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Television shows the step into north korea in slow motion. Heres the president a short time later. It was an honor to be with you. It was an honor you asked me to step over that line. I am proud to have stepped over the line. It was great, very historic. After the nearly hour long meeting with kim jongun, hints at where all of this stage craft may be headed. The New York Times reporting that the administration is working on a dole that would include a Nuclear Freeze in other words accepting essentially the status quo, short of what the president promised which was full denuclearization. Richard engle is in seoul south korea. If this kind of deal were to be made the white house is pushing back a bit this morning what could it do politically . Obviously it could set the bar for a president. It is more achievable than denuclearization. As the New York Times reports this approach would not mean existing weapons are dismantled, wouldnt limit the north korea missile capacity. What could it cost the u. S. . What would kim want in return . So as you mentioned this summit happened, the impromptu summit between President Trump and kim jongun in the demilitarized zone. It was a made for tv moment. But the whole point of this, the whole point of President Trump fostering these relations with kim jongun is to lower tension and yes tensions have been lowered. Also to build trust so that a nuclear deal can be reached. Thats the idea, to get kim jongun to give up his Nuclear Weapons and to get him to give up the long range missiles that would be able to deliver those weapons to the United States. So far, kim jongun has not done that. So the question is, what kind of deal would get him to do that . And we really dont know. Trump has talked about complete denuclearization. Meaning he wants the North Koreans to get rid of not only all the weapons that they have, but to destroy their programs and have inspectors and place so that they cant rebuild the Nuclear Weapons in the future. That in hear the would be complete denuclearization getting rid of what they have, not building any more and making it verifiable. Most people who know north korea, the inspectors we have spoken to say the North Koreans simply arent going to do that. What they have been doing is they have been sort of slowing down and getting rid of some of the equipment they dont need anymore, making shows of dismantling things that are already obsolete or tee effective or destroyed. But that getting rid of the weapons that they already have would be something that the North Koreans would see as suicidal. They would lose all of their leverage. They would lose their safeguard that they believe is in place to keep their regime surviving and keep the kim dynasty in place. The New York Times article came out today and said, well, the Trump Administration might be willing to accept or would be willing to accept a compromise where you just freeze, hold on to the weapons you have, the safeguard weapons, just dont build any more. But really we dont know if that is the final position from the Trump Administration or that is just could be part of a deal. These negotiations are still pretty much in the early stages. And then the National Security adviser john bolton who pointedly wasnt at the dmz summit pushed back hard over twitter. He seemed angry, offended said the New York Times report was false and he said quote there should be consequences. Richard engle thank you. Joining the conversation former new mexico governor Bill Richardson who has extensive experience in dealing with north korea which led to his being nominated for the nobel peace prize. Nora, and eddie glouter. Ambassador, reviewing himself, President Trump said, so much has been accomplished. That was his review of the weekend. In your view, what was accomplished . Well, what was accomplished i will give him credit for this. A for showmanship. Secondly, a lessening of tensions in the peninsula. Third, its good that the two leaders, antagonists have a personal relationship, antagonist nations. But what was accomplished . Nothing. I mean kim jongun has given gotten three freebies from President Trump, three summits that make kim jongun look good, stately, a world player in his own community and in his own country. But he has done nothing, zero on denuclearization except make commitments that he doesnt keep. If it is going to be a freeze, i mean president clinton in his agreement in 1984 not a freeze from north korea. They observed it for four years and then they cheated. So the president is criticizing obama and clinton. Now they head towards this freeze which i hope is not the case because it is very weak for north korea to give up that little. Then we are right now very little substance, hardly any substance from this summit. Historic . Yeah. Good symbolism, good television, will help, probably a political plus for the president shortterm, but zero on getting something in return. Thats the way the North Koreans negotiate. They ask for a lot. They make commitments. They dont fulfill them. They want you to go first. We have gone first, and they have done nothing so far. You are one of the few people who know what it is like there, you know the players better than almost anybody. What do you think kim jongun walked away from that meeting thinking to himself, or saying to people in his close confidence . Well, what kim jongun walked away with, the same par with the president of the United States, a summit with the president. The president going to him, stepping into his territory, getting a message to the north Korean People that we are maybe going to get some sanctions relieved, sanctions have really hurt the North Koreans. And he got nothing out of the hanoi summit. So hes getting a main player on the world stage action from this summit and has given hardly anything in return, especially on Nuclear Weapons. He may have 60 Nuclear Weapons and he has given up nothing, given up nothing on missiles, given up nothing on short range missiles that threaten japan, or the United States. So hes the president gets a plus out of this, but kim jongun is the big winner. Noah, you tweeted this is another concession to north korea in exchange for nothing at all. You just heard what the ambassador said. He said there is a lessening of tensions. At least the fact that tensions are down and that they are talking, is that something noah . No, not especially. Americans can be convinced of just the value of the process, the diplomatic process alone. If you are talking you are not fighting, right . Well they might also need to be convinced what they are sacrificing in this process. The first time. We spent the last two years engaging in this regime. In the meantime they have been expanding missile facilities and building new bombs. The second is leverage. We are giving up concessions we need to hold and reserve. Things like what would follow this process would be the american president setting foot on north korean soil. Thats a gift to the regime. We are giving it up in exchange for nothing. The third is tangible, it is prestige. The american prestige is at stake we are. We are putting our prestige on the table to get north korean to negotiate and whatever deal they can make they are break. There was so much about this that was unorthodox eddie. First of all, there is a tweet that goes out and there is a scramble for what turned out to be some chaos surrounding that moment that we see, less than 24 hours later we even saw that the new press secretary for the president sort of got roughed up. Some other people got roughed up in a occur if you feel with north korean security guards. The president S National Court security adviser john bowlon wasnt each there. He was in mongolia. You know who was in the dmz as well was ivanka President Trump and jared kushner. Looking at all of those things what do you make of all of this . Chaos. I have no idea what the end game is. I think your three points are on time, the question of time, leverage and the question of prestige. All of those have been compromised. I think thats right. I am not sure what the end game is. If you want to tamp down tensions in the region i understand that. What is the role of china . Whats the role of south korea . Whats the role of japan . How are they responding to the president of the nights stepping over the dmz . I am not sure. Then there is the sense of the television optics. The television 79 toics actually trumping, no pun intended the substance of diplomacy here. What did you make of the slowmo and the movielike quality of what the North Koreans are putting out . You know, slowmo, it looked like 1980s television. It looked like donald trump, the way in which he came of age. It seemed like he was trying to convince us something substantive was happening. Lets be clear. It is in the north korean regimes interest to maintain its nuclear arsenal. They have the example of limp libya. That example looms large. If they denuclearization they know that the regime is doomed. I dont know what it means for the Trump Administration to say that denuclearization is its aim and ambition when we know that the North Koreans understand that its regimes safety is dependent on it is nuclear arsenal. We have seen the pushback from the administration about this New York Times report that a Nuclear Freeze is being considered. At this point is that the best that you think you can hope for . What do you see as a realistic end game right now . Well, what is realistic, chris, is the following. The North Koreans have 60 Nuclear Weapons, 40 to 60 missiles galore. Huge arsenal. What we want them to do is destroy some of them, with verification, curb their use, not just freeze new production. And then at the same time, the short range missiles that affect japan, that affect alaska, that affect guam, the United States potentially. Not just freeze those, but with inspections, with verification find a way to curb and destroy some of them. Now, in return the Administration Says nothing until full denuclearization, no sanctions relief. Give them some sanctions relief. Set up a stage of negotiations where over a period of years they reduce and we reduce sanctions. Thats worth the effort. A full denuclearization, full economic sanctions relief, thats not going to happen. Both sides are unrealistic. Get something done to lower tensions in the most prolifically insecure part of the world that has these knew leer weapons, these enormous tensions, countries in the region, south korea, japan threatened, as well as american shores and american soldiers. Yeah, and putting that into context, the president told kim jongun it was an honor, an honor to be there with him. Then you also have him saying, a defense of the Saudi Crown Prince at that press conference against the cias conclusion that he ordered the murder of Washington Post journalist jamal khashoggi. Have you, noah, seen any concrete evidence at all that or change in the way that people deal with this president because of the way he embraces foreign leaders . Distasteful as it might be. And i think it is diss tasteful that he fronted for the Saudi Crown Prince. He is a real player and in political terms the key to the sunni powers in the region. His work with the team in the white house and allies in egypt and jordan who educated this thaw in the region is integral to the region. I dont see a grand strategy there. I see the president engaging in political terms. I see the American Press talking about this in political terms, how is it going play with voters. Thats the wrong way to look at it. On the one hand i kind of understand the real poll teak approach to mbs. On the other hand i think it is a misrepresentation. There is a sense that the u. S. Represents itself as a moral democracy and a moral defender. To do what the president did in light of his Intelligence Community telling him that this man ordered this Washington Post reporter to be cut up by a saw is to my mind horrifying. When he was asked about it at the press conference he went on a tangent about Hillary Clinton again. Ambassador Bill Richardson thank you. It is good to speak with you. Eddie and noah you are going to stay with me. We have breaking news. Extraordinary picture out of hong kong this morning where protesters literally smashed their way into the Legislative Council building. You can see people pulling metal off the side of the building breaking glass to get inside where they confronted riot release. Bill neely is in hong kong for us. Tell me what exactly is going on. And why exactly today is such an important day for these protesters. Chris, good evening. Today is important because its usually a day of celebration, an anniversary of britains hand over of hong kong, the end of British Colonial rule. But there was no celebration today. This was a day of mass protests, of anger. This is a city in crisis. Tonight some violence. At the center, as you say, the flash point, is the main government building, where laws are passed and where beijings top official carry lamb sits over this city. Some 3,000 surrounded the building and for several hours tried to smash their way in with battering rams and hammers. They failed until about an hour and a half ago when they actually breached through the main entrance. They couldnt get much further or into the legislative chamber itself. There were riot Police Standing inside the building but the police for whatever reason made absolutely no attempt to stop this. Now, this is serious. It is not just a crisis in hong kong. This is a direct challenge to president xi. It is the biggest popular challenge to him since his rule began seven years ago. And it is a direct challenge to the communist party because what hong kong was all about 22 years ago was one country, two systems. And here they are very, very proud of the fact that they have freedom of assembly, freedom to speak, freedom to do a lot of the things a lot of people on inmaland china dont have. But they are worried that china is trying to erode those freedoms. This was all sparked by an extradition bill, something that said if you commit a offense here in hong kong whether you are a Hong Kong Chinese or a foreigner you can be flown back to Mainland China to face trial. People here to not like that bill. They do not like the chief executive carry lamb. They want her to resign. She made a public apology today once again and said i have learned the lesson. Thats not enough for these demonstrators. Most of them in their late teens and early 20s. As i said about 3,000 of them gathered around the building tonight and they are still battering away at the building. It is hard to see how exactly this standoff will end tonight. I know you will continue to watch it for us. Bill neely thank you for that. Coming up, nbc news exclusively obtaining a shocking new report. Horrible conditions at one border station that were known for months. Conditions that were reportedly so bad Border Agents feared they could lead to riots. And which of the democratic president ial hopefuls are seeing their fundraising numbers explode after last weeks debates. Who is raking in the cash, and how much. S. Who is raking in the cash, and how much ooh ohh here we go, here we go. You got cut off there, what were you saying . Oooo. Oh no no. Maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military for over 75 years . Is that what you wanted to say . Mhmmm. I have to say, you seemed a lot chattier on tv. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. You ok back there, buddy . kickstart my heart by motley crue truck honks wheels screeching clapping sound of can hitting bag and bowl clapping always there in crunch time. Introducing zero account fees for brokerage accounts. And zero minimums to open an account. We have Fidelity Mutual funds with zero minimum investment. And now only fidelity offers four zero Expense Ratio index funds directly to investors. Because when you invest with fidelity, all those zeros really add up. So maybe ill win saved by zero this morning, nbc has exclusive new reporting on how horrific conditions have been for undocumented migrants at at least border station. So bad agents were arming themselves worried about riots. Internal reports shows only four showers were available for 156 immigrants, over half of them were being held outside and immigrants were being kept in cells maxed at over five times their capacity. Julia aimsly wrote this story with jake on soboroff. What else can you tell us about this report . It is shocking. They talk about cells that were meant for holding 135 adult men that were so crowded they couldnt even lie down and cells of that size sharing one sink and one toilet. You mentioned four showers for 756 people. This led people as well as children to have to be in the same clothes for days or even weeks. If that sounds familiar, chris, its because we heard similar reporting from lawyers who got access to a border station in the same sector of el paso, texas. Last week, though, the acting secretary of dhs said that those lawyers and the reports that came from their visit was unsubstantiated. Now from this internal report we have from the dhss own Inspector General we can show not only were those reports definitely substantiated but that the agency knew how poor the conditions were for months. One of the things we learned from the report last week from the lawyers what had actually gotten in there was the Serious Health concerns. It is not surprising given how unsanitary it would be to have for example, that number of toilets at one point there were reports about lack of soap, lack of toothbrushes. What did this report show . The same kind of thing, chris. They talked about having to quarantine 75 migrants for lice in a single day. They had quarantines for chickenpox or the measles or the flu. All of these things were spreading widely through the Border Patrol facility there. As a result the agents even started to have lower morale, starting to talk about. Dropping out of customs and Border Protection or retiring early because they if the like they couldnt do enough in this situation and they were powerless. Congress has done something to alleviate this overcrowding. But this didnt just come out. They knew about this. Thats right. We knew about the overcrowding. What this shows is there were some steps that could have been taken from a management side. The agents were having to use their government cards to buy food rather than having food regularly stocked for this level of population. Julia, thank you for your continued reporting on this important story. Appreciate it. Coming up brandnew poll numbers that show how last weeks democratic debate is reshaping the democratic race for the 2020 nomination. One candidate in particular seeing a surge in support. While some others at the top of the pack are showing a little slide. Lets get down to business. The business of family time. And downtime. And you time. And forgetting what time it is. Altogether. Modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because when your business is making time, our business is you. Get the lowest price guaranteed on all Choice Hotels when you book direct at choicehotels. Com. His life is pretty comfortable. Then, he laid on a serta and realized his life was only just sorta comfortable. Ive been living a lie. laughs the Serta Icomfort hybrid mattress. Not just sorta comfortable, serta comfortable. High protein. Low sugar. Tastes great high protein. Low sugar. So good high protein. Low sugar. Mmmm, birthday cake pure protein. The best combination for every fitness routine. Heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Ausea, vo try new pepto liquicaps for fast relief and ultracoating. flight attendants nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. vo get powerful relief with new pepto bismol liquicaps. Important the first debates have been. A new Morning Consult poll backs up what was the nearly unanimous view of winners and losers and proves just how much debates can shake up the race. Kamala harris, widely seen as having the strongest debate, jumping six points, while frontrunner joe biden has lost support. This comes as harris and the rest of the 2020 field spent the weekend fighting back against disturbing attacks questioning harriss race. Here to break it down, alley vitale. How significant is this bump for Kamala Harris and any other notable shifts . I think it shows you how important the exposure the candidates get on the debate stage is translating into numbers on the ground. Voters were tuning in for the first time, they wanted to give them enough of a first impression. It was notable seeing harris double her support, i had intoen taking a dip. The number that stood out to me was Bernie Sanders sticking at 19 . Remaining the first choice of these supporters because that be that his campaigns argument as they have seen fluctuation in the polls is that bernies support remembers loyal and they will stick with him in a first choice polling capacity. As harris tried to keep up the momentum, you has obviously been out there. She has been getting a lot of great press. She also faced personal attacks this weekend. Tell us what happened there. As so many of these things originate. They started on twitter. With this one it was donald trump jr. Retweeting and then deleting a tweet that questioned Kamala Harriss blackness. The field was swift in rebuking this thing. Joe biden saying it looked like the birtherism claims when he was part of the Obama Campaign and administration those claims pushed by others and donald trump. Others in the field, Elizabeth Warren called the attacks racist and ugly. Cory booker i am no going to read his response but he was forceful in rebuking this. It is on the field to sort of put these attacks into context and to rebuke them. They did that swiftly showing these democrats might be going against each other trying to draw their contrasts but at the same time they are not going to stand for any of this talk from donald trump jr. And republicans. Joining me now Maria Teresa Kumar of voter latino and an msnbc contributor and eddie. Are you surprised we are back in birtherism territory . Not at all. The landscape hasnt changed nor the toxicity of the landscape hasnt changed. Kamala harris, after her performance and particularly after the challenge to joe biden stoked the fire of racial animus. I was very much appreciative of the rest of the democratic field coming out immediately and condemning it saying it has no place in our politics. This isnt okay. Maria, the Morning Consult poll shows a surge for harris. In your mind how real is this . Do you see a path for her to grow on that momentum . Absolutely. I think when she step on the stage she made it clear thee she wasnt running for number two. She was run informing the top of the ticket. In the weeks leading up to the debate she was asked whether she would make a good number two with joe biden. She made it clear thats not her goal. This was the officers time she was able to insert herself in peoples imagination that she could go toe to toe with the president. But you mentioned a little bit about the tweets. What was interesting about the tweets i think this is wherever american needs to be cautious it was a tweet that came out of someone that had very little followers and then a whole bunch of other people ended up tweeting the same thing almost verbatim. There was a political skype test saying it seemed like a concerted effort wondering if what we had was the beginnings of an attack on bots. Thats why it was so important that the democratic field came up so early. Last time we had birtherism that time it took hillary an amount of time to come out and say thats not what this was. It was important for them to hold the line and say we are not going to have those conversations in our president ial elections. It was a great moment of political theater on the debate stage. But this is a risky game for Kamala Harris to play. The implication that shes making, custom all of us people understand is that your support for segregationist, your opposition to bussing we can charitibly chalk that up to ignorance but it is with a layer of racial hostilities. Thats not something that democratic voters are going to believe. They are not going to believe Barack Obamas Vice President for eight years harbors racism. Well shes making a concerted effort to say i am not saying what i am saying. What she has done now is compel herself to embrace bussing, to support forced bussing which is a dead political issue but it was among the most unpopular most ineffective counterproductive failure on its own merits proposal she has now embraced. Lets be go ahead maria. I think what harris was trying to say is look you have to be careful. What she was trying to be unpacking from him is that states cannot be responsible for legislating issues when it comes to race because oftentimes local officials and states themselves have been on the wrong side of history. Thats the point she was trying to make. It is hard to argue. It is the reason why we have the Voting Rights act, the reason why we had to have brown versus the board of education. She unpacked it bouflly. People are trying to say it had to do with bussing. We are now talking about bussing. It it has everything to do with who is ledge lating. Accelerated the geographics and disenfranchised americans. You constantly do this i do explain myself. I have a bt that of doing that. The reason why bussing accelerated is because White Communities did not black kids to come to their schools. No, no, no. You are not giving proper play to the africanamericans who also rejected the policy. Of course they did. Because they wanted their schools to be better resourced and didnt want their kids going into dens of hatred. Look at boston, pontiac. When you look at riots by black communities because white kids are trying to come to their schools, lets be clear, bussing had to be used as an option because it was 20 years after brown v board. It was disastrous. They didnt have access to their own schools. [ overlapping speakers ] we both can agree. Bad policy. We both can agree bussing failed. Thats right. You about we need to understand why it failed. Because you are telling the parents that they no longer have control of their own education of their students. If you want to tell parents they shouldnt have if you want to tell white parents, if you want to tell White Communities and white parents that you can hoard the resources of a good education if you want to then you need to take the hits. It accelerated these trends. And camera harris came out and said i support that. Thats not what she was saying. Hold on. It is an important and critical conversation. Having said that, in the context of what we are looking at today, which is numbers that are moving in Kamala Harriss favor we are going to get more money reports although she reported she did very well in the first 24 hours, are these conversations that impact that that are important to the political side of that . Or as some people have suggested, a lot of conversation that happened on that stage was a left conversation that will hurt no. I dont i understand the question. Yeah. I think this is the issue. To be honest with you, i love noah. Democrats shouldnt worry about noah. We shouldnt care about what he thinks. What we need to do is understand how we can we build what was called the Obama Coalition and expand the electorate. We are not going to do that by trying to appeal to reagan democrats that we lost so long ago. What we need to do is put forward bold courageous vision for country moving forward and call out not just simply the loud racists but those who have been complicit in maintaining systems of inquality by offering these this is no a sealed conversation. Centrists are listening. If you tell them you have to sacrifice your childs education now or else you are racist. Sacrifice your childs education. We are out of time. Noah, theresa, thank you all for a great and provocative conversation. Up next, the markets soaring this morning after President Trump and chinese president xi jinping agreed to hold off on new tariffs and restart trade talks. But its what the administration did with a Major Chinese company that could of the bige long term impact, especially when it comes to our National Security. [alarm beeping] {tires screeching} {truck honking} avo life doesnt give you many second chances. But a subaru can. dad you guys ok . You alright . Wow. avo eyesight with precollision braking. Standard on the subaru ascent. Presenting the threerow subaru ascent. Love is now bigger than ever. Termites, were on the move. 24 7. Roger. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. Terminix. Defenders of home. When you start with a better thats no way to treat a dog. You can do no wrong. Where did you learn that . The internet. Yeah . Mmm with no artificial preservatives or added nitrates or nitrites, its all for the love of hot dogs. Time now for money, power, politics, we are watching the markets right now. The dow surging after President Trump said that the u. S. And china agreed to hold off on any new tariffs. There we are, up to 70. Ben wine writes the Morning Money newsletter. We are a long way from an actual trade deal. Why this big jump . It is basically a parttime truce and trump is to the going to put 25 tariffs on the remaining 300 billion that the u. S. Imports from china. Thats all consumer goods, stuff that everybody buys at walmart. Diapers to clothing and everything else. Thats not happening now. Markets are cheering that. They are hoping for a rate cut coming up of good news in the markets right now. As you mention it doesnt fix anything, there is no deal and trump could slap the tariffs on at any time. He told Tucker Carlson he thinks this is going to lead to a trade deal. We had a very good meeting. He wants to make a deal. Then larry kudlow said over the weekend there is no rush to make a deal. Who do we believe . Custody low and mnuchin say we are 90 of the way to a deal. That 10 is incredibly hard. The chinese changing their laws on International Property theft. Things trump demanded and china has refused to do. 90 of the way there, 10 is a tough road to go. He made a confession to china over the weekend . A big one. The fact we are allowing u. S. Telecom firms to sell equipment to huawei is a big deal. It is unfortunate that huawei got wrapped up into trade talks because there are significant National Security threats if they are helping us build out a 5g network that could be used for espionage purposes by the chinese. Thats serious and thats why you see republican senators like marco rubio upset. It should be taken out of the trade related issue. Coming up, the debate may be over but the money is rolling. You wont believe how much some candidates have brought in after their performances in miami. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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Shell vpower nitro premium gasoline. Its fuel for thought. Shaving has been difficult for me i have very sensitive skin, and i get ingrowing hairs just stopping that irritation. That burn that i get. I wouldnt use anything else democratic president ial candidates had to have their quarterly fundraising numbers in by midnight. These are especially closely watched to see what might have gotten a bounce off their debate performance. Pete buttegeig said his campaign has totalled nearly 25 million. Kamala harris already reported she raised 2 million in just the 24 hours after the debate. Joining me with closer look at these new second numbers, Political Correspondent steve kornacki. People watch these very closely to get bragging rights. The other thing we often see is because it will be a couple weeks right. Right. Before we get to see the full numbers before they cycle through. Some people release it early, little tease, other people dont. The buttegeig campaign saw a precedence look like in context with all the other candidates start to report theirs. And the other thing, of course, we talked about it earlier in the show, what the race looks like. Well, thats the fascinating thing, right . Because he actually went down. Right. But hes the one reporting the huge numbers. Thats the interesting thing. Keep in mind the Second Quarter numbers. We can go back to april. Right. Where the fundraising might have come from. The other thing about buttigieg, when you dig inside his numbers, he has disproportionate a eel to higher income voters, college educated, tend to be more politically engaged. Why is he getting such big money in terms of fundraising. It might be part of who specifically the voters are who he is appealing to. Like he said, as the other campaigns start to report their numbers and as we get the publicly released information eventually, what is that going to look like in context . We keep looking at the september debate. It will be whittled down. You have to have more money and more poll support. What does this mean in terms of meeting those criteria. Are we getting sense now where we are moving . You can see it right here. This is a national poll. Basically the rules for qualifying for the next round of debates that start this fall, they have a whole bunch of different polls they discovered. You have to hit 2 in four different polls. A field of two dozen candidates right now. It is 2 . It is a third of the entire field. So there will be other opportunities. Theres another debate next month. I think it is possible we get to the end of the summer and we look at this criteria, 10 candidates or more may not get it. I talked to a lot of candidates after the debate. So what are you going to do between now and september. Almost all of them said fundraising, sheepishly. And iowa. For all the complaints about the caucuses, iowa still continues to be so important. It whittles the field. Thats the key. If youre a lesserknown candidate, you see the opportunity. It is a smaller state. You can maybe get the numbers to move in iowa in a way. Maybe its not as easy to do nationally. You can do that, you can stay alive. Stay with us, steve. The power of the iowa caucus is on full display this week. Check this out. The democrats will be making more than 40, 40, appearances in the state. If candidates want to win the caucuses, they have to show up early and off. There is a Surprising New factor in the mix. Its did you write a book and how good is it . Because theres a book club whose members have pledged to read nearly 5,000 pages written by democratic president ial candidates. Every four years, iowa is the epicenter of a particular american frenzy. Im running for president. A convergence of candidates. Marching, posing, stumping, playing. And literally running for their political lives, which makes Andrea Phillips relaxed cerebral ideas seem almost quaint. I was sitting on the couch reading pete gut tkpweupblg. I wa buttigieg. I thought, well, im going to read all the books anyway. Why dont i just throw it on facebook, see if i can get a couple of people to join me. The idea a 2020 book club. 16 books before the iowa caulks in february. As she was autobooking away, her little idea was catching on big. Within a day, 150 people had joined the book club. Now it is 830 members in 39 states. And iowa being iowa with a caucus victory as glittering at des moines capitol dome, the guaranteed book club crowds have proven irresistible to candidates. I think its a great idea. I think primaries should be battles of ideas. So on a friday night with avid readers packed into andreas leverage, beverages at the ready, john delaney makes his longshot case for president. My Program Gives every american basically health care as a right of citizenship. I think i work a lot. It helps us to be really educated voters. The necessary morning, another crowd at the local y for kirsten gillibrand. Why should someone read your book . Because it will tell you what i care about and why im perfect for this job. What about your potty mouth . You discuss it in your book that your grandmother had an epic potty mouth. I try to keep my mouth clean, especially when theres children in the many radio. Five president ial hopefuls talked so far with 11 more still to come. So add to candidatess mustdo list, finding and reading. 10 minutes here or there. This is an opportunity to engage with people on a more personal basis to see who they are. What do you hope members will take away from this experience . Some i hope they have gone to know the candidates better. Thats really the point of the whole thing. So people can make a good decision on caucus night. Its hard to see how you read 5,000 pages and you dont show up for the caucuses. Were out of time. Steve, thank you so much. Coming up, breaking news. Hong kong protesters succeeded in storming the Legislative Council building. Well have a live report coming up. A live report coming up as your life grows, so do your needs. And with bank of america and merrill, the benefits you get can grow, too. As a preferred rewards member, you can enjoy Priority Service and exclusive discounts. So your growing life can be more rewarding, too. What would you like the power to do . High protein. Low sugar. Tastes great high protein. Low sugar. So good high protein. Low sugar. Mmmm, birthday cake pure protein. The best combination for every fitness routine. gasp singsong budget meeting sweet. If you compare last quarter to this quarter. Various mmm. Its no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, made with fresh milk and real cream. 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Could his administration abandon its demand that north korea get rid of all of its nukes and could a fourth facetoface be in the works . . I would invite him right now to the white house. Right now. Our team is here with this developing story and the many others we are bringing you over the next 60 minutes. Richard engel in seoul, south korea. Kelly odonnell tracking events at the white house. Kelly, there is new reporting that some officials have been talking about the potential for a Nuclear Freeze by pyongyang. Reporter hallie, its almost like the National Security

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