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Candidates make a full court push in the Hawkeye State. A new poll revealing a big shift at the top of the crop. Is this warrens moment . Well look at that. But right now the president is facing new impeachment threats over that phone call with the president of ukraine. Just moments ago President Trump arriving at the u. N. General assembly and again shifted blame to the democrats. A long way to go, well see what happens. Perfect phone call with the president of ukraine. Everybody knows, its just a democrat witch hunt. Here we go again. They failed with russia. They failed with recession. They failed with everything. Now theyre bringing this up. The New York Times reports that trump asked the ukrainian president to investigate joe bidens son hunter. And in a Stunning Development President Trump now says he did talk about biden with the president of the ukraine. The admission coming after days of shifting answers to questions about this story. Ive had conversations with many leaders, always appropriate. I think scott can tell you that. Always appropriate, at the highest level, always appropriate. From that point did you discuss joe biden, his son or his family with the it doesnt matter what i discussed. Which conversation . July 25th. I really dont know. I dont know. The conversation i had was large largely congratulatatory, largely the fact that we dont want people like Vice President biden and his son contributing to the corruption already in the ukraine. Its a story with a lot of details and developments. But what we know right now is that the president of the United States says he did in fact talk about a political opponent with a foreign leader. Pressure is growing on democratic leadership in the house to do something about it. I want to get to nbc White House Correspondent kristen welker, here in new york traveling with President Trump. Kristen, theres a lot going on here. We just heard from the president a few moments ago. Try to break it down for our viewers and listeners on satellite radio. Where do things stand right now for the president . Reporter well, you heard President Trump again striking a defiant note as it comes to this latest controversy, craig, effectively saying that this is yet another democrat, quote unquote, witch hunt. And over the weekend, though, as you point out, remarkably acknowledging that he did, in fact, discuss joe biden and his son with the leader of ukraine. And then at a political rally in houston saying, look, i never applied pressure to the leader of ukraine to investigate joe biden. So essentially saying, look, i didnt do anything wrong here but continuing to raise this joe biden issue. Now, the fact check with that, craig, is that theres never been any evidence of wrongdoing by hunter biden who was on the board of a Ukrainian Company at the time that his father was serving as Vice President. But President Trump clearly wants to make a political issue of this. Joe biden over the weekend also defiant. He said the focus should be on President Trump and the fact that this would be a real breach if he did, in fact, urge a foreign leader to investigate one of his political rivals. Where does this go from here . Well, this is fueling more calls, as you say, on capitol hill from democrats for impeachment proceedings. Some more progressive members saying that the leadership just hasnt been tough enough. So where does that leave nancy pelosi . Well, the House Speaker really toughened her tone, craig, over the weekend. Shes been very resistant to these calls for impeachment. She was very firm, though, in her statements over the weekend, effectively saying we need to see the transcripts. We need to know exactly what happened here. For his part President Trump signaling he may, in fact, release the transcripts, or notes or whatever account there is of this phone call that we believe took place on july 25th. Bottom line, loud here on the streets of new york, craig, no surprise to you, the bottom line is that this is going to loom large over the u. N. General assembly this week as the president is facing a number of critical Foreign Policy issues which start today. Right now he surprised other leaders by stopping by that Climate Forum. Remember, he wasnt going to be there. He was getting some criticism for that so now President Trump, Vice President mike pence are at that Climate Forum. Later on today the president s going to chair a meeting of religious liberty, something that appeals to his base. Kristen, as you were reporting, a live look at President Trump at the aforementioned Climate Forum at the United Nations. Kristen, really quickly, while i have you, and you may not know the answer to this question, but im going to ask you nonetheless. The president , during that impromptu back and forth with reporters, he said something about joe biden and china. Do we know what the president s talking about . Reporter no, but this is yet another story line that is being floated out there by not only the president but by Rudy Giuliani that there is some type of impropriety as it relates to joe biden and china as well. Again, theres never been any evidence of that or the allegations in ukraine. What are we seeing here . Were seeing a president who very much wants to put the attention on the person who has been the Democratic Front runner, as i know youre going to discuss a little bit later on in your show. Elizabeth warren has been rising and surging as well. But clearly this is a president who sees the former Vice President as being his number one threat right now and so hes getting a lot of attention from President Trump. Overnight Vice President biden essentially talking to supporters in iowa and saying that they should brace themselves for what is going to be an ugly campaign. Craig . Kristen welker there at trump tower. President trump flanked by his Vice President there, it looked like his acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney was seated behind him and so is secretary of state mike pompeo. All of them at this u. N. Climate meeting. As kristen indicated the president surprising folks there in the room by attending. Let us bring in karen tamolti, a Political Columnist for the washington post. Joel payne is with me, a former aide to former Democratic Senate majority leader harry reed, and susan del percio, a political analyst for msnbc. A big thanks to all of you. The focus, once again, on House Democrats here, joel, and what they plan to do about this. This is what adam schiff, House Intelligence Committee chair, this is what he said about all of it, take a listen. I have been very reluctant to go down the path of impeachment for the reason that i think the founders contemplated a country that has elections every four years, that this would be an extraordinary remedy, a remedy of last resort, not first resort. It may be that we do have to move forward with that extraordinary remedy. I have spoken with a number of my colleagues over the last week and this seems different in kind, and we may very well have crossed the rubicon here. Joel, you worked on the hill for some time. Whats your sense . I mean, it does seem as if weve heard democrats, at least a number of them, talking about impeachment for the better part of nearly a year now. How serious is the threat this time . My sense is that nancy pelosi has been loathe to move forward on impeachment for a long time. And that the president s actions here may have boxed her in to a place where she cannot just, you know, put this on the back burner and investigate, and delay what shes been doing very effectively. Joel, hold onto that thought, just wanted to looks like were going to lose the camera there, but President Trump and the Vice President , they appear to have left the Climate Change meeting, fairly quickly. Were not exactly sure what happened or what was said before that. Well try to get more information. But President Trump was there. And then he left. It looks like he was there for roughly ten minutes. Joel, pick up your thought, sorry about that. Sure thing, no problem, used to donald trump interrupting our train of thought here. So anyways, you know, pelosi, i think, was really loathe to move forward on this. But i think shes being boxed in. I checked in with a couple sources in the House Democratic caucus. The type of language im hearing, hearing things like this is a cleaner argument for impeachment and that this is a turning point, which is a more blunt way of assessing what add adam schiff just talked about. Theres a feeling within that Democratic Caucus that the impeachment discussion before was very muddled and the waters were muddied and this is very clean and this is easy to understand. The other point i would bring up is that joe biden is being elevated by this moment, which is probably useful for him in the short term but long term this is devastating for his hopes. Essentially trump is able to define him in a way similar to how Hillary Clinton was defined in the last cycle. I think thats a real problem democrats have to wrestle with here. Going back to impeachment, to be clear, joel, what would the Impeachable Offense be here, based on what we know . Well, i mean, i think its kind of what wouldnt be the Impeachable Offense. Theres so many things here, one, i mean, you have how the president is handling the whistleblower complaint. And id imagine theres going to be some questions if they try to exert executive privilege around obstruction. Id imagine that just the propriety of using the leverage of this 250 million aid payment to the ukraine as leverage over a foreign entity to get them to investigate a political foe. You know, i imagine that there are a lot of things here that, you know, that adam schiff and jerry nadler and nancy pelosi, et cetera, could investigate here to talk credibly about impeachment. Susan dell pierce owe, wha pr sense . Theyre concerned about their reputation with the president and they know the president can still be very threatening to them in the political primary season, and down the road. But i think to joels point when you talk about what is the Impeachable Offense the way go about this, that the democrats didnt do last time, is to make it clear cut. The administration is not allowing the whistleblower to present itself to the house. The intel committee. By law, because of trumps Inspector General referred it of a matter of urgency they are required. Thats where they should do. Theres not a lot of time on this, craig. The idea of impeachment around the mueller report, it was all over the place. This is something they can clearly define, and put the president in a box very, very quickly. And then if they want to investigate other things thats fine. But this is what they should hold them accountable for and this is what they should move on very quickly. Karen you write in your new column there in the post that theres another solution that House Democrats can take that does not involve impeachment. They can sensor the president. Why do you think that would be a better course of action . I think, first of all, that would not end the debate over impeachment. This is something that could be done separately. But a censure resolution, only one other american president has been censured by congress, it can be done by one house of congress. It can be brought to the floor. If a majority of the members support it. And it would also have the effect of forcing all of these republicans to go on the record, on the question of do you believe that this president s behavior has been acceptable, or do you not . Its something that could be done quickly, and it does not require Senate Action as an impeachment would require the senate to convict to actually remove the president from office. Thats not going to happen. You know, its susan, i mean, its you know, just going back to what you what we just talked about there, the silence by republicans, we heard from mitt romney. The senator from utah. But save mitt romney, is there another republican thats spoken out at all . No, there hasnt been. And thereir silence, in my opinion, is consent. Theres that on the censure issue. Censure, while it could mean something to someone who had values and cared about their reputation, that would be something. Donald trump doesnt care. All he cares about is getting reelected. In this particular case, at this particular time, censure with no consequence, would really actually get trumps base revved up and i think that that can almost push a different type of race than we would have had if we had without it. I would argue that an impeachment that does not get does not end up with a conviction in the senate would do precisely the same thing on steroids and also would allow the president to claim somehow that he had been exonerated. The difference is, is with impeachment they would have to present a case. Theyd have to present facts and if they have them then they have something and i dwragree the see wouldnt convict. Then they have something to go to the American Public with. With censure, they say we dont like the president s behavior and thats not something the people can say, wow, thats wrong and he must be convicted of such a thing. Joel, there have been a number of folks who have suggested, based on conversations with some who are familiar with this president s thinking that he would welcome either because this is a president whos demonstrated time and time again that he likes a foil, a censure, an impeachment proceeding, how would that not play into this president s hand . Well, donald trump has lived his entire life in the muck. And in the muddied waters. And, you know, he is not a paragon of virtue. So the idea of being impeached or being held accountable or being censured is not a threat to him because he has no scruples or morals. Thats not a controversial statement. Thats a statement of fact. The people who i would hold accountable are people like thom tillis, lindsey graham, ben sass. All of these republicans, susan collins, cory gardner, republicans who are up in 2020 need to answer for this president s behavior because they are consenting to that behavior but not standing up and being outspoken, at least like mitt romney is showing himself to be willing to do. These republicans, democrats, what they can do is they cannot impact trumps behavior, they can penalize the people around trump, which can force the president s political allies to actually take some measure of accountability for his actions. Joel payne, thank you. Susan del percio, thank you. Karen, always good to have you. Bracing for a diplomatic explosion. Thats how politico describes the climate surrounding President Trumps visit to the United Nations as the ukraine scandal looms over his visit. He faces another issue, those escalating tensions with iran. Again, this was a look at the president a few moments ago at the Climate Change summit. Meanwhile a new poll adding more drama to the top of the 2020 democratic field as candidates spent the weekend making a big push in iowa. They had a lot to say about the president s conversation with the ukrainian president. Yet again, we find that he is in ca hoots with a Foreign Government to manipulate the outcome of this election. We need to absolutely, right away, begin impeachment proceedings. Hes got to go. The American People watching whats happening with this president and theyre wondering, like, how much the hell more evidence do you need that this guy is breaking the law and doing stuff that no president should be doing . Big dreams start with small steps. But dedication can get you there. Easily set, track and control your goals right from the chase mobile® app. Chase. Make more of whats yours®. [woman] with my shark, i deep clean messes like this, this, and even this. But i dont have to clean this, because the selfcleaning brush roll removes hair while i clean. [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans now cleans itself. music plays throughout hey. You must be stevens phone. Now you can know whos on your network and control who shouldnt be, only with xfinity xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Juul record. They took 12. 8 billion from big tobacco. Juul marketed mango, mint, and menthol flavors, addicting kids to nicotine. Five million kids now using ecigarettes. The fda said juul ignored the law with Misleading Health claims. Now juul is pushing prop c, to overturn san franciscos ecigarette protections. Say no to juul, no to big tobacco, no to prop c. Democratic candidates are getting ready for a big october push in iowa. Today Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg are campaigning in the Hawkeye State, but according to the New York Times over the next month joe biden is going to add 110 staffers, Kamala Harris will be visiting the state weekly. Mayor Pete Buttigieg is on a bus tour across the state right now. Amy klobuchar is halfway through her visit to all of iowas 99 counties and Bernie Sanders begins his bernie beats trump tour. A lot happening in iowa. Chris wilson stop your chuckling. A new poll of iowa voters finds Elizabeth Warren and joe biden in a virtual tie for first place. Elizabeth warren ahead by two points, well within that polls margin of error. Nbc news road warrior Vaughn Hillyard spending time in the Hawkeye State joins me now from des moines, iowa and as i understand it you were at that huge steak fry this weekend there, the iowa steak fry. Our latest nbc news wall street journal poll found just 9 of democratic primary voters nationwide have made up their minds who theyre going to vote for. Who made an impression there in iowa this weekend . Reporter and i think, craig, thats very reflective here in iowa as well. The Des Moines Register released a poll here this weekend that showed Elizabeth Warren jumping up seven points since june, putting her at 22 , joe biden at 20 . Were calling it a statistical tie with the margin of error. But at the same time the polling tells us it points to soft support for these candidates, attesting for 9 of the countrys democrats saying theyve made up their minds. Among the warren supporters, 12 are firmly backing her in the iowa caucus february 3rd. Her support is soft and all of these candidates. Its an open game here. While you have seen the likes of beto orourke who had a rise in the spring, then Pete Buttigieg and then after the first debate it was Kamala Harris and now Elizabeth Warren has had a sustained, incremental increase, though, leading here. You know, were 133 days out from the iowa caucus, craig, and what you saw on the ground is 12,000 Iowa Democrats descended onto des moines on saturday. It was a recognition among folks you talk to about the importance of iowa. You know, you can talk about New Hampshire and South Carolina and nevada in the significance of super tuesday. California, texas, all you want. But the reality is there could just be three or four tickets that really come out of iowa caucus on february 3rd that are able to actually make a significant play coming out of here. So thats why you see, you know Amy Klobuchar is trying to hit all 99 counties, all of these campaigns wrapping up their operations because iowa is just as important as ever and i think that what youre going to be seeing over these next four months attest to that. Did you have any steak this weekend . Reporter i had a bite of steak. Weve got four months ahead, craig, were trying to take it somewhat easy here, all right. Vaughn hillyard in des moines, thank you, thank you. Chris wilson is here in the studio with us. Chris, of course, a republican pollster who worked on senator ted cruzs 2016 campaign and emi Emily Tish Sussman is back. Thank you both, good to have you with me. Elizabeth warren was in detroit on sunday, she was with the striking United Auto Workers there. This is what she said about the poll. Okay, well, ill tell you. In summary what she said was, look, i dont do polls. Were still months away from the Iowa Caucuses and the first primary elections. What this is about is a message that we are sick and tired of an america that works for thinner and thinner slices at the top. Thinner and thinner slices for everyone whos not at the top. What do you make of the poll . Well, your Elizabeth Warren impression is right on, let me just say. Pretty good. Thank you, thank you. I think that it shows that theres a steady incline but i think it goes exactly to vaughns reporting that the field is open. Basically what people care about is they want to know who can beat trump, the most important thing to them. People in iowa are theyre doing their retail politics, seeing all of them speak. People really are showing up at these big events to see different candidate and see if any of them appeal to them or resonate. At the end of the day ultramately people in iowa are looking at the same polls people across the country are looking at. They want to know if anybody pops. Warren has had a slow increase, but other candidates have had a slow increase. In the past couple elections, we havent seen the top of the polling holding so little of a percentage of all of it. Its more and more districted between more and more candidates. Booker got attention this weekend, saying unless he gets massive amounts of resources he would need to truly compete hes not going to stay in. He has been on the rise. That doesnt bode well for his campaign, by the way. Its a fund raising pool gone awry. Actually, hes feeling that the campaign seeing theyre seeing people break out in terms of resources. The candidates named are putting massive amounts of people on the ground, because they have the money to do it so they dont feel like if theyre going to do it at that level theyre not going to do it. Thats a separating factor. Putting people on the ground. Biden is hiring hundreds of people to show up for him. To me the difference between the campaigns that were successful in 2016 or even 2012, and those that had to kind of fluttered later on was the ability to bring in volunteers, and had people there for them without having to pay them. Is that a bad sign . Its not a bad sign. Good to have money, dont get me wrong. If you have to put a paid person where another campaign is putting a volunteer person because of enthusiasm, thats a distinguishing characteristic of a campaign staying and one that will sputter down the road. Lets talk about Elizabeth Warrens surge, do you think she can defeat donald trump . No, i dont. Do you think joe biden could . Yes, i think joe biden gives a much more competitive race for a lot of reasons. Warren is going to have challenges in a lot of the competitive swing states that trump was able to win in 2016, that democrats traditionally won. I do believe that is a challenge that she has. I want to point out, emily and i were talking beforehand, at this point in 2016 donald trump was not at the top. In fact, you moved into december and the Des Moines Register poll had ben carson in first place. The last poll the saturday night before the election, whenever our polling had us up in terms of Cruz Campaign she showed donald trump was going away and i had to wave my hands, no, thats not going to happen. Ted cruz did win. Winning iowa, although its important, doesnt mean youll win the nomination. Its for of an elimination contest. Its like the first round of 64. End up with 32 teams afterwards but you still have those at the outset. One of the things thats striking me out of this most recent poll out of iowa, Bernie Sanders. Has he peaked . It does feel that way. It feels like warren is pulling together a coalition of people particularly women and also people of color who liked Hillary Clinton. I think in all of our talking, like talking head, we act like theres nobody who actually liked her. There are, in fact, people that liked her. So she is in many ways pulling a lot of that support. But also pulling a lot from sanders and sanders is still in the race. What were seeing of his supporters is theres a ceiling. There is nowhere to go but there is no up to go. And all of those i actually overheard someone saying that i thought was an interesting point, that basically at this point if you are still supporting sanders as opposed to warren its kind of showing your sexism because she has more detailed plans and her plans have evolved. I thought it was an interesting point and i think there may be something to it. Yeah, i agree with all that. Its a good answer, chris. Yeah, it is. Keeps me safe. You can only be an insurgent once, and sanders is doing it twice. The cussing a lot, he has the old grandpa lane. Theres only so much time you want to spend with that angry relative at thanksgiving. President trump back at the u. N. Where he is set to deliver his third address to the sgenerl assembly this week. There are two large issues looming over the president s visit, the scandal surrounding ukraine and those escalating tensions with iran. Also, the white house infighting thats reportedly hindering movement on Gun Legislation. The new report detailing the competing factions vying to win over the president. This as hes still blaming congress for inaction. Were looking at it right now. Were studying it very hard. Its an issue that frankly congress is wasting all their time on nonsense. Were studying it very hard. 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Can be a little more. Like plants. President trump is at the United Nations in new york city right now. The General Assembly meeting this week. The president set to address the body tomorrow. Today, though, the president briefly attended the Climate Summit there. He is expected to attend an event on religious freedom and religious persecution. That event set to start literally any minute now. Were keeping a very close eye on the United Nations right now. Lets bring in gayle lamon. What do we know about the president s agenda at the United Nations this week . Well, i think youre going to see two stories dominate. The first is going to be what happens in the middle east, right, what happens in terms of this idea of building a coalition to help counter the iranian question, right, and the attacks on the saudi oil installations. And then the second question is going to be the continued discussion around ukraine, which the white house has fairly successfully moved into a different level of conversation, having to do with a rival for the presidency. But i think that this will come to a head, as you see the ukrainian president here in new york. Lets start with iran here for a moment. Our options right now, in iran, of course over the weekend, of course it was announced that the president has ordered troops to saudi arabia. What more do we know about our options in that region . You know, the options have never been good and, in fact, the department of defense has been the first one to say that youve had the United States and iran living in a very close proximity for years now, both in iraq and in syria, where iranian backed forces have been within miles of the American Forces for years on end and have successfully avoided direct contact for the most part. The question now is, when you have a lousy set of options what is your least bad one . Because youve seen this campaign of maximum pressure, to really exercise pressure against iran from the white house. And it has led to sort of desperation, that has led to escalation from the iranian side where they say, oh, you dont want us to sell oil on the global stage, well make sure we affect everybodys oil. Right. So now you see can you have negotiation and deescalation emerge from this moment. The iranians, whats behind what would appear to be a ratcheting up of tensions on their part . The iranians feel backed into a corner from their part. They are blaming the United States for their actions. And youve seen, since may, this escalation escalation in terms of what they are willing to do to bring chaos, right, and, in fact, the Iranian Foreign Ministry Said this august the Trump Administration promised unpredictability but unpredictability breeds chaos. Thats what were seeing now. However, today, the iranians have said theyre going to release the british oil tanker. Youve seen small, potential openings for a conversation. And certainly this administration wants no more than the last administration, to have another war in the middle east. So lets see if you could have a conversation emerge. As we are having this conversation President Trump there taking his seat at the aforementioned meeting here on religious freedom. Its a United Nations event on religious freedom. Hes sitting next to the Vice President and the secretary general of the United Nations whos there as well. What more, gayle, can we expect from this week at the u. N. Besides iran, besides ukraine . China perhaps . Yeah. Trade . I think china trade, look for the search for stability. And each side really trying to bring a narrative that they are in the right, and that the other side is being unreasonable. And you have the europeans, i also watch the europeans, uk, france and germany are meeting tomorrow on iran. Boris johnson, the head of the eye knight united kingdom, meeting with the iranians tomorrow talking about this escalation in the gulf. Watch to see if the europeans come up with an off ramp. Theyve been unhappy with the americans about the iran deal and stepping out of it. Gayle lemmon, thank you for helping us make sense of all of it and well be talking to you very soon about all of it again. Rival factions vying for the president s ear on Gun Legislation. New reporting on the two camps that have President Trumps ear and what they are asking him to do on guns. As we head to break, First Lady Melania Trump is also in manhattan with her husband. She stocked by the New York Stock Exchange where she rang the opening bell with a few young helpers. Full of flavor. Texture. Color. Full of energy. Full of. Woo its fresh and filling. This bowl is full of good. So you can be too. 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As americans wait on washington to address gun violence in our country politico reports competing taxfactions i the white house are struggling to get behind a plan. On one side ivanka trump and attorney general william barr on the other side a group that includes donald trump jr. And a top aide to acting white house chief of staff Mick Mulvaney. Could this tug of war possibly jeopardize any movement on passing Gun Legislation . Here with more on her reporting is anita kumar, politicos White House Correspondent. Take us inside 1600 pennsylvania avenue here. What do the competing factions want . Different things they want. On the one side ivanka trump and the attorney general are telling the president he can do this deal. On the other side there are people saying that the conservatives, the people that have supported President Trump dont support this. They dont really support any of these big ideas being talked about on capitol hill. Most importantly, background checks. So theyre oppose today expanding background checks . They are. Chiefly. Yes. You know, theres a variety of ways to do the background checks but the expansion of the background checks. So more people getting background more purchasers getting their background checked is what theyre opposed to. Do you get a sense as to which faction seems to be winning over the president at this point . The president said recently he asked the attorney general to go to capitol hill and try to broker a deal. So my sense is hes sort of saying to the attorney general, see what you can do, and we know where the attorney general stands. He is trying to work on a deal. During his confirmation hearing earlier this year there were senators that were worried about him, concerned because he said he agrees with firearm regulations. They are worried hes not progun enough. So i think that side is sort of winning out here. We also have ivanka trump talking to senators directly. And putting out a plan. What happened. Still no plan. They dont have a plan that they are ready to release. Theres nothing that the the president hasnt indicated which way hes going. So whats he waiting on . Hes hearing from both sides. Hes waiting to see if the senate can get behind something. But the senate is waiting on him to get behind something. So it would seem as if, based on having read this story before, we know how it ends, there will likely be nothing on guns. My sense a week or so ago was that he was going to put out a package, and the democrats were going to say it wasnt enough, that they werent going to be very strong pieces of legislation and then maybe that would pass, maybe not. But we have seen this before on immigration and other issues where they just cant end up deciding. Theres just no decision. Anita kumar, thank you, good to have you in new york city with us this weekend. Next week on october 2nd ill moderate a 2020 Gun Safety Forum in las vegas, being hosted by msnbc march for our lives and giffords, the Democratic Candidates you saw in the last debate, all ten of them will join us. Americans have always had tough discussions about charged issues like guns at the Kitchen Table and with 2020 just around the corner you wont be able to avoid it much longer. Theres a new book out. Its called how to have impossible conversations a very practical guide and it aims to teach you how to disagree thoughtfully, arguing impossible conversations are inevitable. The goal then should not be to hope you can avoid them or to skulk in the shadows when confronted with different beliefs but to seize the opportunity. Peter begozia is the author of that book. Peter, if there is ever a time we needed a book like this, the time is now. Is that precisely why you decided to write this book right now . That was because were not talking to each other and were not talking across divides and we dont know how to do it, exactly why we wrote the book to get us talking and solving problems again. Nbcs wall street journal poll asked americans how well they feel describing america as tolerant of others with different beliefs or lifestyles. Our survey found 35 of americans say it does not describe america very well. What advice do you have for people who are trying to have conversations, sometimes difficult conversations, with people with whom they do not agree . First, listen and understand the claim that they use. If you dont understand a word, ask them what they mean by the word. Then once youve figured out what the final claim that they have, ask how they got to that conclusion. And once you figure out how they got to the conclusion, ask them if theres any evidence that would change their mind. Once you do that you situated the discussion in terms of, oh, thats what it would take to change your mind and then you can have a more productive conversation. Peter, what if you find the person having the conversation with is making an argument thats rooted in nonsense, and by that i mean if someone reaches a conclusion, and thats their opinion, but theyve reached this conclusion and its rooted in things that theyre trying to pass off as fact but in fact its just their opinion that theyre disguising as fact . Well, then you ask what can i provide you with and not saying i could provide you with it but what could i provide you with that would change your mind . There are only a few things people can say, they can say nothing, they can give you evidence, or they can give you something thats totally out in left field. If somebody says well, this is what it would take then you have that discussion. If someone says, like you just said in your previous segment about gun control, there is no evidence that would change my mind about gun control then the response is you dont formulate that belief on the basis of evidence. What it means to have a belief on the basis of evidence is that some new piece of evidence could come in that would cause you to change your mind. At its best social media connects people whove never been connected. At its worst its an equichamber for like minded beliefs. How do we transform our experience on social media and break out of our bubbles . Most people dont post on social media because they want an intelligent, thoughtful conversation. They post because they want their views confirmed. So i think a key fact to realize is that you dont owe anybody an explanation on social media. You can post something on social media, and there is so many bad faith actors that you have to reflect and ask yourself why are you posting on social media . Do you want your belief confirmed or do you want an honest conversation . And its very difficult to have an honest conversation, particularly on twitter, that lends itself to its like a cesspool that follows you. Youre right about people simply wanting their world view confirmed on social media. Really quickly before i let you go, in terms of where we are right now in this country with regards to civility, or lack thereof, do you think weve reached the bottom, or do you think this is a pendulum that swings back the other way soon . That is a terrific question. Ive passed the point of concern, and im into the point of worry. I dont know that. But what i do know is that unless we Start Talking to each other we are not going to solve our problems. We have very significant problems. And calling somebody problems. Calling somebody a name is not the way to have a productive conversation. We need to be civil. People dont have that modeled for them in the universities, outside the universities. There was the whole 2017 punching a nazi. We need to move away from that and toward talking to each other. Were all americans. We all have ecological concerns, concerns with of tpoverty, with homelessness, with guns. It sounds like a fascinating read. Certainly a book that we should be reading right now in these times. It is one of the most devastating environmental disasters in recent history, the flint water crisis. Now more than five years later were learning about a stunning new challenge families there are dealing with. Tunning new challenge families there are dealing with man hey. Go home. woman banjo sorry, it wont happen again. Come on, lets go home. After 10 years, weve covered a lot of miles. Good thing i got a subaru. man looks like you got out again, huh, banjo. avo love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. door bell rings its ohey. This is amazing. 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With humira, control is possible. Red lobsters endless shrimp is back for just 15. 99. Get all the shrimp you want, any way you want em. Like new srirachahoney shrimp, savory grilled teriyaki shrimp, classic shrimp scampi and more red lobsters endless shrimp is 15. 99. Hurry in. Cool is in full swing for flint, michigan, students. In the classroom theres a new challenge for families dealing with the fallout from lead poisoned water. A new study found 1 in 5 student s in flint Public Schools are eligible for special education. That is 50 more than before the flint water crisis started. I know you went and spent some time with families in flint. Right. What did you learn about this connection between the water crisis and special Education Needs . Health experts say lead exposure is toxic for everyone but they say children are at a Greater Health risk because they absorb the lead into their bodies more easily. Lead exposure in children with permanently lower iq and create behavioral problems. I think the full toll of this flint water crisis is now becoming clear given that the number of children in flint Public Schools needing special education has skyrocketed. This 12yearold was once a star student, excelling in reading and math but not anymore. My learning has been slowed. I forget things a lot. Hes among the thousands of children in flint, michigan, poisoned with water. The flint water crisis began in 2014 when lead leeched into the citys water supply. Children drank and bathed in the toxic water for a year and a half before local officials acknowledged the problem. Five years later, the crisis is taking a different form. The percentage of flint children now needing special Education Services has jumped 56 , according to state data. And the Public School system is overwhelmed. Lack of special education teachers, lack of counselors, lack of school psychologists, lack of trained certified behavior interventionists. Im not a scientist. I just know my kid isnt getting it at these flint schools. You shouldnt have to fight for a School System to do what they should. Her 6yearold son max has autism. Maxine says the lead poisoning making his behavioral issues worse. She says she fought months to get the educational support her son needs. There are really great people that work inside the schools that care. My main frustration has been with the administration. We tried to talk to the superintendent of flint schools, dr. Derrick lopez but he didnt respond to our repeated requests for an interview. Hes not willing to speak with us . Hes in a meeting the rest of the day. Im angry that our kids are still going through this five years later. Arianas youngest son is bearing the burden. I dont like that water. Why not . Its nasty water in flint. Have you ever thought about moving . At the end of the day why not stay home and continue to fight for what you believe in. This is what i believe in. This is my home. One of the takeaways here is that here we are 5 years after the water crisis began and people there say they still do not use the water coming out out of their taps. The other thing that we learned is that the effects of lead poisoning on kids is irreversible and untreatable. Now the focus is managing the effects and getting these kids the help they desperately need and deserve. Thank you. As World Leaders descend on new york city, one of them king abd abdullah next. Them king abd abdullah next. Boost glucose con. The patented blend of protein, fat, and carbs is part of a balanced formula thats clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels. In fact, it provides 60 more protein than the leading diabetes nutrition shake and contains only 1 carb choice. 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The most common side effect is nausea. Talk to your doctor about chantix. music plays throughout hey. You must be stevens phone. Now you can know whos on your network and control who shouldnt be, only with xfinity xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Andrea mitchell reports live in new york. Good to see you. Live right here. Great to see you, craig. Thank you. Right now, can you hear me now . President trump admitting he did raise the issue of joe biden and his son in that july call with ukraines new president. But the president

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