Everyone thoueven though hes saying it is already happening. It is supposed to be the entire point of these negotiations in the first place. I am not in a rush, i dont want to rush anybody. I dont want testing. As long as theres no testing, we are happy. A number of officials tell nbc news that they are skeptical that north colin rkorea will fo through. The Intelligence Community is concerned that the president may let his desire for a deal and his new found affinity for chairman kim get the better of him. One official tell nbc news, one of the worst possible outcome is he makes some crazy deal pledging to withdraw u. S. Troops for a vague precipitation of denuclearization. Our question today is what is President Trump womening to offer north korea in exchange for denuclearization. Joining me now is hans nichols at the white house and bill neely whos in vietnam. What is happening in these interviewing months to make the second summit necessary . Reporter well, katie, to be honest, not a lot. In fact, almost nothing on denuclearization. I think there had been two trends. Snuggling of lower levels of officials. Kim wants to talk to President Trump and nobody else. The other thing thats noticeable are some of the warnings from u. S. Officials, c dan coats, saying he does not believe that kim will ever denucle denuclearize. Remember the singapore summit ended in a vague denuclearization. As we know that means Something Different in north korea than it does. North koreans believe it means the removal of the u. S. Umbrella and the removal of u. S. Troops from south korea. Since then, very Little Movement. Kim was under no obligation to denuclearize at the end of that summit. He made no commit and there is no evidence that he even wants to. The center view is still spinning. The fuel according to u. S. Officials is still being produced. Works are still being done on Ballistic Missiles that could hit the United States. There is no timetable, there is no road map, so from a north korean perspective, hes done little. He made Little Movement indeed and the great worry is that to put it frankly, President Trump is being naive that hes going to sleepwalk into a bad deal here that he sees these lovely beautiful letters as he calls them and hes fallen in love with kim jongun. He mistakes that affection for some commitment to denuclearize. I think not a lot has change and some of the same worries we had for the singapore summit that we still have for this huddle in hanoi, katy. Lets bring in our kourtney. Kourtney, a lot of what has been happening in north korea. What do we know and it has been eight months since donald trump sat down with chairman kim. One thing that generally happen is when you have a high profile summit like this. President trump and kim jongun, before they meet, there are meetings with lower level or mid level or senior staff levels on both sides where they hammer out any kinds of details. By the time the two leaders meet, everything is pretty much cooked. That did not happen in this case. Since the singapore summit, President Trump has nominated and named steve biegun to be a special envoy in korea. He did not meet with any of his counter parts until january. There is this last minute meetings that have been going on there and literally in the past few days where theyre trying to figure out. The concern is whats going to be discussed in this meeting in hanoi later this week. We have been talking to a number of officials both current and former given us the sense that some of the issues may be on the table. One of them is the idea of opening diplomatic intersections, one in pyongyang and one in d. C. This is a bare bone diplomatic facility. It would be an unprecedented move for these two nations to have it together. Of course in this building, the two big issues everyone is waiting to see if it comes up and what happens is the issue of these annual joint military exercises between the zwrieunit states and south korea, this had been going on for years. There is another round that are due this spring and everyone is baiting to see whats going to happen if thats on the table. The second one being the idea that there could be an end to the korean war and if that were the case, that would of course take a lot more negotiating as well. What would that mean for the u. S. Military presence there on the Korean Peninsula, katy. Kourtney, here is what the Washington Post said about between adviser bolton whos now no longer going to north korea as the white house says to focus on venezuela. There is been a rift between him and biegun, the Washington Post writes that bolton has credited privately that bieguns team is eager for a deal. Kourtney. Well, so remember where the relationship between biegun and ambassador john bolton began, biegun was one of the people thats under consideration and being pushed by a number of senior people to be the National Security adviser. President trump of course came in behind the scene and chose john bolton to be his National Security adviser. F it is not surprising that there will be a level of tension existed between the two then. Biegun is trying to come up some kind of a deal and some deliverables. What are some of the big concerns that we have been speaking with. It is just going to be a second photoopt. They really need and theyre hopeful that there will be something that comes out of this thats beneficial for the United States. A lot is up in the air right now, katy. We are hearing from the president when he talks about the Korean Peninsula, what we hear a lot from the president is a lot of inflated numbers that dont align with the facts. The Washington Post did a factcheck on how the president has been speaking about the Korean Peninsula and our treaty on our mutual defense treaty with south korea, they say especially trump claims u. S. Spent 5 billion a year defending south korea when it is close to 1. 52 billion. His post negotiated 500 million with a couple of phone calls. South korea is honing up less than a 100 million in funding this year. Is trump inflated figures of the number of u. S. Troops in korea. His own Defense Department told us, 28,500 and not 40,000 as the president keeps saying. Where does this rhetoric fit in. What is he trying to accomplish by making it look as if we are paying too much for south koreas defense. He has talked about some of that and hes reporting on that as well. The president was leaning in that direction. It is clear from the president that he wants to have the illusion of process. Thats where we get a lot of these numbers from. He already tamped down on a lot of the temperatures there. What you always see from the president is the attempt to lead the door open for negotiations. What the president had done is turn all these negotiations and all these summits into working level staff meetings. The minute the president decides to be a principle anyway natine north korea only had to deal with donald trump. Really doing the daytoday negotiations. What it reveals . Negotiations are boring. Summits usually when put a final stamp on something, essentially a working level meeting which is what we have. Theyre not all that exciting and you dont haves th that muc show for. Jeffery, thank you for joining us. I am sorry we could not get your mic up earlier. You come in a perfect time. I want to ask the question, what is the alternative here. Donald trump came into office, president obama told him that north korea is one of the biggest threats he would face. Kim jongun and President Trump were trading bars on twitter and missile tests everyday and we dont see it anymore. Theyre not yelling at each other across the twitter sphere. Does that make you feel better or make you feel the same . I guess whats the alternative . Thats the right question. There are two different kinds of ways to ask whats the alternative. Whats the alternative to talking with North Koreans and thats what things look like in 2017. I wrote a novel about the nuclear war that happens when we stop talking. From that positiverspective, it good they are talking. The alternative to negotiating badly is to negotiate well. And so i think a lot of us are excited that the president is willing to talk to kim jongun, but we are not crazy of the manner of the negotiations are being conducted and worried it is all going to fall apart. What do you expect to happen for this next meeting. Do you think it is a good thing that the president is going back and talking to him again. Can it put us in a better direction or is arerisks there. One fundamental problem that we have is, people are starting to understand, north korea is not offering to disarm, certainly not in the way that libya did or iraq did. What north korea wants is a long process which some day neither the United States or north korea need Nuclear Weapons. When you focus in this narrow summit, we are really not going to get that much out of it. You may get the high profile closure of the facility or the end of war declaration. You know really this is a situation where a lot of this stuff should be handled at the working level and should not be deferred to a meeting between the two leaders. What is kim jongun and his team are thinking right now, jeffery. It is worth saying it again. When you mention libya and iraq, you noticed that hassan sudam did not have Nuclear Weapons and hes now dead. If you are chairman kim, you got to be looking at those two leaders and say thats not the right path. Whats their goals here . Are they going to give lip service to the president . What do you believe is going to happen . I think their goal is the status that israel enjoys. Israelis dont talk about it and frankly people rarely complain about it. North korea is a bit difference. It is fundamental levels of what north korea trying to listen to. In exchange for sanctions rel f relieved and federal regulations of the United States. They just promise to be quiet about it. Jeffery lewis, thank you so much for joining in for us and hans nichols and bill neely. Thank you everyone. Breaking news on robert kraft, lets listen in. You can tell a lot about our community. It treats the most vulnerable individuals and that includes victims of Human Trafficking which is modern day slavery. Human trafficking is a business of stealing someones freedom for profits including it can happen anywhere, including the Peaceful Community of jupiter, florida. Our office is joined with the fbi and the county Sheriffs Office to help start with a Human Trafficking task force. We realize there is a lot more to do. These cases are not about any one defendant or any group of defense. The larger picture we must confront is the cold reality many cases like this are the victims and lured into this country with promises of a better life only be forced to live in a sweat shop or a brothal, performing sex acts for strangers. Human trafficking is built on fraud or coercion. It is evil. It is fuelled by the demand side. Demands by lawabiding citizens who dont want to be aware of those being exploited. Human trafficking occurred in plain sight which is why i am hopeful that these cases will encourage people to Say Something if they see something and for victims of this under reported crime to gain the courage to let their voices be heard. With that i would like to take any questions you may have. No, they are local residents. They will receive a summon in a mail. It is like a ticket or a notice to appear in court. That court date can be found through the clerks office. If they are out of the county, they are subjected to a low level warrant. That one they would have to surrender to the authorities or they could have an attorney reach out and satisfy the warrant. There is no requirements. The matters are still being investigated. I dont want to get too much in into details into the case because it is a pending matter. So far there is no charges of Human Trafficking of any of these cases but that could change in the future depending on what the investigators find. Those are questions for the investigators, the Jupiter Police involved in multi months investigations and they turn over to our office. The question you have is more geared towards the investigators. They are very professional and they did an outstanding job. It is always a balance between letting the comment gain for charges or stepping in and stopping it. Thats questions for the investigators. I was a state senator when we tighten the laws against Human Trafficking. Florida law is very strong against Human Trafficking. It is a first degree felony for most cases of adult Human Trafficking. When it comes to child Human Trafficking, it is a life felony. If there is force in involvvolv. Our punishments are severe. There is a high burden of proof. You need to set that burden of proof and thats a question of these cases which is why this investigation can take some time. One thing i want to mention about florida laws is it is very prerogati prerogati progressive. They are eligible to have their record expunged. They need to speak up. Victims are eligible for a visa that allows them to stay in the country and it is only reserved for victims of Human Trafficking. The key is to get victims to speak up. The women now, i know the investigators had been talking with them and you have to go get details from those such as the Police Department. Marcys laws protect victims of crimes. The document speaks for themselves and i know that we dont always give out those documents. Because the junippiter Police Department handed out, you all have the names and in the interest of transparency, well let you have those documents but they speak for themselves. Is there any reason to believe that robert kraft will be treated differently than these 25 men . I can assure you that our office will treat everyone the same whether you have a lot of money. We treat all defenses the same and no one gets any special justice in Palm Beach County. It is hard to say because you have the investigators and bureau beach, it is hard to say if there are more arrests of their investigation. I was asked about rumors about bigger fish and i said that would be news to me. I also added that it is hard for me to talk about rumors especially false ones. There are two cases there, there are two counts. All the cases are being charged of first degrees misdemeanor under the tougher floridas statue. That statue has a mandatory 100 hours of Community Service and mandatory 5,000 fine and a mandatory class on the dangerous of prostitution and Human Trafficking, not to mention a potential for increase jail sense from 60day to a year. There was a question whether or not mr. Kraft lives here in Palm Beach County. We believed it was a summon. Hell be viaingreceiving a summ. When you get a summon in the mail, generally you do not get a mug shot. Thats up to the Police Department. It is not up to us. It is up to the local Law Enforcement agency. I think Law Enforcement have done an excellent job, very professional and thorough, they help stir the conversation away from any one group of defendants. It is about time the country has a real conversation about Human Trafficking which is modern day slavery in our myths. This is not about lonely man or victimless crime. This is about enabling a network of criminals trafficking into our country for slavery and sex. Those are the ones charged by the Jupiter Police department. My jurisdiction is only for Palm Beach County. I am talking about the general subject of Human Trafficking, the larger picture. There is no allegation that any defendants were involved with Human Trafficking. They are not being charged with such. I like to make the conversation broader because this country needs to have a reality check on whats going on out there when koi coming to forced labor and forced sexual conduct. Prosecutors have been involved for a long time. I have been aware of this for a while. I have been involved in fighting Human Trafficking for a while. Nothing surprises me. I am on the attorneys general statewide passport for Human Trafficking. When it came across my desk, i was not surprised and i was not surprised by defendants of this matter. It is the reality of the time we live in. What do you think should be done on the supply side of business . It is a good question. Well, the laws are in place, we need to encourage victims to speak up. Victims dont know that there are Services Available to them. They dont know if they can get visas to remain in this country. If we treat victims in this matter as victims and not as criminals, i think you would gain the trust of more individuals to speak up on this matter. Police are not their friends. So they need to know that we are here to help them. Our Human Trafficking task force works with Law Enforcement to rule out or whether at the store front or on the internet. A lot of it occurs on the internet, facebook is as popular site used by human traffickers to recruit in rooms potential victims, we are working on them on a daily basis. There is a high burden of proof. We prosecutors can only file cases that reach the level of burden of proof that we can obtain beyond a reasonable doubt. We hope sometimes some of them can make a big enough splash to send a message. We work with the fbi and the department of homeland security. They are working on the victims, i cant say much on the status of that. Police can charged base on probable cause. Our standard is higher for prosecutors to charge. We have to have al good faith believe that we can get a conviction beyond a reasonable doubt. It is a higher burden. Thats why sometimes you will see police will charge some cases and well decide to not file charges. Thats why we are having this press conference because we made the decision that enough evidence exists to file charges in all 25 of these cases. You look at all the defendants in this matter, they come from all walks of life, there is rich and old and young and old. I dont think anyone is targeted for who they are. The individuals working with them and i cant speak more about it as far as the victims to again more information. It should not affect our ability to use videos ultimately if we need to in court. Whats the most important thing for you right now to meet that high priority . Well, Video Evidence is always powerful in the court of law. You also have the testimonies of some of the victims. I know that in many cases like this, there are language barriers and there are interpreters needed and trust factor must be gained. We are working on all of those things. I will get you next. Is there any possibility that those who have been charged somehow [ inaudible question ] there are classes available. Just because the mandatory penalty is up to a year in jail does not mean that somebody is going to get that. You look at the persons background, first time offenders are likely to get significant jail time. Depending on the plea and the background and the conduct, these are all considerations that come into play. We dont talk about the status, that goes into too much details that i can talk about this time. Yeah, that would be for the Jupiter Police department. I would say in cases like this and i talk about it in generalities because i cannot speak about the specific and where they came from and how we broke this case, that could jeopardize any potential prosecutions. It is not uncommon for women to be lured in this country with false pretenses with a promise of high paying job or performing labor or sex act for money. He has to appear in court . Yes, it is a summon so he does not have to make a public court appearance. There are two charges. In general, video, i would discuss the testimonies or all important for any trial. That was three administrations ago. You wahow are you handling i . Yes, florida voters passed into our constitution of something called marcys law, we have training for our prosecutors and we are adhering to marcys law, as someone campaigning for marcys law, it is important for all of us. We must let the victims voices be heard. It depends on the judge or the Court Whether they make an arrangeme arrangement. Now, if there is a plea then we have a lot more saying. It is all speculation at this point and it is still early. When it came to drug treatment centers, we are frustrated that the inspections that occurred were just to see if the fire extinguisher are working. Something needs to be done here, maybe it should be increase scrutiny. There are 350 million americans and 800,000 Law Enforcement officers, it is up to all of us to be the eyes and ears to protect Human Trafficking. A lot of the stuff occurs in plain site like a nail salon worker living in the back room and is not allowed to handle money or afraid to look at you in the eye. If you see something, Say Something. Maybe thats the good that can come out of that and we understand what Human Trafficking is or it is not. If we can have last question, please. There were two different occurrences in which hes being charged. He faces two separate counts and have to satisfy those counts with a plea and move on from there. Thank you all very much. Thank you. That was Palm Beach County floridas state attorney talking about robert kraft giving an update into prostitution and Human Trafficking sting that happens a few weeks ago that we learned about last week. Robert kraft was implicated in that. Hes accused of soliciting prostitution, kraft denied this. He could face up a year in jail or 5,000 fine and hundreds hours of Community Service and a mandatory class on prostitution and Human Trafficking if convicted of solicitation of prostituti prostitution. This is a story about soliciting prostitution, this is a much bigger story when it comes to Human Trafficking. That is where the severity of this conversation lies. Lets bring in our nbc news tom winter and Danny Cevallos and Barbara Mcquad is with us as well. Give us a little bit of details and insights into how officers down there and how investigators were able to figure out whats going on and what they did in order to arrest or charge these johns. Yes, there was a task force that started a couple of years ago in the south florida area, after significant concerns raised by the amount of quote on quote massage parlors in the area. It may not have been actual places where you get a sports massage or other types of treatment or get a normal massage. This task force went into play, this is a well orchestrated and ord we just started to see some documents. There are numerous cameras that the Police Department had inside this alleged massage parlor where robert kraft slit tated. It is all detailed and time stamped. On january 20th, at 10 59 a. M. Which was the morning of the afc championship that the patriots would play the Kansas City Chiefs later that night and if were to win, would go onto the super bowl. He entered this orchid of asia and left the massage room by 11 13. Not a lengthy transaction and police pulled him over. There is a request which is kind of like an arrest warrant but more of a summon if you will. Hes expected to be in court on april 24th. There is some indication for the Court Documents that he may have been there the day before of the 19th of january, i want to go back and take a look at it. But, again, you know, as we are talking about this, this is a much broader investigation and investigation into sex trafficking and one thats coordinated and having been underway for a significant amount of time. Seems like the women here are not treated as criminals, they are being treated as victims. Could the johns be treated as victims and johns are not victims in this case. He was not clear whether the victims, the women were cooperating with the investigators. They absolutely could be charged under florida laws. Los angel the victims of Human Trafficking, would that still be the case. That one go to a charging decision. Because as the florida statue is written, their conduct would fit in the statue. If it was done against their will, and police are convinced of that, then they would view them as victims and not as actual or being in violation of the florida statute. Thats where the discretion comes in. It is particularly challenging in america to prosecute these massage parlors because of the Business Model. The Business Model already is an exchange of money to go into a private room so someone can lay their handson you. This is why police are increa increasingly using stings and videos because they can get past the walls and fiend out what actually happened in that room and how they make their case a lot stronger. This is a question, a broader question and i think people all over the country are having this discussion. You see these massage parlors all over the place and there are questions about some of these massage parlors and nobody has any real idea of whats going on unless you go on and go in and i dont know, have a better idea of whats going on in there. How much of a focus is this for federal prosecutors or federal investigators or Human Trafficking and what is happening at potentially at massage parlors across the country that may look like that parlor in florida . Yeah, massage parlors are subject to regulations and state investigators can go and look and do inspections. Food and clothing and those kinds of things. Those kinds of things could lead to investigations, more and more what investigators use is data and social media exploitation to find out which are a legitimate massage parlor or which are a front for Human Trafficking. So much Law Enforcement these days or not related to a random tip they get but from looking at data and finding out where the centers are. To be able to engage in traffic and they need to advertise as such, some of it is on facebook and others on social media platform and so investigators look there to find the places that may be fronts for Human Trafficking. Do we have any numbers on Human Trafficking and how the problem has increased in this country or decreased . Do we know where it stands . We see a much greater awareness of the issue and it is a problem. We talk about customers and i think there is often an attitude and people who hire prostitutes, is that a bad thing. There is a thought from the morality issue. The reason it is a serious problem is it is the customers that drives this business. Without customers, there would not be Human Trafficking. There are those exploiting women to profit off of them for customers. There is a difference between prostitution and willing participants exchanging for money for services. You can have an argument whether or not you think it is right or wrong and people are being forced in that servitude. You asked about numbers. Fiscal year 2017 alone, u. S. Attorneys Office Brought 250 499 traffickers. Overall the fbi initiated 782 Human Trafficking investigations and arrested 2,600 subjects in fiscal year of 2017 alone. Just to give you an idea. Really, theyre starting to focus on those numbers since 2008 when a law was enacted allowing the fbi to get a better handle on the actual number. We are not looking at only ten years of data. This is something from a tracking standpoint for Law Enforcement and as the state Attorney Says, this is a task force that had been underway for the last few years. It is something that they really start to get a handle on this. Kerry sanders is joining us, could the johns be seen as victims in this case and he was being very clear. Reporter i received an email one of the attorneys representing not mr. Kraft but one of those caught up in this investigation. The Attorney Says to protect the rights of customers who may be victims of illegal video tapings would be harmed by releasing such harmful information. We are seeking interventions to determine what evidence is permitted to be released. Thats why i ask that various specific questions. Is it in any way possible that the johns can use a new florida law thats apart of the florida constitution which protects victims from being identified. One of the challenges because they have videos from a hidden camera inside is how that video will eventually be displayed in court and it becomes part of the Public Record in florida even if there are not court action. I asked about possible plea deals, these are first degree misdemeanors, they could be pled down. It could be admission to do diversion programs which are common for what are known as first offenders, people who have not been charged of this crime before. There are a lot of questions about that. I heard one of the guests here say that robert kraft will eventually have to show up in court but we have clarified that based on the fact that hes a familiar resident. He does not have to show up in court. He can have his lawyer represents him and of course a lot of people are wondering is this billionaire, 77 years old, owner of the new England Patriots is going to whine up with a mug shot. It appears that is at the discretion of the police or the Sheriffs Office and if he turns himself into the Jupiter Police department, all indications are that there will not be an actual mug shot, again, something thatll be apart of the Public Record. We did reach out to his attorney and he has not responded to our calls. No matter how you feel about robert kraft and prostitution of what this has done, the least is it helps shining a brighter light on the issue of Human Trafficking and brought it to the national stage. Most people would say it is a good thing. All allegations here have yet to be proven. There are still allegations right now. Tom winters and Danny Cevallos and Barbara Mcquade, thank you. Well see what will happen as Michael Cohen testifies this week on capitol hill. So in this commercial we see two travelers at a comfort inn with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Nobody glows. He gets it. Always the lowest price, guaranteed. Book now at choicehotels. Com Donald Trumps former fixer is heading to capitol hill. Michael cohen is scheduled to appear before three separate committees this week. Only one of those hearings are public. Cohen agreed to cover a whole host of conflict that could be of interests of his former boss and lawmakers as well. The last time he appeared before congress to trumps finances, conflicts of interests and business practices. Joining me now, National Security and back with me, barbara mcquaid. Give us a preview of what we should expect this week. I think it should be a riveting hearing. He has access to documents and im told he will bring documents with him. He has been prepping to tell stories, sorted stories, that lanny davis said would chill us. The topics include alleged fraud in the trump foundation. Tax evasion. Practices of the trump organization. It could go in very unpredictable directions. I would be very worried about which way it might go in public. If you were asking questions in public or private what would you be asking . They go to this idea of individual number one. They refer to the president as individual one and they talk about him giving directives to Michael Cohen to make the payments to Stormy Daniels that may amount to Campaign Finance violations. They say russia is off limits, but i think talking about who else might give false testimony could be of interest. And either the is your honor district of newark or robert mueller, but i would let them envoik whatever agreement they have right now. Could we anticipate any questions potentially, any questions under ago about whether or not he travelled to prague or whether or not any of the dossier is correct. He says he never went to prague. Could we see a different answer . 100 , they will be asked behind closed doors. They have already been ask, but he lied. Now they will ask him further questions about russia and hopefully well learn the answers to those questions. Guys, thank you very much. And it is much, much worse than you think. That is the first line of a new book that says you should not be just worried about Climate Change, you should be hair on fire alarmed. Drought, flooding, mass famine, mass disease, all likely in the lifetime of youred toer will. The uninhabitable earth life after warming. There has been a debate among environmentalists, Climate Change specialists, about how alarmist they should be and the pace of change and what could happen in the next 80 or so years. It seems like more scientists now are laning towards we need to really sound the alarm and scare people. I think there was a big turning point that was studying the difference between 1. 5 degrees and 2 degrees of warming. Were headed for more than four degrees by the end of the century. That could mean 600 trillion worth of Climate Change damages. It means places hit by six simultaneous disasters at once. Global gdp 30 smaller than it would otherwise be. And that makes the big question to me seem silly. Why are we talking about how alarmist we should be. The facts bear that out. This is not in your great great great grandchildrens lifetime, this is in your childs lifetime, potentially, if your child is young or youre about to have one. Or if youre . South asia and the middle east, it could be sooner. They could be unlivably hot as soon as 2050. What does unlivably hot mean . You could not go outside in the summer without awe you cant work outside. Yeah, any agricultural or any work outside is a health risk. What you do for your chapters is you focus on various elements of chaos. Heat death, hunger, fresh water, dieing oceans, plagues of warming, economic collapse, climate conflict, etc. Something closer to home for americans, something recently closer to home is wild fires and what we saw in california this last year. And i grew up with this. I grew up in los angeles, and my parents were News Reporters and we would fly over wild fires. You write in your book it will get a lot worse. Yeah, if we stay on the trends that were on it could burning 64 times more land. There was a million acres burned this last year. We have not begun to think about the impact on our sigh clolg and culture. If youre thinking about someone being burned worse than the california you grew up in, what that will mean is our rit to the future, that is for how we live on the plan et. And you literally could not escape them. There was people who died trying to ryder cup away from the flames, it was not like you saw it coming and coming and you could get away. Many people got burpned alive. And smoke covered the entire continue nenuent for those days. It affects the lifetime earnings of embryos in women. Everything that we associate with the development of healthy women, and it will be more pervasive in the decades again. You talk about hung brother directions saying if it is 5 degrees warmer, we may have 50 more people to feed, we may have 50 less grain to give them. The World Population as it stands, that would be 15 billion people, low that change our eating habits and who will that effect . The worlds poor is the short answer to that question. One interesting question is would we have e volvolved at al. Even the problems we are able to grow are less nutritious and they will become less nutriti s nutritious. Your book is scary. How do you not scare people. I think it is nuls that everyone understands how scary it is. What do you think of the us what now convening a panel of scientists to combat what is the accepted analysis of Climate Change . It is terrible, horrible, but i think it is important to keep in mind that the success doing relatively well. I think the politics of Climate Change is more important than what we realize. It doesnt even count for the infrastructure theyre building across africa and asia. The future will be written by the chinese, but im hoping that america can have an influence. 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