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In trumps ukraine defense. Also, keeping an eye on iowa. 2020 democrats are making their pitch for a big union ahead of the largest democratic debate in history. The question, will Bernie Sanders take the stage after his health scare . The news that we learn from the senator today. But we begin with the major breaking news on the syrian turkish border. The situation, were told, rapidly deteriorating by the hour. You see the location right there at the edges of the middle east. This is day five of turkeys attack on u. S. Allies, and now nearly 1,000 american troops were told today are prepared to evacuate syria entirely. According to defense secretary, the active one, mark esper. Plans for that withdrawal are now accelerating as Turkish Forces seize control of a second keyboarder town. Word today that hundreds of isis supporters have escaped from a camp in Northern Syria amid the chaos. Lets head over to matt bradley who is there in erbil in the region. And matt, what more do we know about the evacuations that are taking place right now for the u. S. Forces . Well, not a whole lot, kendis. We know that if theyre going to be headed somewhere, theyre probably headed here because this is the corridor here from northern iraq. The kurdish iraq, whereby the u. S. Supplies its troops in Northern Syria. But right now, this is just a couple hours old, this order. We have no real idea where, it looks as though theyre beating a hasty retreat from the border between syria and turkey. And so far, it looks as though while we heard rumors last night there was some sort of attack that might have nearly targeted u. S. Troops, it seems as though now u. S. Troops are going to be very quickly, very hastily moving away from harms way. Kendis. Matt, about a year ago, the president was saying in december of last year, he was saying that he wanted withdrawal of u. S. Forces. And he was told by many of his generals it would have to take place slowly. So theres socalled an evacuation taking place, does it seem as if the situation really has deteriorated there for many of their u. S. Soldiers . Yeah, i mean, if there was an evacuation that was supposed to take place last year, its not entirely clear how that would have played out. I mean, the fact of the matter is that the president has been so difficult in how hes expressed his orders for on the ground movements in syria that it hasnt really been clear both to u. S. Troops, both in the pentagon and to the higher levels of policymakers in the state department and in the white house. Kendis. You can get a sense right now that many of the folks, they are right now trying to figure out what exactly is taking place there in syria. Matt bradley, who is there in erbil, iraq, in the region for us. Thank you. And i should mention, coming up this hour, colonel jack jacobs will be there on the military strategy and the impact this will have on the resurgence of isis. Back here on the homefront, a big week ahead in the impeachment inquiry. Tomorrow, top former Security Council official fiona hill will testify before grisz, and on thursday, the highly anticipated testimony of u. S. Ambassador to the eu, Gordon Sondland, and this is significant. We have learned overnight that he could change his tune about what he knew about any quid pro quo with ukraine, and thats at least according to a person with knowledge of sondlands testimony. Lets head over to Nbcs Kelly Odonnell at the white house for us. And kelly, give us a sense of the significance of what were hearing that ambassador sondland will say this week. This is about the issue of the im sorry, control room, i dont have mix minus. Forgive me. Let me start again. This is about this ambassador who will testify before the committee, and he will talk about one of the critical issues, and it is critical because the president has relied so heavily on sondlands account that there was no quid pro quo from President Trump to president zelensky of ukraine offering anything of value between the United States and ukraine when it comes to getting their help for investigating corruption and specifically the bidens in ukraine. So he had texted with others who were involved in this, and that had gone before the committee, that there was no quid pro quo, no exchange. What we have now learned is that he plans to say in his testimony that while that was true that he did learn that information from the president , what he cannot explain now is is that actually what the situation was. So he did convey there was no quid pro quo, but he does not know if that was really the truth. And so hell say that in his own words. Hell give the description, and fill out what that means. But why its significant is the issue of was there an intention from the president to try to leverage ukraine by withholding military aid, one example, or a white house visit with the president as another. And that is critical in trying to understand the pressure that may have been put on president zelensky of ukraine. Sondland is the ambassador to the european union. And that is not directly responsible for ukraine, and hes also a trump supporter and donor who got into his position through that route. That is not unusual for ambassadors. But it also puts him in the middle of this controversy as a political friend of the president along with others who were working as Longtime Foreign Service employees of the state Department Without a specific political angle. And so thats why sondland is so critical. The no quid pro quo is an essential part of what the president says is his defense that there was no attempt to pressure ukraine. If sondland adds information that casts doubt on that, that will certainly be of interest to democrats. Kendis. That whole thing, those three words, quid pro quo are at the key of all this. I understand that kelly doesnt have any ear audio problems right there, but we appreciate her reporting. Theres a lot happening on the political front today. For one, the next democratic debate is about 48 hours away. Set in battleground, ohio, but its another swing state thats the focus of five candidates today as they try to win the endorsement of one of the countrys largest unions. More than a million members strong, nbc news road warrior mike is in altoona, iowa, the des moines suburb there. Mike, any idea who this union is looking to endorse . Well, kendis, its so interesting. What were seeing in the 2020 democratic primary, especially with such a crowded field, is that a lot of these major labor unions are not going to make the same mistake they made in 2016. We saw a lot of them come out early for Hillary Clinton. But obviously, Bernie Sanders came along somewhat as a surprise in terms of the strength of his candidacy and there was a disconnect between some of the leadership of the labor unions and their rank and file members. So what the food and commercial Workers Union are doing is basking in the attention they can get from the candidates. This is the second forum that this union in particular has done. They had one in michigan last month with a handful of candidates. Today, its all about senator Kamala Harris and the four bs, biden, bennet, bullock, buttigieg, and its an important opportunity for three of those candidates part of the crowded debate stage in ohio, a chance to test drive their messaging. For bullock and bennet, its a chance to break through in the state of iowa where its still very much anyones race. Theres a new cbs poll out today that shows that Vice President biden and senator warren and senator Bernie Sanders are essentially in a threeway tie at the top of the pack. Mayor Pete Buttigieg behind them at 15 , and a lot of folks still trying to break through. So these forums are really an important opportunity for these candidates to make a direct pitch to the organized labor movement, such a important part of the Democratic Party constituency. You saw mayor buttigieg at the town hall that took place last night. If we could pop up the poll once again. This is a really big note right there. While the top three candidates are in a dead heat, thats a significant rise right there for mayor Pete Buttigieg. 14 . Hes in double digits. Youre there in iowa. Whats happening on the ground there . You have a sense hes having a moment there . Well, its interesting. As i have been following the Biden Campaign primarily through the race, he is a candidate who is always on the lips of voters i talk to. If not somebody theyre considering alongside joe biden, hes probably a strong second or third choice. So the question ultimately for him is can he capitalize on that kind of goodwill toward his candidacy, and help really close the deal, show that he is more than just somebody they like to hear from and somebody whose voice they like to hear from on the stage, but somebody they could see going toe to toe with President Trump and ultimately serving in the white house. I should also mention, theres obviously been a lot of volatility in the race in the month of october. Part of that is because of, of course, of the health of Bernie Sanders. We have seen him off the campaign trail. He was supposed to be at this forum today. Hes going to address it, not in person, but via skype. Hell have a chance to speak to the attendees of the forum here, and his Campaign Just announced hes going to have his first Public Campaign event next weekend in long island city, not far from you at 30 rock in new york. And of course, hes going to be at the debate in central ohio come tuesday, right . Thats correct. We expect to see him there. Theres no indication those plans have changed. Mike there in altoona, iowa, where there is a big union event expected to take place later today with some five candidates. Our thanks to you. Stoking fear in the trump white house. The president s former top aide on russia and europe is set to give a revealing deposition tomorrow on trumps personal lawyer and close ally. Why this one person is perhaps rattling the white house. Now, it is the outrageous impeachment. Look, impeachment. I never thought i would see or hear that word. With regard to me. Impeachment. I said the other day, its an ugly word. To me, its an ugly word. Very ugly word. Ugly or not, its a word that many people are using right now in reference to the president of the United States. And this coming week will be a busy one in the impeachment inquiry. In fact, there will be depositions and deadlines that will continue tomorrow with a testimony of fiona hill, the president s former russia and eu aide. Hill is expected to Tell Congress the president s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and u. S. Ambassador to the eu, Gordon Sondland, circumvented the national Security Council and the normal white house process all in hopes to pursue their own shadow policy on ukraine. Joining me now to break down all of this, andrew, the congressional reporter with politico, and katie fang, attorney and msnbc legal contributor. Welcome to both of you. Andrew, im going to start with you. Nbc reporting sondland is expected to testify. He didnt know why ukraine aid was withheld and his text about no quid pro quo were dictated, he says, by the president. What are your sources telling you . Well, first off, its important to understand the role that Gordon Sondland has played in this entire mess. Hes the ambassador to the european union, but the president has tasked him with ukraine related issues. He said in an interview famously a few months ago that because of his close relationship with the president thats why he was tasked with this. Of course, he was a major donor to the Trump Campaign in 2016 and also, he donated around 1 million to the president s inaugural committee. From that perspective, he really is a longtime ally of the president , and you know, before this came out about what sondland was going to tell the Congressional Committee spearheading the impeachment inquiry, the thought was that he might want to testify in order to sort of defend the president , given the types of witnesses we have seen come before congress in recent weeks. Of course, now were learning that apparently hes going to give testimony that could end up damaging the president. And its all part of the effort by House Democrats here to learn about the extent to which these government officials were trying to leverage potential contacts and other governments, namely ukraine, to dig up dirt on joe biden, and then go into damage control mode, essentially, with these Text Messages where sondland was trying to essentially dictate what the president was saying in these denials. Its all part of the picture that House Democrats are trying to sort of string together here. Yeah, that was really the big news of the last 24 hours. He was a longtime and big time donor to the president , and now potentially could give some damaging testimony instead. Katie, to you right here, because a lot of people are wondering what are the legal ramifications or implications, rather, for sondland in his role with ukraine or are there . There are. Sondland says im not going to go and Tell Congress this week that i was the one that dictated that particular text, where now the position is it was a quid pro quo, but it wasnt a corrupt one, so that makes it better. Well, heres a news flash for sondland, for trump, for giuliani, and anybody who is a part of this kabul of crime. You know, it has to be the crime. The crime is the quid pro quo. The crime is the actually trying to influence the outcome of a president ial election by soliciting and accepting foreign aid. And the corruption aspect, there is no element of the cause of action or the crime of that requires that you have to show there was corrupt intent. The bottom line is the ask occurred. And whether the aid was given by ukraine, obviously, we didnt see that happen. Is that against the law . Of course it is. Its calls solicitation. The act of soliciting and requesting the help is against the law. Interesting take there. Andrew, we have been focusing on sondland, but what about fiona hill . Who is she, what will she say, and how will it impact the whole impeachment process . Shes the president s former top adviser on russiarelated issues on the national Security Council. He formally left the white house just before that july 25th phone call between President Trump and president zelensky. But the thought is right now that she has a lot to tell about this. In particular, the efforts by Rudy Giuliani and his associates to essentially circumvent the diplomatic process, the governmental process happening at the upper levels between the u. S. And the ukrainian governments in order to dig up this dirt on joe biden. That will be a critical piece of the puzzle for House Democrats in terms of learning what exactly Rudy Giuliani was doing, who he was talking to, and how u. S. Government officials felt about that outreach and whether they thought it was circumspect or possibly even illegal. Thats what were learning she might tell house investigators when she testifies tomorrow. So you have that massive investigation that is taking place into impeachment there on capitol hill, and then katie, you had the developments here in new york of the last week, the sdny getting involved, arresting two of Rudy Giulianis clients. This seems to be a multipronged investigation that is just metastasizing. Its exceptional that sdny indicated the investigation is ongoing. Im of the camp that Rudy Giuliani is barreling towards an indictment by the u. S. Attorneys office that he used to run, and its an incredible web that has been woven, and normally, you would see the focusing or the narrowing of the extent of the investigation, and yet what we see is a broadening of the scope, and thats because people like Marie Yovanovitch are coming forward and saying things as well as fiona hill, who we know is going to say something. When you look at the relationship that happens with giuliani with people like, you know, furtash, the ukrainian oligarch, the money man that we suspect that was sending the money and pumping it into the United States by the way of fruman, you know, its an amazing relationship that exists with victoria tensing, and i mean, everybody is interrelated. Everybody is exceptionally incestuous in terms of their relationships and its so hard to avoid the obvious criminality of everything going on. But there you said it, and so many words. All those names, and its such a ballooning investigation for so many people. At the end of the day, though, whos probably in the biggest legal jeopardy right now . Its got to be donald trump because what youre going to back to the impeachment process. But legal jeopardy. We had a ruling from a federal judge this past week that said the theory of absolute immunity doesnt fly because the olc memo is just a memo, and like we heard during the mueller investigation, because its just a memo, its a recommendation to the doj, does not make it law. Does not make it law. All right. I want to turn to another part of this whole story and the bloomberg reporting out of here that joe bidens son, hunter, is promising to forego all foreign work if his father is elected president. Hunter biden says he will also be stepping down from the board of a chinese company. Andrew, is this sort of proof that trumps attacks are having an impact . See, i think this could be an element of damage control on the part of joe biden and his family, but im not sure yet that its actually having an effect in terms of the polls and how voters are viewing joe biden. Obviously, donald trump was very successful at bludgeoning Hillary Clinton with similar claims in 2016 about the Clinton Foundation and her family members and boards that they sat on and, you know, charitable donations that they had set out, but i think it remains to be seen right now whether this is having an actual effect. What the biden family is trying to do here is trying to preempt any potential political damage that could come from this entire scandal. Obviously, with this next president ial debate coming up soon, we could see the extent to which joe biden is handling it onstage with his fellow candidates and trying to sort of contain what might be potential damage in the polls. All right, well leave it there with andrew. Well see you in a few minutes. Katie, thank you for being there. Safe travels back to florida. Louisiana will have to wait until november to see if one of the few democratic governors in the south will get to keep his seat. Governor John Bell Edwards failed to clinch more than 50 of the vote in yesterdays voting. That sets the stage for a runoff against republican eddy ris pone. Last night, the president took credit for the runoff because he rallied there in louisiana in lake charles just on friday. Louisianas 1off will be held on november 16th. Mad dog mattis returns. And hes back with a stern message for his former boss. What does the former defense secretary think of the United States strategy with syria and turkey . His revealing sunday interview. No, just a sec. What would it look like if we listened more . Could the right voice, the right set of words, bring us all just a little closer . Get us to open up . Even push us further . It could, if we took the time to listen. The most inspiring minds, the most compelling stories. Download audible and listen for a change. Itheres my career. s more to me than hiv. My cause. And creating my dream home. Im a work in progress. So much goes into who i am. 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According to officials, the turkish force know the americans are in the area, and it is becoming increasingly clear that theyre trying to drive them away. Wrap that around your head. Former secretary of defense jim mattis warns of an isiresurgence among these troop withdrawals in an exclusive interview with nbcs meet the press. Isis is not defeated. We have got to keep the pressure on isis so they dont recover. Jim mattis right there. Now we have nbc military analyst and medal of honor recipient colonel jack jacobs. A lot to dig in to where i want to talk about the troop withdrawal and about 1 thon tro troops are told to get out. Should we make much of that, as opposed to it being a withdrawal . Well, it started out as a withdrawal. I mean, we were going to plan on leaving because the president says were going to leave, which by the way, is a rotten idea to start with. But now, because of the really rapid advance of the turks, i mean, there is no resistance to speak of, its actually an evacuation. How much we say the situation is deteriorating. So do many of our correspondents there. How bad is this situation . Its very bad. Dont forget, there are lot of civilians in the region. This is a lot of the builtup areas are right along the border. And the turks have an objective, and that is to advance far enough so that they can secure a buffer region on the syrian side of the border and then take all of the syrian refugees, or as many as they possibly can who are currently in turkey and move them back into syria and keep them outside of the buffer area thats a principle objective. Were looking at this map right now, and sort of the blue area that youre mentioning, just south here. Yes, that cross hatched area. Thats the area youre saying basically, the turks are trying to get into. Theyll get to theyre going to get there fairly quickly. They have artillery and air and the kurds do not have artillery and air. In the interim, whats happened is that those isis soldiers and supporters who are in containment areas have escaped. Were five days into this, and yes, so you have the military forces from turkey who are making their way south as well as west. Into syria right now. Do you get a sense that they have people who are there, generals, smart folks who are saying no, dont shoot this target, dont attack this target, this is a specific target . Or do you kind of have a band of wild folks who just going there and attacking . A little bit of both. Dont forget, the turks when they start an operation just like any other organization starts an operation, has specific targets to attack. They put in air strikes, they put in artillery, and ground units move to secure those areas. Dont forget, theyre a militant militias there, and we saw what they did yesterday to kurdish captives, they assassinated them. Those militant islamists are there in conjunction with the turks, and theyre the ones who are going to run all over the area and do the kinds of things we have seen happen and that we fear will continue to happen. Two quick question. How bad of an idea was this . The worst possible idea. It was bad tactically, bad strategically. You talk about having 1,000 americans there. Special forces. Yeah. They were are they in danger . Say again . Are they in danger. I think they have been pulled out but they were. It was vitally important they stay there because they were keeping isis at bay. All bets are off. Thank you. Avery dangerous situation in turkey and syria. Tonight at 10 00 p. M. Eastern time, Richard Engle will look into what Rudy Giuliani and the Trump Administration were trying to accomplish in ukraine. Watch a new episode of on assignment at 10 00 p. M. Eastern only on msnbc. For more on the president s Decision Making process on this and the backlash in congress, talking about syria, im joined by washington correspondent for the daily beast, eleanor clift. Also back with me, andrew. Welcome back for both of you. Eleanor, let me talk with you. Lets start with you. Last night, the president said that hes on an island of one on this. Is he . Hes on an island of one, and believing that he can give the green light to what is essentially a massacre of the kurds by the turks. And that he is still arguing that the turks should be sanctioned and that he doesnt want them to do anything inhumane. I suppose that would put him on an island of one because its not a rational position. Its trying to have it both ways. And he is also trying to keep his Republican Base in the senate together to ward off any possible erosion in the face of a likely impeachment. And so he is, you know, courting the republican senators who are opposing him on his policy and saying he agrees with them. So if you can wrap your head around all that, thats that island of one. Yeah, and andrew, what kind of action can we expect congress to take on all of this . Or any action . Well, Speaker Pelosi announced on friday that the House Foreign Affairs committee is going to be unveiling Bipartisan Legislation that would sanction turkey over this, and then a separate proposal that would essentially just symbolically rebuke the Trump Administration for this pullout from northeastern syria. Those two would be bipartisan. Obviously, it would be really notableful a majority of republicans in the house and the senate get on board with that, but to eleanors point, this is exactly the wrong time for the president to be alienating republicans. Right . He needs republicans to stick with him during this impeachment mess. And its going to be really important for him to keep them, you know, essentially united against this impeachment inquiry that democrats have been lodging against him, and when he makes a decision like this that nearly every single republican is condemning and actually saying in the case of Lindsey Graham, for example, this is the greatest blunder of his presidency, that does not help you on other fronts, on other issues where you need to retain your political capital. And on impeachment, thats going to be the ultimate test for republicans. So it wasnt smart, even politically, as well for the president. And eleanor, theres at least one republican senator who is backing the president on all of this. Hes the republican senator, kevin cramer, of north dakota, who defended trump, saying im not sure that the president had a lot of choices. Is he going to find many allies on this . Well, thats one out of 53. So i dont think hes going to find a lot of allies. I think on the republican side in particular, that they kind of welcome the chance to be opposed to the president about something, because theyre getting a lot of criticism from constituents and from the media asking how much more will you put up with from this president . Will you never oppose him on anything . And now they can say, okay, were against impeachment, but we really dont like what hes doing on syria. So it gives them a chance to kind of blow off some steam. So i you know, if youre cynical, and im kind of getting that way here in washington, thinking that republicans are actually liking the fact that they can be sincerely outraged about a president ial policy while still maintaining that they dont see any grounds for his impeachment. Yeah, thats a very interesting take right there from eleanor. Andrew, are democrats who criticize trumps handling of syria in the meantime, are they kind of afraid of the risk of looking weak . I dont know about that. I think, though, the problem that democrats are trying to highlight is the inconsistency in Donald Trumps Foreign Policy. Of course, he mentions that he campaigned on ending endless wars and then he did this very hastily done syria pullout, but on friday, he approved 3,000 new troops to go to saudi arabia. What was that about . We did some reporting on that. What was that about . Yeah, so, look, that was essentially a response to these attacks coming from iran, of course, a few weeks ago, we saw the attacks on the Saudi Oil Facilities which adversely impacts the United States with oil prices and everything. So republicans like Lindsey Graham might support Something Like that, but donald trump has been very inconsistent in terms of his own world view on these issues. And recall earlier this year, he vetoed the yemen process, which passed through both chambers of congress, and the president ed he wanted to retain u. S. Involvement in yemen. He likes to say on the one hand hes been campaigning on ending endless wars, but hes been very inconsistent in that vow throughout his entire presidency. He kind of alluded to somewhat that saudi arabia would be paying for it, is that right, eleanor . Yes. Saudi arabias paying for it, and the kurds really dont have any money, and he says we gave them the weapons, and we sort of expected them to give them back. Everything he does is transactional. You know, what are you going to do for me . I think democrats are looking at this exchange with the turkish president and wondering what President Trump gets out of it to make such an abrupt decision that his secretary of defense wasnt even aware of it. Lindsey graham learned about it in a 6 00 a. M. Phone call the following morning. So theres trump towers in istanbul. I think the episode with ukraine has just raised questions about every dealing this president has with foreign leaders and whether theres an element of political or personal financial gain in it for him. So once again, big phone call with our president and a world leader getting the attention of democrats there in the capitol. All right, eleanor and andrew, thank you, guys. The largest democratic debate in history. And the questions about Bernie Sanders. Less than two weeks after suffering a heart attack and taking time off the campaign trail, will he even attend tuesdays debate . What we learned this morning from the vermont senator. Lets be honest, insurance can feel a little outdated. The paperwork. The calling for everything. The searching for id cards. Its like youre stuck in the 90s. Thats why esurance makes it simple with an app that has everything you need because thats how we live nowadays. Rad. Your id card is on a bodacious tiny future tv. Wow youre really committed to this whole 90s thing, arent ya . No, im just saying whats in the script. Thats true. Everything were sayings in the script. When insurance is simple, its surprisingly painless. Were just a couple days away from the largest president ial primary debate in u. S. History. A recordbreaking 12 contenders will appear on the same stage on tuesday in central ohio. And now the democratic frontrunner, at least the position, its in a little bit of flux. Senator Elizabeth Warren eclipsed joe biden for the first time in the real clear politics average of polls. Nbc news road warrior ali vitali is live for us in columbus, ohio, and there are so many questions going into tuesdays debate. Perhaps will the democrats attack biden on ukraine . Will bernie be okay . Will the new frontrunner warren be under attack as well . Yeah, all of those really valid questions, kendis, but to me, the first thing we should note about this debate is its the first one were seeing since the impeachment inquiry was opened up in washington. And so im really interested to see the way in which that manifests on the stage. Because basically, when they have been on the campaign trail for the past three weeks, they have had to do a juggling act between holding the president accountable, talkingunts the impeachment inquiry, and then also talking about the heartland messaging points they want to hammer home. Sort of the things on health care, education, and things like that. Voters say they want to hear both. I imagine when they get on the debate stage tuesday night, theyre going to have to do both as well. Its also important to note in the impeachment landscape, not all candidate situations are created equal. Joe biden, for example, is really the man at the center of that, because hes the person who donald trump was on the phone with the ukrainian president talking about. We have heard over the course of the last few weeks, even, how his language has changed. He went from taking on trump sort of indirectly on the issue and then in recent days, really hammering him hard and aggressively. Listen to what he said this week in New Hampshire. In american history, has ever dared to engage in such unimaginable behavior. Donald trump has violated his oath of office, betrayed this nation, and committed impeachable acts. We all laughed when he said he could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot someone and get away with it. Its no joke. He is shooting holes in the constitution. And we cannot let him get away with it. So kendis, tough talk from joe biden there. But then we also saw his son, hunter biden, come out today saying he would step down from a chinesebacked private equity firm and avoid any future possible conflicts of interest if his father were to win the 2020 election. Bernie sanders is coming off a really difficult couple weeks. He had the heart attack two weeks ago, and his daughterinlaw suddenly died last weekend. He says he plans to be there, and suddenly, hes been coming out a little bit after Elizabeth Warren. Thats exactly right, kendis. What was pretty striking is this weekend in an interview, he was talking to a reporter about the things he had in common with Elizabeth Warren, and he engaged on this question that we have asked him several times before, which is how are you different . He said theyre not quite the same, and then proceeded to talk about a difference in label. She calls herself a capitalist, someone who wants the market to work with rules. Sanders, of course, rejects that label. So there is a difference there. I dont think that this is the collapse of the seeming detente these two candidates have had. We have seen them on the debate stage being sort of partners in arms, against attacks from the rest of the field. I done think we expect to see anything like that break down, but there is going to come a point, and its interesting that it seems to be coming now, that sanders is going to have to deferentiate himself from Elizabeth Warren, because even though we talk about this becoming a three candidate race between biden, warren, and sanders, sanders is seeing polling show warren rising. He may say hes different from her in this way maybe to try to Gain Momentum back. Alli vitali highlighting the road warrior aspect of your title for us. Thank you. He calls it his sunday sermon. Even though theyre usually not on a sunday, so whats the purpose of this . Name we proclaim no more guilt no shame jesus took the pain is he delivering the message or on a mission . Why some are saying kanye is trumps secret weapon to deliver black voters, and these sermons are really just a maga rally. Ahh my mower burke the number one. Seen it, covered it. At farmers insurance, we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. bert mmm. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum ive always been im still going for my best. Even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, ill go for that. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. Whats next . Sharing my roots. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis, the number one cardiologistprescribed blood thinner. Ask your doctor if eliquis is whats next for you. On your list bringing his wife and kids along for the popup concert. He turned the campus into a Church Service at times. The free popup event often sparking trailoffs in defense of the president and are being compared more and more to trumps own rallies, which begs the question, whats really going on here . Joining me now to help figure it all out, Danielle Moody mills and host of urban view celebrating his 300th show. Congratulations to both of you. You have been outspoken about this. Whats going on . Heres the thing. When it comes to kanye and howard university, i wish kanye would enroll in howard university. Howard university is steeped in black history. Its an important part of black history. Kanye has disrespected black history. When you disrespect black history, you disrespect black people. Him saying slavery was a choice. Last week saying he supports trump because republicans freed the slaves. So its just i wish he would enroll into class and get history lessons. He doesnt read or vote so i dont know. Picking up on what you are saying, many professors at howard who were expressing their disgust at this popup celebration knowing some of the comments he said over time. One of the ones off the top there saying if kanye west is at howard university, send him to the founders library. I have books for him. The miseducation of the negro. Professor has no a lot of people dont with what hes doing at many of the shows. Kanye has an incredibly large platform that he has had the ability to use for good things like during katrina and to remind us that george bush did not care about black people. Instead of landing on the ground and helping folks that were begging for their lives, that he called out that injustice that was happening. Fast forward here and kanye west is in the oval office with donald trump who is a known white supremacist. Which is what a lot of people at least on the twitter universe is wondering what is going on here . So you saw the pictures of kanye west in the middle of salt lake city. He drew about 10,000 people here at howard university. It was a smaller crowd, because they didnt get the email about it until 6 00 a. M. On homecoming weekend. Largely, a lot of people who are going to these shows are black folks. These are some of the scenes in salt lake city. People are wondering, is he sort of like trumps secret weapon, a secret outreach to the black community . At one point at howard university, kanye said if they throw in slave nets again, how about we all dont stand in the same place, almost indicating that africans captured during sla slavery were complicit. Thats one of the most hateful things that hes doing. They didnt sue last week at the utah event he said Abraham Lincoln was the w. I. G. Party that freed the slaves. You blacks say you cant like trump. I never made a decision based on my color. He is using these events. Could this play into 2020 . We need to stop anointing pop stars as our political saviors. The professor was right when he said there is a miseducation of this particular negro and there is. There is something wrong with kanye west when he decides and says that black people had a choice as it pertained to slavery. Maybe this is one of the things where kanye is a supporter of the president. Kanye doesnt vote, so i dont know who he is a supporter of. He is saying what hes saying about slavery in front of all of those people. Here is an important point. There is always a check for a black person to go on a National Stage and defend supremacy. He is acting as if he is a historian. Dont call on black celebrities to clean up your racism. That goes to trump and his supporters. Very interesting. I dont assume either of you will be attending those sunday Services Anytime soon. I will attend a real sunday service. Up next, at the top of the hour, the crisis in syria. There are several developments. How President Trumps plans for complete removal of u. S. Troops from northeast syria is causing back lash among National Security experts including a strong warning from the former defense secretary. Ng warning fr defense secretary. Gth of a lion tough as a knot rocking the stage and we never gonna stop all strength, no sweat. Just in case you forgot all strength. No sweat secret. All strength. No sweat. 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National Security Experts are warning of an isis resurgence as hundreds of detainees escape a prison there. We have a lot of reporting from iraq as the white house is facing increased pressure to reverse the president s plans. We are one day away from another whirl wind week of depositions in the impeachment inquiry. How a trump political appointee could wreck the president s ukraine defense. And protests in texas after an officer opens fire on a black woman during a welfare check in her own home. Were now getting to more details on how all of this took place. But there is a lot of development that has been taking place just within the last few moments specifically in syria. Were getting word that a convoy that included some western journalists came under attack today in northeast syria. A French Television journalist says that she is okay, but there are some casualties, and several people are dead. Nbc news is checking on all of that right now. This comes as 1,000 troop members in syria Authorities Say plan to do a full withdrawal from northeast syria. And it is accelerating. The decision comes as Turkish Military and proxy forces seized control of a second key border town, putting american troops at risk of being isolated, all according to some u. S. Officials on the ground. Overall conditions in northeastern syria are rapidly deteriorating by the hour. Matt bradley is joining us from iraq. As i mentioned, were still trying to check to find out the latest on that attack. There is a journalist from the popular channel in france who is saying that she was part of their convoy that came under attack. Anything else that we can add to this . Reporter what we know we dont know much, but were hearing that there could be as many as nine People Killed in the attack. Its not clear if foreign journalists were among them. We know at least one kurdish local journalist was killed. All of this goes to point out that the war is really exacting a toll rather indiscriminantly on some people who are noncombatants. We know this from a number of civilian casualties which are reaching into the dozens. Many were killed fleeing from the border trying to find shelter somewhere else in syria, whether it be elsewhere in regime territory or even here in kurdish iraq. A lot of people will be headed here. Its not entirely clear that authorities are going to let them in. And this is a big question coming up, because the number of internally displaced people has risen well above 100,000. Its not just journalists who are at risk. Its random civilians who are trying to do the best they can to get away from the fighting. As you mentioned, there are now two cities that are hugging the border between syria and turkey that have now been either surrounded by Turkish Forces or entirely taken over. We have heard that a lot of these cities are basically now void of people. Civilians are heading as far away as they possibly can. A lot of hospitals have been completely shut down. If youre one of the more than 100 civilians who have been injured, its going to be hard to find relief. As far as the displaced people go in terms of where they are headed, a lot of refugee camps that are located in northeast syria that had been accommodating thousands, tens of thousands of people who were displaced by the previous fighting between the kurds and islamic state, they are already filled to the maximum. And a lot of relief workers have already left in fear for their own safety. Its not entirely clear whether this new fresh round of violence will be able to accommodate them. What do we know about the american troops that have been told to evacuate immediately of northeast syria . The report from officials saying they are at risk. Reporter well, i mean, they are always at risk. There are u. S. Troops in the line of fire. Of course, last night there were a lot of worries that there were bombs landing next to u. S. Bases especially west. We thought at first that it might be u. S. Casualties. It turns out not to have been the case. That might have spurred this movement of troops that comes on the back of the other hasty withdrawal that the president announced last week. We dont know where they are headed. Its almost entirely certain that they will be headed to where i am in iraq. This represents to my west the main corridor by which the u. S. Has supplied troops in syria and it will most likely be the main avenue for the retreat out of syria. They will be headed here before they are extracted. Well know more in the coming days as all of those 1,000 u. S. Troops finally remove themselves from syria. There is a base further south that accommodates a couple of u. S. Troops. But this really just spells the end of the u. S. Intervention in syria that was started by the obama administration. About 250 soldiers in that southern base in syria. Matt bradley joining us from iraq. The breaking news about a thousand u. S. Troops have been told to evacuate the northeast part of syria. And the story that were getting within the last few moments that a convoy that had western journalists came under attack. Not sure who is responsible for that, but that convoy came under attack and at least one journalist has been killed. More on that as we get it. The new developments in the impeachment inquiry. Nbc news reporting about an expected shift in the testimony of u. S. Ambassador to the european union. Lets go over to Nbcs Kelly Odonnell at the white house. Whats going on here with this . It seems like quite a shift in his testimony. Reporter well, we will learn more about what he has to say in a few days, but were also getting a hint about what he plans to testify to. And it does create some space between where the president was on this insisting there was no quid pro quo, no exchange demanded between the United States and ukraine in order to get that investigation that the president wanted and the idea that maybe there was more to this. So the ambassador to the europe yn union got that job through the Old Fashioned way of becoming an ambassador, and thats being a donor to the president s campaign. And part of what weve learned is that there is this sort of disagreement where he says that he knows in providing text information that there was no quid pro quo. But what he does not know is if that was really the case. He was told to say that there was no quid pro quo. We have learned in talking with bill taylor who is the ambassador in an acting capacity. He was saying that this is something where he doesnt doubt the president , but he is concerned that he cant say in truth what was going on. So why this is significant is the issue of did the president rely so heavily saying no quid pro quo and now backing away and saying there might be a little more to this, that it could be in fact he was told to say no quid pro quo, but he doesnt know if that was really the president s intent. And that may be enough for democrats to really try to put day light between the two and it may also be part of what they will try to use to say the kinds of carrots that were hanging, the u. S. Military aid to ukraine and a white house visit for president zelensky were things of value that President Trump was willing to try to use. Its been a busy day for you, no doubt. Brand new state poll is sewing a virtual threeway tie at the top for the contenders. Elizabeth warren, joe biden, Bernie Sanders all virtually tied up there. Mayor Pete Buttigieg is making some progress in double digits right now. In iowa today, you have five candidates who are off campaigning trying to get the support of one of the largest unions in the country. This is a live picture that is coming for us from the suburb of des moines, iowa. Our road warrior is right there at this big union event in iowa where the president ial forum is getting underway. You have joe biden there. Who else do we expect . Reporter we have Kamala Harris. And as i say we have bennett, bulk, buttigieg and Bernie Sanders will be addressing not in person, but via skype. This is an important opportunity for these candidates. This is the second of two forums at the united food and commercial Workers Union is doing with the president ial candidates. In terms of what this endorsement could mean, it could be a really important additional shot in the arm to help put him back on the side of momentum. For a candidate like Michael Bennett or Steve Bullock who doesnt have the resources, this endorsement can actually provide vital boots on the ground for these candidates. These organized labor unions can provide certainly a lot of that on the campaign trail. The forum is just beginning now. And senator Michael Bennett will be the first taking the stage i think right now as we speak. Well continue to monitor the live pictures there from iowa and see about all the candidates who are up there and bring you some information should it warrant it. Sticking by giuliani. The president is declaring his loyalty to his top attack dog as nbc news is exclusively reporting tomorrow set to reveal scathing details about his personal lawyer. Scathing details about his personal lawyer. Re co2. What if other kinds of plants captured it too . If these industrial plants had technology that captured carbon like trees we could help lower emissions. Carbon capture is Important Technology and experts agree. 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It was days ago that the president seemed to distance himself from giuliani now facing a possible probe about his dealings with ukraine. Now joining me now National Security correspondent with politi politico. Welcome to both of you. Lets start with you on this. What are we to make of what appears to be trumps renewed support for giuliani . We can probably be sure that it is completely dependent on giuliani remaining loyal to the president. Trump was loyal to Michael Cohen until he realized that Michael Cohen was going to flip on him. I dont think that anything can be take frn granted with regard to the president s loyalty here. Giuliani i think realizes that, too. They are in a very precarious situation because giuliani is under investigation by the Southern District of new york for potentially violating foreign lobbying laws. The president was as we saw complicit in allegedly extorting the ukrainians in order to get them to manufacture dirt on joe biden and dangling a white house summit in exchange for them investigating the quote unquote interference in 2016. Taken together, they may be part of a conspiracy here that not only has to do with violating lobbying laws. They need each other at this moment. The republican allies of the president are advising him to ta away from giuliani because they perceive him as toxic. The president is aware given the last two, three years of what he went through with the russia investigation that he needs as many allies right now. Giuliani being investigated from the foreign district of new york, give me a sense of what legal implications or legal trouble he can be facing. Natasha referenced one of them and thats the foreign agents regtration act which was enacted to stop nazi propaganda. The law doesnt target free speech. Its about full disclosure and registration. So the thing about prosecutions and investigations is youre looking into the persons conduct, but you have that threshold issue of are they registered. If theyre not registered, the next becomes what conduct, what acts have they performed on behalf of or that approximate lobbying for a foreign power. Historically, congress and the federal government have prosecuted or looked more closely at foreign lobbying than they have at domestic lobbying. Whats the significance of the clients getting arrested . Definitely bad if youre an attorney. I know that from personal experience. Its not good. I do. It happens to criminal Defense Attorneys all the time. The line is whether he furthers or advances any criminal activity or conducting anything criminal himself. Your knowledge of the criminal conduct is not always a crime for the attorney, as well. And as you know its going to be a big weekend. Every week has been a big week for the impeachment inquiry. We are day 20 into all of this. Tomorrow, former russia aid will be there on the hill. You see the other dates and deadlines that will be coming p up. Plans to testify about the text message and conversations with the president surrounding this quid pro quo that he doesnt actually know whether there was a quid pro quo. He was relaying what the president had said to him. He cant say. I think the more under reported aspect is the hill testimony. She was the top russia adviser. I profiled her for politico. It seemed clear to me just speaking with her colleagues and her friends that she is very, very experienced and she was serving on the nse. She believes in process and maintaining alliances and maintaining a Good Relationship with the ukrainians while she had to deal with russia at the same time. What we were told is that she was extremely concerned with what giuliani was doing. Seemed to come out of nowhere and appointed himself as the ukraine guy. Nobody understood why or why. And then with giuliani it was the same thing. Everyone was aware that this was going on in the background. No one knew how far or deep it went. I think she is going to fill in a lot of blanks for congress. And their thoughts and their fears about how this could really damage the u. S. Relationship with ukraine and boost the russians who, of course, are the ukrainians biggest foreign adversaries. Whenever it comes to official acts on conducted in an official capacity, it can be very difficult to maintain on folks like that. On the other hand, we have seen that Congress Folks and members of the executive branch especially down the chain of command from the president can be subject to sieval liability. President ial immunity only extends a short distance. Lets switch gears to another topic. Joe bidens son, hunter biden. A new bloomberg reporting that is out there that says that hunter biden promises to forego all foreign work if his father is elected president. A lot of you were waiting to hear from hunter biden and waiting for them to come out hard on all of this. Why did this sort of move at this point . I think its damage control. I think a lot of pr experts will tell you that this is welcome. Its never a good look for a president ial candidates son to be doing foreign business really anywhere. The hypocrisy of it for the Trump Administration to be complaining about it is obvious giving ivanka trumps work overseas. Every ethics expert and officials have said if joe biden wins the presidency, then Hunter Bidens past affiliations with the Foreign Countries whether or not there is any wrong doing there, it just doesnt look good. So i think this is hunter showing support for his father, realizing that perhaps he is going to have to take a back seat here and wanting to do damage control so that the president has less ammission. President trump stepped up his attacks on democrats when he made a tv appearance. Take a listen. Crooked adam schiff made a statement, long beautiful statement. And it was a fraud. He made up a conversation. And it was vicious what he said. And then we caught him. I actually told my lawyers. I said sue him anyway. Hes got immunity. I said sue him anyway. And sue nancy pelosi or maybe we should just impeach them. Any of that reality . A lot of rhetoric obviously. Absolutely not, probably with an asterisk. Let me explain why. Yes, Congress Folks do have absolute immunity for under the speech or debate clause for things that they do in their official capacity in congress. But amazingly, the Supreme Court has held since the 1970s that this only applies to a narrow focus of conduct. There is a core group of acts of which they have immunity. Things like talking to the press or to ones own constituents, that immunity may not extend to that point. Even though its very likely that for official conduct, Congress People are completely immune, there is a little window of opportunity there. Now, the second thing about impeaching Congress People, i would say absolutely not, but maybe with an asterisk again because although scholars generally agree that you cannot impeach members of congress, do you know what the title was of the first person ever impeached in the country . It was a senator from tennessee. That impeachment was dismissed and did leave open the question that was this impeachment ever proper . But the modern view of impeachment is that members of congress cannot be impeached. Were still stuck with that historical anomaly. Way back in the 1800s. The first one ever. Very distinguished thing to be. Thank you. Danny will be back for good, bad, ugly. Its the largest democratic debate in history. How the 2020 contenders are gearing up for the largest debate stage the party has ever seen. Largest debateta sge the party has ever seen. Limu emu doug hour 36 in the stakeout. 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She won her 24th and 25th career medals at the World Championships in germany. She could become only the second woman ever to take home five gold medals in an olympics when she competes in tokyo next summer. Before any candidate utters a word it will be one for the history books. 12 candidates will be on stage at one time in columbus, ohio tuesday. Thats the largest debate in u. S. History. Nbcs road warrior has a preview. What are the story lines that were looking forward to out of this one . Reporter i think you hit the nail on the head when you talk about the size being a factor here. We know what the debate stages have looked like when there have been ten candidates on the stage. People trying to talk for just short enough and trying to find a way to have a moment, whether to level an attack against an opponent or simply tell your narrative. I know we are getting later into the process. For a lot of them who maybe havent been on the debate stage for the first type, this is a chance to speak too really large audience and to start putting out personal narrative. There is that goal. Out here on the campaign trail, we have seen the beginnings of candidates potentially telegraphing the way they may go at front runners. We know that a lot of attention is regularly trained on center stage. A lot of scrutiny from joe biden. There have been moments where he has been caught flat footed. So im really looking forward to seeing how those attacks manifest on biden. We have been talking about Elizabeth Warren who is rising in the center stage position. We have seen candidates on the campaign trail, Pete Buttigieg, for example, going after her for how she would explain what the impact on middle class taxes would be with her health care plan. We have seen others in the race talking about candidates who have plans, but can they execute them . Were beginning to see the fault lines a little bit. I imagine that those could be things we see on stage tuesday night when we have a jam packed field of candidates all trying to get a moment and pop out of the next debate. We have tom who is going to be on the debate stage for the first time. For more than a year now, the number one issue has been impeachment. The last 20 days what has become the number one issue for democrats . Impeachment. Reporter impeachment. This is the first debate since that impeachment inquiry. As much as you and i are wondering will the moderators bring it up . On the campaign trail, they have really had to juggle impeachment and accountability for the president along with the regular messagic. Someone like a central message is that he believes we should be impeaching president donald trump. He has been putting a lot of pressure on people like nancy pelosi and Democratic Leaders in washington. People in iowa and New Hampshire and other places may know him not just as the guy who started running for president a few months ago, but because he had been running ads all throughout 2018 and was kind of out on the campaign trail pushing that message. This is going to be a big moment. Im interested in seeing how he uses it whether he goes full boron the impeachment messm. He has done a lot of work on climate change. Interesting to see how he markets himself. He has been doing a lot of work on all of that. Thank you. Beyond the debates, there is a lot on the political plate. Its day 20 of the impeachment inquiry. And President Trump is seemingly in disbelief. Impeachment. I never thought id see or hear that word are waregard to me. To me, its an ugly word. It means so much. It means horrible, horrible crimes and things. I cant even believe it. House democrats believe it and are preparing for a week of depositions and deadlines. Joining me now is Reuters White House correspondent jeff mason and Bloomberg News chief washington correspondent. You heard the president there who was saying that impeachment is a horrible word. Do you get a sense there at the white house that he is worried about this . I think what that says to me is that he doesnt like the fact that its going to become part of his legacy regardless of what happens. He sees himself as a historical figure. He repeats that he has gotten more done as a president in the last two and a half years than last predecessors. He feels he has a place in the history books. This word is a negative one. Its a negative one regardless of whether it ends up leading to a process that would even come close to removing him from office or not. So i think that if there is one thing we know about President Trump, hes pretty transparent about his feelings. We see it on twitter and when he speaks to audiences. I think thats the message we heard last night. He has been speaking quite a bit about it. The silence at the other end of pennsylvania avenue has been deafening. Heres a listen. You think its perfectly legitimate for the president to use his personal attorney to go to a foreign country and seek help for a political campaign. I think it is equally as legitimate as the democrats saying we should investigate trump. They really did. I think that there was a lot of really important great things that were discussed. You think that was a i believe that that conversation, the only thing being criticized which definitely isnt impeachable that we are tearing the country in half trying to bring down a sitting president. Those who are speaking on the republican side seem a little divided on the messaging. I think that that uncomfortable feeling and that uncomfortable sentiment that you saw from those prominent republican senators is where a lot of the suburban republicans are throughout the country. They are uncomfortable with the president using an International Phone call to raise a domestic political affair, but theyre not going as far to say that the president should be impeached or removed from office. Candidly, i think youre going to continue to hear that. They are getting political cover for some of those republicans like senator mitt romney who had been more critical that people like senator rand paul. I think that as this comes to fruition and articles of impeachment are likely going to be brought forward in the house of representatives, youre going to hear that continuation coming from republicans. Based upon my reporting i can tell you that democrats in the house would like to see this wrapped up by the end of the calendar year and that Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell would likely have a very quick trial in the senate. And the votes just arent there of republican breakage to remove President Trump from office. Its really early. You never know. You definitely know better than most folks. Jeff, lets take a turn back to syria because of the conflict. Here is how President Trump is defending his decision to withdraw troops. The kurds are trying to leave. I dont think our soldiers should be there for the next 50 years guarding a border between turkey and syria when we cant guard our own borders at home. I want to ask both of you on this, based on what you guys are hearing starting with jeff, what are people making of the white house strategy on syria . I think right now the white house strategy to the extent that there is one is to show that the president is sticking by his decision and actually trying not to get too upset about the fact that nearly everybody else in washington is against that including republicans in his own party and stalwarts in the republican party. Liz cheney, Mitch Mcconnell have been very critical. Lindsey graham of President Trumps decision. Even as he talks about bringing troops home and says on twitter that hes glad that troops arent there in the middle of the conflict right now, he is sort of talking around or Walking Around the fact that his decision opened up the possibility for turkey to make the incursion it currently has. He says he is on an island of one when it comes to this. Maybe even gabbart would agree with him. Its that streak of politics where there seems to be some strange political bed fellows. The president has received criticism from hawks on capitol hill. Also, the president on thursday or friday of the previous week had announced potentially moving troops to help saudi arabia defend itself against iran. So there have been Key Developments in the past seven days with the president s Foreign Policy as it relates. Now, on syria, where this would be i can tell you that based upon my reporting when i talked to republican strategists, they look at this. Its tough to talk about troops in a political setting, but they look at this as a situation where the president by acting unpredictably by making the announcement utilizing more of social media declines an opportunity to tell the American People what his strategy is and also declined the opportunity to bring troops home and to have a sense of a celebratory bringing troops home. So he has received criticism from hawks on capitol hill. He is likely to continue receiving the criticism. The white house says they would quickly change course should they see turkey react in a way that is not to their approval. You bring up an interesting point that will be unique to see on tuesday because syria could become a really weak point there at the debate. Thank you guys for being with me from d. C. Up next, its a situation that has become all too familiar in america. A texas woman shot and killed by police in her own home. It has happened again. This time it was caught on camera. Pened again. This time it was caught on camera. wheels screeching clapping sound of can hitting bag and bowl clapping always there in crunch time. If you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture now might not be the best time to ask yourself are my bones strong . Life is full of make or break moments. Thats why its so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. Only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. Do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it or take xgeva® serious allergic reactions, like low Blood Pressure trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip, or tongue swelling rash; itching; or hives have happened. Tell your doctor about dental problems as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. 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A young woman baby sitting her nephew in her home when police were called to the house and within seconds opened fire. Kathie park with the story. Reporter shows the moments leading up to a deadly shooting. A Fort Worth Police officer is seen walking outside the home shining a flashlight. He stops, points his flashlight at a window and draws his gun. Show me your hands. Reporter Fort Worth Police issued a statement saying the officer perceived a threat, drew his weapon. Police say they entered to provide first aid and found a firearm in her home. Jefferson died at the scene. I heard a loud noise. I saw five or 10 Police Officers surround the house. And i dont know what happened on the inside the house. All i know is my neighbor is dead. Reporter james smith said he called a nonemergency number out of concern for his neighbor. All the lights in her home were on and doors opened. Smith believed she might be alive if he never dialled for help. Who do you feel safe with . You just ignore crime or ignore something thats not right. Reporter the unidentified officer has been with the Department Since april 2018 is now on administrative leave. Tonight jeffersons sister devastated. I just dont understand. These are men thats trained. What kind of training is that . That was nbcs kathie park reporting on that incident that took place this weekend. Its still unclear why that officer reacted the way he did, and police are not releasing where exactly the firearm was located in the home or what role that might have played. So still a lot of questions surrounding this tragic incident. And they have not released the name of the officer as yet. We are getting word of breaking news that is coming in from the east coast of florida, reports of a possible shooting at a mall. Police tweeting that they are investigating reports of a shooting at Town Center Mall. Police say they are on the scene and conducting a search, warning people to stay away from the area. 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Joining me to dissect the week that was, the cohost of democracyish podcast and back with me is danny. Welcome back. Lots to get to. There was a lot of good. Your good deals with some of the polling. According to a poll, what do you think is the favorite Mark Halperin can halperin the favorite halloween candy of americans. What do you you think its ketoo friendly. What do you think the favorite of americans . Snickers. You are close. The second was snickers. Number one, 36 was the reeses Peanut Butter cup. The great thing about the reeses Peanut Butter cup is it is ketofriendly, low carb. Its fantastic. Its low carb . Does it say that . Thats what ive been telling people. Your good . A little funny from the pope. The pope can be funny when he accidently tweets and hashtags the saints in a tweet he put out. The hashtag is actually for the nfl team for the saints. He was saying this is wonderful. Were bringing new saints in. They walked by faith and now we invoke their intercession. Everybody one is super excited if youre a saints fan they feel anointed. Some of them are saying who dat. Some are saying can you do the astros now . Because they need it. My bad, a former university of Georgia Student has pleaded guilty to running a ponzi scheme from his Fraternity House and defrauded investors including fellow students. When Bernie Sanders says he wants free college for all, this is a pretty strong argument against that. I know we send our kids to school to learn a trade, but this is not what we have in mind. He was taking all of that to heart. My bad is its a mixed bag. Kenyan runner has made it, made history in a subtwo hour marathon except it is not going to be a world record, because he had about 36 pacers in a pack that were helping him stay on track. And this race was specifically set up so that he could if i had 36 pacers and a car dragging me, i still would not break a marathon in like five hours. I give the man his just due. I would be taking the new york subway to which i would add on time to get to the finish line. Drivers in italy are allowed to file claims against local municipalities when a wild animal walks into the road and causes an accident. A couple italian motorists allegedly froze a dead wild boar and claimed their car ran into it. Police noticed that the internal organs were frozen and thats not consistent with a Motor Vehicle accident. I just want folks to know that we use only vegan products to stage your Car Accidents and that includes garden burger elk. We use all vegan products. I dont understand why you would want to do that . False Insurance Claim against the city. That is weird. Rgets my ugly is Justin Trudeau was wearing body armor at a campaign rally. He has been received a lot of threats. So he has had a lot more security and bullet proof vests. Its just kind of a sign of the times. Thats pretty unsettling. Canadians go to the poll next weekend. Justin trudeau in a tight race. Appreciate you guys. It was fun. Thanks. Always fun. Whats your candy of choice . Reeses pieces. Get these skittles out of here. Theyre good. Theyre fine. Well be right back. Theyre fine. Well be right back. Theres a power in listening; its what gives audible members an edge. It opens our minds, changes our perspective, connects us, and pushes us further. The most inspiring minds, the most compelling stories audible. And now for their service to the community, we present limu emu doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] its an honor to tell you that Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. And now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. So chantix can help its you quit slow turkey. Cold turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. 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And he directed that we begin a deliberate withdrawal of forces from syria. Also here at home, were two days away from the next democratic debate in ohio. A record breaking 12 candidates will try to take the stage. And what we can expect from that and who stands to win or lose the most . Will the latest Development Help or hurt joe biden on stage . His son making the big decision to leave a chinesebacked firm. The president ial field tightens for 2020. We start with new developments on a player in the middle of the ukraine impeachment

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