than $150 million in bribes and kickbacks in an investigation led by u.s. attorney loretta lynch that spanned two decades. >> they were expected to uphold the rules that keep soccer honest and to protect the integrity of the game. instead, they corrupted the business of worldwide soccer to serve their interests and to enrich themselves. >> one person not involved in the indictment the, the current president of fifa, sepp blatter, up for re-election friday. in a separate case, swiss prosecutors have announced a criminal probe into the alleged bribery. that investigation linked to russia and the tiny country of qatar awarded the 2018 and 2022 world cups respectively. we have more from chris pallone. there are a lot of developments. is this a big victory for the attorney general who supervised this case as a u.s. attorney in brooklyn? >> of course it appears that way. we'll really know that once these cases start to go trial and we start to get verdicts. four people have already pled guilty in the case. as you mentioned, there were 14 people named in this indictment seven of them were arrest ded in switzerland early. nine are fifa executives. the other five are members of a sports marketing firm. some of them here in the united states. and this investigation goes back about 24 years. it alleges that there were $150 million worth of kickbacks given to various fifa executives and marketing things. the whole investigation surrounds tournaments leading up to the twhak have taken place in -- world cup that have taken place in central and north america. as investigators have continued to unwind this it appears to be getting bigger and bigger as they go down throughout the investigation. >> before you go, what more can you tell us about the criminal probe being led by swiss investigators? >> reporter: there's been corruption alleged over the last several years about the bidding process that delivered the world cup to russia in 2018 and qatar, as you mentioned, in 2022. the swiss officials will be looking special the bidding process to see if there were indeed illegal kickbacks and bribes related to the awarding. right now, fifa says that they will not reopen the bidding process, but especially with qatar, a country that doesn't really have much of a fifa soccer pedigree and is known for extremely high temperatures that would make it difficult to play the world cup. that raised a lot of suspicion over the last several years. >> literally, 120 degrees during the time it will be played. chris pallone thank you. jimmy conrad is a retired major league soccer player currently the host of kick tv a youtube channel dedicated to soccer. he covered the 2014 welcome n brazil. it's great to have you here. fifa's been plagued by acquisitions of bribery for decades as we heard in chris' report. over 24 years they've been investigated. does this come as a surprise to anyone? >> the only surprise is that someone had the gall to take on this behemoth of an organization, an organization that has unchecked power. was nice to see loretta lynch step up and say we're taking you to task. we'll maybe get some of your lower end people, it you we're coming for you sepp blatter estimate point. >> let's talk about sepp blatter. fifa intends on moving ahead with the re-election of this president coming up on friday. his name, sepp blatter. he's held the office since '98. is expected to be re-elected despite the scandal. no charges were brought against him. you say that they have their sights on him. >> it's interesting that him as a leader, right. there's two facets of this. was he a guy at the top who had no idea what was going on? is that the kind of leader you want moving forward? or was he the leader that was the most corrupt? i don't think you want that guy as leader either. there's not too much coincidence with regard to this coming out. the statute of limitations has ended. the swiss are involved. i find it interesting that it's taken the swiss so long to get into fifa's affairs. >> blatter called the choice for qatar for 2022 the world cup being held there a mistake, but said tell not be revisited in terms of revising where the locations. given the news of the indictments, also the swiss investigation that you mentioned, do you think that that could change? >> i think it has to change. i think everything needs to be looked at, especially as they investigate how those bids were won and the process that went into it. i think we have really smart people that are on top of it. they seem to have energy and enthusiasm to find out what's going. on my concern is how far do they want to go down the rabbit hole. i think it could go on and on and on. we're talking sponsors, tv rights, so many people that may be really nice people that got influenced -- like if you want to host this event or do this, x, y, z, you have to get in bed with fifa and play by our rules. >> you reap what you sow. seems they've been playing by their own rule book for a long time. thank you. how will the shocking revelations affect the popularity amongst most loyal fans? frances rivera is on the streets of new york city to get reaction for our big pulse question. >> reporter: deeply rooted love for soccer especially worldwide. we're asking people at home the bing pulse question of the day, does the fifa scandal affect the love of soccer? we took it to the streets. thomas is from munich germany. huge soccer fan. your son has been playing, vincent, since he was 5. tell us how this will fifa scandal change your love of soccer? tell change your love? >> change the love of soccer we don't want more soccer when sepp blatter was arrested. we know he's banned in europe. he takes all the money. but sepp blatter is the law of the fifa. what sepp blatter do is his -- he speak and -- >> reporter: does it change your love no? >> i think so. we cannot -- can no more support football when they take the money. they pay the little -- the little boys pay money for learning soccer in germany, and the money goes to the fifa. and the fifa bosses take the money. and the boys have no more fun. >> reporter: we appreciate that. and hopefully somewhere along the way you can get your love back for the sport. if not soccer, hopefully another one. thank you very much. and you're a huge soccer fan, as well. tell me as far as this scandal you know does it change your love of soccer? >> i mean i don't think it does because i think that the people that love soccer are still going to watch. unfortunately we've become sort of you know expecting scandals to happen as we see here in the nfl. so i think it's a shame, though because america's finally starting to love soccer. >> reporter: and embrace it. >> and may kind of tinge it a little. i don't think it will stop people who really love the game to watch. i think sepp blatter has to go. he's been behind the scandals. >> reporter: thank you very much. sorry, sol and carlos, we don't have much time. are you passionate fans you were telling me. >> since i was a kid. disappointed. i'm disappointed. i can't believe they're doing. that as a fan -- it doesn't change my love. still love the game. there are scandals with all the sports. happens all the time. >> it doesn't change for me either. i've been playing soccer since i was young. and having the scandals going around is embarrassing. >> we appreciate your time. i'm interested in finding out what some women think. soccer moms, women who play soccer, as well. we'll try get their perspective whether we check back in with you. >> everyone bringing up sepp blatter, widely expected to be re-elected on friday in control of fifa. we will continue to talk about this. great stuff out there on the streets. thank you. we're following breaking news out of texas. the weather channel says a tornado is on the ground in blanco, texas. this is the same area impacted by the record-breaking flooding. the death toll now stands at 17 across texas and oklahoma due to the floods. 13 people missing. and in midlothian, texas, threat of a dam breaking has passed. this is what it looked like this morning as water flowed over the top of the earthen dam. official fear it could break. an hour ago officials said that they'd i.d.'d two of the three fatalities, and the search is still active and a recovery mission. >> we are still in search and rescue mode. we are still looking for viable victims. you have to keep in mind also we've had two events since this event that has put us back into the rescue business multiple times. >> the search has restarted in wimberley texas, the epicenter of destruction, due to floods. this morning my colleague, jose diaz balart, spoke it a business owner who described her personal experience. >> you could just hear the cracking of the trees and hitting into every one of the cabins. it could be down close. we're in pioneertown. the cracking and hitting to the cabins. they would hit -- we couldn't see what was gone until there was light. >> friends and family saying their final good-bye to alissa ramirez. the high school homecoming queen killed over the weekend by floodwaters while she was on her way home from the prom. nbc news correspondent charles hood hadlock is live in houston. how are things now after the rain this morning? i know that added insult to injury. >> reporter: yeah, it does rain today, but an inch of rain. look at buffalo bayou. it is falling despite the rain. the city can handle rainfall but it cannot handle 1 inches of rainfall which is got on friday night. five people have been confirmed dead. moments ago, the city of houston confirmed a sixth death. they found a body today near the galleria area, loop 610, an underpass that had been flooded. text.workers were draining it with -- tex.workers were draining it and discovered a man's body by the truck. he was a hispanic male. there are still two people missing. two elderly people. 85 and 87 years old. they were rescued by a fire department rescue boat monday. they were taken away but the boat capsized. the firefighters were able to rescue everyone but three people. they were swept downstream. they were wearing life vests. one person was found dead last night. they're still looking for the other two people missing. houston is getting back together. the water is dissipating and the city functioning once again. back to you. >> i was going to say, how has this put such a strain on the emergency and rescue crews? the first responders in the area? >> reporter: they covered more than 500 water rescues during this month. they answered more than 900 911 calls during the emergency. the vast area of houston was unaffected by the flooding. those areas that were affected like buffalo bayou west of downtown were severely affected. the water is going away, the cleanup underway for more than 4,000 homes and businesses that were touched by the water this week. >> charles hadlock reporting in houston. thank you very much. i want to go now to kate parker. meteorologist at the weather channel who is following this tornado that touched down in blanco, texas. what can you tell us? >> yeah blanco texas, this is exactly where we're taking a look. wimberley was wiped out, if you remember, just yesterday by the river rise. this tornado warning in progress right now. if you live in blanco you should be taking cover. absolutely lowest level of the home any protection you can find. this is a confirmed tornado. this is not just radar indicated. you'll notice we also have a severe thunderstorm warning, and look now -- see the green box? this is just issued. a flash flood warning for the area. this very same area that has had all of this -- all of these issues, it continues. now the center of this and where we would likely have the tornado is just toward the east of blanco. we did have better radar features on it. not quite as much rotation in it now. it was a confirmed tornado adding insult to injury in this area that has already been incredibly damaged. it's not just here that we have storms. let's take a wider view. and i'll show you the fact that this is going to be an ongoing problem today. this is just the start here in texas. we've got a major line of storms that extends from the middle part of the country. new orleans where we've seen in st. charles parish. we had a severe thunderstorm warning there. a little farther north into nashville, you've got downpours there. another severe thunderstorm warning in maryland. busy day of weather. very busy. back to you. >> thank you. the weather channel's kate parker. ahead this hour hillary clinton in south carolina. this as the state department preps to release the rest of hillary clinton's official e-mails as secretary of state. i'll speak about that next. ahead, new threats made against passenger planes overnight. the latest in just days. the fbi investigating. plus -- >> holy! >> oh my god! >> yeah, this is the real deal. a man catching a giant grouper. we're talking 500 pounds. he did it from his kayak. more in a moment. heart health's important... you may... take an omega-3 supplement... ...but it's the ingredients inside that really matter for heart health. new bayer pro ultra omega-3 has two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega-3 supplement. new bayer pro ultra omega-3. my school reunion's coming fast. could be bad. could be a blast. can't find a single thing to wear. will they be looking at my hair? won't be the same without you bro. when it's go, go to the new the site with the right room, rewards and savings up to 20% when you book direct. time upon a once people approached problems the way same. always start at the starting. and questions the same asking. but that only resulted in improvements small. so we've got some ideas new. garbage can create energy. light can talk. countries can run on jet engine technology. when you look at problems in ways different you new solutions find. ♪ ♪ a really busy wednesday on the 2016 campaign trail. hillary clinton back in south carolina for her first campaign stop in the palmetto state. she is expected to speak later in the hour. meanwhile, later today, former senator rick santorum will announce he's running for president again. that event kicking off in his hometown of cabot p.a. elsewhere on the gop side, carly fiorina and john kasich are also in south carolina. senator rand paul is in chicago today. also on the democratic side bernie sanders is campaigning in new hampshire. for clinton south carolina, though marking a return to major 2008 loss. she lost the state to barack obama by nearly 30 points. worse, her husband was accused of playing the race card when he made this comment. >> what does that say about barack obama that it takes two of you to beat him? >> that's -- jesse jackson won south carolina twice in '84 and '88. >> msnbc's joy reid is traveling with secretary clinton in columbia, south carolina. joy? >> reporter: good afternoon, thomas. hillary clinton has come to columbia circle to spend the day rallying democratic women to her cause. she's going to start her day with a round table with african-american women business owners. one of the big themes of her campaign. we're told the campaign is going to be equal pay, something it sees as uniting women across all ethnic groups. hillary clinton also needing to rally african-americans, very important constituency here in the state of south carolina. her overall theme being women. she will also attend day in blue an annual event that's held by about 200 women activists from across the state of south carolina who will gather here at the hotel right behind me to talk about politics and, of course about the upcoming campaign. hillary clinton will be giving a keynote address at the day in blue event. we're expected to also see a meeting between or at least a convergence between hillary clinton and edith childs who you'll, of course, remember was one of the key supporters of obama in 2008. the woman who inspired his fired up ready-to-go chant will be at day in blue. it will be interesting to see those two come together. hillary clinton, of course needing that obama base to be a part of her base going into 2016. we're watching that, as well as hillary clinton travels around the state, attempting to gain momentum and excitement around her 2016 campaign. thomas? >> msnbc's joy reid in south carolina for us. thanks. we now have a timetable for those clinton emails the state department has been ordered to release. june 30th is the date of the next release. the emails are to be released this rolling basis, every 60 days. a judge ordered the release of the emails which date from hillary clinton's days as secretary of state. and which were stored on a private server kept in her home. marie harf is acting spokeswoman for the state department, soon going to be taking a position as senior adviser to secretary of state john kerry. and marie joins us now. congratulations on moving on to the new post. we have a number of topics that we want to cover with you while are you still acting spokeswoman for state. so let me read you what the "washington post" and david ignatius wrote about the emails which i'm sure you had a chance to read. he said the messages passed to clinton from her friend sidney blumenthal don't appear scandalous, but, "you can't help but think they were passing around emails when they should have been framing a better plan to deal with libya's disintrograitgration -- disintegration." a dig on clinton and the immigration policy. how does the state department respond? >> i would say a few things. and thank you at the top for the congratulations. first, this is just one very small window into hillary clinton's time at the state department. last week, as you referenced, we released about 900 page of emails that had already been provided to the select committee on benghazi. these don't change the narrative about what happened before, during or after the attacks, we've talked about it quite a bit publicly as are you well aware. on a rolling basis we will be releasing the rest of the 55,000 pages of emails as quickly as we can. we and secretary clinton has said they believe should be in the public domain for people to see. >> were the blumenthal emails passed without proper attribution to blumenthal himself? was hillary clinton passing on suggestions from blumenthal without identifying who was giving them? >> i think every secretary of state gets information and advice and emails from a variety of people both inside government and outside government about a host of issue. this is one very small look into that. as people are well aware, we've had many interagency discussion business libya our policy throughout many years. that's how we developed policy. i think it was clear from the emails that sometimes she passed them along. sometimes she didn't. secretaries gets a variety of emails and information from a variety of people. we all know how policy is made in the administration through an interagency process led by the white house. certainly with the state department playing a leading role. that's what happened in the case of libya. >> whether we talk about libya, we -- when we talk about libya, we had rand paul on "morning snow" today. he was sitting about w his own party and talking about hill. listen to what he said about libya and iraq. >> isis is all over libya because the same hawks in my party loved -- they loved hillary clinton's war in libya. they just wanted more of it. libya's a failed state and a disaster. iraq really is a failed state or a vascil state. >> i remember the debate about whether or not we should with our nato partners help interconvenient in libya and get rid of a brutal dictator muammar gadhafi. i remember the criticism from the right that we didn't move quickly enough. i think the historical rewriting is interesting and probably not unexpected given the political season we're. in libya is an incredibly complex place. we can't fix their problems for them. we helped them get rid of a brutal dictator. we have stood by them as they have tried to stand up a government and tried to govern. they have incredibly difficult security challenges, incredible columbia difficult governance challenges. we're trying to work with the u.n. and others to help them fix those. frankly, we can't fix it for them. they have to step up and take control of their future. >> would you say that the current strategy is working almost to associate this with the game of generationa. the u.s. going -- jenga. the u.s. ghg togoing in to stabilize countries and frameworks, however bad they may be, and pulling out to allow them to rebuild. would you say that the camp david talks the president had with our arab allies went well, and we still aren't arming the kurds? and should bashar al assad stay? what is our current position on getting a handle on isis? >> right. a couple points. the camp david talks were incredibly productive. they were designed to reassure our partners in the gulf that we will stand by them to enhance and increase their security. particularly as we negotiate with the iranians to see if we can get a nuclear agreement. we've been very clear about. that when it comes to iraq, we have stood by the iraqis including the kurdish forces you mentioned, to help them get the training, weapons, arm they need to get back on their feet. over the past few days we've seen iraqi forces reorganize and start to counterattack against isil around ramadi. these are really big generational challenges here. there are no easy answers. anyone who says there are is not being up front. we're committed to the strategy we have to fighting isil in iraq pushing them out. to taking them on in syria and standing by partners in the region as isil tries to perpetrator attacks elsewhere -- perpetrate attacks elsewhere, as well. we're committed. to be clear, it's a tough challenge, and it's going to be a long one. >> the complexities of certain date coming up june 30th the next date for the clinton emails. that's also the next date for the iran nuke deal. we'll let you get back to work. state department deputy spokesperson, marie harf moving on to work as a senior adviser to secretary kerry. i appreciate your time. >> happy to be here. ahead, we'll change topics and talk about the josh duggar scandal. more sponsors have bailed on the reality show "19 kids and counting." new concern over old comment the duggar patriarch made when running for senate. also ahead, this is pretty wild to watch. sea lions taking over a harbor town in organization. and could this fake orca be the solution? 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>> reporter: it was. there's been a separate investigation before from american lawyer michael garcia. he actually looked into the bidding process for the 2018 and 2022 world cups which, there's a lot of alleged corruption around that. fifa cleared it but garcia left. his report he didn't feel was represented fairly. and qatar, they've been at the forefront of this. the swiss investigation that you mentioned is key. they actually have found what they call a criminal intent within the 2018 and 2022 bidding process. they could end up losing that tournament altogether, which would be a huge blow. >> it would. we should see how this -- we will see how this unfolds. thank you. and today's bing pulse question is about the scandal and soccer's popularity. we want to check in with frances and update the reaction from viewers. great stuff out on 6th avenue from people walking by. they feel heartfelt about this and heartsick about it. >> it wasn't hard at all to get people to talk about this knowing that globally especially, we spoke with some tourists. foreign tourist, about how big soccer. is hopeful you have waited. if not, if your mind is changed vote again. does the fifa scandal change your love of soccer? look at this scoreboard. you'll find it interesting to see that it's split this much. >> this has gone up a couple of points, maybe based on the interview you had. 42% of viewers saying no it will not change their love of soccer. and how we are looking now as far as the votes, overwhelmingly, most people saying, yes, it actually will change. and interesting also to see gender here. take a look. just the majority of male viewers here voting across the board. reflects who we were able to find outside and who we spoke with the majority of male fans saying that, no it's not going to change their love. we invite you to weigh in. we'll hit the streets again later on in the next hour. >> frances thank you. we look forward to. it. coming up more breaking news. efforts to find more missing people after floods in texas. 21 confirmed, more dead on the way. and a tornado touching down in blanco. we live in a world of mobile technology, but it is not the device that is mobile, it is you. real madrid have about 450 million fans. we're trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. the microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the content that people want to see. it will help people connect to their passion of living real madrid. you know the importance of heart health. you watch your diet, excercise... and may take an omega-3 supplement, such as fish oil. but when it comes to omega-3s, it's the epa and dha that really matter for heart health. not all omega-3 supplements are the same. introducing bayer pro ultra omega-3 from the heart health experts at bayer. with two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega-3 supplement. plus, it's the only brand with progel technology proven to reduce fish burps. new bayer pro ultra omega-3. with xfinity from comcast you can manage your account anytime, anywhere on any device. just sign into my account to pay bills manage service appointments and find answers to your questions. you can even check your connection status on your phone. now it's easier than ever to manage your account. get started at breaking news in the aviation industry as a result of the germanwings and mh370 crashes. the faa just announcing they've created this working group to study pilot mental and emotional health. the recommendations could lead to new rules about medical testing of flight crews. now more coverage and developing stories out of texas. the weather channel says a tornado is on the ground in blanco, texas. the same area impacted by this record-breaking flooding. officials in wimberley still searching for the 11 people who went missing over the weekend. the small tourist town will be where the normally calm river surge rapidly crested at three times glad stage and swept everything in its way away. laura mccomb and her family were in wimberley for the holiday. as the house they were in was ripped from the foundation, she called her sister, julie. >> the house we were in, the roof collapsed, and we were now floating down the river. call mom and dad. i love you, and pray. >> heartbreaking. my colleague, jose diaz balart toured the damage. here's what he found. >> reporter: this is a different part here of wimberley. an incredibly beautiful town. just part of it been washed away. this river, the river blanco it actually natured 40 feet. that's three times its average size. take a look at the trees right on the banks of the river. look at the bark ripped off. and not only did it go up in height but the width of the river, i want to show this. some witnesses call it a wall of water, came through, washed this away. look at that. there was a house in that corner. it washed it away and took it. it's just a tragedy when you think of it. now that the river is back to its normal height, you see still -- look at this tree -- see still the strength of mother nature because of this rain. a tragedy. >> jose diaz balart reporting from wimberley. thank you. now to the growing scandal surrounding the duggar family. more advertisers pulling out of tlc's reality show "19 kids and counting." comments made by the patriarch, jim bob dugger during his political bid saying rape and since incest should be punishable by death. >> reporter: after josh duggar apologized after a police report surfaced saying he fondbled five underage girls in 2002 and 2003 his parents posted a separate statement on facebook. that dark and difficult time caused us to seek god like never before, they wrote. reflecting on the allegations. nearly a week since the scandal broke, a 2002 campaign website attributed to jim bob is now circulating on line, drawing attention to his stance on act of incest and rape. "rape and incest represent heinous crimes and, as such should be treated as capital crimes." words now adding fuel to those calling for tlc to cancel the show. as the scandal shows no sign of going away quietly. headlining the cover of the latest issue of you? >> good. do you have kids eatly? >> yes, we do. >> reporter: on tuesday tlc dropped the duggar was an upcoming appearance at a block party scheduled for saturday. more long-time sponsors pulled their ad dollars. payless shoe source and choice hotels joining general mills in cutting ties with "19 kids and counting." >> these are family advertisers and do not want to be attached to such a terrible scandal. >> reporter: as a tlc, it's -- as a network tlc has dealt with scandal before. canceling "honey boo-boo" after pictures of the matriarch, mama june surfaced showing her with a convicted sex offender who report lead molested her daughter. other shows like "sons of guns," "cake boss," and "cheer perfection" also embroiled in sex scandals involving minors, forcing two off the air. >> the television casting directors are obviously looking for these larger than life personalities. with child molestation, there's no way that can be spun into a positive. >> reporter: controversy is familiar territory for reality tv. phil robertson of a&e's "duck dynasty" was placed on indefinite hiatus following anti-guy remarks made to "g.q." in 2014 before being reinstated nine days later. bravo's real housewife teresa giudice and her husband pleaded guilty last year to multiple fraud counts and both sentenced to prison time. nose issues are, understandably -- those iss understandably different. >> this scandal will impact the whole reality television landscape when it comes to casting. >> reporter: for the duggars, this could signal the start of a new reality. but whether it's one that plays out on tv remains to be seen. >> that was nbc's erica hill reporting for us. we reached out to tlc about the vetting process and about this weekend's canceled duggar appearance. so far no word on what's next for the duggars who have also not responded to repeated requests for comment. breaking news right now before we go to break. we have that statement from the u.s. soccer federation saying in reaction to the arrest of 14 fifa officials in a bribery investigation, "the united states soccer federation firmly believes there is no higher priority and nothing more important than protecting the integrity of our game." there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips' fiber good gummies plus energy support. it's a new fiber supplement that helps support regularity and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. mmmmm, these are good! nice work, phillips! the tasty side of fiber, from phillips'. time upon a once people approached problems the way same. always start at the starting. and questions the same asking. but that only resulted in improvements small. so we've got some ideas new. garbage can create energy. light can talk. countries can run on jet engine technology. when you look at problems in ways different you new solutions find. ♪ ♪ guys, it's just the two of you. the setting is just right. but here's the thing, about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. and you only take it when you need it. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. ask your doctor about viagra. introducing the new can-am spyder f3. with a cruising riding position and the most advanced vehicle stability system in the industry...'ll ride with a feeling of complete freedom and confidence. visit your can-am dealer and test drive the spyder f3 today. we're following developing news this hour in south carolina. let's take a live look inside the room where any minute now presidential candidate hillary clinton is expected to speak. in the audience will be the state's house democratic women's caucus and democratic women's council. south carolina is a crucial state for hillary clinton considering how the primary unfolded for her back in 2008. and frances is back with a look at that part of the story for us. the palmetto stump -- >> it is crucial for hillary clinton. crucial for any candidate here as the first in the south presidential primary key for any candidate, especially for hillary clinton. clinton is back to the palmetto state for the first time since 2008. that's when president obama obliterated her in the democratic presidential primary, 55%-26%. president obama defeated clinton by a windfall. take a look, two counties here. president obama, then he had won all the counties you see in south carolina there in green. clinton and former senator john edwards, single counties on opposite ends of the state. so another reason why south carolina is so important, the black vote. in 2008 55% of the total democratic voters in the state were black. in fact, south carolina nonwhite voters make up one of the largest share of any states' democratic party electorate. in 2008 they voted resoundingly for president obama. of the 55% of black voters, take a look, almost eight in ten voted for president obama. and you see less than two out of ten voted for hillary clinton. clinton's challenge this time around is winning the confitense of those black voter -- confidence of those black voters who turned to obama. some said voters were alienated because of comments her husband bill made at the time. >> i never uttered a word of public complaint when mr. obama said hillary was not truthful no character, was poll driven when he had more pollsters than she did. when he put out a -- hit job on me. >> thanks, everybody. last question. we've got to go. appreciate it. >> one more story -- shame on you. >> thank, guys. >> shame on you. >> what does that say about barack obama that it takes two of you to beat him? >> that's just debate too. jesse jackson won south carolina twice in '84 and '88. and he ran a good campaign. and senator obama's run a good campaign. he's run a good campaign everywhere. >> south carolina important all around. especially to the republican party, as well. consider this -- only one candidate won the republican nomination for president without winning the state's republican primary. that was newt gingrich in 2012. take a look at the others here others than gingrich, you go back to contested primaries since 1980. each candidate you see has won the party's nomination. john mccain in 2008, george w. bush in 2000, bob dole in 1996. george h.w. bush in '92 and also '88. and reagan back in 1980. so crucial as far as south carolina goes. but don't forget the actual female vote for hillary clinton, you look at it her event today. she had lunch with a women's group. she -- we're awaiting this address to the women's group, as well. and you consider the fact that carly fiorina is also there in columbia as we speak hoping to get her message known and her campaign as a gop hopeful. >> trying to steal attention away. thank you very much. joining us is john king, member of the south carolina house of representatives. it's great to have you with us sir. is there anything lingering within the state of south carolina? resentment from 2008 toward the clintons do you think? >> i don't think that there is anything resentful here or lingering in south carolina for hillary clinton or the clinton family. we are excited here in south carolina to have hillary clinton here. i'm the first legislator in the city to endorse her. i supported president obama the last time and i'm a stark supporter of hillary clinton this time. >> certainly was a humbling loss for hillary clinton in '08. we know black voters are much more likely to vote for clinton than gop candidate. would they come out of the same numbers for her, do you think as they did for then-senator obama? >> yes, i believe that the black voters will come out and vote for hillary clinton. hillary clinton has a message that resonates with the african-american community. when you with the african-american community. when you talk about the wages, increasing the wages of women, talking about small business or minority business owners in this state. and talking about health care and how the republicans are wanting to strip health care from women as well as to talk about reproduction. hillary clinton is here in this state talking about minority issues. and i think that would energize the base of the black voters here in south carolina. i'm hopeful, and i'm excited that i'm supporting hillary clinton. and i know that we are excited to have the next president of the united states right here in south carolina today. >> well south carolina definitely first in the south for a primary. and it proves to most places who can be a representative for both side. coming up today at 2:00 p.m. eastern, senator marco rubio raises eyebrows with these new comments with the movement towards marriage equality. >> today we've reached the point in our society where if you do not support same-sex marriage you're labelled a homo folk and a hater. so what's the next step after that? also in our next hour a fisherman making a huge catch. we'll show you the video after this. sunday dinners at my house... it's a full day for me, and i love it. but when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help. i took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. so my daughter brought over some aleve. it's just two pills, all day! and now, i'm back! aleve. two pills. all 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[ male announcer ] go long™. it is a very unique problem in oregon. sea lions in the thousands. they've taken over an entire harbor. look at this. joe fire has the details for us. >> reporter: tom, as more and more sea lions are showing up each year attracted by all of the food that's in the water, a few weeks ago they counted more than 2,000 sea lions. the numbers have dwindled since then but some feel it's still a problem, one that is inspiring some creative solutions. this is the new soundtrack of astoria, a sea lion symphony. >> i think it's gorgeous. i think it's beautiful. >> reporter: to some they've become unwanted beach bums. >> i constantly get phone calls and e-mails. please, jim, do something about the sea lions. we can't take this anymore. >> reporter: the port of astoria says the sea lions are damaging docks and competing with commercial fishermen. the answer may come from a stranger who's trying to or ca republican strate-- orcastrate a solution. >> reporter: the orca whale ace natural predator to the sea lion. maybe it would be funny to take the whale down there and see if the sea lions move. >> reporter: before he totes it five hours to as tore yeah, his orca needs a tune up in. he's equipping it to make killer whale sounds. >> those sea lions might just wave at us and not pay any attention. but then again, it might scare them out of there. >> reporter: but experts say the sea lions just might be too smart. >> they figure out things fairly quickly. i think the big issue is just that food is an extremely big motivator for these animals. >> reporter: astoria's latest idea is lining the docks with beach balls which seem to scare the sea lions, at least for now. >> an affordable solution right? >> very affordable. and it's quite festive. you've got to admit it does look kind of nice out there. >> reporter: if the beach balls don't work that fake orca will be driving down and arriving within the next couple of weeks. we'll see if that has any impact. the sea lions will be moving out of here in the next month. but they are expected to return here in august. thomas? >> joe thanks so much. i say we thauk one up for the sea lions for now. joe fryer reporting for us. much more on the other two huge stories we've been following. corruption arrest at soccer's largest governing body. 14 arrested at nearly all the highest levels of fifa. our question today, does the scandal affect your love of the game? in texas flash flooding continues through the morning. we'll answer the question what you are to do if you're ever caught in a flash flood. american express for travel and entertainment worldwide. just show them this - the american express card. don't leave home without it! and someday, i may even use it on the moon. it's a marvelous thing! oh! haha! so you can replace plane tickets, traveler's cheques, a lost card. really? that worked? american express' timeless safety and security are now available on apple pay. the next evolution of membership is here. when you're not confident you have complete visibility into your business, it can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. with innovative solutions that connect machines and people... to keep your internet of things in-sync, in real-time. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. my school reunion. i don't know. who wants to play in idaho? gotta get milwaukee up to speed. we win in flint, we take the lead. we'll close the deal if we just show... when it's go, go to the new the site with the right room, rewards and savings up to 20% when you book direct. it's the final days of the ford ecoboost challenge. here we go! last chance to save big on ford, and get our best deals of the season. fusion is rockin' it man. i prefer without a doubt the escape over the cr-v. what doesn't this truck do? but these great deals end soon so act fast and don't miss out. do you want to take my trade-in right now? hurry to the final days of the ecoboost challenge. and get a fusion with 0 for 60 plus $1000 bonus cash, plus $750 cash if you own a ford or qualifying competitive vehicle. your pet... could you love him any more? probably not. but now you can give them even more when you save with sentry® fiproguard® plus. with sentry® fiproguard® plus, your pet is just as protected against fleas and ticks as with frontline® plus. because sentry® fiproguard® plus has the same active ingredients but costs less than vet prices. and saving money helps you buy... (laughs happily) more tennis balls. sentry® fiproguard® plus - available at these retailers. breaking news this hour on msnbc. a real shocker for the soccer world. twin investigations one of them landing 14 fifa officials behind bars accused of bringing rampant corruption to the beautiful game. we ask you in today's bing pulse, does the fifa scandal change your love of soccer? the pulse is live right now at and also we're covering the breaking news from texas. 11 deaths confirmed, 13 still missing after the unprecedented flooding. >> we are now floating down the river. call tell mom and dad i love you and pray. >> more on the des prach search for those lost in the water with more storms on the way. also ahead today. >> we've reached the point in our society where if you do not support same-sex marriage you are labelled a homo phobe and a hater. the other breaking news we're following for you. some of the most powerful men in the world of sports and soccer arrested in this alleged corruption scheme scanning two decades. this morning the u.s. attorney general did not rule out the possibility more arrests could come in the scandal that's rocked fifa. that's soccer's governing body. earlier, seven fifa members were arrested at this exclusive zurich hotel. some sports execs are also being indicted over alleged bribes and kick backs totalling more than $100 million. among the arrests, fifa's vice president jeffrey webb who runs the u.s. region. a few hours ago -- >> in short, these individuals through these organizations engaged in bribery to decide who would televise games, where the games would be held and who would run the organization overseeing organized soccer worldwide. one of the most popular sports around the globe. >> and that's just the start of fifa's troubles. swiss prosecutors are investigating whether bribery was involved in choosing russia and qatar as the world cup sites for 2018 and 2022 respectively. wnbc's jonathan dietz is following the news from new york. we've got editor and lead writer for nbc sports joe princewright in london for us. joe, how long has this investigation been in the works? >> we note fbi out of new york has been working on this for at least the last three years. there's an american who's pleading guilty who wore a wire for them and has helped get some of the evidence they needed as they worked their way up the fifa food chain, if you will as they build this case. at the press conference today, the fbi director and the attorney general making clear this is just the beginning. the investigation continues into what others knew and what others did inside the soccer federation. there were raids, we saw, and searches and arrests that took place in switzerland. there were also searches by the fbi at the u.s.-based fifa organization down in florida in miami. so the investigation very much active the arrests here they'll see what happens out of those who were charged but have not pled guilty so far and see if they can build and whether that leads to more arrests moving forward. >> all right. so do you see this moving on to more arrests? because we get the u.s. soccer federation, jonathan releasing a statement today talking about how they're committed to the ethical standards at the highest level for all business practices. so do you think that we're going to see more toppling of what is the infrastructure of soccer? >> i think when you see the attorney general of the united states and the fbi director saying this is just the beginning of the investigation, and you see certain top officials indicted you see others who have pleaded guilty along with sports marketing companies that are allegedly involved in the kick back schemes, there's enormous pressure. because the charges carry enormous penalties. they're going to work on extraditing some of the people here from switzerland. and if they get them behind bars and in a new york court, the penalties are severe. you could see people flip and work their way up the food chain. and that's how these cases often work. we see it with mafia cases. we're seeing similar tactics in this investigation. >> starting to protect themselves. wnbc's jonathan dienst. joe princewright is in london for us. we've got this separate investigation coming from the swiss, joe. so talk about that and what it means for the findings that have already been revealed by loretta lynch. >> this came almost a few hours after the dramatic early morning raids in zurich today. and the swiss, they actually want to question ten members of the executive committee at fifa who were voting on the 2018 and 20022 world cups in russia and qatar that you mentioned. and that's a whole another issue at the moment. but the swiss authorities there are very keen to state that this is a completely separate investigation to the one that the fbi has undertaken. so there's a lot of issues for fifa right now. and i think that this is only the start, as we are talking about right now. this is only the tip of the iceberg. >> joe, what are your sources saying about fifa's president, seth ladder and whether he can remain unscathed through these investigations? >> seth flatter has been the figurehead of fifa since 1998. he's just about to be elected for his fifth straight team as fifa president. on friday that is the word on the street as they say. but flatter, so far he wasn't mentioned by loretta lynch, he wasn't apparently questioned at all. so we don't know what's going to happen to him. as the figure head of fifa he surely has to take some of the blame for this incredible allegations of corruption that have gone on for 24 years now. >> do you think there's any reason that fifa might change the locations for 2018 and 2022 in light of this? >> reporter: it could definitely ramp up some more pressure. but this morning there was a fifa press conference, very hastily arranged at their zurich headquarters. their spokesman said the world cups in 2018 and 2022 they will go ahead as planned. no change here. i don't think right now, thomas there'll be any changes to these world cups. this is certainly a shock. >> 2018 in russia 2022 in qatar. joe princewright from nbc sports. we've been asking our viewers to weigh in on this breaking story. the subject of our bing pulse question today. want to check in with frances outside on the streets of new york city talking to people about what they think about this. boy, do they have reactions, frances. >> reporter: thomas, bringing our bing pulse question out here, does the fifa scandal affect your love of soccer? let's bring in some of the people we talked to. huge soccer fans matt when you heard about this scandal your first impression does the fifa scandal change your love of soccer? >> i wouldn't say it changes my love of soccer. i think they were alleged to do this even before the last world cup in brazil. i would say a few people in the top who are corrupt. but soccer is still fun to watch and not going to change they want to watch it. >> reporter: as a fan you've known and suspected maybe this corruption is going on but put it in the back of your mind and said you love the sports so much? >> the last world cup in brazil they had trouble getting the stadiums built and said people were getting paid off already. then i don't know how you say it qatar got picked that was also a little bizarre. >> reporter: they enliken it as having the world cup in martha's vineyard, too. we thank you for your perspective. sue, you're a huge soccer fan. you're familiar with this scandal. does the scandal affect your love of soccer? >> no, not at all. >> why? >> i like soccer for the playing and sport and not so much like the company that does it. >> didn't that affect the game? doesn't some say dirty the -- >> i wouldn't think so. i think it's all about the players. >> thank you very much. very quickly from england, you're a huge soccer fan. when you heard about this tell me about your love of soccer if it chachked at all. >> it never changed. growing up in the afternoon watching the game and playing it. that's what i want to do. it doesn't set a good example for the game. you look for that english league a lot more corrupt. it's all about money. ruining it. not setting a good example for anyone. >> seems like a lot of people saying they love it. they know the corruption goes right along with it. for them these people we spoke with won't change their love of the game thomas. >> i love this. the international collective of people you've been able to find out there to talk about this and give their opinions. everybody at home we encourage you to weigh in at great work. breaking news out of texas where our nbc affiliate kxan is reporting four tornadoes have touched down in blanco county. that's the same area devastated by the flooding. we're getting information the blanco officials say they are hearing no word of fatalities. but they still have miles of area to search. again it remains an active search and rescue from the flooding. they have five missing people who they know of. there could be more. meanwhile, 21 people have now been reported dead across the two states of texas and oklahoma. 13 still missing. 11 are missing in hayes county texas alone, including those we mentioned in blanco texas. just over an hour ago. nbc's gabe guiterrez got an exclusive interview with a woman who lost her parents, sister brother-in-law and nephew. she says she's going to keep looking. >> i'm going to keep moving forward, looking for them as long as i can maintain this. because i know this can't last forever. so that's -- i mean, i think god has given us this will because he wants us to keep looking. >> nbc news reporter charles hadlock is in houston for us. charles, explain the situation there now. again it remains active search and rescue. >> reporter: well, thomas the sun is out. houston is finally beginning to dry out. but as you mentioned, there have been more fatalities found in the declining water levels. under an underpass on loop 610 near the galleria today, some highway workers found the body of a man who apparently was in a pickup truck that was underwater during the flood on monday night and tuesday morning. he has been identified as a 31-year-old hispanic male. he makes the sixth victim of this storm. they are searching other low spots, but they believe they have found everyone. there are two people still reported unaccounted for. they are missing. they were in an air boat operated by the houston fire department during a rescue on tuesday morning. they were in the boat but the boat capsized. a second rescue boat came along and got the firefighters and the people they were rescuing, but three of them floated downstream. a body was found last night. they're still looking for two more victims from that raft overturning. back to you, thomas. >> nbc's charles hadlock in houston for us. a busy wednesday when it comes to talk about the 2016 campaign trail. former senator rick santorum expected to announce his gop candidacy in just a few hours. a focus right now is on hillary clinton's return to south carolina. you're looking at live pictures in columbia where clinton is about to speak before a forum of democratic women. this is her first visit to the palmetto state since declaring for the presidency. the first return since '08 when she lost there to barack obama. this is a primary state that is very important as it is the first primary in the south. she lost to obama by some 30 points. and during that campaign her husband bill was accused of playing the race card when he made this comment. >> what does it say about barack obama thought takes two of you to beat him? >> that's just debate too. jackson won in south carolina twice in '82 and '88. >> perry, it's good to see you. nothing like practice to make perfect when you return to a primary state. so what do you think about the reception so far for hillary clinton? >> you know, even before she got there a lot of state representatives, a lot of organizers in south carolina who were for obama in 2008 have already come out and said they are for secretary clinton in this campaign. she's already won over even before she started running, even before she arrived. she's already won over a lot of people who were not for her last time. she's using south carolina and new hampshire and iowa and everywhere else so far. >> do you think as you point out we just had on state representative john king a little while ago from south carolina talking about the fact that he did support barack obama, now he's thrown his full first to do so full support behind hillary clinton. do you think, though that the black population of south carolina, black democrats, will come out in the high turnout they did for then senator obama that they would for secretary clinton now? >> you know in a south carolina primary there are two big things that have changed since 2008. obviously obama will not be on the ballot. i mean, if michelle obama ran for president she would be a big challenge. hillary has a big advantage there. the second thing, the big thing hillary clinton has done, she served in obama's cabinet, very loyally. the president praised her service. that will make a big difference to voters the fact the president has really bragged about her. she's almost got president obama's endorsement in effect. that will be a big factor for black voters as well. >> just want to go ahead and show everybody who's in the race and who's thinking about it. we've built these graphics perry. i want to give the visuals so everybody can see exactly what the field is looking like. on the right we've got who's announced, who has set a decision date. then there on the lower part who's exploring putting out their bid. we have a lot of people at the top, a few in the middle. on the left we've just got the announced on the top there hillary clinton and bernie sanders. potentially martin o'malley this saturday. down below we see who's potentially exploring. but the field is very crowded on the right. so it's very interesting to watch. nbc's perry bacon, great to see you, perry, thank you. up next marco rubio warning of a quote real and present danger. his new comments about the marriage equality movement. also ahead, new threats made against passenger planes overnight. the latest in just days. the fbi now investigating. we'll explain when we come back. time upon a once people approached problems the way same. always start at the starting. and questions the same asking. but that only resulted in improvements small. so we've got some ideas new. garbage can create energy. light can talk. countries can run on jet engine technology. when you look at problems in ways different you new solutions find. ♪ ♪ when the moment's spontaneous, why pause to take a pill? 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>> not at all. i think he's a bit confused and kind of conflating a few things. nobody has said that you're a hater if you don't support marriage equality. we don't know what's in people's hearts. does it mean you don't support full equality? yes. does it mean you're using religious views to argue against full equality? yes. we've seen that in the past. we've had to stand up against it. but it does not mean that anybody is attacking his religious faith. >> so mainstream christianity typically in the past would have been used to keep segregation in place, would be used to keep women from actually having access to women's rights to choose for their own body. >> that's true. >> and also to vote. so is it acceptable to hear somebody talk that way and cherry picking from the bible when showing up to say, you know what, i don't support marriage equality and here's why, the bible. >> we need to really point out, and you just did, but really emphatically, during the era of segregation and certainly before in the early part of the 20th century, we had governors, a governor of mississippi who argued it was his religious faith that made him believe blacks and whites should be separate. he also went on to be a u.s. senator. also it should be point out, many mainstream religious denominations, main line churches, accept and affirm marriage equality and lgbt people in their churches. it's also brushing christianity with one brush to say they don't support marriage equality. >> meanwhile, we have the legalization of marriage equality voted by popular vote in ireland, a deeply catholic country. the pope came out against this saying this is damning for humanity or something to that effect. but what does that say for a country like ireland to go ahead through popular vote and affirm the right for loving gay and lesbian couples to marry? and how can we use that as an example for what can be done in this country? >> well certainly another interesting -- interesting characteristic about catholics. largely catholic ireland, leading the way with a referendum. but following argentina, largely catholic, france largely catholic, spain largely catholic. uruguay. we can go down the list. brazil. catholic countries have been leading the way on marriage equality. it might be not in sync with the catholic church but catholics disagree with the church on divorce, on contraception. now this will be another issue. >> the vatican says ireland, gay marriage vote is a defeat for humanity. i want to make sure i said that accurately. >> it wasn't the pope himself it was a vatican official. >> yes. i always love it when nonmarried men who have committed themselves to a church give advice on marriage. >> we'll leave it there. you don't have to say anything. your new book is out. we really love it and we hope you do great with the new book "it's not over" it's not over michael. not over at all. "getting beyond tolerance, defeating homophobia and winning true equality." thanks for coming on. up next threats against passenger planes headed to the u.s. the latest in a string happening in a matter of days. now fbi is step in to investigate. hackers hitting the irs. cyber attack potentially impacting 100,000 people. we'll explain whether or not you've been vulnerable to this. we'll be back. my cut hurt. mine hurt more. mine stopped hurting faster! neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria. when you pick any 3 participating products get a free all better bag. available at walmart. put your hand over your heart. is it beating? good! then my nutrition heart health mix is for you. it's a wholesome blend of peanuts, pecans and other delicious nuts specially mixed for people with hearts. i said people with hearts. because hearts health is important. that's why i've researched optimized and packaged this mix just for you. not you. so if you have a heart start optimizing your nutrition with my nutrition. planters. nutrition starts with nut. i accept that i'm not 21. i accept i'm not the sprinter i was back in college. i even accept that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't accept giving it less than my best. so if i can go for something better than warfarin ...i will. eliquis. eliquis... reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin plus it had less major bleeding than warfarin... eliquis had both. that really mattered to me. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept that i'm not as fast, but i'm still going for my personal best... and for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke... plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor... if eliquis is right for you. minnesota winters are brutal it's tough being cooped up it gets a little stale. when dad opens up the window what's the first thing he does? the tobin stance spring is in the air and pollen, dog hair... the sunshine looks like fairy dust. (doorbell) whoa! what's this? swiffer sweeper! swiffer dusters! removes up to 70% of dust and allergens. stays on there like glue wow! look at that! ew! the tobin stance! that is totally what it is! now to a chilling story. two threats made against planes at los angeles international airport last night. the first threat took hours for the police to search the plane and the 300 people on board. >> we were scared. we were scared. everybody was just surprised why, you know? what's going on. the stewardess could not tell us anything. >> nobody told us what's happening. and we saw all the police car, fire engines around the plane. but nobody know exactly what's happening. >> so the fbi along with area law enforcement eventually gave the all clear to leave the air flight that had been stranded on the tarmac. a second threat was made against a pacific flight where nothing was found. nbc news correspondent miguel alma gatheral almaguer explain the latest on the investigation and what the source they feel these calls are. these calls have been telephone threats unlike some that have come here to l.a.x. in the past via twitter. that eva flight was held on the tarmac for about four hours as it took time for passengers to be screened as well as their luggage. authorities say as of right now they are not connecting all these calls that have come in that have been threatening airlines and the passengers aboard those planes. they say it's still very early in their investigation. they've made no connection yet to all of the flights and threats that have been threatened, thomas. >> so meanwhile, the penalty for making hoax threats like this, miguel, can be up to eight years behind bars. as you point out, the totality of all this is being done through telephone calls and not through social media has been done before. >> reporter: correct. airport officials and the fbi, too, say they don't want to give out too much information about their investigation right now. they do say it is ongoing. they are looking into a series of calls that were made here over the last 24 hours as well as several that were made over the holiday weekend. the fbi says this is very serious business. every threat that is made whether over social media or land line or phone line is seriously investigated. they are still looking for more information as of this hour thomas. >> nbc's miguel almamaguer, thanks. the irs reported 100,000 people had their private information stolen by hackers. they snatched years worth of old tax returns. authorities say criminals could use that information to file fake returns that look like the real thing. this cost the irs $50 million this year alone. the irs said in a statement that get tran script is shut down until the security breach is resolved. its way into your day, i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don't suffer in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. tell 'em cedric sent you. we live in a pick and choose world. choose choose choose. but at bedtime? 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>> reporter: yeah. they're coping thomas. but it's a tough go. we're finally getting a break from what's been some pretty heavy rain at times throughout the day. absolutely what they don't need here. i want to show you an example of the intensity of the flood waters here. something i've never seen before across the blanco river which is thankfully inside its banks at this point still flowing quickly. see those trees? the bark ripped off of the trees. that will give you an idea of how high the water was. 40 feet above what it normally is. and the intensity of those flood waters ripping the bark away from the trees. the only time i've ever seen that is in a tornado. so that's an example of how harsh things were here. as you come back across the blanco river and over you can see what those waters did to some of the homes in this area. this type of devastation, some of the piles 20 feet high or higher stretches for miles along this river right now. it's areas that search teams continue to go through at this point. they're still calling this a rescue mission. they believe that there could be people trapped in this debris. so they are working. but like i said earlier, rough weather throughout the morning. so the chopper's been down. the boats have been docked as well. perhaps now with some sunshine, things clearing up they'll be able to use all of their resources. this is a process they say is going to continue for quite some time, as is the cleanup, thomas. >> jay gray in wimberley, texas for us. jay, thank you, sir. now breaking news out of washington. a federal judge has now ordered the state department to produce former secretary of state hillary clinton's e-mails every 30 days beginning june 30th. hillary clinton is in south carolina today where she's holding this campaign event in columbia. her first visit to south carolina since declaring for the presidency. and as we talk about presidential politics we've got another candidate, rand paul who spoke one-on-one with joe scarborough this morning. the kentucky senator discussing a wide range of topics including how the gop can become more appealing to younger voters. take a listen to his approach. >> so like if you ask young people under 40, let's say, do you think the government should collect all your phone records with a single warrant that says verizon on it? 83% of them say no. i'm the only one out there saying the patriot act went too far and the bulk collection of our records went too far. >> some republicans like bill crystal on the show "good bit" would say and he is has said you stand with keith ellison. >> he's a bit confused on things. when bill wins in office we'll listen to more what he has to say. i don't think he's very much into the mainstream of what popular -- his popular america anymore. >> are republicans on foreign policy with the mainstream of americans? have we been for the past decade? >> if you want to get to america you've got to get outside the beltway. a lot of people are trapped inside the beltway. they think that war is always the answer. i'm asking difficult questions of republicans. do you think the invasion of iraq made it more stable or us more safe? we now have isis to contend with. >> right. >> do you think the invasion of libya made us more safe or made the country more stable? >> that's a disconnect though isn't it? because i've probably given 400, 500 speeches to republicans, democrats. i haven't met anybody in five years that thinks it's made sense for us to spend $2 billion a week in afghanistan while our own schools, our own highways, our own railways are tearing apart. there seems to be in this area more than any other area defense, a massive disconnect between washington and the rest of america. >> the interesting thing is people want to paint me as out of step with the republican party. but when you get outside the beltway, you go to america, the rest of america i think is more in line with what i'm saying. >> you can watch "morning joe" each week day morning starting at 6:00 a.m. right here on msnbc. here's some of the other things that caught our eye today for you. this one is a huge one. one fish story that need no exaggeration. two friends catching a giant cooper fish from a kayak. even they couldn't believe the catch they were making off the shores of santa bell island florida. >> oh, my god! >> you got him whooped. [ screaming ] >> you're getting him. [ screaming ] >> you're getting him! >> come on. he's coming up. >> there he is. yeah baby! >> holy smokes! >> that's a big boy! [ yelling ] >> oh, my god! >> i don't know how that grouper didn't win. they finally pulled it in that grouper weighed, get this 552 pounds. >> that's a lot of fish. >> that's a lot of fish. presidential hopeful bernie sanders may win the race for most creative internet-era message. yes, if you land on a wrong page on his campaign site you get a video message straight from the candidate himself telling you how to navigate back to his 2016 home page. and the u.s. department of the interior posted this video to vine that also makes you do a double take. do a double take if you want. those are bears, possibly the smallest you've ever seen caught wrestling along a roadside inside yosemite national park. a reminder to watch your speed on the roadway because you never know when you're going to interrupt bears at play. coming up we're going to dig into the corruption scandal at the biggest sports body in the world. who are the players involved? what are the charges? and why are all those men covered in sheets in switzerland? and what do you do if you're in the path of a sudden flash flood? we've got information you need to know on how you and your family can survive. ♪ ♪ time upon a once people approached problems the way same. always start at the starting. and questions the same asking. but that only resulted in improvements small. so we step a took back and problems turned these inside-up-down to approach them newly. and that's when we it saw. garbage can create energy. light can talk. countries can run on jet engine technology. when you look at problems in ways different you new solutions find. ♪ ♪ it's the final days of the ford ecoboost challenge. here we go! last chance to save big on ford, and get our best deals of the season. fusion is rockin' it man. i prefer without a doubt the escape over the cr-v. what doesn't this truck do? but these great deals end soon so act fast and don't miss out. do you want to take my trade-in right now? hurry to the final days of the ecoboost challenge. and get an escape with 0% financing for 60 months plus $750 cash if you own a ford or qualifying competitive vehicle. when you do business everywhere, the challenges of keeping everyone working together can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. with the tools and the network you need to make working as one easier than ever. virtually anywhere. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. at book club they were asking me what you're doing now, janice. blogging. your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. it's called a fashion blog todd. well, i've been helping people save money with progressive's discounts. flo, can you get janice a job? [ laughs ] you should've stuck to softball! i was so much better at softball than janice, dad. where's your wife, todd? vacation. discounts like homeowners' multi-policy -- i got a discount on this ham. i've got the meat sweats. this is good ham, diane. paperless discounts -- give it a rest, flo. all: yeah, flo, give it a rest. more on our top story today. the soccer world rocked by allegations of corruption. seven of the most powerful execs in soccer among 14 indicted defendants. frances is back now with more on who's facing what charges. frances. >> reporter: thomas, we're talking about $150 million in alleged bribes and kick backs in overly two decades. that wall behind me those are the big wigs who face racketeering, conspiracy and corruption charges in the united states. that pretty much is a who's who of some of the most powerful people in the soccer and the sports world. so let's break it down what brought us to this fifa fiasco. and take a look at who's behind it. first, three major current and former fifa executives. 50-year-old jeffrey webb a fifa vice president, who also leads concacaf, the governing body for soccer in the americas. then there is jack warner who was webb's predecessor in these positions. then 83-year-old eugenio eugenio figoretta. current fifa vice president and executive member. he was head of the -- 56-year-old eduardo li the president of a cota rican soccer organization. he is a current fifa executive member elect. julio rocha who previously led the south american soccer federation. then also 83-year-old jose maria marin. current governing member. he is the former president of the brazilian football confederation. someone who is scot-free in all of this? this man. sepp blatter is describes in reports as fifa's untouchable dark prince. he's called don corleone. previous officials pleaded guilty under the charges of wire fraud to racketeering and money launders as well. that leads us to how you've been weighing in at home as we've been discussing this in the past two hours and asking people on the streets of new york. we've been asking you and people outside this does the fifa scandal change your love of soccer? interesting to see how this has changed since we last checked in this has dropped significantly as far as those of you who voted yes. at one point this was as high as 54%. that has now dropped to 24%. 76% are saying no that will not change their love of soccer. certainly reflecting what we've seen as far as the people we spoke with outside. overall in the past minute or so, people who are voting coming in there and saying that no, it will not change as we see that kind of overwhelming now with more than a 70% of the vote. keep voting bing pulse at fascinating break down as we get to know and become more familiar with sepp blatter as this investigation goes on. how could he be unscathed through all of this? rob, a sports writer for the u.s. that's a big question for everybody. how is sepp blaiter not named as a suspect or indicted defendant and remain up for re-elections come friday? >> well, that was one of the key questions posed when we were at fifa headquarters today in zurich. i said people around the world will look at this and say how can sepp blatter continue running fifa or going for re-election when he's the head of the committee where so many current, past or future members are -- have got the suspicion hanging over them. and there will be many questions asked. >> so rob, there have been rumors for years about corruption, deep-seated within fee fast but the sports community remains shocked about hearing the actual arrests and the indictments. was there -- i guess is there this wide-stemmed belief that they are untouchable? and that they can act without impunity? >> well, that was the case i think up until a few years ago. but we have actually seen various cases actually carried out in the last few years. ethics cases against former long-time aides of sepp blatter. blatter is the great survivor. yet his allies he cast aside masterfully when they sort of are exposed for wrong doing. and this is a key test really now of fifa how it moves on from this. because now we've had years of scandals. great contrast between the stunning success of the world cup, which generates $5 billion or so for fifa. and on the other hand this seemingly mismanagement of the organization, the way officials seem to be able to use fifa as slush funds or be able to sort of financially benefit themselves from the world of soccer rather than it going back into the game into grassroots pitches, into helping develop the players of the future. >> it seems they remain loyal to whichever the wind is blowing with the most cash. we've got this statement from seth blatter just in. it reads in part "as unfortunate as these events are it should be clear that we welcome the actions and the investigations by the u.s. and swiss authorities and believe that it will help to reinforce measures that fifa has already taken to root out any wrong doing in football." but rob, this is a big issue when it comes to the fact that russia was awarded the world cup for 2018 and that qatar was awarded the world cup for 2022. some people would say, okay. russia's a logical place because they were able to host the olympics. they have an infrastructure that could support this. but qatar, was that really the one place that everyone said you know what enough is enough? there's too much corruption in fifa? >> well, i think there are sort of two separate issues on the decisions toward the world cups to russia and qatar. the issue for many with qatar is its limited infrastructure, its heat which forced the dates to be moved. and whereas russia is an established football nation. you then step aside from that and you look at the various corruption questions around both bids. and major investigations have taken place by an american michael garcia. he reported last year into the fifa judge. the fifa judge delivered his report in november. and crucially, although they were cleared to continue hosting the world cups in 2018 and 2022 it wasn't a complete clean bill of health. it was almost a fact there is not enough evidence to convict. what we're seeing now is the swiss authorities are investigating that bidding process. and it was a vote in 2010 in the building i'm actually standing in in zurich that the vote took place. intriguingly, one of the key aspects about today's action by the swiss authorities and fifa really pointing to this is the fact they were the ones who actually sent the file the secret file no one has seen from michael garcia to the swiss authorities to investigate. and that's what's prompted it. >> rob harris sports writer for the associated press. rob, great insight. thank you, sir, for joining us. we want to move on and return back to one of our top stories today other than fifa. it is about the 2016 presidential politics. and we've got hillary clinton in south carolina. moments ago speaking to a forum of democratic women. and while there she talked about serious issues like equal pay, but there were some lighter moments as well. take a listen. >> i'm aware i may not be the youngest candidate in this race. but i have one big advantage. i've been coloring my hair for years. no. you're not going to see me turn white in the white house. >> all right. and i think there was a bit of a southern twang there on the intro to that joke? just a tad. but anyway her event is just wrapping up. as we've mentioned it's her first visit to palmetto state since declaring her presidency. south carolina being the first primary state of the south. when we return one of our top stories. the floods in texas. how would you survive if you were hit by a flash flood. jeff raw son experienced it first happened. you have to see it to believe it. >> see how dangerous the rescue is. >> what we learned after the break. and then later on "the cycle" our other top story, the massive fifa indictments and arrests. what impact will it have on the biggest sport in the world? ugh! heartburn! no one burns on my watch! try alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. they work fast and don't taste chalky. mmm...amazing. i have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. twunt revisit the breaking news in texas showing you live pictures from the houston area and the search for more than a dozen people still missing after this week's flood. we have a sad update. family members confirming rescuers have found the body of a woman who was inside a vacation home that was swept away in wimberley. 43-year-old michelle carey charba. one of eight people in that vacation home. search crews are still searching for a mother and her two children who were also inside that home. so far at least 21 have been confirmed dead in what is being described as unprecedented flooding. in many cases, the water level rose so quickly, residents didn't have time to get away. nbc national investigative correspondent jeff rawson shows us what to do if you are ever caught in a situation like that. >> what do i do? i'm in open water like this. >> if you're in open water the only thing you can do is what we call a defensive swim position. you lay on your back with your feet downhill like i mentioned earlier. you do not want your feet down to get trapped underneath anything. >> sort of like on a pool in my back. >> that's correct. back strokes and position your body with the way you want to go. >> go with the flow. >> yes. you want to try it? >> we'll try it. >> by the way, rescuers down here, you can see a dangerous rescue. let go? >> yeah. angle yourself down. >> you got me? all right. this is how dangerous. this is how dangerous even these rescues are. incredibly dangerous. thank you so much guys. >> you're welcome. >> wow. that was nbc's jeff rawson reporting from "the today show" today floating down a raging north carolina river to help us understand exactly what you can do in case of a flash flood. obviously you got to keep your cool and remember the tip that is you just learned there. that's going to wrap things up for today's show. we'll see you back here tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. eastern time. don't go anywhere. 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