Nearly 539,000 americans could die by april 1st. The model suggests that a universal mask mandate could save nearly 68,000 lives, which is why president elect joe biden says that he will be making a request of the American People once he takes office. Watch. Im going to ask the public for 100 days to mask. Just 100 days. To mask. Not forever. 100 days. And i think well see a significant reduction if we, if that occurs, with vaccinations and masking, to drive down the numbers considerably. And just last hour, the Washington Post reported that the cdc published new guidance, recommending people wear masks indoors at all times, except in their homes. Any moment now, we are expecting to hear from the president elect on the final jobs report of 2020, which provides more evidence that the economic recovery is fading. The Labor Department says employers added just 245,000 jobs in the month of november, the fifth month in a row that job growth has fallen. The Unemployment Rate fell slightly, to 6. 7 . Joining me now nbc news political reporter ali vitali, with the Biden Transition Team in delaware. Garrett is recovering the covid relief efforts and the bill on capitol hill and Kelly Odonnell across from the white house. Ali, let me begin with you, what are we expected to hear from the president elect when he speaks any minute now . Yes, any minute now, we know the motorcade is rolling to where biden will give remarks and looking over my shoulder to the right and we can look at the street where the motorcade typically goes down and i will keep an eye out in this direction, in terms of what we will hear from these remarks, we know theyre related to the economy, related to the job numbers that we had come out today, biden has described those jobs numbers as dire, as grim, and painting a bleak picture of the economy right now. Mostly because its so inextricably linked with the pandemic and one of the things that struck me in the statement that biden released today, this dire jobs report is a snapshot from mid november before the surge in covid cases and deaths in december, as we head into a dark winter. Biden has repeatedly warned about this dark winter and youre starting to see the way that he is trying to step into this executive leadership role before his inauguration, outlining really clear things that hes going to do in terms of telling americans that there are things that they can do to mitigate the spread of this virus, because this is a transition now that is looking in the short term to stop the spread, and stop the situation from getting worse. And it is a medium longer term, trying to get a handle on how they can disseminate these potential vaccines that we know are getting so close to being rolled out to front line workers and groups that are so closely affected by this illness. And so what theyre trying to do is look forward to the stimulus spending that they need to get them over and help americans get through this period of time, but also, saying that theyre going to be requesting another round of stimulus spending, once they get into office, transition advisers saying this morning that they should look at this first 900 billion or so, as a downpayment but that the Transition Team is already planning that theyre going to have to go for another round of stimulus spending, and some of that is going to be giving states and localities, making sure that they have the money, fiscally to roll out these vaccination, not just the logistical pieces of it but also making sure from a dollars and cents perspective, they can do that as well. Ali, as if you read my mind because you teed it up perfectly for garrett. Garrett, let me get your thoughts on what we were hearing from ali. This morning, Speaker Pelosi indicating there is new momentum behind a covid relief bill. Where do negotiations stand right now and i guess she raised some eyebrows with the comments she made that partly the reason why she agreed to come down in the negotiations or agreed to these negotiations now is because we have a president who is coming in, who believes in science and that is a game changer. Yes, thats right. I think the most important thing that will happen in the progress of this bill over the next few days is the actual drafting of legislative language. Weve been talking about it as a bill for the last couple of days. But really this remains a framework. They are writing text as we speak. And the authors of this effort are hoping to get that bill to us by monday so we can see the details here. I think we should play the sound you were mentioning from Speaker Pelosi, talk about it on the other side, here is how she explained how we got to this moment and why she was willing to take the smaller deal. That is a total game changer. A new president , and a vaccine. So theres nothing to, these are different, what was then before, was not more of this. This has simplicity. Its what weve had in our bill. Its for a shorter period of time. But thats okay now, because we have a new president. A president who recognizes that we need to depend on science to stop the virus. Theres a little bit of spin there, pelosi had an opportunity to take an offer for 1. 8 trillion earlier on in the negotiations, and they were holding out hoping to continue to go bigger on this bill, so were taking this smaller measure here, and i think its important to point out that the way this measure, this framework is being cast, isnt as stimulus. This is a rescue package. This is relief. This is something even the authors of it agree, i think they would agree perhaps with what Speaker Pelosi said in part here to get an idea here behind the framework, it is to hold the country over, essentially, into the First Quarter of next year, when perhaps a Biden Administration could pursue something bigger, but one thing im continuing to hear today, and just in the last few moments, a statement from Bernie Sander wlosz said he would vote against this framework is that it doesnt have those direct payment checks, make no mistake, this is not stimulus without those checks and that is one of the holdups with this potentially on the left from lawmakers who really wanted to see those direct payments going out to people around the country. Garrett, explain this to me, because i understand the argument made by the speaker there about the vaccine part, the president part, the new president part, i think is still a little bit questionable, given the fact that the senate is still undecided. Is the aspiration perhaps that a President Biden could get a huge relief bill, or stimulus bill, but that depends on what happens on january 5th in georgia, is it a bit Wishful Thinking on her part to assume that just because we get President Biden that we will get a cooperative senate . I dont think the democrats think they will get everything they want but what Mitch Mcconnell rolled out a couple of days ago the smaller 500 billion deal, he said he was putting on the table because thats all he knew for sure that the president would sign. The senate under republican control is basically reverse engineered a number of bills going with what the president will sign and going back from there. It is possible, even likely, that there are more republican votes for a larger bill if they think the president is going along and would sign it. Fair enough. Even if that president is joe biden. Good point there. Let me ask this. Mitch mcconnell saying earlier this week that republicans would support a bill President Trump is willing to sign, as garrett just mentioned. Do we have any idea what the president is willing to support in the final weeks of presidency. He has said that he is supporting what is being discussed right now, and as garrett pointed out, not yet in the bill frame, but the, bill form but the framework and he indicated he will support and that believes that something is needed now. If you look at how his fort unhas changed, unfortunately, notwithstanding the fight he continues to wage, his time is limited and this would be a way to deliver to the public, including his supporters, a relief package that is so needed right now. And its so important also, that garrett raised the issue of stimulus versus relief and those terms sometimes get used interchangeably and we are at a point of relief, and it is about bailing people out, and helping people out of a deep hole and not just spurring an economy to grow more. Its a really important distinction as they try to come up with solutions so President Trump is giving his, not yet assurance, but his green light, if you will, that he sees this going in a direction that he would get behind, and its perhaps part of what has changed, in addition to Speaker Pelosis comments, knowing that if we just look at the calendar, if we look at the urgency of the need, and if we look at both growing and relinquishing power, from the two parties, its kind of a moment where they line up in a way where this may be doable now, when it has not been doable for all of these months. At a new number, with new considerations, but perhaps the urgencies are lining up in a better way now than weve seen for quite some time. And kelly, just what you were talking, while you were talking, we were seeing live pictures of president elect joe biden arriving to that hall there, to speak on the latest jobs report. We will take that live once it gets under way. Let me go back to ali vitali for a moment, the president elect saying he asked dr. Anthony fauci to stay on and be his chief medical adviser. We still havent learned the rest if you will of the health and Human Services team, as it may shape out to be. When is he expected to announce other people, that he wants to fill some of these key positions in the fight against the pandemic . Were expecting more of those healthrelated roles to be announced early next week. Weve seen a pattern from this Transition Team of names being announced normally on monday and then tuesday being the day for a more formal in person rollout. Were not sure were going to get that this week, but if past is prologue, we should expect that early next week, we will see the Health Officials rolled out. I think there is Something Interesting happening as we see these picks begin to happen, as we start gearing up for confirmation battles on the hill but also as this conversation goes on about biden potentially working across party lines, working with republicans, and last night, as i was listening to the interview that he did with cnn, he did mention that hes heard from republicans, who have called him to congratulate him, but he said he recognizes the position theyre in regarding President Donald Trump continuing to contest the result of the election, and not putting forward any evidence for the fraud that he says he sees out there but it puts republicans in an interesting position. Biden has been skittish in talking about and naming these republicans that he is talking to but it is going to be interesting as we move forward into confirmation battle season and the future stimulus that he wants to, do the bind that republicans are in on trump is not going away on january 20th, especially if we see President Trump run again, several of the Key Senate Republicans have their own president ial aspirations and it is something to watch for on the hill and im sure kelly and garrett will be doing the exact same thing. And were seeing the lectern being wiped down and the final touches on the speech before the president elect speaks about the jobs reports numbers that came out today. Thanks to all of you for starting us off this hour. Lets dig into some of the major slowdowns in the hiring that weve been talking about and as we expect, as we mentioned, the economy added only 245,000 jobs in november. The Unemployment Rate fell to 6. 7 . That is down from 6. 9 back in october. Joining us now is diane swandt, chief economist, and i apologize in advance if i have to interrupt but we hope to get some answers on the numbers. 245,000 is far short of the 440,000 jobs wall street estimated the economy would add. What does this steep drop in hiring tell you . Well, it actually is sort of a prelude to something much worse in december, i think were going to go into the red in december, weve already seen job losses since that survey was taken, before more restrictions went in place, and mobility and before hospitals were so overwhelmed, as they are today, that survey was taken in response to the natural pullback that we tend to see, and we saw hiring at restaurants and bars actually fall. We saw the retail sector, a loss in jobs, because the normal Seasonal Hiring couldnt happen, except in the areas where some are spending a lot of money and i think it is important to get to the scarring issues where 9. 8 million jobs are still in the hole and that doesnt include the self employed, one million more than the height of the 0809 recession and the scarring issue that we have been watching so carefully, people unemployed for more than six months count more than a third of the officially unemployed and not that those who dropped out because they cant find a job and dropping out because job prospects are drying up in an economy where covid cases are surging. Thats very important, because its six months, its a tipping point. Mental and physical health begin to deteriorate. Family structure deteriorates. We tend to see the wellbeing of children threatened as unemployment, the demoralizing effects of it take hold over the sixmonth threshold. Nine months in, weve got many people who are now over that sixmonth threshold, and thats before we get to the issues of the loss in education, for so many young children, and for college students, dropout, and high school level, and the risk that they become permanent and theyre in a Long Term Health effects of covid itself, on 20 and 40yearolds who had even mild cases and not knowing how long those effects will last, and what theyll mean to their ability to work. It is incredible when you connect the dots like that, what a grim picture youre painting. It seems like its going to be with us for a very long time to come. You say the Unemployment Rate fell to 6. 7 for the wrong reasons, explain why. We saw a drop in labor force participation. Weve never seen this far into the initial stages of a recession, nine months in, that the actual participation in the labor force has fallen again, where people arent looking for jobs, and clearly, thats not because they have some generous handouts. Those expired. And i think thats very important, as how dire the situation is, Food Insecurity has been rising, and you know, many of us dont see firsthand viscerally whats going on because we have this work from home environment where youre not turning a blind eye, youre literally not seeing the food lines unless youre watching the evening news and i think this is really important to understand is, the dichotomy of the difference between those who can work from home and live in a bubble, and not feel the economic effects of this crisis, and they still have to deal with the covid effects of this crisis, thats just now creeping into the fact that no one is going to escape, as many people thought of it, as a low wage recession, and a low wage health crisis. Its neither. Its both. Whats also interesting in the data is what is coming up in terms of a slowdown in high wage job high earning as well so it is derailing what had been a comeback in high wage jobs and if you add back in all of the people that we lost since february in the labor force that have just dropped off, that were working, and clearly, theres, they still want to work, and they actually ask them questions like that, theres more than four million of them, and that, those numbers would put the Unemployment Rate, the true Unemployment Rate closer to 8. 5 . So this begs the question, im sorry were running out of time, just a quick answer if possible, is there anything that congress should do, is there anything that congress can do to alleviate what you just described . Absolutely. The one trillion is a start. I dont think its going to be the end. Because of this underlying scarring and wounds, we want to address the wounds right now, that are inflicted by covid. Thats what this aid package is about. As you correctly pointed out, not stimulus, and on the other side of it, we will get a spurt in growth but if we want to sustain the recovery, and make it more inclusive, and lift all boats with the tide, were going to have to do some more stimulus on the other side of this. All right, diane swonk, thank you very much for your time. I really appreciate it. Thank you. We are keeping an eye on the podium there in wilmington, delaware, where president elect joe biden is expected to make remarks on the final jobs report of this year. We have live coverage of that coming up once it gets under way. Plus, how dr. Faucis reacting today to bidens plan to ask every american to wear a face mask for the first 100 days in his term and were going inside the unprecedented effort to prepare one of the countrys leading hospitals to roll out a coronavirus vaccine. A behind the scenes look next. T. Mornings were made for Better Things than Rheumatoid Arthritis. 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Lets cross over now to wilmington, delaware, president elect joe biden is speaking. We are in the midst of one of the worst economic and job crises in modern history but it doesnt have to stay that way. If we act now, now, i mean now, we can begin to regain momentum, start to build back a better future. Theres no time to lose. Millions of people have lost their jobs or had their hours slashed, theyve lost their health insurance, or in danger of losing their health insurance. One in every six renters is behind in rent. One in four Small Businesses cant keep the doors open. Theres a growing gap in black and latino unemployment. And the gap remains much too large. And looking at last months drop in overall unemployment was driven by people who are dropping out of the job market, not because more people were being hired, dropping out of the job market all together. And lost hope of finding a job. And have taken fulltime care giving responsibilities as Child Centers remain closed, and children learn remotely. Over the past three months, 2. 3 million more people are longterm unemployed. Meaning for 23 weeks or more. By far the largest increase on record. This is a dire jobs report. Its a snapshot i might remind you up to mid november. Before the surge in covid cases we predicted, many predicted, and the deaths rise, that weve seen in december, as we head into a very dark winter ahead. For example, since october, cities are down 21,000 educators. Just as schools need more help in fighting against the pandemic. A couple of days ago, i spoke with School Crossing guard, a School Crossing guard, a server, a restaurant owner, and a stage hand, good people. Honorable people. Decent hardworking americans across the country. They reminded me of my dad who lost his job in scranton and eventually moved the family to delaware, just outside of wilmington, a place called claymont, he used to say, you heard me say about tbefore, joey, i dont expect the government to solve my problems but i expect it to at least understand my problems. Folks, im talking about the folks out there arent looking for a handout. They just need help. They are in trouble through no fault of their own. Nothing they did caused them to have hours cut or lose their job or drop out of the market. But they need, they need us to understand. Were in a crisis. We need to come together as a nation. We need the congress to act and act now. If congress and President Trump fail to act by the end of december, 12 million americans will lose their unemployment benefit they rely on. Merry christmas. Unemployment benefits to keep food on the table, to keep the lights on, and the heat on. Pay their bills. Emergency paid leave will end. Moratorium on evictions willing expire. States lose the vital tools they need to pay for covid tools and public health. Put yourself in that position. Laying awake at night worning what will happen tomorrow. It will be harder for states to keep children and educators safe in school, to try to provide assistance to keep Small Businesses alive. States and cities are already facing large, large budget short falls this year. Again through no fault of their own. Theyve already laid off more than a million workers. Even more teachers. Firefighters. Cops will lose their jobs unless the federal government steps up now. And all of this weakens our ability to control the virus, if we dont step up now. Emergency paid leave reduces the spread of covid. Because it allows people to stay home when theyre sick. States and cities need funding to direct their covid response, which is the only way were going to end the economic crisis as well. The only way were going to get people back to work. Im not alone in saying this situation is urgent. If we dont act now, the future will be very bleak. Americans need help. And they need it now. And they need more to come early next year. But i must tell you, im encouraged by the bipartisan efforts in the senate around 900 billion package for relief. Its a bipartisan effort. Congress, congress has to work out the details in this relief package, and theyre going to have to focus on resources, for direct public help responses to covid19. We need millions for funding for vaccines now so we dont lose people and leave people waiting for additional months. We need serious funding for testing, now. We need to ramp up testing. Allow our schools and businesses to operate safely. The sooner we pass the funding, the sooner we can turn the corner on covid19. You know in the weeks since this election ended, there were questions about whether democrats and republicans could Work Together. I know many are skeptical about my view that they will and can. Right now, theyre showing they can. Congress and President Trump have to get this deal done for the American People. Any package passed in the lame duck session is not going to be enough overall. Its critical. Its just a start. Congress is going to need to act again in january. Earlier today, i consulted with a number of my economic team, most of which have been announced by now, and Vice President harris and i announced that team last week. As we inherit the Economic Health and economic crisis we are working on the plan that we put forward for the next congress, to move fast to control the pandemic, to revive the economy, and to build back better than before. We hope to see the same kind of spirit of bipartisanship cooperation as were seeing today. Our plan is based on input from a broad range of people. The Vice President elect and i have been meeting with, since winning this election last month, labor leaders, leading ceos in the country, mayors and governors of both parties, parents, educators, workers, Small Business owners, theres a consensus, that as we battle covid19, we have to make sure that businesses and workers have the tools, the resources, and the guidance and health and Safety Standards to keep businesses and schools open safely. It can be done. Heres the deal. The fight against covid19 wont be run for january, in january alone. Wont be won in january, in january alone. To fully end this crisis, congress will need to fund more testing as well as more equitable and free distribution of the vaccine. We need more Economic Relief to bridge through 2021 until this pandemic and economic crisis are over. And then we need to build back better. I said it before. An independent analysis by moodys, a wellrespected wall street firm, projects that my build back better plan would create 18. 6 million goodpaying jobs. Its based on a simple premise. Reward work in america. Not wealth. Were going to invest in infrastructure. Clean energy. And manufacturing. And so much more. We will create millions of goodpaying american jobs. And get the job market back on the path to full employment. This will raise incomes. Reduce drug prices. Advance Racial Equity across the economy. And restore the backbone in this country, the middle class. Look, the bottom line, its essential, we provide immediate relief for working families and businesses now. Not just help them get on the other side of this painful crisis. But to avoid a much broader Economic Cost due to longterm unemployment and businesses failing. By acting now. Even with deficit financing. We can add to growth in the near future. In fact, Economic Research shows that with conditions like the crisis today, especially with such low interest rates, not taking action, the action im proposing, will hurt the economy, scar the work force, reduce growth and add to the national debt. Look, i know times are tough, and the challenges are daunting. But i know we can do this. We can create an economic recovery for all, for everybody. We can move from crisis to recovery, and to resurgence. For lords sake, this is the United States of america. Weve done it before. And well do it again. We will. I promise you. I thank Bipartisan Group that is trying to put something together right now. We will need more bipartisanship as we move on. God bless you guys and women who are doing this. God bless our country and may god protect our troops. Ill stop there, and happy to take some questions. Mr. President elect, one of the biggest tasks that you will have when you enter office is distributing a vaccine. Your team has started to meet with the Trump Administration to learn of their plans, as you are set to inherit this task. Are you satisfied with the current plans that are under way for distributing that vaccine . Do you feel that the federal government is doing enough at this point, and what steps do you think need to be taken between now and when those first vaccines go out . Well, theres a lot more that has to be done. On how they plan to distribute the vaccine to various states, but there is no detailed plan that weve seen anyway as to how you get the vaccine out of a container, into an injection sir ridge, into somebodys arm. Doctor syringe into somebodys arm. And its going to be very difficult for it to be and it is a very expensive proposition. For example, we agree with their priorities that theyve laid out so far. I do at least. My teams looking at it. Dealing with First Responders and those in nursing homes, and home care. The first people on the list. But we also have to realize that were in a situation where there has to be some equity in the way this is distributed, and that requires, for example, right now, were in a situation where we have, you know, the leading cause of death for all americans, this week, is covid19. With blacks and latinos three times as likely to die if they get covid19. And so the communities of color, its a mass casualty event. And so weve got figure out how we make sure we get the vaccine to those communities. Delivering the large amounts of the vaccine to the walmarts and other major drug chains does not get you into a lot of these neighborhoods. And it doesnt guarantee that it gets around. So weve got a lot of work to do. And there has to be the equity side of this, the equity side of this has to be an important part of distribution. In addition to that, the cost of actually getting the serum into an injection, into a needle, into somebodys arm costs a lot of money. It takes a lot of people. It takes a lot of folks to be able to get that done. And we have to have a much better way than weve seen thus far, as to how its distributed. In some states, like the governor in utah said, just deliver the capital, i can take care of it, in our conversation. Well, that could be true, but in large states like california, texas, illinois, florida, et cetera, its not that easy. There has to be an overall plan. Thats what were working on right now. And thats why i ask dr. Fauci to stay on, and to be my chief adviser on this issue, but also to be part of the covid team. And on your cabinet, you are facing a lot of pressure to add more diversity to your administration. You have civil Rights Groups and lawmakers pushing you to do this to make sure you make good on your promise and you look at your cabinet announcements so far and they have included some diverse figures but i specifically want to hone in on the big four and so far, when it comes to secretary of state, and treasury, you have nominated a white man, and a white woman, and so looking at attorney general, and department of defense, would you commit to nominating a person of color for those positions . Look, each one of these groups jobs to push, push their leaders, to make sure there is greater diversity. What i can promise you is that when this is all said and done, weve seen everything that ive announced and it will be in the next several weeks and we will have it all out there, we will have significant diversity. Im not going to tell you now exactly what i will do in every department but i promise you it will be the single most diverse cabinet based on race, color, based on gender, thats ever existed in the United States of america. So no commitment on those spots . A commitment of what i just said would be the most diverse cabinet in the main spots in the white house and as well as the cabinet positions. Thank you. Thank you, mr. President elect. You just said a couple of minutes ago that there is no time to waste when it comes to economic stimulus. But democrats and republicans have been in a stalemate for several months, as they have been negotiating and trying to talk about what kind of stimulus to put together. You are elected by more than 80 Million People to try to break that log jam. Can you talk about specifically what you have done over these past several weeks to actually work with democrats and republicans, speaking to congressional leaders, to get them to agree on a stimulus package, and what do you say to the people like senator sanders on the left flank of your party, who have come out against this Stimulus Program already, they have said that this 900 billion deal is not good enough . Well, it would be kind of stupid of me to tell you what i did, right, because it would be kind of hard to do it again. I told you all that i was confident we would get a bipartisan agreement on this. And i think we will, not just on this package, but i think beyond. And the last thing im going to do is tell you strategically how i go about this, i remember i got asked the same thing when i was putting together significant deals between republicans and democrats when i was a senator, Vice President , and it not just a very smart thing. It is like me asking you, tell me how you get your sources and how did you get those sources you got in order to get that story. It would be ridiculous for me to tell you or your colleagues how you did it. All i can say is im confident there are sufficient number of democrats and republicans in the United States senate, along with significant votes coming out of the house of representatives, to put together a serious package that will keep us from going off the edge here, provide the kind of resources that are needed immediately, and its not going to satisfy everybody, but the option is, if you insist on everything, were likely to get nothing on both sides. And so i think theyre on their way to being able to come up with a package that meets the basic and immediate needs that we have, but i made it real clear, its just a down payment. This is not the end of the deal. So ive been relatively good at negotiating over my career because i never, number one, reveal something somebody doesnt want me to in the deal, and number two, because i always keep my word. There are a number of progressives including senator sanders who have criticized this deal in part because it does not include the 1200 checks that were in the last deal, what do you say about that, the American People who are hurting, maybe not the Small Businesses but every day families, they dont have anything in this deal, they are not getting any of the stimulus that is in this 900 billion package. Thats not what i understand, but i think that would be bet fer they had the 1200. I understand that may still be in play but im not going to comment on specific details. The whole purpose of this, to make sure people arent thrown out of their apartments, lose their homes, or able to have Unemployment Insurance where they can continue to feed their families on as we grow back the economy and being in a position where we provide for help to localities so theyre not continuing to lay off schoolteachers and firefighters, et cetera, and First Responders. And to make sure were in a position that were able to generate the kind of growth that is a consequence of this, by allowing, it costs a lot of money to keep schools and businesses open on the covid side of the equation. I think a proposal that quite frankly, the heroes act, that the house passed, thats what i would support, but you know, this is a democracy, and there are, youve got to find a sweet spot where you have enough people willing to move in a direction that gets us a along way down the road, but isnt the whole answer. Thank you. Thank you, mr. President elect. You are describing this compromised bill as a down payment, that you will Push Congress to do more once youre in office, but this bill is already more than Republican Leaders want to spend. What if this isnt a down payment, what if this bill is it . What are your options then to get americans additional relief . I never start off thinking that way. I always start off that we can get it done. Well get it done. But it has been more than six months this fight has been going on. Mitch mcconnell still hasnt signed off yet on this compromised bill. What makes you so confident that you will get republicans to go big once youre in office . Because the country is going to be in dire, dire, dire straits if they dont. Have you reached out to leader mcconnell . Have the two of you spoken yet . Well be in dire trouble if we dont get cooperation. I believe we will. Thank you. Thank you, mr. President elect. You noted today that one in six renters are behind in their rent. Millions of americans remain unemployed. You say the situation is urgent. When you come into office, do you expect to pass executive orders dealing with those specific issues, and also, do you at all plan to, as trillions of dollars of aid, is that what you mean to have in mind when you say go big or are we looking at billions of dollars . Were looking at hundreds of billions of dollars. And look, again, ive learned that after hanging around in this business for a while, the last thing you do before you begin a negotiation is lay down a dropdead marker. And if its not this, im not going to talk to you. I think there is a lot we can get done. And i think people are going to see the overwhelming necessity. Its going to start to happen, what is going to start to happen is a lot of folks who represent republican districts are going to find their republican neighbors are in real trouble as things get worse. They are going to find that there is an overwhelming need, as these numbers skyrocket, you remember, my saying that i believe the experts we had, at least another 250 dead, before the end of the year, and they went oh, no, guess what, its happening. Its going to get much worse. Its going to get much worse. And so i believe there are enough republicans who will join enough democrats, in the United States senate, to get a majority, along with the house, to get it done. And well see. Well see. This isnt, this is a step at a time. And executive orders . Well, ive asked for executive orders that are totally within their purview of an executive. But one of the things that i dont like is i like people, i dont like people saying that i can buy executive order, by executive order do the following things where will is no basis in the constitution that suggests it can be done, so there are certain things i can do. I can issue executive orders. Pulling back some of the executive orders that trump would follow. But i cant issue an executive order saying were going to spend x billion on this issue without Getting Congress who appropriates and responsible for distributing that money. And quickly, on the coronavirus vaccine, you talked about getting it into africanamerican and vulnerable populations, and you said yourself that youre willing to get the vaccine publicly, to get people to feel safe, but there are people already telling me, well, president elect biden has Good Health Care and if he has complications he may have Better Health care than me, africanamericans around the country, what more can you do to convince people that the vaccine is safe for them, and does that mean youll at all lean on any existing members of the Coronavirus Task force, i know youre committed to having dr. Fauci, dr. Birx, anyone else you might be leaning on to convince people . There are a lot of people im looking to convince people on the tasks force and the task force will be continuing to be expanded with really fine people. Look, i think actions of president s matter. And im going to Say Something that i think the africanamerican community, the latino community, have known, ive never misrepresented anything to them. And that if as you all keep pointing out im the oldest president ever elected, although im actually only 47, but all kidding aside, i think that my taking the vaccine, and people seeing me take that vaccine, is going to give some confidence, but you know, i said early on, you may remember, i think you may have asked me the question, i may be mistaken, but i said it early on that i think one of the things that bothers me the most is by the wild assertions the administration is making about how this is going to go away, and inject bleach and all of those kinds of things, it was diminishes confidence across the board, and the American People overall, but particularly this administration, with the africanamerican latino community, and what i hear from my friends in the community, and not just blocks from here, where we stand, were not going to be the guinea pigs. Were not going to be the guinea pigs. Well the fact of the matter is that they wont be. Were going to see tens of millions of americans taking the vaccine, and youre going to see the president of the United States, and three of the four living and former president s doing it publicly as well. So it is all about, and look, its, its going to take some effort to rebuild confidence in science. Because its been so diminished in this administration. Thus far. And i will, and by the way, in the meantime, ive got make sure that the vaccine is both free and available, and that any followup on the vaccine is free and available. As it relates to any Health Complications from it. So theres ways we can deal with some of these issue, biden has Good Health Care, therefore i, but i dont have Good Health Care, thats another thing were working on, from day one, ive been working on it, at this moment, and my hope is we can reinstill some confidence in, to be able to believe the president of the United States, when he or she speaks. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Mr. President elect, a lot of people are wondering what your inauguration is going to look like considering so am. I considering that we are still in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. So id like to hear what you envision for the inauguration, a scaled down event. The capitol. A parade . What do you envision for your inauguration . Well, first and foremost thing is were going to follow again the science and the recommendation and the experts on keeping people safe. So and it is highly unlikely there will be a Million People on the mall going all the way down. I think well see, were in discussion, with the house leadership and the senate leadership, as to what they plan for the inauguration, particularly those 200,000 spots they control. But i think youre going to see something that is closer to what the convention was like than the typical inauguration. First and foremost, and my objective is to keep america safe. There is still a lot of people to celebrate to see one another and celebrate and we are in consultation, my team is in consultation with folks who help us put on the convention, as well as with our colleagues, and republican and democratic colleagues, in charge of the inauguration. My guess is that there probably will not be a gigantic inaugural parade, down pennsylvania avenue. But my guess is youll see a lot of virtual activity in states all across america engaging even more people than before. But thats in training now. And im not in a position to give you an example of exactly what it will look like. But i promise you it will be available either virtually or in person for many, and my guess is it will still be some, still a platform ceremony, but i dont know exactly how its all going to work out. The key is keeping people safe. I cant do a super version of the president s announcement in the rose garden nationwide. So its going to have to be more imaginative, but i think, like i said, i think the convention we put on really opened up avenues that we never thought existed and i doubt there will be another democratic, at least Democratic Convention that is as it has always been, and that we include more people. People want to celebrate. People want to be able to say we passed the baton, were moving on, democracy is functioning. I wish i could tell you more. But as those decisions are made, theyll be announced. Okay. I also wanted to ask you about your relationship with senator mcconnell. I know the two of you have a long history of actually working together on various deals. Have you talked to him since the election . And given the partisan nature o krong congress right now, how do row convince them its in americas best interest to work with you Going Forward . I dont think i have to convince them of that. He knows me. He knows im as straight as an arrow when i negotiate. He knows i keep commitments and i never attempt to embarrass the opposition. Theres some things i think are just ready for the compromise that democrats and republicans are engaged in. Infrastructure, dealing with health issues. Dealing with fight against cancer. Dealing with education. Weve got to take the vitriol out of politics. I know theres a lot of people on both sides who continwant to continue to go after and punish the opposition. I get that. I get the fact that an awful lot of americans are disappointed i was elected president. Frnl fortunately, theres seven million more that are happy i was elect. Theres a lot of democrats that are angry and want to strike back at republicans. What ive said from the begin and i think ive conducted myself this way throughout my career, i learned that early lesson. Its always appropriate to question another man or womans judgment, never their motive. Lets do a deal on highways. No possibility. When ive dealt with Mitch Mcconnell in the past as the Vice President or a senator, we havent engaged in that activity. Doesnt mean we can get through an agreement. Im not asking anybody to abandon their principles. I do think it makes no sense to engage in vi trrtriol and tryin get to the place i cant believe the majority of republicans dont believe we need a new infrastructure in america. It has nothing to do with jobs or green economy. Theres too many bridges that will collapse. Too many roads in disrepair. To Many Republican states that when they flood they flood out their water system. These are common problems. Im confident it will be hard. Thank you all so very, much. Appreciate it. Thank you. All right. Youre listening to president elect joe biden there. On a wide ranging, if you will, news conference. Took some questions from the reporters there in addition to talking about the Economic Situation and the road ahead. Lots to digest from that statement. We will bring back with us into this conversation aly vitali. She is covering the Biden Campaign with us as well. Joining us is dr. Garrett, let me start with you. I feel a bulk of that conversation with the president elect focused on he made two important points. He deliberately ignored that twice but he did Say Something that you were talk about which is he said this is down payment that he was trying to get something done now in this lame duck session to get help to the American People but that more help would be coming through in 2021 to bridge that year, to get relief, vaccine and testing. What have you learned in terms of how much joe biden, do you know if joe biden has been instrumental in getting Speaker Pelosi and senator schumer to where they are today in that negotiation . I can tell that biden and his Transition Team have been kept in the loop by allies here in the senate who have been trying to make sure hes on the same page with everything that they have been doing to try to make sure they can work in concert. You heard the language between biden and speaker pe lohsw pelosi today. Almost perfectly inline. Its down pam for something more they could work on towards the future. I was fascinating by his talk about the dynamics with mcconnell. Neither confirming nor denying whether or not they have spoken leaves it hanging out there. The idea they are talking about this but maybe they Work Together in the future on it. I think that was probably the most important part of this for democrats and joe biden is the president for all americans. He said it many times but as a democrat to bring democrats along, hes got to say that sec part. Were doing that small package now. We will do more later. Talking about his relationship with mcconnecconnell. I think lit be very important bringing along democrats who want for pr relief package with the possibilities they could still get more even with the republican controlled senate. All right. Stay with me. Let me ask you about something he brought up. That was the issue of vaccine testing we heard there. I believe it was our colleague who was asking about dr. Fauci staying on. Whether or not dr. Birx would be involved. You get a sense of how important the issue of vaccine is for the president elect. Surprisingly, it seems making some head lieps by suggesting that his team, although they are in touch with the trump Outgoing Administration on the topic of vaccine, there is still no clear plan how to get vaccines from hospitals or from pharmacies into syringes and ultimately into people. Yeah. Thats always been the logistical challenge of this. Back at beginning of the transition, the reason they were so concerned about the lack of ascertainment is they couldnt get a jump start on this process that our colleague has talked to former hhs officials who say they are behind the curve already by many months because the Current Administration didnt focus on an actual logistical plan to get a hypothetical vaccine out there. Now were on the cusp of having these vaccines and theres the question of how you get them from the theoretical sense of vaccine into peoples arms. The other people isnt logistical. Its Building Trust among people of color. How do you make black communities feel trust in this especially as they consider, well, these president s who are going to publicly get the vaccine have Better Health care than i do. Biden tried to assuage that by saying he wants to make sure theres follow up and medical care for people should they experience side effects for these vaccines but make sure every one is safe in getting them. The other challenge that biden has here though is establishing the habit again for the American People to look at the chief executive of this country, the president of the United States, for consistent and coherent advice on how to deal with the coronavirus. Ranging from how to get a vk vaccine out but other short term mitigation efforts. Thats the hill were watching biden start climbing is how do you start rebuilding that trust. How do you start rebuilding that habit and the key function there is just with time. I was going to say that moment stood out to me as well hearing the president elect say we got to get the American People to believe the president. Im going to give you final word on this. Its the issue of trust. We had a big part of our population that does not accept Wearing Masks as helping combat coronavirus the president elect says he wants americans for the first 100 days to commit Wearing Masks. How do you begin to rebuild that trust. Twrou think americans in first 100 days of his administration will be convinced to finally wear masks and down the road abide by the social distance guidelin guidelines . I think the key here is to work at the community level. It is going to take each and every one of us to believe our small actions really matter and really have an impact on the overall epidemic because as long as we believe that and as long as millions of people believe that and as as long as we can keep convincing our neighbor, friends, family that Wearing Masks, physical distancing and the key things we have been talking about, those things matter and they will stop the epidemic in time. That will be the key. I think it comes down to the relationships and trust that we have with each other. No doubt it will be an uphill battle for the incoming administration. Thank you all so much for staying with us tlouts this breaking news hour we just there from president elect joe biden talk about the challenges ahead for his administration and the Economic Situation that this country faces. Its going to be a long road for recovery. That wraps up this hour for me and the week. Ill see you right back here monday at 3 00 p. M. Eastern. Deadline white house starts right now. Hi there, its 4 00 in the new york. The staggering loss of life overwhelming the Health Care System and the mounting economic pain devastating families all across this country. All of it laid bare in sobering new statistics out this morning. More than 2800 american deaths due to the coronavirus were recorded yesterday. Hospitalizations also reaching a new high. Soaring above the levels that almost broke our nations Health Care System in both april and again in july. On the economic front, the New York Times offers this assessment of todays jobs report. Quote, the American Economic recovery continues to slow. Stranding millions who have yet to find a new job after being thrown out of the work force by the coronavirus pandemic. To be clear, didnt have to be this way. The experts at Donald Trumps disposal warned him