Of the trump campaign. Just to state the obvious that we all know, the president shoots from the hip. Im not sure there was a ton of fore thought into what he said about sessions. I think he was honest and blunt about his feelings at that moment in time. They are feelings that he has had on and off for some time now. The Russian Investigation as we all know kind of wont go away as a story line partly because theres an open investigation but also because the president is preoccupied with it and he brings it up all the time, in private conversations and apparently in public ones. I think theres a real concern in terms of the comments hes made obviously because they also seem to indicate that, you know, first he wants loyalty from comey, now he wants loyalty or allegiance from Attorney General, like hes wanting to run this the way he runs his business, which is not the way the Government Works and certainly not the way the Justice Department works, which is an independent institution. These senior officials take an oath to the constitution, not donald trump, and he fundamentally misunderstands that. If he wants to run it the way he runs his business, shouldnt those around him remember hes gone bankrupt four times . I want to share what he said about Robert Mueller. Mueller was looking at your finances and your familys finances unremitted to russia, is that a red line . Would that be a breach of what his actual charge is . I would say yeah, i would say yes. Thats a red line. You cannot go into my familys finances. Once robert muler is in that kitchen, hes in there. Its called an independent investigation for a reason. The whole purpose of this exercise is not to exonerate donald trump or prove his innocence. Its to get to the truth, wherever it may take us. And the American People deserve to know whether their president a operating in the americans interests or his own business or financial interests. This is a completely fair question to be asked. Does donald trump have any point in that if Robert Muellers job is not to exonerate donald trump, its also not his job to look under every rock there possibly is to see if he, you know, cheated on his homework in 1962. I just think mueller which im going to take a guess he probably did. Which you know what, i may have as well. Procedurally, hes in a very awkward spot now because trump has eventually said i will fire him if he gets into this area of inquiry. If the investigation leads him there, im sure hell feel compelled to proceed and risk being fired but that of course would be totally counterproductive to the entire effort. Which goes into this bizarre history hes created, this Alternative Universe hes created where somehow Rod Rosenstein told him to fire comey and Rod Rosenstein also stacked him in the back by appointing mueller. The president s inability to put together basic chronology of what his own Behavior Lead to is part of what makes this interview so bizarre. Weve seen rambling things from trump before, but i dont think he knows what he did yesterday let alone the consequences of what hell do today. Making him a Defense Attorneys nightmare and a prosecutors dream. I want to share more of what he said when he was specifically talking about his conversation with vladimir putin. It was not a long conversation, but it was, you know, could be 15 minutes. Just talked about things. I actually talked about russian adoption with him, which is interesting because that was a part of the conversation that don had in that meeting. Okay. Ewing my President Trump decoder ring, adoptions means sanctions. Does the president not understand that whether that meeting was 15 minutes or 50 minutes sanctions and adoptions are one and the same and you sit down with vladimir putin, you are getting in the way of some serious Foreign Policy issues. Apparently not, which of course is pretty surprising given all of whats unfolded with his son and the meeting that they had and all of the conversations that, you know, weve had since then about adoption, the magnitsky act, collusion. So its pretty surprising that, you know, he is seemingly unawares. But the reality is when you look at trumps behavior, when you read the rest of the interview and look at statements hes made in the past, he really doesnt seem to know a lot about Whats Going On with any of us. He doesnt seem to understand the seriousness of the investigation and why it matters. He doesnt seem to understand why sessions recused himself and the importance of having an investigation that has integrity and how having an investigation with integrity can benefit him if he doesnt have anything to hide. He doesnt understand that his Attorney General is not his Junior Employee who he can expect to put his personal political interest before the American People. Its really a problem across the board and it comes through clearly in this interview. Theres Something Else to hide. 17 million bucks. 17 large. New york times reported Paul Manafort in the hole to russian interests, going into the campaign for 17 large. Right. How do we square this one off . Well, i mean, manaforts obviously got a very serious problem here and, you know, hes one of the key individuals in these inquiries. So its just putting more detail on what is already a very serious issue for him among others. I need a quick yes no. Does Jeff Sessions quit . No. Yes. Yes. Thats what makes markets. Well soon find out. We have to turn to some other news, news that shook capitol hill shgt i want to shay it shook the world last night. Senator john mccain diagnosed with brain cancer. This was revealed after he underwent surgery this week for a blood clot just above his left eye. Msnbcs Garrett Haake is on capitol hill. Garrett, you were on the hill seemingly all day, all night yesterday speaking to lawmakers as they learn this news. What are you hearing . Yeah, stepny. Let me set the scene for you last night. We had about 15 or 20 republican senators meeting Behind Closed Doors on health care. This is a senators only meeting. Their aides werent even in the room. They were sort of cloistered away last night when this news broke. Lindsey graham, who is john mccains best friend in washington, d. C. , and probably his best friend who hes not immediately related to, was on the phone with john mccain when he walked into that meeting room. He broke the news to rest of the senators. They were absolutely stunned by this, depressed. They sort of stomed the meeting right in their tracks and asked one of the member who iss a former pastor back in oklahoma to say a prayer for john mccain right then and there. They tried to keep working after that, but everyone we talked to coming out including Lindsey Graham, especially Lindsey Graham, so emotional about not having this person who served as the spiritual leader of the Republican Party in the senate. Here was Lindsey Graham talking to our cameras right after that meeting late last night. Pray. I dont know, god knows how this ends, not me, but i do know this this disease has never had a more worthy opponent. A reporter one of the things he said was after about five minutes of conversation about the tumor, john mccain was talking about passing a defense authorization. He was talking about health care. He was talking about the work. He urged his republican colleagues to get back to work and thats what were going to see here shortly this morning. John mccain is a Great American and certainly a fighter. Lets turn to nbc news medical contributor dr. Natalie azar. Dr. Natalie, john mccains family in their statements have said they are weighing treatment options. What kind of options are they here . The standard course of therapy is chemotherapy and radiation after the tumor was surgically resected. Thats the Standard Of Care. With that, the median survival is roughly 14 months. Fiveyear survival statistics about 5 to 17 . Things that factor into the prognosis are age, so older age patients tend to have a worse outcome. His 80, but his mom, i want so say shes 105. Amazing. We know hes strong guy so i certainly have all the faith there. They also study the tumor and look at two specific markers that will predict how well he responds to chemo and will know the result and the status of those in about a week or two. A little early to say exactly what path is going to be followed but the Standard Of Care again is resection, you hope to get as much out as you can according to the scans, they did get a complete resection, which is great, and then chemo and radiation would be the Standard Of Care. Well, we are certainly sending him all of our prayers, and we know hes going to get the very best treatment. Dr. Natalie, thank you so much. Next, cbo scores, straight repeal of obamacare, and those numbers, they aint good. Founding member of the Freedom Caucus congressman jim jordan, explains what he thinks it needs to be repealed even without a replacement. But before we go, the Celebration Day for President Trump. The sixmonth anniversary of his inauguration. Weve spoken before about his low poll numbers. But how does he compare to past president s at this point in their tenure . According to gallup, he is by far the lowest Approval Rating at this point of any of the last six president s. The only other one even below 55 at the sixmonth mark, bill clinton. And you know bill clinton had a rough first year. Last year, he said he was going to dig a hole to china. At t is working with farmers to improve irrigation techniques. Remote Moisture Sensors use a Reliable Network to tell them when and where to water. So that farmers like ray can compete in big ways. China. Oh. He got there. Thats the power of and. Whats going on . Oh hey thats it . Yeah. Everybody two seconds dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. Through the Tuition Assistance program, every day mcdonalds helps more people go to college. Its part of our commitment to being americas best first job. The unpredictability of a flaree may weigh on your mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go, and how to work around your uc. Thats how i thought it had to be. 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This is fun, were having fun. Yeah, we are. No, youre not jimmy. Dont let directv now limit your entertainment. Xfinity gives you more to stream to more screens. My message today is really simple. We have to stay here, we shouldnt leave town, and we should hammer this out and get it done. President trump there demanding that republicans remain in d. C. Until they have a plan to repeal and replace obamacare. Just hours later, nearly two dozen senators met to hash out their differences. We still do have work to do to get to a vote of 50, but people are committed to continuing that work. Weve just got a ways to go yet. It will take a little more patience. I dont think were as far as some people think they are but theres work to be done, no doubt. Trying to get to 50. Working on it. Any closer . Hard to say. Im joined by Ohio Republican congressman jim jordan, a Founding Member of the house Freedom Caucus. Congressman, i know you want to vote to repeal the aca even if theres no replacement ready. Youve had a lot of time to come up with a replacement. Why would another year or two make any difference . Well, senator mccain has said this, if you can repeal it first, that may be the catalyst you need to create the momentum you need for actually a bipartisan solution where we could work on some of the things that the more moderate members of the republican conference and democrats are really focus on like some of the Medicaid Expansion issues, the opioid issues, as well as some of those things we believe on the conservative side would bring down premiums like expanding Health Savings accounts, easier formation of Association Health plans, and interstate shopping for insurance. So thats the kind of trade that can be set up if you first repeal it, which everyone onos we have to do, and oh by the way, what we told the American People we were going to do when they elected us. Not everyone knows we have to replace it. I would say theres consensus that it has to be improved. And do you have to replace it and take that kind of risk to motivate people to Work Together . The cbo says we could see nearly 17 million more people go uninsured by next year alone. Premiums doubling in 2 1 2 years. Why repeal it and say im going to put a gun to your head to Work Together . Why not not just Work Together . First of all, it never hurts to do what you said naps what we told the American People we were going to do in 2010, 2014, 2016s when we won elections on that issue. You said repeal and replace, not just repeal. So lets repeal it then replace it in another piece of legislation. They can happen at the same time. Thats not quite working out in the same bill, but they can happen in the same time two different bills or repeal it then get to the replace. Second, cbo, this the same cbo who said when obamacare passed that 21 million americans would be on obamacare right now when in fact the numb inter9 million. The same cbo that said when the Medicaid Expansion happen under Obamacare The Cost would be 4600. Instead its 6200. The cbo it go the facts that have happen wrd cbo has been wrong countless times. Second, and you guys never talk about this, our repeal bill says its not effective until december 31st, 2018. If it were passed today and President Trump would sign it tomorrow, theres a year and a half before it takes effect. Thats time for what i just described, people to come together and put together a Replacement Plan that will bring down premiums, which have risen dramatically under obamacare, and if you can pay your premium, can you afford the four, six, Eight Thousand Dollar Deduckable so many plans have that so many are experiencing. Thats how we can come together and solve problems for american families. You said yesterday you have a full understanding of what the American People want. Im looking at the this new cnn poll that says 35 want to abandon the repeal only if youre going to then have an immediate replacement. It doesnt seem like the American People want to take this risk. It seems like its a Campaign Promise that you want to just check off. No. We want to do what we told the American People we were going to do, what we think is best. Never forget where were at and never forget what the democrats told the American People when they passed this terrible thing called obamacare. Remember all the false statements we were told. Like your plan, chemoyour plan. Like your doctor, keep your doctor. We were told premiums would go down. The president of the United States said premiums would go down on average 2,500. We were told the website was going to work. We were told the Website Information on their was secure. We were told that Emergency Room visits could trade deadline. Theyve went up. And we were told these coops would be wonderful. You are right. 18 of the 22. Everything we were told and that this law has to be repealed. Lets do it as soon as possible with the Effective Date in the future a year and a half. That gives us time to putting to the replacement. There are loads of obamacare problems. That is one of the reasons President Trump won the election. Right. It is also why republicans control it all. So why cant you get your house together . You dont need democrats. You can blame democrats but you near the most beautiful position. You dont need them. You know what, stephanie . Youre right. We did that in the house. We did come together. We had an intense debate in the house. I know because of that intense debate we conservatives made the bill that left the house a better piece of legislation that actually brought down premiums. So lets hope the senate can do the same thing there and have the same process up fold over there. If they dont, we started the process yesterday with doing a discharge petition, bringing out the clean repeal and doing again what we told the American People we were going to do. Is President Trump your ally here . Yesterday he said republicans do a poor job of trying to explain this and sell the new health care idea, this new bill, yet im reading the interview he did with the New York Times where hes talking about entitlements and i want to share a quote where he says, you know, youre 21 years old, you start working and youre paying 12 bucks a year for insurance and by the time youre 70 you get a nice plan. Its as though the president has a very sophomoric understanding of how health care works. So is the president your advocate here . Is he helping you sell this . I think the president s helping us on this issue and a host of others. I think what has to happen is congress has to do what we said. Again, we make this job way too complicated. I know what i told the voters in the Fourth District of ohio. I know in Crawford County i get today there is not one single plan offered in the exchange, not one plan if you live in Crawford County, ohio. So i know whats happened to folks. I know what i told them i was do. Thats what im focused on accomplishing. I think the president is doing the same thing spop lets simply do what we said, do what the American People sent us here to accomplish. All right. If it doesnt have to be that complicated, does it mean youll vote on it next week and it will pass . Weve already voted on it in the house, stephanie. We seal what happens in the senate. Senator mcconnell said bring up the repeal, our leadership wont bring up that bill so weve start the process to make an end run around that and bring a Discharge Position to the floor and vote on a clean repeal. Good luck. Thank you. Up next, senator Elizabeth Warren joins me on everything from the russia investigation to a new report card on President Trumps First Six Months. And speaking of President Trumps First Six Months, monday he made this claim. Weve signed for bills and im talking about through the legislature, than any president ever. 42 bills signed so far top the two previous president s but it is fewer than bill clinton. And of those bills nearly onethird of them are aimed at pulling back rules put in place by president obama. Well, President Trump said he doesnt like to get pinocchios. Im afraid at this rate hes going to be getting quite a few. Listerine® total care strengthens teeth, after brushing, helps Prevent Cavities and restores tooth enamel. Its an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. Listerine® total care. One bottle, six benefits. Power to your mouth™. Essential for him, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. 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Before you do any project big or small, pg e will come out and mark your gas and electric lines so you dont hit them when you dig. Call 811 before you dig, and make sure that you and your neighbors are safe. Theres a new report card out that shows hes fallen fall short in fulfilling one of his key promises from the campaign draping the swamp in washington. Joining me is the author of that report card, a report card in the summer . Nobody wants one of those. Senator Elizabeth Warren. I want to talk about the report card but i have to ask you about a colleague of yours, john mccain, a man youve known for years and years. What is your reaction to his diagnosis and the mood among your fellow lawmakers . You know, were all just stunned. John is tough and has been in every fight, and the idea that hes facing Something Like this is just a shock to everyone here. Hes a good man, and i know hell be strong in this fight, the fight for his life. A great man. Lets talk about you and the report card youve been working on over the last few weeks. You put together this report card on President Trumps efforts to drain the swamp in washington. He talked so much about it, speeches he gave about the Goldman Sachs partners that Hillary Clinton would be lining the halas of the white house with, and mind you the president has done so. Youve given him an f. At least it wasnt an fminus, and you found that his administration and his Transition Team has included 1993 lobbyists and corporate insiders. Can you put that in context for me in terms of his entire administration and how thats impacted policies . So, look, washington works great right now for giant corporations. And one of the prince. Reasons is because they can hire an army of lobbyists to get out there and make sure that their Point Of View is represented in every decision that gets made in government. Its just not working so great for the rest of america. So when trump promised to drain the swamp during a campaign, i thought thats something really important. And i want to keep track of what he does. And instead of draining the swamp, here it is, hes brought in 193 lobbyists, corporate executives, corporate consultants, and theyre in every part of government making key decisions. The department of education. Whats happened theyve already rolled back rules to protect Student Borrowers so that the corporate interests can make more money. You watch the same thing happening, for example, in the department of the treasury. Theyre looking at whether or not to roll back some of the regulations that were put in place after the 2008 financial crisis. And what have they done . Theyve come up with a list of regulations to be rolled back. And heres how its described by the industry. It is the big banks wish list. Same kind of thing is happening over in the drug industry. Put together a team of people to try to deal with the question of rising drug costs, and donald trump puts a lobbyist in charge and now the lobbyist is coming up with an initial draft that looks like exactly what it is that the Big Drug Companies want, not what families want. This matters to people on a day by daybyday basis that donald trump has put the corporate lobbyists in charge of running our government. Unform, report cards can get slid under beds, in the back of drawers. What can actually be done . When i think about some of those photographs ive seen with President Trump signing executive orders, well, he has a ceo like Andrew Liverest of Dow Chemical Standing next to him saying maybe we should call this the dow bill. People that make dangerous pesticides. Maybe theyll be legal again. Steve schwartzman, a ceo from blackstone, joining President Trump on that trip to saudi arabia, where blackstone raised a cool 40 billion in permanent capital from the saudi family. These are not just anecdotes. These are bad things. What can be done about them . So, the first thing we try to do is to get some accountability, and thats why senator whitehouse and i put this report together, is to try to say heres whats happening. Its one more example, just as others have done, of trying to twaef flag, trying to make it clear Whats Going On, because that is the first step at accountability. The second step is too to try to get the word out, i posted this on my website, i snow that senator whitehouse will be doing the same, to send it around to everybody that we can because it is only when the voices of the people are heard that were going to be able to fight back against this. I believe in accountability for government. Right now thats going to take people across the country, its going the take grassroots saying, wait a minute, i see what youre doing, donald trump, and its not okay with me. Thats our first step. Knost people would not be surprised that you gave the president an f. What do you say to those who say great, Elizabeth Warren, this is just a partisan argument, weve heard it, youre antitrump, what do you say to them . Its 193 lobbyists and corporate claonsultants that donald trump has brought in to help advise him and then help him run the government. The document is there. Read the numbers. You cant ignore the facts any longer. Thats whats happening in washington. And be clear, the American People know Whats Going On. Theyre not fooled. The American People want solutions. Youve been antitrump, opposed to the Republicans Health care efforts. President trump says, for example, in health care, single pay yes, something you have pushed for, will bankrupt america. Do you believe its a resolution that could help america . I think we have three things we need to do on the health care front. The first is we need to defend what we have right now and that means not let 32 Million People get knocked off health care. When theres a vote next week as Mitch Mcconnell has said there will be, we need to defeat the effort to repeal the Affordable Care act. The second thing we need to do is bring down costs, for example, the cost of Prescription Drugs. I have a bill with Bernie Sanders and others that says we can import those drugs from canada where often they are paying onetenth of what were paying here in the United States. Are there any republicans willing to work on that bill . Because partisanship is the only way youre going to get anywhere. We are certainly reaching out and were certainly open to that. You know, the problem of high cost for Prescription Drugs is not just a democratic problem. Its a problem that faces democrats, republicans, independents. I talked to people all across massachusetts who tell me im paying 162 a month for this prescription drug. I could buy it in canada for less than half that. Im paying 300 on Prescription Drugs, 500 on Prescription Drugs. And the Drug Companies just keep Raising Prices, Raising Prices and Raising Prices. Weve got to be willing to push back against that and bring down the costs, bring down the costs for families and bring down the costs for Insurance Companies because that will help bring down the cost of insurance overall. And, yeah, when we do that, we also need to talk about how we get more coverage across america. You know, how we expand medicare so its available to more americans. So i think weve got all three parts, defend what weve got exexpand what weve got, and then lets have a serious conversation about how he get better coverage through medicare. Those are the ways we can get full coverage and help bring down costs for all of us. I have to ask you about President Trumps comments about his own Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, yesterday. Telling New York Times, sessions never should have recused himself and if he was going to, he should have told me before he took the job and i would have picked someone else. What do you make of this . Is it almost a gift that President Trump continues to no. Mud dpi di the waters and ghefrt to an agenda . You know, no, it is not a gift. Im here to fight for Working Families. It means the business for Working Families is not being done. Trumps rash about Jeff Sessions are one more example of how hes not interested in following the law and hes not interested in protecting anyone but himself. I opposed Jeff Sessions for Attorney General of the United States, but lets be clear, his recusing himself is simply following the law. That is what the Department Of Justice requires. He followed the rules. For donald trump to say, gee, i really wanted an Attorney General who wouldnt follow the rules is just like i said, one more example. Donald trump has only one thing in mind, and that is how can Everything Profit donald trump. If you opposed Jeff Sessions before, now he recused himself, sounds like donald trump wants him out. Do you want him to quit . Id be very glad for him to quit and get someone else in as Attorney General of the United States. I believe firmly Jeff Sessions should not be the numberone lawmaker in america. He is right now the one who is responsible for enforcing our laws, and his views on many of those laws i think head us in the wrong direction. On civil rights, on drug, on private prisons. There are many reasons for Jeff Sessions not to be Attorney General. You think President Trumps next pick would be better . We can have that fight. But Jeff Sessions in major areas is trying to pull us in the wrong direction. Elizabeth warren sending President Trump back to summer school. Nobody wants an f. Thanks for joining me. Take care. Up next, much more from Donald Trumps explosive and im going to say it bizarre interview with the New York Times. How he defends the correlation between don juniors russian meeting and his attacks on Hillary Clinton. But today weve been talking about it all morning. Today is the sixmonth mark for President Trump. One thing he does get very high marks for is the stock market, which has risen 9 in the First Six Months alone, much higher than his predecessors. Did it benefit Trump Supporters . It definitely benefited many in his cabinet. Moments ago the opening bell rang. Down slightly but coming off a high mark. Theres nothing more important to me than my vacation. So when i need to book a hotel, i want someone who makes it easy to find what i want. Booking. Com gets it. And with their price match, i know im getting the best price every time. Cmon, gary your vacation is very important. Thats why booking. Com makes finding the right hotel for the right price easy. Visit booking. 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Roc® retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. And the longer i use it, the better it works. Retinol correxion® from roc methods, not miracles. ™ Hillary Clinton and i said, i mean, thats standard political stuff. Did you know at the time that they had the meeting . No, i didnt know anything about the meeting. Thats not standard political stuff. That was more of President Trumps interview with the New York Times talking about his son and soninlaws meeting with the russian lawyer. This comes after the white house and trumps Political Team said President Trump was not aware of any meeting between his son, don junior, and a russian lawyer. Kate kelly and jason johnson. Kate, President Trump is saying he heard about the request for the meet bug then saying he didnt know about the meeting. Are voters going to buy this . I dont know if they will, but im not sure his base will give a darn. I mean, i think its more of the same. I mean, he doesnt use email, right so, he goes off memory many times. He has aides that help prefresh his memory when he needs that. In this case, you could make a case that he knew about it or didnt know about it. He then goes on to say, well, you know, i talked often on the stump about i often beat up Hillary Clinton and talked about her ties to russia and receiving money for speeches and so on. So he tries to sort of equivocate. Its just not clear. Lets play that because it doesnt necessarily matter if its his voters who care. Does Robert Mueller care . Listen. You give speech that night saying youre going to gave speech about how Hillary Clintons corrupt dealings with russia and other countries, and that comes just three hours after don junior number one, remember, i made many of those speeches. People wondered about the timing. I go after it all the time. This is ahead of their visit to capitol hill. Don junior, Paul Manafort, jared kushner. To simply say that this is politics, we learned from the New York Times Paul Manafort in the hole to russian interests 17 million bucks pap few nice meetings and a tip of the hat, that would sure help clear that kind of dough. Just quickly, start of peter baker to bring up the time line. He wrote a story on this last week. It was three hours late theyre he promised a big bombshell on this topic so that is somewhat damning. At this point its hard to believe this all happened in the building that he didnt know that he detective know in advance, weve fot 8 Million People, the number of people at this meeting, manafort, kushner, boris and natasha, smirnov, everybody was in this room. Yakov smirnoff was not in the room. At this point i wouldnt doubt it naps the thing. Its so disingenuous. I have to say this. This idea that this is just common politics, you get this email, if anybody here got an email from a Deposed African prince saying i got 20 million for you, you dont respond to that either. The president to suggest from a foreign enemy that it was just okay that he would, this is a problem. Nigerian email scammers, get don juniors email address. Exactly. Without sounding like an apologist for the president , i think this is yet another reflection of his inexperience in politics, his somewhat narrow experience of running a private family real estate organization. Think about how he thinks about things and how he free associates. The topic of Rod Rosenstein comes up. Hes ticked off because rosen steep is from baltimore where there are very few republicans. Thats his reaction. Hes not thinking in a sort of thoughtful, logical way. For republicans. Listening to this. The only takeaway should be opportunity lost. This was an opportunity of a lifetime for republicans to get to their agenda. And listen to what the president said when asked about his ties with russian businessmen. Its extraordinary. I mean, its possible theres a condo or something, so, you know, i sell a lot of condo units and somebody from russia buys a condo, who knows . I dont get any money from russia. They said i own buildings in russia. I dont. They said i made money from russia. Its not my thing. I dont do that. No one said he owns buildings in russia. They said he got money from russia. Hes a licenser. He doesnt build them and pay for them himself. I have to say i think the condo point is a smart point because its a good way to explain there might be some links there, i have connections to many, many Real Estate Units in the u. S. And beyond if some russians bought my condo, that might be a legitimate and irrelevant thing to this investigation. Hes kind of doing what he does, which is here, media, follow the ball this way, and investigation is happening over here. Media wont fall for this nonsense but Robert Mueller can quickly find out if all these condos are sold to shell companies, sold at offmarket Properties Like his estate in palm beach he buys for 40 and sells for 90. In im Robert Mueller, i dont look the other way. Hell fire Robert Mueller before anything happens and the Republican Party will sit there with their hands in their pockets and say we didnt know what to do. Correct. How low can you go. I dont know. He loves the hiphop. We have to take a break. Next, could the juice be set loose . O. J. Simpson has his Parole Hearing this afternoon. Well go live to the prison on what we expect to happen today. You liked that. You didnt know that was coming. Your brain is an amazing thing. But as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. Thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. The secret is an ingredient originally discovered. 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At humana, we can help you with a personalized plan for your health for years to come. Cant forget o. J. Today. In a few hours, a Western Nevada Correctional Facility will hold what many are calling the Parole Hearing of the century. After serving nine years for Armed Robbery and other charges, o. J. Simpson will appear via video link before a parole board 130 miles away. Simpson needs just four of the six commissioners to vote for parole to become a free man. Nbcs katie beck is in nevada with more. How long before we can can expect a decision . This decision is expected to be handed down fairly quickly, within an hour or so of the hearings completion, were told. That hearing will take place in carson city. Simpson will be here at the facility, video conferenced in. He will be in a room with about 15 other people, some of his own supporters, his daughter, his sister are expected to attend as well as a friend, his attorney and a case worker will all be in that room with simpson. He will be able to address the board, make his case for why he deserves parole and also take their questions. They will be looking at a Risk Assessment as to whether or not they think o. J. Poses a risk. Theyll be looking at things like prior history, his disciplinary actions while incarcerated. Theyll be looking at things like his first incarceration, age at incarceration and then theyll make a determination whether or not to grant parole once they decide on whether or not to grant or deny, they will make that decision. O. J. Will not be released today. He will have to wait, at the earliest, october 1st would be the first day he would be eligible to be released. O. J. Simpson hoping to become a free man. Well take a break next. Attorney general after a tough Night Hearing about that interview that President Trump did with the New York Times. Jeff sessions is speaking out. What he has to say. Trust this birds words. Tripadvisor. At planters, we put Fresh Roawhich has its drawbacks. 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