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A round table in community safety. He arrived in town with attorney general bill barr and also chad wolf. Well keep an eye on it and dip back in if the event makes news. Meanwhile Facebook Says that russian controltrolls are targe americans yet again as we expected them to. And this is based on a tip from the faib. Twitter also suspended similar accounts calling them russian state actors. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin is testifying on capitol hill before a special house subcommittee on coronavirus. The hearing was called to discuss the need for further Coronavirus Relief aid and also fault lines have appeared over the next round of relief. I believe a bipartisan agreement still should be reached. What you have put in place, the programs you have recommended, the programs that the congress approved, they have worked. We cant rest because we did a good job with the c. A. R. E. S. Act. Please, please get back to the negotiating table. But get out of this name blame mess. Lets dive in with kasie hunt and also mon any caica alba and allison carney. Monica, lets start with you and President Trumps trip to kenosha. So far he has visited an Emergency Operations center, he has praised Law Enforcement, he is at that round table that we showed you a moment ago. What is the goal of the trip, what does the president hope to get out of this . It seems to be really twofold. We saw there that the president just referring to his victory in wisconsin in 2016, speaking last cycle to how the state treated him hoping that he will be treated in the same way in november. He seemed to imply. So that there is an obvious reelection pitch you could argue based on the fact that he is talking good that and looking to make the argument to voters who may or may not support him again in november. But the trip is an official white house one to meet with local Law Enforcement as he is doing and to survey some damage. He was meeting with local Business Owners there that had properties that were affected by riots and protests and unrest following the shooting of jacob blake. But the focus really seems to be on that law and order message. He did not meet with to our knowledge or speak to any member of jacob blakes family while on the ground in kenosha. He said he didnt want to do that if lawyers would be involved, he found that it would be inappropriate. But that he might be speaking later to the pastor of jacob blakes mother. But about it is obvious from what weve seen in kenosha, two different pinkctures. The community having stort e si black party trying to steer what the president is doing which is touring the businesses and the damage with his attorney general and also chad wolf talking again about what they hope to pitch to voters ahead of november. In his own words, he also feels going there right now could create and generate enthusiasm. So it is something clearly the campaign is closely watching too to see if they can effectively craft it into their pitch while of course former Vice President joe biden would argue that that is only africanamericaning to t contributing to the turmoil and of course the wisconsin governor urging the president to reconsider the visit, he said that he never doubted it for a second and fully went forward with it. He is only expected to spend a couple hours on the ground before returning to washington later this afternoon. And the enthusiasm issue might be why the president i presume is putting the focus on crime rather than coronavirus. Is that what your sources are telling you . Well, joshua, i think that it is pretty clear that over the your. The last couple of months, the president has taken a lot of the blame for what has unfolded. And right fwli so. A lot of democrats and republicans quite frankly tell me that. So to the extent that they are change the subject from a Campaign Perspective to talk about anything other than the pandemic and the president s handling of it is something that potentially moves the needle in the polls. I think the question here is that republicans also acknowledge privately that the way the president handled the protests in the wake of George Floyds death actually did turn off a lot of swing voters. They simply have moved on questions about black lives matter and in a very fundamental way and we know that this president has willingly stoked racial resentment and has made racist statements and other things that republicans that ive talked to the hill acknowledge are politically problematic for anyone who is trying to win reelection across the country. And of course who has the midwest at the center of what his strategy has to be. So i think that there are a lot of factors there. I think it is clear that the white house made the calculation that what has gone on the last couple of weeks is something that more works in their favor from a political perspective and that is why you are seeing the president on the ground in kenosha. But it doesnt mean that that is without risk entirely. And i know i have a lot of sources on the republican side who are nervous every time the president makes a move like this about what it will mean not just for him and his chances of getting reelected, but for their own congressional races. And annie, last night the president recounted a rather odd story on fox news. He talked more about it this morning. Heres what he said. Biden is i dont even like to mention biden because he is not controlling anything. What do you think is contrpu bidens strings . People youve never heard of, people in the dark shadows. We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms with gear and this and that. They are on a plane. At first it was on a plane, said that there were about six people like that person more or less, and what happened is the entire plane filled up with the looter, the arcist anarcists, people looking for trouble and the person felt very uncomfortable. This was a firsthand account. So apparently con air had something to do what is happening in our politics. Convince me not to ignore this. It is pretty unintelligible, ecven a supporter of the president s seemed taken aback. Sorry to keep interrupting. I dont know why. Annie, go ahead. Sorry. What became clear at the Convention Last week was that the campaign has settled on a line of attack which is that biden is a trojan horse of the left being controlled by aoc and the far left fringes of his party. You can fact check that. But that is their attack line. And here the fox news host served him up an opportunity to do that and he did not answer that that is who is controlling joe biden. He can up with an unintelligible story about dark horses that even Laura Ingraham said sounds like a Conspiracy Theory. It is in line with the president likening to a Conspiracy Theory throughout his life, not just in his political life. But this one was particularly unintelligible about a plane full of thugs and protestors. I think it had something to do with trying to say that to con fwlat a conflate all of the peaceful protests with a small fraction of violent looters and to put the stress on that side of the equation. Sorry to making you try to explains inexapplicable. And secretary mnuchin is being grilled about further relief legislation. I understand that Senate Republicans might be ready to vote on a new bill more than a month after the expanded benefits, that 600 a week, expired. Does it looks like we might actually be getting closer it a deem . Im not sure it looks like anything getting signed into law. We learned there John Barrasso this morning when he was briefly here for the pro forma session of the senate, the goal is to vote next week on something, it sundays like that could get through the Republican Senate with republican votes. That has always been the reality here is that anything larger or significant at this stage was always going to take democratic and republican support here in the senate. So if the 124senate is going to pass something, they have to get republicans on the board, that means a bill that is smaller and doesnt go as far. And it is possible if not likely that that ends up being their messaging bill that they can then turn around and criticize the house for into the younot which of course is the reality for the heros act, the 3 trillion bill that nancy pelosi passed back in may and sent over to the senate. They spent the last several months pointing out correctly that the Republican Senate kicked that can down the line, decided not to vote on it until the benefits expired. So now obviously there are a lot of americans who are watching today, september 1, another round of rent payments due. And there is not help currently on the way. So i think that the question is, is there anything that mnuchin and meadows, the other key negotiator here, will they sit back at the table with nancy pelosi who has said that you come up 1 trillion, she wants to put the marker at around 2 trillion, a trillion less than where she was. She drew a line in the sand and said if you are not willing to goenegotiate with me, we dont e anything to talk about. But i dont think that Steve Mnuchin is viewed as the problem by democrats. Certainly ive had democrats tell mina frankly a lot have said that publicly, quite frankly, you know, congressman clyburn who has been leading this hearing was relatively generous in terms of the way that he approached Steve Mnuchin acknowledging that they did a big deal together back in march on this. But mark meadow has really changed the ten or of tor of th negotiations. He frustrated a lot of republicans when he was a tea party in congress. And that ideological perspective seems to have really changed the dynamics of these negotiations here. So in are a lot of americans who are really waiting on this. And obviously the president has a lot at stake too. The reality is that his campaign was hinged on the economy and frankly, putting another couple trillion into the economy right before the election is something that would not only help a lot of people, but potentially help his political prospects as well. For someone who weve covered for so long as being obviously focused on his own self interests, it surprised a lot of people that he is not more out there trying to make sure that they make any deal to do Something Big here. Monica, i want to tread lightly on this next story. But the president s physician released a note today saying that the president has never had a stroke or mini stroke and that he remains healthy. Walk us through what this is. This feels like one of those things that bounced around on the internet and then came to life. What is this . Yes, and it is quite bizarre we should point out because of course all of these questions were raised when the president did make that unannounced trip to Walter Reed Medical Center back in november of last year, which the white house later said was just part one of his routine physical even though it hasnt been due for some time. And then my colleague Geoff Bennett and i reported in may how sfrank it was thtrange it w president never finished that physical even though more than six months had passed and the white house declined to give any explanation for why that was. A short time after that, the president and his physician came out and said that he had completed the entirety of the physical and that the president was perfectly fit to act out the duties of the presidency. Now what we saw today is, yes, an extremely unusual statement dr. Sean connelly saying he put it out at the direction of the president to make this claim that he has never been evaluated for these things. But the issue here is that no reporter actually put this out there. That statement says the media incorrectly reported this, but that simply is not the case. There were some tweets floating around from critics of the president asking the question openly, did the president have a stroke based on something he had said or a way he had acted. There was nobody who was reporting this in any legitimate fashion. What was reported by the New York Times Michael Schmidt is that mike pence had been told back when that walter reed visit happened in november that should the president have to go under anesthesia, then he would have to step in. That is a new detail in that book that nbc news has not independently confirmed or reported, but it seems that that is what may have kicked this off. But the president raising the specter and correcting his physician to relealease details really odd given that nobody was reporting the series of minute any strokes. But now this disclosure from the doctor, so there may be more questions on this. So we continue to press the white house on exactly also why this physical was done in such an unusual way this year. There are still a couple of outstanding questions on that matter. And annie, one more question related to the president s interview last night with fox news. Today marks three months sin the president s photoop at st. Johns church. He spoke to Laura Ingraham about that in the interview and gave a rather controversial account for the way that he viewed how Law Enforcement officers make split second decisions. Watch. Shooting the guy in the back many times, coops you hauldnt done something different, wrestle him. I mean, you know, in the meantime he might have been going for a weapon and there is a whole big thing there. But they choke. Just like in a golf tournament, they miss a youre not comparing to golf. Im saying people choke. So saying the officer choked, well, the officer could have killed jacob blake. He may jet kill jayet kill blak. Where does it leave the president in terms of his stance on Law Enforcement . You can see again the interviewer a friendly trump ally kind of shocked saying you are not comparing this to golf, right . And he is. It was a pretty shocking statement to play down the severity of what were talking about. He is trying to be the lawyer and order president who stands for the cops and has their backs. In the wake of the george floyd murder, we saw the president on down admitting that this was a terrible act of injustice and shouldnt have happened. Here were not hearing him say anything clear cut as that. Were seeing him say people make mistakes. Like choking on the golf course, were talking about life and death and i think that this is a statement that will stick around. A sound bite that will have legs and will be part of how he has responded in general to the racial unrest that is around the country. Annie, kasie hunt, monica alba, good to have you with us. We were taking a look at that Law Enforcement briefing that President Trump is holding in kenosha. Senator ron johnson, republican senator from wisconsin, speaking now. Lets listen. Type of unity and healing. So again, mr. President , i thank you for coming here to support Law Enforcement. But also coming here just to assume the citizens of kenosha as we rebuild, as we recover from something that the vast majority of people abhor and do not support. Thank you very much, are nyo. Appreciate it. And mr. President , i appreciate you being here well keep an eye on this briefing and bring you more developments as warranted. But still to come, head of the fda insists that Coronavirus Vaccine will be approved based on proof and not politics. The latest on concerns of political interference in medicine, next. Can he can he i had shingles. Horrible. A young thing like me . [camera man] actually anyone 50 or over is at increased risk for shingles. The pain, the burning my husband had to do everything for weeks. And the thing is, theres nothing you can do about it [camera man] well, shingles can be prevented. Shingles can be whaaat . [camera man] prevented. You can get vaccinated. Frank they have shingles vaccines whaaat . Thats what i said. Were taking you to the doctor. Not going through that again. [camera man] you can also get it from your pharmacist talk to your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. That selling carsarvana, 100 online wouldnt work. But we went to work. Building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. Creating a coast to Coast Network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. Recruiting an army of customer advocates to make your experience incredible. And putting you in control of the whole thing with powerful technology. Thats why weve become the nations Fastest Growing retailer. Because our customers love it. See for yourself, at carvana. Com. Iredefined the wordng thschool this year. Its why, at xfinity, were committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. And help College Students studying at home stay connected through our university program. Were providing affordable Internet Access to low income families through our internet essentials program. And this summer, xfinity is creating a Virtual Summer camp for kids at home all on xfinity x1. Were committed to helping all families stay connected. Learn more at xfinity. Com education. Lets get you the latest facts on the coronavirus pandemic. New york city will start Public School even later, partly to avoid a teachers strike. Today mayor de blasio announced that inpersonseptember 21 inst september 10. And russia now has the fourth highest known covid19 caseload in the world. It announced more than one million confirmed cases. The u. S. Remains in first place far and away, then brazil and india. And dr. Anthony fauci is defending his role in the trump administration. He responded to tpresident s latest comments about him. I get along with him very well, i disagree with a lot of what he said. He said keep it open for china. That was a big mistake and he admits it. I just i get along with him, but every once in a while hell come up with something that i say where did that come from. I inherited him. He was here, he was a part of this huge piece of i didnt put anybody in charge. Hes been here. Hes been here for 40 years. 1984. So many, many years. And you know, you inherit a lot of people, it is part of the machinery. And you have some you love, some you dont. I like him, i dont agree with him that often, but i like him. Do you think the president trusts you and your advice . You know, i think he does. I think when you get statements like that, that doesnt really reflect what actually goes on. Meanwhile officials are trying to clarify what is really going on in the race for a vaccine. On sunday, the head of the fda dr. Stephen hahn said that the fda could fast track a vaccine before the phase three riles are done. Yesterday he repeated a key point. If you felt pressured to make a vaccine available before it is ready, what would you do . We will not make that decision based on politics, that is a promise. And joining us now is a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins center no health security. Welcome. Thank you. What would it mean for the fda to approve a vaccine before the phase three trials are done . You have to remember that the phase three trials will last probably two years because we have to follow people to see what safety signals emerge later on. So we are likely to get something when we have efficacy data and short term safety data from the phase three trial. There will be an emergency use thorgsz. I dont think that well be waiting for a full fda approval and that can be done safely as long as politics stays out of the process and the benefits outweigh the risks in the population. And then you can make that decision. We have gotten things through emergency use portioauthorizes, weve seen the process be polluted by politics and that has made it harder to know what is actually going on. Recently the cdc changed its guidelines on who needs to get a covid19 test. It says if you have been in close contact with an infected person and you have no symptoms, you dont necessarily need a test. Here is a clip of the white houses testing czar trying to clarify. I think the guidance from the cdc could not be clearer that we support testing asymptomatic people according to local Public Health, and there is even an entire section that says Public Health will want to do asymptomatic swra surveillance. Guiso not everyone categorically. So where does that leave us in term of our federal plan . It is we have confusing when you look at that. I thought initially that this response from the cdc was because we are trying to prioritize outpatient testing for those symptomatic at highest risk. But there has been rhetoric about decreasing testing and that is something that could have found its way into the xwid lin guidelines. What i think will happen, Health Departments will still have their own testing policies where they will test significant contacts who might be asymptomatic. The goal however will be testing as much as we can as to that we c have a status for each person. That is how we become safe, knowing when people are contagious and staying away. And the only way is to have testing as liberally as possible and having it as available as we can imagine it even in our homes. And so what is your sense of how were doing with reopening businesses . I have a friend who is extremely happy that gyms in new jersey reopened today at 25 capacity. How are we doing overall . I think that were doing okay. I think that there has been some false starts and people are trying to learn in real time. And it is hard to know exactly what to do because there is not really one set of guidance because weve never been in this situation before. But you can do this in a safe manner by trying to reduce the harm from the virus by trying to decrease your capacity, encouragi encouraging social distancing and face coverings. Is it i think th as to i think th as to i think th so i think that is the new normal until we have a vaccine. Doctor, thank you very much. President trump is in kenosha meeting with Law Enforcement after the shooting of jacob blake. There you see chad wolf along side the president. Were live on the ground coming up. Plus, Meat Processing workers are keeping us fed at home but still getting sick on their job. One plant in california is closing today, after eight workers died. Lf. So when it comes to screening for colon cancer, dont wait. Because when caught early, its more treatable. Im cologuard. Im noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92 of colon cancers even in early stages. Tell me more. Its for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your prescriber if cologuard is right for you. Im on it. Thats a step in the right direction. Im on it. Tempurpedics mission truly transformative sleep. So, no more tossing and turning. Because only tempurpedics proprietary material adapts and responds to your body so you get deep, uninterrupted sleep. Take advantage of our best offer of the year, with savings up to 500. Woi felt completely helpless. Hed online. My entire career and business were in jeopardy. I called reputation defender. Vo take control of your online reputation. Get your free reputation report card at reputationdefender. Com. Find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. Woman they were able to restore my good name. Vo visit reputationdefender. Com or call 18778668555. In central california, a major poultry plant is offline today after an outbreak of covid19 cases and deaths. Nearly 400 workers at the foster farms plant have tested positive, 80s workers have died. Over the next week, foster farms employees will get tested, the plant will also get a deep cleaning. Jacob ward is outside the facility in livingston, california. Jacob, what has the response been like from officials and from workers . Reporter joshua, this Central Valley county where im standing is part of the bread basket of california, it feeds america really. And the foster farms poultry plant is the Largest Company of its type here on the west coast. But it has been the source of an outbreak since back in june. That is when county officials first identified it. And since then, they called it the most severe and longest lasting outbreak in the county. Now, of course this is not just the only place that is affected this way. Across this county, weve seen an 18. 9 positive test rate. And that is a really bad one. When we look at things like prison, psychiatric facilities, the different employers in this region, these are the type of jobs that people cannot did at home. They have to go into work. And people we spoke to told us that this is a step up from working in the fields themselves where the work is irregular and there are no worker benefits as all. We spoke to a local nonprofit and they described what many members say about their fears going to work here. People are extremely concerned about the jobs that they have and the job that they wish to keep. But there is an overwhelming sense of just concern, fear and dread about what am i stepping into every day and what may i be subjecting my family to my return. Reporter now, the companies for ter farms is clooster farms this plant tonight under orders from the county for at least six days. And they say during this compti they will complete two rounds of deep cleaning and also testing and they will pay employees for the time that the plant is closed and the Testing Program will ensure that all workers reentering the plant will be free of covid19. And they will offer a long list 6 remedies, supplying face masks, personal hygiene measures, but all of this may come too late. Ra and consider that the period could be as long as 14 days. One of a number of Health Threats that the people in the Central Valley face. Thank you, jacob. Jacob ward joining from livingston, california. Lets take a minute to check wall street, the dow is up about 127 points. The dow and s p have had their best august since the mid 1980s. You see the s p 500 up 16, the nasdaq up more than 136. Investors reacted in part to better than expected manufacturing data, to apple splitting its stock four for one, and for warm malmart annou a Membership Program to compete with amazon prime. Just ahead, post election polls. Did either candidate get the boost they were hoping for . And were monitoring the president in kenosha. Might you get a boost from that as well. That is all just ahead. That is all just ahead i have an idea for a trade. Oh yeah, you going to place it . Not until im sure. Why dont you call Td Ameritrade for a strategy gut check . Whats that . You run it by an expert, you talk about the risk and potential profit and loss. Couldve used that before i hired my interior decorator. Voila maybe a couple throw pillows would help. Get a strategy gut check from our trade desk. Im a verizon engineer, and im part of the Team Building the most powerful 5g experience for america. Its 5g ultra wideband, and its already available in parts of select cities. Like los angeles and in new york city. And its rolling out in cities around the country. With massive capacity, its like an eight lane highway compared to a two lane dirt road. 25x faster than todays 4g networks. In fact, its the fastest 5g in the world. From the network more people rely on. This is 5g built right. Only on verizon. President trump is taking reporters questions now in kenosha. Lets listen. You know, you keep getting back to the opposite subject. We should talk about the kind of violence that weve seen in portland and here and other places. There is tremendous violence. You always get to the other side, what do you think about this or that. The fact is that weve seen tremendous violence and we will put it out very quickly if given the chance. That is what this is all about. I keep hearing about peaceful protests and then i come into an area like this and i see the town is burned down. You look at minneapolis, they should have acted much quicker. When we got the National Guard in there, it took literally a half an hour. You saw the scene, they formed, they walked, it was over. And they havent had a problem of any consequence since. Police werent allowed to do their job. They have a good police department, but they werent allowed. Now they dont want to not only defund, they want to get rid of it. It is ridiculous. So i just say this, the kind of violence that i saw, you made i have protestors, but you have some really bad people too. You have anarchists and the looters and rioter, being a tal agitators. And that is what you should be focusing on with your question. Agitators. And that is what you should be focusing on with your question. He keep hearing about peaceful protests. It has hurt the media really badly because you will have somebody standing on one of the network, i wont say which one, but there are many saying how it is a peaceful protest and over the shoulder you see the whole place is burning down. It has become a pretty common sight. So i dont view the peaceful protests. I think peaceful protesting is fantast fantastic. But by and large, this is not paet pea peaceful protests. When you see areas burned down and fortunately here we stopped it early, and so the damage is relatively minimal. But when you look at some of these areas that they dont ask for the help, they refuse to allow us to go in and help them, and by the time you get there, the place is disintegrated. And then they say it was a peaceful rote. It is not a peaceful protest and you shouldnt call it a peaceful protest. One more, please. The peaceful you have to speak up. The peaceful protests that have happened, you have acknowledged some of them are peaceful, they are calling for structural change. Mr. Blake was shot seven times in the back. Do you believe that there is a need for structural change . I think people are calling for structural change and then you can take the people of kenosha that arent here and that you wont see and that arent protesting but they want change also. They want to see law and order. That is the change they want. They want law and order. They want the police to do what they do better than anyone else. You dont see them marching, but they want a great police force, they want people that are going to keep them safe where their husbands aren houses arent broken into, where they are not raped and murdered. That is what they want. And they are protestors too, but they didnt walk ont walk up a street. So that is just the way it is. Just the way it is. So i want to thank you all and ill see you back at the plane. Thank you very much. Thank you. That is President Trump speaking of a sisterafter a lawt summit attended by chad wolf and also william barr and senator ron johnson. You heard him taking some questions from the press there at the end saying that what the people in kenosha want is law and order. Essentially not answering a question about whether or not there is a need for structural change in the way that criminal justice is enacted between people who are black and people who are white. And this is a good place to bring in the reverend al sharp sharp t ton, host of politics nation. I keep hearing the president make this comparison between protestors and agitators. And talking about law and order in opposition to justice. Protestors arage at a time are to agitators, werent they, isnt that the point, to agitate for change . It is interesting to me when he first took office, he talked about frederick douglass. Frederick douglass would sayage at a time young mage at a time. So the president doesnt apparently know the difference. But the iron any of thanyy that one that weve seen kim anyone is a trump supporter who killed two people. The looting and any of the rioting has been denounced by the family of blake and by the community. But there has been far more nonviolent protests than there has been looting. The problem is not getting those of us that are in the community of civil rights to denounce looting, the problem is getting those on the other side to denounce wrong shooting. The shooting seven times in the back of an unarmed man is the issue here that started all of this, which is not being addressed. And he talks about protests. We had tens of thousands of people less than a mile from the white house on saturday and the blake family and george floyd family and Breonna Taylors mother and others. And there was not one incident, not one arrest. So when he talks about this, he is trying to overplay some that are wrong to try to broad paint an issue so he does not have to deal with the issues at hand. And that is what i think is why this is a political employ today to go to kenosha. I think that the governor and mayor and the head of the local naacp asked him to go. And i didnt go because i didnt want them to say why didnt you have sharpton come if you didnt want trump to play. But clearly he is playing politics. He is not talking about law and order because the law should have protected jacob blake jr. And i want to note that the mayor of kenosha has released a statement regarding the president s claim that there were angry mobs trying to get into his house. Wrote in part, nothing of the sort happened. The statement in the president s video is completely false. The city of kenosha remains peaceful and focussed on healing our community. Unquote. And that is a statement from noes mayor. Community. Unquote. And that is a statement from noes mayor. Our community. Unquote. And that is a statement from noes mayor. The president is playing to his base. And marks three months since protests were cleared out of la Fayette Square so the president could have that photoop with the bible. A few days later, you gave George Floyds eulogy and note that had black and white people were marching shouting no justice, no peace. Im not sure how we get from these protests or the president s visit to advancing justice for people of color. I thought that was supposed to be the point and it feels like we are way off the point right now. That is why i think that weve got to stay on the point and not play to his theater. And the point is we need federal legislation. The george floyd act that has already passed the house of represent representatives. That is part of the reason we had the big march on saturday. Because unless we have legislation and enforce it by being able to elect those who will enforce it, we will end up with it ending this summer with people saying it was the summer of discontent but everything remains the same. We cannot afford that. Because when you look at the litany of case, when weed that the march and brought all the victims families up, people were amazed that all of those peopleweed that the march and brought all the victims families up, people were amazed that all of those people were with there for the same kind of pain and most of them happened in the last three or four mounds. Rashard brooks, george floyd, now the case there in kenosha. All of this happened in the last three months. A how many times do you say this is an isolated incident . It is not an isolated incident. There needs to be structural change and it needs to be a president that will address structural change. In regards to what it takes to make that change happens let me play you one more clip from the fox news interview that aired last night. Here is what the president said regarding democrats supposedly destroying the suburbs. Listen. They want low Income Housing and with that comes a lot of other problems including crime. May not be nice to say, but ill say it. But not criminals though. Im not saying that. But there is a level of violence that you dont see. You have this Beautiful Community in the suburbs, including women, right . Women. They want security. I ended with a low Income Project housing in your neighborhood. He did mention that he ended that low Income Housing program. Joe biden would expand it. That moment caught my eye because it wasnt the only such moment in that interview. The president s rhetoric hasnt changed, it has ramped up. How confident are you that the president s rhetoric will fail to win him a second term . It worked in 2016 in the quiet ways. Do you think that it will work in a louder way . Even in 2016 he came in almost 3 million popular votes short. The question will be getting the counties aunt states that the Electoral College will not be able to be tilted his way. And that is the challenge which is why we are putting out a voting brigade with the National Action network and other groups. You have to protect the vote and get people to come out to vote. But i think that the president s outright racist this is not even dog whistling. This is outright screaming when you talk about i mean like today, the answer to that last question you just showed where he said where people will come in and rob and rape you. I mean, this is straight out of the 19th century kind of the blacks are coming to rape your women. This kind of stuff i think will make people understand that this is bigger than whether you are republican or democrat. This is about whether you believe in a country that should deal with people equal actually and fairly. To say that low Income Housing, lets remember now, he was accused of discrimination in his own real estate business and he had to settle with the federal government. So this is not just trump as president , this is trump as we new york. Reverend al sharpton, host of politics nation, always good to see you. Coming up did the democratic and Republican Conventions add some fireworks to the president ial race . Or were they mostly duds . Analysis from Steve Kornacki at the big board is next. The dnc was apparently great for the biden campaigns bottom line. According to the New York Times, last month the campaign raised a recordbreaking 300 million. It starts advertising today in minnesota. Politico reports the race in minnesota seems to be getting tighter based on public surveys and internal polling from both parties. Joe biden is in the lead. Last weeks convention was a big chance for the Trump Campaign to shift the momentum. Did it work . Nbc National Political correspondent Steve Kornacki is right over there around the corner at the big board with the latest. Steve . Minnesota is an interesting state. The last time it went for a republican in a president ial race, 1972, almost half a century ago. When you look at the 2016 map, he flipped pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. Minnesota, a lot of republicans think, is the one that got away. Check out what happened there. Look how close trump came to picking off minnesota in addition to those three other states i mentioned. Basically a point and a half separating him from Hillary Clinton and from getting minnesotas electoral vote. So his campaign from that moment on saw opportunity and still sees some opportunity there in minnesota in 2020. We can take a closer look here. This is interesting, too. Since the 2016 election, these are the house races in minnesota. Congressional races in 2018. Democrats, two districts here. These two districts, the second and third, this is the twin city suburbs. Democrats flipped those. Thats the story we saw everywhere nationally in 2018, but Something Else happened in minnesota in 2018. Its this. These two districts. These are rural districts. These were republican pickups. Theyve been democratic seats. You can see them right here. Big rural districts. Theyve been democratic seats. Republicans flipped them. Republicans werent flipping seats anywhere in 2018. Really except minnesota. So thats the opportunity republicans say they see for growth. They think they can run up the score even bigger in places like the 8th district, like the 1st district. Districts that fit the profile demographically of trump votes. They think they can get more out of there and close that gap further. Thank you steve. Thats Steve Kornacki at the big board with the latest. In the next hour, Vice President mike pence is set to attend a workers for trump event. The race for that key battleground state is heating up. Joe biden was in pennsylvania yesterday. President trump is scheduled to go there thursday. Nbcs Maura Barrett is in burrwick in east central pennsylvania along the susquehanna river. What are you hearing from voters . Joshua, im right at the manufacturing plant. They build these trailers that you see behind me. They are the largest manufacturer here in the u. S. Just north of here, Vice President pence is expected to tout the manufacturing jobs and job creation thats happened in the trump presidency, but thats not what theyre seeing here on the ground. I spoke with workers here who supported the president but now arent so sure about what theyre going to be voting for come 2020. Take a listen to what gary hartman told me. Still undecided. Its a little early yet and to me, you know, its not about the chinese imports. Its about the rest of the economy. Its about covid. Its about a lot of things. So theres a lot out there yet and its too soon to say. The biggest thing theyre fighting here is the chinese competition when it comes to selling their products. One employee told me that they just have been building up a stockpile to create product because they havent been profitable over the past two years. I want to focus in on the stats here in this region of pennsylvania, largely carried the state for President Trump back in 2016. And Lackawanna County typically has higher democrat ic turnout. Basically this region of pennsylvania could carry the state come november. Its important and interesting to note, though, joshua, republican Voter Registration in both luzerne and lackawanna is on the rise in recent months which is why were seeing this focus between biden and trumps campaigns here in pennsylvania. Thanks. Thats Maura Barrett. Im joshua johnson. Ill see you tomorrow. Sit tight. Deadline white house is next. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in the east. With just two months to go in the president ial contest, its clear that only one candidate is running to be the president of the entire United States of america. And that man is joe biden who yesterday forcefully condemned all acts of violence on all sides of the ideological spectrum, something donald trump pointedly refused to do. When given the opportunity to condemn a supporter turned vigilante now charged with murder at a press conference yesterday. Rittenhouse . Were looking at all of it. That was an interesting situation. You saw the same tape as i saw. And he was tryg

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