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One. It would appear as if his job is safe for the time being according to the president. Also President Trumps opinions on democratic talk of impeachment of Brett Kavanaugh. Ive got a team in place to break this down. Rick tyler, an analyst, amber phillips, a reporter for the washington post. Let us start with jeff bennett at the white house. What else did we hear from the white house . Reporter lets pick up where the president left off. You talked about Rod Rosenstein. Testifies the focus of the New York Times story. It was reported that Rod Rosenstein questioned the president s fitness for office. Also wondered aloud about wearing a wire to secretly record the president. The meeting was supposed to have a meeting. It was said then that he would wait until he came back to the white house for the two of them to meet in person. Then there was a Brett Kavanaugh situation. The president said he didnt want to do anything that would call into question kavanaughs ultimate confirmation. Now it appears Rod Rosenstein and President Trump are having the meeting weve been tracking for weeks. Theyre going to talk aboard air force one. The president suggested the two of them have a great relationship. President trump told Kristen Welker he has no plans to fire Rod Rosenstein. Watch this space for that. On Brett Kavanaugh, the president has already previewed what his midterm message is going to be on Brett Kavanaugh. Hes suggesting that the way that democrats have comported themselves and handled this confirmation process to this point, that is emblematic of how democrats are going to act if they win the house and the senate. And in a Midterm Election where you have the persuadable share of voters on the decline, its really all about getting the Party Faithful out to vote. Trump knows where his base is and what they want to hear. Everything well hear from him today in florida, later in ohio, pennsylvania, kentucky, is all about getting those Trump Supporters out to the polls to counteract any democratic enthusiasm, the antitrump fervor weve seen so far. Rick tyler, the president essentially echoing a sentiment we heard over the weekend from Mitch Mcconnell and other republican leaders. This idea that democrats have essentially helped energize the Republican Base ahead of the midterms. Do you share that sentiment . Craig, you know im not an apologist for the president or the gop. But yes, i think the president is exactly right. I think what theyve done, this spectacle over the last few weeks has reminded people. Its energized the trump base and also energized a voter block who is conservative and republican, but doesnt necessarily like trump. And theyre looking for a governing alternative. The Republican Party is the governing party. They have the majority in the house and the senate and the white house. Theyre looking for an alternative governing party and the way the democrats comported themselves, id say with the exception of one senator on the Judiciary Committee was abysmal. Amber, this idea that democrats have talked about, some of them at least, this idea of impeaching Brett Kavanaugh. This is what senator chris coons said on meet the press. The House Democrats that are talking about reinvestigating kavanaugh if they get control of the house possibly looking at impeachment. What do you make of those pledges coming from some House Democrats . I think thats premature. Theres only been one justice impeached. I think talking about it at this point isnt necessarily healing us and moving us forward. Amber, is senator coons going to win that debate . Gosh, well see. We already have House Democrats who would be leaders in the kinds of committees that would lead these impeachment proceedings talking about investigations into kavanaugh, like whether he lied in his testimony and looking into some of the accusations they felt the fbi didnt dig into. We have nancy pelosi trying to get a copy of this fbi report and potentially release it. So while i see on one hand Democratic Leaders like nancy pelosi hesitant to talk about impeachment with regard to trump, i see them on the other hand like being okay, talking about investigations with regard to kavanaugh which to the Democratic Base is a proxy for trump right now. John meacham friday you said to me here on this program that this would be an Oil Painting Moment for politicians ahead of the kavanaugh confirmation, but especially Susan Collins. They shouldnt be overconcerned about the news cycle. The majority leader, they should worry about, your words, the verdict of history. How do you think history is going to regard the senator from maine in that moment . As someone who chose Party Loyalty over arguably what a lot of people thought the conscientious decision would be. The thing ant conscientious decisions is people can come to different answers. What i think is it was not the judge kavanaugh that we saw in the hearings even before the allegations of misconduct came up. She was offering a vision of a very centrist judge, if you listen to her speech, and sort of a main republican as opposed to a very conservative jurist who is going to be part of a conservative majority if, in fact, that coalesces. And so were going to be able to make this judgment quite easily in the coming years. Is the judge kavanaugh who has become Justice Kavanaugh going to be an institutionalist who decides things on the facts, or is he going to be more of an idiolog, and well know soon enough. Geoff, for our viewers and listeners who might just be joining us. President trump a few moments ago talked about this idea of impeachment. Did he not . He did. And look, i have to tell you i was talking with a republican source who advises the white house on electoral politics. I asked the question, this is a president who said there were good people on both sides of the charlottesville issues. How do you think its going to be a message that sells. The response was the strategy already worked for us once. Remember, the president really employed this us versus them dynamic in 2016 painting his suppo suppor supporters as the forgotten men and women. The frame hes using now is hes trying to paint kavanaugh as one of us. Right . And that is what hes been selling on the stump. If democrats get control of the house and senate, theyre going to try to impeach kavanaugh and come after one of us. Take a look at what he had to say earlier on the south lawn. Ive been hearing that now theyre thinking about impeaching a brilliant jurist, a man that did nothing wrong, a man that was caught up in a hoax, that was set up by the democrats. Using the democrats lawyers, and now they want to impeach him. Ive heard this from many people. I think its an insult to the american public. And i think youre going to see a lot of things happen on november 6th that would not have happened before. So quick fact check. Our friends on the hill would know this. I cant count one democratic senator who is actively talking about impeaching Brett Kavanaugh. This is something that works for President Trump, and he is se e certainly going to say it a lot more this week. I think youre right. We have a preview of not just the four or five days but probably the next 29 days there, rick tyler. Did he just get a window into the political strategy that republicans are going to be employing ahead of the midterms . I do. And look,ed a ler, the incoming house judiciary chairman, nancy pelosi should approach him today and say if you push this impeachment, ill deny you the chairmanship. We dont want to look at every person who has ever testified in front of the committee and have it investigated about what they said in the committee. We do not want to be that kind of a country. And i agree with john meacham. We dont know how judge kavanaugh would be. I see him as a mainstream judge. He hasnt heard a single case. He hasnt written a single opinion. The legislatimacy of the court not in question in my mind. I cant imagine a scenario where one judge is going to make the legitimacy of the court unless you want to make the legitimacy of the court hinge upon things you dont agree with. The republicans are in the majority in the senate and the president is a republican. They get to choose their judge. The democrats are upset about it. The way theyve conducted this hearing, i think is going to backfire. John meacham, before i let you get out of here, without a doubt one person bigger than Brett Kavanaugh, taylor swift. In the word over the past 48 hours that the music star has decided to wade into politics. Shes endorsing two democrats there in your state in tennessee. One running for the senate. One running for the house. Both democrats. What are people in the volunteer state saying about taylor swift . Well, i think the striking thing here is it shows how close and how personal the senate race here has become. We have a moderate former democratic governor who is very popular. Helped build a remarkable prosperity, particularly in the central part of the state who has been running as an antischumer tennessee democrat who is going to agree with trump where he needs to, disagree where he needs to, and marsha blackbu blackburn, a republican congresswoman all in for President Trump. Its an interesting referendum on both the National Question and the local question. And what i think you saw, i dont know, obviously, miss swip swift. I think what youre seeing here is perhaps her reaction to the drama in washington, and realizing that this is a place where she could perhaps put her help and put her thumb on the scale, because that would be a gain in the senate for the republicans. Thats bob corkers seat. Hes stepping down. The chairman of the Senate Foreign relations committee. Whats fascinating to me about this, not only because its my state, but tennessee like the country in many ways, big parts of the country, has had a tradition of being more in the center than to the right. Particularly in statewide elections. Al gore was our senator for a long time. Corker and alexander and baker are people who have made certainly right of center but sensib sensible figures and not ferocious partisans. We have a ferocious partisan in blackbu blackburn, and i think the swift news was you know what . We just saw for two weeks we have a tutorial in how every vote in every election in the senate matters. And i think thats part of the Energy Behind this. You have to wonder, though, whether there is any one who might be on the fence there in tennessee who follows taylor swift on instagram who thought to themselves you know what . Taylor swift is backing the democrats, im backing the democrats now. Maybe there is someone out there that is being moved. What, amber . Phil said he would have voted for kavanaugh to get to the court, so i hope taylor swift knows that. Thank you, amber. Thank you john. Rick, always good to have you. Mr. Bennett, thank you for your work at the white house. We have more breaking news this morning. The east coast is now bracing for yet another major storm. Tropical storm michael has just been upgraded to a hurricane. It happened minutes ago. Michael gaining strength as it heads for the florida panhandle. Rick scott has declared a state of emergency for 26 counties in preparation of the storm calling it, quote, life threatening and extremely dangerous. Michelle grossman has been tracking the storm. She joins me with the latest. I know moments ago we got this latest track update. Yes and more information that came into the National Hurricane center at 11 00. Now a category 1 storm is expected to become a major storm and could make land fall along the gulf coast as a category 3 storm. Let me show you what were seeing. Heres what it looks like on satellite. You see the darker colors and reds indicating a stock storm. Higher cloud tops. The cloud over parts of mexico and extending to parts of florida. Watches in place. We expect this to be upgraded to warnings later on today. Where you see the pink, thats your hurricane watch. The yellow, your Tropical Storm watch. And that just means we expect the conditions to arise. When we see the warnings, we are seeing them at that moment. This is the latest category 1 storm. 75 Miles Per Hour winds. It will strengthen as it moves to the warm waters of the gulf. We expect it to make land fall as a category 3 storm. Something close well watch. Thank you. Me too. Now what . Ill talk to the founder of the me too movement about whether she would use kavanaughs confirmation as a setback or rallying cry. Plus trump on the stump. He has a big week. Rallies in four states. Will democrats be able to match his energy . Ill talk to a former Senior Adviser to former president obama about that and the kavanaugh court. Now that he is confirmed, what are the first big cases Brett Kavanaugh will have a say on . Nothing says fall like a homecoming football game, so lets promote our fall travel deal on choicehotels. Com like this. Touchdown. Earn a free night when you stay just twice this fall. Or, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com i couldnt catch my breath. It was the last song of the night. 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I believed that a Sexual Assault had happened to her. What i think shes mistaken about is who the perpetrator was. I do not believe her assailant was Brett Kavanaugh. Thats despite dr. Ford dispelling the idea of mistaken identity when she testified. Dr. Ford, with what degree of certainty do you believe Brett Kavanaugh assaulted you . 100 . We have the founder of the me too movement. Always good to have you. Thanks for coming in. Lets start with Susan Collins. Were you surprised to hear that from a republican senator who is a female . Im surprised to hear it from anybody who listened to dr. Blasey ford testify last week. I cant believe that she would say that shes mistaken about her assay lent. Thats the one thing that we are as survivors, never really mistaken by. When we look them in their face. I want to get your take on something while youre hear. Its been one year since metoo gained national attention. This idea that the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation is a setback. Do you see it as a setback or steppingstone or do you see it as being unrelated . Its related. I dont see it as a setback. People need to understand what movements are. Right . This is a long fight. Sexual violence is pervasive and the depth and breadth of what is done in this country, we have not even begun to unpack. Him being confirmed is unfortunate, and for those of us fighting to stop the confirmation, its not a win. But for the movement, survivors have been galvanized and those who support us and allies have been galvanized around the country around this issue. I think it has given us an opportunity to show that survivors are more than just a group of people that are pitied. We are a power base. Do you think his confirmation makes it less likely that assault victims are l speak out . No. I think that dr. Blasey ford coming forth in a way she did so courageous and just so honest in her testimony will help people to understand that the outcome may not always be what you want, but there is still power in coming forward and giving voice to your accusations. North Dakota Republican senate candidates, a guy named kevin kramer. Right now hes leading by at last check about 12 points. He was talking about the me too movement in the New York Times. He said in part, invoking his wife, daughters, mother and motherinlaw, mr. Kramer said they cannot understand this Movement Toward victimization. They are pioneers of the pray ri. These are tough people whose grandparents were tough and great grandparents were tough. Do you think the me too movement, does it resonate the same in major metropolitan areas like new york city, like chicago, like boston . Does it resonate the same way in places like that as it does in other parts of the country . Is there some sort of geographic divide . I cant imagine theres a geographic divide. This is about peoples personal relationships to Sexual Violence. This is one man speaking about the geography that he covers or the people in his community. But id like to talk to the mothers and the sisters and the women in that community and see if they say the same thing. Theres not victimization. This is a Movement Toward survivorship. Were not turning people into victims. These are people who once may have felt like victims who see there are millions of people around just like them, and we stand together as survivors. Theres no turning people into victims here. You wrote a piece recently for variety where you talked about something we talked about as well, perhaps more off camera than on. But you talked about the need to shift the focus of the movement away from hollywood and the accused. Do you believe this focus on hollywood and famous people who have been accused, do you believe its hurt the movement . Do you believe that it may have hurt professor ford to a certain extent . I think it has been a setback for the movement. So many people like, the fact that me too is a thing is because everyday people use the hash tag. If this was really about what happened to harvey weinstein, wed be calling this the Ronan Ferrell effect. But this is more than that. What happened happened with harvey weinstein, and then everyday people were moved to say you know what . This has happened to me too. Whats happened over the last year is that major Media Outlets havent focussed on the people who have said me too. Theres been so much focus on individual bad actors an individuals in hollywood that everyday people whose lives have been opened up have no recourse and have no resources. And we keep coming back to the stories of these big large figures. Were not really talking about the everyday people, or the systems of power and privilege that allows Sexual Violence to happen in their lives. Why do you think that is . Do you think its journalists being attracted to the shiny object . I do. Or being lazy . Well, now, thats your words. Im not calling all journalists lazy. But what i am saying is that there is a cycle of how we love salacious gossipy headline. We love celebrity and things that make big headlines. This is my thing. As a human being if you saw a hash tag affected 12 Million People in 24 hours, thats the reality. 12 Million People engaged with this hash tag in 24 hours after it went viral on just facebook alone. Where are the headlines that say how has Sexual Violence affected our country . Whats happening in the country that so many peoples lives have been affected by that . We havent seen that. Always enjoy your insight and perspective. Thank you so much. Thank you. President trump rallying crowds in four states fresh off his Supreme Court win. Moments ago the president saying he thinks that democrats will come out and vote in november for republicans. Stop laughing. I also talked to one of president obamas former top advisers. How will democrats harness the energy in the base and translate it into votes after obamas big campaign splash . Will he get back on the trail soon . Trail soon george woke up in pain. But he has plans today. Hey dad. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. California had the worst wildfire season on record. Scientists say, our weather is becoming more extreme and we all have to be better prepared. Thats why pg e is adopting new and additional safety precautions to help us monitor and respond to dangerous weather. Hi, im allison bagley, a meteorologist with pg es Community Wildfire Safety Program. Were working now, to enhance our weather forecasting capabilities, building a network of new weather stations to identify when and where extreme wildfire conditions may occur, so we can respond faster and better. Were installing Cutting Edge Technology to provide realtime mapping and tracking of weather patterns. And we use this information in partnership with First Responders and californias Emergency Response systems. To learn more about the Community Wildfire Safety Program and how you can help keep your home and community safe, visit pge. Com wildfiresafety in the last hour President Trump left the white house on his way to give a speech in florida. The president as he was departing a few minutes ago was asked about the democrats and the kavanaugh confirmation process. The things they said about him, i dont even think he ever heard of the words. It was all made up. It was fabricated. And its a disgrace. And i think its going to really show you something come november 6th. I want to bring in ben roads, former deputy of national securitiedy adviser to presiden obama. Good to have you. Good to be with you. Lets start with your reaction to President Trump there on the lawn. Well, i think it just shows you how dishonest their initial comments were after dr. Ford came forward. When they were bending backwards to say they wanted to hear from her. Now you have people like senator collins saying well, she was sexually assaulted but it doesnt by kavanaugh. With no basis for her to make that assertion. Now President Trump is essentially insulting every survivor by saying it was made up. Hes showing his true colors. Mitch mcconnell appeared to be absolutely giddy tund sunday terms of his political victory. Take a listen. Ironically the behavior of the first democrats on the senate Judiciary Committee and the overreach of the protesters at the capital have energized the Republican Base in the red states where were trying to pick up seats across america. I want to thank the other side for the tactics that have allowed us to kind of energize and get involved our own voters. What do you say to that . Did democrats at all overplay their hand over the kavanaugh confirmation . Do you foresee any sort of negative impact here in 29 days during the mid terps . No. They assert this is good for them politically and is going to lead to a great outcome. They hope the media will create a sense of momentum and cover that. The fact is number one, the Midterm Elections are always dominated by the energy in opposition to the party that is in power. That is donald trump. And thats not going to change because of whats happened. But second and more importantly here, its important democratic voters feel like their energized to come out and vote for democrats. If the democrats are trying to tack themselves off the republicans and have a National Message designed at protects one red state senate race, theyre not going to energize the base to take back the house. Thats the main event in the Midterm Election. I think the fact that democrats supported survivors and held kavanaugh to account and frankly revealed him to be the rabid partisan he is is what voters need to see to get energized to come out and vote for democrats because they want a different alternative to President Trump or they want to make sure theres a check in a divided government. Ben, your old boss, barack obama, he was supposed to be the not to secret weapon in midterms. He hit the trail in september. Last week he announced a list of endorsements in 29 states. We havent seen him or heard from him recently. Whens he getting back out there . Hell be doing events for a bunch of the different candidates. Frankly where he can really help is in turn out. What he can do to help turn out the kind of people who voted for him, younger voters, african americans, thats what youll see him focussed on around the country. We learned before the broadcast that former president bill clinton and his wife, Hillary Clinton, theyre apparently taking their act on the road. Join president bill clinton and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton in an up close and personal live event. First event slated for november 18th. Right call, ben, for the clintons to wait until after the midterms . Yeah. I think so. I mean, extraordinary respect for them. The challenge is that the republicans like nothing more than to have a dynamic where theyre running against the clintons. So i think its you can see that they wanted the focus between now and the midterms to be on the midterms and then theyll turn to this road show theyre going to have after. Another big name putting her voice in the political arena today. Perhaps youve heard, ben, taylor swift. Taylor swift decided to wade into politics. This is the instagram feed in the past. Ive been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years i feel very differently about this now. I cannot vote for someone who will not be willing to fight for dignity for all americans no matter the skin color, gender or who they love. Swift, of course, critical of Tennessee Republican Marsha Blackburn in a tight race for the senate seat. How big of a deal is this taylor swift story, ben . Do we think taylor swift is going to move the needle in tennessee . I dont think so. I dont think one celebrity makes that big a difference. What i do think it might represent, though, thats more important, is women voters. You know, younger women voters turning out in bigger numbers. Frankly, white women swung the election to donald trump in 2016. And contrary to what Mitch Mcconnell is saying and playing some kind of washington parlor game, i think you see in the number of people running who are women on the democratic side, the survivors who are coming forward, the womens march. I think we could be surprised at the scale of the turnout among women including younger women in this country in the Midterm Elections. I think its more interesting to me that shes coming forward as a woman and making those points than coming forward as a celebrity. Because i think thats part of the trend were seeing in our national politics. For those of you keeping track at home, ben rhodes covered taylor swift, the clintons, president obama, and Brett Kavanaugh as well. Good to have you, my renaissance man. Thank you. Thanks a lot. The kavanaugh court. Well take a look at the courts docket for Brett Kavanaughs first week on the job. As we go to break here, Meghan Mccain making her emotional return to the view. A short time ago, a month and a half after her father passed away. He believed in american exceptionalism. He believed america is the greatest country in the history of the world. Me believed that when your candidates opponent says something racist in a rally, you push back. That is john mccain. And that is what america is. But when you have high Blood Pressure and need Cold Medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. Coricidin hbp is the 1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your Blood Pressure. Coricidin hbp. Billions of problems. Sore gums . Bleeding gums . Painful flossing . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath healthy gums oral rinse fights gingivitis and plaque and prevents gum disease for 24 hours. So you can. Breathe easy, theres therabreath at walmart. About medicare and supplemental insurance. 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To preview the next term in Justice Kavanaughs role on it, lets bring in our guy who knows the high court better than just about anybody. Pete williams. Whats on the docket for tomorrow . Whats on the docket for the term . Well, for tomorrow two cases that probably wouldnt get a lot of attention if it were not for the fact that it will be his first day. The Supreme Court is often called upon to define what congress meant when it wrote the armed career criminal act that said you can get a longer prison sentence if you committed a violence crime in your string of three strikes. And we see the cases all the time. These are technical statutory interpretation cases. Thats going to be a couple of technical cases tuesday and wednesday both. And twoweek break. And then some time for Justice Kavanaugh to settle in during this lowkey start to the term. Now, before its over, though, the court may add some controversial cases to the docket. One of them asks whether the federal civil rights law that bans job discrimination on the basis of sex also applies to sexual orientation. Theres another case that could test the limit between the wall between church and state. Much has been made of kavanaughs temperament after his display at the confirmation hearing. Do we think there is going to be any carryover of fact to the high court . Do we think that Justice Kavanaughs presentation there is in any way, shape, or form, going to effect how the other justices interact with him . No, i dont think so. Number one, many of them, most of them already know him. Some have worked with him. One brought him in to teach at harvard. His court where hes been an Appeals Court judge is a couple blocks down the street. Many of his former clerks being Supreme Court clerks. Hes a known quantity. But the second thing is this. They do all tend to pull together. They have to give with each other. Theyre going to be around deciding cases for years to come. The third factor is you cant win unless you have five votes. If youre a justice on the Supreme Court and trying to get other justices to go along with you, everyone is a potential ally. Not a court a lot of Court Watchers are buzzing about gamble versus u. S. Because kavanaugh will have a chance to hear a legal argument that they say could widen the president s pardon power. Thats a bit of a bank shot. Stay with me on this. You know that theres a constitutional provision against double jeopardy that says you cant be tried for the same crime twice. However, for well over 100 years the Supreme Court has said that you can be tried once in state court and again in federal court for the same offense because those are two separate sovereigns, two separate governments and doing that twice doesnt violate double jeopardy. So if this prisoner wins who was convicted of basically the same crime in two courts and that basically added to his sentence, if he wins, and the Supreme Court overturns years of precedent and says you cant be convicted, tried for the same crime twice, it would undercut the ability of states to charge people in the Trump Administration who could otherwise be pardoned if they were tried and convicted in federal court, or lets say someone is tried and convicted in federal court, the state could still try them because the president s pardon power only applies to federal court. Thats why it involves the Trump Administration. Pete williams walking us through the weeds there very well. Thank you, pete. All righty. Marketing the myth. Well talk to the reporter behind the piece about the president s taxes and about where the story goes next. Lets take a look at some numbers 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom. Is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and Heart Disease . 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And my brother ray and i started searching for answers. vo when its time to navigate inhome care, follow that bright star. Because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. And brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan that evolves with moms changing needs. woman because dad made us promise wed keep mom at home. vo call 8444brightstar for your free home Care Planning guide. The New York Times has republished the detailed look at the financial history of the trump family. The piece undercuts a key assertion of President Trumps perso persona that hes a selfmade billionaire. It was financed by his father, fred trump. Trump receiving money from his fathers empire starting when he was toddler and continuing to this day. And that, President Trump participated in tax schemes in the 1990s including instances of outright fraud that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents. The president , his attorney and his brother have denied the allegations. The report and the work of the Investigative Team are the subject of a new documentary on show time which premiered last night. Nbc news has not verified the reporting. Suzanne thomas is one of the reporters who broke the story and she joins me. The immediate results of your story was this new York State Tax Authority looking into the allegations now. From your reporting, do you have a sense of where state authorities might be focusing . I think were still in pretty early days in the city. Theyre going to look both at the allegations of fraud that we had in the story and some i think pretty basic things like was enough property tax paid on certain things . Was enough transfer tax paid on things . I think theyre going to be right now culling through documents to see what dou documentation is there and starting with base taxes is where youll see it go. Remark ablepiece of investigative journalism. What stood out to you most during the course of your research and reporting . I mean, one of the main things was just the amount of cash that fred trump, Donald Trumps father, was sitting on late in life. He had these buildings worth hundreds of millions of dollars, in queens in brooklyn. He also hundreds of millions of dollars, but he also had a lot of cash and how the children late in life devised a scheme to get his empire to them without paying the 55 gift tax. Thats kind of the broad things that came across, because it was the most startling, but also all through trumps life, all the streams of revenue he created in order to get money to his children over their lifetimes. Do you think that we will ever see the president s personal income tax returns . I have to hope we will. Im surprised in a way that we havent. Why are you surprised . I think people theres a huge demand for them. They have gone through hopefully enough hands that someone will talk. I just keep hoping every day someone will wake up and get a fairly large trove of his documents, his tax documents. I guess i just sort of have a belief that it will happen. You sound likes youre disappoint disappointed. What we were table to distill about donald trump from those documents was to me remarkable and just to think what we could do if we had access to Donald Trumps tax returns, what we could pull out from that, would be amazing. Like i hope one day it happens. I hope we get it. But i hope they come out. Its a fascinating documentary as well. Thank you, thanks for your time. I hope youll come back. And we will be right back with a story that will make you start your week with a smile. Its a man whos charting his own course around the base path. A lot of times in life i have been told no you cant do this, no youre not able, no, its not possible. But i can tell you with the right support and the right opportunities, you can really go anywhere. In session. In session. And. 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Well, the highstakes battle to become the world series champion is well under way in major league baseball. You wont see them playing in any stadiums or getting massive signing bonuses. But what you will find are some of the most devoted players youll ever meet. And we met one player who has a passion for the game that matches any in the big leagues. They gather on a dusty ball field, and there are hits, runs, definitely some errors. But what sets this game apart is what the players bring to it. Most of the players have special needs. I was diagnosed with ought sic autism at the age of 4. Hes not just a player, hes a coach, hes the commissioner, and hes also the founder of the alternative baseball organization. When did you fall in love with the family . I fell in love with it around the time that i was 4 and 5. Reporter taylor wanted to play ball, but some coaches wouldnt let him. It was basically win at all costs, and once he knew that i had autism, he basically wanted me to quit the team. Reporter most people would have given up, but most people arent taylor. He started his own league for players like this. It seems like this is about more than just baseball. Its more than just about the sport of baseball itself, being americas pastime, but it can grow character, it can grow social skills. The unpredictability of this sport can teach people how to deal with special situations in life. Now he coaches one of the other teams in this growing league. When they first came, we started them off hitting on a tee. Now we can pitch them overhand. We might not be able to throw them 80 or 90 miles an hour. All these kids are like sons to me and thats what gets here. Reporter whats your favorite part . Probably hitting and pitching. Reporter i hear youre a pretty good pitcher. Uhhuh, yeah. Reporter taylor would be the first tell to you that it would not have been possible without the love and support of his mother, cindy. What has it been like rearing a child with autism . Really hard. His dad and i separated before he was the age of 4 a. It seems to be paying off, though . It is paying off, where hes come from and where hes at. Youve come a long way for a kid that couldnt be accepted in a Little League team. I can tell you with the right support and the right opportunities, you can really go anywhere. Where taylor is happiest, its on a baseball diamond. Have you ever seen one of those coaches that wouldnt let you play on that team . No, but i would like to see their face when they see me on the today show. I enjoyed my time with taylor, and his friends and his mom there as well. Taylor, good luck to you. By the way, he plans on expanding that league around the country and ive got no doubt he will be successful. My friend and colleague Andrea Mitchell is standing by because. Supreme battling the way they tortured him and his family, i thought it was a disgrace. I thought it was one of the most disgraceful performances i have ever seen. I think that the politically expedient vote here was a yes vote. Why not, then . Because this isnt about politics, this is about a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court. Bench pressed. Two days after Brett Kavanaghs swearing in, the president takes a victory lap in prime time tonight at the white house. And the critical vote, senator Susan Collins explains why she voted yet. I believed that a Sexual Assault had happened to her. What i think shes mistaken about is who the perpetrator was. I do

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