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Of empathy. He has said he would be proud to ins instigate trump lashed out at democrats who rejected his latest bid and offered temporary protection for nearly 1 million immigrants. Mitch mcconnell plans to take trumps proposal to the senate for a vote as early as tomorrow. He faces an uphill. Mitch connell needs seven democrats to back the bill. So far there is no sign that hell get another one of them. The shutdown now enters the fifth week. 800,000 federal employees will miss a second paycheck. It is hard to wake up and your whole foundation is shaking because you are living off one person. We are going through the second pay period that we wont be getting paid for. I have College Tuition and medical expenses i have to deal with. Mortgage will be late and my husband goes to work and does not have money for gas everyday. The big question we are asking everyday, how can President Trump end the shutdown if he cant make a deal. Geoff bennett is at the white house and lyanne caldwell is at capitol hill. This gets a single democratic vote tomorrow if mcconnell brings this bill to the floor, what is it . Katy, it is pretty slim that any democrats are going to support this bill. We are no closer to ending the Government Shutdown today as we were minutes where the president offered his proposal on saturday. As his proposal starts to sink in, i am talking to democratic aids, they are skeptical and angry at this deal, theyre calling it terrible. One aid told me they think this is a last ditch effort by the president to convince republicans who were nervous about where this is going and it may lead to a national emergency. Theyre saying this may be an effort by the president. Look, i try everything and democrats are not willing to come to the table. Democrats dont see any way out of this especially we know since saturday no one reached out to nancy pelosi whos instrumental and finding a deal. Things are not tooking good loo we head into the shutdown. Here is what trump is offering, 5. 7 billion for the wall and threeyear extension for legal status. Hes calling this amnesty. Ann coulter says we voted for trump and got jeb where is the white house headed . It is interesting, to leigh annes point, they have not checked in with Top Democrats since then. The white house is trying to reframe the debate and paint democrats as obstructionists and hypocrites. So again it is not clear just how serious the white house is about this but certainly we know that President Trump has painted himself into a corner by preemptively claiming ownership of the shutdown and now polls show the vast majority americans dont believe him when he says there is an emergency on the border. Two, they do blame him for this shutdown. The majority of people ski consistently have been blaming the president and republicans. Does that number change with the president s current offer . Well see when the new polling if this continues to last. Listen to what Mitch Mcconnell said the other week, i want to ask you a followup on it. The last thing we need to do is trade pointless show votes back and forth across the isle. We agreed we did not waste congresss time until all funding thats reached that could pass the house and senate and which the president can sign. All four leaders must sign off and the president must endorse it and say hell sign it. Okay, the last thing we need to do is trade pointless show vote across the isle. Would it be a pointless show vote if democrats are not on board. Yes, thats very common around here, politicians while republicans and democrats and the president remains world apart. The democrats are saying lets open the government and well talk about Border Security. The president says no way, this is apart of negotiation. The fact they are negotiating something while there is a Government Shutdown has put pressure to both parties. Katy, i am just sitting here and talking to people and no one really sees a way out of this. Nancy pelosi is putting her own bill and well see where it goes next. I know you guys have worked through shutdowns before but this one is completely surreal. Five weeks at the capitol with no government workers or workers forced to be there without pay. Remarkable. Nbc Geoff Bennett and leigh anne, caldwell. Lets bring in our congressman. What needs to happen with our shutdown and there are 800,000 workers who are not getting paid and there is a cascade affecting people at airports and trying to get loans or healthcare. It is a crisis. The president needs to stop playing games. He has not put a serious proposal. He did away with daca and tps. The federal courts stepped in and wait a minute, you cant do that. These folks continue to get those benefits and those rights. Now he wants to extend it . Guess what, the court already did that. The 5. 7 billion for the wall is just a down payment for it. It could cost 25 billion. Whats so different about it today than a few years ago . It has not worked and we continue to have more Security Issues at the border. 90 more of drugs and human traff trafficking, come to a sport of entry. What we are doing, the is this more about the way the president talks about immigration and talks about immigrants and migrants and the way he talks about the wall and anything else . His rhetoric is over the top. He has not shown any empathy for those people who are out of work and starting to feel the pinch seriously. This is a president somehow is out of touch with most of america right now. What would you offer in exchange for the money you want for the wall. Is there anything at all . Lets open the government. The senate did that. Lets pass this week and lets have a serious discussion about whats the best way we can bring Border Security and lets bring in dreamers. Lets bring tps in permanently. Hes not proposing for a permanent solution, this is a shame. Saying the shutdown not going to end, you are in unique position making some real demands or exchange of some of the money that the president wants. What avenue if you have a dream list, what avenue would you take . Money has been offered for Border Security already. Democrats chose if the president is not going to leave his demand for a walk. Lets say hes not leaving it, is there anything you as a democrat and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus could say, put on the table that would make it worth it . We are not for the wall. We want to look at Border Security sensible and practiab that would help. We are not for the wall. Eight congressional members at the border of democrats and republicans dont agree with the wall. It is going to strangle the economy of south texas and new mexico and arizona and california. Well be severely hurt if the wall comes up. You were right about the majority of people who do not want this power. Democrats put power back in the house. Are you saying there is absolutely nothing that you would think was worth it. Is there no path to citizenship or a comprehensive plan for Immigration Reform and try to put on the table. We would like to see that comprehensive plan for Immigration Reform that includes dreamers and tps and splitting families from their sevenmonthold baby, we want to see that. Thats a solution for our problem and not a modern day wall that must take all of us. If nobody sits down, what happens . Democrats are doing unilateral conferences and perezipere pressing buttons and using code words that are not constructed. I think we want to do that. Most america on today, on Martin Luther kings day, who stood for bridges and not wall. If trump refused to come to the table and democrats refused, how much will this last . He already owned the shutdown. How long do you think it will last . It lasted far too long. I understand that. How long do you think it will continue. We would not want it to last one more day but he continues to be heavy handed and over the top and refuses to be sensible and of course hes of the 31 will support it how long are you comfortable with this shutdown . I have not been comfort since day one. I am sure you are not comfortable now. How long will this shutdown last . I hope it is over this week. We are going to present legislation to reopen the government. The senate should do it, they did it a couple of months back. Mitch mcconnell and the president are playing to a radic radical, conservative base. Sounds like you are saying nobody really knows how long it is going to last. I am hoping this week, tuesday tomorrow when we get back to washington, well move forward. Well have a full discussion about Border Security, Immigration Reform and homeland security. Congressman, thank you so much for joining us. Coming up, it was early 2016 then it was june. Negotiations for trump tower were going on all the way through the election. Senator Kamala Harris announced shes running for president. Shes not the only potential candidate making noise. Joe biden and Mike Bloomberg and corey booker and also kirsten gillibrand. Up next, tsa is forced to call in reenforcement after 10 of their work force, calls out, it is a shutdown. It is now 31 days in. W 31 [friend] ve never se. I have. Little things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis differently. With otezla,75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. 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And if we are ever late, well give you a automatic twenty dollar credit. My name is antonio and im a technician at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. It is day 31 of the shutdown. If you have been to the airport, you probably have been caught in the impasse yourself. T tsa is sending additional officers to help long lines. Those are long lines. As 10 of employees called at work on sunday with many citing financial limitations. Those employees are basically saying they cant afford to go to work. Joining me now from the Busiest Airport on a non holiday, nbc news, tammy leitner. It can be difficult getting through Atlanta Airport on a monday. What is it like today on day 31 of the shutdown, tammy . Reporter people are flying through today. It could have something to do with the fact that they brought temporary tsa workers to help out at this airport. They really had no choice. One out of every ten tsa workers are not showing up for work and it is creating chaos at airports across the u. S. Some of the busineest airports e being affected, new york city and miami and houston and baltimore. Today they have the shutdown, screening area in baltimore. Last week they had to shutdown one of the terminals in miami. We are 31 days into this, we spoke to enough tsa workers to know this is a financial thing. They tell us they cant keep working without paychecks, thats the bottom line. Katy. Thats going to happen if this lasts much longer, tammy . It is really unclear. 8 of the tsa workers did not show up for work and we are at 10 . We are two weeks out for the super bowl in atlanta. They are expecting thousands of people coming to this airport, whats going to happen . Thats a really good question. I wonder how long you can continue to work with the promise of getting pay is on the line. Time tammy lieitner, thank you very much. St. Louis and albuquerque and washington state, joining me now from one of the states most affected by the shutdown where donated groceries have been dulled out to thousands of workers is our mariana attencio in maryland. What are you hearing . It is evident here at the First Baptist church at upper marlboro. This is suppose to be an mlk event but there are so many people hurting in this community. They tailor this event for them. Theyre giving out 3,000 grocery bags to federal workers who show up here with their id. One of them is joy. Can you share with us how the shutdown is impacting you and your family. You work for the department of justice. A really hard impact making grocery and getting gas to get to grocery. It becomes really hard and difficult. You have to rely on strangers to give you food. It is really frustrating. You told me you were under going radiation. How are you managing your copay and things like that . I am a Breast Cancer survivor, as a survivor, i have plenty of copays and i have four doctor appointments during the four l furlough and i had to make my payments out of pocket and real conversations with my doctor offices and all of them except for one told me not to show up because i didnt have my copay. These are things you never think you have to do. How do you feel walking into this food line to get a bag of grocery. Well, like with everything, it happens to everyone else but it is never going to happen to you. It as a long time federal employee, they used to say there is job security and there was always a place to go especially when i was younger but this just shows you that you are not free from any of it. You are subject to the same thing that anyone in the province is subjected to, it is compared to like a lay off, it is the same thing. Reporter thank you so much, joi hung out here today because this was for your show. She wants to give you a quick shout out. I am a huge msnbc junkie, halie jackson and Andrea Mitchell and rachel maddox, katkaty t t tur, i love you all. Reporter go ahead katy. We appreciate it and i hope she continues watching and lord i hope she gets her paycheck soon more than anything else. Reporter thats the important thing, katy. Here in maryland, not only federal workers but 172,000 residents are affected by this. Every two weeks these workers are not getting paid, thats 7 million in losses. People want to get paid and this to be over. This has no end insight. The New York Times estimated we average federal employees missed 5,000 at pay. Thats a lot of money when you are paying for grocery and car bills and mortgage. So many federal workers are living without paychecks. Marianne, thank you. The revised timeline, donald trump was talking about a trump tower in moscow right up until election day. What that means, next. Ron soh really . Going on at schwab. Thank you clients . 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So you can keep saving the world. Kids safelite repair, safelite replace President Trump and his Team Including Michael Cohen discussed active plans to build trump tower well into the 2016 election at least according to Rudy Giuliani. Well, it is our understanding that they went on throughout 2016, not a lot of them but there were conversations, cant be sure of the exact date but the president do remember having conversations with him about it. Throughout 2016 . Yes. Probably up to could be up to as far as october or november. Our answer is covered until the election. Any time during that period they could have talked about it. That means while President Trump was praising Vladimir Putin on the campaign trail and advocating for policy positions supported booy the kremlin, he s trying to make a deal to personally profit from russia. With me know is Chuck Rosenberg and betsy woodrow. They are both msnbc contributors. The significance of this looking back, what is it . Rudy giulianis comment is confusing because it runs counter to an on the record claim by a person who was involved in the trump tower moscow talks, phillip saider, a businessman who played a role between Michael Cohen and senior officials in the government business as they were working on potentially doing this trump tower moscow project. I recently spoke to mr. Sader that the conversation regarding potentially developing at trump tower in moscow teed off after the Republican National convention. When it became clear and unquestionable that trump is going to be the public nominee and the talk will basically die. I was struck to hear that mr. Rudy giuliani made that claim. Besides him claiming these talks happen as late as 2016, nobody had gone on the record saying that. Either he knows something that nobody else knows and has released publicly about these talks. Either way it is really head scratching behavior from the lawyer for the president. I know we keep on trying to apply some sort of logic of the things that come out of that mans mouth. Is there a logic to it, chuck, or is he just talking . Hes just talking, katy. I think thats as usual as being kind and thoughtful. It is also entirely possible that hes plain wrong, he gets his law wrong and facts wrong. The credible evidence that we have is that, that really comes from betsy reporting and Michael Cohens plea agreement which he acknowledged of the conversation of building the moscow project extended through the middle of 2016 and not through the end of 2016. Does it matter . Yeah, it matters. As election day gets closer, the president continues to make perplexing and troubling comments about russia urging them to release Hillary Clintons emails. I dont think you can put any stop into what mr. Rudy giuliani says. If he told you today is monday, i would urge you to look at a calendar. Hes not prepared. I urge you to look at a calendar. Thats very funny. Betsy, even if talks were only happening until after the convention, that puts a lot of weights and hindsight and looking back on what donald trump was talking about and during the campaign and especially what happened with the platform at the Republican National convention in 2016. Here is some of the russia p position he took. Betsy. Oh, thats right. There was an important spat after the National Convention regarding where the party would come down and it came to the question providing aid to the ukraine. Trump took the whole host of policy driven. That did not seem to do anything particularly helpful to help him court his base. One of the Big Questions throughout the entire trump tower russia story is why is he so perplexingly in step of everything that the kremlin has and the other side is very important when we are talking about the way his campaign interacted with russian nationals including powerful and connected russian nationals during the campaign is why his campaign felt they needed at every turn possible to lie about it over and over when presented to tell the truth about these communications, communications that were not illegal, the Trump Campaign and the highest level all the way down consistently lied. Thats part of the reason of the investigators, innocent people dont bend over backward to lie about their business relationships. Thats an under statement. Rudy giuliani was also and over the weekend as everybody was trying to parse the buzzfeed story after it came out late on friday night of what events to be on the record denial the entire buzzfeed story. Rudy giuliani was on the sunday show talking about whether or not donald trump did have discussions with Michael Cohen about his testimony in front of congress. Here is what he said. Trump certainly had no discussions with Michael Cohen which he told him or counseled him to lie. Trump did have discussions with cohen about his testimony, it would be perfectly normal. It seems like Rudy Giuliani lucked out the special counsel and put out a fire and he just started a new one right after that. One step forward and two steps back. Hes wrong again. It is not perfectly normal for people who are witnesses or subjects orozco hens ca cohenc for their lawyers to talk to one another. You would never have your client to talk to another witness in the case. It is not normal. It should not happen. If it is happening here, it raises a whole bunch of questions. One of the first thing that a Prosecutor Says when they are interviewing someone is who else have you talked to . If you are talking with other people who are involved in the conduct, you want to know what they say to you. The client, none of that is privilege so hes wrong again, katy. Let me ask you this, katy, is there a chance that there may be some sort of evidence that donald trump wanted Michael Cohen to Mislead Congress about the trump tower moscow, would that be enough if it did exist, if is a big word. Would that be enough to say donald trump directed Michael Cohen to lie . If katy through an immediate, sure, that could expose you to criminal lie and liability. The words you used is the right one. It is a big i have. Chuck rosenberg and betsy woodruff, thank you guys. Coming up, Kamala Harris is running for president , what she announced today. Stay with us. Some things are good to know. Like, where to find the cheapest gas in town. Something else thats good to know . If you have medicare and medicaid, you may be able to get more benefits through a humana Medicare Advantage plan. 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Reporter yeah, katy, she announced on gma and she did a meeting. They announced and they come and talk to the press and go to a primary state. Senator harris will be going to South Carolina i am told on friday and she has her official kickoff in oakland, in california on sunday. Thats kind of her Campaign Schedule going forward. She was asked if she had a core message to her campaign. She said the people were really the core message there. Our own Andrea Mitchell pressed her on why she was the best democrat in this crowded field to take on the president. He says because she loves her country and willing to fight and the people is going to decide. It is going to be a question of money and message. Of course the message for Kamala Harris is shes willing to take on President Trump, shes a fighter. She has her background in california as a prosecutor and attorney general. She certainly has that in her background but it is also a question of money. Her campaign is touting after 30 minutes she announced, she got donations from all 50 states. Thats something they are amped about after they head forward. Benjy, shes a senator from california, shes calling herself a progressive democrat, that could work in your favor there. Shes also arguing that shes uniquely in a position to win over the cell. Why is that . Here is the big core feature that in these democratic primaries, the black vote is extremely important to winning the domination. Here you see in the way senator harris rolled out her Campaign Just how strong of an emphasis she puts on this. She announced on mlks day. She went to the howard university, shes an alumnist. Shes announcing her campaign in oakland. A lot of her memoirs discussing her experience growing up and indian mother after she divorced her father from jamaica but how shes steep in the Civil Rights Movement and this is an important element of her strategy. Obviously the Campaign Sees her appeal going much further than that. The only issue she talks about is she emphasizes. It is a fundamental part to winning the south for her. Benjy, shes going to have some trouble with her history as a california s ag. The only time pointed out that she was not quite progressive as she claims to be. It is kind of the same thing. Now you dont become attorney general especially at the time she was elected, even the state in california by seeing weak on crime. It is a position you have to prove your credentials. She was challenged and a difficult race for her and she barely won in part because she was seen as opposing the Death Penalty and being too weak on Capital Punishment. She had criticism from the left for defending Capital Punishment in court. This is the case you will see her trying to discuss the progressive prosecutor. Likely some of her opponents saying well maybe you should have gotten further or some decisions you made looking back 10 or 15 years later are not quite acceptable than they used to be as the country changed. It will be interesting how she massages that message. Alex booker and Bernie Sanders has not announced. As they are out today more mlks day, what are they saying . Reporter two different candidates with different messages. You dont show up in South Carolina right before a president ial contest for president. Hes getting close to a decision. Both of them are coming here to africa. This is the first state in the primary process where the majority of the vote will be africanamericans. Both coming in with different expectations and Different Things to prove. Cory booker will come in needing to win this state as one or two of africanamerican running. He ran in 2016 and he did poorly here. He only got 26 of the vote. He just could not connect with the africanamerican voters. Hell need to change that if he runs again in the 2020. This church is very historic. It was a church that Martin Luther king was supposed to speak up but he got held up. Sanders is sticking around and cory booker already headed back because i dont think he has quite as much to do. Rhetorically, booker has this soaring message, he did not mention President Trump at all. Bernie sanders called President Trump a racist in his speech today and really identifying an enemy and going after him. Racial Justice Needs to be apart of his economic justice. How much is donald trump planning to demessaging. It is really interesting. Hes absolutely a huge presence and even behind me there was a Prayer Service this morning and the passers, they would talk about walls and the danger of walls and bigotry growing in washington. Hes there and Bernie Sanders called him out, calling him racist saying he ferment bigotry and hatrehatred. Bookers taking a different message more in the line of obama, kind of a rise above the fray. Well have to see which one well hear from. Ali vitali and morgan, thank you guys. The drug policy team in the white house is down from 80 to 3 people, noah has yet to release the afternoon for u. S. Temperature data for 2018. After this years wildfires have also cancelled. The National Science foundation stop award money for research compares to the 42 million that was gave out of grants at the beginning of 2018. According to the government officials who talks to the New York Times, data that scient t scientists often correct. Now, nasa, 10yearold ice bridge campaign, well suffer from one of those gaps. The program just had to cut half of its schedule work and it could be pesespecially getting cancelled all together. Jacob soboroff, thank you for joining with us. But, this is actually critically serious to the future of human beings, life on planet earth. We are ten years and seemlessly measuring measurin r lor. It was breefreezing. And in order to do this and the shut down now will basically stop one of the flights from going and collecting this data which will be a huge, huge problem. It is not just about them sacrificing their family life, but theyre trying to figure out what the condition of the world will be. I didnt really understand it until i went up there. I think i have a clip, lets look at this real quick. This is the ice layer here. If you were to lick it, it tastes like salt water. Its salty. Whoa, really salty. Now you know youre on the ocean. Snow and ice doesnt seem very complex, but when you get to how all of these things come together to form our sea ice pack and how that is changing, it is all pointing to thinning ice, shrinking ice cover. They measure the sea ice, the land ice, they measure the difference year over year and compare it to what were experiencing down here. What does it mean if they miss that gap, what does it do . Sies image seen that originally wrote this story a few years ago. It is a point where theyre wasting billions of dollars. And ice s. A. T. Two is up there right now. They want to understand what happens as the sea ice melts and connect to the points down here and it is blowing the point of the entire mission. If im not wrong you were talking to some of these guys a little earlier today. Yeah, i was. They have nothing to do. Theyre on a 30 day unpaid vacation that is unscheduled. Usually you would think you would have a great day, but i think theyre terrified of what it means for the future of the missions. And they see it as something for their own benefit, it is beautiful, but it is for all of our collective benefit. President s, i think it was yesterday or maybe today talking about cold temperatures and sarcastically saying he would like some global warning. Today they did not mince any words about how horrible this truly is if they cant get the planes up for the future of the mission. So what happens if the government does get opened up, are they going to be able to launch this mission . That is a good question. There are things like Aircraft Maintenance that is supposed to be happening right now and it is not happening. If they dont do it soon, and were talking weeks or days, if they cant get it tuned up and ready to go, there is other missions it is supposed to be on and the clock is ticking. How salty was it . Extremely salt. Im going to make fun of you for that for a long time to come. A little can go a long way, one more thing is next. Long wa, one more thing is next ere plaqut clearer. And stay clearer. Most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. Tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. Before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Before starting tremfya® tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. Tremfya®. Stay clearer. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. One more thing before go, a lot of you have been writing to us here at msnbc asking how you can help the federal workers that we have been talking to on investigation. The shut up down is now in its 31st day and a lot of you realize it is difficult for a lot of federal workers out there. How can you help . We can put you directly in touch with folks or you can give more prod broadly to your local food pantry, thats how many people get lunch and dinner in the shut down. One store gave up gift schoolyards. There is a Disaster Relief fund. You can also donate to repair or National Parks. They have started a fundraiser at National Parks dotorg. Just one of nearly 2,000 sights. Go fund me says they also have about 1800 campaigns that have been started. As always call your member of congress or your senator or en b even better show up on capitol hill or their offices. Theyre probably home, drive your car to one of their offices or look up their phone number and call them. Get in their face about it and tell them what you want to happen. That will certainly help. In the meantime what you can continue to do is watch us here on the news. Well wring you story after story of how it is asking every d affecting every day people and whether or not we will get any closer to fixing anything. We have a lot of people in need right now. Thank you, good to see you, ali. No negotiations, it is day 31 of the government shut down and thousands will miss a second paycheck if a deal is not passed were midnight tomorrow. But so far no sign that talks are moving any closer to a resolution. Over the weekend the president unveiled his latest proposal offering to temporarily restore two programs, daca and tps, in exchange for 5. 7 billion to fund a border barrier. Trump rescinded both programs this year. It has been widely rejected by democrats, nancy pelosi saying it is unacceptable and a nonstarter. The proposal was also rejected as far right people like ann coulter. He said amnesty is not part of my offer. Senate majority leader Mitch Mcconnell said he will bring this bill to the floor this week, but no democrats are on board and he needs seven votes for the bill to pass. An aide to Speaker Pelosi says

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