Mark zuckerberg isnt going anywhere. When asked by cnn if he would consider stepping down, he said, quote, thats not the plan. After a very bad year for the social media giant, the Cambridge Analytica scandal, lingering questions about russian interference and this months report about the companys internal dealings, its clear that something at facebook needs to change. Joining me now is our guest. Good to see you, thank you for being with us. Thank you, thanks for having me. Happy thanksgiving. Mark zuckerberg doesnt have to go anywhere. He designed facebook in a way that he controls the majority of the voting shares. The idea hes going to get forced out of a company he doesnt want to leave probably wont happen. I think thats right. Mark zuckerberg has absolutely crafted this organization into one he controls. Theres nothing necessarily wrong with that. I think everything ceo attempts this. Hes a good person. A good father. A philanthropist. Good husband. Somebody who is in a very difficult position now who has some extraordinary but he made bad choices. The evidence here, the New York Times story was just the tip of the iceberg, that sandburg and zuckerberg chose profitability first. Theyre hamstrung by their own commercial interests. Those of their investors, those of the company, those of the shareholders. I think something thats consistent across this country. Its an industry that does not operate with a sound regulatory regime. Should it . Because theres something beautiful about the Free Internet and free speech and all those places in the world where people have been able to use social media to articulate their aspirations in a way we take for granted in america. What does regulation look like in this space . Theres no doubt that Internet Companies have done a mazing things. They have a lot of a lot of, lot of commerce. What we already can say is these are platforms that are businesses. Theyre not there just sitting around and allowing people to communicate, they are businesses. Theyve set u Business Models that operate silently in their servers. Effectively built to remote content thats shared by anybody whos willing to pay for it. Whether its somebody try to interfere with an election. Whether its somebody trying to engage in privacy and security beach. These are things weve seen across the sector include the at facebook. Is there an obvious solution . Like a tax on data. Is there some way to ensure theres more public good than public damage . Absolutely. I think if we can mag to look at the Business Models. Creating sticky addictive services, collection of data on individuals. Finally, the development of opaque algorithm to curate content. If we can analyze it and create policies that response. So thats really sensible but isnt that saying like if i can figure out the spices and herbs in kfc, or the coke formula, we figure out how to handle that. Whats what they dont want. Its part of the policy. We have to start on transpash i on the way these algorithms work. I think there are bright people designing ways to engage in transparency for the sector in whiches that can still allow these companies to succeed. We also need better privacy, better security and greater competition. This is a road map for a very long strong. I appreciate starting with you. The policy and Public Policy adviser. Up next, siding with the saudi arabiay government in its denial of the murder of khashoggi. Youre watching msnbc. Pills right now. Only aleve has the strength stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. Now introducing aleve back and muscle pain, for up to 12 hours of pain relief with just one pill. Americans rose up this november and rejected donald trump. More unhinged by that than ever, this president declared war on the rule of law. But you gave democrats the power to hold him in check. A majority vote in the house can impeach him and expose his lawless behavior for all to see. They just need the will. Please join over six million americans and together we can give congress the courage to act. Then, we can begin building a more just and prosperous future. The president continues to disregard the findings of our intelligence agencies. When asked about the cluding wi the crown princed ordered the death of jamal khashoggi, he defended if saudis. I hate the crime. I hate whats done. They have denied it. Its as i said, maybe he did. Maybe he didnt. I will say strongly its a very important ally. If we go by a certain standard, we wont be able to have allies with almost any country. Very little in that whole statement that makes any sense. Maybe he did, maybe he didnt. Lets put that aside. The cia said they saw it both ways. That doesnt make sense. Thats not true. The cia didnt say maybe he did. Maybe he didnt. They said with high confidence they believe that the crown prince was in know about this murder. This is the guy who said there were very fine people on both sides in charlottesville. He like to do a both sides attempt when things go wrong. This is the first time an american president , that i can remember, has done both sides kr the with the cia. And lying to the public. Hes been saying today he said in a statement that week the cia hasnt made up its mind. Thats not true. The cia said with high confidence they believe mbs, the crown prince gave the order to murder u. S. Resident and washington columnist jamal khashoggi. Hes covering up the killing. Its not the worst thing hes done but its one of the worst. Somehow if we were to accept the cias word and sanction saudi arabia that it would mean the end of all relations with saudi arabia. Thats not how sanctioning works. Indeed. Today denmark has announced it will be halting arms sales and licenses for armed exports to saudi arabia. The germans have done so. The french are about to do so. They are considering in bringing in armed sales license restrictions. Why cant the u. S. Do it as well . Its odd this relationship trump has with the saudis which raises so many questions because who is the client state . Who is the super power . Saudi arabia needs america more than America Needs saudi arabia. Trump said that at a rally. If we stop supporting you, you would fall tomorrow. He said it himself and yet classic liar he is, he does a complete u turn to say well lose our relations. Hes thanking them for Oil Price Falls on twitter. He said its just not about oil or arms sales, its also about geo political. Trump is obsessed with iran. He probably wants a war with iran and he needs mbs on board with that. They are as hawkish and reckless as he is. Its caused the worlds greatest humanitarian crisis right now. Starvation and disease. The United States is not even at arms length from that war in yemen. Were fully involved in it. Fully involved and to be care to frutrump, fully involved bef donald trump became president. Since barack obama. Nearly four years of saudi bombardment and besiegement of the poorest country in the middle east. 85,000 yemeni kids may have starved to death because of this war. I hate to be A Debby Downer for some of your viewers, but right now in yemen, thousands of yemeni kids continue to starve. 14 million yemenis are on the voen verge of great big famine. The United States is directly responsible for that. This is a stain on america. This is not just a saudi, iranian issue. Its a u. S. Saudi war. They were late comers to it. Then we have people saying, why do people in the middle east hate america . Americans need to look at the Foreign Policy and see whats going on in yemen and see what stain it is and vote for representatives. Next week a bunch of the representatives are going to fry again to extricate america from this. Happy thanksgiving to you. Thanks for your analysis. Same to you. Thanks for watching. Have a very happy thanksgiving. And a dedicated advisor to help you grow and protect your wealth. Fidelity wealth management. To help you grow and protect your wealth. I am a techie dad. N. I believe the best technology should feel effortless. Like magic. At comcast, its my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. My name is mike, im in Product Development at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Welcome michelle obama. Michelle obama has returned to the spotlight. When she lifts her voice, people listen. From her humble hooroots in chicago. Michelle is south side to the core. All things are possible. Her journey to the white house embodied the american dream. If you can dream with me then you know theres no other choice other than barack obama. There was no going back. A new day had

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