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Trump and obama administrations appeared before separate congressional hearings answering tough, often partisan questions, about the russian influence into the election. The testimony comes on the heals of a Washington Post report confirmed by nbc news that president asked two of his top intel officials to push back publicly on the fbi probe. Basically sources say President Trump wanted them to tell the world that there was no there there. Both officials happen to be scheduled to testify today. The nsas Admiral Mike Rogers testifies in a few hours. Director of National Intelligence dan coats testified a short time ago. Asked about the story, coats would neither confirm nor deny the report. I have always believed that given the nature of my position and the information in which we share its not appropriate for me to comment publicly on any of that, so on this topic as well as other topics, i dont feel its appropriate to characterize discussions and conversations with the president. Over in the house, formeria director James Brennan was repeatedly quizzed by republicans about whether there was specific evidence of collusion. Did evidence exist of collusion, coordination, conspiracy, between the Trump Campaign and russian state actors at the time you learned of 2016 efforts . I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between russian officials and u. S. Persons involved in the Trump Campaign. I dont know whether or not such collusion, and thats your term, such collusion, existed. I dont know. But i know that there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation by the bureau to determine whether or not u. S. Persons were actively conspiring, colluding with russian officials. Joining me now, nbcs mike vig kyra, mike miller who covers security for the Washington Post, james a former admiral and supreme allied commander of nato and Nbcs Kelly Odonnell in jerusalem wrapping up the president s visit there. Mike, lets start with you, what did we learn from the hearings . Well, it was an extraordinary day of testimony and more yet t come as you point out, katie, w will hear from the chief othe nsa, Admiral Mike Rogers, in a couple hours. But officials both past and present of the Intelligence Community testifying at the same time here on capitol hill, you heard from the former senator current director of National Intelligence dan coats neither confirming nor denying that Washington Post story confirmed by nbc news, but really more explosive and in depth testimony from john brennan, the longtime cia man, a top official in the obama white house, the chief or the top official on Counterterrorism Operations and then, of course, finishing the obama term as the director of Central Intelligence at the cia. Brazenly interfered, did russia, with the u. S. Election, according to john brennan. Contacts and interactions, under pressure from trey gowdy and other republicans between russian officials and quote unquote u. S. Persons he refused to name in an open hearing in the Trump Administration. He says, the intel was worthy of investigation and on that question of collusion, you heard him say that when he left office on Inauguration Day on january 20th he was unsure whether that collusion had actually taken place. Again there was intel worthy of investigation by the fbi. Now, on the question of leaks, one area where republicans, democrats and john brennan were all in agreement, that the leaks that are coming from the white house, about the most intimate and private conversations President Trump is having with both officials within the white house and foreign officials like Sergey Lavrov are incredibly damaging to National Security. Mike, thank you. Greg, lets talk about what the white house would call those leaks. News that the president tried to talk to a couple of his intel officials and try to get them to push back on the news that fbi was investigating russia, were going to hear from Admiral Mike Rogers in a couple hours when he testifies in front of congress. He wrote a memo on this. What is it likely to reveal . Are we likely to get any information about that memo in this hearing . Well, i guess well have to see whether hes willing to acknowledge this in open session. The problem for Senior Intelligence officials is putting him on the spot publicly, disclosing their interactions with their number one customer, the president , even when that customer is donald trump. So that is why coats today refused to do that, refused to comment one way or another. Here at the post we regard it as confirmation. Why did you regard it as confirmation. Hes not knocking this down or willing to discuss it and i think were pretty confident in our sourcing including multiple conversations with the office of the director of National Intelligence over the past 24 hours, that our story holds up. And greg, walk us through the timeline. The timeline of those contacts . Exactly. This is happening right after the fbi director, james comey, issues a sort of bombshell, his first appearance in which he acknowledges there is an fbi investigation into Trump Associates and russia. We all suspected that but before comey said it nobody at his level had acknowledged it existed. Immediately after that trump is meeting with others and calling rogers, meets with coats in the white house, calls rogers on the phone, trying to enlist them to help him knock down that assertion by the fbi director. And admiral, the fact that they were writing these memos, both comey and now reportedly coats, and reportedly mike rogers, is that in itself a partisan act by them . Can republicans argue that this was their attempt to try and set a trap for the president . Well, good to be with you on such a slow news day, katie. I would call it an act of selfpreservation. I think anybody in the Current Situation in washington, has an obligation to themselves to kind of document their inner actions and i think thats appropriate. A number of people keep journals, other people write memos. If youre going to have to go back and reconstruct a conversation a month later a year later, under oath, it behoove anybody to have a pretty good record of that conversation. Mike, the president , had that conversation with russian officials in the oval offices. Weve heard him bring it up yesterday in israel saying he didnt speak about israel. James brennan was asked about this and asked whether this violated any protocols, what was his answer . Hes very concerned. As a matter of fact, a term that he used was appalling. Again, thats a sentiment that is shared by republicans, the one area where they had agreement, you see here under close questioning he responded to those concerns from republicans. If the reports in the press are true that mr. Trump decided to spontaneously share some intelligence with the russians i think he would haveasically violated two protocols and those two protocols, are, one is that such intelligence, classified intelligence, is not shared with visiting foreign ministers, local ambassadors. Its shared through intelligence channels because it needs to be handled the right way. Before sharing classified intelligence with foreign partners it needs to go back to the originating agency to make sure the language in it is not providing a substance going to reveal source, methods and compromise the future collection capability. You see john brennan talking about the classified information allegedly devujed by the president to Sergey Lavrov and concerned that interaction leaked into the press to begin with. One other thing that was interesting, he contacted the head of the russian fsb Security Services over the summer and demanded they essentially knock it off, knock off their interference in u. S. Elections, the fsb chief denied it was even happening. Katie. Greg, the republicans on that panel kept trying to get brennan to confirm or deny whether or not he saw evidence of collusion or coordination between the Trump Campaign or Trump Officials or anybody in trumps orbit and the russians, and he kept saying he hasnt seen evidence. He deals with intelligence. Explain the difference. Well, i mean theyre trying to get extract a sound bite from him in which he admits on an open mic he didnt see evidence of collusion and his answers go at the more complicated nature of this question, so he works for the cia. Its not like the fbi. Theyre not trying to put cases on people, theyre not trying to prosecute offenders or criminals. They are trying to gather intelligence that helps policymakers understand whats happening. Its a lower, lesser standard that theyre talking about. Nevertheless, he kept saying, what i saw, was troubling enough that it warranted followup by the fbi. S this pattern of contacts, we took that to the fbi, its up to them to figure out whether theres collusion. Admiral, is the testimony that were hearing today from both coats, brennan, what were going to hear later from Admiral Mike Rogers, is this throwing gasoline on the fire for the Trump Administration or is this helping them push back on any sort of allegations of wrongdoing . I think its not only throwing gasoline on it, i see matches coming inbound. I think we need to think about another dimension here which is the impact in the international sphere. As our capital roils with incoming events that seem to constantly undermine this presidency, whats the effect on our allies, who now are [ inaudible ] of sharing intelligence with us, and in the wake of the manchester bombing, particularly worrisome and this gives comfort to the russians. They are watching this, manipulating it and continuing to use it, to try to advance their position globally. This is a very bad series of events internationally as well as domestically, katie. Speaking of internationally, kelly odonnell, youre there in jerusalem. The president has just left israel. Hes on his way to italy. Hes actually just landed in italy. Has a, the white house had any reaction to the testimony today, and talk to me about the challenges hesoing to face in dealing with his nato meetings . Well, katie, the white house is operating in a separate orbit during the foreign trip the first for the president , not addressing any of the matters back home that are troublesome and complicating the ability of the administration to move forward. They are very much in the moment with each of these three stops that he has now made in rome tonight. The first two stops saudi arabia and israel, arguably the mosts warm and hospitable welcome the president will get on his nineday journey. In rome he will meet with the holy father, pope francis, that will be very different kind of meeting with a head of state who is also the head of the catholic church, and the president has also tried to weigh in on manchester today and the events there and this comes at a time when he was in the midst of trying to say there is a new lane for peace in the middle east as elusive as that has been for other president s and diplomats of the highest caliber who have not been able to achieve that. The president saying that it is time where both Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority and Benjamin Netanyahu the Prime Minister of israel, are open to reaching for peace. What the president did not do is sort of tread through the most difficult and thorny issues between these two nations. Instead focusing on some of the sort of outer ring of ideas, of how to find areas ofcommonalty, how to create a new dialog, so ambitious, optimistic, but it is a daunting task to try to make any headway there. Now the president will, in rome, have a chance to have a different sort of a moment with pope francis, who as you well know from the campaign trail, was critical of Donald Trumps policies and then donald trump the candidate, very outspoken in his criticism of pope francis saying it was outrageous and disgraceful for the holy father to comment on someones christianity. Thats water under the bridge perhaps between these two men and it will be interesting to see and take a measure of how they relate now, months later, and it seems worlds away from the campaign trail. Katie. And that happened in South Carolina in 2016. Kelly odonnell, mike, greg, and admiral james, thank you very much, guys. Coming up, terror investigation, the latest in the attack in manchester, england, that left 22 people dead and 59 others injured. Many of them children. A live look right now at a vigil currently being held. Hundreds are gathered there to remember the victims. Well head to the uk for the latest. Security is getting beefed up in cities across this country in the wake of last nights terror attack. Why authorities are paying extra attention to socalled soft targets. And what is being done to protect them. David. Whats going on . Oh hey thats it . Yeah. Everybody two seconds dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. Through the Tuition Assistance program, every day donalds helps more people go to college. Its part of our comtment to being americas best first job. That Airline Credit card yout . Have. It could be better. Its time to shake things up. With the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. Seriously, think of all the things you buy. Well yeah. But alsoou asked me to catchup. Whats in your wallet . 22 people are its and 59 others are injured in last nights attack in manchester, england. An 8yearold girl was among those killed and at least 12 children under the age of 16 are among the injured. This is a live look right here of an vigil in alberts square. British police are expanding their investigation into the deadly blast at that pop concert by singer Ariana Grande. Oh, my god. What just happened . You can hear the sound of the explosion in the distance. Police say the bomber was killed in the blast. Isis has claimed responsibility for the attack but theres no evidence as of yet to support that claim. President trump on his middle eastern trip this morning had this reaction. So many young, beautiful, innocent people, living and enjoying their lives, murdered by evil losers in life. Just a short time ago Queen Elizabeth and other members of the royal family observed a moment of silence at Buckingham Palace in honor of the victims of the attack. Nbc news chief global correspondent bill neely is in manchester. Bill, number one, have they i. D. ed the bomber and know if he was acting alone . Well thats the key question, katie, and there has been an early and very significant breakthrough in this investigation in that the police have now identified the man responsible for this. Now the reason thats significant is 12 years ago, 2005 the last big mass casualty attack as a result of a bombing, the 77 bombing that killed 52 people in london, it took days for the police to identify the four bombers. This is a very, very early breakthrough, explained just a short time ago, by the police chief in manchester. Lets take a listen. I can confirm that the man suspected of carrying out last nights atrocity is 22yearold salman abedi. However, he has not yet been formally named by the coroner and i wouldnt wish to, therefore, comment further about him at this stage. Our priority, along with the police counterterrorist network and our security partners, is to continue to establish whether he was acting alone or working as part of a wider network. Reporter so that is the key question. He either just detonated the bomb or he also made it. If he didnt make it, that means the bomb maker is still on the loose and could strike again. So at the very heart of this investigation, the police are trying to recreate that bomb. We kno i was packed with shrapnel, nuts and nails. Police have been going in and out of the eight manchester hospitals, collecting in evidence bags the debris from that explosion. Theyll also be looking at what it was made of. Was it made of hydrogen peroxide, one of the most unstable chemicals, popular with jihadists, but very toxic, very dangerous, hard to make, so was this a skilled bomb maker again . What is the evidence for that. Theyll also be looking at his records, his family, his friends, taking we know theres one person thats already been arrested but they will be looking at his background, his phone. That would be a key thing for the contacts that might be on that phone. Also, they will be looking at his computer, crucially at cctv pictures, so they will be trying to track back from the moment that he was at the Manchester Arena and detonated himself, what journey did he take, where exactly did he come from. Its significant, katie, the timing and target. Yeah. This wasnt as sophisticated an attack as the bataclan in 2015 which involved four gunmen sorry many gunmen and four separate attacks. It was on a concert hall, when an american singer was had just finished her concert. Its three weeks just before the british general election. All of these things will be part of this police investigation. Was he just a lone wolf, how sophisticated and knowledgeable was he really and how credible, indeed, is that isis claim of responsibility. Katie . Bill neely, in manchester, thank you very much. Lets bring in brian dillon, former operational head of new Scotland Yard and Thomas Anderson who directs the transnational threats project at the center for strategic and international studies. Brian, this, as bill was just saying, was an Ariana Grande concert, an american singer, the majority of her fans are young girls, teenagers, mostly families there, many of the victims weve already seen have been young girls. What do you make of this specific target . I think theres a number of aspects to it. I think the first point i would make is that this is classically a very soft target, a music venue where young people are attending, wouldnt necessarily of itself attract a significant threat assessment, is regrettably an easy target to attack. In the center of a city where it would appear the individual who is responsible would be familiar with it and comfortable in his surroundings and then as bill has correctly highlighted, the presence of a very Popular American singer, again, adds an element of risk into this scenario. So all of these factors together make this a very worrying and troubling and tragic incident. Thomas, what are intelligence officials around the world doing now . Theyre certainly sharing any relevant information they have on individuals from the uk and lets remember that more than 850 brits have traveled to the Islamic State or to syria and iraq to join both isis and al qaeda. 400 that have returned. These are so these individuals, these intelligence services, would be sharing information about returning fighters. Theres also 600 or so individuals in the uk that tried to go or showed an interest in going to the battlefields of syria and iraq and they would be sharing information on any of those, so looking at phone numbers, looking at communications, trying to figure out if this individual was part of a network and trying to run down other members of the network. Brian, granularly, with just officers at Scotland Yard, officer in the Manchester Police department, walk us through what their first step was after this bombing and what they are doing as of today . Well, the very first step would, obviously, be to secure and preserve the scene and evidence as best as possible and ensure that people caught up who can safely be evacuated would be evacuated. I think one of the other aspects thats really important is to identify who are the 2 2 people that have lost their lives. That is a traumaticp operation as im sure you can imagine for the officers caught up in that particular strand of the inquiry. The other aspect is really important is to understand exactly what type of device this is, what origins are of it, how its been put together, where it can be traced to, whether its something thats been put together in the United Kingdom or influenced by people abroad. Thats another really important aspect and so much evidence can come from the device and its origins. The other element, again, vital, that will be pursued at this moment in time is to fully understand who this individual is, who is in his network, people known to him in the uk that he has had dealings with, friends or family, but crucially, the virtual network. Who has he been interacting with online here in the United Kingdom, across europe and elsewhere in the world, what is their vote motivation and the motivation and the capability that exists who might be intent on committing further acts here, United States, europe or anywhere else. Thats an important thing i expect the authorities are working extensively on at the moment. Thomas, how do you protect a venue like this or an event like this . Is there anything that can be done . Metal detectors to get in, but if this person was standing in between the event and the train station, where there was no such security, metal detectors and what not, how do you stop somebody from doing this . Well, its almost impossible to do that. You have to have perfect knowledge and awareness of all the potential actors in a city like manchester, and you just cannot do that. You can put some greater standoff distance from crowds, but you also have concertgoers who were coming from the train station into the concert hall and do you scan them at the train station where theres another concentration of people out in the middle of the street, i mean these are incredibly complicated questions and they disrupt or freedoms and normal lives and you cannot do this everywhere. Manchester is a big city, many mow terrible targets, not as much as in london and the symbolism is important, but you cant provide the perfect security that would be needed. Thomas anderson, brian dillon, thank you very much. And a programming note, Nbcs Lester Holt wil anchor nbc nightly news live from manchester this evening. Still ahead, President Trumps 2018 budget request, presented to congress this morning. Some massive cuts to programs that help the neediest americans. Well break down whats most at risk and whether the new budget lives up to trums mpaign omises. Whats that . P3 planters nuts, jerky and seeds. I like a variety in my protein. Totally, thats why i have this uh trail mix. Wow minty. P3 snacks. The more interesting way to get your protein. Senator, can i talk to you about the president s budget. Is it dead on arrival . Yes. You have a lot of benghazis in the making if this became law. It will be a catfight here in the congress. Short and to the point for senators on both sides of the aisle. On the president s new Budget Proposal to help guide us through the details of it is msnbcs ali velshi. This is, obviously, a wish list. Yes, night its the articulation of the governments priorities. Lets get to that first part of it. This is winners. These are the places that youre going to see much more investment. The military, border security, Law Enforcement, a 500 billion increase. You heard Lindsey Graham saying there will be more benghazis. Lindsey and john mccain dont think thes enough spending in the military. What youre seeing is some other some losers. Medicaid programs are going to suffer. Welfare programs are going to suffer and a lot of these, child programs, nutrition programs, things like that. Health programs as well. Health programs and other nondefense. Remember, all of that stuff they agreed on in the American Health care act passed by the house has to be put in the budgets. Thats where the cuts are coming in. Over ten years, 3. 3 trillion in cuts. Compare that to 500 billion in increases. So this is a big slashing budget. Its not like youre cutting here and adding there. Were taking a lot out. The aim here is to have whats called a balance budget in ten years, where youre spending as much as youre taking in. Its hard to get to. What the administration is saying between this, the spending cuts, taxes that they want to slash, remember weve seen a one paige proposal on tax reform but the repeal of obamacare, we are going to end up with 3 gdp growth per year. To put this into context right now we have 2 gdp growth. We are talking about the United States growing at a 50 greater rate than now. How likely is that . As ive said before, im more likely to grow an afro than that is to happen. Thats what theyre trying to get to. The argument until you try it you wont know it wont work. Theyre saying lets see. How does this affect trump voters . Doesnt this target some of the states that really voted for donald trump . Doesnt it this stuff is hard. This affects everybody. Nobody in the country thats not affected by a lot of these programs which are directed at people who have very lowincomes. The argument here and Mick Mulvaney said this, the budget director, if you wake up in the morning and on food stampsou ould go work. Wake up in the morning on disability you should go work. Theyre arging before the recession, 23 million on food stamps, snap, now up to 44 Million People saying that cant be possible that all these people need food stamps some should go work. On the conservative scale how conservative is this . Freedom caucus budget. Its so conservative its going to have trouble getting through the senate. Even with the conservatives. Dead on arrival with the senate what does that mean . This is always how it works. The white house puts out a Budget Proposal. It gets discussed, goes through the senate, reconciliation, it never ever looks the same at the end of september. But tells you what their priorities are . Theyre saying their priorities are guns, not butter. Your money man estimation of their priorities in two sentences. This is what conservatives wanted, the budget they got, the president s gets to say he gave the conservatives what they want and you will not see a does he keep Campaign Promises . Not once that budget is through. This will not allow donald trump to keep his promises. Thank you very much for walking us through it. Concerns about a terror attack here at home in the wake of last nights bombing in the uk. Why authorities are concerned about soft targets and what is being done to protect them. Americas Beverage Companies have come together to bring you more ways to help reduce calories from sugar. With more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all, smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels, and signs reminding everyone to think balance before choosing their beverages. We know you care about reducing the sugar in your familys diet, and were working to support your efforts. More beverage choices. Smaller portions. Less sugar. Balanceus. Org. On a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. 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It comes less than a week after a car sped through new yorks times square hitting nearly two dozen people and killing one. Nbcs Stephanie Gosk joins us now from times square. Stephanie . Hi there, katie. Certainly those incidents are different in that the incident here in times square was not motivated by terrorism, but what does link the two is you have someone who allegedly was just trying to hurt and kill people and here in times square, thats the kind of thing that they are concerned about. Interestingly, you also have a situation where because of the terrorist threat in this country, you have in a place like this seen very much as a target, there are things in place to try to stop the kinds of attacks that have been going on around the world that weve seen and in the case of that incident, you had these what theyre called ballhards, if you look at the scary video of the car crashing into people one of the things that stopped it and preventeitrom being ev more horrible than it was were these blocks in place. People in new york city are told to expect a higher level of security. There are these heavily armed, highly Trained Counterterrorism units that are easily seen around the city, some of them ive already seen here in times square, and they have a relatively new tool in their tool belt called a vapor wake explosive detection dog. Unlike the bombsniffing dogs that we have known in the past that can smell a bomb in a bag or something, these dogs can actually smell a bomb down the street. Katie. Down the street, stephanie, are officers already employing those in times square . What security changes have you seen there . Yeah. These dogs are out, around the city, and they have been in other kind of highprofile events. You know, the difficulty thing, the difficulty is, that youve got soft targets everywhere you go. Yeah. And times square is not as soft as some, you know that theres already high levels of security, it is logistically impossible to protect everything and then you have to rely on intelligence and hopefully tactics by counterterrorism teams like the ones here, to prevent those kinds of casualties, but its a scary thought. Everywhere we go today there is some level of threat. Not just the highprofile targets like times square. The attack in the uk was in manchester and not in london. A big city but not the most prominent city in that country. Thank you very much. Joining me senior Law Enforcement and National Security analyst bill bratton, also the current chairman of teneo risk, and former nypd commissioner and clint watts, former fbi special agent and currently a senior fellow at the center of cyber and Homeland Security at George Washington university. On that point, commissioner, manchester is the second largest city in the uk. Its not the largest. Certainly theres a lot of security around london, so a lot of security around new york city. Because they are such highprofile places, london, new york city, other highprofile place, should we start to be more concerned about secondary cities or les prominent venue . Well the concern has been there since the event of 9 11, a lot of focus on new york city, los angeles, london certainly. But the reality is, that every place is a soft target. The bombing incident that new york experienced last september on 23rd street, the bomb went off the second device several blocks off did not, there were several other bombing incidents at a relay race in new jersey prior to that. Yeah. So those are really soft targets. A race, thousands of those races every saturday around the country. So the reality is the world were living in today, soft targets, theyre everywhere. Why havent we seen more . Why hasnt there been a larger successful attack here . Theres a couple combinations. One we didnt have the form fighter recruitment to syria and thats indicative of the inspiration as well. Former foreign fighters are the best recruiters of other former fighters and inspiring people locally. This neighborhood seems like it was a libyan background, some people in that neighborhood might have gone to libya and future fought after the arab spring. The other thing we dont have on a wide scale is community, groups of guys that are into this ideology and attack patterns. How do you combat an ideology . You can throw out as much security as you can to places, but as you said everywhere is a soft target. Ultimately you have to combat the ideology. As somebody who was the commissioner of the police in a diverse place like new york, what does the nypd do in order to make sure that certain communities dont feel alienated, dont have the and are they doing a good enough job, dont have the impetus to take out hate on innocent civilians . A lot of different ways. One the representation of the police department, that theres almost 1,000 muslim officers in the nypd, several thousand muslim employees. A department that celebrates diversity such as the city itself. Outreach, extensive constant outreach protection of immigration rights, for example, protection of religious rights, a very, very strong hate crimes Investigative Unit to deal with hate crimes directed against any religious group. So much of it is really trying to build trust so in a community where there is a focus on young men in particular being attracted to this ideology, that how do you detect it early, how to you get people to let you know that this young person is moving in that direction. Very complex, not easy to deal with, but there are Success Stories you can model on and build on. Today, we talk a lot about Donald Trumps rhetoric and talked about it during the campaign, today, when he was with the palestinian leaders Mahmoud Abbas he refused to call the attacker in manchester a monster. He called him a total loser and said people who do this sort of thing are total losers. What is your reaction to using that term . Good, bad, neutral . Its mostly ineffective or bad. I mean youre essentially creating a confrontation against somebody they then want to prove themselves to not be losers . How do you react . The big thing we use is one, what was the purpose of this attack in the grand scheme of isis and their ideology. Attacking young people, attacking innocent civilians, women and children, has been a divisive point throughout the muslim world amongst jihadis. Thats a point we can emphasize. Al qaeda is unlikely to pursue this attack. Theyve learned this lesn before when they wen rampages in egypt long ago. So there are points that we can strike at this. I find it very hard and even indefensible. The other thing is isis doesnt really know what this guy was up to. Theyve even mistakenly noted some of the things that are there. So their credibility, which has always been in question, is on the wane. I think theres two directions they are trying to get lone wolves. S no necessarily theyre not necessarily theyre highly coordinating with all the people that do things and perpetrate terror in their name. More the home grown aspect, the lone wolf, somebody that decides to do it on their own, thats what im getting from what youre saying, how do regular americans combat that . What do we do if im sitting at home watching this with my kids an worried about our safety or sending my daughter to a concert or my son to his baseball game, what do i do in order to make sure that i feel safe and to stop this from happening at the root instead of at the branch . First off the reality is, that while the pace of these attacks have been increasing theyre rare. A world with 8 or 9 billion people, the chances of being caught up in this is diminutus. Thats the reality. At the same time you can understand the concern, what we promulgate through Law Enforcement is be aware, the eyes and ears of the public are the best tool that Law Enforcement can use, that be aware, not be afraid. The expression, see something, say something, thats real. The idea that the majority of these cases that are prevented are usually not through a Police Intelligence or federal effort, but raer, somebody sees something, reports it, and then an investigation moves forward. Even before that, though, is there something this country can do in order to prevent people from feeling isolated . From wanting to do Something Like this sp. One of the benefits we have in the United States is that the nature of this country the immigrant experience, is people come in and assimilate, so much of what goes on in europe, england, france, the minority populations oftentimes, particularly the muslim populations, are isolated and theyre separate and the feeling of disenfranchisement and not being cared for or part of society we benefit from that. We benefit that england has approximately 500 fighters who have returned from the syrian conflict. 500. That are trained, who are clearly radicalized. And how do you keep track of them . We have very few that we know of that have returned to this country, so we also benefit from that aspect of it. Bill bratton, clint watts, thank you very much. Appreciate all of your expertise. Especially on such a serious day. Still ahead, President Trump continues his nineday overseas trip. This stop, rome, next a preview of his visit live from the vatican. Swings. Sure we could travel, take it easy. 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He also said that he wanted to find some kind of opening, some opened door through which they can find some Common Ground. Now they have very different opinions on certain sensitive issues such as, o course, climate change. Migrants. Refugees. The merits of unfettered capitalism. But they do agree on other areas which is of course the need to fight persecution against christians, especially in the middle east. And oprolife issues as donald trump is a lot more conservative than president obama used to be. But it is not going to be much time because they probably have only 20, 25 minutes of a private audience. Well see whether they really look for Common Ground and talk about the things that they have in common or if pope francis will try to exercise some kind of soft power or moral persuasion and put through his point and, not try and change President Trumps mind over those issues they have disagreements on but maybe maybe have some people sway. Newt gingrichs wife has been nominated to be ambassador to the vatican. Have you heard any reaction to that . Well, theres been curiosity certainly because shes an unlikely ambassador to the holy see for a couple of reasons. First of all, shes married to a divorced man. And in the past this could have been a problem. It certainly seems like the vatican is ready to close an eye on that. Usually ambassadors to the holy see are not highprofile ambassadors and she is h highprofile. In a way this is seen as a direct link between the pope and donald trump. Nbcs claudio evanga. Thank you. Well hear from one of the lawmakers who questioned the cia on capitol hill. Stay with us. Its time for the your business entrepreneur of the week. Michael dorf is a frustrated musician turned urban winemaker. He started city winery to put together all of his loves. It is a restaurant, a winery and music venue. Hes taken the leap expanding now to five cities. 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Did you see evidence of collusion, coordination, conspiracy between donald trump and russian state actors . I saw information and intelligence that was worthy of investigation

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