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The administration tries to rewrite nafta. As im speaking to you, the president is in the oval office right now with the head of the International Soccer federation and the head of u. S. Soccer. Really, its a convenient political set piece because as you well know, the u. S. , mexico and canada were given the right to host the world cup in 2026. As the administration tris to rewrite a trade deal with both countries, youll hear the president claim that hes the reason the world cup is coming back to north america. But we have seen him do some counter programming of his own using his favorite megaphone in twitter. And a couple tweets say this, google results for trump news shows only the viewing reporting of fake news media. In other words, they have it rigged for me and others so that almost all stories and news is bad. He then continues, google and others are suppressing voices of conservatives and hiding information and news that is good. He ends by saying, this situation will be addressed. So that led us to wonder, how is there going to be an investigation . Will there be new allegations . The questions are compounded by larry kudlow, the house economic adviser who told me and a few reporters this morning that, yes, this is something being looked into. I followed up with Sarah Sanders who echoed kudlow to say, yeah, were going to look into it. So we dont know what form, if any, any sort of inquiry or investigation it will take, but you have the president here without evidence accusing google just like he accused twitter and facebook some days ago of a broad scale conspiracy, ali . Geoff, thank you very much. Well see if anything else comes out of the white house. The district judge is delaying the district trial against Paul Manafort until september 24th. This comes after manaforts legal team argued that they need more time to sort through more than a thousand pieces of evidence. Todays delay comes as the watl street journal reports manaforts defense team held talks with federal prosecutors to try to strike a deal to resolve the second set of charges before his conviction in last weeks trial. A deal was not made but the journal writes, quote, the plea discussions on the washington case represent a softening in posture for mr. Manafort who has fought charges brought by mr. Muellers 15month investigation, longer and more aggressively than other defendants in the probe. Joining me now is nbc news justice reporter julia ainsley. Julian, for people who are having trouble following this, this is not an insignificant piece of news. That while that jury was deliberating, while Paul Manafort thought he still had a chance of being exonerated, of being found innocent, he was talking or his lawyers were talking to government lawyers about a possible deal. Right, ali. It is not clear how far the discussions really went. It doesnt seem like they became very material, but i can tell you they were not important to the president of the United States. Trump just tweeted last week that manafort did not break unlike cohen. He sees manafort as someone who has been loyal to him. And just the mirror thought that they why may be cooperating in the second trial. And there have been a lot of whistles that could suggest a pardon if he holds out. Especially going into the second trial, that will not necessarily touch on his work for the campaign, but be more involved in his political work overall for what he did for ukraine and the fact that he did not register as a Foreign Agent in the United States. A lot of that is gearing up to be damaging for Paul Manafort and would bring all this work he did for trump back into the spotlight. Julia, at this point, like you said, we dont know that much about what the negotiations were about, but it could have just been a plea deal. In other words, its not necessarily that he was talking about cooperating with the government. Thats right. We dont know any of the details what the wall street journal report said is it was special counsel mueller that said no to this. Details they were not agreeing to. But look, we know that Paul Manafort worked on the campaign, especially during the crucial times during the Republican National convention when the russian platform changed. Theres a lot that mueller wants to get from manafort. We have been saying that for a long time. But as we head into the second trial, ali, now you are looking at a judge who could be less favorable than judge ellis. And remember, that was the time, that was while the virginia jury was deliberating that these talks would have gone on reportedly. And so it may be that they were looking ahead and thinking, were going to be facing an even tougher environment coming september in d. C. Julia, thank you very much. Julian ainsley, nbc news reporter. And its been months since trumps lawyer, Rudy Giuliani rudy giulia, told nbc news that Robert Muellers team told him they cannot indict a sitting president. But that was before Donald Trumps personal Attorney Michael Cohen said under oath that then candidate donald trump directed him to arrange hush money payments to women in order to influence the 2016 election. So i want to take a closer look at this whole indictment issue. The simple question about who says that a president , a sitting president cannot be indicted. The u. S. Constitution lays out a way to remove the president from office and this this is the wrong thing, so i will have my control room change the way around, that would be impeachment. The constitution is silent on whether a president can face criminal prosecution while in office. So in 1973, at the height of the watergate scandal, the olc issued an opinion that criminal proceedings damaged the president s ability to do his job and therefore shouldnt be brought while hes in office. This came out about two weeks before the worst of watergate happened. Now another memo, about 27 years later, reinforced the original argument stating the indictment of a sit iting president called for extraordinary circumstances. That means in theory that Rod Rosenstein has been asked to go against the official policy and to indict president. That barring something truly earthshaking is unlikely, but consider this, those memos and guidelines according to the olc website are to provide legal advice to the president and all executive branch agencies. All executive branch agencies. So outside the federal government, there might be another way to do this, like perhaps a state office that has the power to bring an indictment. And an office like a state attorney general. For example, this woman, new York Attorney general barbara wood. I want to examine this further. Because people are asking, is it really true you cant indict a sitting president. This man is a Deputy Assistant attorney general for affairs. There are people who are saying Michael Cohen is facing perjury, you generally dont lie in these positions, told open court that he conspired with a candidate whom we know to be donald trump, to pay people off ahead of an election. Why wouldnt that make the president guilty of a crime for which he can be indicted . Well, again, it is incredibly difficult and remains incredibly difficult to indict a sitting president. Even though the olc guidance you talked about would not apply to the new York State Attorney general, a smart defense attorney would bring the same argument. And the court could look at it. And might actually rely on it. It is certainly not binding in new york state courts, but it is certainly something to think about. The framers were quite deliberate in how difficult they made it to remove a sitting president. And believing openly in the questions on whether to indict the president. Part of this question as to hampering the president s ability to conduct the affairs of his job, in part, stems from the fact that the president is the only entity in government that serves by himself. And so, for instance, theres one president , theres 100 senators, theres 435 members of congress. Congress can still keep doing its job if any number of members of congress arent there. Thats where the legal argument comes from. So elliott, let me ask you this, some people say the stuff the president did a long time ago should make him open to this sort of thing, but the president likes to brag about the idea he could shoot someone in the head on fifth avenue and it still wouldnt affect him. Just to make the case, that would be an extraordinary circumstance in which somebody could go to the Deputy Attorney general and say notwithstanding the counsels guidance, this would be an extenuating circumstances. There are things in which you can see someone attempting to convince the court to indict the president. Yes, an active homicide in the middle of Downtown Manhattan would probably be the kind of thing that would count. But again, its still going to be an incredibly complicated Legal Process for doing so. Many scholars have said the approach is to impeach the president , if, in fact, the special counsel finds that there have been high crimes and misdemeanors. Another point for high crimes and misdemeanors where theres not a line i have heard people lay out the argument that i laid out for the audience, but most people like i do, who i have spoken to and studied say it is highly unlikely. If folks think the president should be out of the office before the next election, impeachment is not its hard, but its not going to be easier than this. And Something Else to keep in mind is that what the new York State Attorney general is looking into trumpowned organizations and businesses like the trump foundation. So you cant indict a sitting president , but you can certainly indict a foundation. You can certainly indict a corporation. And you can certainly indict the people around a president or any individual. Now, that is not im not asking for or calling on them to do so, but if the law and the facts support it, certainly those things around the president , again, like the foundation as we saw with the new York State Attorney general, thats certainly fair game under the law. Elliot, thank you for this. Elliott Williams Works at the Justice Department and worked under president obama. With all these things unrattling, the president is rejecting all his closest friends and allies. Vanity fair correspondent gabe sherman reports that senior officials talked about inviting a group of trumps new york state friends to the white house to stage, quote, an intervention. And according to two sources breached on the matter, it was supposed to be a war council, one source explained, but trump refused to take the meeting, sources say. Gabe is joining us, and Clinton Watts is a former fbi special agent. Gabe, what is the what is the goal of this and what is happening in the white house . If you have seen the president s twitter account since the manafort news, it has been all over the map. The people closest to him, the ones i talk to, say they do not feel the president is taking the seriousness of his legal situation appropriately. That he doesnt understand the gravity he finds himself in with the unindicted coconspirator. But hes serious enough about it to make phone calls and scream at people if hes angry. Yes. They were trying to break through to him, get the old new york City Real Estate buddies down to the white house to tell him to take this seriously. He cant just be going on twitter. He cant fire sessions or rod rosenste rosenstein. Some of these would be a trip wire that some republicans would say would trigger the talk of impeachment, even outside of democratic circles. That is what im hear iing. The day of the cohen plea, people were briefed on his mood on the flight and said he was very subdued. He was subdued at the event. Yes, we saw that on live television. This was a blow to him. I think a few things shocked donald trump. I think donald trump is an unusual character. He lashes out at these moments that are surprising. Then he goes quiet at other moments. I guess the point is, as the pressure continues to build around him, investigators are not displeased with the fact the president does lash out. Hes now said he might get rid of don mcgahn, the white house council, because mccann doesnt want to give Paul Manafort a pardon. It is the most curious strategy. Ultimately, all these things are selfinflicted wounds. The whole need, basically the president s dig he didnt li to his adviser. Thats what we hear, he listened to a small group of people that told him what he wanted to hear. So when i see these stories and they seem plausible, hes not taking input from people around him, hes not taking input from advisers. It makes me very worried about, who is running this country . What is the direction . What is the purpose of the president . To lead the country. And i dont know what is being accomplished in terms of his agenda or in terms of anything beyond the legal case. It is really taking over the entire white house. And every action he takes, every lashing out that he does either on twitter or even in his personal conversations, ultimately is indicative of the position that hes in. And i just always think, if im a foreign adversary right now that wants to strike at the United States or do something around the world, there is no time better than the present, really, to make your gains in terms of your foreign policy, visavis the United States or while the u. S. Is so distracted. So gabe, this is interesting, because yesterday we heard john kelly and Sarah Huckabee sanders had both recommended a strategy around john mccains passing, the president , again, sort of overruled everybody until it was too much to take. But that is a good question. There was some sense in the beginning that there were adults in the room. The president has systematically gotten rid of the adults in the room or sidelined some of them like john kelly. Clints point is valid. At this point, is there somebody governing strategy around the world or is donald trump trying to protect himself from the onslaught he is facing . Well, you nailed it. And i just reported in the last piece that Jared Kushner went to the president and said, do not revoke John Brennans security clearance. This is going to backfire. And according to my reporting, the president got, quote, joy out of that decision. Jared kushner came away from that exchange frustrated that not even basic advice is getting through to him because the president is pursuing his personal vendettas, as we saw with the mccain episode of not lowering the flags. That was a grotesque it was indicative that everyone around the president thinks hes making bad decisions. Gabe sherman, thank you for your reporting on this. Gabe sherman with vanity fair. And Clinton Watts, nbc, National Security analyst. President trump just wrapped up an event in the oval office with the fifa president. Fifa is the organization that oversees International Soccer and the world cup. The u. S. , canday and mexico are hosting the world cup in 2026. The president didnt answer whether mexico agreed to pay for the border wall as part of the new deal that the president announced yesterday, but he said mexico, yesterday he said mexico will pay for the wall. He also talked about the controversial google tweet earlier saying google is treading on troubled territory. Well bring you more news from it as it breaks and talk about google. But up next, senator Lindsey Graham is getting set for a tribute to his longtime friend and colleague, john mccain. Ohn n if youre turning 65, you may be learning about medicare ohn n and supplemental insurance. Medicare is great, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medicare costs. A Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan may help cover some of the rest. 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And the only way it was a rare show of emotion for senator mccains friends. Lindsey graham stood next to his empty desk and talked about his legacy. He wanted to be president , he was prepared to be president , but it was not his to have. And i remember that of all levels the speech he gave that night. John taught us how to lose. And john said that night so he healed the nation in a time he was hurt. Im joined now by Garrett Haake on capitol hill. Look, we have all known that Lindsey Graham and john mccain did a lot of things together. They were great friends and often the joint thorns in the side to pretty much anybody else who wasnt on their side. But that was that was something we dont often see from Lindsey Graham. Reporter no, thats really true, ali. I have seen more emotion like that on the senate floor in the last two days then in all the rest of the time i have been up here combined. So much of it, this outpouring of love from people who john mccain was not always on the same side with. And even when he was, he liked to give you a hard time. He used to joke about Lindsey Graham and call him his illegitimate son. The way mccain showed affection was sometimes with a sharp elbow, but its part of the reason he has been so beloved up here across the political spectrum. And that ability to reach such a Diverse Group of americans with his own personna was one of the other things that Lindsey Graham highlighted in his speech that i think was important. Take a listen. Dont look to me to replace this man. Look to me to remember what he was all about and try to follow in his footsteps. If you want to help me, join the march. If you want to help the country, be more like john mccain. I believe theres a little john mccain in all of us. Reporter graham addressed the question of whether its better to do Something Like renaming the russell building after mccain. He said, no matter what we rename after mccain, and maybe we should rename lots of things, that the point there, we should all try to be more like john mccain was the far more important takeaway. And you talked to him separately from this today. Reporter i did just coming back to his office. Graham addressed this sort of cryptic comment that he made this morning on the today show, talking about attorney general Jeff Sessions and his belief that the relationship between the attorney general and the president had soured beyond repair. This morning on the today show, he said that there was a deep breach here and something he didnt necessarily want to talk about on television. That led to a lot of speculation this morning that perhaps he knew something the rest of us didnt, about some major event that had happened between the attorney general and the president. Just now graham told me that was not the case. Heres what he had to say. The immigration issue is sort of a debacle. And i dont know how the administration wound up where it did, but again, i supported jeff from the very beginning. And he is a has always been a friend. It is not about the lack of friendship. Its just that i see a relationship that seems to be deteriorating by the minute. And we need an attorney general that has the confidence of the president. And if that can be repaired, this relationship, fine. But again, i just dont see that happening. I hope im wrong, but youre not going to get a new attorney general unless they are highly qualified and will let mueller do his job. Reporter and ali, in terms of calling for a new attorney general, graham is relative lay loan, at least on the senate side, even among republicans, Mitch Mcconnell just told me at the stakeout that he says sessions is doing an excellent job and should stay right where he is. Garrett, thank you for your reporting on this. Garrett haake on capitol hill. Up next, a new Study Reveals nearly 3,000 people died in puerto rico following the hurricane maya. Thats a far cry from the governments official count of 64. Well have the details after the break. Youre watching msnbc. Tech at safelite autoglass, we really pride ourselves on making it easy for you to get your windshield fixed. With safelite, you can see exactly when well be there. Saving you time for what you love most. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace each of us is different. And each cancer is different. How it reacts, how it evades and adapts. And how we attack it. Thats why at Cancer Treatment centers of america, we use diagnostic tools that help us better understand what drives each persons cancer. This is what we mean by outsmarting cancer. And for some, it may uncover more effective treatment options. Like christine bray. 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What are they thinking about when they talk about 3,000 deaths over a period of three months . There are three highlights in this report. One we know 2,975 deaths happened between september and february, but two, we found out that this Hurricane Maria hit all parts of the island. But interestingly, it hit the poor areas and the elderly the most. Also, ali, the backstory is pretty fascinating. Initially the government came out to say there were 64 people who died. Certainly a tragic number, but not as high as anticipated. But then independent researchers said that doesnt sound right considering the amount of damage. They went in and are slamming both the president and the government of puerto rico saying you did not do enough to adequately prepare people to handle this response. If we can, i want to ask the control room to bring up a live shot. This is just happening now, the governor is speaking in puerto rye coast rico, hes delivering this in spanish. We dont have to put the sound up, but we can live translate which you can do. Which we can do, but were not going to. This is the first time hes taking to the podium to address this issue. When they slammed the president , they said, the president should not have come out so prematurely and touted the low numbers. If you saw him speaking there besides the Government Back in 2017, he said, not only are we proud of ourselves because this could have been in the thousands, and now we know it was, in fact. Tell me what is comparing to, some people say how can you talk about months after the hurricane, is the assumption that this number are people who otherwise wouldnt have died in the storm hasnt hit . Exactly. So basically this number is 22 higher than they would have seen had they not had a storm that year, but what they are doing is saying, look, we are doing the research as we hope to be preventive research. We dont want to see this happen again in puerto rico but also dont want to see it happen in other parts of the continuous United States where we are also susceptible to the damage from hurricanes, but also how to protect the poor communities. One of the suggestion that is the report contained is to go in and talk to families and find out what happened, what were their experiences on the ground what were the failures there on the ground . And does that report have hard and fast recommendations about that . Some. It basically talks about the inadequacy of what already happened, but in no clear terms, this has ultimately hurt the transparency and, quote, credibility of the puerto rican government. And part of the argument, though, is that the poor sections of puerto rico are poorer and more isolated than a lot of places in the continuous United States. So it didnt seem believable when the government officially put the reports up because we knew we couldnt get our crews to some of the placesle. We couldnt get our reporters there. So we were thinking, how is it you have such good information about who is surviving . And this happened backtoback. The correspondents were recycling in and playing tag, who could get in and who could get out. A lot of the people we talked to on the ground didnt expect to see Something Like this. We are caribbean people, we understand what happens when we expect to see hurricanes and what happens in this time of the year, but no one anticipated the level of damage that we saw. And just really the illpreparation, which is why this report is so important today. The mayor of san juan was ridiculed for sounding the alarm really loudly, but the report is vindicating of her warnings. We spoke to her there on the ground and she said, im staying in the shelters with my people. I remember interviewing her there in the shelter handing out food. She said, im with me people. Im not going to send my kids and family to a different place, im going to stay in the shelter with my people because this is worse than we anticipated and now we know thats true. Morgan radford for us. Coming up, President Trumps twrad war is shifting to canada. The white house may have come to an agreement with mexico, but the neighbors to the north are vital for naftas success, if we are still looking for nafta. Are they pushing for a deal to be beneficial to its middle class . Well talk to the kevin hassity who is standing by. Well talk to him after the break. Break. My moms pain from moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis was intense. I wondered if she could do the stuff she does for us which is kinda, a lot. And if that pain could mean something worse. Joint pain could mean joint damage. 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And now, only fidelity offers two zero Expense Ratio index funds directly to investors. Because when you invest with fidelity, all those zeros really add up. So maybe ill win, saved by zero President Trump has announced a new trade agreement between the United States and mexico. Even though canada was left out of the preliminary agreement, our neighbors to the north are critical to a successful overhaul of the north American Free trade agreement or nafta. So lets take a look at this. The president did say its the biggest, come on, youve got to be kidding me, this is not working again. Okay, well let the control room deal with it. For starters, the president did mention that this is the largest trade deal ever. Thats not true. Nafta was bigger and it would be rational that nafta is bigger because it involved canada and the United States. Nafta had 489. 5 Million People covered by this. Top largest trade deal ever incidentally doesnt involve the United States. It goes to the European Union Japanese Economic Partnership agreement that accounts for onethird of the worlds economy. Its a brand new trade deal that the u. S. Is not involved in. Heres what is included in this deal between the u. S. And mexico. Tariffs on Agricultural Products traded between the two countries will remain at zero, which is where they were under the original nafta agreement. We now have tariffs on products that are because of this trade dispute that were in with mexico. The agreement includes new requirements on car parts and production. Under this deal, 75 of a cars parts must be made in the United States and mexico. Thats up from top original nafta requirement of 62. 5 . Now, add to that that 40 to 45 of the parts of the cars must be made by workers earning at least 16 an hour. Not an average of 16 an hour, but they have to have a minimum of 16 an hour. The u. S. Trade representative says the goal is to level the Playing Field and stop incentivizing low wages, which is typically a reason to build things in motiexico. Auto production is at the heart of nafta and the agreement that came before it, the Free Trade Agreement with canada and the auto pact that came before that. Its no surprise this agreement between mexico and the United States focuses on cars and parts. In fact, a report from the nonpartisan Wilson Center says, quote, theres no longer any such thing as an american car, a canadian car or a mexican car referring to the relationship between all three countries in the production and assembly of automobiles. I want to look into this deal and what comes next with kevin hassett, the chairman of the white house economic advisers. Joining me from the white house, kevin, i remember you did some work with john mccain when he was running for president. Yeah, thats right. You have a little insight into john mccain. And there are a lot of people who werent sure what his economic strengths were, but actually you were part of the team that helped him develop an economic plan when he was running. You know, honestly, i really had a hard time being composed on sunday. It was so sad to see him go. John used to say that he doesnt know anything about economics and learned it all from me. All the real economists in the bush campaign, he got me out of the prison release program, things like that, he was a great joker. He was. That was a great part about him. A great accessibility to him. And then the times on the Straight Talk express back in 2000, mya mcginnis tweeted a picture of her, me and john, and i looked a lot younger then, but he really did capture lightning in a bottle for a while there. And hes just a great american. And im so sorry to see him go. I can say, also, that i spoke with him very often as i was coming in here. And he absolutely 100 encouraged me to serve this president because he wants people to serve their country. He said he served a cause greater than himself and thinks everybody should do that because its so rewarding. You remember how happy he was always the time . It was because he was basically taken over by the joy of serving a cause greater than himself. I truly believe that. I kind of feel that way, too. And i can say that he would have loved this trade deal. He really would have loved this trade deal. Because basically it modernizes nafta, its great for mexico, its great for america, its called for a lot of things like harmonizing environmental rules. Well, talk to me about this. Thats what democrats really want in order to get democratic support in congress, and this does have to be approved by congress, this is something the democrats wanted to be inside of nafta. And it was never inside of nafta, it was sort of side deals. Right. And now theres so much inside the bill, and of course republicans want that, too, you know, certainly these republicans here at the white house said its no longer the case, if theres a factory that pollutes, hell be able to move it to mexico and pollute and not have to bear the costs of cleaning up. Thats why were losing jobs. They are harmonizing the environmental rules. We have Great Movement on even things like ocean litter and trade and endangered species and so on. And then on the labor side, also americas Labor Protections are now going to be adopted by mexico. So mexican workers will have better collective bargaining rights and so on. So talk to me about the 16 an hour thing. That 40 to 45 of the jobs with manufacturing parts will have to be in factories where people earn 16 an hour or more. What is the aim there . That mexican workers get paid 16 an hour more or that american factories dont move to mexico . I think that in the fullness of time, mexican workers will see those wage increases and it might even a little bit happen in the beginning, but i think what that does is it gives us a guarantee that American Workers are going to be protected by this deal because especially at the beginning that it requires that a whole bunch of american production be in cars. Dont forget that really the focus of the deal is that parts shift through mexico. So mexico as you mentioned, we already had zero agricultural tariffs and a nafta deal that could be approved, but it was much better than deals with other countries. But the problem is that china has a 25 tariff on our cars and were trying to resolve the dispute with them. In the old nafta rule, then basically they could ship parts through motion coaexico and it be followed that closely. And they could get around china. Heres the thing, i want to read you criticism from a newspaper, that liberal rag, the wall street rurnl journjournal, president s of america and mexico announced a new trait agreement monday that donald trump called much better than the north American Free trade agreement. This is half a nafta that contains some improvements but is notably worse in many ways. Whether it can Pass Congress is far from certain. Now, the wall street journal doesnt go out of its way to criticize you guys at the white house. I understand the half the nafta program because canada is not involved just yet. Why do they say it is notably worse in many ways . Well, if we went through point by point, he would feel a lot better about it, but with the thing that just came out yesterday and there are a lot of details that are still going to come out, but the basic idea is that by buddening down the deal with mexico, we formed a model of deals with other countries. So mexico has accepted the car regulatory standards inside the deal. And so right now if we try to sell a car, say in korea, they will say, oh, it doesnt satisfy the korean safety standards, but the u. S. Ranks arent good enough for us. So that makes it hard enough for the guys to sell cars in other countries. The mexicans have shown the language that is going to be i understand that it is not the biggest deal. I saw your statistics, but it is a really important deal because they have shown the language to other countries that it takes to please america. And that should lead to a cascade of deals. I do believe these have incremental improvements. I will give you that and celebrate that. Im puzzled on what tthe wall street journal is puzzled with. I think the labor stuff, that would be stuff that they would traditionally think twice about, yeah. Also, the modernization is the other thing. So ecommerce and all that kind of stuff, that doesnt exist the last time we negotiated nafta or barely existed. And now we have a bunch of really thoughtout rules that will be a model for countries around the world as they form trade agreements with each other and with us. Im canadian. We dont have a Homegrown Auto industry in canada, right . So the president said it would be much easier to impose tariffs on cars coming from canada if canada doesnt make a deechlt im not sure thats true. The cars made in canada that come to the United States are generally speaking american companies, they are certainly not canadian companies. Thats the agreement, thats how american cars are sold in canada because some of the cars are made in canada and some are sold in the United States. Thats the basis for nafta, thats the basis for the Free Trade Agreement that was the predecessor for nafta, that was the basis for the Free Trade Agreement. Im not sure it would be easier to impose tariffs on cars built in canada. Easier, i dont know. The one thing i know is the clock is ticking for canada. Canada sees a deal with mexico. And we and mexico have urged canada to show up for this deal. Well have to wait and see what happens. I think there are a lot of points where canadas been pretty far from both of us, for example, on agriculture. Canada is for protectionist of agriculture. If canada doesnt sign up for the deal by friday, the train may start to leave the station given the weird rules of motion authority and stuff like that. So theres a lot of pressure to come in on canada to join us this week. An it will be interesting to see. I know the talks have begun. It will be interesting to see if we can establish that. Even this week, that will be astonishingly good news for americans. Well see how this happens. Kevin, good to see you, as always. Kevin hassett. After googling himself this morning, President Trump went after the tech giant, google, alleging the search results are, quote, rigged. When it comes to news about him and his administration, well put this in context after the break. Youre watching msnbc. If your moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio®, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio® works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract, and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio® may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. 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The president tweeted, without providing any evidence or context, that 96 of Google Search results for trump news showed only the reporting of cnn and other outlets that hes referred to as fake news and he accused the search giant of controlling what we can and cannot see. Google responded with a statement, which read in part, search is not used to set a political agenda and we dont bias our results towards any political ideology, saying we continually work to improve Google Search. The president had this to say on the issue just moments ago. I think google has really taken advantage of a lot of people, and i think its a very serious thing and a very serious charge. I think what google and others are doing, if you look at whats going on at twitter in facebook, they better be careful, because you cant do that to people. We have tremendous we have literally thousands and thousands of complaints coming in, and you just cant do that. So i think that google and twitter and facebook, theyre really treading on very troubled territory. Joining us now to take a closer look at this is our reporter who covers google and tech companies. Ben, first of all, do we know about these thousands of complaints the president is talking about . We have no citation. We dont know if hes just talking about all the tweets that hes getting or if they came through an agency body. We dont know the source. Thats the main question here. Do we know the source of the complaint, was the president googling himself . We tried to trace it back. It looks like the night before fox Business News lou dobbs who he likes. Hes been known to watch, sourced this report from a conservative blogging network that said 96 figure, the same figure that trump used in his tweet. You dial that back and you find a blog post where this editor did a test on two different computer where is they searched for trump and they were dissatisfied with the results. Lets put those results up. This conservative website analyzed the first hundred things that came up when they searched, and it showed these results. Hard to read, but 28 were from cnn, 15 washington post, and so on. In that particular search, very little fox came up, for instance. Right. And thats the problem. They felt like there werent enough conservative voices, not enough fox or wall street journal, not enough breitbart or not enough blaze, not enough of their own blogging network. And this, by the authors own admission, is a completely unScientific Study. A sample size of two computers is not the basis for anything that would be a Scientific Study and maybe shouldnt be the basis of something that might be coming out of the president s mouth. But you would agree, because you have dug into this kind of thing, bias on social media, more than most people, that it probably is worthy of a real study. Right. There should be a real study, have a large sample size, have lots of computers. You know, lets check this out. Lets check it out because we dont know how google ranks things. Its admittedly a black box. This is a problem. This is where they do have a cudgel to go after google. This is all part of this large conversation about how the algorithms are pushing news. Ben, thank you very much for continuing coverage. Well be right back. Youre watching msnbc. Ing msnbc. Try new alkaseltzer pm gummies. The only fast, powerful heartburn relief plus melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. Oh, what a relief it is to put on our website . I mean i would have but im a commercial vehicle so i dont have hands. Or a camera. Or a website. Should we franchise . Is the market ready for that . Can we franchise . How do you do that . Meg oh meg we should do that thing where you put the business cards in the fishbowl and somebody wins something. Meg hi. Im here for. Im here for the evans wedding. Weve got the cake in the back, so, yeah. Meg thank you. 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Still have about 30 seconds of trading. That does it for me this hour. Ill see you back here tonight at 11 00 p. M. Eastern for the 11th hour. Deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace starts right now. Hi, everyone. Im not nicolle. Its 4 00 in new york. Im Mike Barnicle in for Nicolle Wallace. The president s war on allies are es ka trumps attorney Rudy Giuliani admitting that the president s legal strategy hinges on attacking special counsel robert mueller. Giuliani saying his telling admission comes as key republican senator Lindsey Graham gives trump cover in his sustained campaign against attorney general Jeff Sessions, who first ignited trumps rage when he recused himself from the russia investigation. Senator graham now agreeing with President Trump that sessions has got to go. We need an attorney general that can work with the president , that can lead the department of justice. This relationship is beyond repair, i think. Hes not the only man i

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