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Jim carrey as joe biden. Mixd reviews so far this morning. Good morning, everybody. Its sunday, october 4th, im kendis gibson. Im lindsey riser. No mixed reviews of maya rudolph. Live from msnbc headquarters in new york and we begin with breaking news at this hour. President trump remains hospitalized at Walter Reed National military center in bethesda, maryland. The president addressing the nation for the First Time Since being hospitalized with the coronavirus, posting a video to his twitter account last night trying to reassure the public hes feeling, quote, much better. I came here, wasnt feeling so well, i feel much better now. Were working hard to get me all the way back and i think i will be back soon. I look forward to finishing up the campaign. I just want to tell you that im starting to feel good. You dont know over the next period of a few days, i guess thats the real test. Well be seeing what happens over those next couple days. Well this comes after the president s doctors and Administration Officials offered conflicting messages. A Group Painting an optimistic picture of the president s health while creating a whole lot of confusion. 72 hours into the diagnosis now. The first week of covid and seven to ten are the most critical in determining the likely course of this illness. At this time the team and i are extremely happy with the progress the president has made. Thursday he had a mild cough and nasal congestion and fatigue all of which are resolving and improve. On top of that he said 72 hours which would put the president s diagnosis wednesday, not thursday as weve been told. They walked that back. Almost immediately after a source familiar with the president s health told the White House Press pool that President Trump went through a very concerning period friday and faces a critical next two days. The ap is reporting that source is chief of staff mark meadows. Also overnight, Chris Christie is in the hospital after testing positive for the virus. The former new jersey governor says he has mild symptoms, but is taking the precautionary measure because of his medical history. Hes the eighth person confirmed to have the virus who attended the white house rose garden event last saturday. Republican senators ted cruz and josh howly put out statements saying they tested negative for the virus. Nbcs Josh Letterman is starting us off, live outside Walter Reed Medical Center. Critical days aheaded in terms of the president s care. Bring us up to speed as far as where we know . Good morning, ken dis. Lets back up to friday when we all as a nation collectively held our breath as we watched on television as the president flew via helicopter from the white house to walter reed just behind me as he was in the wake of his diagnosis of coronavirus. At that point in time the message from the white house was calm, that the president was doing well, that he was in good spirits. Well all remember they were using the phrase mild symptoms. It was a similarly rosy picture the following day on saturday, yesterday, when we heard from the white House Doctors telling us that the president s vital signs were all good, that he was joking about being ready to get up and leave the hospital and the sense seemed to be that the president wasnt particularly ill, but that they were doing all of this simply as precautionary measures. However, that picture has started to change with new information that we are learning about what seems like a pretty serious incident that took place on friday that precipitated the president being brought to the hospital. Mark meadows, the president s chief of staff, he phoned in to fox news last night and said that one of the things that happened on friday was that the president s oxygen levels dropped. Take a listen. Yesterday morning, we were real concerned with that. He had a fever and a blood oxygen levelled had dropped rapidly and yet in typical style, this president was up and Walking Around and even as the experts from the medical facilities not only at walter reed but also Johns Hopkins got there, they looked at his situation and recommended that out of an abundance of caution that he come here to walter reed. Reporter so ken dis, that conflicting message differing from the way the white house had been describing the president s situation up until now is really exacerbating this credibility gap for the white house and xoendsing those concerns were all these questions about the timeline of when the president was diagnosed and when he started treatment. Yesterday we saw the white house spend most of the day trying to clean that timeline up after the doctors contradicted the timeline the white house put out. Now the white house saying the doctors misspoke. We did get a new update via sean conley conveyed to us by the White House Press secretary. The doctors saying trump continues to do well, has made substantial progress since his diagnosis and we expect him to stay in the hospital several more days, but the doctors also noting in that update that they are not out of the woods yet, but remain cautiously optimistic. Kendis. Leaves so many questions and you say 72 hours, and 48 hours from your statement, and you do a cleanup act and there are type pos in the cleanup act. What are we supposed to believe . Not putting you on the spot with that, but you understand the credibility problem. Yes. I just think we should point out its not a matter of us nitpicking if this is 72 hours or 70 hours. Theres a significant here which is that if the timeline had been earlier that would mean that president got on a plane and flew to new jersey after having been diagnosed with coronavirus and continued to have a fundraiser with a whole bunch of donors who now are all undergoing Contact Tracing. There are some really significant issues here and, you know, our adversaries around the world are watching this closely. And went to a rally with thousands of supporters possibly endanger mog a endangering more and more people. Outside walter reed its become a bit of a circus. Yesterday, it really got to be quite a tense situation here. The crowd started building throughout the day and it got to the point by the evening where it was very rowdy. We saw some minor physical altercations between Trump Supporters who are kind of holding a makeshift vigil here and antitrump protesters who shouds up. A lot of shouting and honking. This morning its still very early in the morning. We pay see more people start to show up outside the hospital later in the day. Its an extraordinary scene to be playing out not at a rally or at a protest, but outsided a hospital where the commander in chief is trying to recover from a potentially very serious illness. So many others at walter reed trying to recover from their own ailments. For us there at Walter Reed Medical Center in bethesda, thank you so much. While the president is waking up at walter reed, his associate Chris Christie is waking up this morning at a hospital in new jersey. Nbc correspondent kathie park is live outside the morris town Medical Center. Good morning to you. What do we know about how Chris Christie is doing . Hey, lindsey, good morning to you as well. So the former new jersey governor has been pretty good about posting his updates via twitter and as far as we know he is still at the hospital right now, but according to his last tweet he said in consultation with my doctors i checked myself into morristown Medical Center this afternoon. He posted this yesterday. While i am feeling good and only have mild symptoms due to my history of asthma we decided this is an important precautionary measure. He also added he looks forwarded to heading home soon. But lindsey, this has been a quick turn of events because if you go back several days he posted on tuesday he took a test that came out negative. He took another test on friday and as we know, here we are sunday morning, and he is at the hospital diagnosed with covid19. But his trail has been scrutinized very closely because of this diagnosis. As you know, he was in close contact with the president prepping for the debates along with several others. He told abc news that there were about five or six people at the white house as they were in discussions ahead of the debates and no one was wearing masks. We also know that governor excuse me, Chris Christie was also seen at the white house at the rose garden for the ceremony for the Supreme Court nominee where dozens of people were also sitting very close to one another, very few masks were worn and theyre concerned this could have been a super spreader event. Obviously his steps are being closely monitored and potentially other people who may have been in contact with him as well. Meanwhile, we heard josh mention that the president was in new jersey just a couple days ago, about 15 minutes away over at the bedminster golf course where he hosted a fundraiser with hundreds of people there and that raised concerns shortly after the president s own positive diagnosis. The white house shortly released a statement after that and said a full Contact Tracing consistent with cdc guidelines was completed for the trip. The president did not have any interactions with bedminster staff or guests that could be considered to be close based on cdc guidelines. More than 15 minutes and within six feet. But the new Jersey Governor Phil Murphy did say that people should take precautions and asked that anyone who attended this event to possibly quarantine, even get tested as well. A lot to unpack, a lot that has unfolded over the last several days. Moving quickly indeed. Nbcs kathie park, live in morristown, new jersey. Thank you. Now for more on the president s health we want to bring in a doctor, an epidemiologist and medical director of prevention and infection at atrium health. Thanks for being with us. Weve talked about the president s physician, dr. Conley, what he said and wouldnt say, he wouldnt say whether the president had been on oxygen at any point in his treatment and also claimed that timeline 72 hours ago he made that claim yesterday. Later walking that back. Also mark meadows talking later with reporters making his condition sound much more serious. The ap is attributing those comments to mark meadows. What more questions do you still have . I have a ton. Im sorry. Yeah, no, theres still a lot of questions about both severity of the president s symptoms, where he has been, where hes headed. Things like whether he was on oxygen at one point, how much oxygen he was on and some blood parameters also give us insight into the trajectory of his disease, so clarity around that would be very helpful as we go into the coming days. And then, you know, the timeline as you all mentioned is super important to know who is most at risk. The president had earlier onset of symptoms typically we consider 48 hours before the onset the people at highest risk. It has big implications as far as Contact Tracing and, you know, who needs testing and further evaluation. The white house chief of staff, mark meadows, also noted that the president s blood oxygen level dropped suddenly friday and reports say that he received oxygen before being admitted to the hospital. What does that tell you about the progression of the virus in the president and you know this virus very well. Do you get a sense at least at this point based on those, that information, that perhaps the president might have some sort of lung damage. I mean, typically requiring oxygen is a marker of more severe disease and, you know, more severe lung infection. The fact that the president did not appear to be on oxygen when he released a video last night, suggests that hes not on continuous oxygen. Still mixed messages there. Certainly oxygen requirement is not a good thing as far as covid goes. With all of these mixed messages, do you have concerns about the credibility of the president s physician and what ramifications does that bring us . Dont we as the American People have a right to know how our commander in chief is truly doing . I cant comment on another physicians assessment and what not, but i do think it would be helpful to have clarity about those measures that we kind of talked about earlier. The actual clinical condition of the president and what the trajectory is over time. You know, there are specific measures you can look at to help get a sense of that. The oxygen level, the white blood cell count and inflammatory markers would be very helpful, very objective measures that can clearly be outlined for everyone and give a sense of severity of the disease. I want to play a clip from the president who addressed the nation from the hospital yesterday. Lets listen to that. I cant be locked up in a room upstairs and totally safe and just say hey, whatever happens happens. I cant do that. So the president is saying it appears that hes saying his only option is either to stay in a room locked away in the age of coronavirus or to do what his behavior has been exhibiting. In your professional opinion when youre talking to your patients about ways to stay safe from coronavirus is that really the only option, stay holed up in your house . You know, i dont think that is the option. We as Scientific Community have been trying since the start of this pandemic to really hammer home behaviors that you can do things smartly out in the community. So, you know, we at atrium have worked hard to get masks out to the community and believe strongly that masking is a way that we can protect from spread of covid in our communities and getting masks out there, wearing masks, being a good example for wearing masks, i think protects both the person wearing it and, you know, the people around them. Then, you know, just adhering to those simple things of masking, keeping distance between individuals, and, you know, trying to avoid large gatherings especially where theres not masking and social distancing, those simple things can allow us to smartly do things out in public. Its just if you dont do those, were going to increasingly have issues. All right. Dr. Passaretti, thank you for your time. New today the Biden Campaign is changing wait it handles joe bidens medical test results. Ali vitali joins us from washington, d. C. What are you hearing from the former Vice President s campaign now. Hey, guys. Last night i spoke with a Biden Campaign official who confirmed they are going to release the results of every coronavirus test that the former Vice President takes. Previously we were only going to hear the results of those if they were positive. I want to read to you a little bit of what the campaign is saying after this decision. Theyre saying, we have adhered to strict and extensive Safety Practices recommended by Public Health experts and doctors in all of our campaigning including social distancing, mask wearing and additional safeguards. Vice President Biden is being tested regularly and we will be releasing the results of each test. Now ive asked kendis, what regularly means and i didnt get a number on the number of times per week he would be tested but biden and his running mate Kamala Harris have been tested regularly over the last few weeks. If you listen to biden yesterday reporters asked him when he went to church did he get tested today on saturday, he said no, he wasnt tested on saturday, said he was tested on friday, and that he would be tested today. So theoretically we would be getting the first of these test results later today after the former Vice President is tested. Theres also the question of how the messaging has changed on the campaign trail. This is a strategy now thats being employed likely because of the president s only diagnosis with coronavirus. Whiles the former Vice President has said hes not going to attack trump, that doesnt mean hes not drawing contrast. I want to play a little bit of what the campaign trail looked and sounded like yesterday. I dont want to be attacking the president and the first lady now because theyre now the have contracted coronavirus. And jill and i pray for their quick and full recovery, but our thoughts are with the families and the members youve lost as well. Get protective gear to every worker on the front lines. Its unconscionable for so long washington left our states, cities and transit agencies to bid against each other. If thats not the president s responsibility what the heck is his responsibility . And look, the reality is the former Vice President s pitch has long been about the trump administrations mishandling of the coronavirus. What this diagnosis for the president does on a level means its almost impossible for him to turn the pain on talking about anything other than this crisis which frankly is the thing that the biden harris ticket has been talking about. Whats been striking to me as the reporter following these events even when the news of the day is not necessarily related to the coronavirus or health care, this ticket finds their way to turn this messaging back to those points. This latest news cycle no exception. Strategic there, indeed, but interesting development. Good to see you. Thank you. Neck and neck, Lindsey Graham and his Senate Challenger Jamie Harrison are virtually tied in the polls. Anything happen at their heated debate to change the trajectory of the race . We have a report from South Carolina next. Carolina next. Ustomizing their Car Insurance with liberty mutual, so they only pay for what they need. False alarm. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Verizon knows how to build unlimited right. Start with americas most awarded network. Im on my phone 24 7. Then, for the first time ever, include disney , hulu, and espn . Were a big soccer family. Handmaids tale. I love frozen. Exception. Trajectory of the race . To m exception. Trajectory of the race so you only pay for what you need and offer it at a price built for everyone. Plus, get two Samsung Galaxy s20 fe 5g phones for 200 when you switch. The network more people rely on gives you more. Thats verizon. Its velveeta shells cheese versus the other guys. 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For those listening on the radio outside walter reed candles, a handful, five, one caring a trump pence sign. Coming up at 7 00 a. M. Eastern time well hear live from Omarosa Manigault newman, what shes learning from her sources at the white house and take us inside the walter reed president ial suite. She has been there and familiar with it, coming up at 7 00. Now to South Carolina where the candidates in one of the tightest senate races in the country faced off in their first and fiery debate. Republican senator lindsey fwram and democrat Jamie Harrison sparred over this years biggest issues including covid. Right now, there is a bill sitting on Mitch Mcconnells desk in order to take up. This state is suffering. Our businesses are shuttering. People are dying. As you mentioned earlier there are not enough tests. The urgency is to push the Supreme Court justice even when they have two members of the Judiciary Committee who have covid. But they have not moved at all on addressing covid. The virus is a problem that came out of china, not trump tower, were getting vaccines ready any month now, hopefully sooner. The drug therapies are working. The one thing i want people to know the virus is serious, but we have to move on as a nation. Nbcs Leeann Caldwell is live in charleston this morning. Lindsey graham there saying the virus is serious, but we need to move on as a nation. Interesting take. Jamie hairlyson on the other hand wasnt playing around. He came with his own plexiglass. Thats right, kendis. First Lindsey Graham is in the fight of his political life in this. Traditionally republican state of South Carolina. With the president s diagnosis of covid, it has brought the coronavirus back to the forefront of the campaign trail really. Harrison, Jamie Harrison as you mentioned, he brought his own plexiglass as extra protection especially since Lindsey Graham is close with the president , spends a lot of time with him and so many people in washington being diagnosed with covid in recent days. Lindsey graham as chair of the Judiciary Committee wanted to focus on the upcoming confirmation fight of Amy Coney Barrett when he was asked at the debate last night about coronavirus, this is how he answered. Take a look. Were not going to stop doing our job in washington as chairman of the Judiciary Committee, i promise you, were going to get judge barrett on the court safely. Thank you. The question about the coronavirus. Not judge barrett or the Supreme Court. No. Were not going to blame the president. We shouldnt blame the president , we shouldnt blame anybody for the inception of this disease. But where blame should come is how we handled this disease. Whether we take it seriously. Tonight i am taking it seriously. Thats why i put this plexiglass up. Excuse me if its loud behind you, were on a street corner. The reason Lindsey Graham wants to talk about Amy Coney Barrett is because polls are tied here. It is unexpectedly an extremely close race and Lindsey Graham is hurting among the republican base. The Trump Supporters who dont necessarily think that Lindsey Graham is loyal enough. They remember when senator graham used to criticize the president and so graham thinks that focusing on the Supreme Court Justice Nominee and pushing that nomination through just before election day is going to help him here in his own race in South Carolina, despite the fact that three republican senators just in the last 48 hours have come down with covid. He vows hes going to move that nomination forward and do it quickly. I have a question for you, because i was in South Carolina in february and i actually spoke with Jamie Harrison and at the time he was coming at it from an underdogs perspective and they werent as close. Now it is an unexpectedly close race. At what point in this race did it change from Jamie Harrison playing the underdog to having a real shot . Really in the past month is when it really changed. The polls really started to tighten. Harrison has also raised a ton of money, tens of millions of dollars. Lindsey graham on fox news begging for money because he is being out spent here. But outside one supporting candidates across the country just put in millions and millions of dollars to help their respective candidates and its coming down to the wire but no one thought that Lindsey Graham was going to be in a tight race and at risk of losing his election. Nbcs Leeann Caldwell live in charleston, South Carolina, thank you. Jamie harrison will be live on a. M. Joy at 10 00 ooesh today. President trumps covid diagnosis has forced him to cancel events in florida and 30 days results of a new poll indicate more trouble for trump in what could be the most decisive battleground state. Decisive battleground state. Smooth driving pays off with allstate the safer you drive the more you save youve never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today oh. Oh, darn wha let me help. Allstate here we go. Lift and push and push there. Its up there. Oh, boy. Hey joshie. Wrinkles send the wrong message. Help prevent them before they start with downy wrinkleguard. Hey bud. Hey, pop pop so you wont get caught with wrinkles again. [woman laughs] i try so hard, i cant rise above it dont know what it is get a dozen double crunch shrimp for one dollar with any steak entree. Only at applebees. With any steak entree. Imagine the places well go. Together. Expedia latonight, silence it with newd byzzzquil night pain. Because pain should never get in the way of a restful nights sleep. New zzzquil night pain. Silence pain, sleep soundly. Were back with breaking political news. President trump trailing joe biden in two crucial battleground states that he won four years ago. According to a New York Times siena poll, biden is leading trump in pennsylvania and florida following last weeks president ial debate. Msnbc anchor cory kauman is live in fort lauderdale, florida. How are voters reacting to trump ace diagnosis . We have asked that question and a myriad of other questions. There are issues weighing heavy on florida voter minds. Take a listen to what they had to tell us about the thoughts on the president s coronavirus diagnosis. It didnt change the way i think about the election. I think hopefully people that have been listening to him that dont think this is real, they think its a chinese hoax, will take it seriously. I mean thats what i hope happens out of this. Well ive always thought and i think the president thinks its a serious disease. Both the president and the Vice President are older and god forbid if something should happen to them when in office, these two are going to take over. We need to know from their perspective what they would do. Reporter and we heard that a lot from voeshgtsz thters, they solid plan from each candidate about defeating coronavirus going forward. Overwhelmingly, voters in florida were unfortunately repelled by the president s debate performance and that really has been reflect in the polls. Joe biden taking a wider lead in florida, 47 to trumps 42 according to the New York Times poll with the siena college. Pennsylvania poll, since that was included in there, the margin 49 in favor of biden to trumps 42 . We spoke about the upcoming town hall between lester holt and joe biden happening here in miami and they mentioned that they think overall, no matter which candidate does it, they think that format is going to be so much more of a productive format when talking about the issues than a debate. That comes ahead of the Vice President ial debate on tuesday. As we know this is going to be a key state for either candidate to be able to take those 29 electoral votes and trumps team has identified the state of florida as a mustwin state for their team. And the biden camp in the meantime is making a hard play for florida. Cory kauffman joining us from fort lauderdale, see you soon. Breaking today, President Trump releasing a video message from his hospital room. The president detailing why he chose not to stay isolated at the white house after his covid diagnosis. I had no choice because i just didnt want to stay in the white house. I was given that alternative. Stay in the white house, lock yourself in, dont ever leave, dont go to the oval office. Stay upstairs and enjoy it. Dont see people, dont talk to people, and be done with it. I cant do that. I had to be out front and this is america. This is the united states. This is the greatest country in the world. This is the most powerful country in the world. I cant be locked up in a room upstairs and totally safe and just say, hey, whatever happens happens. I cant do that. Thats what the first lady is doing right now. Joining us is nicolas from usa today. Good morning. He talks about how he cant be locked up in a room. He makes no mention of masks or safety precautions going forward. What message is he really trying to send to his people . Good morning. I think what were seeing from the president has really been a day of mixed messaging on his condition and what to do going forward. I mean the president like you said has not talked about masks or any other safety protocols, although he did refer to the disease as the coronavirus rather than using some of the other more charged terms he has used to describe the disease, and so well see exactly where this goes going forward. For now this is the latest update on his health. Originally we were told that the president was taken to walter reed out of an abundance of caution, but we heard mark meadows on fox news saying the president s blood oxygen level drapd rapidly friday and it was concerning. What do you make of the mixed messaging . How would you characterize his condition right now . Can you sort through some of the noise that were hearing . Its really hard to say exactly where his condition is since in the past day weve gotten, you know, president s doctor, sean conley saying he was doing well, mark meadows saying he had declined and he was concerned over the next several days. Its worth keeping in mind that the president is still fairly early on in his diagnosis in covid. The disease could go a number of ways at this point and, you know, we have to rely on what white house is putting out about this. That being said, we have been receiving these mixed messages which undercuts the credibility of how theyre talking about his condition. Yeah. In the meantime you have the Vice President , mike pence, and trump family members who plan to resume in Person Campaign events in whats being called operation maga. What exactly is the strategy . So their strategy right now is to stick with the Virtual Events until after the Vice President ial debate this week, after which point Vice President pence and other Top Trump Campaign Officials and surrogates will go around swing states to resume in Person Campaigning. Theyre not taking the kinds of precautions you think might be taken for someone as important in the line of succession as Vice President pence. And as the president is being treated right now, were hearing word of a possible bipartisan stimulus relief bill. Lets listen to what nancy pelosi told msnbc. This kind of changes the dynamic because here they see the reality of what we have been saying all along. This is a vicious virus and it spreads as the president has known from the start, we always have to find a path. That is our responsibility to do so. I believe that we will. Are they any closer to a deal . They certainly say they are. House Speaker Pelosi was optimistic and has said that the president s diagnosis changes the dynamic here and from walter reed hospital, the president himself tweeted in all caps, republicans to work for the stimulus deals and the nation needed one. Theyre inching ever closer but as weve seen with many fits and starts and turns of these negotiations over the past several months, this could all change very rapidly. We could get a deal coming together very soon or things could all fall apart and go south. The senate is not going to be resuming session for the next two weeks but still going to be doing work on the confirmation for judge barrett. Mixed messages there for many americans. Nicolas, thank you. Nbc nightly news anchor lester holt will moderate a town hall with joe biden tomorrow at 8 00 p. M. Eastern outside the art museum in miami on the networks and platforms of nbc news. Dont miss it. Another wave of massive Airline Layoffs has begun. More than 30,000 workers are expected to get laid off, but even if congress suddenly comes up with a new relief package, will it save those jobs . The wide reaching impact to many of you. Of you [ thunder rumbles ] [ engine rumbling ] [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] uh, you know theres a 30minute limit, right . Tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. [ beeping ] 20 associate cart pusher. 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The shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one disposable pad. Charmin ultra soft is so soft much are you, hon . Youll have to remind your family they can use less. Charmin ultra soft is twice as absorbent so you can use less. Enjoy the go with charmin. Its time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. Powerful relief so you can restore and recover. Theraflu hot beats cold. President trumps son eric trump is set to speak with new york state investigators tomorrow. Court papers indicate hell testify via video and this is to comply with a subpoena after canceling a july interview. New York Attorney general Latisha James is looking into whether the Trump Organization lied about the value of its assets to get loans or tax benefits. Nancy pelosi is trying to stop thousands of aviation workers from being furloughed. Pelosi assuring airlines that payroll support is on the way as Congress Negotiates another relief bill. American and United Airlines say they will continue to cut jobs until its passed. For thousands of workers thursday was their last day on the job. Heres what one Flight Attendant said during her final flight. As all of you know the Airline Industry has been impacted greatly by the global pandemic. This job was [ inaudible ] after being impacted with my job after graduating college and awarded me many opportunities. A job i fell in love with, ive been to places i never thought i had the opportunity to go and never knew existed. People in all walks of life and made friendships that will last my life. I wish each of you the best of luck. We may bend, but we never break. She got emotional. I want to bring in our finance reporter. This brings it to home. Lets talk about how many airline jobs were talking about because each one obviously affects somebody like that who is emotional. You hear really the she doesnt want it leave her job. She wants to stay and keep seeing places across the world. Yes. That was really heartbreaking, lindsey and kendis, to hear the Flight Attendant talk about how much she loved her career and she would have to be let go through no fault of her own. The coronavirus pandemic has devastated the Airline Industry and what theyve tried to do is operate 52 fewer flights than last year but still burning through cash, losing more than 5 billion per month. Now the Airline Industry had been warning washington if theyre unable to come up with another round of Financial Relief they have to let go of tens of thousands of workers. Thats what happened. The deadline showed up october 1st, washington had not struck a deal and because of that we saw tens of thousands of workers, more than 32,000 Flight Attendants, management and airport workers have to be let go because the airline couldnt afford to keep them on the payroll. If the relief bill is passed, a big if, will those jobs actually come back . Well, the airlines have said that they would be willing to reverse those layoffs if washington is able to strike a deal. Now on friday House Speaker nancy pelosi, who has been negotiating with treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin trying to strike a deal for another round of Financial Relief for the industry on friday said a deal was imminent and that President Trumps positive diagnosis had brought more impetus into striking a deal. We havent seen that happen. Two days have gone by and were waiting. The Airline Industry said if there is a deal they will call people back. How is this going to affect the industry . Obviously people, these Airline Companies want people to be traveling again. People are reticent to. If you are going to have fewer flights and options doesnt this pushes the can forward . Yes. It does push the can forward. What the Airline Industry is trying to do is make it as appealing as possible to fly highlighting domestic locations. As we know International Travel is very challenging right now. Some places you cant go as an american. So what theyve been doing is advertising pictures of travelers wearing the masks, social distancing, working on the planes, looking comfortable. Theyre trying to make americans as willing to get on a flight a possible so that they can continue their business. And, sibile, this is a microcosm of a greater story when it comes to the economy and we had that last jobs report on friday before the election, this economy is still suffering. Reporter yes, the economy is definitely still struggling. Were still in an economic rye sis a crisis and, kendis, september was brutal for workers. We saw 186 increase in layoffs compared to this time last year. So theres a whole new round of layoffs happening. And we really need this relief. Were seeing in washington theyre continuing the negotiations. There are some areas where they agree in terms of direct payments to americans, aid to the Airline Industry, Small Business loans. Were seeing republicans and democrats not agree on another round of 600 unemployment benefit. 186 increase in layoffs year to year. Its mindboggling. It really is. Its staggering. Sibile marcellus from yahoo finance. How the poorest School District and one aspiring student are overcoming incredible challenges. [narrator] the shark vacmop combines powerful suction with spray mopping to lock away debris and absorb wet messes, all in one disposable pad. Just vacuum, spray mop, and toss. The shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one disposable pad. excited squeal, giggling panting gotcha nooooo. Noooooo. Nooooo. Quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker and each sheet is 2x more absorbent, so you can use less. Ahoy laughing bounty, the quicker picker upper. fisherman vo ce how do i register to vote . Ential election. Hmm . Hmm . Hmm . woman on porch vo can we vote by mail here . grandma vo youll be safe, right . daughter vo yes four girls vo the polls voted grandma vo go out and vote its so important man at poll vo woo grandma vo its the most important thing you can do i had this hundred thousand dollar student debt. Two hundred and twentyfive thousand dollars in debt. Ah, sofi literally changed my life. It was the easiest application process. Sofi made it so theres no tradeoff between my dreams and paying student loans. Student loans dont have to take over for the rest of your life. Thank you for allowing me to get my money right. Thank im szasz. Wing me to get my money right. [norm] and we live in columbia, missouri. We do consulting, but we also write. [szasz] we take care of ourselves constantly; its important. We walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. Weve both been taking prevagen for a little more than 11 years now. After about 30 days of taking it, we noticed clarity that we didnt notice before. Its still helping me. I still notice a difference. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Were back and we continue to track the very latest developments on the president s fight with covid19, but there is a lot of news about the virus that we need to keep an eye on including this. The u. S. Just recorded the most daily infections in nearly two months with more than 54,000 new cases on friday, kentucky, montana, neb raska and wisconsi broke records for new cases. Infections are rocking the nfl. Michael burton has reportedly tested positive for covid. The team is awaiting test results from six others players who were in close contact with burton on a team flight to detroit. The saints are scheduled to play the lions this afternoon. Of course the big, big news from the nfl, the quarterback cam newton, right there, the patriots having to postpone their games with the chiefs after cam newton and chiefs practice squad quarterback both tested positive. The nfl says that game will be played tomorrow or tuesday. Albuquerque is keeping a tradition alive this weekend. Im so excited about this story. I really am. The fall balloon fest, after canceling its annual big 49th balloon fiesta you can view or ride the balloons but just five people at a time. It is cool at sunset. Beautiful time of year there, too. Up next, the latest word on President Trumps condition and why the next 48 hours may be crucial. And the time line events that led to the question did President Trump go to a new jersey fundraiser aware that he had coronavirus . Youre watching msnbc live. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. [grunting noise] ill take that. Woohoo 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. With nutrients to support immune health. Ensure max protein. Tonight, ill be eating a veggie cheeseburger on ciabatta, no tomatoes. [hard a] tonight. Ill be eating four cheese tortellini with extra tomatoes. [full emphasis on the soft a] so its come to this . [doorbell chimes] thank you. [doorbell chimes] bravo. Careful, hamill. Daddys not here to save you. Oh i am my daddy. Wait, what . What are you talking about . Verizon knows how to build unlimited right. Start with americas most awarded network. Im on my phone 24 7. Then, for the first time ever, include disney , hulu, and espn . Were a big soccer family. Handmaids tale. I love frozen. Then give families plans to mix and match, so you only pay for what you need and offer it at a price built for everyone. Plus, get two Samsung Galaxy s20 fe 5g phones for 200 when you switch. The network more people rely on gives you more. Thats verizon. Our flight is early tomorrow. And its a long flight too. Once we get there, we will need. Buttercup okay, so, magnificent mile for me i thought i was managing. My moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Until i realized. Something was missing. Me. You okay, sis . My symptoms were keeping me. From really being there for my sisters. So i talked to my doctor and learned. Thats us. Humira is for people who still have. Symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. The majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief in as little as 4 weeks. And many achieved remission that can last. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma,. Have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,. Serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb,. Hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you. And them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible

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