Im katy tur. 11 00 a. M. Out west and 2 00 p. M. In washington where a Current White House official and decorated war veteran said he was on the july 25th call and he was worried the president was manipulating ukraine for his own domestic political benefit. It is day 36 of the impeachment inquiry and here is whats happening. Army Lieutenant Colonel vinman the National Security councils ukraine expert is behind closed doors with lawmakers. Hes the first person to testify on who was, excuse me, who was actually on the call between President Trump and zelensky. According to his Opening Statement, he will tell lawmakers quote, i was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a Foreign Government investigate a u. S. Citizen and i was worriy eied about the implications of the support of ukraine. That statement says he c confronted Gordon Sondland after a meeting at the white house with ukrainian officials and told him that a the request to investigate the bidens had nothing to do with National Security. That right there directly contradicts what sondland told lawmakers that he did not know the president wanted to investigate the bidens. On thursday, House Democrats will do what republicans have been demanding. Theyll hold a vote to formalize impeachment proceedings on the house floor. It is a first step as democrats prepare to take the investigation public. So how is team trump responding . Republican lawmakers claim its all too little too late. And that the inquiry is ir rev ko bly broken and trump loyalists are going ton tv to attack therity of a decorated iraq war veteran. We also know he was born in the soviet union. Immigrated with his family young. He tend to feel simp thet wick the ukraine. It seems clear he is incredibly concerned about ukraine in the past. I dont know about his concern with american policy, but his mission was to make sure the ukraine got those weapons. We all have an affinity to our homeland where we came from. Here we have a u. S. National security official who is advising ukraine while working inside the white house apparently against the president s interest and usually theyve spoken english. Isnt that kind of an interesting angle on this story . I find that astounding and some might call it espionage. Joining me now, jeff bennett. Politicos senior writer, jake sherman. Washington posts bureau chief and former senior director at the National Security council. Gentlemen, welcome. Jeff bennett sh first to you. Vinman b has been on the hill now for a few hours. What are we hearing about whats going on behind those closed doors . Well, we expect according to the Opening Statement that he is telling house investigators that not only did he listen in on the july 25th call in question between President Trump and zelensky, but that he was so disturbed and so krped by what he heard that he flag ged the c nfc sondland linked. Here at all in itself significant. A white house official was sub pea naed, willingly not to come ply and because there would been that republican talking point that the whistleblower complaint was based on here say. Well here you have an army officer who appeared in dress blues essentially corroborating the whistleblower complaint. Jeff, whats going to happen with sondland . I know he was on the hill yesterday to review his testimony. Vinman is directly contradicting what we know sondland had told lawmakers. Any indication that that was clarified yesterday or is he going to be going back . Whats going to go, happen with sondland . That unclear at this moment. Youre right. He did come back to review his system. A number of previous witnesses have done the same thing. But youre right. Theres this direct conflict between vinmans statement and sondlands. It would appear vinman might have misled or lied to house investigators if you believe his theory of the case. However, there are several instances in sondlands testimony where he said i do not recall. I do not recall. And that could potentially give him a legal out. Some of the president s supporters are going on television or social media to say that vinman is a spy to say that he cant be trusted. That he has sympathies to ukraine. The man has a purple heart. An iraq war veteran. How is the attack on his integrity playing among republicans on capitol hill . Not well. She wasnt asked about it. She volunteered out of her own that we should not, the public shouldnt be criticizing this man whos a war hero. And served his life admirably on behalf of the country. I would point out the person who said this in the clip you showed us about a former congressman who just resigned might be confuse d about the policy hes talking about because hes concerned about ukraine and not about american policy. But actually supporting ukraine is american policy and has been the policy that this congress has approved and presumably has approved time and time again. A bit of confusion on that front. I think republicans believe they should not be talk iing about profit. They should not be maligning this person, but they should be trying to dismantle what they see is a focused destination. Obviously the facts tell different. Theres a parade of witnesses testifying under oath confirming the broad outline of the complaint and its important to note that a the complaint is now secondary. We now have a man who was brought to the white house by this administration who is confirming not only the broad outline, but the details. Is that changing anybodys mine on capitol hill . No. Thats not going to change any minds at the moment. But again if we see a parade of more people coming to testify with their name we might see this change but a republican pointed out to me today that what this, what mr. Vinman is talking about is a call which is now for the most part we believe public. The talking point at this point. This person person has not provided anything new. We saw jim jordan today say that the president and mr. Zelensky said there was no pressure and for trumps allies, the people that have stuck with him for the last three years, thats enough and we dont expect that at this moment to change. When the politics gets bad for House Republicans and senate republicans, that might change but weve seen no sign of that at this moment. Let me, there are some of the president s supporters saying on television or social media th that vin cman is a spy. If so, what does that say about the vetting process at the white house . It would say its nonexistent. Because hes been an official in the government for some time and was invited, asked to join the National Security council during the Trump Administration. He has been working on the nfc for President Trump under President Trump reporting directly to fiona hill, the political appointee in charge of russia and european policy. The president has clearly agitated by this testimony as the news broke overnight and early this morning about what vinman was going to be saying when he got to the congress and hes upset. He tweeted ef eed several times calling him a never trumper, wu weve yet to see the administration engage with the substance of what vinman is alleging under oath. Is hefledged member of the National Security council . Its interesting you raise that point because what weve seen through this ukraine episode is that the daily Decision Making is happening outside of the National Security council even though there are these patriots, these career civil servants, public servants, people serving in the intelligence and National Security apparatus. Let me ask you this. The president is saying theres nothing wrong here. People are say iing theres alsa quid pro quo in Foreign Policy and it changes from administration to administration. Just underscore what is different about this particular case than another president coming in and saying i dont agree with the policy that were pursuinging in this country and were going to change it. Its more than just a policy. But there was aid for ukraine by congress. It wasnt just a big picture policy view, but it was a sense the administration was obligated to do based on the law. One of our colleagues is was able to catch president zelensky today and ask him a few questions. Lets listen to that. President zelensky, do you have any comment about whats going on in washington, d. C. . Im so sorry, no, no, i can many comments but i dont know whats going on in the usa. Im the president of ukraine so i know whats going on in our country. Did you feel any pressure from President Trump . About . And i have no theres no more answers. Thanks very much. He says he has no answers. Tell me about the position that president slint ski is in right now. The ukrainian leadership appears to have had a sharper sense than some in our own government about how inappropriate it was for donald trump personally, for his administration more broad through rudy and through other channels to try to dig up dirt on a political opponent as a matter of u. S. Foreign policy. And right now, the President Trump white house is the u. S. Government for ukraine. So ukraine is stuck in an impossible position. Theyre trying to show some integrity and propriety, but cant call it as they see it and the u. S. Should not put any foreign partner in that position in the first place. What would happen if zelensky were to open investigations into the president s political opponen opponents . I think here in the united states, it would be seen as the completion of an election Law Violation solicited by the u. S. President. It is a violation of the u. S. Code to solicit a thing of value from a Foreign National in the context of u. S. Elections. Federal or otherwise. Thats what our president appears to have been trying to ill licit in the phone call tha gave rise to so much conversation here and i think to some extent, we have to thank the ukrainian officials that they havent totally caved to that and thats more than some on our wednesday if youre the show. And also the concern that if they dont have and theyre not going to get the military aid they need to keep russia out. Its part of the equation as well. Thank you very much for joining us. We appreciate ahead, despite wo a gop wipeout in 2020, two republicans think they could be comeback stories. Why do you think they have more carolina. First though, with r more americans support iing impeachment, whats an imcouple bent to do with an election right around the corner . Nt to d right around the corner . So you only pay for what you need. Wow. Thanks, zoltar. How can i ever repay you . Maybe you could free zoltar . Thanks, lady. Taxi only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. I waited to get treated. Thought surgery was my only option. But then i found out about nonsurgical treatments. It was a total game changer. Learn more about the condition at factsonhand. Com [maniacal laughter] it was a total game changer. Gold. Gold right, uh. Thank you, for that, bob. 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House democrats are making their impeachment inquiry formal and a new poll confirms the numbers are on their side. 81 of voters say it is not okay for a political candidate to ask for assistance from a Foreign Government. Half disapprove with the job the president is doing and just under half support the impeachment inquiry. But as one of my next guests argue, democrats would be wise to take the president s chances of reelection seriously. Quote, trumps madness is not enough to doom him in 2020. Joining me now and ej deon. Welcome both of you. Ann talk to me about what you are doing or hearing from your littest polls and how you think that positions the president. There have been talks that the impeachment inquiry poll iing i just the same as the president s job approval or disapproval polling. Well, what we wanted to do in asking an impeeachment question was to first unpack whats the basis at the bottom of it but we wanted to know where the u. S. Public is on whether it is okay or not okay to ask regardless of what happens after that. Because if thats okay, then we can go further. But 81 say that its not okay and theres no partisan divide there. There is uniform opinion on that. Theres the partisanship comes out when you start talk iing abt the process or when you talk about the consequence. So our question of whether you approve or disaproou prove of the inquiry, that draws heavily by party lines as does whether the president should be impeach and removed from office. Why do you think that is . Why is it nonpartisan or bipartisan to say its not okay to do that but then when you ask about the president doing it b, suddenly it falls into party lines . Two things going on potentially, which is its not okay, is that an impeachable offen offense. That might be the distinction, but that question purposefully did not mention President Trump by name. We didnt ask is is it okay or not for President Trump to ask a foreign country for assistance and maybe we would have seen something different. I dont know. But anytime his name is mentioned in a question, virtually anytime, you see the striking fleet of the extreme from the party. Ej, what do you think that says about what might happen in 2020 if the president makes it to 2020 . Well, first of all, i think theres that point ann just made is is really important that one of the reasons democrats finally said no is the time to move to impeachment is because americans, whatever their views on trump, overwhelmingly agree that asking a foreign power to intervene in an election is wrong so they start out on strong ground and in anns poll, there are a cowell of numbers that should really trouble trump. One is that while half of americans believe that the economy is doing well and that theyre doing well in it and half also believe approve of trumps handling of the economy, only 38 say he should be reelected. Now imagine what happens to trumps numbers if the economy takes any kind of dip, even with a great economy, hes got this sort of number. The other thing striking is how much more mobilized democrats are than republicans are. Half of the people of democrats in the poll talked about the importance of engaging personally in the. Only 28 of the republicans felt that way. The reason i wrote that column that you kindly referred to warning that trumps madness wont be enough to defeat him is we elect president s by the electoral college. Not my preference, b but thats the way it is. So these are National Numbers probably pushed up by big antitrump numbers in california and new york and elsewhere. They have worry about pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin and also iowa, a state ann knows better than anybody, and minnesota. So i think trump is counting on that not on national popularity. Well i will say that he won by a very small margin in michigan and its entirely possible that he will win those same margins again and that he could take michigan, but isnt it also entirely possible that some of the voters who did not come out in 201 or who may be did not like Hillary Clinton will feel different ly in 2020, will find a bigger sense of urgency in 2020 than they did in 2016. Is that a reliable i guess, if you were a democrat, would that be a reliable belief to hold . Ej . Yes, i think that the 2018 elections tell you that democrats are way more mobilized than youre exactly right in what you said that you know, the republicans got ten million more votes in 2018 than they got in 2014. Ten million. Democrats got 25 million more votes in house races in 2018 than they did in 2014. So i think my reading of all these numbers is the country, large part of the country wants to throw trump out of office. But democrats have to make it easier rather than harder for them to do this. And well see if democrats make it easier or hard. But ann, what are you going to be watching for in the numbers Going Forward on the impeachment inquiry . Well one of the things that we found as a theme throughout our poll was what was happening with suburban women. Again this is nationally. What was happening there and they are strongly opposed to President Trump. Theyre Approval Rating is low for him. The favorablety is low for him. Theyre more likely to say theyre very unfavorablunfavora. Then heres the kicker. They are more likely to say they are definitely going vote. I think the number overall is 78 as they were higher than the average. So this is a reved up part of the electorate. Its not a huge part of it. But its said that what happens in wisconsin and michigan and pennsylvania a lot of how trump won was in winning this effort. Ann, ej, thank you guys, appreciate it. Next up, capitol hill version of back to the future. Why some republicans think they can take backseats they flipped blue. Or that flipped blue. Not that they flipped blue. Plus b to be this politics, you have to be money and message. The president has both. Does that put the currently split up democratic field at a disadvantage . Ently split up democratic field at a disadvantage you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Their medicare options. Ere people go to learn about before theyre on medicare. Come on in. Youre turning 65 soon . Yep. And youre retiring at 67 . Thats the plan well, youve come to the right place. Its also a great time to learn about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Heres why. 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In 2018, he lost his seat to democrat katy hill who resigned this week. In fact, politico noticed a series of ousted republicans are looking to potentially regain the losses of novembers midterm, including claudia tenny, david young and karen handle. Joining me now is msnbc national correspondent, steve r kornacki and republican political correspondent. Gentlemen, welcome. Steve, what are the numbers showing you about these races and how much of a chance these republicans have . Yeah, when you take a k lolot two, you mentioned the senate race in alabama. The possibility that Jeff Sessions would try to get his seat back. You mention ed the it was doug jones who won. Remember leches in 2017, what a giant upset it was. Trump won by 28 points. Romney won it by 23. Deeply red state. Of course a deeply troubled republican opponent, politically that jones was up against. Roy moore and all those allegations against him in that campaign. Jones was just barely able to beat him so clearly, doug jones is considered the most vulnerable democratic senator up in 2020. Now if sessions does decide to run, there are some questions that poses. Number one, what about the other republicans who are already out there running. You have a member of congress. Tommy tubberville, the football coach at auburn for a decade. There are some polls that suggest he might be out in front raising money. Roy moore is running again. Would any of these candidates defer to sessions, all stay in the race . Of course the big wild card with sessions, donald trump doesnt like him. He blames him for a lot it have headaches he had to endure because of the mueller investigation. You can imagine if sessions runs in this race that donald trump will have something to say about that. Will the voters, will the Republican Voters of alabama listen. Well see if sessions gets in it. No guarantees the republican nominee if he does get in it. Obviously hed be formidable and you look at californias 25th district. Katy hill resign ed. This is one of those districts that told the story of 2018. Had mitt romney in 2012 slipped against trump into clinton in 2016 then in 2018 went a step further. Threw out the republican incumbent, put hill in there. But competitive political territory. Its been moving towards the democrats for a while. That move seems to have been accelerated by trump. Obviously the picture with hill throws things up in the air a bit. This is a test. You mentioned the idea that republicans are worried about 2020. If 2020 is is a bad year for republicans, a candidate like steve knight running for his old seat after his successor was booted out, he wont be able to win it. The its a bad year for republicans. If a guy like knight can win his seat back, it would shift back to republicans. One of the canar the coal mine. When it comes to sessions, the president called him his biggest mistake. Does the president need to publicly forgive him . I dont think he has to forgive him. Just merely support him. If sessions gets in this race, hell immediately become the frontrunner. The republicans dont have a chance against him . Not saying they do, but im certain if Jeff Sessions jumps in, he becomes the frontrunner. He serves in the seat for two decades. Doug jones is the most vulnerable democrat running for reelection next year and i think republicans at the state party would ask the president please support sessions so we can win this seat without any doubt in mind. What about the other races across the country . There are a number of republicans who lost in 2016. Karen handle of georgia. And a few others. Who think they had a chance in 2020. Why do you think trump at the top of the ticket is going to help them . I went to college this georgia. That district she held was the district once held by newt gingrich. The its a very upper middle class district. Predominantly white ch i was a bit surprised she wasnt able to procure that seat. I think when you also look at the district in california, thats a district that has sor of fluctuated. Obama won it in 08, then obama then Hillary Clinton. The last time a democrat won that seat was in 1990. What about donald trump at the top of o the ticket . I think as steve stated, it depend on what happens in 2020. If democrats choose the right nominee that really excites their base, its going to be very, very difficult for republicans to make back some of those gains. However if its someone who may not be able to grab some of those moderate voters like the seat karen held and the ones in californias 25th district or some in iowa, then i think you would see the democrats not a good fight, not as enthusiastic. What about the incredibly low poll numbers. I think those are national polls. When you look at the specific poll iing, it shows the preside does fairly well with certain congressional democrats, so look at places like california, new york, of course the president s going to be on top. Look at actual states. He does fairly well and thats where you see a fluctuation in approval for President Trump and i think thats what his campaign is going to hope for. Thank you r for joining us. Steve kornacki, thank you as well. A heads up that a bonus of steves podcast article ii inside impeachment has just dropped. You can find it where ever you get your podcasts. And the Trump Campaign hasnt just raked in millions of dollars from the hats, shirts and posters it e sells, its also raked in voter data. According to an b nbc news report b, the candidates can cross reference that information they gather from scores at the republican b National Committee and try to identify how many times a customer has voted in the past for whom and how. It means the president can harvest new supporters each time he comes up with a new product. By the way, whatever happened to hunter . Where the hell is he . Wheres hunter . I have an idea for a new tshirt. Joining me Nbc News National Political reporter, monica alba. Love it or hate it. This is the strategy theyve been employing to their benefit now for some years and especially when they have the campaigns and they say rsvp on this site. That site allows them to r harvest that data as well. Exactly. Taking toyota a new level. You saw it in 2016 how much they relied on the digital operation. But the 20 20 team seized on these controversial moments in the news cycle. Even things you could argue make the president look bad and try to create a piece of merchandise wheres hunter tshirt. Before that rally had even finished in minneapolis, the campaign had designed that tshirt and put it on the website. Theyre operating at a fast paced machine on a number of dirnlt things. Whether its these markers, sharpie gate and the made up alabama map the president has around the hurricane or whether its of course the preside president s signature hairdo over the o there. Theyre trying to own any of these moments, but its not just b about fund raising because while theyre bringing in more money, its about the data. Trying to attract the base which are the kind of people who will buy these product, but then they claim with all these puchs, theyre seeing the straw, 40 of the people who bought those are new to the campaign so theyre getting credit cards. Theyre getting where they live. Theyre getting what kind of demographics then theyre trying to see what kind of voter they can attract. If youre going to the trump website and buy iing, youre gog to vote for him. Youre a true believer. Youre a base. How do they find people outside of that . Thats what they find has been surprising and when they started to do this with some of the first few products, they acknowledged hey, this might be gimmicky, well see if its e successful. The straws made them nearly 1 million. Are democrats going to come copy this . I think they should look to the strategy and see what can be gained from it, but also this is a president who loves the take these moments of outrage and turn them on their heads. Hes a former business man. Marketer in his prior life. Thats what the Trump Campaign is saying hey, we can make that appeal to the masses because thats the guy you voted for. Well take that to the campaign, to the merchandise. Thats the person they hope youll vote for in 2020 with these items of merchandise that are pretty controversial in some w cases. Good to see you. And California Wine country is on fire. Were on the ground next with the efforts to contain it and why experts say a court ruling could benefit democrats in North Carolina. North carolina congresswoman alma adams whose district has been shrunk by gerrymandering joins us as well. S us as well nothing and me go hand in hand nothing on my skin thats my new plan. Nothing is everything. Keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months. Of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. And skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. I see nothing in a different way and its my moment so i just gotta say nothing is everything skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Before treatment your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. Nothing is everything ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . The southern half gusts up to 80 miles an hour. The getty fire has forced some affluent residents to abandon their homes and the l. A. Times is reporting that housekeepers and gardeners have continued to show up for work for fear of not losing their jobs. Not clear why they werent told not to show up. In northern california, the kincade fire has grown to 75,000 acres with multiple fires at both ends of the state. One firefighter told the New York Times all start iing to blend together chlgt joining me now from calistoga is sarah harmon. What are you seeing . Were here at a cattle ranch thats been in one family for more than 100 years but unfortunately a lot of what they had has been lost. The cows are okay, but you can see all of this debris and ash. This used to be the heavy equipment and machinery it takes to run a working ranch. They had a tractor. They had a reaper. They had this diesel tanks, all of it gone thanks to the kincade fire. The rancher told me how it feels at this point to be r starting over. You know in the future, there may have been an opportunity for my children or you know their children to be in this house again and keep something in the family for a long time so its tough when you lose Something Like that. You cant replace. When we talked to him yesterday, he said the thing hes really afraid of is the winds because it has the potential to spread the fire to his neighbors. Thank you very much. And still ahead, why a ruling in North Carolina could give democrats more seats in the house. In 2020. Stay with us. Limu emu doug hour 36 in the stakeout. As soon as the homeowners arrive, well inform them that Liberty Mutual customizes home insurance, so theyll only pay for what they need. 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North carolina has now thrown out the map that divided North Carolina a and t, a historically back university declare iing th bipartisan gerrymanders. A three judge panel issued an order barring officials from using the map including the march president ial primary. Joining me now, Pete Williams and alma adams. Pete, explain to us this ruling. Well the significance of it is that the court said this is a partisan gerrymander. Base clay what the state did is draw the maps to maximize the number of republicans and keep the incumbents in office. Ten republicans and three democrats. This was one of the most transparent partisan jerry mohannaders in the country and the republicans who did this made no secret of it. They said the only reason we didnt make it any worse was because we couldnt figure out how to do it. What the complaint here was as the phrases go pack iing and cracking. Take the democrat, jam them into a small a number of districts as possible then take the rest and sprinkle them out so they can never form a majority. The real interesting thing about this is that the people who challenged the district in here tried this r very same thing in the u. S. Support and in june, they said you know what, federal courts arent confidence enough to decide how much politics is too much so r forpartisan i gerrymandering claims because you can make claims under state constitutions that you cant under the federal ones. At you ct under the federal ones or the 13th district now with North Carolina and thats my i represented that school for more than 45 years. And so its really terrible what happened there so hopefully this will give us an opportunity to straighten this process out. Once and for all. So theres some fairness and equity and that the citizens will have a fair shot of having their voices heard. How do you believe maps should be drawn . Should they be drawn by i know theyre drawn by the state legislatures, but would you advocate them being drawn by an impartial panel, bipartisan or nonpartisan panel of people, someone that someone like eric holder is advocating . I certainly do. I have advocated that for a while. Im a democrat and, you know, we you know, we havent been perfect either. But this has been the most drastic gerrymandering that i have ever seen. So i think we do need to take it to a nonis part is an nonpartisan commission or board or whatever we want to call it so we take legislative out of the process. And congresswoman, i know you want to take a moment to give your thoughts on the passing of senator hagan. I do. Senator hagan was a brilliant warrior. She fought hard for these peopl of her district. I served with her in the North Carolina house and she was in thehe North Carolina senate. I lived in greensboro for over 50 plus years andna had an opportunity to work with her on Many Community things but she fought for a for women. For the rights of lgbtq folks and for the rights of education, giving our children a fair shake. So well miss kay. Wee certainly send our sympaths to chip and to her daughters and her entire family and to the greensboro and the other counties. Thank you for joining us and Pete Williams, thank you as well. And 50 years ago today two letters changed the world. Three letters also. One more thing is next. S chree o one more thing is next its tough to quit smoking cold turkey. So chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. Chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. 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One more thing before we go. Guess what turns 50 today . It controls just about everything we do. Without it, wed be forced to shop in actual stores and to talk to real people. If you guessed the internet, youre right. Hard to believe, right . 50 years ago today the first internet message was sent by a Computer Science professor and his graduate student on the ucla campus. They were on a mission to find a way to communicate from one computer to another. So they sent the word log in and it crashed the computer. Back then computers were the size of a room and required around the clock air conditioning. But an hour later, history was made. Their message went through. Sort of. Only two letters of it went through, actually. L and i. Just the l and the i of login, so technically the first online message was a typo. As harry smith reports its typo that paved the way to the personal computers, social media and amazon and dont forget that little thing called google. The Google Search engine has gotten so popular its given rise to something called googling. Thats where you type in the name of a friend to see how many times he or she shows up on the internet. And then theres selfgoogling where you type in your own name. The power and speed of the internet made a lot of things obsolete. A show of hands for those who remember encyclopedias. Connectivity, we wonder if anyone imagined an america that we spent so much time on screens. As much as 12 hours a day including tv. The first electronic connector was samuel morse. His message in 1866, what had god wrought . What indeed . If you heard googling yourself, i think of something different. Thats if you watch 30 rock. Thats wrap it up for this hour. Some people know what im talking about. Get what else is 50 . Three letters, ali ali velshi. Thank you, friend. Youre welcome. People Pay Attention to our interaction on tv. You know an hour ago when i introduced you and i called Chris Jansing, it said Chris Jansing. I couldnt see a picture of you until i heard your voice, its my friend katy tur. Im Chris Jansing . It said Chris Jansing in our script for some reason. That was my bad. Youre right in front of me. I wouldnt say Chris Jansing because youre right in front of me but i didnt see you on tv. It said Chris Jansing. Thats okay. Chris jansing will be with you tomorrow and you can say hello to her right in person. And im sorry that i wont be

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