Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Ali Velshi 20200324

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Easter is april 12th. It is now march 24th. Its less than three weeks away. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo whose state has the high test number of coronavirus cases in the country sharply disagreed with the president s view. If you ask the American People to choose between Public Health and the economy, then its no contest. No american is going to say, accelerate the economy at the cost of human life. Because no american is going to say, how much a life is worth. Job one has to be save lives. Lets take a closer look at where things stand in the United States right now. There are now more than 50,000 confirmed cases in the United States. At least 637 deaths. The World Health Organization said today at this rate, the United States could become the next epicenter of the virus. As all of this is going on, so do negotiations over a massive emergency package to deal with the economic fallout. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer said earlier today, negotiations were, quote, on the two yard line, and wall street is likely that news a lot. As we enter the final hour of trading, take a look at this. The dow is up 9. 5 . At that point, where it is now, that would be the fourth highest close on a percentage basis in history. We are well into the territory of making this the largest percentage the largest point gain im sorry, the second largest point gain in history. Worth noting that the four top point gains on the dhis month. House democrats have drafted a counterproposal that they call the take responsibility for workers and families act, which impose further than the senate bill does. I want to take a look at some of its key components. The bill would provide an additional 600 a week in Unemployment Insurance above what a state provides, which would add up to 100 of a workers wages. It would also provide americans with direct payments of 1,500 per person, up to 7,500 for a family of five, more money than the senate plan has. And it would expand food stamp benefits. In addition, the bill would provide more than 150 billion to support hospitals, Community Health centers, and Government Medical programs, as they treat coronavirus patients. And the house legislation also requires Health Care Facilities to provide Health Care Workers with protective equipment and provides child care assistance to Health Care Workers and emergency personnel. And more than 200 billion in stabilization funding for state and local governments. The house bill, remember, theres a house bill and a senate bill. The house bill right now also requires states to provide for 15 days of early voting and no excuse absentee vote by mail, including mailing a ballot to all registered voters in an emergency. Lets get more on this right now. Msnbcs Garrett Haake is on capitol hill. Garrett, just, lets start from scratch here and pretend that we dont know whats going on between these two plans. Theres a senate plan that is now reaching bipartisan agreement and a separate house plan. Just tell me how that works. Why there are two competing plans. Reporter well, because theres two competing visions about the best way to tackle this crisis. The house plan is a statement of values, essentially, by House Democrats. Its the kind of thing that they would like to see enacted across the board, including those changes to election law, that you mentioned. But the reality is, the republicans still control the United States senate and the white house, which makes a democratonly house plan more or less a nonstarter. A reality that nancy pelosi acknowledged in an interview with Andrea Mitchell earlier today, when she talked about what House Democrats options really are at this point. Take a listen. My hope is that while were in the red zone here, that we get across the finish line, and that we do so in a way that we can bring our bill to the floor under unanimous consent. Another option we have, though, is to bring it to the floor and amend it, because we have some additions that we think would be very helpful to americas workers. And the third, of course, would be to pass our bill. Reporter you hear from the speaker, talking about options of most to least likely. Unanimous consent passing, trying to amend whatever the senate produces and only third, trying to pass the House Democratic bill. Should that become the case, youre looking at a much longer time frame before anything is agreed to. Really, still, ali, the only game in town thats actually being agreed no a bipartisan way is that senate bill, which pick your football metaphor, we have a very boring, slowmoving offense today, somewhere between the two and five yard line, trying to get the last details of this thing taken care of. Garrett, thank you for making things clear for us. And youll be stuck there until we get a resolution. Garrett haake there on capitol hill. I talked about the house bill. Garrett says the senate bill is the one thats actually slowing moving forward, but its getting somewhere. Lets take a closer look about what we know about the senate plan. This is the one most likely to become the plan. In terms of Unemployment Insurance, the senate plan would provide up to 600 in additional assistance. That is above and beyond what a state provides. That should make it so that people will receive up to 100 of their salary for four months. Freelancers, gig workers, people like that who normally dont qualify for Unemployment Insurance would actually be eligible under this plan. The direct payments that people would be getting would go out immediately. Individuals earning up to 75,000 could receive 1,200. Couples earninging inup to 15 could receive 2,400. Individuals and couples would also get 500 per child. Individuals making up to 99,000 and couples making up to 198,000 will get a little bit less. There will also be at least 100 billion in assistance for hospitals in the form of loans, grants, and other mechanisms. 240 billion will go towards needs in other areas of the health care system. Veterans health care, vaccines, other preparedness needs, and the center for disease control, as well as the National Strategic stockpile. The plan also includes money for Transportation Systems affected by a slowdown in travel. 10 billion would be set aside for airports, 20 billion would be set aside for Public Transportation agencies, and it also provides loans and grants for airlines. Now, thats a very big deal, because the airline s employ moe than 10 million people. And later in this hour, ill be looking very specifically at the airline loan program. But right now, i want to take a look at this as a whole. And joining me to take a closer look at it is senator chris coo coons, democratic senator from delaware. Senator, you can bring us up to date, garrett told us, were somewhere between the five and the two yard line. How far are we . Reporter i would say the pass that be thrown, the receiver is in the end zone and were waiting for the touchdown to be declared, if i could use another football metaphor. I expect that we are going to pass this bill. I am hopeful its going to get done tonight. As you just were describing it, in broad detail, it will put out somewhere around 1. 8 trillion in assistance. Some of it directly to individuals, some of it to Small Businesses and nonprofits. Some of it to make sure that Public Employees on the front lines, hospital workers, and ambulance drivers and paramedics get support and assistance. And a lot of it, frankly, to make sure that we are funding a National Pandemic response. Let me ask you about what we were sorting out. The issues that were keeping the two parties apart. One is that people earning the least amount of money were going to get the least amount of money on this. Thats not the case anymore. Reporter correct. We made a number of changes that im proud of. The Unemployment Insurance assistance that you just talked about that is now four months, that is 600 on top of the base benefit. Thats going to affect a lot of americans who are right now facing unemployment and anxious about getting those benefits. One of the other things, frankly, was transparency. That 500 billion fund that will be used to help keep the airlines afloat, as it was nationally written, just a few days ago, the secretary of the treasury had huge discretion and for months, could keep secret who was given what loans with what kinds of terms. Those will now be public within 72 hours. Theres an accountability board and theres going to be funding for independent inspector generals to be able to see all of this spending and to provide some oversight and accountability. Theres also limitations on stock buybacks and executive compensation that i think were reasonable. As well it should be. Ali, theres one other area they fought hard for, which is support for state and local governments, particularly county governments. Theres going to be more than 100 billion in this package for those two levels of government that i think is critically ne needed, shortterm assistance, because theyre on the front lines delivering stooassistance so many americans. Senator, youve looked at a lot of numbers, a lot of projections. Youve got a good eye on this. Whats your reaction to the president saying that he wants america open for business on easter, april 12th . I think that is an ambitious statement by the president. Look, when i was a local elected official, my mantra was always rely on the experts. So if i had to make some decision about emergency management, i would turn to our professionals in emergency management. If i had to make a decision about policing, i would turn to the police professionals. I think that we ought to rely on our governors and our mayors to make the right decision for their locality in terms of whether or not they have achieved control of this virus and this pandemic. And we ought to be listening to dr. Birx and doctor fauci and others whose expertise is in pandemic management. I, too, am optimistic that we can make quick progress here, but i really think we need to make sure that we are maintaining our current practices in terms of social distancing and Public Health practices before being overly optimistic about the timeline on which we can return to normal. Senator, the updates from you and your colleagues have been very helpful to our viewers. We appreciate it. Thank you, sir. Please stay safe. Senator chris coons of delaware. As congress finishes work on a stimulus package, theres an alarming new statement of the economic damage from the coronavirus pandemic. Morgan stanley predicts the Unemployment Rate could spike to as high as 12. 8 . Now, youll remember the highest it got during the financial crisis in 2008 was 10 . That prediction comes as states deal with recordbreaking spikes in Unemployment Insurance claims. Now, we will not know the official number of firsttime claims filed last week until thursday, but there are estimates of how high it could be. Goldman sachs estimates that there will be at least 2. 25 million firsttime claims, but Aaron Sojourner estimates it could be around 3. 5 million. Aaron joins us now. Theres been some confusion about this, because there seems to be some message that was reported on by the New York Times that states had been asked not to give out too many projections about whats going on. So youve pieced together some ideas. Give us some perspective. What is 3. 4 million mean . What is that in relation to how many there normally would be . Yeah, we states have released data on what happened last week, so those arent projections. We took those those data and kind of projected them over the whole week, because they were talking about a single day here or there. And scaling it up, we got an estimate of about 3. 4 million, over 3 million. Its recordbreaking. I mean, this is the a bigger share of workers than any prior week in american history. If you think about that, 3. 4 million americans moving from employment no unemployment would raise the number of unemployed workers from 5. 7 million last month to 9. 1 million. So that makes just that one week of new claimants raises the Unemployment Rate by two percentage points, from 3. 5 to 5. 5. Another way to say it is its more than 2 of all the jobs in the economy. The largest monthly rise in Unemployment Rate in american history, back in 1949, was 1. 3 percentage points. This one week would be boosted by 2 percentage points, if this estimate is right. Aaron, is there any is there any Silver Lining in the fact that that which happened so fast may be corrected more quickly . Or are you looking at like a fundamental shift in employment in the United States that we may not be able to bounce back from as easily . No, i think it is a very particular kind of shock. Its clearly driven by the pandemic. Its clearly driven by a need to promote Public Health and save lives. And what the only tool that we have at our disposal right now, because we havent prepared a widespread Testing Capacity or mask production, like south korea or japan, is these broad, indiscriminate quarantines. So thats an important tool. We need to be using it. If we let that go without Something Better in its place, the cost, in terms of lives in the economy would be much worse. So the good news is, if we can tackle the Public Health challenge, we can get back to business. But trying to do it prematurely is foolish. Aaron, thank you for your time. Thank you for studying these. We will continue to follow it closely. Aaron sojourner is a former member of the White House Economic Council of advisers in the obama administration. Up next, whats it like to have coronavirus . After the break, ill be joined by a physician whos been through it all and why hes telling people to take this seriously. Youre watching msnbc. Oven mitt everythings stuck in the drawers im sorry oh, jeez. Hi. Kelly clarkson. Try wayfair oh, ok. Its going to help you, with all of. This yeah, here you go. Thank you oh, i like that one [ laugh ] thats a lot of storage perfect. Youre welcome i love it. How did you do all this . Wayfair speaking of dinner, whatre we eating, guys . Stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And take. It. On with rinvoq. Rinvoq a oncedaily pill can dramatically improve symptoms. Rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. And for some. Rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. Thats rinvoq relief. With ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. Rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Wow, youve been at it a long time. The thing is, i like working. What if my Retirement Plan is i dont want to retire . Then lets not create a Retirement Plan. Lets create a plan for whats next. I like that. Get a plan thats right for you. Td ameritrade. This is not something anybody wants to go through. By the way, take a look at the dow, up 1790 points, 9. 63 . That would make the fourth biggest percentage increase in history. And at this rate, were ready for about the second biggest point gain in history. Well keep you posted on that. Again, coronavirus itself, having it. Were talking a lot about it, but having it is not something anyone wants to go through. Thats according to a coronavirus patient that talked to the Washington Post. In a new piece that takes a look at the experience of individual who is contracted coronavirus, covid19, this is the case of this man on the screen, dr. Michael sag. He said that he began to feel sick after a long drive from the northeast back to his home state of alabama. The Washington Post reports, quote, still even with his medical background, he had to suppress the natural fear that any person would feel. His advice to other covid19 victims, stay calm, monitor yourself. The number one thing to keep an eye on is breathing. If it becomes difficult to breathe, you should really get to a facility. Of course, make sure to call that facility before showing up. Thats what everybody says. Theres a lot of telemedicine now, but call them. Dont just show up to a place so that the Health Care Professionals can prepare themselves. Joining me now is dr. Michael sag, hes the director of the Infectious Disease division at the university of alabama. Dr. Sag, thank you for being with us. Whats your situation now . Slowly getting better. Its been about 12 days. Its been a rough ride. Ive got to tell you. The first five or six days, not too bad. I thought on day six id turned the corner, but then a second wave of illness hit with a lot of favor and fatigue, and thats just now starting to dissipate. You were talking about in the beginning, it felt like a cough, a smokers hack, a dry, nonproductive cough, and you said your mind was foggy. Thats something were hearing a lot about. Tell me about that. Youre a physician, your profession depends on your mind not being foggy. What did that mean to you . You were having trouble recalling things or having trouble thinking about things . Its a combination of things. A little bit of it was just feeling bad, but a lot of it is inability to focus. If i sat down to do any kind of work, look at email, more than 10 or 15 minutes, i just felt drained. And even when i was typing, responding to emails, i found that i wasnt able to nimbly go and pick out the words on the keyboard, as well. So its a little bit hard to describe. I dont know a great medical term for it. I just call it fuzziness of thought. But the headache and the mild cough, interestingly, no fever for me until day six. And thats a point. Everyone is talking about screening for temperature. Thats missed in a lot of cases. And this takes longer to develop about a typical flu does. Usually by day five or six, if you had a flu, you would be on the other side of it already and then it suddenly starts to get worse. Look, about 10 of patients nationwide who get it are dying. New york has a higher rate than that. About 10 experience no symptoms at all, as far as we can tell. And about 80 have mild to moderate symptoms. Now, heres the thing. In new york state, for instance, if youre not going to be hospitalized, theyre probably not going to test you in the first place. And if youre not going to be hospitalized, theres no treatment for you. Right. And thats what were going to be working on over the next month and a half. My colleagues downtown are looking at studies to look at outpatient approaches, but these things are all brandnew. And i agree with dr. Fauci, when he said, nothing is proven. All the tests so far have anecdotal. So we have to be careful about embracing something as working without the required proof. Whats your sense it is hard. I mean, we work in this business, so were watching every press conference and everything that everybody says. And there is conflicting information out there. As a medical doctor who has now experienced this, what do you want the public to know . This thing is horrible. Nobody wants to go through it. And the horror of wondering, knowing that i could get respiratory systems anytime and end up in the hospital, potentially on a ventilator is a frightening experience that i dont want to go through. And nobody does. Heres the thing. I did everything i knew to do to prevent from becoming infected. Hand washing, et cetera. Its not enough. We have to hunker down at home. We should only go out if its essential, meaning for food, for medicines, for maybe a doctors visit, but that can be done over the phone. If youre [ inaudible ] go, especially if youre saving a life or doing essential things. Otherwise, stay at home. And we need to continue that for quite a while. Some arbitrary date isnt the answer. This thing is lagging about 10 to 14 days behind, meaning the people who are infected today wont show up for another 10 or 14 days. Michael, i hope you make a full recovery. Thank you for your guidance. Dr. Michael sag is the director of Infectious Disease division at the university of alabama in birmingham. A couple took chloroquine phosphate after hearing the president tout the benefits of a similar drug in the fight against the virus. The husband died, his widow is in Critical Condition. Were looking at the dangers of unvetted medical advice and selfmedicates after the break. Youre watching msnbc. 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A man in arizona has died after ingesting chloroquine phosphate, believing that it would prevent him from contracting coronavirus. His wife is now in Critical Condition after she also ingested the substance, which is an ingredient in atreatme treatr sick fish. The substance is different than the specific malariatreating drug that the president mentioned in front of the nation in a press conference, but the new report reads in part, the mans wife told nbc news that shed watched televised briefings in which President Trump talked about the potential benefits of chloroquine. We should note, the food and Drug Administration has not approved chloroquine to treat the coronavirus at this time. Studies of its safety and effectiveness are in very early stages. Joining me now is nbcs vaughn hillyard, who spoke to the mans wife on the phone. Shes chosen to keep both her and her husbands names anonymous. Vaughn, i cant even imagine what kind of conversation that must have been. How was she knowing that the advice she had believed to be useful to protect her and her husband have coronavirus ended up killing him . Reporter the reality is, when i talked with this woman last night here in arizona, she was still in Critical Condition herself and was just coming to the realization, it was the night before, when she and her husband arrived at the hospital after vomiting. It was just about 20 minutes after taking this concoction of what was chloroquine phosphate and soda. You know, this woman, she told me that she took just one teaspoon of it, believing that the chloroquine phosphate that she heard the president talk about during a press conference would have, ultimately, the same impact in being able to help her prevent from getting coronavirus. I want to let you hear, though, ali, part of our conversation from her hospital last night. Did you see the president s press conference . Where did you hear about yeah. Yeah, we saw the we saw his press conference. It was on a lot, actually. And then what and then what did you seek out chloroquine . I had it in the house, because i used to have koi fish. I was in the pantry, stacking dog food and i just saw it sitting in the back shelf, and said, hey, isnt that that stuff they talked about on tv . And yeah, it was. Reporter the woman said, ali, that this is heartache shell never obviously be able to get over. But the issue is that she attempted and her husband attempted to selfmedicate. What she was referencing was in a press conference, President Trump has suggested that he is hopeful about the potential use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as potential treatment for coronavirus or symptoms of coronavirus. You know, in a press conference last thursday, he noted saying, quote, its a very powerful drug for malaria and also for various forms of very serious arthritis, but we think it has a very, very good impact on what were talking about with respect to this virus. I should note that dr. Fauci, after President Trump made those comments, pushed back and saying that the fda has not approved any drug to be taken for coronavirus or to prevent coronavirus. And i asked this woman, who is still in critical care, if she was aware of that advice. And she said, quote to me, yeah, but, you know, they kept saying that it was approved for other things, and you know, trump kept saying it was basically pretty much a cure. Of course, this type of chloroquine phosphate is does not come in the same in the same way that you would if your doctor were to prescribe it to you. And i mentioned that she said that she only took one teaspoon, ali. Well, one teaspoon is about 5,000 milligrams. The weekly dosage for chloroquine phosphate is about 300 milligrams for an adult. So essentially took five times that in one drink. So two different issues. Bad information to start with, and then just dont take things lying around your house that are not meant for human consumption as a drug, anyway. Reporter yeah. But the fundamental message is, dont selfmedicate around this one. Vaughn, thank you. Vaughn hillyard in phoenix for us. I want to bring in dr. Joseph fair. Hes done Extensive Research on the spread of Infectious Diseases around the globe. Dr. Fair, donald trump did say several times in his town hall on fox today that the fda has approved i dont know what the terminology is, offlabel uses for this combination of drugs that hes talking about. Compassionate use, yeah. Just bring us up to speed. So the first thing i can say is, words matter. Ive been through a lot of outbreaks, a lot of natural disasters. You look to your leaders for reliable information, especially during times when there is mass fear and hysteria and panic. And everything from calling it a hoax to talking about a drug and feeling good about that drug, everyone hangs on those words as the leader of the nation. So, you know, this is a time where you have to be very careful with your words. And you know, ali, you wouldnt come to me as a virologist for help with your taxes, or at least i hope you wouldnt. You shouldnt take your medical advice from a politician. You should let dr. Fauci or the commissioner of the fda speak to the drug itself and whether or not its where it is in the phase of clinical trials, if its going to be effective against this, we wouldnt know until weve tested that both in the laboratory and in humans and those trials are ongoing. But its extremely irresponsible to get on television and tell the nation that you feel really good about this drug and that, you know, may have even said that its approved. And the irony, i have to say, is the very next day, attorney general barr getting on television and saying hes not launching an investigation and prosecution of anyone saying false claims about a drug or treatment for covid19 that has not been tested or approved by the fda. So what do you do in that case if its the commander in chief doing the same thing . This is an important point, dr. Fair, because from when you started your career until now, one of the things that brandy sandrozny and Brenton Collins who dwell in the internet forest tell us is theres way more false information in the internet than there is true information, particularly in the area of health and medical stuff. There are all sorts of fake cures out there and people have been capitalizing on that for coronavirus. So it becomes that much more important with that flurry of information out here that you only get your information from people who are experts at this. Absolutely. Cdc. Gov, fda. Gov. In these press conferences, you know, obviously, i dont control how the press conferences are run, but let dr. Fauci or let dr. Birx speak to the medical aspects of the outbreak itself. Let them talk about the drugs and whats on the pipeline, in the pipeline, i should say, and whether or not, you know, were going to see efficacy, what the specifically timelines are for trials and whether or not, you know, physicians will be approved to use that on a compassionate use basis or not. A politician with no medical background should not be speaking to those aspects, because as i said, in times of disasters, and ive been through a lot of them, people hang on every word. And thats exactly what happened in the case. We depend on every piece everything tweeted out there that suggests that theres some cure, some test, we hang on to. Heres the issue, as well. In addition to the responsibility coming from people who are not experts on this on not giving that information out, whats your message to people . Even if they think theyve heard something, you cant ingest things that are meant to be medicine without the care of a doctor, without consulting a doctor or a nurse practitioner, or somebody who can give you some advice on this. Absolutely. Im a virologist, not a medical doctor, and i can tell you i would never do that myself. Everyone should be following those same guidelines. If your doctor did not prescribe it specifically for covid19 or your caregiver or someone in a Treatment Facility did not prescribe it for covid19, you shouldnt be putting it in your body. Especially if its a drug, you know, meant to treat fish or meant to treat animals. Theres a reason we have an fda and theres a reason we go through trials. It is to prove that these are safe and effective in human beings before its have ever put into a human being. First rule of medicine, do no harm. So if everyone starts taking, you know, suggesting colloidal silver, as ive seen james baker selling on his channel, thats going to be adverse effects to your health, when people are afraid already with covid19. So to our viewers, please give this message to your parents, your uncles, your aunts, your brothers, your sisters, your friends. When theres a miracle cure, an instant vaccine, a medication, you will hear about it from reliable sources. Dont take this on yourself to put anything in your body that you dont have evidence is true and going to work. Joseph, thanks very much, as always. Dr. Joseph fair, what virologist, epidemiologist, and nbc news science contributor. Up next, reports that commercial airlines are considering a voluntary shutdown of domestic flights across the United States. This is an industry reeling from the alreadysharp reduction in flights due to the coronavirus pandemic. And take a look at the market right now. 1855 points. That would be the second biggest point gain in history. And at 9. 96 , that would be the seventh the eighth biggest percentage gain in history. Youre watching msnbc. Life isnt a straight line. And sometimes, you can find yourself heading in a new direction. But when youre with fidelity, a partner who makes sure every step is clear, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. A partner who makes sure every step is clear, in the 2020 census guyisnt complicated. O counts everyone living in your home on april 1st counts. My aunt and uncle who live with us, count. My best friend who sleeps over every friday night, doesnt count. laughs my new baby sister, she counts. My moms best friend, whos been living with us, she counts. The dog, mr. Bebe, should count, but he doesnt. Complete the census online, by phone, or by mail. Shape your future. Start here at 2020census. Gov wayfair has way more ways to renovate your home, from inspiration to installation. 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According to the flighttracking website flight aware within more than 8,000 flights into or out of the United States have been canceled today. American, delta, and united have canceled more than a thousand each. Now American Airlines are pushing for government assistance. The more than 50 million request would be the largest bailout ever and its first since 9 11. Joining me now, sarah yellson. Sarah, thank you for joining us. You have made a point that i think a lot of americans have been thinking about, having looked remembered 2008, 2009 in the rearview mirror. In a letter that you sent to the senators the other day, you asked for aid to airlines to be designated to cover payroll for aviation workers, including pilots, screeners, flight attendants, airport workers, caterer workers and otherwise. You wanted it to be tied to that. Are you seeing what you wanted coming through in this deal thats about to be made . So we proposed that this package be built from the groundup, exactly as youre describing. And that the aid actually be directed to the people on the front lines. And that is our understanding, is that this is being constructed so that that direct government aid, theyre telling the airlines exactly how they have to use that. And it is to pay the paychecks of the people on the front lines. And keep them on the jobs. And not change our contracts. So, that is what we think is being shaped up right now, and were fairly optimistic about it, there will were still telling all of our members and everyone to keep calling, because this needs to be about worker relief, not about executive bonuses and stock buybacks and dividends and how they can enrich themselves. And in fact, in the last you know, since 9 11, there has been progress between airlines and their workers on some of those fronts. But the fact is, thats the fear most americans have, right . That, look, maybe the airlines is really an industry that does need saving, first of all, because its essential, its critical to what we do, and it employs a lot of people who end up being taxpayers and we dont want them all being out of work. But if americans get taxpayer money, there should be some Strings Attached to it. Thats absolutely right. And this is not going to be a bailout like the past. And we do need the Airline Industry. Lets be clear, thats not a bunch of executives. Thats actually the network that delivers our mail to us, that gets us to see each other, that gets Critical Resources to address this virus right now and help our Health Care Professionals. So we need a functioning Airline Industry in order to attack the virus right now, get people the needs that they need to have during this national emergency, and then, also, perform the backbone of our economy on the other side of this. And ali, a lot of people dont think about this, but flight attendants pay 1. 5 times the amount that American Airlines pay in taxes. And then we spend the rest of that into the Gross National product. And that is 4. 2 billion that we inject into this economy. So if we are getting our paychecks, we can continue to contribute. Thats just flight attendantants. This is how we need to be approaching this, from the ground up in this relief package. One of the points youve made and one of the points weve made is that buybacks, we have to be careful about Companies Using any money they get from american taxpayers, whether its loans or otherwise for stock buybacks. The priority has to be american workers. Sarah, thank. Sarah nelson is the president of the association of flight attendants, cwa. Coming up at the top of next hour, 2020 president ial candidate joe biden joins Nicole Wallace on deadline white house. And up next, from a push to go Carbon Neutral in the next five years to using cleaner jet fuels, well have the details of the democrats idea to curb pollution in the stimulus package. But many of the brick and Mortar Stores are closed, but theyre still running online. Leave the package outside for 24 hours if possible on sunlight. Handle the package with gloves. One its opened, throw away or recycle the box immediately. Wipe down the contents, and when youre done, wash your hands again. There has never been a better time to have a favorite food. With new grubhub plus you get unlimited free delivery and cashback rewards for ordering noodles, and noodles. And noodles. And noodles. Grubhub plus. Free delivery, cash back, and noodles. And sometimes, you can find yourself heading in a new direction. But when youre with fidelity, a partner who makes sure every step is clear, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. 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Democrats say its the biggest, best chance to secure those. The republicans said id should be on the pandemic and recovery. Joining us is the founder of our daily planet. Former Principle Deputy administrator of the National Oceanic atmospheric administration. Theres some pushback of people saying only every ten years do you have the influence over companies responsible for Carbon Emissions and this is one of those times. And in ten years from now people are going to say to us, you had this chance to put some conditions about Carbon Emissions on the companies and didnt when you gave them money. On the other hand, we have news today, wall street journal reporting that the Environmental Protection agency is planning to waive compliance requirements for those of oil refiners and not even being neutral. The plan to make it more lax rather than tighter. Yes, indeed, ali. Thank you so much for having me on today. This is a really important conversation to have about this economic stimulus bill. These provisions should be as green as they possibly can be. As green as our economy was before the Trump Administration rolling back regulations today willie nilly. It is terrible to think well squander the opportunity and it is not an opportunity anyone would have wished for believe me. We dont want to see people be harmed by this but the air pollution that is bilging out into the skies and we know that it is because we can see the difference when people stop driving around and they stop polluting. We can see the difference. That pollution was killing people already. And it is making the people who get this illness even more vulnerable to it. Because it is a respiratory illness. It is important for people to keep in mind while we have this around us and the numbers and the conversation of coronavirus, which unlike the effects of climate not contagious between people, the effects will kill more people. Yes, indeed. And air pollution itself is a killer in this country. There are studies that have shown, Harvard University studies, that have shown that before the Trump Administration started to roll the regulations back 80,000 people a year died prematurely because of air pollution and lung disease that was aggravated by air pollution. Asthma attacks however so theres no reason why this new revitalization, this injection of investigationment from the government shouldnt be as green as the economy needs to be going forward. What is the way to manage this . Because this is a emergency situation looking at emergency funding. I just spoke to the head of the flight attendants union. We have millions of people quite possibly about to be unemployed. How do you manage . How do you thread that needle about the changes that are required in terms of society and the economy and the climate versus the Emergency Needs as somebody whos been in government . Well, some of these things are things that dont cost anything in the stimulus bill. Things like requiring the Airline Industry to be more transparent about the emissions, not rolling back regulations just means keeping things at the level that they were. It doesnt mean spending more money. It means savoriing more money. Deciding which regulations are the ones that are not going to increase the cost of the stimulus, but in fact, will keep things level set in terms of the protections that we already have are the right things to do. Indeed, certain green industries, Renewable Energy was growing and it will certainly take a hit in this. Why shouldnt it get the same kind of boost from a recovery package as an oil and gas company . Monica, thank you as always for joining me. Thank you, ali. Shes the former Principle Deputy administrator of the National Oceanic and atmospheric administration. Look at the stock market. 10. 4 higher right now. 1955 points. Let me just tell you on march 13th, we had the biggest point gain ever on the dow. That was 1985 points. We are just on heels on that. The percentage gain at the moment is about the sixth or seventh biggest at the moment. This is after stocks hate threeyear low. Investors are hoping, they are anxious for the government to come to this agreement on a stimulus bill to rescue the economy from the damage that has been caused by the coronavirus. Joining me for a closer look is cnbcs sue herera. Sue, this deal wont happen in the next five minutes. Does that mean investors are upset with it tomorrow or see it again tomorrow as investors look for and hope for this deal . I think it is going to depend on the language coming out of washington. The speaker who was on Andrea Mitchells show earlier today seemed to give signal theyre really on the verge of a deal and she wants unanimous consent on that deal. Thats what the market wants to hear. Even if we dont get a vote today, if the market senses thats what im hearing, if the market senses a few things left to work out, and the deal will get voted on, i think the market is getting a green light. If we hear pushback late today, that would be a different story, of course, but so far the market seems to be green lighted. The dow up 11 , 2,049 points. That would be the biggest point gain in history and it would be about the fifth, sixth biggest percentage gain in history. Markets are about to close. Sue, thank you as always. That wraps up the hour for me. Deadline white house with joe biden starting right now. The lack of control over my business made me a little intense. But now i practice a different philosophy. Quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. With koala kai. Hey more mercy. vo save over 40 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. The easy way to a happier business. 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