Government until february 8th but no mention of the wall. 13 republicans would have to cross the aisle and vote in favor, tall and unlikely. But House Democrats now suggest theyre willing to meet or exceed the president s demand for 5. 7 billion but only if it is used for broad Border Security and not a wall and they say only after the government reopens. Senate votes are under way. What about the oval office . Nbcs political unit says where is the art of the deal . Trump has stopped negotiating to end the shut down. Joining me now to talk about this is jackie and nile. Thank you for being here. We may bring Kelly Odonnell back into the conversation as well. But lets start with where they are on the floor right now. The president coming out with a proposal over the weekend. It has been a nonstarter from the weekend. Mitch mcconnell did put it on the floor. The conversation in general is at least progress in comparison to where the government was last week. And you know, u want to go back to the point of nbcs team saying the president stopped negotiating. I spoke with conservative allies, it is a chance to shore up republican support. There was concern that this bill was not conservative enough and the main take away from the meeting is the president will not make any more concessions and he will not negotiate with himself. They will vote on it in a moment and there is no sense in making additional concessions. Whats your view on that . I think the sense on the hill is that it is not going to pass, maybe that would pave the way for bipartisan negotiating. This seems very choreographed. But we dont know where the dance is headed. We dont see a resolution to this and the president himself seems to be flailing because she coming off of this capitulation over the state of the union. He is saying he will not cave, but the republicans always worried about where is the president on this issue if they make a political gamble or take a political risk, will he change tune as he did last month in the face of conservative opposition and criticism. Mitch mcconnell was pretty embarrassed because he was assured it would pass and then it didnt. We have a new poll. 60 says the president has a great deal of respect for the shut down, it seems like theyre saying they blame him, not democrats in congress. Right, but i think those numbers within that poll is that his base is still supporting the wall but yes the numbers are deteriorating, he is losing the pr battle and he doesnt seem to care, en his republican allies, Mitch Mcconnell, the Vice President , it is difficult to figure out who speaks for the president any more, but as the postreported yesterday, the one person that seems to be treeing to push the ball forward is Jared Kushner, but he represents a different angle of this deal that a lot of conservatives dont necessarily agree with. So it is problem after problem here with overall this, you know, impending second paycheck that people will miss tomorrow. And kushner is interesting to me, he is coming off of what he feels like was a big victory up here. He felt like he got a lot of traction and negotiation. I think the post said that he had a lot of self confidence, but this finish, if anything, this is all butt impossible. Absolutely, and self confident, right . There are these conflicting pressures against the president and republicans in terms of trying to find a way to thread the needle between more conservative and hawkish views. That is exceptionally difficult to settle and Jared Kushner can think whatever he likes about his traction right now but it doesnt solve that problem. Thank you both for being here. Great to have you. Following all of the action here on capitol hill with me is Kelly Odonnell. You have been keeping an eye on the floor, where do things stand as far as how this is unfolding . At this point the predictions of the president s proposal that was put on the floor by senate republicans. It has been unfairly reported and it appears to be going in that direction. The member of the president s dpoeshting team, one of the things that i have been hearing is that because of the work on general Justice Reform he built a relationship with dick durbin. The number two democrat in the senate, and some of the proposals that the president put forward have been things that he had some expertise and an affinity for overtime, dealing with daca and the asylum issues. So some relationship may be building there and perhaps trust may be building there, but this is all about the president eventually. Mitch mcconnell cant do anything without the president , Chuck Schumer cant do anything without nancy pelosi, and that has not changed. So were watching these votes to try to sort of get a gauge of where is the boundary here . How many votes can they get for either proposal, what is the sentiment, and once that is done how do you reset the page. We think that Mitch Mcconnell will make a statement after the voting is over and a group of bipartisan senators that have been meeting and talking amongst themselves will be trying to also reset the table themselves and talk about ways to move forward. Right now were watching the votes come in and effectively the paint dry as we are still not any closer but were getting some sort of like a political lap tod lab today. Were getting a test and results on what doesnt work with a door way to what might work. The frustrations are kpater baited by the finger pointing that is going on. Now theyre saying the house should stay here and keep working, very typical as you and i know that they take your vote and leave for the weekend when there is nothing imminent. Yeah, and speaking of the house, there have been some occasions that the democrats will unveil essentially their appropriations bill, but it is being read as a counter proposal to the president and perhaps a signal that democrats are willing to negotiate. How significant is that . They recognize there is a political necessity to do something, and so they also recognize a potential vulnerability if they are viewed as not being supportive of Border Security. So one of the things theyre talking about is plussing up on the president s number, giving more than he is asking for, but targeting it for different kinds of Border Security from technology to manpower, and not a wall. And were hearing more from republicans that are embracing barrier more than wall. So maybe that is a way to better security the border with technology and et cetera, putting resources there that are provable. We dont know how far it will go, but democrats are recognizing they have to offer something there for and not just saying no money no wall. That is a little bit of where things are moving today. They have done a little work to pass the bills and open the departments, now theyre talking about what could they do for Border Security money. Funding for all of the ways that the border could be protected. Kelly odonnell on capitol hill, thank you very much. So far we had no sightingings of t the president and he has nothing on his schedule. Were now in the 34th day of this shut down and federal worker wills miss at least two paychecks. It now appears the white house is gearing up for the long haul, a source tells nbc news the Trump Administration is looking at what programs will be effected if the shut down goes on for weeks more. And so far, Top White House officials have been particularly focused on lengthenning wait times at airport security. With me now is halle jackson. What do we know about the preparations for a longer shut down . The administration had been trying to mitigate these effects, right . Yeah, calling back people at the irs so refunds would not be late, that was a big focus. We know that yes this planning is happening but lets throw context on this. This is being done by the office of management and budget. It is ombs job to plan for contingencies so when the government is open they plan for what happens if it closes. Omb plans for what happens if it stays closed even longer. That is not unusual to see those contingencies. If they werent happening, you would probably see a uproar that they werent getting ready. It is an indication that the white house is seriously looking at this shut down and saying okay, this could last for weeks at this point and theyre asking for agencies for lists of how they will be impacted if it does stretch on for weeks. That is a sign of the planning process. Mick mulvaney is the de facto chief, and that is sort of what this state of play is behind the doors and behind me here at the west wing. Osks theyre having trouble getting their messaging straight to say the least on this. There is several officials who have come out in front of cameras an really given an indication that they have no idea of what the federal workers are going through. Does the white house view that has a problem or are they okay with it . I think you could see a clean up on aisle tone deaf. They have come out and said things that struck people as remarkably out of touch given the stories that we have heard. Federal workers that are really struggling. People lining up at food banks to get something to eat or not going out for example because they want to save on gas money. Lara trump came out and came under fire. She said im incredibly empathetic to those workers, and that is the line of the day, theyre empathetic, they feel the pain, but some of the comments earlier in the day seemed to strike some as being out of place, so wilbur ross, let me play it for you and you can listen for yourself. Do you worry about safety at this point . I do and it is kind of disappointing that air Traffic Controllers are calling in sick in pretty large numbers depending on many of them cant support their families, though. But they will be paid eventually. You are talking about 800,000 workers and while i feel sorry for the individuals are hardship cas cases, 800,000 workers, if they never got their pay, youre talking about a third of a percent on their gdp. So it is not like it is a giant number overall. Mr. Secretary, but there are reports that some federal workers are going to homeless shelters to get food. Well, i know they are but i dont really understand why. As i mentioned before, the obligations they would under take, say borrowing from a bank or credit union, are federally guaranteed. So let me mention three things related to that. The secretary talked about air Traffic Controllers calling out sick. He may mean tsa workers. There is no indication that air Traffic Controllers are doing that, but we know there has been more sick outs than there was last year. Second the commerce secretary talked about the idea that people might be disappointed for not showing up to work, he feels disappointed, and when you look at the individual stories, that doesnt jive, and finally he talked about how they will get back pay. President trump signed that into law. You know who will not get back pay . That is becoming an issue as well. Willie geist said his worth was changed from 2. 9 billion to 700 million. So he knows what is going on. He is now the president and ceo of the Credit Union National association. Jim, lets start off with what we were just talking about there with halle which is the very real concerns that so many federal workers are facing and in your capacity, in your previous job, and what youre representing now, there are private institutions that are stepping up. How is Corporate America respoending . Well, aside from the tone deafness, let me just since he likes statistics, let me give you a couple to stick in the back of his mind. 40 of americans today dont have ka pcapacity to save even for a rainy day. Hold on, let me bring our viewers to the floor where the vote just happened. It was the republican amendment. This is the president s proposal to reopen the government, build the border wall, and extend temporary protections for daca and tps recipients as well. They said that is a nonstarter from the beginning. Now we expect and i think were hearing them say theyre moving on to the directic proposal, a clean resolution bhiel negotiations continue, so we will keep an eye on this for you and when we learn the outcome of this vote, how many republicans are going to switch gears and vote with democrats . We know several that are facing tough reelections in 2020 or from swing states said they will vote for this. I do apologize, jim, please continue. We were talking about wilbur ross and the burden facing these federal workers. When you say a statistic like 40 of all americans right now are not able to keep a Rainy Day Fund of about 400 to deal with some of these miranda warnings, it could be a divorce, an illness at home, maybe a job loss or in this situation a layoff, or a shut down, that mean thats 40 means four out of every ten. So go to church, four out of every ten, 40 means 40 and it may be more when you talk about lower incomes. That means that 800,000 workers do not even have a Rainy Day Fund to get them through a month like this. And now mortgages are coming doo. Theyre coming to us as Credit Unions. I have a credit union in kansas city that extended close to 700 loans to federal workers. I have one in houston that has 200 loans already on the books to federal workers. I have 40 Credit Unions in this state of wisconsin that are out extending loans to federal workers to help bridge the gap and this is the case across america. We have over 500 Credit Unions across the country that are trieding to help people right now, members of these Credit Unions that also work for the government, bridge the gap in this very serious time for them. I will say that the Congressional Federal Credit Union here has got a lot of programs in place. Thank you very much for your insights today, appreciate you being here. Were continuing to watch the senate floor, the first vote on that first proposal just failed and the second vote, the democratic proposal is on deck. Next we will talk about michael coh cohen, subpoenaed by the Senate Intelligence committee. What will that mean for the russia investigation . And the growing hardships that are growing across the country. When i get behind that door, im degreeing my eyes out and im like i promised them that we would never be homeless again. What could happen to family if this shut down continues . I used to book my hotel room on those travel sites but there was always a catch. Like somehow you wind up getting less. But now that i book at hilton. Com, and i get all these great perks. I got to select my room from the floor plan. Very nice. I know, im good at picking stuff. Free wifi. Laptop by the pool is a bold choice. And the price match guarantee. How do you know all of this . Are you like some magical hilton fairy . Its just here on the hilton app. Just available to the public, so. Book at hilton. Com and get the hilton price match guarantee. If you find a lower rate, we match it and give you 25 off that stay. Just as important as what you get out of it . 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Or any home, boat, treehouse, yurt, whatever. Get the best price on homes, hotels and so much more. Booking. Com, booking. Yeah and the army taught me a lot about commitment. Which i apply to my life and my work. At comcast were commited to delivering the best experience possible, by being on time everytime. And if we are ever late, well give you a automatic twenty dollar credit. My name is antonio and im a technician at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. So there was a rare miscount. They reannounced the tallly. In the Senate Gallery there was three senators about septt. It doesnt change the outcome of the vote but it is different from what we told you a couple minutes ago. The proposal is 57bring that to you just as soon as we can. But now to our other story of the day. This comes one day after cohen postponed a planned appearance pause of what they called threated made by the president and his legal team. Cohen was ordered to testify in front of the panel just a few weeks before she scheduled to report to prison. Lanny davis was asked if his client will honor the subpoena. Of course he will, but what he will do is a legal issue that comes down to reasonable discussions. Certainly with the Senate Intelligence committee, the great tlap is a bipartisan committee, and the house intelligence committee. Cohen pleaded guilty last year. Joining us is ari melburn. Im excited to talk to you about your epic panel last night. Cohen first appeared before the Senate Intelligence company in september of 2017. Whats your take on why they showed up again and what they want to know. I think it is unusual public wrankling. You just went through that. The flip side of that for a lot of people is well Michael Cohen has spoken to Congress Already and spoke to investigators and got in trouble over what he said to congress so what does he have to offer. I think what is fascinating here is you dont usually have a subpoena battle with a ticking time clock of of reporting to prison. So it has to be worked out in the next few weeks. It was talking about the decision to pull back from the testimony, lets take a look. I guarantee you that we will hear from mr. Cohen, period. I dont know how we will go about it, but i promise you we will hear from him. I think he is saying that he is also prepared to go to the subpoena. This is not a normal situation, i think everyone got that, but if you have a balance against it, they will sooner or later have to testify, but in the time it takes to fight that on court, the witness could be in jail complicating that for year. Under this pressure, do they know how to approach it, not necessarily the maximum ri distance in court, which is their right. You mentioned the panel that we had last night. One of the key questions i put to them was on the news should cohen step up and ultimately testify and we could look at their answers. Do you think he should step up and speak to congress before he goes to jail . I dont have any opinion on it. I think he should. I could care less, i would like him to go to jail as soon as possible and stay there. The more openness the better. A range of views of a panel of individuals, that have been in cohens situation before. You mentioned the fifth amendment protections that cohen may or may not have. For our viewers that are not 100 familiar, he is going to jail, how does that effect what he is forced to do for the panel. If youre not that familiar with the fifth amendment right, that is probably a good thing, you have not been in a situation you need to rely on it, but people remember some of it, while you can be in most situations compelled to testify by a lawful investigation, even in that situation, if youre being asked questions you vtt right now to speak and not to testify. The way that plays out here is that you could argue that those leaders of congress could show that a individual that already plead guilty to certain things doesnt have the same right because that issue has been resolved or settled. I say that as a general summary. Maybe you dont have the right to claim no self incrimination for something you already confessed to in court and they have a reason to get into it, but you might still have that right for other topicings. That makes sense, that was great television, how did you make that happen . I dont know if there is a simple answer to that. There is a lot of great analysis. It is rare that four people on the room, one of them a literally target, he has been warned by mueller that they see him has a target for criminal indictment. So getting them on the record like that was valuable. We tried to make the argument that it would be fair, they could get their points across. I was glad to have them, dont fwlooef many mueller witnesses have been together in public like that until last night. Thank you very much for all of your insights today. At 6 00 p. M. Eastern, lanny davis will be on. Coming up, people coming out against wilbur rosss comments. And why federal workers are going to the food banks and suggesting they take out loans. I have a job if you let me do that job. Why should i have to take out a loan for something that was not my fault. Let me get back to work. I will talk to a furloughed fema worker about how her family is struggling to make ends meet. And on the floor right now senators are voting on the democrats plan to reopen the involvement. 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So there you have it, the motion was not agreed to. 52 senators voted in favor of this proposal. How many republicans did we see break with their party and vote to reopen . I dont have the whip count yet, i was with senator chris koons of delaware. He is saying about 20 senators of both parties are about to make their position known that they want to call for a threeweek reopening of the government with negotiations during that time for Additional Border spending. He is a a democrat so what he described is more in line with the plussing up for an array. I asked him if this is a trust exercise because the environment here is showing the measures are not passing. He said it is a test of trust, but he talked about how it is weakening the u. S. Government, the economy, the state of democracy around the world and that while there is a did i have sit of trust, there is also a rising anger. Expect that as we do our coverage here as something that will bubble up shortly and something as many at 20 senator wills say they need a short term fix to get the election going. And it may not work out, but that is the temperature that were taking right now. So for give me for putting you on the spot for the whip count. The republicans that voted yes include a couple names that may under score the point that youre making that maybe there are more republicans that want to see an end to this. Some of them include lamar alexander, and mitt romney of utah in addition to the usual suspects. Who, as we know, come from more competitive states, what is your take on this group . This yes, yes group as i would call it voting yes for the republican plan and does tell us something, they have been a member of leadership, he wanted to be able to bridge these bipartisan divides. That makes sense to me that mitt romney is new to the senate and wanted to be someone that could focus on cove nans again. Often a creditic of the president , so murkowski of california, alaska is filled with federal workers and many of them are suffering at a pay level that without their paychecks they are really feeling it so this gives us a sense of watching to see. Knock happens without it like this, but now the votes have been taken. They have to take the vote to be a veto override and there is not enough to get to 60 to simply move to the next level. Theyre really at a point that everything that has been proposed from the bases of both parties is not enough to get it done and now you have people from both parties saying they have to do something. We will have to follow this, see if lip follows, sometimes they look good and sound good thank you very much. The shut down is making the u. S. Less prepared for the next disaster. He says we always struggled to keep up with hiring. Now people will say how long can i stay in the federal government. Most Homeland Security employees are furloughed calling it a major problem. Joining me now is one of those resources, tressa, thank you so much. Thank you for coming on to talk to us. This is something that lawmakers need to hear on capitol hill hill. How much has this affected you and your family . It affected me very negatively. For starters, im a Human Resources representative. We were told that we could not do our work prior to shutting down and when i looked at my email i realized that i had people i need to contact so they could be told they had jobs. You know, the biggest thing that i see happening is that as time goes on with this fur low, people will find the federal government a less attractive employer. Im looking at it from the standpoint is making sure were properly staffed in my section. If we cant attract a talent because people are afraid they will be fur lowed or go without a pay period, two pay periods, or more they will go elsewhere. They will go to private sector. They will go to agencies that are not as susceptible to being fur lowed, ands with existing personnel, we now have to make a decision as to whether or not we stay or if we work for ourselves. Are you thinking about looking for a different job . I have discussed it with my family members. I realized that right now as it stands even though they have assisted me with taking care of my immediate bills right now they will not be able to go on for more than one more or two more months. I know now that im going to have to look into Something Else if this goes on because i cant sustain by current living situation for myself and my daughter for longer than another pay period. Whats your message to members of congress who had two opportunities to reopen the government and they didnt. What is your response to them . Im hoping they put more focus on the fact that you have 800,000 people that will not be able to meet their financial only indication thats is a trickle down effect that will start to affect our clearances. It will start to affect our credit, and then we will become these less desirable applicants because we cant maintain our status. And it will affect the continue newty of our operation. And i think they need to foef discuss more on getting us out of being a pawn and focus more on what these things are without using us as bargaining chips. What will, if this continues, you have a family, a daughter, what does the shut down mean for her and her future . Right now as it stands my daughter is a high school senior. Right now as it stands we are not able to afford the immediate expenses of college applications. Paying for test scores to go to those schools, and people dont think about those things until you realize you dont have income to do those things with, and now it is a matter of clothing and shelter and were in survival mode at this time. Instead of this being the best year, this is a year of struggle. Our hearts are with you and with your family. Thank you very much for coming on today. Thank you. The house and the senate took steps to try to end the longest government shut down in history. Joining us now to talk about this is Florida Republican congressman Michael Waltz. Thank you for coming on today, how at this point do you see a way out of this with democrats drawing a line in the sand, but also republicans in the house refusing to back many bills that you all, and i realize youre new to the congress, but that many of your colleagues voted for before the holidays. First you cant reach a compromise if you dont talk and get in the room. I want to echo my democratic colleagues from michigan that said to her leadership get in the room. That was her clue. So it kind of befuddles me why this building is empty and the military we lead by example. Im not receiving pay, i refuse pay until this is resolved, im still here, the speaker sets the schedule and everyone basically took off this afternoon which surprised me. I expected that we would all stay here through the weekend, stay through next week. Hammer this out, get it resolved, come to a compromise and reopen the government. And you know, it surprises fle is not more of a willingness for that to happen, frankly. With all due respect, sir, when republicans still controlled the House Chamber through the poll dholidays theyt keep Members Around here for those weekends either. They should have. They should have. Fair enough. Bottom line. I thought the president made a big step over the weekend in what he offered basically Border Security. This echoed what he offered last year which was Border Security, a path way for daca, and then lets get my Biggest Issue is that we cannot reform the Legal Immigration side, the lottery system, or h1b visas or anything until we secure the border or you will have the same old problems two, three, four, five years from now. I think what he put forward was a reasonable offer. Make a counter offer if you have an issue with that but we were met with silence. For the federal workers that are suffering, i voted three times now for motion thats would pay all federal workers up until this date, even if we dont have a compromise, lets pay them up until today. I cosponsored a coast guard act that has 133 bipartisan sponsors and senator schumer refused to bring it to the floor today on the senate side. There are political games going on here. And im standing here in an empty building. You keep talking about Border Security, and we have, we have been reporting that testimonies democrats have looked for a proposal, that is what they have demanded and possibly more including repairing existing fences. However the one restriction theyre putting on it is they dont want to build a wall. So sir i dont hear you saying the wall is necessary to have Border Security, do you believe our border can be secured without a wall without the wall that the president is talking about . Yeah, look, i think were getting bogged down in rhetoric here. Were not going to build the great wall of china, great wall of america, Massive Concrete structure from sea to shining sea. Parts of the texas border look like the grand canyon. The president was very careful in his language over the weekend where he said steel structures, slats, barriers, whatever you want to call them, in strategic locations where Border Patrol was asking for them, i thought that was pretty reasonable language on his part and an important shift. Fine, call it what you want to call it, add those additional components, lets cut a deal, lets move forward so to underscore, you do not think a wall as the president campaigned on it is a reason to shut the government down . I think the wall has become a symbol on both sides for a lot of things. It is important to secure or border. It is important to put barriers in place where they worked, and its important to put technology, guards, heck, additional judges to treat asylum claims, all of those pieces its a system, its a complex series of structures, and i think anybody whos being reasonable and anybody whos been down there knows those are all of the pieces that you need. Thats certainly what im for. My concern is if you dont like what the president just offer, make a counteroffer. Lets cut a deal and reopen the government and get this resolved. This is ridiculous. Congressman Michael Waltz of florida, thank you for coming on today, sir. Up next five former Homeland Security secretaries including president trumps former chief of staff, john kelly, implore the president and congress to end the shutdown and fund the department of Homeland Security, saying its, quote, unconscionable that dhs workers have been forced to rely on food banks and the charity of others to feed their families and pay their bills. Discover. Hi. I like your card. I love all the cashback and security features, but im not going to pay an annual fee. Im just not going to do it okay. Okay . Discover has no annual fee on any of our cards. So it wasnt my tough guy act . No. We just dont have any annual fees. Thats a relief. Ive been working on that for a long time. 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Hes also the former executive assistant director at the fbi and nbc news National Security analyst. Shawn, thank you for being here. Its good to have you. These former secretaries of Homeland Security are essentially saying that this is now a threat to National Security. If nothing else has moved the dial here on capitol hill in washington generally, you think that this would . Kasie, theyre absolutely right. I have said for many years publicly that National Security is not a partisan issue. And i think the fact weve got five former secretaries, three from republican administrations, two from democratic administrations, talking about this is very telling. These are the people that are leading those that are on the front lines. These former secretaries of dhs, they understand what the risks are, they know what the threats are, they know whats happening day to day on the ground and they recognize the challenge to this country right now. And anybody who puts this before National Security, their personal politics, their personal agenda, whether a democrat or republican, theyre doing a disservice to themselves and to the american people. The fbi, the Agents Association came out and said that the shutdown has become a National Security threat from their perspective. Theres been some reports that perhaps the fbi Internship Program was going to be canceled, which could impact quite a bit of the workload. From what you know being behind the scenes there, how is this impacting that agency, and is it making americans less safe . Its impacting them tremendously. I can tell you from a morale perspective, its impacting them. Youve got people who are showing up on the job, but this is a distraction and its painful to them. Youve got to believe that even if theyre on duty, that theyre thinking about this. How are they going to put food on the table, how are they going to pay their mortgage . Are they going to meet their car payment . Is this is an impact on morale and they lost funding for things like travel. Theyre not able to do liaison with state and local officers. Theyre working on terrorism cases and cant pay their sources that are providing critical intelligence that allows them to disrupt, protect against attacks against the united states. This is absolutely a threat to National Security the longer this goes on and it really is quite shameful. Shawn henry, the president of crowd strike. Thank you so much for your insight today, sir. And senator mitt romney spoke to reporters just moments ago. Here is his message i believe that a Border Security program should include as well a barrier on our southern border. When the vote for the president s proposal failed, we went to see the second alternative, i voted for that as well. Again, because i want to see government get opened and government workers get paid. Its affecting our economy and more importantly its having an effect on the lives of our citizens to not work and be paid. That proposal also failed. Its now its going to be up to Republican Leadership and democratic leadership to come together and begin to negotiate. Democrats have said theyre not willing to negotiate unless the government is open. Well, they tried their effort, i voted for it. It didnt happen. Now they have to negotiate. Weve got to have the leaders of both parties, including the democratic party, sit down with the president and work out a deal that deals with Border Security and gets this government open. I voted both times to open the government, i will continue to vote to open our government and get people back to work. Interesting move from mitt romney to vote with democrats, yes, both on the republican proposal and that one. We will see if this all of this unfolding drama on the hill today gets leaders back in a room together. That will wrap up a busy hour for me on capitol hill. Please tune in sunday to kasie dc, 7 00 p. M. Eastern, right here on msnbc. Deadline white house with my friend Nicolle Wallace starts right now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in new york. First sign of surrender, thats how a source close to the president described his capitulation to House Speaker nancy pelosi over his coveted state of the union address, which is now canceled, as nancy pelosi said it should be until the Government Shutdown ends. On day 34 of the shutdown, federal agencies are languishing, furloughed employees bracing for a second missed paycheck and donald trump appears to have retreated to the comfort of his cable tv habit and social

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