Forward. Ill admit, i dont know what leverage there is in refraining from sending us something we dont want. But alas if they can figure that out, they can explain it. When we bring the bill, made in order by results committee that we can call up at any time. Im not prepared to put the managers on that bill yet because we dont know the arena were in. Frankly i dont care what the republicans say. I want to go straight to garrett haake. This is fascinatinfascinating. Where do we go here . Were at halftime on impeachment and we dont know when the second half starts, who gets the ball. What you have is democrats essentially trying to call republicans bluffs on two points. First the president s bluff that he would like to see everybody come testify in a senate trial. He said anyone should come testify because he thinks it would be mare fair, and we heard from Chuck Schumer saying he thinks theyre bluffering so now you have essentially a stand off between nancy pelosi, Mitch Mcconnell, and donald trump. She is betting that Donald Trumps impatience will battle mcconnells patience. That is the waiting became were in now for the next two weeks. I want to dig deep sbeer this, lets bring in eli sto stokels, we have matt gorman in his holiday tie channelling tom steyer. He is now a republican strategy, eli to you first, Mitch Mcconnell says he doesnt care if there is a trial. Is that the case for the president . That is the dividing line here. Mitch mcconnell will be just fine if the vulnerable senators dont have to quvote on impeachment. The president wants this trial because he wants something to be able to hold up and say see, im innocent, i did nong wrong. He probably has the john ration and the full acquittal tweet. And he understands maybe Mitch Mcconnell doesnt have the 51 votes necessary that the president has told them that they would like. Witnesses like hunter biden, the controversial ones that republicans dont want to see called. He understands they may not have the votes for that but he still wants a trial and he wants it quickly. Right now impeachment hangs over him. He is saying publicly it doesnt feel like i have been impeached. I dont know what he expected it to feel like, but he is trying to convince everyone he is unruffled and unaffected by this, but privately he want this is resolved and he wants to say i was acquitted in the senate and at this point he doesnt know if and when that will happen. We all saw the president s reaction when we learned that no republicans in the house voted against him. He wants that in the senate, he wants to show that republican junety. How much time will he give Mitch Mcconnell before he says show time for me. If i was working for the president , i would say sit back and wait, dont push this. You have all of the leverage right now. And republicans do, certainly Mitch Mcconnell does. There is no leverage in giving the Senate Something that the senate doesnt want. So the longer you can drag it out. Trump can say that they didnt have anything, but there is leverage in the way that republicans stand right now. Nancy says she wants a fair trial. This is between two grand masters, and donald trump, and they all have different agendas. They dont want it to be a sham trial. Mitch mcconnell needest to protect donald trump to protect his senate majority. He said he will not be an impartial juror. Nancy pelosi needs two things. A fair trial, or the perp perpetuation of the narrative that this is a sham. She can say we knew that the rules were fixed and this was rigged. There is a clock that is ticking and no one wants this to bleed close to the election. Mick mulvaney, at the end of the day these guys are lifetime republicans. Theyre going to know how to navigate their way and mick m mulvaney doesnt want to go dont the president. Things could start to unravel. Is it right to say we made our case, lets go in the house, no witnesses needed. The right move is probably not a question that i should answer, but i will just tell you that the president s folks, if they get called in the senate trial, theyre really in a tight spot because they will have to come under oath and testify or come up with a reason not to appear and that will bring into sharper relief that the people closer to the president are refusing to come forward and testify about what they know here. You know you can understand why pelosi wants to push to be able to call witnesses here, and why the republicans perhaps dont want to give in on that, i think matt is right in terms of the leverage i think this will move to the senate here, because if it doesnt, pelosi understands that the president s ability to go out and tell the country that they impeached me and then they didnt feel strongly enough about it to move it to the senate, it tells you it is all political, the president is very good at simplifying something and presenting a case that is very simple whether or not it is true, a very simple argument to the American People and this would sort of give him the opportunity to do that again on the subject of impeachment. Whether or not it is true, it works. Thats what you just said to us. Welcome to 2019. What do you think . This will go to the senate, it will not hang over for very long. There are mixed strategic interests. Nancy pelosi has 31 districts. This will go to the senate and it is a matter of when and under what terms. I want to share what Lindsey Graham had to say about this. Were going to judge the product of the house. Im going to vote against calling any witnesses i want to get it over with. We need law officers that can make constitutional arguments. How it is not worthy of removal, and how it becomes a threat to the presidency. So Lindsey Graham doesnt want to address any of the allegations, but he wants to go after the process, is that a winning tactic . Funny. The impeachment of the United States is funny . The New York Times wrote an arld about the Supreme Court fights, and so what his theory was is that starting back with the Supreme Court. Democrats stopped him, democrats answers, our worry is that this goes beyond President Trump, beyond mcconnell and melo pelos. And on the process argument its funny legal cause youre hearing mere arguments from Senate Democrats and also ones you heard from House Republicans, right . They knew that democrats had the votes barring something extraordinary to get impeachment through the house, Senate Democrats know the same about acquittal in the senate, so what theyre looking at is a fight over the witnesses, the debate pram t parameters and the hearing rules, it was a stronger leg for them to stand on and it can muddy the process. And that is what youre seeing Senate Democrats do now with schumer. Talking about fair trials and things, focusing on the process like House Republicans did. Were going to leave it there, we have more to cover including answers to our three Big Questions of the week. First seven candidates faced off last night in los angeles. A lot of attacks on major pete boouttigieoouuttigie buttigieg. Buttigieg. Job by preventing plaque, early gum disease, and killing up to 99. 9 of germs. 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This is the problem with issuing purity tests you cannot yourself pass. If i pledge never to be in the company of a Progressive Democratic donor, i could not be up here, senator your net worth is 100 times mine. I do not sell access to my time. I dont do call time with millionaires and billion naaire. As of when. That was a sick burn on pete boouttigie buttigiegs part. Senator warren was a clear target last night. The clear target was mayor pete and for the larger topic of corruption. We have see Elizabeth Warren on the trails in the last few weeks and she has dipped in trails. We saw her start to hyper focus her message on corruption and painting herself as the only person in the field willing and able to fix that problem. I even asked her about it a few weeks ago and she said it was wasnt to be an indictment of the field, and last night on the stage she was trying to make that point off of pete boo buttigieg. All of the warmt drah drained of that stage. Everyone seemed to be going after each other except for e liElizabeth Warren and bernie sanders. It shows you there are two i words at play here. The i word on the campaign trail here is iowa. Thats where they need to spend a lot of their time. Theyre all focused on Decision Making season for the voters. Alley, thank you so much. Joining me now, professor at the university of texas school of public affairs. Tim miller, former Communications Director for jeb bushs 2016 campaign. Former democratic congressman. We saw them going back and forth over fundraising and pete said we can fix money in politics later, but if we want to defeat donald trump, lets take every dollar question get and put it towards that. What do you think . And boouttigiebuttigiegs ar sitting with the Democratic Party right now. Its not about money, its not about afghanistan, who is the best equipped and best able to defeat donald trump. Whatever it takes is how we will important that person. Tim, you put out a piece arguing that the democratic debate was no match for trumps wwe campaign. Explain that. Youre coming up against somebody that was an absolute monster on the debate stage, and donald trump is not going to be restrained by the facts. He will not be restrained by decorum. I thought you saw a lot of knit picking of one another. But one day after the president s impeachment, not a lot of demonstration that any of them are ready to take on the president. Sometimes i feel like it is us never trump republicans that recognize the crisis of this because we have been through it more than the democrats. If you last night have more ferver and more vitrial talking about a wine cave fundraiser than the president s ukraine drug deal or silencing his porn star paramore. Or lining his pockets through his hotels, i think your priorities are out of whack. Last night i saw democrats that felt like their priorities are out of what. Clearly time just won this block, major pete seemed to be the biggest target. I want to share a moment when Amy Klobuchar who also had a big night questioned his electability. I want to be president of the United States and we should have someone heading up this ticket that has won. You want to talk about the capacity to win try putting together a coalition to bring you back to office with 80 of the vote as a gay dude in mike pences indiana. Again, there, if you if you had won in indiana, that would be one thing, you tried and you lost by 20 points. Your reaction, victoria . That was one of my favorite moments in the debate. What i see here is a death batch for that middle lane of the Republican Party where it has come to be biden, klobuchar, and she is really striking to get some oxygen here. If she can get pete sidelined a little bit, that gives her a chance. I think this experience is so interesting. Another piece of that exchange is when she said all of the experience that we have, all of the public service, Pete Buttigieg came back and said i know, i served my country as well in the military and she said yes, that is important, but at the same time that is different from actual law making experience. Then we started to see details in terms of what experience means. That is a double edged toward. If youre joe biden, that means that the age question comes in, which we did goat a bit. She is trying she is trying to point out i have experience without the age that some folks on the stage have tonight. She hit a nerve with mayor pete. I dont think it sticks that much, but we will be talking about it for awhile. But she did everything that she needed to do. We got to hear from her, which is something that i have been concerned about for the entire cycle. She talked about her midwest values. I think it has some traction, and you know she talked about t the support of a trade deal. So i think she is trying to make those connections and i believe in the long run that will carry some weight. Last night Sarah Huckabee sanders tweeted mocking joe biden. He wrote back i worked my whole life to overcome a stutter. I have worked with other kids who have struggled with the same. S she then put out an an poll pol. They said get ready, this will be a wwe match. Maybe america doesnt want one. Sometimes a nice way to counter a wwe match is to throw a punch back showing your humanity, showing your empathy, i thought that tweet from joe biden last night was the only moment of the entire night, i didnt think there was any on the stage that landed aiming at the republicans. I thought sarah revealed a lot about her personality, i thought it was one of joes strongest moments of the night, he was demonstrating his humanity and empathy and that she used it to mock him, i think it permeated everyone that works for him. To that point, congressman, why are democrats up there needling around ore disclosed legal donations to campaigns one day after the president was impeached for trying to solicit aid from a foreign government. Look, they are speaking to different audiences. Theyre speaking to democratic primary voters in iowa, caucus goers in iowa. The general democratic elector rate, and i have to say they have pretty smart people around them that test their message. You know who do that . Hillary clinton. You know what she did last night . She watched from home. Agreed. I have to commend andrew yang for making the point talking about Campaign Finance that you can only engage that if you have dispose able income. That brings us back to the heart of the matter around economic policy. Who won, who lost . I thought we have not mentioned bernie and he is surging. I thought he had the best line of the night saying were not going to sitie one hand behind their back when taking on donald trump. Who lost . I think Elizabeth Warren for going after pete on the wine cave hit that i dont think has staying power and i dont think as bernie is rising she is losing market share. Im saying that Elizabeth Warren lost. In addition to her back and forth with pete there was the point of what the economist say that theyre just plain wrong and no real follow up in terms of data and research on that. I thought biden was very strong. Elizabeth warren continues to call her wealth tax two cents on billionaires, and its not. The loser whoever owns wine caves in sanoma. Amy klobuchar really distinguished her, and tom steyer. Once impeachment came and went he lost all of his thunder. And i dont really understand the rational going forward, but he is still there. Were going to leave it there, but we have to continue to talk about contenders because one person not on the debate stage was mayor michael bloomberg. Nothing was off of the table as he looks to find a base. What does a Mike Bloomberg voter look like. Theyre saying welcome, welcome. If they know who you are and they take the time to yell out good luck i think the likelihood is that they will. Breaking news, were just getting in, Prince Phillip was admitted into a hospital for observation and treatment of a preexisting condition. Theyre calling it cautionary and a planned visit. The 98yearold his of Queen Elizabeth the second is hopefully going to be home for christmas. Hopefully going to be home for christmas. Well inform them that Liberty Mutual customizes home insurance, so theyll only pay for what they need. Your turn to keep watch, limu. Wake me up if you see anything. [ snoring ] [ loud squawking and siren blaring ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Do your asthma symptoms ever hold you back . About 50 of people with severe asthma have too many cells called eosinophils in their lungs. Eosinophils are a key cause of severe asthma. 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You went on to pursue the American Dream. What happened in the last 50 years. People think that the American Dream is dead. They think theyre in a nightmare, and their revenging against your exact success. I dont think everyone thinks that. There are plenty of small towns where things work and people are happy, not everybody, but we have made progress. It is true that as things change, you will find that difficult to deal with, and sometimes get hurt. We have to find a way to, as the world changes, to accommodate and make sure that our citizens can benefit. But youre not going stop the world from changing. With all due respect, it is more than just people who are maybe not getting ahead. That rage elected President Trump. I gave a speech back in philadelphia in 2016 saying that i thought donald trump was not the right guy for the job. That he didnt have the temperament or the intellect or the experience to become president of the United States. More people didnt listen than they did, and my worst fears have been recognized. Do you want to just get him out of office. The first thing is i think he is the wrong person for the job, and i was asked would i vote for whoever the democratic candidate is, and i said that is easy for me to say yes because i think he is not the right person. I think she doing a lot he it of damage. You told me that any of the candidates in the democratic field would be better than donald trump. You said better than donald trump, but thats not the standard, we need someone that can give us results. So they cant do that . I dont think that any of the them have the experience to do it. Joe biden doesnt have the experience . He is never been a manager of an organization. He has never run a school system. His wife is an educator and has good experience there. But no, the presidency should not be a training job. You get in there you have to hit the ground running. You said he would eat the rest of the democratic contenders alive. He is not constrained by telling the truth nap is pretty obvious, okay . Every other person, including all of the other democratic candidated would feel compelled to basically tell the truth. They might not explain everything. They might exaggerate a little bit, but you need someone that can say donald, thats not true and i knew you when and this is thousand will happen. And when he starts shouting at you to stop him and shut him down. This country is in trouble, and in the last few weeks we heard from very successful Business People similar to you who have been very critical of the president suddenly say i would never vote for President Trump, but i would vote for President Trump before i vote for Elizabeth Warren. Yeah help me understand that, this is a candidate just saying she wants rules on capitalism. If this man is that dangerous, why would people sooner vote for him. I can only tell you if i was faced with Elizabeth Warren or trump, i would vote for Elizabeth Warren even though i dont agree with her on a lot of things. She is honest, smart, and hard working. Think of Robert Muellers report, the career diplomats we just heard tell us about election meddling. We heard from the intelligence agencies, the president has welcomed foreign intervention, are you going to get in a campaign where it might not be a fair fight. I think it is fair if both sides are matched. Youre going to ask ukraine to help you . No, but they need to get a message out and convince the public they would be better and i think i can do that. Were living in a different world. We know election meddling is happening right now. I hope that is not true but that is certainly the federal governments responsibility to make sure it isnt and you and all of the news people should try to hold trump to the fire to get him to make sure that we stop that kind of meddling. That is a outrage. It is like an attack on the country. If hes acquitted he still has to face an election in november. He will have to face election in november, hell say great, im all set with election meddling, i wont get trouble for this and then youre entering an election where she not fighting fair. You have to have lawyers at the polling boths which is done all of the time. People worry about meddling not by foreign powers but the other party at the local level. Yo have you have to do all of that. If you google the word impeach, the first thing that comes back is the bloomberg ad. And the ad says leaders dont tweet. The thing is, twitter has been an enormous asset to the president. He has gotten his message out and it is really in his unfiltered typo way the democrats can tweet if they want. Donald trump found a way to get a message out to 40 of the public that they like and the rest of the press covers it and gives him free publicity on every other medium. But you said leaders dont tweet. I didnt say that. Thats what the ad says. I think in the context that you would be better off doing rather than just tweeting. And not if you do tweet, telling the truth. That, yes. Are you going to use twitter if youre the president . No, im not a twitterer or tweeterer. You have a partnership with your company with twitter. Yes, but i will not as a president tweet. That is not the appropriate way to get to the public. Lets talk about rudy giuliani, this is one of the president s closest allies. His lawyer, he has been pushing debunked russian conspiracy theories. I welcomed everybodys endorsement. I made a commitment when i was elected i left office on december 31st, 2013, that i would not talk about my prez s predecessor or successor. I followed that religiously for the last six years, and im going to continue, so i cant help you. Nothing to say about rudy gho Giulia Giulia giuliani . He has come to the 9 11 memorial, we shook hands, thats it. Gun control on a state and local level i was, you talk about donald trump, ill tell you guns are a good thing. We have beaten donald trump by taking on the nra, we beat him on the climate stuff, we beat him on tobacco, we beat him on flipping the house, we beat him in flipping virginia, when you say you cant take him on, i can show you half a dozen things we beat him on already. You know you will be scrutinized. I want to talk about some of those like stop and frisk. You aggressively supported something that targeted africanamerican and latino men. What will you do to show the black community that youre going to work towards making the criminal Justice System more fair. When i came into office there was 650 fepeople getting killedn new york every year. I said i cant do this. Innocent people are getting shot. We have to do something about it. Yes i made a mistake in doing it too long, maybe even the whole program you could have done something else, who knows, but i made a mistake and i apologized. The objectives have not changed. I want to talk about a criticism you got in office that was overarching policies around banning smoking in bars or super sized drinks or calorie counts on menus and there was a push back from people saying dont tell me how to live. There is a fear that if elected you are super sizing these kind of policies and that culture war is something that works for President Trump. Look, i think one of governments jobs is to get the best science and to inform people as to what will help them live longer and healthier lives. If you object to a system where restaurant vs. A put a sign up in terms of whether or not their kitchens are clean or not, i think thats not a bad thing for us to do. You dont have to go into the restaurant, but at least if you go in you know you have less of a chance or more of a chance of dieing from salmonella. I believe in the science and i think it is our obligation to get the best science out there so that you know what the Scientists Say is best for you and your family. How much do you want this . All i can do is work 24 7 and do my best. I have never done anything in my life that i didnt give 100 to, and im certainly giving 100 to this. There you have it, you can catch your full interview online after the show. Up next, our three questions this week on impeachment and a stunning new report. President trump believes ukraine interfered 2340916 election because as he reportedly told one former white house official, putin told him. Official, putin told him phones down. We need a solution. Introducing. Smartdogs. The first dogs trained to train humans. Stopping drivers from liking. Selfieing. And whatever this is. Available to the public. Never. 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Our second question was will we see any defectors, Tulsi Gabbard voted present, and three democrats crossed party lines to vote against impeaching a president. Jared golden, colin peterson, and jeff van drew. And yesterday van drew formally joined the Republican Party and pledging his undieing support for President Trump. Our last question was will we learn any details about the rules and schedule of the senate trial that will follow . As we talked about it at the top of the show, the answer to that is no, no. Joining me now is carol and barbara. You have new reporting about why President Trump so sure, excuse me, carroll, that ukraine worked to defeat him in 2016. You point to a private meeting in 2017 not with President Trump and any of his advisors, but trump and putin at the g 20. That is right, stephanie, one of the thing thats is really disconcerting, is that they could not talk him off of this ledge about ukraine meddling in the 2016 election. He insisted to one former Senior Advisor that putin told him this and that basically trump believed putin over all of his advisors, against all of his most Senior Leaders in the intelligence community. Remember the u. S. Has the best intelligence in the world and he chose putins version according to the sources and the reporting we have done. Of all of your reporting and the officials that you spoke to why is it that no one could convince the president of the truth . That is such a good question. I dont think that we can answer for you. You asked about the meetings, there are two side bars more than two side bars but at least two where the president spoke privately with Vladimir Putin in hum burghelsinki. No translators or note takers. The question you ask is the central one. Why does he believe putin over his own u. S. Advisors. Why does he believe a former kgb operative whose country has been basically angling to push the u. S. Out of control and much of the regions to our detriment, why does he believe that adversary over his own advisors and we dont know the answer. If were learning more evidence that putin is at putin root of this, if the president is acquitted in the senate, wont russia see this as an open invitation to continuing meddling in the 2020 election . There will be no consequences. I agree with that, stephanie, and i think thats one of the real concerns. Some of the other actions that President Trump has done, inviting russians into the oval office while at the same time rejecting ukrainian president for a meeting, he has signalled that hes friendly with russia and not friendly with its adversary, ukraine, even after russia medaled in our election. So what that says is there is no deterrence, they can meddle in our election and there will be no negative consequence. And dont forget that president putin is a former kgb official. They look at peoples vulnerabilities. They assess what someones vulnerability is and push the lever. With President Trump it is vanity and power. So if they can share with him a narrative that legitimizes his election and defeats the deledge mization. That plays into his vanity and fits a narrative of what he likes. They profiled him and figured out which levers to push and its working. How did the democrats get into this race and think that it will be a fair fight . Were going to leave it there. Next, President Trumps true base that he counts on are evangelicals that helped him win in 2016. Hes counting on them next year. But this morning he is lashing out at a prominent evangelical magazine that just called for him to be removed from office. Were digging into that. Dont you move. Ca who captured our hearts. Female anchor how often should you clean your fridge . Stay tuned to find out. Male anchor beats the odds at the box office to become a rare nonfranchise hit. You can give help and hope to those in need. 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Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Didnt see this one coming. This morning christianity today, a prominent evangelical magazine, taking a stunning stance. The editorinchief argues President Trump should be removed from office, in doing so he challenged President Trumps many christian supporters by suggesting they can back the president , or be true to their faith. They cant be both. It reads in part this, to the many evangelicals who continue to support mr. Trump in spite of his blackened moral record, we might say this. Remember who you are and whom you serve. If we dont reverse course now, will anyone take anything we say about justice and righteousness with any seriousness for decades to come . Joining me to discuss, senior fellow at ethics Public Policy center. He worked in the reagan and bush administrations and author of the book death of politics. Peter, your reaction . I was thrilled with the editorial. I think its a powerful one and timely one. Im glad they did it. Im not sure how many votes it will change, but christianity today is a flagship publication for evangelical christianity and carries a lot of weight, moral authority. Billy graham was the founder. And its important to speak truth, truth to power to live within the truth rather than live within a lie. And so im very glad that mark gallo wrote it. It clearly reads the white house, christianity today knows nothing about reading, a perfect transcript of a routine phone call and would rather have a radical left nonbeliever who wants to take your religion and your guns than donald trump as your president. What do you think of this . Well, i think a couple of things. First, it underscores how much the editorial stung by the president s reaction, as well as his sort of white evangelical supporters. So it shows that the argument and the words actually hit the mark. In terms of the trump argument, i mean, he didnt read the editorial, or if he did, he wasnt able to understand it or process it. The editorial acknowledges that this is a complicated choice if youre a conservative christian on the policy grounds. But the core of the argument and what i think is absolutely correct, is how the evangelical movement or large parts of it have discredited themselves by their fullscale embrace when it comes to trump. And theres a very important point at the end, which is the hypocrisy of this movement, which is transparent to everybody. It means that when issues of justice come up again, this evangelical movement will essentially have dealt themselves out of the game because people will look at them and say this was all about power. You used morality and justice as issues when it helped a republican, but when it peter, trumps character isnt new. Didnt they judge his character and say extreme Court Justices matter more, were going to take that route . Yeah, thats absolutely true. And they made that judgment. Again, its a reasonable judgment. I dont agree with it. They could make the argument that what trump does on policy outweighs his moral transgressions. I think thats a bad argument. Thats not really whats going on. Whats going on is the white evangelical movement, at least the prominent figures, havent spoken truth to power and said this is a tough judgment. They have been his sword and shield. They will not call him out on any grounds. That i think is what is so corrupting and discrediting. And again, i think the christianity today editorial underscores that and for people who have a conscience, it troubles them. Because when you call them out on hypocrisy, it upsets them and they should be upset. Peter, thank you so much. If i dont see you, have a wonderful holiday. That wraps us up this hour. Im stephanie ruhl. Check out todays good news ruhles. Its a great one. More of my interview with mayor Mike Bloomberg. Coming up more news with hallie jackson. Thank you very much. Unfinished impeachment business with the status of the stalemate on hyatt is. Lawmakers are getting out of town for the holidays and senator Mitch Mcconnell is needling House Democrats for he says getting cold feet and holding off on sending over articles of impeachment. Speaker nancy pelosi clapping back in a new interview this morning. As for the president , according to one of his friends, hes mad as hell and demanding an Immediate Senate trial. The historic impeachment obviously a major topic at the last president ial debate of the year. But if you also have wine caves on your debate bingo card, congratulations. Weve got the fallout from the feisty moments in a live interview with oun of the democrats on the stage. Our news team is here with the latest developments. Garrett haake, kelly odonnell, and our team of guests and analysts as well. Garrett, lawmakers are gone. You are in what i presume is a ghost town of a will rogers area there on the hill. Theyre gone for a few weeks. Where do things stand on impeachment . What are you hearing