Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Ali Velshi 20180607 19:00:00

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Accomplished in one meeting. He tried the down play expectations in that but we dont have the idea of What Future Conversatio would look like, would he extend the time next week. Have another one in a matter of months, we to be know any of that. But getting things done on the front end is something they are concerned about. Local countries have a lot ride on it. And the president has a lot of shake. We heard from shinzo abe praise for the president to get it thisser if a. There are questith appearances of success versus the substantive success that needs to be determined next week and beyond. President trump may sn be forced to testify under oath thank to multiple depositions he might be facing. On tuesday a judge in new york ruled that President Trump must sit for a deposition in a denamation lawsuit brought by a former apprentice contestant. She accuse had imsexual assault inconsistent there itruth,nd there is truth adjacent statements and outright lies. Its different the stakes are different wn ifngnder oath. Right. Andow we see how popular a potential deponent he is. And as you alluded too, there it is not a yes orthovs. Ether will be required tof thot throw in Robert Mueller for extra fun. If you are if the president does if he is caused to be deposed in any one of these things, are there any rules or can anything happen in any deposition . Depositions are meant to be opportunities to gather information. They are generally fairly loosely run. A lawyer is present. And he can object or she can object to the line of a question. Typically, the questioning keeps going, and objections are held. Obviously, were the president to be deposed he would be represented by counsel and it will be a very tough situation. On the other hand the president has spoken about how much he is wig from time to time to testify, even to Robert Mueller. So we would he to see where he comes out. For now, certain in the Summer Zervos case his lawyers have protested. One of the arguments they make is he is simply too busy. But there is Supreme Court precedent, you may remember fron no one is above the law. Thats what the judge in this case has said. Can donald trumpsit law on what the deposition can include. Anything is possible. They can argue there ought to be limits. It is not a full pg expedition. Take the defamation case, it has to focus on the let me of the case. Significantly here, it was before he was serving as president , which will make it possibly f that deposition to go forward. We know you cant lie if you are being interviewed by the Fb Yoknow Youant Lie in front of a grand jury. What aut for a deposition . Same rules, you cant lie. I woke up this morning to comments that Rudy Giuliani had made at a conference in israel about why he doesnt believe that Stormy Daniels has much credibility. I thought we had largely litigated these things in the past, right, that the idea that he said she is a porn star do we have this . Can we play it our audience . I dont know if we have got it. Kno donald trump look at his three wives. Beautiful women, classy women. Women of great substance. Stormy daniels . I respect all human beings. I eveno respect criminals. But im sorry, i dont respect a porn star the way i respect a career woman or a woman of substance, or a woman who has Great Respect forer as a woman and as a person and isnt going to sell her body for sexual exploitation. So i respect all human beings. I even respect criminals, but im not going to respect a porn star. I hope the legalystem Doesnt Subscribe to this. You know, there is no barrier for her based on her line work to bring the claim she has brought. My reanha isy daniels is an entrepreneur in an industry where the customers are largely men of the it would be prudent for lawyers or men in general to tamp that line down. I was shocked. I was surprised that somebody would think if you are representing the president or any cli t you would put e of argument forward. Certainl has legal basis. I guess what we are wondering is atmospherically does it really help the case . I would argue not so much. It was kind of gross to hear. Lisa green, legal analyst. Coming up, republicans are split about what to do about immigration but some are optimistic that progress might be made. The republican congressman who supports the dockets disposition. And still ahead, the president prepares for the7 summner he imposed tariffed on a new set of imports. We will look at what to expect from the summit when we come back from this quick break. You are watching msnbc. Not cool. Freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting . Now thats cool. 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Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Actually, thats super easy. My bad. Dont worry too much about the term. Basically it is a move that would move Immigration Legislation out ond onto the house floor for a real detend a vote. Such a move two course Speaker Paul Ryan to call on aill he doesnt like or isnt sure he has the support for. House democrats joined about 23 republicans in congress using this maneuver to force a vote fo immigtion proposals. They Almos Enosignates tpull th. Speaker ryan trying to hold off an a hisuthors and prevent mayhem in the republican conference is trying to hold the line. He is negotiating with the various fashions top with a unifi gop plan for Immigration Legislation to introduce sometime later this summer. All of this comes at a time at a time when arrests at the u. S. Border with mexico are on the upswing. Topping 50,000 in may for the third straight month. Joining a republican congressman from nevada w supports the petition. This is not just a matter of supporting something onhe me it is rrie y like many members of the congress on both sides of the aisle are frustrated with the fact we havent moved forward on some meaningful Immigration Legislation legisl you are description of the procedural tool th the Discharge Petition is and leading into this is pretty darn accurate. You for ischarge petition doesnt mean im going the vote specifically on any one of those. But it meents i want the legislative process, i want a chance to go to rules committee and offer amendments. And i wan a cnc to vote on the floor. You say why is that . Its like does anybody think the status quo is working regardless of what your plitsds are . Thats right. We have had this conversation, and its meaningful for you and your constituents to get this done. Im not bothered by the fact that not all republicans are not on the same side. That is the beauty of our pluralistic republican democracy. But is there enough Common Ground to get something happening . I dont know. I mean the senate tried voting king of the hill. They had a vota on this and they didnt pass anything. That could be in the result in the house, too. But to be prohibited as being reported forr against something when you are a legislator is a curious thing. Rememberthe es ge us ch 6th adline, 90 days in the Rearview Mirror now. When we talk about what is the magic of continuing to do nothing . You have got me. Already some issues on immigration where there is not commongreement amongst republicans and certainly not agreement with democrats on the border wall, this is issue thats very for people the come to terms with. But on the issue of some solution for the dreamers forth almost of one mine on this. I think most republicans want some resolution to this. What does it down to . That some republicans are okay with a path to citizenship for you know, when you look at . That particular issue you say years. E president was citizenship was at the end. Bob god lat was talking three years but he had to keep signing up. Thats fine. Put together on the floor and lets see what the Amendment Process produces and then see what people actually vote for. This bit where we are saying i dont want the bring something unless i know, et cetera a going to be signed into law. Withllue respect I Dont Kn Anybodyho a 100 crystal ball here. Remember when we took health care to the floor . Guess what . We took the hard votes and it didnt get into law. Are we supposed to shut everything down . No. Thats the process that your nstituents want to see, some legislative process. This is the part that frustrates people, things stuck in committee and conversations go on in the small groups but it is tough to defend nothing. Judge me by how i vote. Thats thisbusiness. Give me a chanc the vote. Setting up this Hurdle Thatsi D unless i know its going to pass is like well f we did everythinghat way we probably wouldnt have a country right now. What do you say to those people i did it i was a bit tongue in cheek when i said Speaker Paul Ryan is holding off a mutiny. It isnt muteny but it is a coma i think to the way Leadershipngs S be done. Through committee and such. How do you see pushing back on the leadership. There3ep that have a higher Voting Percentage with the president than the speaker is. This isnt a bunch of people running around trying to tear things down. Secondly, there is probably general agreement on 80 f e issues. Are we going to let the perfect be the competitor to the good . After this long the last tim we were listening to cassette decks. Some of your viewers dont even know wha cassettes are. Good to talk to you. Comi u nex wll other side of the Immigration Debate among republicans. Bob good lat will join mefter the break about why he doesnt want the Discharge Petition to be happening and what he is proposing in its place. Most people come to la with big dreams. We came with big appetites. With expedia, you could book a flight, hotel, car, and activity all in one place. Wearing powerful sunreen . Yes neutroge® ultra sheer. Unbeatable protection helps prevent early skin aging andn ncer with a clean feel. The best for your skin. Ultra sheer®. Neutrogena®. I we worked with pg eof to save energy because wenie. Wanted to help the school. They would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know you didnt cut off the light. The teachers, they would call us the energy patrol. So they would be like, here they come, tu off your ligh e three youndies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. We actually saved 50,000. And thats just one school, two semesters, three girls. Together, were building a better california. Retaliatory tariffs, everything from lamps to pork and cheese to flat steel. Some of the tasks aimed at the Agricultural Sector are set to double nex month testimony retaliatory tariffs hit 3 billion of american gd flowing across the border to the south. The European Union is targeting similar commodities including whiskey,ycles, denim, tobyio, juices and more. Those tariffs target 3. 4 billion worth of goe goods flowing from the United States across the atlantic ocean. Canada is ting the hardest stance. In addition to some of the same items targeted by mexico and the eu, they plan to hit pizza, chocolate, paper prodawn mothers, household appliances, shaving creams, soaps, pat res asks Playing Cards and more. Do you know what you have to do to canadians to make them put a tariff on kegs, beer kegs . The canadian tariffs are going to hit 12. 8 billion worth of american products. All together three of our biggest Trading Partners are putting tariffs on nearl 30 billion worth orts f the United States. Now the u. S. Tariffs and the retaliatory measures come as President Trump prepares to head to canada for this weekends g7 summit. The president is going to face angry allies when he m with the leaders of canada, the ance, germany, italy, and japan. Trump imposed these tariffs because of concerns about chinese steel flooding the market and hurting american companies. Instead, this has turned into a fullblown trade war with some of americas closest allies. Joining us now to have a closer look at this, jane harmon, president of the Woodrow Wilson center and linda yu a professor at Oxford University and author of the book, what would economists do. Thothf you for being here. Thank you. Thanku. Listen darks what you right about in your book, you about back to some of the Emis The1700s and 1800s when bryn was the big economy in the world. Their understanding of the fact that if you have a Trade Deficit if you are a wealthy country and you have Trade Deficits with other countries thinkore creatively. Its not necessarily a bad thing that you use t cash that you have t buy other peoples cheaper goods. You think about why for instance america has a Trade Deficit. It has had a Trade Deficit since at least the second world war. A lot of it is because if you have a stronger dollar you can actually buy more goods. It helps your own economy. I should also say that one of the lessons from ricardo some of the great economists is that all economies are based on trade being free. But it is a not. Another approach would be to say listen the biggest thing america produces are services. It is a hard to Sell Services globally. Its not as open as selling, say, aer ka. Therefore, lets open up the services market,t america is really good at. That would improve the Trade Balance and probably make our allies not so angry. Thats an interesting partf though is that we have in terms of Manufacturing Workers in ica,oth parties have been responsible for spinning a tale that somehow we are going to make things better for them. We are going to buy cheaper ods me in other countries by lower wage workers but well fix your problem in ever inning america. Somehow. I dont know what we are going to do for them. We we always promised them we would do something. They fed up and voted for donald trump who said im going to do something for you. They got fed up. But to the just for that reason. Automation is taking jobs worldwide and we havent figured out the next generation of good jobs for enough people. We also dont have our Education System aimed at train people forn high school for some of those jobs. About you the other piece of this tt head spinning is how this administration doesnt lynch a to b to c. Where are we getting in a trade war with europe and our closest allies based on the National Security stion of the trade law when we are letting zte, this massive Telecommunications Firm in china, which does things that have huge National Security implications off the hook . And why are we do this right now when t president is heading to europe to singapore next week to negotiate where we need our allies. A huge deal a potentially huge and possibly successful deal with north korea . Why are we doing this. Linda, the fact is one of the great thing about trade when done right over all of history you look back at some of the small nation states used to trade with everyone, because they had peace with everyone. Maybe they had peace because they traded with everyone. But there is a relationship between good trade and peace. So where you are looking for a world with more peace, keeping your eyes on board is probably a good strategy. It is a good strategy. What we have learned is that globalization if done right really does bring prost pair. We have seen a lot of that around the world. I think the problem with the moving workers is that globalization hasnt helped everybody. Rit. There a tse who have been left behind. Not just by globalization, but also by technology. If you look at the hollowing out of the middle class, median wages in this country have been stagnant for four decades. That made people say the status quo doesnt work we want something different. I think that is legitimate. However how you get to the better outcome, i think that is the he could. In order for you to have a better trade relationship with your Major Trading partner the European Union is our Major Trading partner. You ought to have a trade agreement, l t tip which was done under president Obamas Administration but since stalled. If you talk about National Security, to get back to that, Economic Security is part of National Security. Pulling out of tpp at the beginning of the Trump Administration strainedur economic relationships with our partners in asia who we need as a buffer against china and to h north korea. Prime minister abe is visiting with President Trump i think right this minute im sure with both issues. Both about trade, and about his fear that he could be abandoned in a deal with north korea. If we had stayed in the tpp our influence in asia would have remained bigger than it is right now. They are moving along without us. Yeah. Im worried that all of these regions will move along without us. How is it going to look in four or five years if we dont have anybody to trade with and they are all trading with each other. An important moment in time. This is a great book, what would the great economists do. Thank you ladies. Now back to another key issue i was talking about earlier, immigration. As House Republicans continue to negotiate a way the get an Immigration Bill to the floor some republicans are arguing for a return to regular order. Speaker paul ryan spoke positively of the traditional legislative process earlier today. I think what members were running a Discharge Petition because they were worried that we weren going the take action, that they werent going to be able to have votes on the floor for policies they like. But inmembers also realize i think members also realize a Tis Charge Petition will not make law. I think they are appreci that we hahe right conversations happening and our next step is putting pen the paper so we can get legislation to the floor. To that end, everybody is agreed that we need to at some point get some legislation. With me, bob good lat the chairman of the house judiciary committee. Congressan ma, good see you. I smoke tok ab aday moments ago about on the with aing to have something. Wants his constituents to see there is debate amongst members of congress and some vote on something, given that you all seem to want some resolution to this outstanding immigration matter. Whats your view . I agree that he would want to pass legislation. Not just take it up and vote on it. But pass it. Put pressure on the senate to take up this issue again and ultimately get a bill to the president so we can make progress on both securing our borders and closinges our immigrationlaws. And moving moored toward a merit immigration system, and doing something good for the daca recipients so that they have the opportunity to remain in this country permanently and have some at a Special Pathwo citizenship, not something unique to them, but the opportunity to avail themselves of the pathways that people who immigrate to the United States can afford themselves of now. So this is a very positive development that the pressure is on to do somethin i have been very pleased by. I dont think the Discharge Petition is the right way to go. Thats more likely to yield an unbalanced approach. But the meeting we had this morning was very productive and we are hard at work. You have seen some republicans who have been interested in the Discharge Position seem to have taken a wait and see view. They will hold up for a little bit to see what you come up. But some of the complaints that and their superintendents have, is that the last time we dealt with immigration in america, in the congressmans words, we were listening to cassette tapes. Most of america want to see something done with the dreamers. There may be some dispe lets play what mark said about ways for looking at the path for citizenship or not for dreamers. Lets listen together. When you look at that particular issue, you say well the president was talking ten or 12 years, citizenship was at the end of the gob good lat was talking three years and you had to keep signing up. Its like, thats fine. Put something on the floor and lets see what the Amendment Process produce asks see what people actually vote for. Congressman, whats your view on what to do with the dreamers. Americans overwhelmingly, including republicans, overwhelmingly want a solution to this problem. I agree. As a former Immigration Lawyer myself i am certainly sympathetic toheir point. Here the point. I think we need to assure and the bill i introducedh mccall, and labrador and mcsally, that bill gave them a permanent right to remain in the United States as long as they didnt commit a serious crime and the opportunity to avail themselves of existings to citizenship. It did originally require a renewal every three we moved that to six years. Would talking aut what that length of time should be but we right to remain , a statutory right not at the whim of one president or Anotherut Co Citizenship Where Ty Get Thing Thaeoe who the c avail themselves of as well and get ahead of people who are sometimes on a very long waiting list who want to come to the United States legal flee. They are not eliminated from being in the line. They are just not given li. They are put this the back of it . Correct. Do you think there is re hope at what youe proposing something that gets voted on any time inhe nr future. Yes because these meetings have been very product. And the Conference Meeting today i think reflected ae on the part of the overwhelming forward with a solution here. But members who sign the Discharge Petition and members who are s our most conservative members in our congress are Working Tether to come up with solutions to this problem and allow us to bng a bill to the floor is this congressman thank you for joining us. Congressman bob good lat of virginia. We will stay close to the story. Coming up, facebook and its Data Controversy in china. For at least a decade the social media giant allowed Chinese Companies to access your merge date. New revelations are shining light on the Data Sharing Agreements, some of which are in place. Why you should be concerned and what facebook has to say about when we come back. You are watching msnbc. And this is franks record shop. Frank knowns northern soul, but set up a limitecompany. Frank knowns northern soul, whats that mean . Not so much. He turned to s frs alzoom. Yup houp. We helped with his llc, contracts, and some other stuff thats part of running a business. So frank can focus on the beat. . This is franks record shop. Approachinigibility . And this is where life meets legal. You may think you can put off sixtyfive,t Yourmedicare Optioe keep in mind,good time to get the ball rolling. Medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. 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These are the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an Organization Serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. Plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. Remembermedicare doesnt cover everything. Veyed the rest is up to you. Call now, request your free Decision Guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. Go long™. To give you e eiyou need with less of the sugar you dont. Ill take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. New ensure max protein. In two great flavors. For almost a decade, facebook has been allowing Chinese Companies to access your peonal information, with the new york mes revealing the Data Sharing Agreements that the Social Media Platform still has in place, here is why you should be concerned. One of the deals is with let me see. There we go. One of the deals is with huawei one of chinas Biggest Telecom equipment companies. Its smart phones accessed friends lists, political leanings and work education history. Facebook claims the information the company could access stayed on urs phones and not on its servers. A 2012 congressional report expressed concerns that the Chinese Government could use the company to spy on americans. The federal government has banned the sale of huawwei devices on military locations. There are three other companies who had access as well. If you bought a smart tv on black friday there is a chance you could own one of these devices. Facebook could be in trouble with the ftc over these partnerships because some of the deals went into place after it reached a deal with the agency to more tightly control access to your data. Facebook isnt the only company under scrutiny over a deal with huawei. The Wall Street Journal reports members of Congress Want to know more about an agreement that they have with google. That deal allows their devices which run on the android operating service to use the android messaging service to send texts and other media. They want to know if that deal has any information sharing. Joining me now, an early and current investor in facebook skpk an early investor in google. You seem to be precious end. You seem to foresee where these problems are going to be. I am not going to get ahead of ourselves here because there is more to come possibly. But you suspected this would be the case. Put this into terms that my view remembers going to understand. In simple terms, facebook saw an opportunity to get on to cell phones when smart phones first began. They didnt have a product that would work on every device. So they did a work around. They basically said, we want you guys to access our data and create an experience that is a facebooklike experience. Right. And that required them to give up the date. The problem with that is enmeaning you didnt have necessarily the facebook app on your phone. You definitely didnt. But you could use the messaging and everything that fell like and looked like facebook. They didnt have an official babe app. They gave the part it could, and these guys created the rest of the experience inside the phone. The problem with that is that they legally were required by the Federal Trade Commission to have prior consent. Right. Informed prior consent from the user. They didnt get that. Part of the argument that facebook might make. But part of the issue is that they didnt have facebook in china. So this was their way of accessing the Chinese Market with their product. That doesnt get them off the hook relative to the ftc. This is a patterned behavior. We saw with it cambridge analytic. We are seeing it with smart phones. We are going the see it other other product types. I suspect we will see it in game consoles. Anything connected that you have information on. Anything connected that facebook might sit on. They wanted to be on everything. Yau. When the move came they are initially reluctant to look at mobile. They werent as prepared for the opportunity of 4g and smart phones as they might have been. Yeah. Given limiting timing and the large number of manufacturers they cut some corners. Is that mitigating for them . At some point there is going to be increasing pressure. The europeans have already taken action. There is going to be Inpreecing Pressure for americans to take real meaningful action as it relates to privacy as it relates to facebook. I believe that facebook is going the lose the freedom of action it enjoyed its entire life. Right. I dont think how long its going to i dont know how long its going to take for regulations to kick in if facebook were smart right now they are not behaving that way. But if they were smart they would anticipate the changes and stop the drip and drip of news and sit there and go wait a minute we basically let everybody have everybodys data. Thats the conclusion we are coming to. We know that happened. Because they didnt see a problem with it. From their Point Of View it was a legitimate thing. These arent the customers, these are the products. The users. They dont have a help desk for users. They have help desks for advertisers. . Right. In that scenario there is more to come. This is really important stuff because facebook is not the only company thats going to be guilty of things like this. But they have frankly embarrassed themselves so badly with theyve handled it that they have attracted all the attention. And, you know, its a huge issue. Users have been exploited for economic gain by people who showed absolutely no, you know, no care in what they were doing. And that has to change. I mean but it strikes me there is a road out for platform they have a position that is so powerful that if they were to do the right thing, they would sail happily into the sunset. The problem is doing the right thing going to reduce the numbers. There is no way to fix these privacy issues, to fix the Election Security issues, and to fix the monopoly issues or to fix any of the other things that are wrong here without reducing their earnings. But the thing thats interesting is that facebooks opportunity to monetize its marketplace, to monetize Cash Transfers over messenger thats huge. Its still going to be phenomenally successful. They are already billionaires. Its like guys be start. The alternative is to fight a war of attribution against governments that will inevitably wear them down. No meaningful impact to them of the european decision which is good. Their imposition of privacy. In fairness, both google and facebook, we have done tests they designed the Dialogue Boxes that give you the informed consent so that your eyes pass over the things that they tell you. People pass over the same ole thing. People are not standing up for their own rights. They have got them. Which is a powerful position in facebook. You control both sides. You have handed over our information and our rights to privacy. This is why they are so crazy to not concede the problem because their situation is so powerful they would be better off. Thank you. Well be right back. You are watching msnbc. Learning from him is great. When i can keep up anncr thankfully, prevagen helps your brain and improves memory. Dads got all the answers. Anncr prevagen is now the numberoneselling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. She outsmarts me every single time. Checkmate you wanna play again . Anncr prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. 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A comprehensive whole of Government Effort in support of President Trumps upcoming summit is underway. White house and state departmentled advance teams are finalizing Logistical Preparation Ands will remain in place in singapore until the summit begins. The president continues to follow every development closely and is getting daily briefings from his National Security team. The fact that our two leaders are coming to the table shows that the two sides are very serious. The diplomatic model used today is different from past efforts. Our efforts give us hope we can find real success where past efforts have fallen short. President trump is hopeful, but hes also going into the summit with his eyes wide open. Weve seen how many inadequate agreements have been struck in the past and you can be sure President Trump will not stand for a bad deal. United states has been clear time and time again that complete verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is the only outcome that we will find acceptable. The president recognizes that north korea has Great Potential and he looks forward to a day when sanctions on the dprk can begin to be removed. However, that cannot happen until the dprk completely and verifiably eliminates its weapons of mass destruction programs. President trump and chairman kim will certainly also discuss Security Assurances for the dprk, establishing a peace regime and improving relations between our two countries. Until we achieve our goals, the measures that the world alongside the United States has put on the regime will remain. In the event diplomacy does not move in the right direction, these measures will increase. Throughout the entire process the United States has been unified with japan and south korea in response to the threats from north korea. I will be traveling with my excuse me. I will be traveling to meet with my japanese and south Korean Counterparts after the summit to continue to coordinate with them. I will also stop in beijing following the singapore summit. I will provide them with an update and underscore the importance of fully implementing all sanctions that are imposed on north korea. President trump recognizes north koreas desire for security and is prepared to ensure a dprk free of its weapons of mass destruction is also a secure north korea. President trump has made it clear that if kim jongun denuclearizes there is a brighter path for north korea and its people. We envision a strong connected secure and prosperous north korea that is integrated into the community of nations. We think that the people of the United States and north korea can create a future defined by friendship and collaboration and not by mistrust and fear. We believe that chairman kim jongun shares this positive vision for the future and we are committed to find a path forward and we assume and hope that that belief is sincere. We are looking forward to being in singapore in just a few days. As a reminder, well take a few questions before the secretary has to depart. Roberta . What progress have you made in narrowing the gap in your understanding of denuclearization and north koreas definition of denuclearization . Has there been progress in bringing that definition closer together . Yes. Can you describe that a little bit . No. [ laughter ] that was quick. John. Thank you, sarah. Thank you, secretary pompeo. As you mentioned in your remarks, north korea in the past has reneged on prior agreements it has made with the u. S. Government. So i have two questions for you. First question has to do with your experience meeting with kim jongun. Do you trust him . And my second question has to do with the negotiations that are upcoming with north korea. Who, in your opinion, has the upper hand in the negotiations and why . So, with respect to your First Question i have had the chance to meet with chairman kim jongun twice now. I can tell you he is very capable of articulating the things that he is prepared to do, present clearly the challenges that we all have to overcome. Its why the two leaders are meeting. Its an opportunity to lay those out clearly between the two leaders so that we can see if we can find a path Forward Together that achieves outcomes both countries want. Your second question . Who has the upper hand . Yeah, we dont think about it in terms of who has the upper hand. We know this has been a long intractable challenge. Its gone on for decades. President has said repeatedly previous administrations werent prepared to do what weve done already. Its not about who has the upper hand. Its about trying to find a way where you two sides can come to an understanding where we can get concrete steps, not just words to overcome the challenge. Mr. Secretary, the president said he doesnt believe he needs to prepare very much ahead of the summit. Do you think thats a prudent arochi . Also i want to get your reaction to Rudy Giulianis comments that kim jongun got on his hands and knees to beg for the summit to go back on, whether he should be weighing in on these International Affairs and whether you agree with that assessment. With respect to your second question, i took him as being in a small room and not being serious about the comments. I think it was a bit in jest do you think he could jeopardize the summit . Were moving forward. Were focused on the important things. I know rudy. Rudy doesnt speak for the administration when it comes to this negotiation and this set of issues. With respect to your First Question, progress, were making progress inch by inch. Were going to travel there. This is different. The approach President Trump is taking fundamentally difference. In the past there have been months and months of detailed negotiations and they got nowhere. This has driven us to a place we have not been able to achieve before. Dave. Thank you, mr. Secretary. The president said today if the singapore meeting goes well, hed like to bring kim jongun to washington possibly for further meetings. Has kim jongun invited the president to come to north korea . So, i dont want to talk to you about the conversations that have been had between the north korean side and the United States. Ill leave that for the president to talk to. But what i do want to get to, this comes back to the other question you asked about the president s preparation. So, in my previous role and i have said this before, you can look it up there were few days that i left the oval office after having briefed the president that we didnt talk about north korea. So, over months and months, days and days, President Trump has been receiving did shall that wraps up this hour for me. Im going to see you back here tomorrow 11 00 a. M. Eastern with stephanie ruhle. Thank you for watching. Going to hand it over to my friend Nicolle Wallace with Deadline White House right now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in new york

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