Vote. He is set to speak. He is accusing democrats of moving the goalposts. Also this morning, the first lady landing in africa, her first major solo trip abroad. We are with her in ghana. We are set up and ready to go this morning. We are going to start with with new details about the fbis reopened background check on Brett Kavanaugh. We know four people have been interviewed so far, at least. Two High School Friends of kavanaughs, including mark judge. A friend of Christine Blasey ford and the second woman who accused kavanaugh of misconduct, deborah ramirez. The post says the fbi will not conduct and unfettered review of his youthful drinking or examine statements he made about Alcohol Consumption during a hearing to see if those answers are accurate or misleading. Thats according to to folks familiar with the matter. Lets go to garrett. Mitch mcconnell seems to be digging in saying there will be a vote this week. He is about to talk on the senate floor. You just spoke to senator murkowski, right . Reporter cthats right. We expect to hear from Mitch Mcconnell in a few moments on kavanaugh. He said he wants to see the vote done this week. For procedural reasons, that is a process that takes time. It is unclear when the fbi will be done with their work to the satisfaction of the senators who said we are not moving forward on this until we hear more from the fbi. One is lisa murkowski. We are asking her whether she is confident if the fbi will be given free reign to do their job. She spoke to white house counsel, don mcgahn and discussed that desire to see the fbi work, as it would on any case with free reign on who they need to talk to to run down the allegations. Like wise, senator Susan Collins said in an interview in portland, maine, she wants to see all these allegations investigated to their fullest extent. To mcconnells time line, he has a bunch of senators saying it is not enough. They want it to be a broad, fulso fulsome investigation of the clai claims brought here. I expect more developments over there in the next hour. Stay close to a camera for us. New this morning, nbc news obtained Text Messages that shows how kavanaugh was trying to counter the claims of ramirez. Before it became public, kavanaugh and his team were communicating behind the scenes with friends in days leading up to the article. One says i am in receipt of Text Messages of Debbie Ramirez and mine that raise questions related to the allegations. I have not drown conclusions what the texts mean or may not mean. I believe they merit investigation by the fbi and the senate. Here to talk about her new reporting is heidi and with some analysis, msnbc analysis chuck. Glad to have you both with me. Heidi, lets start with you. Explain the significance and why it matters. One republican, when we were on morning joe, kavanaugh was trying to get ahead of the story. Whats wrong with that . We are talking a free range investigation. The fbi can talk to anyone. This is someone in kavanaughs tight circle of friends that has Text Messages dating back to july, not the more recent ones that need to be reviewed that call into question how much kavanaugh knew and when he knew about when the allegations may come out. One, most important point, why arent these people being talked to who say they have credible information . Two, the content of the Text Messages. Based on what we saw, Brett Kavanaugh clearly knew because her friend, who is the wife of a man who allegedly witnessed the incident, you know, was texting about brett. Im going to have you finish that thought. I want to get to the senate floor because Mitch Mcconnell is talking about Brett Kavanaugh. We are going listen in for a minute. Mere hours after judge kavanaugh was announced, the announcement is now famous. I will oppose him with everything ive got, he said. And not long after that, another democrat on the excommittee sai anyone supporting the confirmation was, quote, listen to this, complicit in the evil. Complicit in the evil. These statements are the context for every action the democrats have taken during this entire process. These statements remind us democrats may be trying to move the goalpost every five minutes, but their goal has not moved an inch. They will not be satisfied unless they have brought down judge kavanaughs nomination. It started with straight forward political maneuvering. None of it worked, of course. Whatever excuse they could find to delay, delay, delay. Back in june, the democrats tried to argue the Supreme Court shouldnt confirm democrats trying to argue they shouldnt confirm a Supreme Court justice in any even numbered year. Then reminded justice kagan, briar and suitor were in Midterm Election years and that argument evaporated. The next democrat said the process should be delayed because too few documents were available from judge kavanaughs past public service. Then they received the most pages produced for a Supreme Court nomination. Guess what came next . The goalpost moved down the field and democrats called for delay because there were too many documents for them to read. I wish this fight could have remained in the realm of normalcy. When none of these tactics worked, when judge kavanaugh demonstrated his wildly acknowledged brilliance, open mindedness, some chose a darker road. The politics of personal destruction were willfully unleashed. I have spoken at how democrats treated dr. Ford and her allegation, in brief, for six weeks, her confidential account went from Democratic Congress to the democratic side of the Judiciary Committee to the washington, d. C. Lawyers that Senate Democrats hand picked. After judge kavanaughs hearings wrapped up, the supposedly confidential letter found its way into the press, shoving aside proper procedure, the accusers plea for privacy. This, madam president is not politics as usual. Let us not forget, dr. Fords allegation is not the only uncorroborated that has been breathlessly paraded around. Shortly after that letter made its way into the press, the flood gates of mud and muck opened entirely on Brett Kavanaugh and his family. Out of the woodwork came one uncorroborated allegation after another, each seemingly more outlandish than the last. A tabloid lawyer organized a red carpet rollout for someone who wanted to accuse judge kavanaugh for master minding a High School Drug and serial Sexual Assault ring. Hosting one wild party after another, filled with sexual violence, for which there conveniently happened to be zero witnesses. Zero witnesses. But, plenty of people to refute the claims. In the tabloids, by the way, this story was read into the record of the Judiciary Committee by the Ranking Member who decided it deserved mention in her remarks during last thursdays hearing. Every democratic member of the Judiciary Committee seized on this outlandish tale in a formal letter in which they called on judge kavanaugh to withdrawal his name from consideration. This is how desperate some became for any way to stop this stunningly qualified nominee. I guess, upholding any standards of any kind was just too much to ask. We heard another, anonymous, unattributed and debunked account. This time, an anonymous accusation from colorado, alleging physical abuse 20 years ago. A sitting federal judge stepped up to bat down that anonymous smear. We heard that judge kavanaugh was responsible for a Sexual Assault on a boat in new port, rhode island, until the accuser recanted the story, completely, but not before many in the media began eating it up. In short, democrats mishandling of dr. Fords letter opened the flood gates with this deluge of uncorroborated, unbelievable mud. And the mudslide was cheered on and capitalized on at every turn from the far left that has been so eager to stop this nomination. Just politics . I dont think so. On the other extreme, some of the other lines of attack have been completely trivial. Last night, the New York Times unleashed this major story. Get this. Judge kavanaugh may have been accused of throwing some ice across a college bar in the mid1980s. Talk about a bombshell. One can only imagine what new bombshell might be published today or tomorrow. Here is what we know, madam president , one thing for sure. The senate will vote on judge kavanaugh here, on this floor, this week. Here, on this floor, this week. Our democratic friends will try to move the goalpost, yet again. Just yesterday, they submitted a list of 24 people whom they wanted the fbi to interview. Im confident well hear everyone the same supplemental fbi investigation democrats loudly demanded is now magically no longer sufficient. Well, after the fbi shares what they have found, senators will have the opportunity to vote. Well have the opportunity to vote no on the politics of personal destruction. Well have the opportunity to vote yes on this fine nomination. Now, madam president , an entirely different matter, the u. S. Economy continues to deliver very good news. My home state of kentucky is certainly no exception. Yesterday morning, i had the opportunity to take part in the announcement of a major new investment in my hometown, louisville. Ge appliances unveiled a plan to create 400 new jobs and invest 200 million in kentucky. They are expanding their laundry and dishwasher facility and upgrading capacity for innovation. It has been a manufacturing landmark in louisville for more than six decades. The facility meant a great deal to my community. You have been listening to Senate Majority Mitch Mcconnell talk about Brett Kavanaugh on the senate floor. He is insisting, he is infatic that a vote will happen this week. Now, let me bring back in heidi and chuck who have been watching this with me. For that to happen, procedural things need to get triggers before the fbi investigation is complete, if the fbi investigation doesnt wrap up by tomorrow. That would raise concerns with senator flake, murkowski and collins. Chuck, you made the point, Mitch Mcconnell is giving the speech not because he has the votes but he doesnt have the votes. Hes started that clock ticking announcing a vote by the end of the week. Flake, murkowski, collins are in close contact with the White House Council, making sure that people, by the way, who including people like my source, like kerry berchum are able to get their information across the fbi. Here we are on tuesday, my reporting this morning is they are still not talking to the people in this tight knit circle that may have corroborating information. You cant get it if you dont talk to the validater. Lisa murkowski just talked with dan mcgahn and feels confidence the fbi will do a full investigation. Remember, there is a deadline. Chuck, does that jim comey said seven days professional investigation is better than zero days. Is that deadline firm in your view . Should it be . It shouldnt be. It seems to be but shouldnt be. Comey is right, seven days is better than zero. The fbi should be given the opportunity to do whatever it believes it needs to do to have a thorough investigation. Theres a way to corroborate it. Allowing professional fbi age s agents, these men and women to go on the streets and ask questions of all the people. Does it concern you the post is saying the fbi has things that are off limits. The guy liked beer in high school, he liked beer in college. Sometimes he drank too many beers. There are yale classmates that said, im concerned, im paraphraseing here, but im worried about what he said about his drinking habits. I witnessed different things. Yeah. It depends on what the goal is. If the goal is to get to the truth, then putting things off limits stymies the goal. I understand you cant investigate everything. There has to be a limit to time, scope and matter of an investigation. All investigations. Imagine a bank robbery where you have five tellers and i said hallie rudely interrupting you again. Chuck schumer speaking now. Give me a break. The leader would delay for ten months when he saw he thought it was right to do and cant wait for a week to get an honest report out of the fbi. What a double standard. How galling. Accusing democrats of needlessly delaying a Supreme Court nomination is galling, is hypercritical coming from a leader who delayed the nomination of a Supreme Court justice for over 300 days until his party had a chance to win the white house. So, no one, no american should accept his admonishments about delay. He is the master of delay. Second, he blames democrats for these delays. Well, as the leader well knows, democrats are not in charge. We cant set the calendar. These things have been delayed because people, on his side of the aisle, who had sincere concerns about having a fair process said they wont go forward unless the process is made fairer. The initial hearing, where dr. Ford hand judge kavanaugh testified is because a member of the Judiciary Committee on the republican side said he didnt want to go forward until he heard from them. Nothing from democrats. Did we agree that should happen . Of course. So did most people who are fair minded. It wasnt caused by us. Then, this fbi, the reopening of the fbi investigation into these new allegations, background check investigation. Who caused that . Who caused this delay, id ask leader mcconnell. Not the democrats. We dont have the ability to do it. It was three members on his side who sincerely were seeking better truth because they heard two arguments and they werent sure which was right. They saw without some kind of independent investigation, it would tear the American People apart in ways for which we will pay a price years down the road, no matter what the outcome of the vote on judge kavanaugh. So, democrats didnt cause these delays. He knows it. It was the inability of all the republicans to be unified with justificati justification because the truth should be sought after in a more sincere way for a nomination to the highest court of the land. Leader mcconnell said we are going to plow through the recent allegations. Fortunately, members on his side of the aisle didnt want to plow through. They didnt want to delay, unnecessarily one week. Give me a break. Compared to ten months, leaving the scalia seat open. Who are we kidding . Who are we kidding . Who is making this a political argument. Lets ask. And one final point, leader kept accusing the people who came forward of political Smear Campaigns, being in the mud. I want to ask the leader to answer a direct question, does he believe or not believe dr. Ford . Yes or no . I happen to believe her. He refuses to answer that. One way or the other, because he knows that dr. Ford had tremendous credibility. Instead, he calls her names. He uses it as democrats, but she came forward on her own. By the way, one of the first things she did was call the Washington Post and spoke to the reporter who later wrote the story. That was long before any democrat knew what was going on. She felt a sincere need to come forward. To call her political, which is what, by ricochet the leader is doing is so unfair. Its so wrong. To call all three of these women who came forward, whether you believe them or not, as political actors is treating women in the same way that, unfortunately, too many women, as we have learned over the past few years have been treated in the past. That doesnt mean allegations shouldnt be proven or a discreet, fair process to get to the bottom of it, which is what the fbi investigation is. That doesnt mean all men are guilty before proven innocent. It means there deserves to be a fair hearing, even if it takes one week. One week, compared to the ten months of delay. Finally, madam president , the investigation itself, it should only take a week. Thats for sure. No democrat is called for taking more than a week. We are not moving the goalpost back. But, it should be thorough. It should not be limited by the Senate Judiciary staff who was initially calling the shots. They have been bias to begin with. When the democratic staff asked to be on the phone with the council to the president , mr. Mcgahn, they refused, the republican staff refused. Thats not bipartisan. Thats not fair. Thats not even handed. Fortunately, yesterday, the president said the fbi should go forward. They can interview many people in a week. When theres a crime situation that calls for it, a terrorism situation that calls for it. From what i understand, they have interviewed hundreds in a week. So, a list of 20 people to be interviewed in a week when the fbi has thousands of agents, many of them well trained in the art of figuring out how to interview somebody is not unreasonable. Its only fair. And we hope that there is no limitations on the fbi investigation. We hope there are no limitations. That will jaundice the whole process. That is not what those who called for it on either side of the aisle that asked for it. They asked for it to be full, fair and open and everyone will make his or her judgment. Thats all people are asking for. Finally, madam president , so, on that issue, i call on President Trump and the white house, once again, to release in writing what White House Council don mcgahn instructioned the fbi to pursue. Until then, we have to take President Trumps off the cuff comments with, perhaps, grains of salt. We have to be shown that what he said is being implemented. Now, let me read you a few quotes. The Supreme Court must never, never be viewed as a partisan institution. Thats judge kavanaugh, 2006 confirmation hearing. Here is one more from a speak judge kavanaugh gave in 2015. First and most obviously, a judge cannot be a political partisan. I think most americans agree with that. I certainly do. A lone star in our consideration of judicial confirmation should be whether or not he is independent and within the mainstream. The judge kavanaugh we saw last thursday did not meet the standard laid out in his past statements. His prepared statement to the committee, prepared, if you will, malice of forethought accused sitting u. S. Senators of a phony Smear Campaign lam basted quote, left wing opposition groups and portrayed the allegations of dr. Ford, miss ramirez, miss, the third person who came forward, miss swetnick, he portrayed those as revenge on behalf of the clintons. Frankly, judge kavanaughs testimony was better suited for fox news than a confirmation hearing for the United States Supreme Court. But, thats in character with judge kavanaughs long history of working for the most partisan legal charges. Ken star, bush v. Gore, the controversies of the bush era. It would be one thing if kavanaugh discarded his feelings, unfortunately, hes been on the bench for many years and thursdays hearing revealed the bitter partisan resentments still lurk below the surface. It should give us pause to consider what it means to elevate such a partisan world view, whether a democratic or republican partisan view where rulings must be made on legal merits, not, not on the side of the aisle which most benefits. Then, the greatest issue against judge kavanaugh, the one that really bothers most people, his credibility. Is he telling the truth . That issue supersedes all the others. There may be some who say, well, what happened in high school shouldnt count. Its many years later. People grow. People change. Now, i think what happened to dr. Ford and she seems credible to me, is something you cant forget. Its not what men do. But, some may say that. But, we are looking at what judge kavanaugh says at age 53, not what he did at age 18. We are looking at his credibility now, as a grown adult. And, if you believe dr. Ford, then judge kavanaugh is not telling the truth. If this were the only instance, it would be one thing. Bad enough. But, there are many more. Over and over again, its hard to believe what judge kavanaugh swore under oath at the Committee Hearing to say. Just yesterday, nbc news reported that either judge kavanaugh or people close to the judge were in communication with his yale classmates to get them to rebut allegations by ramirez, later published in the new yorker. Beyond the unseemingliness of a federal judge forcing them to support his nomination, it seems judge kavanaugh was at least very misleading to the Judiciary Committee about miss ramirezs story. When asked by senator hatch when he first heard of the allegations he said, quote, in the new yorker story. First heard, based on the nbc reports, if they are correct, that was not truthful. It would be one thing if that were one isolated incident. Again, far too many misstatements, inaccuracies, mischaracterizations. He pled ignorance to many bush era controversies for emails showing he was aware of them all and played a role in many. He offered explanation for High School Yearbook quotes. Its not the quotes themselves or what they indicated, its his explanations defy belief. And, of course, based on the accounts by his high school and college classmates, he is grossly mischaracterized his relationship with alcohol. Common thread . Judge kavanaugh repeatedly tiptoes around the truth, doesnt tell the truth in many instances, it seems, to paint his nomination in a favorable light. We want a Supreme Court nominee, whatever the politics or Party Origins to be a shining example of someone who tells the truth, without doubt, without equivocation. If you say, well, maybe hes telling the truth and maybe hes not, he doesnt belong on the Supreme Court. I think most americans are saying that. Again, even if you want to discount, as some people do, what happened when he was 15, in high school, and 18 in college, you cannot discount what he is saying and professing at age 53 when it flies in the face of being truthful. Thats the key question here. There is demeanor. He sure didnt show the demeanor of a judge at the hearing. There is partisanship. He brought out the most raw form of partisanship, so unbecoming of someone on the district court, appeals court, let alone the Supreme Court. And, he did not show any semblance to being 100 honest and truthful, which is what we need in a Supreme Court justice. Again, even if you feel what happened when he was 15 and 18 shouldnt matter, what happens when hes 53 does matter. His credibility is in real doubt. Doubt enough, i think, for most americans, to say this man does not belong on the Supreme Court. There ought to be somebody, many people who would be a lot better. I yield the floor. You have been listening to Senate Minority leader, Chuck Schumer speaking. Chuck is back with me, along with reporters. Garrett, we just heard dualing speeches, if you will, from first Mitch Mcconnell, then Chuck Schumer, schumer calling the hypocrisy of republicans to move this process forward. Mitch mcconnell saying, hey, this vote is happening this week. He could not have been more clear about it. I understand you spoke to another key senator in all of this, West Virginia democrat, joe manchin. Reporter thats right. We heard schumer, the democrats are not intending to move the goalpost any further, this is about this fbi investigation. They stand by that. Setting this conversation aside, one week is one week. Schumer believes the fbi can do their job. Just to be clear nobody is arguing this should go past friday, it sounds like, republicans nor democrats are saying they want to extend this. Everybody seems fine with the friday deadline. Reporter as long as the fbi is not straight jacketed as a democrat described it. As long as the fbi is able to do the work they deem necessary, yes. Everyone seems to be fine with the concept of the week. Schumer pushed back aggressively on republican hypocrisy on democrats overpoliticizing placing someone on the court, pointing out the months, months and months that republicans refused to have a hearing for mayor garland saying that doesnt play. Joe manchin, who i spoke to in the hallway remains one of the votes theoretically at play here, one of two democrats who could, conceivably vote for judge kavanaugh in the final accounting here because of the politics of his home state. He is up for reelection in a very, very difficult state that went heavily for donald trump. He is not saying anything in terms of what way he is leaning her. Normally a chatty guy to reporters, not engaging on this. He believes the fbi can and will do their job here. He doesnt think it is appropriate to talk about this process until the fbi finishes its job. He was in the room after the hearing on thursday with the judge Kavanaugh Hearing on thursday. He was in the room with senators murkowski, collins and flake as they discussed how to go forward here. You have to think, at least to some degree he is on board with the general discussions they have been having about this nominee and what happens Going Forward from this point. Again, a lot of moving points over the next couple days. I know the key thing you and the Capitol Hill Team is working on is trying to figure out when they trigger the procedural votes and processes for the final vote. Theres a question of how this plays. Stay on top of that. Here is the thing, for yet another morning, we are dominated from the capitol, news of judge Brett Kavanaugh. News about the confirmation battle that could decide and shape the court for the next generation. How is this playing in places President Trump is visiting . Is everybody else talking about this, too . Check out the pages where the president was at the rally overnight. No mention of kavanaugh. Plenty of talk about President Trump. The midterms, which direction those votes are going to go. Interesting stuff. I want to bring in jeff bennet who has been extraordinarily patient with us this morning. Im making you stand there 30 minutes, but we wanted to hear what Mitch Mcconnell and schumer had to say. Theres a Good Cop Bad Cop thing, if you will. Free rain. Fbi get out of it. Mcconnell saying we are going to have the vote this week. How do you see it playing out . Reporter i was struck by the strategy from democrats, best articulated by schumer, trying to attack credibility and suitability. Yes, the allegations are decades old, but the way he speaks of them now speaks to character. Hes bringing up temperament. It allows republicans cover to defend him in the moment, but brought up questions about whether or not he is a neutral jurist. He painted himself as the subject of democratic plots and retribution for the clintons. President trump has returned to this strategy of attacking democrats and attacking the process. Last night, he headed a Campaign Rally in tennessee. He riled up his base of supporters all on this issue, attacking democrats for advocating for this weeklong delay, even though there are a couple republicans who called for the delay. President trump is back in this role of spectator. In part because the senate controls the process. The center of political gravity shifted between flake, collins, murkowski, whom President Trump doesnt have the greatest of relationships. Nope. Reporter hes watching this as we all are and hoping for the best. Jeff bennet at the white house north lawn, a man of extreme patience and dignity. We are going to bring in alexi and everybody on set. It seems like the state of play is all moving toward a friday climax. Right. We have no idea what is going to happen. Its clear the minority and majority leaders dont either. Both their speeches were talking to, mostly republican senators undecided. I think that underscores democrats argument more than republicans. This isnt a democratic operative ploy to try to wreck judge kavanaugh because the political gravity is on the republican side right now. It seems like on the left, its a race to find inconsistencies. It is a big deal if he lied to congress. Republicans are racing to deflect and paint the misperceptions or miscommunications that kavanaugh made through a more partisan lens or partisan operative lens. Im going to ask you to stay where you are. When we come back after the break, this nbc exclusive. Julie swetnick talking with kate snow. What she says she saw Brett Kavanaugh do at the high school parties. Kate is here with part of this interview, next. Interview, next. Billions of mouths. Billions of problems. Sore gums . Bleeding gums . Painful flossing . Theres a therabreath for you. 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Kavanaugh does not know swetnick and denied the claims. Lets get to kate snow who has the exclusive interview. Talk through what she told you. We want to be very transparent here because, obviously, these are serious allegations. I sat down with Julie Swetnick on sunday afternoon. We spent more than 24 hours reporting, vetting what she said to me, using the resources of nbc news. Kavanaugh has, as you know, called swetnicks story nonsense and a farce. The president questioned her credibility as well. Swetnick told me she and friends went from gaithersburg, maryland to bethesda in high school, after high school, 25 minutes away from her house to go to house parties in the early 80s. She was introduced to Brett Kavanaugh and remembers how he behaved. Can you describe to me what you saw him do . He was very aggressive, very sloppy drunk, a mean drunk. I saw him go up to girls and paw on them, try to, you know, get too handsy, touching them in private parts. I saw him try to shift clothing. Are there people alive today yes, yes, yes, there are people that know about the parties. Swetnick provided names of four people who went to the parties with her. She told us that one of them was deceased, he died in a car accident. Two others did not respond to the request for comment. A fourth person we reached said he did not remember Julie Swetnick. In the interest of the transparency, swetnick gave a different version of the events to you that she did in that sworn declaration last week, right . She did. She said in her sworn declaration she was aware of Brett Kavanaugh and mark judge, his friend, spiking the punch at parties. Its a smaller detail. When she spoke to me, she saw him near the punch, never saw him spiking the punch. She described what was described in the statement as boys lined up to gang rape women. What she said to me on camera was more nuanced. Look, i saw groups of boys including Brett Kavanaugh and mark judge at parties. I dont know what was happening behind closed doors. Later, when she was attacked, herself, which she claims happened, she came to believe what had been happening was that boys were attacking girls behind closed doors. Complicated story. I appreciate you bringing us all of that. Can i just say, if anyone wants to see the full version of the interview, because i think the context is so important and to hear her out, it is on my twitter and nbcnews. Com. We will link to that. I preerappreciate that. Chuck is with me and alexi. Well get into the politics piece in a sec. Michael avenatti represents swetnick. He offered to take a pally graph and meet with the fbi. He said women who are lying do not offer themselves up to fbi agents. Should fbi agents talk to her and will they in. Should they . Yes. Will they . We dont know. Its impossible for us to sit here in a studio and assess her credibility. The way you do that is talk to them drerktly. You, as a journalist would do the same thing. If you had the opportunity to talk to her, you would, of course, because you want to follow up and observe tone and body language. Thats what the fbi does, they do it better than anyone in the world. They ought to have the opportunity to do it. We dont know if they can or not. You heard them earlier this hour talk about what he called mud and gunk. Im paraphrasing here. Slime lumping swetnick in with that. Michael avenattis involvement played a part in that for republicans. This is a guy who said he may, you know, why respect him if he may be running for president in 2020. How do democrats and republicans play out in the political sphere . The inconsistencies with the sworn statements and what she told kate snow dont help democrats case that each woman should be taken and interviewed. It helped Mitch Mcconnell lump swetnick in with mud and muck, but ford as well he threw in there. Whats interesting is the senator who is critical is jeff flake. He kicked off the process. This hour, he has been talking. I want to play what he said alongside chris coons. Lets watch. We checked with doj, they assured us this was within the time frame they could do it. We both hope and have been pushing the white house to make sure it is a fulsome investigation and not unduly limited and i hope they are doing it to find fact. The way jeff flake is measured in speaking about this is in contrast to the way mcconnell talked about it. Lindsey graham yelling. We see a rage coming from the Republican Party, majority white, majority male in a way that will stand and start contrast to the men women running in august. They are inentired by me too and fighting against things the Republican Party is standing for. Chuck, thank you for hanging out for an hour. I appreciate it. Coming up after the break, we are talking about the first lady, Melania Trump overseas on her own, a tour of africa. Her focus, the health and wellness of kids. How her husbands past comments could follow her there. We are live in ghana, after the break. R e th break. When you have a baby gentle means everything to you and to us. So at johnsons, we improved everything. We used 50 fewer ingredients. Took out dyes, parabens, phthalates and sulfates. Beat the top Safety Standards in the world and added one handed pumps. Gentle means pure, gentle means safe, gentle means love. The new johnsons®. You always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed . Lets say it in a really low voice. Carl . Lowest price, guaranteed. Just stick with badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com are you paying too much and getting too little with your current medicare plan . If you have medicare, you have an important choice to make. You can purchase a separate drug plan for an additional cost; or you can choose a humana allinone Medicare Advantage plan that includes your medical benefits and drug coverage in one. 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Humana has a Large Network of doctors and hospitals, so call to find out if your doctor is in our network. See if you can save on your prescriptions and get our free decision guide. Licensed humana sales agents are standing by. Pick up the phone and call humana today. When did you see the sign . When i needed to jumpstart sales. Build attendance for an event. Help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage. And got them back on track. Get started at fastsigns. Com. So this morning within just the last few hours, Melania Trump touched down in ghana for her first major solo trip overseas. The first lady is expected to hit four countries stopping at local schools and hospitals along the way. Nbcs ron allen is on part of that trip. Hes joining me now in ghana. This is a significant moment for the first lady . Reporter it is. Its a major moment. Its her first Major International trip by herself, and shes, of course, coming to africa, a continent that President Trump has insulted many people here would tell you. A place that many people think he has virtually ignored, but she is coming here with a very different kind of message. Today a reception fit for a queen. First lady Melania Trump arriving in ghana, her first major solo foreign mission, her first time setting foot on the continent. Here to extend her be best campaign aimed at helping children and backing americas foreign aid programs as she explained at the united nations. By working with developing countries around the world to help them with the journey to selfreliance, u. S. Aids work embodies much of what be best stands for. But the president has argued for slashing foreign aid. Moving forward, we are only going to give foreign aid to those who respect us and, frankly, are our friends. And the first ladys message here in africa already being welcomed after President Trumps controversial remarks earlier this year when he used a derogatory term to criticize african nations as shole countries during a closeddoor meeting over immigration policy. At the time the president called the meeting tough but denied using that specific language. Still, for the president its a change in tone as mrs. Trump prepared to take off. We both love africa. The first ladys trip to highlight what she calls progress helping children. In Ghana Health Care programs for mothers and newborns, in malawi Education Programs reducing poverty. In kenya, hiv prevention, wildlife conservation. Egypt helping the country preserve and restore its rich history. Why africa . Her choice. She chose africa. Reporter at a time when the administration is seen as not caring much about africa at best . Mark green says the first lady also will hear about places like this clothing factory in ghana, foreign aid money not handed out but invested to jump start a new business. 80 of the workers women and mothers, many working able to support a family for the first time. Reporter after that very warm welcome at the airport, the first ladys first stop was a hospital that focuses on helping women and newborn children. Shes, again, trying to focus on Success Stories here. She also met with the first lady of ghana, someone who she met back at the u. N. In new york last month. Shes going to do that along the way meeting with other first ladies whos shes having discussions with. We have not heard anything from the first lady, but of course actions speak a lot louder than words. Ron allen looiive for us. Back with me now amber phillips, alexi mccann non. Big moment for Melania Trump. She went to the invictus games, it was like a day. This is obviously much broader, much more significant. Shes been reluctant to step into the first lady role as weve all been watching her ease into. This moment going to africa for me suggests shes kind of taking her own steps separate from her husband. It is impossible to ignore or forget about shole countries. Its also impossible to forget about the first lady making occasional missteps when she struck out on her own, the jacket and the migrant kids story. And that comment that trump still denies. It will be interesting to see if he responds at all when she returns from her trip and if he pays more attention to the continent. Increasingly, i feel like i see the president and his wife as not like one entity speaking for the white house but as two separate people doing their own things and having their own priorities. That at times are competing and confusing in how they can coexist. Not bad that theyre two separate people, shes sort of doing her thing in the be best campaign. Its when the issues conflict. Totally contradict each other. When she calls for example, in the migrant kids story for empathy for those parents and the president continues with his policies. And she certainly shouldnt have to answer for any moves by President Trump himself while shes in africa, i dont think, because shes not the one allegedly making those comments. Let me quickly finalize with what we always finalize with which is the sources so they say. What are your sources telling you on any story youve got cooking . Its all kavanaugh related, right . Democrat joe mansion is one of the swing votes. Hes been tight lipped about how hes going to vote. Even though mansion has run a fantastic race he might pull out a reelection win in a state trump won by more than 40 points. If he were to vote against kavanaugh it would send shock waves is what my sources tell me through the race and give his republican challenger a big boost. They like kavanaugh down there. You cannot vote against him if youre mansion. Mine is not kavanaugh related but related to the midterms. A republican strategist who has worked on multiple midterm cycles, midterm campaigns throughout the years told me in 2010 the magic polling number to gauge democratic losses was 50 , and this source told me if you see a republican whos not pulling comfortably over 47 , they are going to lose. This is a republican who said that. Looking at the New York Times live polls that would mean 22 House Republicans would lose their seats. Thank you very much for coming on for the last hour and talking through all of this with us and watching some of those live developing news. Thank you, both. We want to wrap up with todays big picture. This one comes to us from the white house. You may have missed this over the last 24 hours. This is former Staff Sergeant Ronald Scherer receiving the medal of honor from President Trump. He was given this for his bravery in afghanistan fighting off a barrage of bullets while helping others to safety. This was rejected the first time because of a medical condition. He wanted to get into the military, couldnt because of a medical condition. Did not let that setback get in his way. Was accepted in 2012. President trump saying, quote, boy that was a bad mistake, but they made up for it right. The photographer, Pablo Martinez for the associated press. Craig melvin, i gladly hand it over to you. Its been a whirlwind morning. Always good to see you. Good morning, craig melvin here at msnbc headquarters in new york city. The investigation widens, the fbi probe into the accusations about Brett Kavanaugh is now bigger than the white house initially allowed. So what does it mean for Senate Republicans plans to vote on his confirmation by the end of the week . Plus, silencing stormy, a new report claims the president tried to stop Stormy Daniels from telling her story this year while he was in office, and he even tried to enlist his son eric to help. And obamas picks. President obama just unveiling a new list of candidates hes backing in the midterms. How helpful is his stamp of approval . Well get to that in just a moment. We start

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