Good morning, everyone. Im Ayman Mohyeldin in for hall lee jackson. We have got a lot of breaking news from capitol hill on the response to the coronavirus outbreak. Right now, the senate is coming back into session. We could learn any moment about a deal on a 2 trillion lifeline for workers and the economy. Mitch mcconnell, Chuck Schumer, and the white house all indicating within the last couple of hours that a deal could be reached as early as today. On wall street, stocks are soaring in the early going on hopes of a deal being reached. But will the president sign off on it . Hes taking aim at democrats in tweets this morning and overnight while also appearing to send mixed signals saying the country needs to reopen for business soon even as Health Experts warn that scaling back social distancing efforts too soon could be disastrous for the country as the number of new cases continues to skyrocket. More states are taking action by this time tomorrow, more than 40 of the country will be under some sort of stayathome order. Some states threatening jail to enforce those rules. Overseas in wuhan, ground zero for the global pandemic, an end is in sight. A more than twomonth lock down is set to end in two weeks from now, early april. Our Team Coverage continues with Garrett Haake on capitol hill, hans nichols at the white house and Gabe Gutierrez here in new york city. Garrett, lets go straight to you on capitol hill. As we mentioned, breaking news coming out within the last hour, a deal potentially being reached. Were watching the senate come back into session. Were going to bring that to you live if and when we hear from the Senate Majority leader and Chuck Schumer. But walk us through your new reporting on this. Reporter things seem to be moving quickly here towards a possible deal. The treasury secretary has arrived on the hill with the incoming commander in chief mark meadows. They had spoken to the president , republican members on a Conference Call and they were going to brief the majority leader on the outlines of this possible deal here. Democratic sources tell my colleagues that democrats have managed to secure some of the things that they wanted to see in this bill including expanded Unemployment Insurance for up to four months for complete pay for people who are affected by this, more money for front line hospitals and a better system of direct payment for those who are affected by this. Here is how the treasury secretary described the state of play just a few moments ago. Take a listen. Were looking forward to closing a bipartisan deal today. The president wants us to get this done today. Were down to a small number of issues and we look forward to a successful result. The caveat here, theres not a deal on anything until theres a deal on everything. So while the treasury secretary told reporters that theres smaller issues left to iron out, they need to get ironed out and well need to see actual words on paper before the senate could move to try to vote on this. All parties do seem to want to get a vote taken care of as early as today if thats possible. Theres no deal unless the president signs off on it. Is the president on the same page as his treasury secretary when it comes to ironing out the details of this deal . Hes on the same page in terms of the urgency. We dont know whether or not the president has signed off on any tentative deal that appears to be getting closer to completion. Heres what we know, officials expect a deal but theyre cautioning until you get that final signoff from the president , you dont have anything. We all saw the tweet from the president this morning, about an hour and 15 minutes ago, adding more urgency, calling on congress to go ahead and get a deal done without all the nonsense. Thats i think what people should focus on. Whats the president going to define as nonsense . And just to sort of add to garretts point, you dont have a deal on a a total deal until you have a deal on everything, theres an added caveat with the trump presidency. You dont have a deal even if the president s minions, negotiators on capitol hill say that they have a deal. You dont have a deal until the president actually announces it. We saw that with the 8. 3 billion deal that the president ended up signing after a late night of another round of negotiations. In real estate this is sometimes referred to as a doorknob conversation, when you want to add a little bit more to get more favorable terms. Well see if the president tries this with this round of negotiations. Lets jump in right now to Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell who is making comments on the senate floor. Take a listen. And a massive, massive disruptions to daily life it is creating for all of us. Theyre grappling with Small Business closures, mass layoffs and uncertainty for their families. That isnt all. For the last several days in the midst of all that theyve also had to watch the United States senate spin its wheels. As we convene this morning, roughly 40 of your population is under a stayathome orders from state leaders. Employer across america are wondering how they will keep the lights on. Doctors, nurses, and Health Care Professionals are literally crying out for support. We literally have Army Field Hospitals on the way to being set up in our major american cities. In the space of just a few weeks, this has become unfortunately our new normal. This is a national crisis. Its the most serious threat to Americans Health in over a century and quiet likely the greatest risk to americas jobs and prosperity that weve seen since the great depression. Hundreds of thousands of americans have already lost their jobs because so much of our commerce has been put on pause. Families are wondering how theyre going to pay their rent or mortgage. In eight days, rent is due on april 1st. People dont know how theyre going to pay bills or make their car payment. Many other hardworking americans are still employed for now but fall asleep every night wondering if it will be there when they wake up to that email or phone call tomorrow. American seniors have seen decades of savings cut down in the space of days as the markets literally tumble. Our National Life has been transformed in less than a month. The urgency and the gravity of this moment cannot be lost on anyone. Every day, every hour the congress delays in passing a significant relief package, we risk more american livelihoods and the safety of more Health Care Professionals. Thats why right after i fast tracked the democrat house relief bill through the senate, i turned the senate toward developing an even bigger and bolder relief package for the American People. Nine days ago i laid out the key objectives of our work. We had to send direct Financial Assistance to americans. We had to help main street Small Businesses. We had to act to stabilize the foundations of our economy for workers and of course we had to send more resources to medical professionals and our health care system. Five days ago, Senate Republicans released our initial framework for the cares act. We put forward bold policies like sending cash directly to americans. Pouring money into Small Businessing, lending to National Industries to prevent mass layoffs and resources for nurses, doctors, and patients. We knew we needed a proposal to address our nations pain at every level. Now, in the past few days, some voices are trying to pit some americans against other americans and arguing that directly helping workers are somehow conflicting priorities. That is utter nonsense. American workers need paychecks. They need jobs. The working men and women of this country do need direct relief from government in this crisis but for goodness sakes, they also need their paychecks. They need to be able to resume their lives and their jobs once this is over. The two things cant be separated. Theres a term for when you separate employees from employers. Theres a term for that. Its called unemployment. Let me say that again. Theres a term for when you separate employees from employers. Its called unemployment. Thats what were trying to avoid. So this is no time to point fingers or stoke these cultural wars. This is a time to unify. Perhaps now more than at any moment in living memory, all of us americans are in this together. This pandemic is not the fault of the American Workers who make this country run. Its not the fault of Small Business owners, its not the fault of Major National employers. Everyone needs help. Were all in this together. We need an all of the above approach. And thats what our framework put forward. Help for workers, and families and employers and health care providers. As soon as republicans put out our draft proposal to treat every aspect of this crisis, i immediately called for bipartisan talks. Thats not something you see often in washington. As soon as i released our first draft i immediately invited the other side, these folks over here, to make their suggestions. Thats what you call urgency. We set up bipartisan working groups. I asked negotiators to Work Together to turn our rough draft into something that could pass the senate with overwhelming bipartisan support. Republicans and democrats traded ideas. Democrats asked for many changes to the initial draft and received many. The updated text released a few days ago included proposals from the other side and of course as our colleagues has dragged out the last several days, even further changes have been made at their request. This majority has gone out of its way to make this process as bipartisan and as open as possible. The administration has bent over backwards to work with democrats and address their concerns. Now, at last i believe were on the fiveyard line. Its taken a lot of noise and a lot of rhetoric to get us here. That of course, sometimes, happens in this town. At different times, we receive democrat counter offers that demanded things like new emission standards or tax credits for solar panels. The speaker of the house released a group of demands as though it were a coronavirus proposal somehow. In spite of all that, we are very close. We are close to a bill that takes our bold republican framework, integrates further ideas from both parties, and delivers huge progress on each of the four core priorities i laid out a week ago. So today, madam president , the senate has a chance to get back on track. Today we can make all of the washington drama fade away. If we act today, what americans will remember and what history will record is that the senate did the right thing. That we came together, that we took a lesson from the way americans are uniting all across the country and working together. That we combined ideas from both sides and took a bold step to protect americans and help our nation through this crisis. Im not sure how many ways to say it, madam president , but the clock has run out. The buzzer is sounding. The hour for bargaining as though this were a business as usual has expired. The American People need our democratic friends to take yes for an answer. Now, i hope that will happen today. Doctors and nurses need masks. Families need help. Small businesses need cash. Hospitals need funding. Their Senate Majority is ready to deliver those things. Weve been ready to deliver those things for a while. I hope today is the day this body will get an it done. Time is re you were just listening to Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell essentially saying describing how critical of a moment this is in our country. We are expecting the Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer to speak any minute now. You heard the majority leader say this is an essentially a turning point in our country. National life has been transformed. He said by tomorrow, 40 of your country would be under some type of stayathome order across the state. He describes the situation as being the worst Economic Situation this country has seen since the great depression. Talked about the hundreds of thousands who are going to be losing their jobs if not already those that are coming up against the april 1st deadline of having to pay rent, mortgage, not knowing if theyre going to have money to pay their bills and it was on the senate to take action that would get direct assistance to the American People. The Senate Majority leader signaling that a deal has been reached or heading in that direction. Putting pressure on the democrats to try and meet him across the aisle to get this thing done. As we know, democrats have had reservations about how all of this has worked out particularly with the 500 billion of loan guarantees that were set to go to corporations here. Lets bring in congressman kevin brady. His district in texas includes the northern suburb of houston. Thank you so much for joining us on this busy day. First of all, let me get your reaction to what we are learning about the new details of this stimulus. Do you have anymore insight as to what this includes . Let me share some of your reporting from capitol hill on what it means, or what it does entail. It includes Unemployment Insurance benefits which is a big priority for democrats, a huge increase in hospital funding from the original republican bill. Do you support these compromises or where do you stand on some of these issues . First, i think leader mcconnell is right, time has run out. This bill has been delayed for three days. Those working groups he put together republicans and democrats, were working, they were within inches of a final agreement on sunday that got blown up and held hostage for several days now. Now is the time to come together. Those elements that you talked about, unemployment and hospital funding were already in the senate bill, 75 billion for hospitals, 250 billion for unemployment, including bumping up the amount people get when theyre out of work and a provision i worked hard for, making sure the selfemployed, independent contractors, the gig economy, and furloughed workers would get help as well. Theres no reason to delay this further. Everyone knows what the priorities are. Its really time to stop the foolishness, get this done. Were you satisfied with the fact that the 500 billion slated to go to corporations did not have a point person or an oversight person other than the secretary of the treasury or the white house as the president yesterday said in his comments . Yeah, absolutely not. It was fine. This is how youre fine with the secretary of the treasury overseeing this . Absolutely. Okay. One, he helped working with republicans and democrats craft this proposal. Secondly, he does understand those industries in a major way. Theyre not getting bailouts. Theyre getting lending and loans to keep them afloat through this. So, yeah, i think asking for extraordinary oversight really was designed just to slow that portion where you help Major Industries keep their workers and keep themselves afloat through this, i just think that was like the windmills, like the election early voting issues, like the union bailouts, it had nothing to do with this let me understand this part if i can. Republicans were concerned that the money going to state and local governments could be used by those state and local governments for Something Else other than combatting the coronavirus epidemic and its fallout. They wanted more oversight on state and local governments. They didnt care about the oversight when it came to the big corporations i dont excuse me. Look, we disagree on this. In fact, we were using traditional ways, community development, grants, helps to state and local but you were concerned that the money but you were there were no additional restraints on that. Right. You were concerned that state and local governments were going to get a lot of money and didnt have oversight. At the same time, though, with corporations, you were fine with the secretary of the treasury having to do that. Youre mischaracterizing all of that. The republican support not just help for our hospitals and our communities, but using the traditional way we do it in natural disasters to give those state and local governments the resources they need. So i disagree with the fundamental point you just made. Fair enough. Let me get your thoughts about your states Lieutenant Governor who suggested that he and other seniors are essentially willing to die to get the economy going. Let me play you this sound bite. Take a listen. No one reached out to me and said, as a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the america that all america loves for your children and grandchildren. If thats the exchange, im all in. A chance on your survival, thats how he described it. Do you share that belief . Are you willing to sacrifice losing loved ones to this virus in order to get this economy working again . So, first, i never watched the cherry picked segment and make an opinion based on that. I would like to see the entire discussion. I know this in texas, our governor and Lieutenant Governor have made some smart decisions that allow our local communities really to lock down where they thought it made sense, the counties where i didnt make sense to do that. I think weve done a good job of trying to contain this virus without locking down the entire community. I think i think in the economy, what i do think as well for those of us who are young and healthy, you know, this virus loves crowds and attacks the elderly. I think the work were doing in social distancing and personal hygiene is helping constrain this virus. So my feeling is, look, lets lock down this virus. Dont lock down the entire economy. Weve got some big challenges ahead still in this health care world. So you felt that sound bite we played for you was not adequate in describing what the Lieutenant Governors position was on this . Ive learned from my experience over the years is that when someone in the media cherry picks a statement and hands it to me, that may not be the entire con tex of the discussion. So respectfully, i dont know that youre doing that. But i would like the opportunity to look at the whole discussion i would definitely recommend that. Fair enough. I would recommend that you do that. It sounded like an important statement coming out from a i would just tell you in texas, in texas were making all the right moves to protect those seniors by limiting that contact among the young, the healthy and lowrisk, like me and you perhaps. So that we can protect those seniors from this virus. I think thats something we can all agree on. We need to protect them. Thank you very much for your time this morning. Thank you. Coming up at noon eastern, nancy pelosi joins Andrea Mitchell right here on msnbc. President trump says it is time to get americans back to work soon. Were going to talk to the former u. S. 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New york city mayor bill de blasio is at the Emergency Management warehouse in brooklyn. Thats where 400 ventilators have just arrived. Officials across the country have been warning about that as the wave and surge of patients continues to increase in the coming days and weeks, more hospital beds, more intensive care units and more ventilators and respirators would be needed. Acquiring those ventilators has been a challenge. Were seeing the images where the mayor is saying theyve received 400 or so. Thats not what is needed in terms of what is expected once this peak of patients does arrive. With us now is a doctor who served as the Surgeon General in the obama administration. Doctor, thank you very much for joining us. Let me start by getting your reaction to some of the breaking news that we got out of tokyo this morning and the decision to delay the summer Olympic Games until sometime next year, one year out from july when it was supposed to happen. From a Health Officials perspective, was that a smart decision, do you think . Well, from a human perspective, the decision to postpone the olympics is heartbreaking. Its an event that we look forward to as a world every four years. From a Public Health perspective, this was the right decision to make. If you project forward, it is highly unlikely that the situation would change so dramatically on the ground so as to make it safe for people to come from all over the world to the olympics and second if you think about the athletes themselves, many of them have been in limbo, still trying to train, sometimes in unsafe circumstances that are not compliant with social distancing because they want to make sure theyre ready in case the olympics still happen. Being able to give them clarity and certainty about what the state of the olympics is, gives them a chance to regroup and prepare. I think thats important if we want to preserve their help and make sure that the next olympics are everything that they should be. Let me also get your thoughts on another developing story coming out of asia and that is in china, the government there announcing that essentially the lockdown order in wuhan, the epicenter of the pandemic, will be lifted in the next two weeks or so, early april. What is the significance of that and could that serve as a road map for us here in the United States . Are we looking at least another two months or so of this lockdown . The developments that are happening in asia, right now, not just in china, like other countries like south korea and japan, these are helpful for us. They give us a sense of where we could be in a few months. Even though were behind the eight ball in terms of your response in the United States, were ramping up. Its important to note that this is not going to be a one week or a twoweek endeavor to get this virus under control because we still dont have adequate testing and because were struggling with surveillance. We have to rely on social distancing as our primary strategy right now to limit the spread of the virus and i know theres been some discussion and concern about should we pull back on those restrictions in a couple of weeks. I understand where thats coming from. This is incredibly painful what were asking people to do. Its economically painful for many people who dont have the savings and resources to get by without going to work and its also mentally painful. This is an incredibly stressful time and for patients, for all of us. Weve got to see a reduction in cases before we even contemplate pulling back on these restrictions. It makes so sense to retreat when the situation on the ground is worsening and right now it is worsening. We added nearly 10,000 cases in the United States yesterday alone. For context, one week ago, we added about 800 cases. So this is dramatically accelerating. And if we really want to pull back, we got to use this time right now to shore up the capacity, we got to make sure we can test broadly, make sure that we can track people and quarantine them as needed if they are suspected to have the infection and weve got to make sure that we have the Hospital Capacity, the Surge Capacity to be able to take care of people when theyre sick. If we dont have those three components, then pulling back will mean that well have another spike in cases. Let me get your thoughts on dr. Deborah birx who as you know serves as the response coordinator to the president s Coronavirus Task force. She was on the today show this morning, was asked about getting a handle on the numbers, especially here in the new york city area. Take a listen to what she said. The things we have put in place over the last eight days and what the mayor and governor has done over the last seven days, you wont see the impact of that for at least another 7 or 14 days. Thats why you cant always look at the hospital rates to determine whether youre having an impact ep deem logically. Talk to us about that challenge in terms of how shes describing the arc here in terms of when it will play out. Ambassador birx is a phenomenal public servant. Im glad shes part of this response. What shes describing is exactly right. Theres a lag between the actions that we take and the results that we hope to see. For example, if we get, you know, testing out to cities and states all across america, that doesnt mean were going to solve the problem overnight. Even if you look at numbers were seeing in nearly 45,000 cases, that reflects people who were infected one to two weeks ago. Its not reflecting whats happening now. That is why its so important that we are ahead of the game and we are ahead of the curve in terms of your preparation. Its why we need to make sure that we have the Hospital Capacity in terms of beds, materials and Health Care Workers long before people end up in Emergency Rooms filling beds. If we dont act quickly, then were going to be behind. Thats why you heard experts call out for the defense production act to be fully engaged so that we can ramp up production of materials all over this country. Were already seeing doctors and nurses who are taking care of patients without masks and reusing masks because theyre running out of supplies right now. All right, former Surgeon General, thank you very much for joining us this morning. Thank you. And moments ago, defense secretary mark esper said the u. S. Response to the coronavirus outbreak could last at least a few months. Were going to have more on that next. One way of visualizing the effect of these shutdowns, a drop in air pollution. Theres a drastic reduction of emissions in cities compared to the same time last year. Some experts believe it may help limit some of the worst affects of the virus, like those suffering from asthma and other respiratory conditions that would be worsened by that condition. Thousands of women with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. Ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr her2 metastatic Breast Cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. Ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. Patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. Ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. 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Plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. Customer really . singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Right now, new york city has reported more than 13,000 positive cases of coronavirus, about 13 of those require hospitalization. New makeshift hospitals are in the works, including at the Javits Center where the space is getting ready for as many as 2,000 beds. We have president of the american medical association. Thank you for joining us. You spoke with President Trump about those equipment shortages that weve been talking about last week. He tweeted overnight, we are helping the states to get equipment but it is not easy. Just got 400 ventilators for new york city mayor, work beginning on four hospitals in new york. Millions of different type items coming. We just heard from ron about some of this. Whats your reaction to it . Well, thank you for having me, ayman. Yesterday we reached some distressing milestones for the first time, i think there were 100 deaths and we are now over 500 deaths total. So this is a time that we should be ramping up our efforts and i did have the opportunity to speak with the administration and we know, im hearing from physicians all across this country, that they dont have the tools that they need. They dont have the equipment. We are still behind in tests and testing supplies. And as you just mentioned in new york, more people are needing hospitalization and so we absolutely need more ventilators. The ama has called on the president to enact and act on the defense production act so we can get the tools in the hands of physicians and other health professionals. The numbers are clear and in medicine and health care we follow the data. And the data says that we need more of this equipment and we need it now and we need all hands on deck to make sure we get this equipment. Let me get your thoughts on fema administer who said they will be using the production act. That doesnt strike me as very many tests. Ive interviewed officials who say they need to ramp up those numbers across the country. I do agree with that, that is some and that is progress. But we need so much more. And the other critical piece of this is we need a tracking system. Data is important and we need to have the federal government coordinating that effort, tracking what we need, what we have and making sure that hot spots like new york or other priority areas, unfortunately, new york is likely not to be the last hot spot, and then we can make sure we have equipment and tests in the hands of health professionals. I hear from my colleagues across the country that they are resterilizing equipment or reusing equipment and in normal times, that would be a violation of a hospital or offices Infection Control policy. So we certainly need folks to talk about doing the right things, but thats not enough. We need to make sure that they are doing the right things and the metric for the american medical association, physicians across this country, will be whether or not we actually have enough tests, whether or not we have the equipment and the ventilators. All right. Thank you to you and all of your colleagues and the ama for all of the work that youre doing. Up next, one country is taking the World Health Organizations recommendations to test, test, test for the coronavirus very literally. How what theyre doing could help the spread of the virus right here in the u. S. So you only pay for what you need [squawks] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Saving for avas college. Financial security. Being able to retire. On our terms. No matter what your goals are, our trusted advisors can help you reach them. Ameriprise financial. Our trusted advisors can help you reach them. 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Two dozen golden, crispy shrimp piled high on one plate time to double down when the captain is callin. Captain ds. London is now in full lockdown mode for at least three weeks as the government there scrambles to contain a spiraling amount of cases. Theyre joining now, keir simmons. A lot of moving pieces on the international front. Who does this or what does this london lockdown entail . Youre right, were in notting hill. If you can remember, the famous movie with hugh grant, those crowded scenes in the notting hill market, look at it now. It gives you a picture of just how to what extent this british capital has closed down. Just to watch the british Prime Minister Boris Johnson make the judgment, this was a leader who had resisted having to do this just like in the u. S. And other democracies, the idea of this kind of governmentmandated action, very, very for people to get their heads around. Just like there, many british people failing to observe the basic idea of separating so this virus could be stopped. At the same time here, some really frightening messages for people. Let me show you this, ayman. This is a text message that people who are most vulnerable have received in the past few days in britain. This tells people those people to remain indoors for 12 weeks. And to not even get close to other people who are inside their homes. So it is a challenging journey ahead for this country. One thing, ayman, now daily i hear about people who think they have coronavirus, i also hear about people whose work has been decimated. Its a reality thats sweeping across europe and here. Thank you. Stay safe. Over in iceland, a testing strategy is giving experts new information about the spread of the coronavirus. The findings could have implications for the rest of the world as nations work to limit its spread. Were in iceland. Good to have you with us. Lets talk a little bit about icelands approach and how it has been different and why it is so important. Reporter its a Remote Island in theatlantic. Theres 364,000 people that live here. The government has already, since the start of february, tested as of last night, more than 10,600. Translate that to the u. S. Population, talking 9. 5 million people. Theyre not just testing those exhibiting symptoms, those who have come into contact with known carriers, not just people who have come back from places like china and italy. This is what makes this so unique, testing ordinary members of the ordinary population exhibiting no symptoms. What they found is those highrisk residents, around 18 test positive. Only one 1 of the general population tests positive, but thats still very useful information. Allows them to better understand who transmits the virus, at what point in the infection they are most infectious. That allows them to build out models about where and when to invest team and resources. We had the chance to talk with an epidemiologist who says the countrys strategy is working. Its very important to test very aggressively. We put those who test positive in isolation and we do Contact Tracing very aggressively, also. We put all contacts in quarantine. Its interesting that more than half of those who we are diagnosing now are actually in quarantine when theyre diagnosed, which means our policy of quarantine is probably very effective in minimizing the epidemic. Reporter ayman, they have 80,000 people in quarantine on the island of 364,000, a huge proportion comparatively to other countries around the world. They say it is working. Theyre also looking at high the virus mutates, hoping to understand how the genetic changes in various samples of the virus will teach more about how the virus travels, where it might go next and how it will end up getting more and more virulent in the future. Nbcs willem marx. Stay safe. Right now there are more than 13,000 americans standed across the grobe according to a Senior State Department official telling us those americans are scattered from peru to morocco to japan and pleading with the u. S. Government this morning for help getting them home. In peru the borders closed with little warning, preventing all commercial flights from coming and going and trapping americans like tracy and karen, sisters who say theyre in limbo waiting to hear how they can get out. Weve just been told to try and get, you know, on airlines, call airlines, try to make our own arrangements to get home. Everything is shut down. You cant even reach anything. Weve had nothing. We cant even call the American Embassy because theyve shut down all the phones. With us now via skype democratic congressman jimmy gomez from california. Seven of his constituents are among those americans stranded in peru. Congressman, thank you very much for taking the time to join us. I know you tweeted eefr the weekend that your staff has been working around the clock to try to bring those americans home. Give us a quick update on where things stand. Have you had any luck yet . We have constituents of mine all over the globe. Seven are currently stuck in peru and we have one in guatemala who just got home yesterday. So were making progress. The folks in peru are in a tougher spot because theyre in two different cities. Some are in lima and in cues co. The ones in lima have it easier because thats where the International Airport is. They can get on a flight a little quicker, but theyre still running into difficulties. The travel ban domestically within the country makes it hard for people in cues coto get to lima. Additionally i just heard from my staff that the state department is prioritizing u. S. Citizens over legal permanent residents. I represent los angeles. We have a ton of legal personal into residents, people who have been in this country for years, if not decades, like my sister who just became a citizen after 20, 30 years. But we also have people who are veterans that are legal permanent residents. I think they need to make a priority of getting all residents of the United States home as soon as possible. To that point, is the state department doing all it can do to help you and your constituents . Well, what i would like to see, if they can get some military planes organized to go into Different Countries where theres a lot of americans and there is situations where theres even bans of domestic travel. I would like to see them put more effort into that. They have started being a lot more helpful, but its true that a lot of these constituents couldnt even reach the embassy in peru, couldnt reach their embassies in guatemala and having difficulty. So i would like to see them put the full force and effort of the United States federal government and the military to get them home as soon as possible. Let me switch gears and get your views on the Senate Stimulus package meant to help with direct assistance to americans. That deal expected to be announced at some point today. Where do you stand on it . Do you think the stimulus package should have been blocked the way it was the first two times around, and what do you want to see come out from this third time around . The Democratic Caucus has been purposeful in what were trying to push for, making sure families and working people are taken care of first. If we let the republicans deal with this on their own, it would have ended up like their tax plan where the top percent got the cuts. The democrats are making sure working class people are taken care of. One, i was an hourly worker, i worked at subway and target. My parents worked four or five jobs to make ends meet. They struggled in a good economy. Imagine if they lose their job overnight. Theyre going to struggle day in and day out. What we want to see is that these individuals are taken care of. The Unemployment Insurance, 100 is a big deal. We want to make sure that the direct cash assistance, theres more ways to get money into peoples pockets. Its a lot easier. At the same time we want to see more money into the hospitals. So i think its going in the right direction, but were still reviewing the details. California congressman jimmy gomez, thank you very much. We hope you and all americans we hope you can get all americans back home and certainly all americans overseas at this moment. Thank you for watching this hour of msnbc live. After a quick break, more news with my colleague craig melvin. 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