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House correspondent and associating editor of politico. I do want to start with kelly o. If you can hear me while we continue to watch these pictures, kelly o. , it seems Angela Merkel and the french president are in an extended conversation outside there. Then they plan to have a class photo. Will we be able to see anything that takes place inside the dinner itself . Reporter we dont expect the dinner to be public, but this greeting, this procession of greetings is a part of the tradition of the g7 so you have a chance to have the host country show off the setting that they chose to welcome these leaders from around the world and certainly france has a spectacular backdrop for this meeting. We expect that President Trump will be the last of the leaders to be received by the first couple of france. This does give us a chance to sort of assess of the body language, some of the relationships. We had also an opportunity that was added to the public schedule really at the last moment earlier today between President Trump and president macron who had lunch together, and that was something that we had not been given any earlier heads up about. The president and first lady had traveled in a bit earlier than had originally been expected and it allowed a bit of extra time. President trump has been in france a number of times yes, i see thats the u. S. Yes, as i mentioned. President trump would be the last of the leaders. Exactly. So the president as the largest economy is often the last to be received so well have a chance here to see President Trump and the macrons be greeted here. Whats important about this is that they have disagreements on some issues and great friendship in other areas that both leaders speak about publicly. Both acknowledge some of their differences and also talk about areas where they can work together. The balance of what they think should be on the top of the agenda is often what we see differently. Lets listen in. The first couple is taking in the scenery. It is a beautiful setting indeed. The president is looking at it and is thinking maybe we could do a good golf course somewhere out there. But they have some serious matters on the agenda, including for the french president macron who says that Climate Change is the number one topic and called the amazon fires an emergency, a global emergency. The president , of course, of the United States is dealing with the trade wars that he has brought upon himself. And bridget macron is meeting the first lady and exchanging some pleasantries. Kelly, the last time we had the g7 summit, it ended abruptly with the president leaving early and agreeing not to sign an agreement that they had. How is this one any different so far . Reporter well, that was abrupt because the communique, as its known in diplomatic language, is usually where the leaders sign a joint agreement of commitments that they have made and its sort of a contract at the end of these important sessions. And by President Trump not agreeing to do that, it sort of broke the mold. This time macron has set out to not even attempt to do that, which is implicitly acknowledging that President Trump does not like to play by those International Norms and instead the focus will be on having conversations, working on areas where there is agreement and building on some of the personal relationships. Other leaders will come at this in their own way. Some have known and worked across from President Trump over the last couple of years. Others come to it fresh, if you will, as in Boris Johnson, newly elected as the Prime Minister of the united kingdom, has met and dealt with President Trump before but new in the role of Prime Minister. Notable in the way we saw the exchange there. These two couples, the trumps and macrons have been together in social settings before. Not all of the spouses came to this sort of greeting, so that is a sign of the sort of coupletocouple respect. Also weve always noted the sort of kind of bromance, as its been casually described, where each man is very touchyfeely with the other and also macron doing the thumbs up, which is trumps symbol of his sort of political sign. That is kind of a nod to trump. And so both trying to work at the things where they agree, knowing that they have many public disagreements. And certainly President Trump wants to emphasize the economy and trade issues. Certainly president macron wants to talk about climate, wants to talk about many other issues. He set on the agenda inequality and injustice around the world on a number of matters as being part of the dialogue here. That is not something that President Trump saw as the forefront of these meetings with leaders tonight. This is not the main dinner of the event so it is closed to the media, but these sort of seascape beautiful pictures showing the leaders greeting each other and whats known as the official class photo or family photo of the leaders of the countries that are assembled here, and in addition the European Union is represented. Macron has also extended invitations to some of the emerging economies as well. Thats part of sort of the tradition and the trappings of these meetings, which on the surface may seem like some of the sort of the niceties of the meeting that certainly many of the protesters outside the bubble would object to. But it is a part of the Relationship Building that if theres any chance at anything more substantive, those relationships need a place to develop and part of that is in these nicer settings where things are not all about the areas of disagreement but in some of the taking in of these beautiful moments. As we may have noted, next year the u. S. Is the host of the g7 and one of the Big Questions is where will President Trump choose to invite World Leaders to visit in the United States. And many are saying that it might possibly be his golf resort down there, doral in florida. But there are a lot of people who are also saying that maybe next year might be the end of these summits, as they have been set up for so many years. If carol lee is still with us, i do want to bring you into the discussion, because as beautiful as this setting is right there in southwestern france, i do know that last night outside of the bubble that there were some arrests and plenty of protests. Reporter yeah, there have been protests which were expected and they were last night. There were, i believe, some of them today as well. Look, this is you see this sort of protest around any summit like this. Typically theres always you know, when you get a group of World Leaders together like this where theyre discussing issues that tend to draw passions on both sides of the issues, you see these sorts of protests. You know, its interesting to me in looking at President Trump with president macron is how long these two leaders spent together at this greeting. It was the longest amount of time that president macron spent with anyone that he greeted. They clearly tried to show that they get along, that they have a relationship, but there are some real deep divisions between not just president macron and President Trump but all of these other World Leaders and President Trump. What i think were going to see is not just this broader meeting where they all get together and sit down and have dinner tonight and they have other meetings over the next couple of days but theres going to be a number of oneonone meetings where President Trump is really going to be pressed on his trade war with china, which theres growing concern within europe and elsewhere that thats being a drag on the Global Economy. So, you know, this is kind of the gettogether before everybody gets serious and really talks about some of the more controversial things and where they disagree, but were going to see over the next couple of days potentially some fireworks. No one really knows exactly how President Trump is going to conduct himself while hes here because weve seen in past summits that hes just unpredictable. So possibly some fireworks inside the walls of those meeting walls as well as outside. While you were speaking we were showing some of the images of the protests taking place outside the bubble that took place overnight. Those protests continue until the evening hours. Bob, as we monitor this and take a look at these images of the last 24 hours there or so in southwest france, i do want to remind you of one image from last year. Viewers will remember the tensions between the global leaders. President trump seen with his hands folded and other members staring down at him. It really kind of encapsulated that summit last year. Is there any way that these group of leaders who will be able to come back from this sort of setting from last year . Yeah. Its got to go better than last year. Last year was really a disaster. Now, trump does have a Good Relationship with macron but he has an ally now, Boris Johnson of great britain. Hes going to be having breakfast with him tomorrow morning. But theyre so far apart from where President Trump is on Climate Change and on trade that i think its going to be very difficult to have anything really substantive come out of this. As mentioned, theyre not going to have a communique, which is really the sign of success. So i think theres a lot of niceties now and pleasantries, but theres going to be a lot of awkwardness over the next couple of days. A lot of awkwardness at the g7 summit. It seems to be common place lately. All right, well continue to keep an eye on the beautiful pictures that are coming out of southwest france right there at the g7 summit that just got under way. They are having a working dinner as its described. Man, thats a beautiful setting. Kelly odonnell, thanks. Carol lee, bob cusack and anita kumar, apologies, we didnt get to you. One of the earths most valuable resources engulfed in flames. Just ahead, one man who has seen firsthand the magnitude of the fires in the amazon will join me in studio. 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Paul is just back from south america and joins me here in studio. What you were showing us right there, was that the death of why did you say thats the killing of earth . Because weve been allowing this to happen the last three decades. We lost 20 of the amazon. This is a system that provides with a fifth of our oxygen. What started all of this . This is slash and burn agriculture. Theres over 70,000 fires and this is pause we dont value this as a lifegiving system. We talk about it saying it is the lungs of the earth but really why should we care about whats happening . First of all, this is a system that regulates our climate and produces incredible amounts of resources. If we start losing it and cross a certain Tipping Point where it cant moisturize itself, we could lose the ecosystem which would be catastrophic. These are some of the images youve captured yourself. Im curious about this drone footage. Why this . Because this is the most important thing. The answer to putting out these fires is not trying to put out the fires but its to keep the amazon healthy enough that it doesnt catch fire. These are not natural for the amazon ecosystem. Not only are we losing a lot of trees, but inside those trees are millions and millions of animals that are burning alive. Is this good for the climate . How is it going to affect politics . Theres animals burning in that forest. You see the monkeys and birds running for their lives. They have nowhere else to go. But also people who have lived there for hundreds of years. Yes. And theres millions of people who live in the amazon. In brazil and peru there are local people fighting to protect their environment. On a large policy level if we dont have leaders willing to support that, you get stuff like this where everything is destroyed. This used to be ancient forest filled with biodiversity and now its gone. Youve been going to the amazon every year. For the last 13 years. 13 years. Is this as bad as its gotten . This is the worst its been and its only going to keep snowballing if we dont protect the standing forest that is still intact. Theres local groups on the ground. I work with an Organization Called jungle keepers that protects forests where there is biodiversity and producing the rain that can stop these fires. On any given day as you go back, youre possibly going back tomorrow, do you imagine youll see more land burnt . More wildlife yeah. This is the start of the dry season so were only going to see more of this. Its going to increase for a while before it gets any better. As a conservationist, how heart breaking is it, some of these scenes . I feel like im here as a representative of the animals. They cant come into a news studio. This rips my heart out when you see the beauty of the rain forest and see all of that treasure just destroyed. Its absolutely pointless. Its like notre dame burning every day. Paul, thank you. Appreciate you having me. When we come back, the race to 2020 for some critical few days ahead. Wednesday is the deadline to qualify for the next debate. Well do it now. As such, many democratic hopefuls are out trying to raise funds and poll numbers. The majority are in New Hampshire right now. Mike memoli is there as well. He joins us from keen, New Hampshire, where joe biden is campaigning for a second day. Joe knows his way into your heart by singing happy birthday to you. Props, and happy birthday. Reporter yeah. Thank you for that, it was a little bit of a surprise at the end of a long day here on the campaign trail. For joe biden obviously theres been a lot of talk about electability. The week started with his wife, dr. Jill biden, in nashua talking bluntly about the fact that while some people have other candidates they like better, this election boils down to who can best defeat donald trump. We heard the Vice President in his trip here so far with strong rhetoric talking about what he sees as the real urgency of the stakes here. Whats interesting this morning is he talked about he started his event by talking about what he wouldnt talk about which is youve been talking and showing the pictures from the g7 summit where President Trump is. Biden said he wasnt going to criticize the president while hes on foreign soil but he did have tough words on the economy. Lets take a listen to that. S t. Former chief of staff to republican senator mike lee and opinion editor. And Elena Beverly democratic strategist and former Obama Administration official. Welcome to bothmi of you. Another one bites the dust. Congressman seth molten became the latest democratic candidate to drop out of the president ial race. And he kind of criticized a primary process a bit, take a listen. That wasa more of a handica than i imagined because of the system that the dnc has set up, and havingse debates so early. I dont think its a good thing its become a three person race. The onlyrs governor from a stat that trump won should be included in theon debate. Thats not then system we haven the race thats resulted. Hes referring to the debate process indeed does he have a point there, boyd . Itpo is a its always a challenge when you have a big field like y that, its also, y have to have some sort of process to make it go. I think one of the interesting things, is that because of social media, youll see some of these bottom candidates are not going to go anywhere and its good for them to drop out. The next tierp candidates can hang around a long time. Evend if theyre not on the debate stage. In, lets do a lot of social media, keep connected there, and if someone stumbles, has significant gaps other than joe biden, who can is teflon with those. Maybe they can coalesce. You saw cory booker go to the subject of climate as soon as governor inslee dropped out. Its a tough process for sure, the rules are tough, and the debate stage is going to be crowded when they get to houston. Possibly crowded heres a look at who has qualified for the next debate that will take place on september 12th on abc in houston. There are many who are trying to make that debate stage in the meantime, you get a sense that if somebody does not make that next debate stage that their campaign is done . You do. Ne in part because you need to make sure in order to get to that debate stage, you both have fundraisingve chops as well as are securing four polls where you are over 2 in those polls. You have theho finger on the pue of theon electorate. And if youre note going to make it to the debate stage where you do have at least 10 heavy hitters, its unlikely youre going to stay in the public consciousness. With seth moulton, he never broke through, he never broke through far enough to make it to any of those debate stages when he says the Campaign Stage is whittling down to three contenders, i challenge that. I think that we have a number of frontrunners who are capturing the attention and the interest of voters, but he simply was not one of them. He was saying its now down to biden, warren anden sadders, ignoringrs harris and buttigieg and others, including cory booker. I want to talk to you guys about joe biden, yes, as we saw, hes out there campaigning for a second day in New Hampshire, but he missed out on a very very big dnc event in san francisco. Hes done that a lot, missing out on those big events. Is that a big deal . It sends an interesting message. I dont know what the strategy is, clearly in places like california where you have a lot ofre delegates at stake, it see odd that he i wouldnt go there anddn so i do challenge that a little bit to avoid those things to beo amiss, maybe hes hopin that they can avoid some of the gaffe components to it that he continues to battle and i think hes also wondering too, because the question itg seems to me among a lot of democrats is the enthusiasm gap. Is there one forth joe biden or not, or can he get a i do applaud joe biden today to really doing at waters edge, thatte sends a great message to all the candidates across the political spectrum, that when our president istr across the seas, we do unite. We can hold our criticism, we can still have those great royalingho debates when they ge back on american soil. O you appreciate the optics indeed in keane, New Hampshire. Once joe biden comes out and starts talking to the media, wellth listen in. Same question elena, on joe biden missing out on so many of those big s events. Coming off the heels of him having a gaffe prone last three weeks. And itre seems as if there are many in his campaign who have leaked out theyre trying to cut downy on the number of events that he attends, so whats the move right now s for him is it. In this instance i dont think this is an example of his staff protecting him. I think its an example of his overex arching campaign strateg which is to make this more of a general election run for him. Where hes f pitting himself against donald trump. So hes not taking the bait or biting the apple if you will, to go to large cattle call types of events where there are a number ofhe contenders comparing polic message after policy message. He is distinguishing himself as the frontrunner and as the person to take on trump. In terms of the gaffes, i think the gaffes are not quite much ado about nothing. But i think that we today are making far more of them than necessary when compared to what were seeing coming from the oval office today and coming from the white house today with the rhetoric and the twitter finger of donald trump. Everything hes saiddo this wee showing demonstrating hes unhinged and is far more gaffe prone than Vice President biden, hes not hes talked about everything from buying greenland to being the chosen one and we have very serious issues we need to weigh the contenders on. I think the gaffe bait is a little too much. You kind of teed up our next segment. Well leave it there with you guys. Thanks to you. As she mentioned, before taking off for the g7 summit. President trump made more eyebrow raising comments. Somebody excuse me. Somebody had to do it. I am the chosen one. Somebody had to do it. So im taking on china. Well, next, some insight on what this president is trying to saypr there. Well talk with a former contestant on the apprentice whos seen this president when the cameras were not on. Meras w. Flonase sensimist. Nothing stronger. Nothing gentler. Nothing lasts longer. Flonase sensimist. 24 hour nondrowsy allergy relief the first survivor of alzis out there. Ase and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. And now for their service to the community, we present limu emu doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] its an honor to tell you that Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. And now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Its been a very wild week for President Trump. Thats saying a lot, even for President Trump. From his idea to purchasing greenland to quoting a conspiracy theorists, likening it to the Second Coming of god. Many statements left lots of people scratching their heads. Take a listen. Somebody had to do it. I am the chosen one. Somebody had to do it. So im taking on china. Nothing like the medal of honor, i wanted one, but they tell me i dont qualify. Can i give it to myself anyway . They said, i dont think its a good idea. I think any jewish people that vote for a democrat i think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty. Interesting week, joining me right now, kwame jackson. He was runner up on season one of the apprentice. And can give us insight into President Trump. I know it was 15 years ago, but you got a good view of what this man was going to be like. Given all thats taken place in the last week, in this year for that matter, he calls himself the chosen one, what do you call him is it. Right now we are in the front seat, with the front seat view of this week in what i call popeyes chicken sandwich president ial politics. It is out of control, its fiddling while romes burning, its the mad king in the game of thrones, its the scene in game of thrones where the mother of dragons rides through town and burns up the whole place. We are really tips over the edge. And its up to us to pull back the reigns of reality, of truth and start to really double down on things that matter. I know you meant to give us a hopeful message, but im thinking you failed at that. Yes, i did. The dig beyond that, let me point out, the president changed course on that chosen one comment. Saying he was being sarcastic and kidding, when you hear him make those comments and you see him come back with these sort of comments. What do you think is going on. I think at the core what you see is a representative behavior of throwing things against the dart board or throwing things against the wall. Seeing what sticks and either doubling down on it or walking it back. According to how it all shakes out. And so you see this continual pump fake or head fake that distracts us from the issues at hand, were playing the game of opposites. Instead of focusing on the brazilian rainforest, were focused on whether the president should get the medal of honor when he dodged the draft five times and wasnt eligible to serve in that capacity in terms of being a fake. Was he like this,ed person were seeing in the front of the cameras and that we hear about behind the scenes, was he like this behind the scenes at the apprentice. Unfortunately theres been a slow devilution of the job. Maybe the fact that he thought he was never going to win, and hes in this Pressure Cooker situation. The ability to handle all the knobs and whistles and bells that come with the job, is forcing him to say things that make no sense. That really are focusing us on areas we shouldnt be focused on, its like the guy on the train or the guy in the barber shop whos saying wild and crazy things and you dont know what to take seriously or what to act on. There are some things that are legit issues that he acts on, including this week, he was talking about birth right citizenship. Not sure if you saw it, take a listen. Were looking at that seriously, birth right citizenship, where you have a baby in our land, you walk over the border, have a baby, congratulations, the baby is now a u. S. Citizen. Whats your take on that . This is Steven Miller at work at his worst. This is moving us once again from a conversation of an inclusive america that allows for immigration that welcomes, the poor, the wretched, all the folks who need our help and contribute to society in the long term, you are an immigrant yourself. My stepfather is a nigerian immigrant who became a doctor and had a wonderful career here in america. Thats all part of the american dream. If you remove that from people. Youre playing to the race game, the replacement theory game, that also leads to some of the shootings that we see, whether its el paso, the other cities that allows people to have that fear to the point where you want to act. This is dangerous rhetoric, and it may be something we can never walk back. As you take a look at all that the president does as a casual observer, as an american, a journalist and someone who once worked with him. Are you scared for our country . Ive been scared. In 2015 i did a press conference about this type of week as what we feared. And ive been trying to sell and tell the country that we need to sound the alarm. I think that this is a pivot for me in a leadership moment. This is a chance to say, what does america deserve. A president with the right tone, whether its a coach that leads a Basketball Team or a principal that leads the high school, the president has to set the tone that creates a positive environment for america. A president with the right temperament. Oh, you wont let me buy greenland we cant have a meeting, you called me absurd, and its a personal affront to me. I am the state, so therefore youre offending me and the country. And lastly, a president that troubleshoots. So its not just enough to point the out these are the problems, this is what obama did, this is what my fed chairman did and always pass the buck, a president that troubleshoots and doubles down on slukss so we can get to where we need to go as a country. Youre asking for a lot. Im trying, the presidency is a big job. Thank you for being here. Thank you. Look forward to seeing you back here. Marking the beginning of american slavery. Well tell you the unknown story of the first africanamerican 400 years later. b urke a rock and wreck. Seen it. Covered it. At farmers insurance, we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum what might seem like a small cough can be a big bad problem for your grandchildren. Babies too young to be vaccinated against whooping cough are the most at risk for severe illness. Help prevent this talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about getting vaccinated against whooping cough. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist today were pretty different. Somos muy diferentes. Muy diferentes. vo everyone in your family is different. Thats why verizon now offers more plans to mix and match so everyone gets what they need without paying for things they dont. New plans now starting at 35. The network more people rely on gives you more. He borrowed billions donald trump failed as a businessman. And left a trail of bankruptcy and broken promises. He hasnt changed. I started a tiny investment business, and over 27 years, grew it successfully to 36 billion dollars. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. Im running for president because unlike other candidates, i can go head to head with donald trump on the economy, and expose him fo what he is a fraud and a failure. Sleep number 360 smart bed. You can adjust your comfort on both sides your sleep number setting. Can it help keep us asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. And snoring . No problem. And done. So you can really promise better sleep. Not promise. Prove. And now, all beds are on sale save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus 0 interest for 24 months and free home delivery. Ends saturday. Frustrated that everyday activities cause wrinkles and theres nothing you can do about it . Now theres a solution downy wrinkleguard is a fabric conditioner that helps protect you from wrinkles all day. Just pour the dye free liquid into the rinse dispenser. After a day of wear, pants washed with downy wrinkleguard and detergent are virtually wrinkle free. It even comes unscented. If you dont love downy wrinkleguard, well give you your money back. There are several events buying held this weekend to mark the first group of captured africans to arrive in this part of the world. One couple on board that ship that arrived right here. The first black child born on what would become the United States. Their ancestors, are living out their legacy. A great nation, which it is, recognizes all of this history, we dont shy away from it. This is our moment. An important and overlooked chapter of American History began here off these waters in hampton, virginia. Its a story as rough as the rocky coastline as strong as the wind beneath these sales. When i drive through the gates every day, it never gets past me that my ancestors could have come through this port. The very first africans landed in english north america after being ripped away from their homeland. Im sure they all hoped they could go home, that this would be a temporary thing. Temporary it was not. It was just the beginning of the north american slave trade. A group of between 20 and 30 angolans were captured by a portuguese slave ship on the way to the caribbean. That ship was attacked by two british ships. The english pirates stealing the human cargo on board. The white lion landed in virginia in 1619. I imagine when that ship anchored here, the africans would have been shocked and scared and, their future would have been murky at best. According to records, a young couple were on that first ship. In 1624 the couple had a baby boy, known to be the first black child born in north america. The census from that year names the negro child reportedly named after the familys master, william tucker. Knowing i was a decen tent from the first africans that arrived and how they must have felt, they they probably struggled. Springfield resident was born and raised in hampton. Her mother is a tucker. And through dna and oral history, the family has traced their heritage all the way back to william tucker. A story thats been passed down for generations. And a fascinating story indeed. The Tucker Family spent time clearing that land and putting up white crosses over unmarked graves all this weekend. There will be events all throughout hampton virginia. Thanks to jummy for that story from wrc. We look back at history. Why is it so important for us to look back at this. Is it opening a wound or its not distant history. On my mothers side, my family can trace its origins all the way back to a man named pittman who was freed when sherman came through mississippi. Scarlett oharas tears are my familys liberation. Thats my great great great grandfather. Thats not that long ago. I bring that up to emphasize the point that the history of american slavery is so different in kind than slavery as practiced elsewhere, one of the people, mainly white folks, one of the people they say, lots of people had slavery, what was so different . American chattel slavery was an entirely different thing on the world stage. It was brutal, legally there was no way for a slave to buy themselves or earn their freedom. And quite differently than any other place that practiced slavery, you were born into it. You think about this, think about a slave holder who rapes a person, that person has a child, that child is not given the rights and responsibilities of the slave holding man, hes put into the condition of bondage from birth with no chance for escape. What about so many people who will say okay, yes, we acknowledge the history, my bad, some of the white folks, why cant we just say, why cant we move on . Why do we talk reparations. First of all, you dont know the history. Like yall dont know your own history because were not taught it in school. The history of slavery is sanitized for the benefit of white people in our own education system. Most people actually dont know the history, just as starters. But secondly, even if yall did know the history, you would understand the current applications and the current hangover of this system of racism and oppression. The legal structures of slavery have been defeated. But the legacy of kidnapping a people, taking them away from their homelands, changing their language, changing their kill tour, refusing to give them rights. All of that is still with us today. Thats why the 1619 project is so important. You cant understand whats happening today if you dont know what happened yesterday. May the church say amen. Can i get a witness . Its bad. We shouldnt have done it . Testifying on a saturday. The winner of the president ial election is anyones guess, or is it . Next to hiss tore ans give us insight into 2020. Man 1 proof of less joint pain and clearer skin. Man 2 proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis. Woman 2 . With humira. Woman 3 humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. Announcer humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. 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That says we have democrats and republicans. Even a minor recession isnt going to change voter behavior for republicans and right leaning independents all that well. And because dps are really fired up right now, and they were in the 2018 midterms. We can anticipate where democrats are going to do very well. My predictions recommend people read the theory that underlies that model. I want to pop up that forecast there. That shows again getting 239 electoral votes. You have there that arizona would pretty much be up in the air, and does that mean its in play . Its really key to key to understand that map has democrats starting at 278 which is a problem for donald trump you only need 270 to win the electoral college. I have these four tossup states, arizona, North Carolina and iowa in the gray color, those are excess states for democrats, i dont expect trump would sweep those states. Theyre not going to hit 278 right on. You famously predicted trumps electoral victory early on. Where does President Trump now stand on your 13 keys to reelection . How many boxes checked . Well, on my 13 keys, it takes 6 keys to count out President Trump. Right now, hes only down three keys. And you know, my brylin yacht colleague has a wonderful model, the problem is, its never actually been tested against a president ial election. Weve seen time and again, models pop up each year, crash and burn. And the danger is, the democrats are once again being seduced like they were in 2016 by modelers without a track record by pundits and pollsters, into thinking they can just coast along and donald trump will defeat himself, thats wrong. If the democrats want to nail another key and more keys on him, they have to grow a spine and start an impeachment inquiry the moment they arrive back in washington which i think will ultimately lead to articles of impeachment which would pin the scandal key on the president four keys and make it more likely that other keys like a real challenge to his nomination or third party would fall. But i warrant democrats, dont go down the same primrose path that led to your defeat in 2016. The country and the world cant take it. Sounds like youre both saying, despite your models, whatever your predictions, just go vote . That really is the key to all of this. The problem with the professors model is, so much of it is subjective, he says hes only clicked three of these keys, but when we think about these primary challenges that are getting ready to emerge with sanford and possibly the former member of congress joe walsh, those are not insignificant. And the polarized area, you dont challenge an incumbent president , i think were going to see more keys get clicked. That could happen, i agree with you 100 . Democrats cant count on events saving them. They have to save themselves. I have to leave it here. I have to make one prediction, i have to go to a commercial break right now, thank you, professor. Appreciate it. Thank you so much for having me. Right now, 9 worlds biggest leaders are in france and growing fears over Climate Change and the economy. Each leader is also facing serious issues at home. Our live coverage from the g7 summit continues. And unrivaled network to work. The United States Postal Service makes more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Ecommerce deliveries to homes great riches will find you when Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Wow. Thanks, zoltar. How can i ever repay you . Maybe you could free zoltar . Thanks, lady. 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The death of jeffrey epstein, what the British Royal is now saying about epsteins death, accusations against him and their friendship. We begin overseas at the g7 summit in the south of france. Right now theyre at whats equaled a working dinner, there are concerns over what the leaders can accomplish. The annual meeting will end without a joint communication this is coming as each leader appears to be mired in problems at home. Representing italy is the outgoing Prime Minister. Then theres a german chancellor, Angela Merkel. Hes mired in dirty scandals back home. Hes up for reelection this fall. Emmanuel mack roan is dealing with the lowest pole numbers of all of those leaders right there, the u. K. s brexit mess is now Boris Johnsons problem, less than 100 days there. Where do we begin . Or should we end with President Trump . We have the markets in turmoil as he escalates his trade war. There are 132 democrats calling for the impeachment of President Trump. What can all those people get done in the south of france . Sort of like a meeting of the misfits many are saying. Kelly odonnell is following the president at the g7 summit. She joins us from nearby. I understand theyre in this second hour of what they describe as a working dinner . Reporter it is an opportunity to emphasize some of the personal relationships, getting to know each other, some spouses are participating, there are rough relationships within this group, and some newcombing together with some change coming in the lineup each year when you have some leaders who exit the stage and others who come on board. For President Trump its clear how he comes into this meeting, he telegraphs that loudly on twitter, in his public statements, stomps his feet in a metaphorical sense about the issues that matter most to him, before meeting the other leaders, its clear what he wants to have on the agenda. He tried to set the agenda to a certain extent by insisting that part of the discussions would include World Economic policies and the Global Economy when the host of this years meeting had had other things that were top of mind that he sought to have greater discussions on, of course, Climate Change were the u. S. And these other partner nations are really at odds, also, the sort of dwij tal transformation thats happening around the world. And then exploring things in all kinds of ways, economically and in terms of social justice around the world. Important issues but not what President Trump thinks is the most important. Of course tonight part of what theyre discussing is interNational Security, and that includes iran. Which, of course, is a shared concern that many of these leaders have about the potential threat of iran, and how to deal with that, they have a lot of areas where the problems they share are in common. Their view of the solutions quite different. And what you will see among these leaders is looking for ways to find some threads of good will or Good Relationships. You certainly see that with trump and mack roan who appear to get alongwell in many ways, even though they disagree very strongly in a lot of areas. They talk about that quite frankly in public. Ways in which they can be friendly and build from that. Thats part of whats happening tonight. It would appear its off to a good start, at least relative to last years summit in can dark a really ugly one for many. Kelly odonnell, our thanks to you, enjoy the south of france tonight. Joining me right now, nbcs senior digital White House Reporter is traveling with the preside president. Dana milbank columnist at the washington post. Welcome to all of you. I want to start with you over there, in a new nbc news. Com piece, you report that trump is fixated on a trade war with china and eyeing another with europe. Whats the administration looking to accomplish out of this summit, then . Hes certainly not backing down on europe, with everything going on, admits to this trade war of china, and the pressure its putting on the u. S. Economy and all the jitters in the market going into this, he talked again about putting a tax on french wine. White house officials have been saying the president wants to make a trade and emphasis of this meeting, despite other members wanting to talk about National Security and Climate Change, i expect him to go in having requests for some of these countries to see them remove tariffs. And to use his trade war with china as a way of showing hes serious about trade. He here by orders American Companies to cut business ties with china and look for alternatives. Last night when he looked for france, he tried to justify his authority on this. Listen. [ inaudible ] well, in 1977 we had an act passed, a National Emergency act, i have the absolute right to do that. What are you hearing from your sources . Does he in fact have the right to enforce this act . Well, like a lot of things that this administration does, it will probably end up in the courts if he does follow through on this, hes referring to an Emergency Powers act that was passed during the iran hostage crisis in the 1970s. Other president s have used this for sort of wide sweeping use of executive authority. And theres many people in his administration who have a very broadview of what the president s powers are, including his White House Council and his attorney general. Its certainly possible that hes being advised that he could as this act to direct u. S. Companies not to do business with china. That would be a big step. Because historically, president s have used this act to go against rogue regimes like north korea or iran, to use it to levee heavy sanctions or Block Companies from doing business. The chinese, despite what the president has said about the billions of dollars he says they have stolen from the u. S. , its currently not an adversary, and there is no current National Security threat they pose, even if long term down the road you could make an argument there could be one. Theres a new colorful character at the g7 this year. The newly minted british Prime Minister Boris Johnson told reporters he will be asking President Trump to deescalate the trade war with china, watch what he had to say. I dont think we ought to be doing anything. There are all sorts of people who will be taking positions on trade. There are a lot of people that want to interfere with free trade. Trumps relationship with Boris Johnson could be a key test at this meeting. What are you expecting from the two leaders . Well, look, they are of all the people there, they are the ones most alike in style. So you can theyve gotten along before, you can expect that on a certain level. Theyre both in have very difficult problems at home, so theyre going to tiptoe around those and try to emphasize other things. I think what were looking at overall, as you mention going in, i mean, think about how unproductive a g 7 this is, if theyre not going to do the usual communique. Thats boilerplate. Theres no real hope of getting anything done. Theyre really only talking about whether they can talk about something or other. So yes, i suppose theres going to be more some better rapport with the new british Prime Minister than the previous, but that amounts to nothing. And the president s trade war with china, hes not going to be dissuaded because he sees this as crucial to his presidency, and hes also taking it personally. I see nothing really pushing him away from that. Are you giving anything from your sources that there will be anything that will come out successfully, positively, out of this g7 meeting . We saw the images from the last one. The body language was interesting. Exactly, yeah. Most of the people i talked to about this, when i talk to people on the hill. I called a couple members this morning, theyre hoping this doesnt blow up, so best case scenario. Thats the bottom line, please just dont screw things up. And from then on its positive. Insulting somebody is probably the bottom line, as long as we dont instigate a trade war that doesnt already exist, the people im talking to are like, okay, we did all right. The republicans trade is within of the things the republicans kind of theyen watt to fight trump on trade, this is one of the things that, you know, some of them will stick behind the president with. I think that Kevin Mccarthy and a lot of these republicans on the hill sound like theyre pretty happy this is happening while theyre out of session. And so we dont get to ask republicans, what did you think about trump insulting some foreign leader or something. The same old news cycle that theyre used to. Dana, i want to get you in on this. Today japan requested that south korean intelligence on pyongyangs seventh Ballistic Missile test is Prime Minister abe looking to trump to try to help with the north . Whats going on in that region . Well, its hard to tell whats going on with north korea, what we do see very clearly is that the president said some time ago that north korea is no longer a nuclear threat. That seems to have gone rather the other way and japan is saying, north korea has miniaturized nuclear weapons, a whole new level of danger. I think the panic level is rising in japan. And trump unfortunately is, i think, still determined to tamp it down and emphasize the positive in his friendship with kim. All right, lets leave it there. Dana milbank, thank you. Alex thomas, thanks. The race for the white house is heating up. A field of Democratic Candidates begin to narrow. Were just days from learning who qualifies for the next debate. News of another health care for the Supreme Court justice, sparking questions about how long she will be able to work. What it could mean for President Trumps growing legacy in americas court. But what i do count on. Is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. Boost® high protein. Be up for life. Spending time together, sometimes means doing nothing at all. Holiday inn. Were there. So you can be too. As a doctor, i agree with cdc guidance. I recommend topical pain relievers first. Like salonpas patch large. Its powerful, fdaapproved to relieve moderate pain, yet nonaddictive and gentle on the body. Salonpas. Its good medicine. Hisamitsu. Sleep number 360 smart bed. You can adjust your comfort on both sides your sleep number setting. Can it help us fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep us asleep . 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Ive got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. I can schedule a time for them to call me back, its great you have our number programmed in . Ya i dont even know your phone anymore. Excuse me . what . I dont know your phone number. Aw well. He doesnt know our phone number you have our fax number, obviously. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Ill pass. Whos in and whos out. The race for the white house finally beginning to narrow. Wednesday is the deadline to qualify for septembers debate. Biden is in New Hampshire this weekend. Mike, the former vp spoke a short time ago, what do you have to say . This week began with the conversation about electability. A conversation that the Biden Campaign has been trying to press even more. That is one of the real advantages he has in this race. Thats raised questions, whether the crowds, the enthusiasm of democratic activists is where it needs to be weve seen the Biden Campaign push back on that. Hes really what is going to be a big factor at the ballet box. Weve seen joe biden raising the stakes as he wants to do. We just heard from the Vice President , he took some questions from reporters after going to a diner here. I asked him if he thought the president s challenge may prompt more debate from the republicans. What i do is, i am surprised. I think there are. I know a lot of republicans who still hold public office. Theyre bright, we have different views, theyre bright, theyre serious people, and they know better. It surprised me, that none of them have been willing to challenge him. One other question in a the Vice President got. What does he say to voters that are concerned about the Vice President s age he said simply, dont he vote for me. Thats not a convincing reaganesque, turning it around. Right. I want to bring in the panel right now. Amy tar takenian, former chair woman of the nevada state Republican Party. Also, michelle richie. Welcome to both of you. Hi, kendis. Hi. Biden, while he was there campaigning in New Hampshire was missing the big dnc summer meeting in san francisco. He did send a video message. But was it a wise move to not make that big conference out there and instead shake a few hands in New Hampshire. You had a polyp earlier in your show where it shows that those solid democratic states are states like california. I think that biden was looking at this and saying, we know that we more than likely have california in the bag. Maybe were not so sure about New Hampshire. And so californias an early primary state. It is. But it usually goes blue. And i think that he with him having, being the frontrunner now, he doesnt see the need to go to california and compete against people like kamala harris. Thats her home, thats her base. Shes going to have a lot of supporters. A lot of people in california arent that happy with her when she was the attorney general in the state of california, i think this was a smart move, New Hampshire is a very competitive state. If you can get up there sooner, the better. She was the attorney general. She was she won the race for statewide senate. Trump still thinks biden will be his biggest threat. What do you think about that . 400 plus days out . Is it biden . Well, at this point yes, the polling still shows biden, and here in the state of nevada as far as fundraising numbers go, bidens still in the lead. You have Elizabeth Warren trailing behind him. She has quite the strong ground game from what ive been told. I have spoken with some of my more progressive friends in california, i would agree with your other guests there are a number of them that are not happy with kamala harris, and theyre actually looking more at someone like Elizabeth Warren, but still trying to figure out are they going to be able to swallow joe biden if he ends up being the nominee. At this point in previous years, there were plenty of people who were leading in the polls who ended up not making any sort of traction at all. Rudy giuliani comes to mind. He was leading in the polls so many years ago at this point. Do you get a sense that voters arent paying attention. Come labor day, post labor day, thats when theyre going to start getting engaged in this . No, absolutely not. People are more engaged in our political process than ever before with the election of donald trump. I think people are really paying attention to the issues, and i think that when you talk about young voters especially, its especially important for these candidates to start to target those young voters. I think its really important for those candidates to start targeting them, they are very energized and they want a leader. When you see these young voters out there, they are challenging these Democratic Candidates really hard on issues such as Climate Change and gun policy, i think that people are certainly paying attention and younger people are paying attention to what weve seen before. I want to get your take on this, i find this interesting. Extreme republicans have been adopting an interesting tactic, take a look. As a doctor, i can assure you, there are only two genders. So that is a candidate. That was quit. That was a candidate for the governor of louisiana, ralph abrams. What does this say about the state of the Republican Party when theyre running on that sort of issue . There are only two genders. Im sure that was not the only issue he was running on i would hope. Its a quick snip it, we need to be very compassionate, very careful when were approaching a topic such as body dis. Morphia. There are two. Male and female. I dont think that would be a top priority of mine if i were running, he seems to think so. Id like to find out what else hes running on. Even if you think there are only two genders, the thing we should not be doing whether you are democrat or republican, is alienating any sort of person in this country based on their sexual presence or religion. I agree. To run an ad like that is why we see so many marginalized people in this country. If you look at it, the conservatives have. Some of them are my friends that are members of the lgbt community. You think of these organizations like the log cabin republicans, one of the the largest lgbt group of republicans in the country. Youre alienating voters when you have this kind of rhetoric. Dont you agree, amy on that . I mean, there are log cabin republicans, and by the way, the term body dismorphia, is way harsh when you refer it to what were talking about here. Its science and psychology based. We need to make sure we are compassionate and kind to everyone, i do agree with her, was this a right tactic, a smart tactic. What does the rest of that ad say. I dont agree with the fact that he came out with that. Thats all it said. It was 30 seconds long, and it was talking about peoples genders. I didnt hear the whole thing, im not going to support someone obviously, im not running his campaign. Im not his strategist. The facts are, there are two genders, male and female. He chose that topic, was it the right choice . I dont think so. There are multiple genders. I cant get over the body dismorphia comment, amy. I appreciate your take. Look it up. I appreciate it. Ellie is next to me and is. If you want body dismorphia lady trying to tell you where you can go to the bathroom, then by all means dont care about the story were about to talk about, thats how it happens. Different topic. Heres the story were about to talk about. The cover of todays New York Daily News saying, hang on, ruth. Sentiments echoed by many across the country right now as Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg is doing well after repeating a course of Radiation Therapy for pancreatic cancer. Many wondering how the country would be impacted if President Trump is able to name a third Supreme Court justice. Joining me as you saw, fired up as well, is ellie mistel, editor for above the law. Com. And joyce vance, former u. S. Attorney and msnbc contributor. Thank you guys for being here. You saw the cover of the New York Daily News. When we hearded alert yesterday. There was just a jolt that went through twitter and many many people, do you think this represents how some people are feeling in the wake of this latest news, ellie . People should be this is extremely serious. Shes not in good health, shes a fighter, shes going to hang on for as long as she can. We have suffered the random wheel of death before, Thurgood Marshall retired in 1991 because he was in failing health. He didnt actually die until 1993, two weeks after bill clinton was sworn in as president. If marshall had stayed right to the bitter end, even though he was a very sick man, Clarence Thomas would not be a part of our lives today. The way the Supreme Court works, these people have their jobs for life. Nobody can force Ruth Bader Ginsberg out of her job, no matter how sick she gets. If she passes away, trump before trump is kicked out of office. Then he is going to have another Supreme Court appointment. Mitch mcconnell. The merit garland rule only applies to democrats. Mitch mccolonel has already said if a democrat passes away in an election year, he will allow trump to name the next Supreme Court justice. The president had this to say about Justice Ginsberg just yesterday. Take a listen. Well, i hope she does really well. And our thoughts and prayers are with her. Its a very serious situation. Im hoping shes going to be fine. Shes pulled through a lot. Shes strong, very tough. But we wish her well. Very well. Somebody who knows the legal world very very well. What would be the implications if President Trump is it able to seat a third Supreme Court justice . It would be absolutely devastating for much of the liberal progress that the court has made. I dont mean that in a political sense. But more in a legal sense as the court has applied protections to people based on race, gender, Sexual Orientation over the past years, and we see nows trump begins to make nominees to the courts that much of this progression is really in question. Republicans have always been successful in considering the Supreme Court an election issue, a real reason they should rally their base and encourage their base to vote for their president ial candidate. Democrats have really had less success and have brought less focus to this issue in past elections. 2020 may be very different. Really quickly. Is there anything the democrats can do about this . If the president gets a third nomination . They really cant because the Merrick Garland rule is actually a rule that says whoever controls the senate controls the path to nomination and confirmation. As long as the republicans maintain control in the senate, it will be incredibly possible for the president to confirm a Supreme Court nominee, even very late in this first term. Joyce vance, leave it there. Trump has 146 judicial nominees that have been confirmed in 2 1 2 years. Its his dread legacy. That will be with us for several years. Thank you, guys. Burning at an alarming rate. 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Many brazilians blaming their newly elected president. The satellite images showing the number of fires tracked in the region so far, and 83 increase from last year. Concerns are growing for the mass loss of trees that produce 20 of the planets oxygen. Kerry sanders joins us from sao paolo brazil. Many people in that city are already getting a sense of the conditions, and youre hundreds if not 240uzen aadds of miles away from the amazon . Yeah, about a five hour flight to the amazon so you get an idea of how the distance is. I think what triggered these things, earlier this week, the skies turned dark. The skies returned to blue here, and things are back to normal. It appeared that the whole world took notice not only here in brazil, but something needed to be done. As we go to the amazon and take a look at some of the pictures there. The amazon basin accounts for 10 to 15 of the biodiversity that exists on earth. Since the 70s weve seen 1. 5 million square miles destroyed. Much of it for agriculture. Deforested so they can have their cattle and planting of soybeans. The president here since hes been elected has been one thats been questioning the whole idea of whether there really is any sort of global Climate Change. Hes been referred to as tropical trump because of the way he presents himself and his bold statements about things such as the environment. Hes Just Announced hes going to be sending troops into the amazon to stop the illegal harvesting of trees. Even some of the Scientists Say theyre highly skeptical. Initially it seems to be more of a show. Because the challenge of stopping illegal deforestation is gigantic. There are tens of thousands of spots burning. So we are not sure whether only sending a few hundred or a few thousand soldiers into the forest it will be sufficient. And so there you hear, one of the top scientists whos spent the last 40 years studying the amazon saying it has to be more than a show. In part they have not seen the president here do much, one of the questions a lot of people are asking is whether there is something that those in the United States could do to swing the pendulum on this, and thats a large challenge in part because President Trump has made himself clear on so much of his beliefs when it comes to what is going on with the biodiversity and how that impacts global Climate Change or whether he accepts that there is such a thing as global Climate Change. If the consumers make it clear theyre not going to buy products that are coming out of these deforested areas. They will be making a stand on the economic front that could put some pressure on and sway this conversation. Ken guess . Kerry an sadders, reporting on something the french president calls a global emergency. Prince andrew making a statement after the death of jeffrey epstein, what hes saying about the speculation of epsteins suicide. Mance. Now at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. 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Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty enterprise car sales and youll take any tradein . Rom thats right great here you go. Well, it does need to be a vehicle. But i need this out of my house. vo with fair, Transparent Value for every tradein. Enterprise makes it easy. Why fingerstick when you can scan . With the freestyle libre 14 day system just scan the sensor with your reader, iphone or android and manage your diabetes. With the freestyle libre 14 day system, a continuous glucose monitor, you can check your glucose levels any time, without fingersticks. Ask your doctor to write a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. You can do it without fingersticks. Learn more at freestylelibre. Us new today, Prince Andrew finally speaking out in the wake of his death jeffrey epstein. He sympathizes with those affected by epsteins actions while acknowledging his suicide has left many unanswered questions. Joining me now live from loun don is sara harmon. Sara, this statement coming from the prince two weeks after epsteins death. What does the prince reveal about his friend ship . Kendis, to be clear, this is a statement thats been years in the making. Lets go through what we have, we have the prince calling it a mistake to have met with epstein in 2010 after his release from prison. Let me read you part of this statement put out today. The duke of york writing this is a difficult time for everyone involved. Im at a loss to be able to understand or explain mr. Epsteins lifestyle. I would not condone, participate in or encourage such behavior. Important things to point out here. This has been building for some time. The relationship between Prince Andrew and epstein has been a talking point since 2010, when they were photographed together in new york. The prince had to resign a post as u. K. Trade envoy as a result of the fallout over that photo. Weve come to the point where Prince Andrew felt he needed to comment on this directly. It is pretty unusual to see this kind of first person letter from a member of the royal family. What they write is generally very much in the tone of his Royal Highness is appalled. What were seeing here for a royal. This statement its quite personal and it indicates how pressing Prince Andrew must feel this issue is for him to address. Its a statement thats been long overdue. Sarah harmon there in london for us. Thank you. President trump in the meantime is stepping up his trade war with china yet again. People around the world will probably pay the price. Trump announced another tariff increase on dhin ease imports. As a mounting trade war between the two countries continue to escalate. So happy for you to be here to break all of this down. The president has done this before. Where hes threatened these tariffs and then come back from the brink and blink. Whats going on here. Weve seen the trades war deteriorate at warp speed. It started with the chinese president putting in retaliatory tariffs against trumps tariffs. Using a tariff rate of 5 to 10 . But trolling President Trump, using that kind of the first batch will be on september 1st, the second batch will be december 15th. On that list of items that chinas going to be tariffed is crude oil. China relies on imported oil. Theyre really serious about not caving into President Trumps dion mad and not signing a trade deal any time soon. The president responded later on. I got a sense that the u. S. Trade representative wasnt aware this was going to happen. Yes, so it looks like the white house was blindsided by what china did in terms of these retaliatory tariffs. It was clear for the whole world to see. He fired off i flurry of angry tweets. Heres the part that gets american businesses. He ordered them to cut ties with chirn in a. But the thing is, these supply chains take years to establish. Theyre costly, expensive, theyre complicated. And even for a company like apple, the reaction we saw on wall street, the stock market plunged, the dow fell more than 600 points. And apple, apple that Major Company was leading the way down, because apple is viewed by many investors as the poster child when it comes to this trade war. The fact that its going to take apple five years to move about half of their iphone production out of china speaks volumes. Thats apple. Let alone Small Businesses it could put them out of business. Markens were doing fairly well with Jerome Powells speech yesterday. The president tweets and it just completely tanked after all of that. You have this latest development and you have Jerome Powell who you mentioned, who the president called a greater enemy than chinas lead er xi jing ping. This will not calm the markets . No, not calling the enemy of the United States the fed chair. Hes trying to help and trying to deal with trumps trade war with china. Its not just that. Theres a Global Economic slowdown going on right now. And the fed is trying to prevent that from boomeranging within the u. S. Economy. Theres dissension in the ranks. Not all fed president s are on board for further rate cuts. He was hoping Jerome Powell would come out and say, im going to cut Interest Rates in september. He didnt actually say those exact wordses, and thats why trump is so upset p. M. Well get a couple indicators of whether or not were heading down a recession route. Were going to keep monitoring every piece of Economic Data that comes out, and weve got the jobs report coming out. September first, that deadline for explaining trade wars, more tariffs, thats coming. Very interesting. Thank you for breaking down. Thank you. Things in the north are going south as the temperature rises, the arctic is paying the price. Kevin tibbles is on the ground in norway with a firsthand look at the impact of global warming. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Stop struggling to clean tough messes with sprays. Try new clean freak it has three times the cleaning power to dissolve kitchen grease on contact. It works great on bathtubs. And even stainless steel. Try new clean freak from mr. Clean. carrying up to 50 times its tbody weight. Essly marches on. It never questions the tasks at hand. But this year, theres a more thrilling path to follow. father kids. Change of plans vo defy the laws of human nature. At the summer of audi sales event get exceptional offers now okay, so its official. July of 2019 set a new record. Its the hottest month ever recorded. This comes as this video of the kayaker off the coast of alaska captured the moment part of the glacier there suddenly collapsed and fell into the sea. Pretty impressive stuff. Joining me now from the Arctic Circle is nbc news correspondent Kevin Tibbles. Hes on an island off the shore of norway. And kevin, i guess youre seeing the firsthand impact of Climate Change there. Reporter well, kendis, as a matter of fact, Climate Change is happening here in the aparticular faster than arctic faster than it is anywhere else in the world. What people in town say is behind plme, this fjord is fros advisorien in is frozen in the wintertime. The problem is it has not frozen in some ten years. All of this is affecting animal life in the area. For example, the polar bears feed on the seals, the seals have their pups on the arctic ice, and when there is no ice, then of course you get hungry polar bears coming into town here, the town here, and they come into town and of course who go out for an evening stroll here now have to take a rifle over their shoulders to make sure that they dont run into any hungry bears. Interestingly enough, when we were talking about wildlife and the like, sooner or later you end up talking about human beings, of course, who are also part of that particular kingdom. And we were out with several people today who said, you know, sooner or later, all of us who live south of the arctic are going to have to start realizing that the changes that are taking place up here are sooner or later going to start affecting us who live in the southern regions. The real unfortunate part for those who do live in the arctic is that its happening here, its happening here now, and its happening a lot faster than its happening in other places. And that really is a frightening thing how quickly it is happening up there. Nbcs Kevin Tibbles joining us from norway. Appreciate it. Right now the thanks. Reporter the biggest economic leaders are gathering amid global tenses over the economy, Climate Change, and nuclear tests. Were live in france on the first day of the g7 summit. And also earlier this hour, a guest used the term body dysmorphia in reference to members of the lgbtq community. It was a medical team used incorrectly. Incorrectly. 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The news continues right now with my colleague, richard lui, a lot happening overseas. A lot to watch. Thank you so much. Live from msnbc headquarters here in new york city. Well start with President Trump on the world stage, as kendis alluded to the news. The g7 summit in biarritz. We expect the president to finish up shortly. Well bring you live pictures when we have them after they finish their meal. The president and first lady, they arrived for tonights dinner a couple of hours ago. We have not heard of much from the president. Just this, an earlier lunch with the host. French president macron. Listen in. So far so good. The weather is perfect. The guest is fantastic, everybodys getting along. And i think well accomplish a lot this weekend. And i look forward to it. The g7 is made up of the seven largest advanced economies comprising some 40 of the global gdp. Its supposed to be a venue for the economic superpowers to discuss common global challenges, and there are plenty of them today that they will be discussing. Raging fires in the amazon, thats one. A

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