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Explains himself under bipartisan questioning. Although we should note he was not under oath. Still, theres one potential witness we wont be hearing from. To this date Jared Kushner had not agreed to meet with the Senate Judiciary committee and the panel now admits its given up trying to get him. Lets get to our team of reporters. First we have breaking news isolate the Justice Department. They say they the found missing texts between two fbi officials. Their disappearance has been labored a conspiracy by some republicans. Joining us is Pete Williams in our washington newsroom. Pete, are were they recovered . The Inspector General says it was using a forensic technique. Doesnt explain anything more than that. These are Text Messages that were sent between lisa page and peter strzok who were two people that had been working on the Mueller Investigation. And they were sent between december of last year and then theres a lot of interest in here. Perhaps don junior made a mistake that could eventually become an important part of the story line. Its impossible to know at this stage what sort of information we maybe able to glean from this thats different from where we already are. But, again, i think there was some pressure from the witnesses themselves for this to come out. Lets go back to when we first learned about this meeting. It exploded in the press. It was one of those things that if youre asking if there was any attempts or work between the Trump Campaign and anyone in russia to try to influence the election, you could point out this meeting and say, look, don junior got on Simplicity Note from somebody in russia or someone purporting to have someone from russia with russian information, russian dirt on Hillary Clinton coming from a different foreign power, not an ally of the u. S. And don junior saying, i love it, especially for later in the summer. Later in the summer we got all those wikileaks and thats when those started to really hit and donald trump seized on them and rallied his base against Hillary Clinton. This was a big deal when we found out about it. To get these transcripts, betsy, what could we possibly learn that we dont already know from this meeting . Its possible well learn more details about the way the meeting got set up, about the way don junior was connected to some of these russian and russianlinked characters who initially pitched him on having the idea of the meeting. I certainly would expect well be able to learn how the meeting itself went and if there was any additional followup. That said, one important thing to keep in mind is that the investigation has been really unusual. While the senate intel and the House Intel Committees have stayed largely focused on the russia question, the Senate Judiciary committee actually has taken a weirdly different lens, one staffer for Chuck Grassley who shares that Committee Told me several months ago their investigation was hardly even focused on russia at all and instead was looking at potential wrong doing by the fbi or the Justice Department as part of the committees routine oversight. Additionally, some republicans on the Senate Judiciary committee concluded based on their investigation that Christopher Steele who wrote that controversial they referred it for prosecution. One thing ill be interested in seeing when this transcript comes out is to what extent are republicans and democrats remotely on the same page as far as what questions they really had for don junior. Itll be interesting to see what Democrats Ask him and what republicans ask him. What this the point of these hearings right now . We have Robert Mueller looking into this. The congressional hearings seem to devolve in bickering. Why do this . Katy in theory they have Different Missions than Robert Mueller. This is not a criminal prosecution type of situation. Instead these committees are attempting to look into what russian efforts to influence american elections. And i think one of the frustrations for some of the more Middle Of The Road members of congress and members whove been russia hawks for many years is that has gotten very lost and i think its been very hard to get members to focus. Senator marco rubio, to his credit, was one of the only republicans who, during the 2016 campaign, went out and said, hey, stop crowing about the fact that Hillary Clinton is in the cross hairs on this right now. Remember that someday down the line it could be republicans. Its not as though russians are necessarily partisan. They have an agenda thats focused on what russia is trying to achieve and one day that be to our detriment. And we know his campaign at one point, one of his Senate Campaigns was the focus of some of these efforts. And so he sits on the Senate Intelligence committee. I think thats still what these committees are trying to accomplish. Achieving that has become harder and harder. Ladies, thank you very much. President trump says hes looking forward to talking with Robert Mueller under oath, but a new oped in the New York Times is looking how statements the president and his Campaign Officials have made to the media were later proven false. Ryan goodman joins us to help us see through the fog in the mueller russia probe. We have a lot of strands that come out on a daytoday basis, incremental. It gets hard to remember what happened when and where the truth is. Right. I think one of the difficulties is actually trying to break through fog and see not just the moments in which Trump Campaign officials lied to the media, which i think we well understand, but also when they lied to federal officials because thats when they were getting themselves into legal jeopardy. If you look at the count, its actually six Trump Campaign officials, five are clearly senior officials who seem to have lied to either fbi or congress, not including Paul Manafort and rick gates. Big question then is, why were they all lying . Was it a joint agreement or at a understanding . You served on the Special Counsel to the general counsel at the Department Of Defense when you have these conflicting statements, what does that mean for the Mueller Probe . How does that play into their investigation . So one thing thats noticeable about the Mueller Probe is that all four of the either guilty pleas include false statements. You can lie to the media, and its not a crime, but you lie to one of those federal officials or bodies, and its a crime. The the Big Question Is Mueller is about to interview the president probably, Obstruction Of Justice i think is on everybodys mind. Yesterday when donald trump was talking to reporters, he was asked about obstruction and whether or not hes done so in regards to the russia investigation. He said no, no, no obstruction and he is Fighting Back. Fighting back, what does that mean . Its difficult to know what it means. Sounds like in a certain sense he is recklessly admitting to some of the facts because hes saying what i did is fought back. Some people would call that obstruction. Hes addressing something i did, do some people are going to classify that as obstruction, they should. If i was his counsel thats the last thing i would want him to say. What has piqued your interest . Not just focusing on the single players but i why did they all do it. If they did it, its a big question because it means not just people who already lied to federal officials but anyone who encouraged them to do so which could lead all the way up to the president. That was the downfall for the Nixon White House where in the white house nixon is encouraging associates to commit perjury. If theres anything like that going on within a senior part of the Trump Campaign, i think that would be a bombshell. Ryan goodman, thank you very much for joining us. Turning a text into a talking point. Well see how the president , lawmakers and conservative media allies are questioning the fbi ice credibility, but to what end . Was really easy. Easy. Thatd be nice. Phone for help with chairs, say chair. Phone for help with bookcases, say bookcase. Bookcase. I thought this was the dresser . Isnt that the bed . Phone im sorry, i didnt understand. Phone for help with chairs, say chair. Does this mean were not going out . Bookcase. 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Heres senator ron johnson talking with nbc news moments ago. After reading those transcripts of the Text Messages, do you think it was made as a joke . Its entirely possible. Well see what the next text do you owe an apology, sir . Republicans were also up in arms about the fbi failing to retain five months of additional Text Messages between the two officials. Some insisted that too was a conspiracy to hide the former lovers unflattering exchanges. Now we learn that was only a Technical Glitch and the Text Messages have been recovered. Enter devin nunes having a claim. Fisa helped expose conversations with the russia ambassador. Releasing the memo would be reckless, he says. The top democrat on the House Intel Committee slammed nunes and his actions earlier. He is attempt to go tar the entire intelligence community, fbi bob Mueller Investigation in order to once again protect the president. Its a terrible disservice as well as a terrible distraction. Joining me is michael caputo. Good to see you. Hey, katy, how are you doing . What do you think of this secret society that ron johnson raised only to later admit it was probably a joke . I dont know. I think in Text Messages between a mistress is and her boyfriend, what theyre trying to hide from their spouses can go into all kinds of hyperboly. What it is and which comment is a joke . I dont know. But i can tell you this. When i heard that these Text Messages were missing, i was very excited because it gave me an opportunity to tell investigators that all my texts and emails are available except for those that went out between june 16th, 2015 and january 20th, 2017, because my dog ate those. They found those Text Messages, so thats a bit of a moot issue . I found mine too. My dog threw them up, which is probably what happened at the fbi too. Dont you feel like republicans in order to take apart the fbi right now are really grasping for straws . I dont know. I look at some of the texts between those two people. Two people who are having an affair talking to each other in private. I mean, no ones saying any fbi investigators are not allowed to have opinions about politics. Their opinions just cant color what they do. If theres evidence the opinions color what they do, then that is a real problem. And thats the evidence were looking for. Robert mueller took them off the investigation, so theyre not even there any longer. So are you saying as a donald trump supporter, are you saying that anybody who Doesnt Support the president or think negatively of him or might Say Something to somebody in a personal conversation that is not flattering of the president that they cant be fair . I wouldnt say that. I think people have a right to their own opinions in politics. But people at the head of these investigations, at the deputy level, they have to be chosen very carefully. As you know, as an attorney, you can donate in america to the campaign of a judge. So the Legal Profession doesnt have the concerns of hiring someone who donated to a campaign of an opponent of the person youre investigating. But katy some of this stuff thats going on, its really concerning to me. Im trying to keep an open mind. Ive known fbi agents and ive worked with them throughout my career. Im concerned because it turns out it might have been redundant if donald trump turned russia. Were turning to russia ourselves. Who are you calling the going kgb, michael . The people who deserve to be exposed. People in the fbi are actually part of the kgb . Come on. I was being facetious, as you know. Its funny how the jokes told between these two lovers are hilarious you to at msnbc. But they were private messages to each other. You are on National Television and you are saying people in the fbi are act like the kgb. Some republicans are loyal to donald trump, the president himself, and a lot of folks outside who are coming on tv to defend the president , instead of defending him on merits, youre saying the fbi is corrupt and the fbi is working in this conspiracy to take down the president. Members of the fbi are acting more like the kgb. I mean, that is radical thing to say on National Television . Absolutely, it was a joke which i was hoping you laughed at like the fbi texts. At the same time im telling you you Whats Going On is very concerning. And i believe we need to investigate this completely and fully. I believe they should release the memo that was written by the majority at the House Intelligence Committee and see where those apples fall. We should investigate whats going on. There should be a Special Counsel to look into them as well. The criticism of the Special Counsel youre hearing today, and the Special Counsel investigation of the bush white house, this is politics as your back, katy. And wringing your hands over this is a bit over the top. Politics as usual. Seems kind of sad. Michael caputo, thank you. Next, trump took his America First message overseas. How is it sitting with World Leaders . Were at davos where he met with israel Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. Come say hello to our voters. Youre cnn. Im with msnbc now. Thanks for watching. Good to see you, sir. Needles. Essential for vinyl, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. A once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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And ultimately i want to see a strong dollar. At this hour the president is at dinner with European Business leaders. But earlier he met with british Prime Minister theresa may and benjamin netanyahu, touting his relationship with both leaders. But thetithetime magazine cov. Ali, donald trump, his cabinet is there, so is a large portion of congressional leaders including House Majority leader Kevin Mccarthy. Whats america getting out of this Big Footprint Out in davos . Reporter two things. Theres some confusion coming up. The president is saying he wants a strong dollar. Steve mnuchin did say otherwise. The bottom line is he did say otherwise. The president s right. Its very nontraditional for treasury secretaries to even talk about the dollar. The dollars gone down as a result of mnuchins comments. But fundamentally, Kevin Mccarthy and the other congressional leaders, bob corker, they came early and theyve been having a ton of meetings. I cant verify what they say is going on in those meetings, but as i suspected, the idea the president was going to harsh on World Leaders was probably going to be softened a lot and it does seem in the meetings the president and rosary having with world and business leaders, may be a friendlier tone. We are allies. A lot of american tax dollars go to defend on their missile defense. We should have a fair trade limit. And i think allies can look at that. I sat in a meeting today with all these foreign leaders and i heard Prime Minister of other countries stand up and say, you know what, as nato, we need to pay more of our fair share that, americas been carrying us for too long. That to me is a positive. Some of thats breaking through. Its not like theyre going to go alone. Its made a stronger bond with them now. Reporter i dont know. I wasnt in those meetings and i dont know everybodys saying that. But i think World Leaders are being nicer and america is being more mellow. What do you think that is, ali . Reporter i think its the way it goes around here. Theres nothing but flags here. This is all about and unity kumbaya. You cant come to somebodys party and kick the punchbowl over. I think President Trump had to say eight talk tough and its America First. When you get down to brass tacks, this is how you are. Not as much tough talk as everybody is prepared for. I have richard hoss on my other monitor laughing at your kick the punchbowl comments. Joining us is richard haass. I presume ali made you laugh there. You got a new article out in titime entitled What The Glob Elite can learn from donald trump. Youre also the author of a world in disarray. Now in paper back. Richard, tell me, what can the world learn from donald trump . I think the most important thing is there are a lot of people who are insecure. They dont see globalization as good and see it as threatening. Their jobs are disappearing and they fear that they will. So theres real concern about the president and the future. The davos crowd is 1 of the 1 in many cases, and i think what donald trump can bring to them is the sense that, hey, for a lot of people whether its right or wrong, they feel that the world is not working for them. What about the president himself . What can he take away from a meeting like this . He had been influenced by these antiglobalists in his administration, steve bannon now is gone, though. Probably horrified at donald trump going to davos. In your article you write trump needs to understand globalization is many dimensions, not a choice, but a reality. The u. S. Can at a significant cost, close its borders to people and trade, but it cannot wall off the country from Computer Viruses or Greenhouse Gases and the effects of climate change. I think two things. Im hoping he hears positive things about immigration and trade. Mr. Trump has repeatedly scapegoated both of them, immigration and trade for job loss and other problems in the country. For the most part its not true. The real threat is new technologies, artificial intelligence, robotics and the rest. Maybe he will understand that he needs to focus on that. Thats the real train coming down the track against the United States worker and the economy. And i think secondly, we cant be a giant gated community. We live in this world, like it or not, and were going to have affected by terrorists or north korean missiles or climate change. United states cant solve these problems unilaterally. Its got to partner with others. Thats beginning of a serious conversation. He said he would be open to potentially joining tpp under better conditions, under better Negotiation Conditions for the u. S. What do you think . Is it a good idea for the u. S. To join tpp or is it a better idea for the u. S. To try to work around it . Its not even a close one. Of course its better for us to join it. We want to race to the top, not a race to the bottom in terms of trade. We dont want to leave asia for china to pick on smaller, weaker neighbors. Im not going to sit here and say tpp is perfect, but it does represent an improvement. If mr. Trump would say ill join if we address other issues. China is not a member of it. But pressure to transfer technology or other such issues or government subsidies, i dont think we should be against if you would tpp 2. 0. But we have to get inside the tent. And the idea of staying outside tpp or leaving a number of tnaf steps. News out of davos was the president talking about the palestinians saying they dont sit down and try to negotiate peace, the u. S. Was going to cut funding. Again, bad idea. We didnt help the prospects of negotiating by the unilateral declaration of jestrusalem as t capital. We ought to have given something for the palestinians if we were going to do it. So right now we have to really approve to the palestinians that were prepared to be fair minded and a legitimate negotiator. And i think the pressure is as much on us to cut off aid, that has a humanitarian penalty. If we cut off aid, there will be more palestinian moderates. We have to Start Playing the which he is game several moves ahead. Richard haass, a man who never kicked over a punchbowl at a party. One day hes in, and one day hes out. Where does the president stand right now on daca, for instance . Were live on capitol hill where talks are toufrts reach a deal to protect d. R. E. A. M. Ers. If yor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough, it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both Symptom Relief and remission. 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Days after rejecting a bipartisan plan, he said he would be open for a path to citizenship for them. If white house is expected to roll out a new Immigration Framework on monday. A group of bipartisan lawmakers met on the hill today. Republican senator marco rubio updated reporters on their efforts to reach a bipartisan deal on immigration reform. The Starting Point that deals with daca and the border, and then were going to have a debate about if you add citizenship, what do you need to put with that. If you want to lower the backlog on immigration, what do you add to that. Theres a strong consensus to ensure a legal status for people on daca now and scour our border and enforce immigration laws. Joining us is leigh ann caldwell. Youre wearing the same glasses as casey today. Lets get to the news. This bipartisan meeting, who was in it and what else do we know about it . Katy, there was about two dozen members today at the meeting. What they talked about was what they could potentially come to an agreement on as far as immigration is concerned. These arent necessarily the people who are going to be leading the talks coming up with what a bill will definitely look like, but these are the people who are critical to get anything through the senate. This is a Massive Group of people. A quarter of the senate, sometimes even more who shows up to these meetings, if the gnat really wants to pass a daca bill with the support of 70 members, theyre going to need the consensus of a lot of people. Senator marco rubio came out of that meeting as others did, and they said the path forward might be something really narrow to start with. And then let the senate work its will. And then it can go from there. They say its a lot easier to add to a bill through amendments rather than put forward a big, massive bill and then try to strip it down. Theres still a lot of talks right now. People are waiting to see what President Donald Trump says in his proposal, which is supposed to come out monday. And until then, these talks are going to continue. But what donald trump says could change a lot, as we know up here. No doubt about that. I cant help but ask this question. The senate might come up with a bipartisan solution, but what does that mean if the house wont even take up a debate on the floor . The house is the Big Question Mark here. The house is where legislation goes to die. Its happened multiple times before. As the house moves closer to the midterms, its going to be even more difficult for House Speaker paul ryan to bring up any immigration legislation. I know Kevin Mccarthy was on our air earlier and he refused to say if the speaker would bring up legislation without a majority of republicans, if he could only get a majority of democrats. Thats not something that republicans want. Thats probably not something that the president is going to want. So the house is definitely the factor here. I am pretty confident that the senate will be able to pass something. What its going to look like, i dont know. But when it goes to the house, its just all bets are off, katy. John kelly didnt go to davos in order to work on immigration. His meetings with lawmakers, what do we know about them . We dont know a lot yet. We do know hes been meeting with lawmakers for the past week and a half. He met with a Congressional Hispanic Caucus and is part of this leadership meetings. Hes making the rounds on capitol hill. He knows hes become one of the key players in the administration on this issue. Hes the former department of Homeland Security secretary. So he knows this issue, but hes also conservative on this issue. So theres a lot of republicans who are skeptical democrats who are skeptical of his role here, katy. Leigh ann caldwell, thank you very much. Thank you. Donald trump says hell talk to Robert Mueller under oath, so when will the Special Counsel sit down with the Commander In Chief . The former Chief Of Staff to james comey, Chuck Rosenberg joins me next. Just like some people like preshaken sodas. Having their seat kicked on an airplane. Being rammed by a shopping cart. Sitting in gum. And walking into a glass door. But for everyone else, theres directv. For 1 rated Customer Satisfaction over cable, switch to directv and get a 200 reward card. Call 1. 800. Directv i asked my doctor. She told me about noninsulin victoza®. Victoza® is not only proven to lower a1c and blood sugar, but for people with type 2 diabetes treating their cardiovascular disease, victoza® is also approved to lower the risk of major cv events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. While not for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. announcer victoza® is not for people with Type 1 Diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. 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We know Robert Mueller wants to talk to President Trump. But does President Trump want to talk to Robert Mueller . Well, depends on when you ask. Would you be willing to speak under oath to give your version 100 . If Mueller Muffler wanted to speak with you id be glad to. Well see what happens. Certainly ill see what happens. When they have no collusion and nobodys found any collusion at any level, it seems unlikely you would have an interview. Are you going to talk to mueller . Im forward to it actually. To reach a higher standard, you would do it under oath . Oh, i would do it under oath, absolutely. The president added yesterday that the Special Counsel interview could take place in the next two to three weeks. As quickly as the president made those comments, white House Counsel to donald trump, ty cobb, walked them back, at least a bit. He told nbc news the president was speaking to reporters hurriedly before leaving for davos. In those remarks the president expressed his complete cooperation with mueller. The terms are still being negotiated by mr. Trumps personal lawyers. Chuck rosenberg served as the Chief Of Staff to fbi director james comey and is an msnbc contributor. Chuck, thank you very much for being here. Pleasure. The president yesterday when he was talking about no obstruction, he said something very specific and i want to play that sound bite and get your reaction on the other side. Everybody says no collusion. Theres no collusion. Now theyre saying, oh, well, did he fight back, fight back . Fight back . You fight back. Oh, its obstruction. First of all, everybody is not saying no collusion. Most lawmakers are saying theyre still looking to see if there was any collusion. Thats certainly what Robert Mueller is looking into. Secondly, donald trump saying Fighting Back, Fighting Back was obstruction. Im still trying to figure out what exactly he means by that. Is it asking mccabe who he voted for . Is it firing james comey . Well, it seems rhetorical, katy. Look, youre welcome to make legal arguments, youre welcome to make factual arguments, but Obstruction Of Justice is quite different. Its neither of those things. Its attempting to impede and obstruct an investigation. And so if you fired comey, for instance, because of the, quote unquote, russia thing, that could be Obstruction Of Justice. Donald trump has done a number of depositions in his life. We all know this. Hes been in a lot of lawsuits. There was one that happened during the campaign where an attorney was talking to him about the Trump University lawsuit and they pressed him on this. They said a claim he made to me actually, i was a reporter a month earlier, that he had the worlds greatest memory. Trump responded i had a good memo memory. The reporter responds with the best memory in the world and he said it to me. Trump answered i dont remember saying that. As good as my memory is, i dont remember that but i have a good memory. In that deposition he said i dont remember 35 times during the testimony. Does that sort of thing fly with the Special Counsel . Well, look, there are innocent times when you dont remember something. It happens to all of us. But the Special Counsel is going to have lots and lots of stuff with him. Hes going to have documents, hes going to have emails, hes going to have the testimony of other people. And so i dont remember might work a couple of times. Theres always times we dont remember stuff, katy. But its not going to work over and over again. At a certain point if all you say is i dont remember, it looks like youre trying to hide something. Whats the difference between a deposition in a civil trial and facing Robert Mueller . Well, great question. So important distinction. Depositions are for civil matters, right. You run over my foot with your car in a parking lot and i sue you and we depose a whole bunch of people. There are no depositions by and large in criminal cases. These are interviews. Its either done in a Conference Room by mueller and his agents and prosecutors, or it will be done in a grand jury under oath in front of members of the grand jury. So if its the latter, if its in a grand jury, theres no lawyer there to help mr. Trump. If its in an interview, he could have his lawyers with him. But the whole thing is going to be run by the investigators and the prosecutors. Theyre very, very different environments. Chuck rosenberg, chuck, thank you very much. Pleasure. Coming up right after the break, weve got one more thing. So thats the idea. What do you think . I dont like it. Oh. Nuh uh. Yeah. Ahhhhh. Mmmm. Oh. Yeah. Ah. Agh. Ddd. No. Hmmm. Uh. Huh. Yeah. Uh. Huh. In business, there are a lot of ways to say no. Thank you so much. Thank you. So were doing it. Yes. 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Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those whove had a drug or Alcohol Problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. With less pain, i can do more with my family talk to your doctor today. See if lyrica can help. Win, and we will not live in fear. One more thing before we go. Arizona mom jovanna was shot in the head during the shooting on the vegas strip that killed 58 people in october. Today after months of therapy and rehab, shes finally going home. But also today just a few miles from the shooting that forced her to relearn how to walk, talk and eat on her own again, the nra is holding day three of the Worlds Largest firearms industry expo. There has been virtually no action on capitol hill regarding gun control despite the 1,500 Mass Shootings weve seen since the Sandy Hook Massacre in 2012. This week we saw the nations 11th High School Shooting this year, the second just this week. Remember, its only january. Monday a 15yearold girl was shot and killed in texas. Her teenage classmate is accused of the crime. Tuesday, it happened again at a high school in kentucky. Two 15yearolds murdered, 18 others hurt. This l. A. Times headline sums it up. Another school shooting, hohum says america. What is going on here . Is this okay now . Are we as americans now okay with kids killing kids . Is it even a question thats worth asking anymore . After all, it seems like weve gotten our answer. Weve gotten it 1,500 times since sandy hook. That will wrap things up for me this hour. Chris jansing picks it up right now. Chris. Ive been covering them since columbine, so lets even back it up to there, shall we . Kids killing kids, thank you so much. We are following a very busy day of news from the Economic Forum in davos, switzerland, as well as washington where the halls of congress are buzzing with the talk of Robert Muellers russia investigation as well as possible progress toward an immigration deal

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