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Than 15,000 new cases in a single day. Thats more than any other state including right here in new york since this pandemic began. Still, floridas governor said he plans to reopen schools next month, as the debate over whether that can be done safely heats up nationwide. Education secretary betsy devos pushing the president s message that the schools must reopen this fall without offer a clear plan how to do it. At the white house, a remarkable new effort to discredit dr. Anthony fauci, Administration Officials effectively circulating Opposition Research on the nations top doctor as President Trump himself works to marginalize him and his dire warnings about the reality of the pandemic in this country. Our team is spread out across the country, but today we start with a special focus on one state that is seeing a rise in cases. Nbcs cal perry in wichita, kansas, for us. Hell be with us throughout the entire hour. What is the situation on the ground there this morning . Kansas a microcosm for the country. Were seeing cases on the rise. We cant say we didnt know how we got here because we do. I want to show you that chart starting in april, april to may. The curve was flat, may to june, a drop in cases and then june into midjune, we saw the curve go the wrng way. May 22nd, important day in kansas, thats when the state legislator voted to remove some powers from the governor. She had to veto that bill to retain executive power. In doing so, she handed over control to the counties and the counties, many of them, went from zero to 100 instead of phasing in the plan. Thats why the cases are rising on top of that. We have a backlog in testing and the hospitals are filling up. I want to play for you part of my conversation with a local epidemiologist. If youre a covid patient and you would normally come here, where are you going now that you cant take more patients . You wait in the er. Reporter how close are we in wichita to tents . Were not there yet. If this if this rate of acceleration does not decrease, very soon, and i mean, like, in a week or two, we may run out of icu beds. Reporter add to all of that the politics of our time, you have a very, very vicious partisan battle taking place in the state, which is leading to a patch work of laws that is at times confusing. The county here has a law, requiring a mask here in sedgwick county, but it is unenforceable. It is written into the law there are zero fines for that law and so the city has their own ordinance here in wichita. Masks required indoors. They had to set up a hot line because there is so much confusion about whether or not people are required to war a mask here. That is the grim detail of where we are in the state of kansas. Very representative of the rest of the country, specifically and in particular both in florida and texas. Cal perry in kansas, youre staying with me throughout the entire hour. Were going to dig deep near what deeper into what is happening there. Florida that is shattering record new cases in florida, for a single day, state wide. Nbcs Kerry Sanders is at a testing site in miami gardens, florida, for us. What are you hearing from Health Experts there about the spike and this new record of cases . Reporter well, it is a troubling trend that theyre seeing in florida, 15,300 cases in a single day. And as you noted, shattering not only the record for the state, but really even for new york, with the epicenter began. Over my shoulder here, these are the tents where people are lined up. Cars began lining up here to get tests at 1 30 a. M. And now people are going through this. This has been going on for a while. The real problem here is that when people get their tests conducted, they often dont get the results back for eight days, sometimes even longer. And when it takes so long to get the tests back, people have gone on about their daily lives, unless they were feeling ill. So they may indeed be spreading coronavirus, which circles back to the question about opening schools. If children might be passing it around, and unlike other parts of the country, where schools resume in labor day, here in florida, they generally open around midaugust. Do you believe kids should go back to school in person next month . I think they cant go back today, thats for sure. Things will have to improve pretty dramatically over the next six weeks for that to happen. Reporter and so when you have right now, ayman, is a situation where people are trying to figure out what theyre going to do, but in a state with 67 counties, there is no mandate from the top. The governor is not laying down the rules. And so in some communities, masks are required. Other communities they arent. In some places people are going about daily life where in other places they have now restricted when people can go out, for instance, miamidade with a 10 00 p. M. Curfew. And so the hodgepodge patch work nature of all of this has for many people been a touch tone of maybe were not doing it right, especially when they look at other countries like south korea, where it was a topdown management of command and control from the top down an they look at how well they managed the situation in korea, in florida, as i noted, 15,300 positive cases in a single day. Ayman . Kerry sanders live for us in miami gardens, florida, thank you. With us now for more on what kerry was talking about there, the superintendent of Miamidade County Public Schools alberto c carvalho. Thank you for joining us. Let me begin with what my colleague was talking about there. Every School District in the state of florida under a state wide order to reopen in person in august. Will your district be ready to follow that order safely in six weeks . Well, thank you so much for the opportunity, number one. Our start date is not until august 24th. The emergency order that was published close to two weeks ago does in fact provide for a return to in person teaching and learning across the state. But it does provide a number of caveats, a number of flexibility elements. Number one, a different start date should the individual district need it. Secondly, a waver for the total number of school days in the school year, and, look, in addition to that, i think even secretary betsy devos yesterday, i heard her say that even though there is a National Push to return to school in person, it is the best way to teach kids from a social and emotional perspective, there will be outliers where local conditions need to be looked at and different strategies need to be employed. I believe at this point considering the Positivity Rate in miamidade, which is today or yesterday actually, a 22 , the day before it was at 29. 1 . A month ago it was at 6 , so something has happened in a very drastic way. I think the biggest concern now is the unpredictability, how these conditions will evolve, based on newly imposed restrictions between now and august 24th. So i appreciate you laying out that very comprehensive explanation. Let me go back very quickly to the very specific question i asked you, will your district be ready to open schools when you think it is time to open schools . Do you have a plan in place . You just described for me the conditions, the flexibility, i get all of that. But do you have a plan and will you be ready . So we have a reopening plan, which was unanimously approved by our board. We are currently serving parents, specific to each one of our 400 plus schools, based on todays conditions, if the conditions are on august 24th what they are today, where miamidade is the center of floridas epicenter, and florida is the epicenter of our nation, it would be very difficult for us to mandate the opening of schools district wide, if conditions, however, significantly improve between now and then, recognizing that a month ago, the Positivity Rate was 6 . Today, it is at 22 . We are we are monitoring it every single day, working in collaboration with the county mayor. But if the conditions on august 24th are what they are today, it would be very difficult for us to reopen schools, therefore we have a plan to provide alternatives for parents, relying on continuous remote teaching should there be a need to do so, as well as a number of hybrid models, but we are ready to pivot between any one of those models, based on the medical and Public Health advice from local entities right here in our community. Okay, fair enough. Your thoughts on you brought up the education secretary betsy devos, shes doubling down on the Trump Administrations threat to withhold federal funding from schools that refuse to reopen. Listen to this. If schools arent going to reopen, and that fulfill that promise, they shouldnt get the funds, then give it to the families to decide to go to a school that is going to meet that promise. Just to be clear, we should note she doesnt actually have the power to do that, but what is your response to the administration if your school does not open and somehow funding is diverted away from your school . Well, number one, recognize that miamidade regardless of what people see on tv is not south beach. 73. 4 of our kids live in crisis to begin with. Were talking about food insecurity, home insecurity, disability, english language limitation, homelessness, i think it would be quite frankly a disservice to the most fragile children in america if we were to impose a new crisis upon children who even before covid19 were already in crisis. And, by the way, i dont think that will come to pass. I heard the secretarys interviews this weekend, and i heard clearly that she certainly wishes for americas schools to reopen, but then she also opened the door for districts that may find themselves currently in a resurgence of positivity, specific to covid, where the icu capacity and the local hospitals as is the case is at a max at 94 , where the rate of positivity is in excess of 22 , for those districts i believe the secretary has opened the door for an exception, recognizing that we need the appropriate flexibility to teach our kids, protect our teachers, and our parents in a way, in accordance with local conditions and with Health Officials and Public Health entities right here in our communities. Superintendent, i want you to stay with me, i want to bring in my colleague cal perry, who has a few questions for you. Cal . Reporter yes, superintendent, you know, here in wichita, the board of education rolled out their own plan on reopening. It seems like everywhere around the country there are unique plans. Im wondering what is the coordination and communication like between School Districts in the state of florida and what does it look like nationally . There is a terrific network in the state of florida through the Superintendents Association where the best practices and different models are discussed and shared. At a National Level, i can tell you that the counsel of great city schools probably is the most forceful and well informed entity that connects the superintendents at the largest 76 School Systems in our nation. We look at best practices, with look at trends, we look at the measures that were taking and we share those. Look, across the country, there are 15,000 School Systems in america, i think most districts, most school boards, most superintendents recognize three things. Number one, the best model to teach a child is in person, in front of a teacher, with resources right there in an organic way. Obviously across the country, conditions will vary. I think we need to have the local flexibility to adopt models based on conditions at the time of the opening. We do not want to add to the problem. The second thing we all agree on is that in addition to this very viable, indispensable best way of teaching kids in person, in the schoolhouse, there ought to be additional models and i think we learn during the last quarter that the power of technology and the power of connectivity are important during crisis like these. So we all learned very quickly that we need to be able to guarantee universal connectivity, deployment of the devices into the hands of students and understanding via surveys up front the level of internet and wifi access at home, and the provision of adaptive supplemental support for students with disabilities, for poor students, for english language learners. The third thing we all know, i hope the rest of the country is preparing for it, is that the academic regression, the learning loss experienced since the shutting down of schools to now is something that is going to be quite frankly a moral imperative for all of us. The most impacted will be those who have no ground to lose to begin with and i just described them, poor children, students with disabilities, english language learners, whose regression academically will be historic in nature. Thats why in miamidade we already started the process of regaining the ground that was lost with Virtual Summer programs, were going to bring to the extent possible cohorts of students that need more attention than others earlier and provide year long support to catch them up toward their full potential, recognizing how far deep they may have fallen. We have a lot to make up for as a country as we go forward. Miamidade superintendent of schools alberto carvalho, thank you so much. Cal, stay with me. If you have any questions on schools reopening in this pandemic, email us at talk msnbc. Com. Or tweet us using th the msnbcanswers. Experts will answer those questions each monday for you in the 11 00 a. M. Hour, starting today. Craig melvin will join us later in the show to preview todays big show coming up after this one. Much more ahead about the pandemic. Were going to talk to a doctor who is focused on Infection Prevention in vulnerable populations and the impact of the coronavirus on communities of color. Fauci under fire, new nbc news reporting on how the Trump Administration is seeking to discredit the nations top Infectious Disease expert. And major news out of the nfl. Washingtons Football Team is ditching its controversial name in an announcement today. Next, members of the native American Community on how important this change is. Ty on important this cnghae is up at 2 00am again . Tonight, try pure zzzs all night. Unlike other sleep aids, our extended release melatonin helps you sleep longer. And longer. Zzzquil pure zzzs all night. Fall asleep. Stay asleep. All right, breaking news from the nfl this morning. In just the past hour, washingtons Football Team announcing it is ditching its name, which is a racial slur against native americans. It is also retiring the logo. Nbc News Business and tech correspondent jo ling kent is following the latest developments for us this morning. Jo, good to have you with us. This has been a controversy for years, one that the team owner has pushed back against saying it would never happen. What do we know about the decisions to change washingtons team name . Yes, just this morning the washington nfl team putting out a new statement saying that they are going to, quote, retire the name and the logo. And the exact wording from the team is that they are looking to find a new name and design approach that will enhance the standing of our proud rich franchise history. They say both coach rivera and dan snyder will be working together, but it is no secret that the pressure has not only been on this team for decades, 50 years now by a lot of native American Movement leaders, who have been so committed to this cause, but now there has been a Business Impact in terms of fedex, who has the naming rights to the field, saying they want to rebrand, then big company like target, amazon, nike yanking the purchase from their shelves in recent days. Crystal echohawk, she said this is a victory and she is the founder of alumanitives and a member of the pawnee tribe. Here is what she said about why this is so important. The evidence and the science shows that type of behavior and when our children, our native children see, like, for example, at the super bowl, racism on display as, you know, for the entire world to see as the tomahawk chop is going on in the background and fans out tailgating in red face and dressed up that is so deeply harmful to first and foremost our children. And echo hawk and 1500 other members of the community and organizations in the native American Community sent a letter to Roger Goodell about being directly engaged with in this process, ayman. They have not heard back on that letter as of sunday. And so they want to be a part of this, because this is not just about the washington nfl team and the Major League Baseball teams out there, this is about the other pro college and High School Teams that they say should be under review to remove racist mascots. Ayman . One more sign of the cultural changes taking place in this country, thank you, jo. Still ahead, arizona breaks its record for the number of icu beds in use. Were live on the ground in phoenix where they ordered backup refrigerator trucks to be used as morgues should hospitals run out of capacity. As an emergency room doctor there describes the alarming scene. Were at over 100 capacity if thats possible. But every place has a potential bed we have a person, sometimes doubling up and sometimes were putting people d sometimes we putting people gong rings this is joe. combative yelling he used to have bad breath. Now, he uses a capful of therabreath fresh breath oral rinse to keep his breath smelling great, all day long. combative yelling therabreath, its a better mouthwash. At walmart, target and other fine stores. phone ringing es offers big button,lized phones. And volumeenhanced phones. Nes. Get details on this state program. Visit right now or call during business hours. This virus is testing all of us. 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At this hospital behind me here, they have already ordered backup refrigerator morgues in the situation they would need them for mounting deaths here. Just 86 reported just yesterday, and the big issue here in arizona is a lack of testing. And those that cant even get tests, most of the results, theyre not coming back within more than a week. I want to let you hear from anna tovar, she outlines quite well why this situation remains so dire for her community. My community is about 88 latino. And the vast majority of my community does not have the luxury of working from home. Theyre at the front lines here in arizona. Theyre providing food, theyre at our hospitals, they are risking their lives day in and day out so that people in our economy can move forward. But, yet, were leaving them behind when it comes to the most crucial component and thats testing. Reporter what mayor tovar acknowledged there, if the arizona economy wants to remain fruitful and continue to go, to continue to operate restaurants and malls and shopping stores, we need quicker testing results because right now folks that have gotten tests are continuing to go to work despite not having the results, cal. Reporter testing so key in how we move forward here in wichita there say delay between 6 and 8 days in getting results. So many people are unable to quarantine for that amount of time. Thank you so much. I want to bring in now dr. Cassandra pierre, an epidemiologist at the boston medical center, professor at boston university. You were speaking to my colleagues earlier today and you talked a lot about collective accountability. First, tell us what is collective accountability and how would it help us through the crisis were all living in now . Absolutely, so collective responsibility is the idea that the actions that we take play a role in stewarding the health and wellbeing of others. An example of this is when we refrain from smoking in public, refrain from doing things that might harm the health of others. And we have many examples of this in our day to day lives, it is part of the social contract and the social fabric of our lives. In this particular situation sorry. Reporter im sorry, doctor, please continue. In this particular situation with covid there is great need for understanding of what collective responsibility looks like. We are all stewards of our own health as well as in this situation the health of others. The actions that we take in terms of wearing a mask, physically distancing, or not, dont just infect ourselves, our household members but our communities at large and as we talked about, the collective accumulation, the results of those personal decisions that we make on our behalf and others results in has resulted in surges and the disproportionate impact of covid19 in communities of color. Reporter so lets talk about that. Lets talk about the disproportionate impact that this virus is having on communities of color. I want to first play a sound bite for you, danielle johnson, here in wichita, a community leader, listen to what she has to say and well talk about it on the other side. Why are africanamerican communities being impacted in a different way, in a worse way . Right. I think at the end of the day it is rooted in our history. We think about red lining, we think about lack of access, whether to Business Loans and were seeing some things happen today, but the lack of access and unfortunately we do have those Underlying Health issues which goes back to lack of access to healthcare, education. Were seeing numbers double and triple in our own communities. Reporter so help us flush out that idea, what has your research shown on this . What she mentioned is absolutely true. Were seeing the collision of different strands of systemic racism within this pandemic and she mentioned we know that communities of color cannot or have unequal access to healthcare, we know that there is a consequence that has been developmental underlying medical conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, people might live in multigenerational households, where it is difficult to physically space and so many members of the households inevitably become ill. Many people of color are on the front lines, theyre essential workers, they rely on others to physically distance to wear masks, to stay home if theyre sick. And so what we have seen with this intersection is the fact that not just it is not just the people of color are disproportionately becoming ill, people of color are more disproportionately admitted to hospital, more severe forms of covid and or have twice the rate of death so black and latin x people have twice the rate of death as those who are white and asian. Talk to me very quickly about the virus. There is some disturbing reports that once you get the virus, youre not necessarily immune, you can get it again. I think a lot of people will find this very distressing. It is very chilling. I hate to be the bearer of this news, we had been previously been reassured by evidence and research coming out of south korea and other places that seemed to show that patients who previously infected with covid who had been cleared of the virus, and then had after a period of weeks repeat positive tests, but those individuals were not actually actively infected and that in fact their bodies were likely to be shedding nonviable, nontransmissible dead virus. But more recently we have seen case reports across the country and the world of people who have been previously covid positive, months, weeks before and were are coming back into the hospital with symptoms that are consistent with more severe than initial Covid Infection with positive testing once more. And some cases it is difficult to interpret what this means. But for many people who have no sense, no evidence of an alternative infection, it is concerning that for these individuals there may be a reinfection or relapse with covid19. It is something that i think it is too early to say for certain people are at risk where we dont know who might be at risk for this, we dont know whether we can pinpoint true viable virus in these cases but there appears to be a signal. The most important thing to take away is that were still trying to figure this data out. We dont want people to panic, but we do want to ensure that people who have previously been covid positive, who may be who may be operating under the assumption they were done with this disease, they continue to do the things we recommend for others. Wearing masks and physically distancing. Reporter there seems to be so much we dont know. Doctor, thank you for your time. I greatly appreciate it. Coming up next on nbc news, at msnbc, were going to have a look at the white house and their effort discredit the nations top Infectious Disease specialist, Ayman Mohyeldin has it covered after the break. Specialist, Ayman Mohyeldin has itov cered after the break im a performer. Always have been. And always will be. Never letting anything get in my way. Not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. And certainly not arthritis. New voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief to help me keep moving. And it can help you too. Feel the joy of movement with voltaren. Ive been involved in. Communications in the media feel the joy of movement for 45 years. Ive been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. For me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. And i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. It has helped me an awful lot. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Saturpain happens. Aleve it. Aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. [grunting noise] ill take that. Woohoo 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. With nutrients to support immune health. After weeks and months of simmering tension, it now appears that President Trumps frustration with dr. Anthony fauci has boiled over. The white house is actively seeking to discredit the governments top Infectious Disease expert with one official telling nbc news, quote, several white house officials are concerned about the number of times dr. Fauci has been wrong on things, lets go to nbcs monica alba live for us at the white house. Good to talk to you this morning. This broad side from the administration comes as President Trump and dr. Fauci have publicly disagreed in the past week. I believe dr. Fauci hasnt even briefed the president for two months. Reporter thats exactly right, ayman. Also he says he hasnt even spoken directly to the president face to face since early june. So when you zoom out and look at the backdrop of the top the nations top Infectious Disease expert who has been warning about the pandemic and also echoing much of what the president , the Vice President and other members of the task force have been saying in the early days they were in lockstep, for the white house to put out this list, which does resemble an opposition dump, remarks fauci made that, again, if you look at what the president was saying at the same time, line up pretty closely, is remarkable. You have this open feud and now it is not just the president , but you also have Admiral Brett Giroir taking aim at dr. Fauci and his credibility, take a listen to what he said on meet the press yesterday. I respect dr. Fauci a lot. But dr. Fauci is not 100 right and he also doesnt necessarily he admits that have the whole National Interest in mind, he looks at it from a very narrow Public Health point of view. Reporter instead of the white house talking about exactly what theyre going to be doing about these states that are seeing upticks in cases, you have them making available to reporters information again trying to undercut dr. Fauci and it comes at a time when the task force is continually meeting and briefing occasionally, but always away from the white house. The last several examples we havent seen dr. Fauci participate, he continues to do several media interviews, participating in something with Stanford University later today, but you have the president now elevating a tweet this morning that says, quote, everyone is lying, it is not just the cdc, media, democrats, doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust. The president again trying to make the case that dr. Fauci who has served bipartisan president s going back decades is somebody who maybe shouldnt be listened to, and it comes after we heard the president again make these false claims, for example, about coronavirus cases, 99 of them being totally harmless, you have the white house trying to lay out their plan for the weeks coming, attacking dr. Fauci. When we look at National Polling of who is trusted more when it comes to the health crisis, you have overwhelmingly overall with registered voters people saying they trust dr. Fauci more than they trust President Trump there in that poll that we see from the new york times. Monica alba, breaking it down for us, thank you for all of that. Joining me is rnc chairman and msnbc political analyst, michael steele, and emmy ruiz, former Senior Adviser to Kamala Harris 2020 campaign. Good to see both of you again. It is interesting to see, ive been watching a lot of developments overseas, i havent seen this kind of divide, if were keeping score on who has been more wrong than right during this pandemic, is this a close comparison given what President Trump has repeatedly said from the getgo . Unfortunately it is very grim comparison. You know, more than 130,000 american lives have been lost. And this president has done nothing to support americans through this, whether it be the economy, whether it be testing, whether it be sharing information, the president has truly, truly failed and now hes attacking, you know, dr. Fauci, who has been up at every hour of the night, for the last 100 plus days, trying to inform the do everything he can to support us. Michael, can you give me some kind of explanation why the white house is trying to do this . Can you comment on how extraordinary it is for the white house to officially, as i was saying to openly target a key member of the administrations Emergency Crisis Response Team on this . Well, ayman, the answer was in the poll you showed right before we came on. Thats the why. When the president is down 3 to 1 to fauci and who the American People trust on anything related to covid19, thats exactly why you see all of this coordinated, orchestrated hit job on dr. Fauci. Which at the end of the day, does nothing to help the president. That 67 is probably going to hit 70 or 75 by the time this is all over. The president has no credibility in the healthcare space when it comes to covid19. Management of it, talking about it, his efforts to play it down or to write it off has been duly noted by the American People, thats why the polls are saying what it is saying and why the president is reacting the way it is reacting. Someone is more popular than him on something that he thinks hes most popular person to be involved with the subject. So, you know, this is not surprising. It is unfortunate because people are dying, people are getting sick. Communities are now dealing with the likelihood of having to shut down again. And there, again, is no federal leadership that is guiding the American People to the other side of what could be a good outcome for everybody. But it takes time, it takes planning and it takes smart people like dr. Fauci to help create that road map. It has been incredible to see the white house also getting other doctors who are part of that Covid Response to turn a little bit, either on dr. Fauci or some other talking points. I want to get your thoughts, youre in texas, on the front lines of this, youre part of the real life consequences of what is happening coming out of washington, d. C. But let me ask you about the politics, if i can, of this response. If you are the biden campaign, how do you respond to these latest developments where you have the president going after dr. Fauci, who, we should note, joe biden said he would call and ask to stay on if he is elected . Well, look, i think Vice President biden is a leader who has been tested time and time again and has overseen crisis like the one that our country is living through right now. I think hes somebody that can bring people together to not politicize things like wearing a mask, staying safe, taking care of one another, and so, you know, i feel like, you know, Vice President biden has put forward policies to address this pandemic, policies to bring back our American Economy and buying american, and essentially also leading by example of what needs to be done what can be done, and as americans, the fact that we need to come together around this effort, it is not a political effort, it is truly an effort of life and death for so many americans. You know what were seeing go ahead. What i was going to say, what were seeing here is just fair leadership. The gop has also become the party of trump. As you mentioned, im here in texas, look at what greg abbott has done, you know, look at what dan patrick has done. You know, we are seeing spiking increase of covid crisis across texas. It is not even just in urban areas, in my home region of the rio grande valley, hospitals are at capacity. This has been failed leadership. They have allowed it to become politicized and under Vice President bidens administration, when hes president of the United States, you know, we can really count on him to get us through this. Michael steele, final thought to you, how concerned should republicans be about how this pandemic is affecting the politics and the polling that showed joe biden has a commanding lead . I think they should be concerned because, look, you know, things that touch on two areas of our lives, we pay a lot of attention to, our health and our wallet. And right now covid19 is ravaging both. And the reality for a lot of candidates out there running under the trump banner is that you too will have to account for the president s words and actions and failings in this space. You will not be able to distance yourself and say, well, i had nothing to do with that as a United States senator or as a member of the United States congress or a governor. We will all be held to account given our roles of service in this space and where we stood will matter to the American People come november as was just pointing out 130,000 plus americans have already died, that number is anticipated to go up and more and more americans get sick from this disease, from this virus, with no seemingly good leadership to help us through it. All right, michael steele, emmy ruiz, thank you for joining us this hour. I appreciate your insights. Coming up, were going to take you inside the detective style hunt around the country for missed covid19 cases. Reporting on the front or the effort that could prevent future coronavirus deaths. But, first, craig melvin joins me with a preview of his special hour on back to school in this pandemic. Craig . Good to see you, my friend. Coming up in a few minutes during the 11 00 hour here on msnbc, we are going to devote all 60 minutes to that one question so many parents of schoolaged children have been asking over the past few weeks, are they going back to school . Can they go back to school . If they do, how do we do it safely . We have assembled a team of experts, doctors, decisionmakers, House Speaker nancy pelosi is going to join me as well. Were really going to dig into this one issue in our next hour. We have gotten 450 emails alone about this single issue, so we decided to devote the hour to it. Well see you here in about ten minutes. Were going to take a quick break. This is msnbc. re going to take break. This is msnbc. So when it comes to screening for colon cancer, dont wait. Because when caught early, its more treatable. Im cologuard. Im noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92 of colon cancers even in early stages. Tell me more. Its for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your prescriber if cologuard is right for you. Im on it. Thats a step in the right direction. Can it help keep us asleep . Smart bed is on sale now. Im on it. Absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable its our weekend special, save up to 900 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Plus 0 interest for 48 months. Ends monday. All right. I want to bring in cal perry back with us in wichita, kansas. What are people in the community saying good what about what thed tonight virus . Reporter theyre saying six to eight days to get a test result back makes it difficult to track the virus. The other is wraparound care, what takes care of you . How do you quarantine inside your house . And the african American Community and other communities, there are challenges that we dont see in other places in the country. Finally, theres no real cohesive plan here. Even just in kansas you have the county saying one thing, the city saying Something Else the. On the National Level the president disagrees with his own medical experts inside the administration. Think thats causing a lot of confusion especially in places like kansas where. Thank you for joining us this entire hour. Turning quickly to an effort to traits earliest signs of covid19 in the u. S. And the hunt for missed covid19 cases, nbcs Investigative Reporter joins us now with that story. Emanuel, what are doctors looking at and how is that information pertinent to learning about the coronavirus . Hi. So we spoke to medical examiners across the country who are diving back into their old appearance files to find potentially missed cases of video k covid19. Theyre looking for early signs that the virus was spreading in their communities, but also how prevalent it was. On the screen right now youre looking at the team at nqws medical center. Theyre looking for the silent spread that weve been talking about. They believe that figuring out how early the virus was spreading it going to help our local and national Public Health policies. Now, our colleague lisa and i, we spoke to medical examiners, coroners, pathologists across the country. We found there was no National Coordinated effort do this type of retrospective study. Its actually being done at a local and county level right now because it requires testing, it requires funding, and it requires time. A lot of these medical examiners offices are seeing cases, resurgence in cases, so they simply dont have the time to look back right now. But we spoke to dr. Thomas gillson in area. He was in a county that faced the second highest rate of infections. And his argument was that medical examiners offices are a crucial Public Health surveillance tool that we should be using to gain a better understanding of the virus. Very important pursuit indeed. Thank you so much for joining us this hour. And thanks to all of you at home for watching this hour of msnbc live. After a quick break, craig melvin picks it up with a very big hour about how our kids are going to get back to school safely. Stay right here on msnbc. Scho safely. Stay right here on msnbc. Hot hot no no no no no, theres no space there maybe over here . 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