Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Ali Velshi 20180731 19:00:00

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Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. Absolute positive proof of identity on social media, otherwise youll get bchblg of people to leave because its unsayre. So whats the middle ground here . How do you keep Facebook Free while not u allowing it to be b rebust platform . Thats the conflict youre seeing play out with the executives. If you hear Mark Suctizuckerber interview, they are really trying to come to religion on this particular issue. How do they on the one hand shut down obvious Patent Misinformation that is designed to mislead while still allowing people in Mark Zuckerbergs words to be b wrong on the internet sometimes. This is something youll see members of congress probing facebook out consistently. I think youve seen change in exactly where the company feels like that line is going to be drawn. Theyre under a lot of political pressure, trying to bring down outlets that are monotizing. Some of this mission information, some of the outlets. Only so far. Theyre trying to get a few hits and those trying to do it with no only intention, two and a half years ago, we were worry about people monotizing fake news on the internet. That still happens, but now, the issue is influntsing us. Thanks, everybody. All right, while foreign actors continue to understounderstood the threat on americas digital infrastructure, not talking about Social Moedia here is playing out. I want to bring in tom winter. Tom, social media is easier for us to get our head around. We dont think things like our air Traffic Control and Transportation Systems are subject to penetration, but they are. Well, they are. You have this extraordinary event today. The backdrop of secretary nielsens statements where she said let me be clear, our Intelligence Community had it right. It was the russians. We know that and they know that. You have this very declarative statement her, but in the backdrop, you have the head of the southern companies, one of the large u. S. Energy providers. The ceo at t and mastercard. The director of the fbi and the secretary of energy, rick perry there. Its all against this backdrop of a real increasing concern. She agreed with dan coates saying the system the blinking red. An analogy ta goes wak to 9 11 when that was being talked about bf the September 11th attacks. I think theres real urgency here based on what weve heard today that we are in a situation here where were looking at people who have been able to get access to their foreign actor, director wray saying its no longer these nation states. Meaning try to get our secrets, our military information. But now, you have them working with hacking groups. In these various third party people that can go in and try to get access to these systems and its a real Collaborative Group thats trying to be set up. Most of the u. S. Is critical frugs and when it comes to cyber its all private. Our cell phone companies. The its private. That might be a good thing, right . There might be a robust response from the private sector. Well, its going to hit their wallet. So in other words, if you shut down the electrical grid, this customer is not paying for electricity. Theres the Free Market Incentive for them to be able the get on board to be able to work with federal Law Enforcement for you guys to say can you give us a picture of whats going on. How can we Work Together with the information that you have, how can can we build that level of trust. Thats what theyre talking about so that the private Sector Companies are preparing for this, that theyre getting the best information. At the same point, the private Sector Companies realize weve got to give you guys a heads up and all the stream of traffic theyre getting, you and i paying the bill, their vendors accessing them or money going back and forth to pay fuel suppliers. They know patterns. Whether youre a cell phone or energy company. Or mastercard. Exactly. They know what that traffic looks like and now theyre teaming up with additional u. S. Super computing power, which has been a concern for a long time because china had been overtaking us on that in that real m. So theyre trying to Work Together and come up and be able to get to these solutions before we have a version of a cyber 9 11, which is a real concern at this point. Thats what we keep hearing. Thanks for your reporting on this. Whats the white house doing about this continued and on going threat . Based on our latest reporting, its not clear. No plan in place and no one in charge. For more on this, im joined by our National Security and intelligence reporter, ken. I was thrilled to see Kirsten Nielsen was unequivocal, but member of trumps cabinet said theres a need for a unified effort to combat hacking, other nations influenced, both in the election that tom was just talking about. Why is it this white house struggling to do this. Well, my sources tell me that President Trump has not been able to get past the idea that foreign election intervention questions his legitimacy as president and as election. So theres a vacuum of leadership on this from the oval office. The reason thats so important is because look, youve been talking about facebook an how easy it is to set them up. Is it reasonable to expect private companies i think the answer is no. The russians are always going to get in. They need to be deterred is what experts tell me. This behavior needs to come at a cost to them and so far, the u. S. Intelligence community t the military, the white house, have not imposed the cost on russia for this. Thats got to stastart from the house. When i talk to intelligence officials, they sound like people sounded after 9 11. Agencies were doing things, but not talking to each other. Not sharing information. Gaps, an absence of leadership. We need guidance to solve this problem. The white house has done away with their cybersecurity coordinator. The white house decided into the presidency, there there wasr Fraud Problem and set up a National Commission on that. Didnt amount to a hill of be beans. We dont even have the optics of that when it comes to cybersecurity in america. Thats right. For example, on the election interference, we could have use ed a National Commission to get to the bottom of the mechanics of what happened. Muellers investigating whether there was criminality, but how about just the policy issues here and what were the gaps in the law, which is exactly what we did after 9 11. We create d the department of Homeland Security as a society appropriated money. None of that is happening because it requires president ial leadership. People in congress are proposing bills and theyre going nowhere. Thanks. We will of course stay on top of this story and bring you new developments as they come in, but now, Opening Statements are underway in the trial of paul manafort. The president s former Campaign Chairman. It took just about fohours for of six women and men to be selected. This is the first skrech from inside the Virginia Court roochlt he is facing dozens of charges. This is a big test for the mule investigation. The first trial despite numerous indictments. The government seems to be wasting no time. Well follow the trial and brick you developments. Come up, americans are feeling the impact of President Trumps trade war. The ones weve bb hearing from a lot, farmers, many of whom who come from a state who helped put the president in the white house. Youre watching b msnbc. vo i was born during the winter of 77. I first met james in 5th grade. We got married after college. And had twin boys. But then one night, a truck didnt stop. But thanks to our forester, neither did our story. And thats why well always drive a subaru. Its a hightech sleep revolution. The sleep number 360 smart bed intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts. So you wake up ready to run the world. The new sleep number 360 smart bed, from 999. China has imposed a 25 tariff on milk, yogurt, cheese and other products. Canada has not imposed a tariff, but has a 270 tariff on dairy imports above the quota that has been negotiated with the United States. Mexico is the top market for u. S. Dairy exports. With china and canada not far behind. Wisconsin is as you know, one of americas top dairy producing states. Maybe its the top one. It couldnt come at a worse time as farmers are struggling to deal with an overproduction of milk. Von hilliard has been traveling across the country taking a look at the tariffs. He joins us now from a dairy farm in plymouth, wisconsin. Good afternoon. You said it. Milk industry was already struggling here. Over the last three years, theyve been dealing with overproduction. Theyve been getting a higher yield, more milk produceded, but theyve had to complete with the likes of alternatives to milk. Soy, almond, so what has happened, the president has name checked these farmers. Wisconsin Dairy Farmers for wangs This Trade War as it stands. While hes noted that canada has high tariffs on u. S. Dairy product, what has happened as a result of This Trade War is as you mentioned. China and mexico have now put on tariffs on u. S. Dairy products. For example, 90 of u. S. Cheese goes over to mexico. Thats 400 million worth. A huge Export Market for this country. And to note, when were on farms here, like this is mikes farm. Mike and his wife, they chose to expand farm the 1300 cows. Thats a major operation. He said they are having to borrow from the bank to keep afloat. They have 30 employees and thats why he says he have to have that confidence for the president to ultimately open up those markets back into china, mexico and canada. Thbs what mike told us just yesterday. Its a, its been a tough couple of years here. We are not able to cash flow at the current milk prices. Weve had better times. Theres a lot of things that affect the milk price. Trade. Tariffs. It tacks a strong will once in a while to open your check and see what you havent made. What you have lost per se and try to farm every day. When the agricultural out here in the community dies, the whole community dies. You know, we offer jobs. Our 30 employees, they rely on us for their paycheck. As you heard from mike there, this is significant right here. 9500 Dairy Farmers in wisconsin alone. Hes been farming since 1851, his family has. Theres these manufacturing plants. Exports to 49 different coun countries. I want to correct a quick fact. Its 28 of u. S. Cheese that foreclosure goes to mexico. 400 million. One other note, its not just cheese. Not just milk. Its harley davidson. Its soybeans. Its corn farmers. Cranberries. The paper companies. You said that 90 is cheese so, if the farm youre on, if theyre selling their cheese to their milk to sartori and the cheese doesnt get exported, its not easy for that farmer to find someone else to buy his milk. Thats right. This farm that were standing on here, they sell all of their milk to the Cheese Company and when they lose their market in china, in mexico, which they have, really this farm here, they have no control. Over their milk because they rely on sartori to build up the foreign markets so when they come back and say sorry, we dont have a place to sell. Cheese goes down. The price of milk goes down. O while people in their homes will get a better price, its the folks here k mig, lori, paul et, its all of these farmers, the ones that arent going to be able to sustain these farms for much longer. Thanks for your continued work on figuring out the people being affected. Coming up, a new gun debate is taking shape on capitol hill. Maybe one that the president and the democrats agree on. 3d prined guns. The new push to stop a guy from telling everyone from how to make them. Youre watching msnbc. The fact is, there are over ninetysix hundred roads named park in the u. S. Its americas most popular street name. But Allstate Agents know thats where the similarity stops. If youre on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the Washoe Zephyr could damage your siding. 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Dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. It may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. Do not take xarelto® if you have an Artificial Heart Valve or abnormal bleeding. Before starting, tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. Learn all you can to help protect yourself from a stroke. Talk to your doctor about xarelto®. To help protect yourself from a stroke. I we worked with pg eof to save energy because wenie. Wanted to help the school. They would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know you didnt cut off the light. The teachers, they would call us the energy patrol. So they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. We actually saved 50,000. And thats just one school, two semesters, three girls. Together, were building a better california. Got a live look at president trump trying depart joint base andrews. A little later on, holding rally. During the president s executive time this morning, he thrust into the spotlight the very controversial issue of 3d printed guns, tweeting hes looking into it and talked to the nra about it, which is puzing l, giving hes the president and has agencies he can talk to about this. Lets see why we are not talking about printed guns ch last month, the Department Of Justice and the State Department surprised everyone by dropping its lawsuit against a designer from post iing his blueprints f printing guns. Cody wilson has argued his violated his first ament rights, so now, about 20 states are suing him as well as the State Department to block wilson from putting the plans online. But theyre sort of too late because the Company Posted the plans last friday and the plans have been down loaded thousands of times. I want to take a look at what they are. Conventional gunman fak manufac requires a serial number so they can be fras traced, but with a printer, theres no way to enforce those laws. Among the fire warms and components are plans to print a full size beretta m 9 and receiver for ark r5. You cant print the entire rifle, but you can print several key components that allowed the desire to fire 600 rounds in this test this year. And more concerning to lawmakers is the liberator. The first weapon designed by wilson to single shot polymer weapon. The only non3d parts in this are the ammunition and a small nail. Now some Worryle Firearms Act of 1988 and can be brought undetected into schools, planes and other public places. Coming to a theatre near you, come tog a school near you. Coming to a sports stadium, to any public place. These ghost guns are a new way in gun violence. Ghost guns is what theyre being called. For more, im joined by andy greenberg. Youve spent a lot of time on this. Ive been talking to wilson who created this for six years now. Since he first declared this was thiz goal and in 2013 when he fired the first gun f i was there. Whats his thinking on this . He calls himself an anarchisting even an extremist, he wants to be able to access a gun. Hes willing to allow even some of those people to get guns. Not his goal, but hes willing to risk that for this larger purpose of just e vis rating all gun control. Because hes an anarchist or libertarian, he doesnt think government should be imposing restriction. He sees this as a demonstration of the era where Technology Trumps law. And essentially government becomes obsolete. Thanks to the internet. What does he make of the law in is he trying get a Supreme Court case or working to work around existing laws . Hes a former law student. A Law School Dropout and he is r very smart and kind of almost devious in finding these cracks in the law where he can insert a wedge and create this controversy. So in this case, hes made the argument its a file that anybody can download to make a gun. Thats protected by the First Amendment. Hes saying hes not making guns. Not skirting the law. Hes putting something on the internet. Hes been, he was forced to take these files offline because of Export Controls as if he had shift a plastic gun to iran or something when in fact, he had just put a file on the internet, which is international, so now hes making the argument that that is free speech. The nra described as innovative. Ill informed tweet said hes talked to the nra about this. That doesnt mean he supports 3d printed guns. It functions as a group to help sell guns not to help people make them at home. Zpl gun laws this this country, federal law, operate under the justice department. The bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms. Why is the State Department the one involved in suing this company . This obscure part of the State Department controls the export of munitions grades weapons, so this little regulatory body in 2013 after o cody wilson uploaded this, told him he had to take it offline because he was essentially exporting a weapon. Thats where the fight has been. Essentially, the state has settled with him and given him everything he wanted. The Obama State Department did that and the trump state department upheld that. Why did they suddenly change . We dont know and They Havent Talk ed ab it. Thats part oof why now more than 20 attorneys general around the country, the state level, State Attorneys General are now suing the State Department for essentially making this rule change without public comment, without explanation, which violates administrative procedures of how you change these rules. Is there a sense the tooth paste is out of the tube. I dont believe its a useful struggle to try to control the spread of these files at this point. Theyve already been download Ld Thousands Of Times of the website. It doesnt seem like this kind of control of the files is going to work. Regulation has to be on guns that you print at home. Weve seen some states ban socalled ghost guns. Guns that are unregulated, that dont have serial numbers. Pennsylvania. And california has taken steps. Thats another avenue that lawmakers seem to be taking. Kind of makes more sense if you are a gun control advocate. Thanks so much for joining us. The senior wrirt at wired. Coming up, good news, the white house is reportedly planning to wa roll out another wave of tax cuts and the it can blow past congress to cut the fat cats some slackful well tell you how. Youre watching msnbc. Hey there people eligible for medicare. Gimme two minutes. And ill tell you some important things to know about medicare. First, it doesnt pay for everything. Say this pizza. [mmm pizza. ] is your part b medical expenses. This much about 80 percent. Medicare will pay for. Whats left. This slice here. Well. Thats on you. And thats where an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company comes in. This type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesnt. And these are the only plans to carry the aarp endorsement. Thats because they meet their high standards of quality and service. Wanna learn more . Its easy. Call Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company now and ask. For this free decision guide. 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Whew Call Unitedhealthcare today and ask for this free decision guide. Call unitedhealthcare today no matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy . Thats because your home is filled with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the room. So, try febreze fabric refresher. Febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics and cleans them away as it dries. Use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. Fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. Make febreze part of your clean routine for whole home freshness. Americas wealthiest taxpayers could be in for another break. The Treasury Department is considering a change to the Capital Gains tax that would result in a 100 billion tax cut for the wealthy according to reports today in the new york times, the Washington Post and the wall street journal. Lets take a closer look. First, what are Capital Gains . The profit from the sale of property or another type of investment such as stock. The federal government currently taxes the difference between the Purchase Price and the sale price of an asset. Obviously youre not going to pay tax on your initial investment or the cost, but the difference between the cost and selling price is taxed at a rate of 23. 8 . Thats Capital Gains. Heres an example. If you invested a Million Dollars in an asset in 1990 and sold it for 3 million this year, youd owe taxes on the 2 million difference, your tax bill would be 476,000. But the Treasure Ary Department is considering changes the definition of cost by allowing for investors to account for inflation when determining their tax liability, so what would that mean . Take the same example. Adjusting for inflation, the same 1 million in 1990 woul now cost nearly 2 million. 1. 9 million. So the difference between the Purchase Price and sale price would be cut in half. Reducing the tax bill to just 255,000. Thats a difference of more than 220,0 220,000. Compared to the 47 ,000 tax bill if they didnt this change. 220,000 that the u. S. Treasury would lose out on. Such a change would result in an estimated 100 billion, but it would dig into the federal government and put it into a deeper fiscal hole than its in thanks to the last round of tax cuts, which mostly benefitted the wealthiest americans. Joining me now to take a closer look at this is al rapoport, he wrote the times article on the propo proposed change. The only argument you could use for this is that somehow, the 220 saied is going to be beneficial to the committee. Other wise, it looks like what it sounds like, a tax cut for the rich. People argue its inefficient for people to be holing on to these. As opposed to the real true asset. It would be a big benefit to the rich about 97 of the gains would go to the top 10 . Twothirds would go to the top 0. 1 . So while most people would benefit somewhat, it would go to the top portion of taxpayers. According to the University Of Pennsylvania wharton school, Donald Trumps alma mater, indexing Capital Gains to inflation could cost the treasury at least 102 billi 102 is there some obvious off set to that, somewhere wed gain it . Potentially, if there was Economic Growth, thats what republicans and the administration might say it could yield faster Economic Growth because thats what tax cuts always do. But realistically, were looking at 2 billion loss in revenue over ten years. That comes at a time when treasuries are seeing corporate receipts down a lot because the last round of tax cuts an borrowing is coming up to levels we havent seen since the financial crisis. Are there other countries that do this . It doesnt come to mind, but i understand the rationale behind saying look, there would have been inflation any way on a particular asset, so you shouldnt have the to pay the difference. Is that a trend around the world . Its not necessarily a common thing around the world and it would be unusual for the United States to be doing this. Sort of by fiat. Theyve tried to do it congressionally before. In 1982 b, george bush looked into seeing whether or not his Treasury Department could codo it. They concluded they didnt have the authority to do so. The office of Legal Counsel agreed with him. So this would be breaking new ground. Thats the thinking, we can do something that will affect the federal budget and deficit, but dont have to do it. Thats the thinking they have on this . Thats what theyre trying to decide and steve b b moven when i interviewed him about this, he was emphatic theyre trying to decide whether or not they have the authority to do so. Its clear its whether or not somebody would stand to lose manage something. Whats the loser in this . Thats a really interesting point. I want to put up the budget deficit projections. We are showing increased from projections for the next ten years. In theory, rich people will benefit from this, but as we have bigger and bigger budget deficits, poor people lose because social services get cut as a result. Thats potentially the case. There could always be additional Compliance Costs by Indexing Everything to inflation as opposed to the way we do it now. It depends on how we go about doing this. What kind of assets. Some legal aspects say debt holders could lose out in some cases and definitely, people who oppose the administration, republicans trying to do this, woul find a way to bring a lawsuit if they could find somebody to sue. Very muthanks very much. Now to Breaking News on the Sexual Misconduct allegations against the ceo of cbs. Prosecutors in los angeles tell nbc news they will not file charges in connection with allegations made by a woman who said he abused her on three occasions because the statue of limitations has expired. The woman went to the police this past february. Nbc reached out for comment on these allegations. This comes days after the new yorker publisheded an article detailing allegations made by six women. Its not known if the woman in this case among those who spoke to the new yorker, the cbs board announced yesterday its in the board of selecting an outside counsel to investigate the allegations against him. Coming up after President Trump said hed meet with irans leader with no preconditions, it seems iran doesnt take the same position. What tehran says it wants before any summit. Youre watch msnbc. Eart valve p. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, im up for that. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. So whats next . Seeing these guys. Dont Stop Taking Eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. 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Oh, what a relief it is iran is answering trumps abrupt proposal to meet with its leaders any time with no preconditions, and the answer is no direct talk also happen until the american president reverses his decision to pull out of the Iranian Nuclear agreement. About an hour ago, irans Foreign Minister referred to the plan of action, the jcpoa, better known as the Iran Nuclear Deal saying but as iran considers the president s proposal, a u. S. State Department Official says as of now there arent plans in motion for any engagement with iran. Joining me now is corey henderstein, responsible for the development and implementation of policy and activities related to the Iran Nuclear Deal. She now serves as the Vice President of International Fuel cycle strategies at the Nuclear Threat initiative. Good to see you. Thank you for being with us. Thank you. There was a lot of talking that was done with iran in the days leading up to the joint comprehensive plan of action, or the iran deal. We think of it as a couple of years because america was involved in it for a couple of years. But it was closer to ten years of negotiations. There is a lot of engagement that leads up to any serious negotiation, especially about an issue as complicated as the Iranian Nuclear program and on the u. S. Side as the unwinding of a lot of sanctions. So theres a lot that happens before the formal negotiation and a lot on the table. What do you make of this idea that the president campaigned on the idea that he was going to rip up the deal, he comes into office and does what he says hes going to do, and almost immediately starts talking about discussing things with iran. It does seem counterproductive. If you thought there was something to talk about, why not talk about it when you have a zeal . I think that we had a foundation in place that reduced the risk posed by the Iranian Nuclear program, and was a platform, a foundation that we could seek to engage iran in a lot of the other problematic activity that the president has pointed out. I think right now were in a position where we cant just unwind that decision. And so if we say is there benefit to engaging with the iranians . I would argue theres always benefit to engagement. But we would have to connect to iran in good faith and have to hope that they were connecting in good faith. Right now i dont think either side has demonstrated that. But john kerry and wendy c r sherman have both side so much of that negotiation leading up to the deal was not really negotiation, it was figuring out where everybodys limits and lines were, and what conditions could exist for making a deal. In other words, thats really hard work. The idea that you throw the baby out with the bath water and decide youre going to start again, these Dealing Dont Get made overnight. Iran and america have people who never wanted a deal between these two countries. Its very important to recognize that these things dont happen quickly, and it wasnt just the United States involved, it was the eu, france, germany, the uk, france, russia and china. So we did have to do a lot of work, and the reason we were able to do that is because we developed a policy, and then evaluated the negotiated outcomes against those policy objectives. Right now what would be important is if the president is serious about potentially engaging with iran again, we have to develop a policy that takes into account all of the technical scope, the financial and sanctions issues that the Treasury Department can bring, the diploma that the State Department can bring. And this has to be part of a coordinated strategy that brings in all of the relevant agent sis. That kind of preparation for a negotiation is vitally important if we want to reach an outcome that will be in the benefit of the United States and our allies. Corey, is there you know, this business of no preconditions. Nothing really happens with the president of the United States or leaders without preconditions. It doesnt really have a meaning to it. I would say preconditions are in the eye of the beholder. The preconditions, are they a specific action that has to be taken . But if its come to the table with a joint understanding of the scope of what were going to talk about, and the objectives that we are each seeking, then i think thats a different kind of precondition, and its the kind that is the precursor for any successful negotiation. Corey henderstein, responsible for the development of the Iran Nuclear Deal, thank you for joining us. Thank you. Well be right back after this quick break. Youre watching msnbc. Nobody else even comes close. Now starting at 7. 99. Gillette. 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Com to learn more. When youre talking about 3d guns, so is heather nauert. Lets listen. We were informed that we would have lost this case in court or likely lost this case in court based on First Amendment grounds. We took the advice of the Department Of Justice and here we are right now. I think ultimately what this gets down to is a domestic case where tits a domestic gun control issue that needs to be addressed. This busy hour has come to a close. Ill see you back here tomorrow at 11 00 a. M. With Stephanie Ruhle and again at 3 00 p. M. Eastern. Thank you for watching. Deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace starts right now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in new york. President trumps former Campaign Chairman paul manafort

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