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2020. This splitscreen setup is likely a boost for the Biden Campaign which has been criticized for having a Light Campaign schedule. Its not just the visuals that might be helping his case, the president seems more than willing to engage as well. Id rather run against, i think, biden than anybody. I think hes the weakest mentality. And i like running against people that are weak mentally. I think joe is the weakest up here. The other ones have much more energy. I call him 1 joe because until obama came along, he didnt do very well. According to the New York Times when the president was briefed on whats described as a devastating 17state poll, trump told aides to deny that his internal polling showed him trailing mr. Biden in many of the states that he needs to win. That when topline details of the polling leaked, most notably those showing donald trump lagging in the rust belt states, trump instructed aides to say publicly that other data showed him doing well. All right. With that, joining me from council bluffs, iowa, where the president will be touring a Renewable Energy plant, is nbcs hans nichols. Hans . Reporter ali, you can deny poll polls, you cant deny president ial travel. Thats usually an indication for this president and any president where they feel like they have to shore up their political base. In his message here is, look, we may be losing corn sales to china, but he is going to do something to make sure you can sell more of that corn to distillers, actually to have more ethanol in the actual gasoline entire system. The e15 that youre talking about. Talking to farmers outside here, ali, it seems to be working. Not only do they want e15 year round, they want e20. Theres a view here in iowa that you can grow a lot of corn, if youre not going to be selling it to the chinese, sell it to the refiners to have more ethanol in their fuel. One quick side note on this, ali, ive been talking to farmers here, you can drink ethanol. It just isnt advised. Ali . Before the president left, he teased the press with a look at his deal with mexico that appeared to be on one page. Reporter yeah. He described it as being a long deal. Tell me about this. Reporter i dont know if thats the executive summary, or the entire actual four corners of the agreement that the president claims he has. Clearly, theres something in that agreement. The president wants mexico to announce first. Hes giving the mexicans wide berth to announce this on their own political schedule. Theres some concernsdomestical. It marks the first time it appears donald trump has cared about domestic Political Considerations in another country, so we can try to read parts of that, whats on that sheet that the Washington Post snapped there. Its not going to be the full agreement. It does Say Something about another 45 days you can revisit this entire agreement. Ali . Hans, good to see you as always, hans nichols traveling with the president in iowa. I want to bring in the Des Moines Registers politics reporter brianne, thanks for being with us. Thanks for having me. What does the showdown mean in iowa . Were going to be seeing a lot of that over the course of the next few months. Absolutely. What were seeing here is dueling rallies on opposite ends of the state. President donald trump and frontrunner Vice President joe biden who are trying to keep the attention on each other right now. Joe biden is leading in our most Des Moines Register iowa poll, hes at 24 . And that leads the pack. So hes trying to lean into this frontrunner status. Hes trying to make this race about him and the president trying to show that hes got the grit, that he can take on this president , he can meet fire with fire. And still rise above. You know, he said that were better than this. Hes trying to make this a moral argument here in iowa. And this trip youre seeing him head out to the eastern part of the state which is a little bit more working class, where he can also lean into, you know, his everyday joe appeal. Theyre both trump and biden are talking a lot about china. Lets just hear what biden had to say about it. China poses real challenges to the United States, and some ways a real thet to treat to thd states but donald trump is only exacerbating the threat and the danger but the reason i find myself optimistic is that the point ive been making a long time, if we do what we need to do at home, if we stand up for american interests, if we invest in our people, live our values and work with our partners, we can outcompete china every single solitary day. This has been an area that the Vice President bidens had some trouble with because he his messages on china hasnt been as consistent, but to farmers in iowa, china is massively, massively important. So is memexico. Trade issues are really relevant to the agricultural sector. Absolutely. And if you talk to farmers on the ground theyll say we appreciate the president s tough stance. Somebody needs to hold china accountable, somebody needs to be tough on these issues but we wish maybe he went into it more allies. We wish maybe that we had a greater sense of how this would play out. Farmers say that we appreciate these efforts but its only so long that we can last. That we need to see some results and so to hear Vice President joe biden come in and talk about these issues as well, to say that china still needs to be held accountable but theres a better way, is an effort to appeal to some of these people. Brianne, thanks very much for joining us, Brianne Pfannenstiel at the Des Moines Register. The president faces skepticism over his immigration deal with mexico, the one that averted his plan to impose tariffs on all goods crossing the southern border into the United States. As we mentioned before he left for iowa, the president responded to denials from mexico that theres a secret part of the agreement to curb migration from Central America thats going to be revealed soon. Thats the agreement that everybody says that i dont have. So, no, because im going to let mexico do the announcement at the right time. For mexico whats in it . They want to go through. Heres the agreement. A very simple agreement. This is one page. This is one page of a very long and very good agreement for both mexico and the United States. Without the tariffs, we would have had nothing. Okay. Heres what we know about the key point os s of the agreement. Mexico is going to deploy 6,000 National Guard troops throughout the country to deter migrants from making the trip to the United States. The two twhanations agreed to ed the migrant protection protocols across the entire board end. That means people coming to the United States to seek asylum will be sent back to mexico to wait for the court to decide on their claims but the New York Times reports mexico agreed to take these actions months before the deal was announced. Officials told the paper the Mexican Government pledged to deplde pl deploy more troops to its southern border in march during secret talks in miami between thenHomeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and mexican interior secretary olga sanchez. Nielsen announced the propertoc at a hearing in december. The deal raises questions about president trumps use of tariffs to achieve results on trade and other issues. Joiningto joiningtous have a closer look, jared bernstein. Former chief economist and Economic Policy adviser to Vice President joe biden. Jared, good to see you, thank you for being with us. My pleasure. Thanks for inviting me. What strikes me as interesting over the last few days with respect to mexico is the degree to which the Business Community seems to have turned against president trump. As you and i have observed over the last 2 1 2 years virtually nothing has caused the Business Community to separate from donald trump but the chamber of commerce, fox business said some thing. Right. What does this mean to you . The Business Community is happy to take the big tax cut that it got that moeb wnobody was askin with you got Congressional Republicans to grow a little bit of a spine on this one. It has to do from an economical spur specti perspective, depth of the supply chains that connect u. S. And mexico. More than half of the factories with which we deal in mexico are simply exporting parts back to the United States that go into things we build here primarily cars, but also computers, furniture, apparel. Theres just food. Theres so much interconnectedness. This is the part of the globalization omelet that you simply cant unscramble without meting out very significant pain to american businesses and American Consumers and much more so than almost any other of our trading partners except for, perhaps, canada, and so thats why you got the reaction you did. So why so do people see tariffs or reduction in trade with china different than the way they see it with mexico . Because of the way its intertwined . Mostly with china, its a normal supply chain. Goods or services go from one place to the other without being completely there are obviously exceptions but its more of that sort of a relationship . Two things. Two things. First of all, its a merit atte magnitude. If you simply look at, again, the interconnectedness of those supply chains, basically what we call intermediate goods or inputs into the american production process, its just much more going on with mexico, but that also goes on with china and you did hear businesses, particularly, actually, this kind of complaining began with the steel and aluminum tariffs. You did hear american businesses saying this is going to raise our costs, so we dont like it, but the second thing with china is, of course, all the kinds of International Rule breaking that goes on in. Whether its the state subsidies of industries that export into global markets, whether its the persistent trade surpluses they have, which enforce deficits and other parts of the world. Or whether its these joint ventures wherein they force technology transfers. Thats the other part of the china beef. Jared, trade and immigration are separate areas. Is there a dangerous precedent by using trade to solve a different problem . Obviously, you trade with countries because it gives you leverage or gives you advantages with them, but there are some who worry that we took a relationship with mexico, and by the way, weve done this with canada to a different degree, that is a strong welldeveloped relationship. There may be really valid criticisms of whats in those deals but fundamentally threatening that for in the aid of Something Else thats not really a National Security emergency, does it make sense . No. I think your word, precedent, is an important one here because at least as far as i and every other researcher could tell, there was no precedent for using a trade tool like tariffs against an immigration flow problem and, look, we can have a good discussion about the, you know, socalled crisis at the border. I believe its one thats been manufactured by trump immigration policy. But thats a very different discussion. And trump im not sure he learned much from this, but if he learned something from that, its precisely in this space. That he just pushed too far on his own community, whether its the Business Community or Congressional Republicans, that they just recognize that the economic damage that he would be doing in pursuit of an unprecedented intervention was very misguided. Jared, always good to see you, thank you for joining me. Jared bernstein is a former chief economist and Economic Policy adviser to thenVice President biden. Coming up, with 15 days to go before the first 2020 president ial democratic primary, were taking a deep dive debate, sorry, not primary. Were taking a deep dive into the candidates big ideas. First up, what Bernie Sanders says separates h imfrom t s hi crowded contenders. And police officers, pushing the legal boundaries to get into peoples cell phones. You with watching msnbc. This is not just the flu. Its meningitis b. And youre not there to help. 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Com moving to get started. Two weeks from tomorrow, the democratic president ial candidates will gather in miami for their first debate which will be hosted by nbc news, msnbc, and telemundo. Ahead of the debate nbc news asked the candidates to explain their one being idea. For vermont senator Bernie Sanders, its medicare for all. According to the Gallup National Health and wellbeing index, nearly 14 of adults are uninsured. Sanders wants to make sure that every american is covered. Nbcs harry smith talked with sanders about his mplan and criticism that its a socialist policy. Im senator Bernie Sanders. Were fighting for medicare for all. Reporter vermont senator Bernie Sanders is among other things consistent. Check out this clip of him from an appearance on the today show when he was the newly elected mayor of burlington in 1981. In our society, theoretically, a democratic society, you have a handful of people who control our economy. You have maybe 2 of the population that owns onethird of the entire wealth of america, 8 l 80 of the stocks, 90 of the bonds. Reporter talk like that took Bernie Sanders to the house of representatives and in 2016, nearly to the democratic nomination for president. We met with sanders in a Small Campaign office on capitol hill. As the senator took a short break from his day job a few blocks away. This is something the American People want. Its something long overdue. Weve got to do it. How old a person does it start with . Everybody. Reporter everybody. Lets be clear. This is not a radical idea. This exists in every other major country on earth. Health care is a human right. And it is somewhat absurd everyoand grossly wrong, to my mind, that today we have 34 Million People who have no Health Insurance at all. And that we have another 45 Million People who are underinsured with high deductibles and high copayments. So we have a system that is wasteful, expensive, and dysfunctional. Medicare today works very well with the seniors, over a fouryear period, weve got to expand that to all of our people. Spend what, about 3. 5 trillion a year on medical care . Is. Thats right. The estimate is as Health Care Costs go up at that best estimate that ive seen would be 50 trillion over the next 10 years. 50 trillion. Medicare for all based on virtually all of the studies that i have seen would be far less expensive. I can see my docketor i wanto see. By the way, right now in many cases you cant, if youre not in the network of your insurance program, you may not be able to see that doctor or have to pay a whole lot to do that. We give People Freedom of choice, doctors, and give freedom of choice hospitals. So the word that will come out of your opponents, assuming you get the nomination, the word that will come from the republicans is socialism. And just as a word has its own level of toxicity. That may or may not be but as it happens, this is not a socialist program. You know what is a socialist program . The veterans administration. You know whats a socialist program . Your police department. Your fire department. Those are governmentrun programs. Every other country in one variation or another provides health care to all of their people through a government program. What we do here is maintain the structure, the infrastructure, of health care in america. If i want to, can i opt out . No. Everybody gets it. This is, you know, like social its like social security. It is like medicare right now. Just an expansion of medicare. Bottom line is, medicare is the most popular Health Insurance program in america. Far more popular than private Health Insurance policies. And we think if we expand medicare over a fouryear period to all people, youre going to see a lot of people being very satisfied. All right. Joining us now to take closer look at this is andy, a former acting administrator for the centers of medicare and medicaid services. Hes now a general partner in town hall ventures which works with entrepreneurs to change the health care system. Andy, good to see you again. I think the one thing we have to dispense of is the idea that covering everybody in a country as Bernie Sanders says is something done by more than 50 countries. Its done by every single other developed country and regardless of how you choose to measure developed countries, whether its oecd or some other measure, everybody else does some version of ensuring that everybody either has access to health care, paid for hoelt care, or insured health care. Yeah. Thank you, ali. Yeah. I think one of the things thats consistent among every democratic candidate is that they all believe that that should be the case, that in one form form ore another, every family has the ability to take care of their family if someone gets sick and keep them healthy and that ought to be universal among the country. Whats different among candidates, senator sanders as you just heard believes we should do away with the employerbased system, 150 Million People get coverage and the Medicaid Program and ought to all have one system and points to some of the benefits of that. There are 10 or 12 other wa way to get there. Most countries have a complex mix. Yeah. What you call a hybrid system. At the end of the day, i suspect if a democrat wins we will end up with some form of hybrid system that moves us to that place where everybody gets coverage. Im just putting up some bullet points of what our current medicare system does. My first line there is its not a singlepayer system because a lot of candidates confuse the two, and it probably for the moment doesnt matter because the nuance differences arent significant in the discussion of what this is. But its government and private insurers manage the care. There are premiums, deductibles and copays. It covers certain medical needs. And a lot of people buy supplemental coverage. Is it confusing that Bernie Sanders decided to call his Program Medicare for all . Because it actually differs from what medicare currently is. You make a great point, ali. You know, what senator sanders is doing is hes piggybacking off the popularity of the word, medicare. But point of fact, its very unlikely that you can cover children, kids, with a medicare benefit. You cant cover pregnant moms with the medicare benefit. You got a Medicare Trust fund that is unlikely that the countrys going to disturb. To serve the rest of the population. So what hes basically, i think, trying to imply is that there is something that the government will make available to people and i think other candidates are as well. Some as a choice. Some will say you can keep whatever plan you have, some will say this is the only choice which is what sanders says. And that when thats available to you, youll have an array of benefits. Those benefits will probably look more like the ten essential benefits in the Affordable Care act. Right. Maybe with dental, maybe with vision. Depe depending. Than they do what the medicare plan looks like today. Some countries they dont offer the dental and vision but most of the ten essential benefits. Heres the big benefit. Youve seen this chart. Youre very familiar with it. Its Health Care Spending by country per capita. The United States is all the way to the left there. Switzerland which has a sort of a semi, a private, mostly private insurance system, is next, and then a whole lot of other developed countries are in the same category about half the cost per capita of the United States. Including canada. Canada come s in as a little les than half. That would be the biggest benefit, right . The issue is paying less for similar outcomes or even better outcomes. Well, see, heres the trick. Not necessarily. In an of itself, prices just dont go down. Medicare, if medicare becomes the only payer has to decide how much its going to pay doctors and hospitals, if theyre going to pay them less than they are done, theres going to be some implications na s for that. If you want to bring per capita medical costs down which we all want to do, start by looking at Prescription Drug companies, you might start by looking at the 400 that we sell insulin for in this country when its available for 40, same exact vial, in canada. So unless we take some of those steps, focus on Prescription Drug costs, focus on some of the excesses in the system, simply deciding who pays and whether theres one plan or multiple plans wont be what makes the difference. Andy, good to talk to you as always. Thank you for joining us. Andy slavitt, forming acting administrator for seventhcenter medicare and medicaid services. June 26th and june 27th in miami, moderated by lester holt, savannah guthrie, jose diaz ba lard, chuck todd and rachel maddow. Broadcast live across nbc news, msnbc, telemundo and dreamed on nbc news digital properties. All right. Up next, well take you live to capitol hill. Minutes from now, the house is ex. Pe expected to vote to empower Committee Chairs by authorizing them to sue members of the Trump Administration and others who defy their subpoenas. After the break, well look at what this means in light of william barr and don mcgahn refusing to comply with last months subpoenas. Dad oh, hey guys mom on speakerphone hi son on speakerphone dad, i scored two goals today dad oh, thats great vo getting to a comfortable retirement doesnt have to be an uncomfortable thought. See how lincoln can help you retire on your terms at lincolnfinancial. Com because ill never be a sidekick. Our an understudy. Ill never be benched, subbed, or picked last. Because ill be a little busy. Leave the bench warming to your tennis bag. Join net generation. While the president is busy facing off with one potential democratic opponent in the coming election, any second now the house is going to vote on a civil contempt resolution that will allow Committee Chairmen to sue the administration and other witnesses who defy congressnal subpoenas without forced to consult with the Justice Department first. Essentially reaffirms congress pow tore enforce subpoenas without holding any votes in the committees or the floor. Its a speedier process thats whats in place now. This is going to be a crucial move particularly wefor jerry nadler who could ask a judge to reject the Trump Administrations argument that former white House Counsel don mcga mcgahn cannot testify before the committee or provide requested documents. Joining me from capitol hill, nbcs kelly odonnell. Kelly, im trying every time i describe this to make this understandable. Such that someone can tell someone else. I dont know whether ive succeeded because this is uncharted territory. Reporter although i thought that was pretty good, i think thank you. Reporter i think a way to look at this is a fast track, a way for congress to go to the court system. Bypass a lot of the normal steps to enforce their subpoenas and subpoena power is one of the biggest levers of power on capitol hill and democrats have been mightily frustrated by the Trump Administration not complying with subpoenas, not producing documents and witnesses on a variety of topics. So today, this vote will be a test of their mettle, if you will, this is a part of the process of oversight. What they will look to do here, it specifically deals with the attorney general william barr and also deals with don mcgahn, former white House Counsel to president trump, now back in private practice. They did not provide all of the requested documents because they argued that in mcgahns case, theyre the custody of the white house. Did not come forward to speak about his time in the service of the president and the office of the president and william barr for his handling of the mueller report. Now, this is going forward, even though there is a new agreement between the department of justice and this key committee, the judiciary committee, to provide some of the Background Information that has not been public before for members to review. Things like fbi reports and some of the raw data used to compile the mueller report. Today, House Speaker nancy pelosi was asked again about where things stand on the march toward possible impeachment. Shes very clear that this is not a Democratic Caucus that is ready to move forward yet. Shes not ready. Heres how she responded to question. If a majority of your caucus if a majority of a caucus wants to go forward with an impeachment inquiry, would you go for it . Its not even close in our caucus. Eventually you know what, why are we speculating on hypotheticals . What were doing is winning in court, not being as divisive in our country, in my view, than impeachment. Reporter and the key phrase there from the speak e winning in court. Theyve had two cases where judges have backed up the rights end the duties of congress to get information. That ties into this vote were talking about today. That fasttrack process to streamline congress ability to seek a remedy from the courts when the white house, the administration, top officials, do not comply. So Speaker Pelosi is focused on court wins, which can be harder to explain. They may feel incremental to those watching this process. She thinks thats where you can build a great deal of information, evidence, effectively, a case, that could be brought against the administration at some later point. Ali . Kelly, thank you as always. Kelly odonnell for us on capitol hill. Democrats are forging ahead with their series of hearings to transfer the extensive findings from the special counsel Robert Mueller, former special counsel Robert Muellers 448page report to americans. The main takeaway from the report was underscored in yesterdays testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee by two legal experts, both of whom happened to be msnbc contributors, but who were both there because of their legal backgrounds. The facts contained in that report would be sufficient to prove all of the elements necessary to charge multiple counts of obstruction of justice. And i would be willing to personally indict the case and to try the case. I would have confidence that the evidence would be sufficient to obtain a guilty verdict and to win on appeal. The conduct described in the report institutes multiple crimes of obstruction of justice. Im confident that if anyone other than a sitting president committed this conduct, that person would be charged with crimes. Joining me now is the second expert in that clip, barbara mcquade, former u. S. Attorney, law professor at the university of Michigan Law School and an msnbc contributor. Barbara, thank you for being with us. Oh, thanks for having me, ali. Barbara, in your testimony and joyce vances testimony yesterday, one of the things that you both made clear was the degree to which the initial expression of what was in those in that report, which we all got from the attorney general, bill barr, is not what your legal reading of it would tell you. No, not at all. You know, i think that initial letter led us to believe that Robert Mueller just sort of said its too close to call and im leaving it to you, attorney general, to decide and the attorney general decided that there was no evidence of obstruction of justice. And that really just isnt the case. For one, Robert Mueller from the very beginning said, i cant make a charging decision under doj policy so i wont. Im just going to describe the evidence. And if you actually read the report and the evidence, he describes ten episodes of potential obstruction of justice and with regard to four of them, he finds substantial evidence for each and every element of the offense. If i were reading that as a prosecution memo, as his supervisor, i would fully expect the conclusion of that document to say, therefore, i recommend charging four counts of obstruction of justice. So do you think that there was some clarity lacking in what a special counsel should be able to do . Robert mueller didnt seem to have an issue with clarity as it relates to the office of legal counsels guidance that you cant indict a sitting president. That seemed to have been up for debate with a lot of other lawyers as we were waiting for the outcome of that. If that had been different, if Robert Mueller were not sticking with that guidance, would he have made a different come to a different conclusion . What would that look like . I believe he would because we see in part 1, volume 1, of the report, that he does reach a decision, a traditional binary prosecution decision with regard to conspiracy. He says the evidence does not establish conspiracy. He showed us in he knew how to e decline charges. If thats what he were doing with regard to obstruction, i think he would have said the same thing. Instead, he says, we do not exonerate the president. I think if he had not been constrained by that doj policy, he would have recommended charges there and one of the things that Robert Muellers been criticized for and was criticized for yesterday which i find astonishing is that out of an abundance of fairness, he thought it was wrong since he couldnt charge the president that he shouldnt even say so. He shouldnt even say the president committed obstruction of justice. Even that would be unfair to him. William barr and others have said, of course, he could have said so, bull. Robert mueller said he didnt want to preempt congress by saying so. So the balls in congress court. And they can look at the decision. This is not a doover. But this is a fresh view of the evidence. To decide whether they think its important to consider impeachment based on these facts. In these efforts that congress is undertaking right now to, again, i have trouble explaining it, but the granting the chairman the authority to get to react to these subpoenas that have not been honored by the white house. Do you think they will succeed and in what fashion . Yeah, i think that it doesnt really give them any powers they didnt already have to File Lawsuits to compel compliance with these subpoenas if. They have that power. I think they will get what they want. This just streamlines the process so they dont have to go through the full house to get a vote. The procedural things that could extend the amount of time it takes to get compliance. And so, you know, theyre going to get compliance one way or the other. There may be some limited situations where they dont get material based on executive privilege, but in this very broad privilege that the department of justice and the white house are asserting saying that don mcgahn and other white house officials are completely immune and dont have to even show up at a hearing is just so clearly wrong that i am confident that a court will say he must show up, he may be able to invoke executive privilege with regard to some matters but you have to go question by question. You cant just say i dont have to show up as all. Barbara, as always, thank you for joining us and thank you for your service in letting the country understand whats in the 448page report. Barbara mcquade, former u. S. Attorney for the Eastern District of michigan. We have some breaking news, by the way, donald trump jr. Will return to the Senate Intel Committee tomorrow for another round of testimony. According to two sources with direct knowledge of that scheduled appearance. Well bring you more on that as we get it. Powerful testimony today from former daily show host and comedian turned advocate jon stewart. Stewart went after congress for failing to ensure unlimited compensation for the First Responders, the men and women who rushed into the twin towers after the september 11st attacks. The Victims Compensation fund which expires next year has seen a surge of claims as many of those First Responders now face lifeth lifethreatening illnesses. Awfully tired of hearing that its a 9 11 new york issue. Al qaeda didnt shout, death to tribeca. They attacked america and these men and women and their response to it is what brought our country back. Stewart also went on to scold congress for the lack of attendance at the hearing. The subcommittee in which he was testifying in front of only in front of only has 14 members on it. Members were in and out throughout the course of stewarts testimony for other hearings. In all, the two absent members were Democrat Eric swalwell and republican guy reshenthaler. Up next, give up your cell phone password or go to jail. Thats what more and more people are hearing during seemingly routine police stops. How Law Enforcement are breaking into cell phones if owners dont cooperate and the legal battles that ensue. With uncontrolled moderatetosevere eczema, or atopic dermatitis, you feel like youre itching all the time. And you never know how your skin will look. Because deep within your skin an overly sensitive immune system could be the cause. So help heal your skin from within, with dupixent. Dupixent is not a steroid, and it continuously treats your eczema even when you cant see it. At 16 weeks, nearly four times more patients taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin compared to those not taking it, and patients saw a significant reduction in itch. 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So shop now woman you have the support of a probiotic and the gastroenterologists who developed it. vo align naturally helps to soothe your occasional digestive upsets 24 7. woman so where you go, the pro goes. vo go with align. The pros in digestive health. Breaking news. Were watching the house floor right now where any moment the house is going to vote on a civil contempt resolution. Thats that thing that i tried to explain three times today and dont be meeting with a lot of success on. Let me try this for a fourth time. This resolution would let Committee Chairmen sue the administration and any witnesses who defy subpoenas without having to consult the Justice Department first because you know what happens when you ask this Justice Department run by bill barr whether or not you can sue someone. It says no. Well tell you what happens with this vote. This, again, is not actually holding anyone in contempt and its not actually suing anyone. Its giving the Committee Chairmen the procedural ability to actually do it. All right. Let me know if that worked for you. With cell phones now acting as a portal into our daily activity, Law Enforcement is increasingly dependent on them to gather criminal evidence. With Police Routinely going through phones, privacy advocates are warning about what that means for Citizens Rights sparking this headline, give up your password or go to jail. This story details the case of William Montenez stopped by mismi police in tampa and marijuana violations, spent 44 days in jail after refusing to give his iphone pass code even after a judge issued a warrant. His lawyer says mish s police h reason to search his phone warning of a limitless search by authorities. The piece goes on to point out, while courts have determined that police need a warrant to search a cell phone, the question of whether police can force someone to share a pass code is far from settled with no laws on the books. Joining me now to give us more on this is the author of that piece, nbcs john schuppe, written extensively on crime and the u. S. Justice system. John, thank you for joining us. Glad to be here. Whats the closest analog . The idea that we dont have settled law as to whether the law can force you to give up your password. What are we depending on to determine what the truth is . The most common legal argument against having to give up your pass code by force is the fifth amendment. The right not to incriminate yourself. Okay. So the argument that defendants make is by giving up the pass code, im, in turn, testifying against myself and shouldnt be compelled to do that. This is before a few courts. Pennsylvania and new jersey are sort of thinking about this. Wheres this going . Well, theres a patchwork of laws and case law and judicial rulings around the country and thats exactly what makes it so confusing. The pennsylvania supreme court, indiana supreme court, new Jersey State Supreme Court are all at various stages of trying to decide this issue, work their way through it and ultimately legal analysts believe that the states, the u. S. Supreme court, is going to have to weigh in on this eventually because its depending on where you are in the country, the mpolice have different case law backing them on what they can do. Ultimately, Something Like this gets to the supreme court, as somebody who studied it, if you got pulled over right now, what would you know if youre allowed to do or arent allowed to do if they want to see your phone . In the moment, one is you dont have to agree to any type of search. You dont have to agree to give your pass code up to your phone in the moment. But we also need to know is that ultimately, police can obtain a search warrant. To search your phone. In the meantime, you can also fight against providing that pass code if you so choose. But then also know that they can charge you with contempt of court and you may end up in jail. Which is what happened to the guy in exactly. Florida. Exactly. So its a different story. In other words, he Still Believes he has his right not to do this. Now its a different story. Once its ruled that you have to do it, hes got a different charge on his hands. Exactly. You sit in contempt of court. You sit in jail with that contempt charge over your head. And theres honestly no limit to the amount of time they can stick you in jail for contempt. You can be weeks. Wow. Months. I think theres a case in pennsylvania where a guys been in for years. That is absolutely incredible. And a current issue. John, thanks very much, john schuppe is an nbc news reporter. All right. Coming up the acting dhs secretary took to capitol hill today asking lawmakers to sign off on a 4. 45 billion republicansponsored bill to boost Border Security as the number of border arrests hit a record high. Were still monitoring the house floor. Lawmakers are set to vote any minute to make it easier to take the white house to court. Were going to bring you that news as it breaks. Ancestrydna told my dad he comes from the Southern Coast of ireland. I think its why weve been doing this. Forever. My dad has roots in the mountains of northern mexico. Home to the strongest runners in the universe. My dads ancestors were african bantu. I bet they told the most amazing stories. With new features and richer stories. Ancestrydna can show dad where hes from and strengthen the bonds you share. Its only 59. Give it to dad for fathers day. woman you have the support of a probiotic and the gastroenterologists who developed it. vo align naturally helps to soothe your occasional digestive upsets 24 7. woman so where you go, the pro goes. vo go with align. The pros in digestive health. While the white house touts its new deal with mexico that in part aims to regulate the flow of Central American migrants through mexico, the humanitarian crisis at the u. S. Border has gotten more severe. This morning the acting secretary of the department of Homeland Security appeared on capitol hill to stress the need for funding facilities and for real legislative solutions. The last 40 days, 60,000 children have entered into dhs custody. I want to make clear this crisis is unlike anything weve seen in our border. It in large part is due to the gaps in our immigration laws that are driving it. Joining us now msnbcs friend who has been giving extensive courage. Many of the people who have asylum hearings dont show up for them. What do you make of that . Theres more than meets the eye, ali. These families used to be assigned case workers to tell them where to go and when, and now thats not the case anymore. You have to keep in mind many of these families are coming here traumatized, english is not their first language and they dont even have a permanent residence. The system is stacked against them. There are a number of claims about what the situation at the border is. Some call it a National Security crisis, as the president does, most agree theres a humanitarian crisis on the border. Does this new deal, or whatever the deal is with mexico, in your opinion does it do anything to stem the crisis . It makes it work. More families are having to wait in mexico where conditions are more dangerous. Yes, theres more troops deployed but only to deport them faster. We keep coming back to deterrence. Will this keep families from coming. We have seen over and over again with this administration deterrence does not make good policy. Youve been covering for us since Trump Administration but youve been covering borders forever and im learning more from a new book you published simultaneously english and spanish. You talked about work. Im humbled to come out with this book. Its firsthand reporting as a journalist, an immigrant to america about the human toll of these policies. Its a much needed message of unity in deep polarization in america to remind us we are more alike than different. You have helped us learn that in your reporting, your reporting about family and people at the borders so this doesnt become a story of statistics because it so easily does. We thank you for that and congratulations on the release of your book. Ive enjoyed it. Thanks. We have breaking news. Were watching the house floor where lawmakers just started the process of voting to make it easier to sue the Trump Administration. Thats the vote as it stands. We are not obviously going to tell you about the vote until declared. Thats msnbc policy. Until the vote is called on the floor, we dont tell you about the results. Well cover it for you but we dont declare one side having prevailed or not. Well keep you completely posted on that. Well be right back. You compled on that. Well be right back. Grnt immigration immigrant immign o immigrant you might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. What do you look for i want free access to research. Yep, td ameritrades got that. Free access to every platform. Yeah, that too. I dont want any trade minimums. Yeah, i totally agree, they dont have any of those. I want to know what im paying upfront. Yes, absolutely. Do you just say yes to everything . Hm. Well i say no to kale. Mm. Yeah, they say if you blanch it its better, but that seems like a lot of work. No hidden fees. No platform fees. No trade minimums. And yes, its all at one low price. Td ameritrade. I want to put the dow on the board. Its on pace to snap a sixday winning streak. Its down about 12 points. You can see how the day went. Looks like you start off with a strong day and that ultimately didnt happen. All the markets doing the same thing right now. They are all just marginally down. Its not been a bad five days. Dow and major markets up 2 in five days. Lets see what happens. That wraps up the hour for me. Ill see you back at tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern, all in with chris hayes. You can find me on social media, twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat and linkedin. Thank you for watching. Deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace starts now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in new york. Its not quite the thrilla in manila but it might be the closest thing weve seen to a general preview of the 2020 contest to date. Joe biden who inhabits every square inch of real estate under Donald Trumps skin is in iowa today where hes calling donald trump an existential threat to america. This is a guy who does everything to separate and frighten people. Its about fear and loathing. He calls people the names he calls them

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