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Not the same one we voted on. And it is just another corruption of the process. Weve got a whole lot to get to this afternoon. Lets get to Kelly Odonnell following the latest from white house. And Garrett Haake from the republican retreat in White Sulphur springs, West Virginia. Kelly, we just heard from President Trump in West Virginia who did not mention the memo. What are you hearing from the white house today about the possible release of the memo . Well good to be with you. I could hear the sounds of the chopper on the south lawn so President Trump has returned here to the white house. We dont know if hell take any questions or make any comments on this issue to the reporters who are waiting outside. But during the short trip back from West Virginia, a senior white house official went to the press area of air force one and spoke to reporters about this and said that the expectation is tomorrow. The president would Alert Congress and the Relevant Committee here that he does not object to them Going Forward with publishing this memo. And the white house officials said and this is notable that there were not going to be redactions. Weve had conflicting reporting from within the white house about that. Weve been given guidance that redactions were being made at the request of the fbi director and others in that community who want to see some protections made on the content and now were also being told an expert expectation there would not be redactioned. From high level sources were getting conflicting information. The key is it sounds from this white house official talking to reporters that the president would not unilaterally release or publish the memo. The president is unique in his ability to declassify any information by his own choice. That is just a power of the presidency. But theyre making clear it will go back to the house and then the house has its own methods for releasing this. So the process has been complicated and cumbersome but there is news in each bit of the process which is why it is worth hashing out through these different steps because Big Questions this is a white house that talks about Law Enforcement and standing behind the men and women who serve to protect and at the same time on its surface there is peers to be a clash between the fbi director, chris wray, chosen by trump, and a successor to james comey and the House Intelligence Committee led by republicans. So there is typical allies who are not on the same page for this. The news in the last few minutes is we expect tomorrow the president will say hes okay with going public on this memo. Garrett, over to you. You are in West Virginia where we have just heard from House Speaker paul ryan. What have we heard about this . Reporter the speaker tried to down play and collar clayfy the contents. He said this would be about potential abuse of Civil Liberties and said that it is a piece of Committee Product that is designed as part of a natural appropriate oversight of the fbi. He went out of his way to say that the product of this memo is not designed to impugn either special counsel Robert Muellers work or the Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein who oversees bob mueller. He was pressed on this point because it comes in direct contrast to what a number of Republican House members have been saying for days about what a bombshell report this memo can and will be when it comes out. Here was katie hunt pressing him on the point at the end of the news conference. Do you really believe that this memo has nothing at all to do and no impact on the special counsel investigation . Im trying to say people should not draw lines. People should not implicate. People are druing lines. Well people should not be drawing lines or implicating independent issues. This does not implicate the Mueller Investigation. This is not implicating the dog. This is about us holding the system accountable and reviewing whether or not fisa abuses occur. Reporter and so you hear the speaker trying to turn down the political temperature but today democrats have been increasing the pressure on the white house and on the House Speaker to do anything they could to block the release. That includes letters from the two democratic minority leaders both in the senate and in the house, calling on speaker ryan to essentially replace devin nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Nancy pelosi wrote a letter to speaker ryan that concludes congressman nunes did deliberate dishonest actions make him unfit to serve as chairman and he must be removed immediately from his position. The speaker dismissed that as democrats playing politics and he said democrats were trying to distract from the success of the tax bill. The counter argument is that this entire conversation about this memo was begun by republicans trying to force its release and force its public disclosure. Thanks for the updates from both of you. Kelly odonnell at the white house and Garrett Haake at the republican reve re treat in. And i want to see who is opposing it. Lets start over here. One week ago, this man, the assistant attorney general steven boyd, a political appointee, former staffer to then senator and now attorney general jeff sessions. He warned devin nunes, the head of the House Intel Committee that releasing the memo would be in his words extraordinarily reckless without the input of the department of justice and the fbi. And Christopher Ray and Rod Rosenstein met with white house chief of staff john kelly on monday warning him that the memo could jeopardize classified information. On wednesday, the fbi released a rare Public Statement saying it was given limited opportunity to review this document, this memo, and that it has grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memos accuracy. This is the words from the fbi, an fbi run by chris wray, a trump appointee. John Kelly White House chief of staff reviewing the memo for the president told fox news the domes would be released here prem pret pretty quick and th the whole world could see it. I want to bring in ken delaney an for nbc. And Stanley Pottinger from the Civil Rights Division under the nixon and ford administration, he was involved in the watergate investigation and full disclosure, stans son works on the asia policy side of things in the trump administration. But the two of them have constructed a wall between them when it comes to facts and opinions. So were doing that independently. Mike melanie an nbc News National reporter. Thank you for being here. Stan, let me start with you, because you heard garrett characterizing what this is from the from the part of republicans as a appropriate oversight of the fbi. Now you when you were assistant attorney general, you led the investigation of the fbi on cointel pro and for edgar spying on students and socialist clan, americans who hoover didnt like. So you know the system and the oversight that is supposed to be there. Does this feel like the same thing. Well, no, it is not the same thing in terms of the underlying concerns. Whether underground and the other targets were abused in certain ways that are not at issue here today. Were not talking that. In terms of the process of over site, yes, it is similar. You have congressional oversight but the and the issues that are arising since then are what about this particular memo and whether it was appropriately handled and put together. My own view is it is too late. Were past it. Were praying over the dead body. This memo is going to come out. If it didnt get authorized by the president it will leak. And one way or another this will come out. And i think those trying to stop it probably not going to help themselves by saying that. It is interesting. Because if it comes out, ken, the folks who think it shouldnt come out because it compromises National Security and the fbi and the Justice Department, you cant have this battle out in public. You cant release this because it has information that shouldnt be out there. If it gets released, now what do you do. If you say this memo is misleading because it lacks key context, you cant provide the context because it is classified. Were in a alice and wonderland situation because this rule has never been invoked. They could release without any redactions whatsoever but also a declassification process within the executive branch because they are trying to do it the way they know how to do things where the fbi is proposing redactions and the office of the director of National Intelligence is doing an equity review to see whose information is implicated but if donald trump and the House Republicans want to put it out without any redactions, it looks like they could do that. And mike, lets rewind this for people and myself having trouble keeping track of what this is all about. The republicans say the fbi abused things including the fisa court to basically politicize this russia investigation. Even though paul ryan said it has nothing to do the russia investigation. Democrats say this is meant to sully the fbi and the department of justice to prove that they are out to get donald trump. That is right. Well we know that over 200 he members of the house have read the memo and only available in a secure facility in the capitol and some of the members described the content say that the key point is that the fbi requested a fisa warrant a secret surveillance warrant on carter page and he was a member of the Trump Campaign and their Foreign Policy team. The point is that they requested this fisa warrant to surveil on carter page for the sole purpose of gaining access to conversations with President Trump. That they wanted to be able to surveil the candidate and by doing that, they did they surveilled one of his key advisers. What is important here, and we had some fascinating insight into the debate in the house intelligence meeting when they published a transcript. And democrats are putting out their own memo because they are saying there is material omissions but would rather not put out either one but because only two members of the committee, trey gowdy, one of the Senior Republicans and adam schiff, the ranking democrat have read the unlying documents. Were looking at a fourpage book report about a book that a lot of the the members havent themselves read. And so to put this out in public, it makes a point, this entire process is under a procedure never used before and when i talk to members of the house and staff, theyre working hoefr time to understand the different scenarios that would be triggered by the actions this week. And so it is it is important to underline that we are in uncharted territory and what happens this week will weve never seen before. Stan, what it comes down to is whether or not people think that this process was abused. And if they think it was, theyre going to lose faith in the system and the fbi. The fisa court wasnt around when you were assist ab assis attorney general but lawyers and Justice Department officials came out and said it would be difficult, not impanel, but difficult to abuse getting a fisa warrant, which were talking about a fisa warrant on carter page that perhaps predated all of this. Going back to 2013 when there wasnt a donald trump running for president. Yeah. His comment was really good. He said were in uncharted territory. Ive heard that phrase every day since january 20th last year on everything you can think of. And i think it is again true were watching the president moments ago arriving at west Sulpher Springs White Sulphur springs in West Virginia. No, it is true we are in unchartered territory and think what happens is you have to keep working through this. If it is not by this time, given the tension that has been put on Cable Television to this issue. If this didnt come out go ahead. Just listening to the questions being shouted at the president. Sir, the fib doesnt want the memo released do you have any a lot of questions about the fbi. [ inaudible question ]. Hes not answering any questions. Ive was going to say, at this point if it doesnt come out, it will make a bigger stink and people will say now what are they hiding. And the whole notion that we want transparency and we want no coverups or disclosure will drive this and to that reason including the preside press w see things and not hide things and between the press and critics and the public youre going to see it come out. Now ken has a good point. If it comes out, the bureau is going has a very tricky thing on its hands. It has to put context and has a right to put context behind it and if they really happened or facts that are not disclosed and they have to say that and explain why it cant be disclosed. If they say this memo didnt form the basis for our fisa warrant or they say yes it did and something went wrong with that but weve corrected it but then you clean the air. Between the reporters in the world and the house, youre going to get a lot more facts coming out of this after if comes out and i dont think you could stop it. So the problem is the fisa warrants, ive seen they range between 30 and 100 pages and if you are going to write a memo about how a fisa warrant was obtained some things would be left out baz it is a fourpage memo. But in the end what i heard from fbi agents and well have one on later, is that in describing the abuse you are going to give away some tricks of the trade. So now weve got ourselves into a situation where journalists like as stan said, like to have a lot of details out there. But now where is the line between what should be out there and what is a National Security issue. And the other thing to point out is the fbi and the Justice Department said there was no abuse theyre aware of in this process. So there is a question whether there was real abuse. But, stan, they would. Very few people would come out and say our system is bad. So this is a liars and a truthteller situation. You cant prove that someone else is lying unless you give out more information than you probably want to give out. Ordinarily exactly right. You would give out everything you can to explain what happened and put it into context, but kens point is a problem here and that is it may be that some of the methods and methodology and sources cannot be disclosed in which case the bureau is going to have to characterize them and at that point theyll see either you believe us or you dont. The other thing is the democrats who are typically surveillance skeptics are saying there were no abuses and the republicans who voted to reauthorize the law are blowing the whistle so it is confusing. Uncharted territory. Thank you very much. And weve got this breaking news from republican president ial nominee mitt romney. He tweeted about a big announcement hes making later this month. Quote, looking forward to making an announcement on february 15th about the Utah Senate Race. Come on romney, you could have just said that im running in the Utah Senate Race or that im not. So were going to have to wait until february 15th. But guess what, msnbc will be there. Coming up, my next guest will make a prediction that the Unemployment Rate will drop so low since 1969 and what does that mean for wages. Well tell you on the other side. I am just trying to learn as much as i can about my culture. I put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. Because its a hat, but its like the most important hat ive ever owned. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. 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Adp and moody said we could expect strong numbers. The latest analysis reported 234,000 jobs were created in the private sector in the month of january. That is a harbinger for what the government jobs looks for because these days were not growing government jobs. Most of the jobs come in the private sector. Expectations are so strong that chief economist mark zandi said the u. S. Is headed for a jobless rate of 3. 5 by this time last year, a rate not seen since 1969. But how likely is it and what are the hidden consequences that could bring. And joining me is mark. Good to see you as always. Hi, ali. Lets talk about this. 3. 5 . What gets us there . Well, if job growth and Labor Force Growth and people coming in looking for work grows at the same rate in the coming year as it has over the past two, three, four five years well get there. The Unemployment Rate has been falling half a percentage point each and every year for the past eight almost nine years. So all we have to do is stick to that script and well be at 3. 5 by this time next year. Despite what President Trump said, that growth has slowed a little bit. Which some people say happens when you get closer to a lower and lower Unemployment Rate. So can we expect the pace of job growth to continue given that were getting closer to the bottom . At some point it will slow. With 3. 5 Unemployment Rate, were running out of available workers. And given that were pulling back on foreign immigration and foreign immigrants are key to labor force and job growth, the economy cant create jobs at this pace for much longer. So job growth will slow by definition because there arent people out there to hire. There are too many open job positions and businesses wont find the people they need. Weve been talking about unemployment for many years. Probably more than ten years. We used to think unemployment or high unemployment was an in tractable problem of our time after the great recession. Were realizing that economists like you would call 5 full employment and we are below that and yet wage growth isnt as fast as some americans would like it to be. That is the question my viewers will have. You are not as concerned about the Unemployment Rate as about are you going to get our wages going to increase. And how do you see that going . Well i would say two things. Wage growth will pick up. It already is. If you go back three or four years ago, we were 1. 5 or 2 wage growth so the real wages standard of living are declining and now were at 2. 5 and 3 and businesses cant find people to fill up open positions, well see wage growth accelerate. So that is in the cards. I think that will happen. But the second thing ill say is the the underlying rate of wage growth in the future isnt quite as strong as it was in the past because inflation is lower than it has been historically and also productivity growth, the Key Driving Force for wage growth is slowing as well. So we cant expect to see the same kind of wage growth in the future as we have historically. Mark, good to talk to you as always. Mark zandi from moodys analytics. And coming up, the growing feud between the president and the investigation after the Bureau Director made it clear that he opposed releasing this memo. Ill talk to a former fbi official after the break. Im mark and i quit smoking with chantix. I tried, um, cold turkey. I tried the patches. I was tired and i was fed up. I wanted to try something different. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke. Compared to the nicotine patch, chantix helped significantly more people quit smoking. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. 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Democrats say it is an attempt to discredit the fbi and Robert Mueller muellers russia investigation and republicans say it is a matter of american transparency and protecting americans rights. I had a lengthy conversation with chairman nunes and he stands by the memo and i stand by him in his constitutional duty to inform the American People. My personal view is that, yes, it should be released. I feel like were conducting ourselves very professionally. We have a professional obligation for oversight. Keep that in mind, too. Congress has oversight d. O. J. , over fbi. It is not the other way around. For more on the mem or and the white house overall relationship im joined byron hosko, current president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense fund. Ron, to that last comment that we heard from the congressman, that congress has oversight over the fbi and department of justice and not the other way around. The House Intel Committee is not the committee that generally has that oversight. But to that point, that this is for the peoples house to decide what is out there, not the fbi or the Justice Department. What is your response . Well, look, im very, very concerned about the method here and the logic of the house chair intel chair acting in this way. They can make a reference they can refer the case to the department of justice, Inspector General, already looking at aspects of the clinton email investigation easily refer it to the Inspector General and do this work in a classified manner, and have the inspector g general come back and report their findings which could include reference back to the fbi for allegations of misconduct, criminality all within the department of justice. But to distill this page investigation down to four pages with the echoes of claims from the democrats that is that it is misleading, the concerns from both the fbi and the d. O. J. That it has the potential to mislead, that is very concerning to me. And it makes me wonder why it is being done in this manner. So lets talk about the politics. The democrats are not in favor of giving a Law Enforcement all of these rules, theyve often been doubtful of the fisa process. It is sort of something republicans have preferred. At this point, define the democrats and the fbi and the department of justice all on the same tide of the issue must give one pause to say two groups who are not on the same side about surveillance are saying dont do this. Absolutely. Why is this . This is at least it was this president s Deputy Attorney general, his attorney general, his fbi director, here are seriousminded Law Enforcement professionals saying this is a bad idea. And this is a related concern and im sure my former colleagues share, were talking about classified information in a classified process in a classified system. So in effect what this memo does it paint the fbi into a corner that theyre going to have a very difficult time coming out of in any kind of public setting. So im not sure what kind of transparency there is going to be. The fbi is not going to answer substantive in a substantive way how they worked through this fisa process because it is classified. Right. And the winners in all of this are the people trying to undermine the fbis authority, because the fbi cant defend itself once this comes out. Them and the russians and the chinese who are watching every bit of this and learning from it. So now we have Stan Pottinger on here a few minutes ago, saying the horse is out of the barn. This will come out and everybody said it will come out and somebody will see this thing, probably if not most of america or the world will see it, what happens then . Because the point is to undermine the investigation into the president but in the process the Collateral Damage will be public trust in the fbi. So what is going to be out is presumably the four pages. But i do not believe the fbi short of declassifying information are not in a position to respond for this to this in the public setting. They shouldnt, they cant. I dont see them declassifying to get to that point and so i think potentially were back to the Inspector General to look at it in a classified setting and come to findings of fact. Ron always good to talk to you. Thank you for being with us. Ron hosko, the president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense fund. The bigger story around the controversy is russian glowing interference in our democracy and im joined by deborah farcous and an msnbc National Security analyst. Good to see you. What is lost in this entire discussion is the underlying problem, the problem for most americans is not maybe it is for some. Not the investigation into the administration and what it had to do with russia, it is that russia was involving itself in our democratic process. Right. Ali, we already know the russians attacked our elections but the argument about whether carter page was properly surveilled, because that is what it is about, it should be happening within the context of a bigger investigation into what russia did. But because it is unfolding this way, the russians in affect are also attacking our constitution. Theyre attacking the balance of power, the checks and balances. Because this is doing grave damage as youre other guests have said earlier, it is doing grave damage to the trust between the executive branch and the legislative branch. I spent almost a decade on the hill most of those years during the Bush Administration and i was a democrat working on a Senate Armed Service Committee Staff and responsible for counterterrorism, special operations and sensitive things, north korea and we needed to have the trust of the executive branch. For the executive branch to come and tell us about operations not in realtime but close to realtime they needed to trust us and we needed that information to make sure the executive branch was doing what it was supposed to do on behalf of the American People and so and part of the problem here is that there is a congressional matter in which sanctions were supposed to be imposed and the president has elected not to do that. Sanctions on russia. So in and amongst this whole smoke screen over here, we still have not addressing the underlying problem. Exactly. So first of all, you have, as i said, this is about carter page and who he was talking do the russians and so that is that is the Mueller Investigation. These republicans clearly want to discredit the Mueller Investigation as does the white house. At the same time, were doing nothing to defend america or i shouldnt say nothing. Were doing not enough to defend america against russia and other foreign actors who might copy what russia did. Yes, were doing some things to deter Russia Military and we have ongoing sanctions but we need stronger sanctions. I hope the administration and i hope we could take them at their word. There was a state Department Briefing i understand where they said this is just the beginning. This will be more action on the sanctions. And the white house and the president and the hill need to be honest and direct with the American People and dont pretend that nothing happened. We were attack by the russians and if americans help them, by accident or willingly, the American People deserve to know that. And that will happen at the end of the investigation. Evelyn, thank you for joining us. Msnbc National Security analyst and former deputy secretary of defense for russia and ukraine andure asia. A Rohingya Crisis in myanmar after five mass graves were discovered there. It is a mostly buddhist country in Southeast Asia in the midst of a crackdown on the muslim minority. Now according to the report, the bodies of the mass graves were half buried. Theyre faces blown away by bullets or burned by acid. The graves were found using information from interviews with survivors in bangladeshi refugee camps and cell phone video. The myanmar government continues to maintain that no such massacres have taken place and claims there is just one mass grave containing, quote, terrorists. However the a. P. Report indicates that those who havent fled to bangladesh are being raped and slaughtered by the military as well as by buddhist civilians. Up next, facebook battles headlines it was used by russia to affect the election. They report a drop in users for the First Time Ever. A facebook investor joins me after the break with his warning for Mark Zuckerberg. [ click, keyboard clacking ] [ keyboard clacking ] [ click, keyboard clacking ] good questions lead to good answers. Our advisors can help you find both. Talk to one today and see why were bullish on the future. Yours. Zuckerbe one today and see why were bullish on the future. It takes a lot of work to run this business. But i really love it. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i dont eat the way i should. So, i drink boost to get the nutrition im missing. Boost high protein nutritional drink has 15 grams of protein to help maintain muscle and 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d. All with a great taste. Boost gives me everything i need. To be up for doing what i love. Boost high protein be up for it as we closely follow the latest controversy surrounding house intel chair devin nunes some of the anger is falling to facebook and twitter. Top democratic lawmakers on the house and senate Intelligence Committee are accusing the social media giant of dodging questions over the role that russian bots played in the hashtag release the memo campaign. Democratic senator from california Diane Feinstein and from california adam schiff write we are no closer to understand the russia interference in our democratic affairs. This is a tricky time for facebook. Despite recordbreaking profits and shares hitting an alltime high, the platform lost daily users for the First Time Ever in the United States and canada. On top of that, the amount of time they spent on the site dropped by 5 . Now Facebook Ceo Mark Zuckerberg is spinning this latest trend as positive and part of his efforts to stimulate meaningful connections. Earlier this month youll remember he announced a plan to achieve this by making changes to the platform news feed and said, quote, by making these changes the time people spend on facebook and some measures of engagement will go down. This may not be the whole story, however. With me now is Roger Mcnamee from the private equity firm Elevation Partners and a early and current investment into facebook and early mentor to Mark Zuckerberg. Tell me why this isnt the full story. Facebook made the tweaks to help society and some users dropped off. I think more likely what happened was users started to drop off because the Facebook News feed is getting more cluttered, full of things that are not pleasing. And i suspect there was a little bit of a dropoff and then the company spun is cleverly and put out some announcements that would give cover. I think realistically this drop is not that significant. It might reverse in a quarter or two. I dont think that is the issue. But it does signal a real problem. That users are becoming aware that facebook has a dark side. And theyre starting to take steps to protect themselves and if they are facebook if facebook is smart, theyll make real changes not what theyve been doing the last couple of months. And senator feinstein and adam schiff, the facebook response was by most measured inadequate. I would say they stiff armed them. The real problem is that facebooks refusal to engage or provide data to investigators has no justification. This is our country and our elections, the most basic platform of democracy and there is no dispute that russians did this and the problem is having done the playbook, this time around anybody could do it. Weve seen this quarterly they happened to show that china was the number one advertiser in facebook even throw there is no asia facebook. There is no reason why north korea and iranons could be involved in the 2018 election. Because the barrier to entry is lower. In the Digital World anybody to deal did anybodys life there is one button. It works so well for advertisers but there is no way to keep bad actors out of the system and they press a button. You dont even need an Elementary School education to use the tools, they are are that good. And they are having to do something meaningful to reverse this trend. Regulators in europe take this more seriously or maybe they have the tools to do it but what do you see it happening next . Is this a congress and regulator matter or is this Mark Zuckerberg saying, okay, im really going to do something. So relative to 2018, i think there is only time left to make voters aware, there are people who didnt vote in 2016, because they were discouraged by the nastiness of the campaign or because they couldnt see the difference in the candidate. Everybody has to vote this time. We have to recognize this is our democracy and you may not think the candidates are perfect, but you have to vote. Everybody does. And so the thing im saying, what is going on in facebook is a problem. There is so much noise and disinformation. Just pick a candidate and vote. The second thing going on here is i believe facebook should change the Business Model. I think there is a better one out there. I dont think they have to harm themselves to solve this. But they have to move away from an advertising Business Model with filter bubbles and addiction, they need to get to subscriptions. Doesnt that cut off 80 of the users because people wont do this because it is free. You dont have to move the whole thing. Just make it available. Right now they get approximately 42 per year for customer for advertises so that is 3. 50 a subscription and the average person is using it 50 minutes a day. That is wildly more than they use netflix for which they play 12 a month. So there is some price between 3 3. 50 and 12. And what am i getting for that . One where you control the news feed and you have an unfiltered one for your family and you might have a filtered one for your friends and then they could become the over the top distributor of every medium and collect subscription revenues for whatever newspapers or magazine or video you want. Theyre already going that way. But this would align the incentives with the users and with the rest of the Media Industry and take mem a hero and i believe it would increase the revenues and increase their profits. Wow the key thing is if you could move 10 of the people at 5 a month you have an opportunity to grow revenues in the first week. If you get them to move in a week and a third in the year. That is the beginning of our next conversation on this. Roger, always a pleasure for you and you were present when i was in davos. Roger mcnamee. After the break, im joined by congressman buddy carter who read the classified memo at the center of the white house and the fbi and ill ask him if he thinks it should be released, right after this. Im not at risk. Even healthy adults 65 and older are at increased risk of pneumococcal pneumonia. Isnt it like a bad cold or flu . Pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease. In some cases, part of your lung may fill with mucus, making it hard to breathe. Can i catch it from a pneumococcal vaccination . No. The vaccines do not contain live bacteria. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how to help protect yourself. With a 500,000 Life Insurance policy. How much do you think it cost him . 100 a month . 75 . 50 . Actually,duncan got his 500,000 for under 28 a month. Less than a dollar a day. His secret . Selectquote. 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It is overshadowing the republican agenda as they plan their path for 2018. Joining me now from the retreat is georgia congressman buddy carter. Congressman, good to see you as always. I was pleased to see that you tweeted yesterday that you and your wife, your wife is joining you as many peoples spouses do to this event. And you were okay. Boy, what a tragic day. I tell you, it was a harrowing experience. You know, our thoughts and our prayers are with the victim and the victims families as well as those who are still hospitalized. It was quite a harrowing experience. Im glad that it wasnt worse than it was. Our prayers are with the family who has lost someone. Congressman, lets talk about whats going on in West Virginia. Actually lets talk more about the memo. You tweeted the other day, last week i read the classified memo from House Intel Committee which outlines shocking surveillance abuses. I have requested the Immediate Release of the document because the American People need to be able to read it as well. Release the memo. Congressman, are you concerned that the fbi and the Justice Department have said that there is some danger in releasing this memo and its not really a complete picture . I am not concerned. I do think the memo needs to be released. I did have the opportunity to read it and i will tell you there was more than just one wow moment for me after reading it. And i think the public and the American Public deserves to see it and deserves to see whats in it. The problem being that the fbi says its incomplete. It does president tell the full story. Well, if that is the case, which i question, its complete in the sense of what it is trying to entail and the story it is trying to tell. But at the same time, the fbi still has got to go through with their investigation so theyll have the opportunity to fulfill this. I know you cant tell me whats in it, but whats the story . Because the story could be one of two things. One is the fbi is partisan and biased and out to get the president , or the fbi bungled something. Whats the story . Well, you know broadly speaking, broadly speaking. Right. Well, broadly speaking, i think its a story about specifically those who were involved in the investigation, and thats whats so disturbing. All right. What do you whats your concern do you share the concern that some americans have that this is going to undermine the fbi in a way that the fbi cant fight back on . Because in order to address this, theres more classified information that cant come out. So, it sort of backs the fbi and the Justice Department into a corner. Are you worried about the Collateral Damage done to the fbi in the eyes of the public . Well, to a certain extent perhaps, but at the same time, listen, the American Public, theyre not stupid. Theyre able to recognize when there is a wrong that has been done. And i think once they read this memo, then theyll use their best judgment to come to a conclusion that, hey, there was some problems here. Right. Do the problems, if americans see this memo and they come to that conclusion that there were some problems, does this take away from the concern that americans should have, including you because youre up for election this year, that the russians continued to interfere with our democratic processes . Listen, i dont think there is anyone who doubts that. I think that crosses partisan lines. We all recognize and understand that the russians are trying to meddle in our elections. And this memo is not going to change that at all. Congressman, always good to talk to you. Thank you for your time. Congressman buddy carter of georgia. Want to take a quick break. Well be back with a check on the markets when we come back. An over cable for 17 years running. 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Just less than two minutes before the markets close for the day, we see an uptick in the dow about 25 points. Thats about, very little, its 10 10 of a percent. Heres the issue. This market has been up and down all week. As you know on monday, when there was news about amazon and j. P. Morgan and Berkshire Hathaway forming their own health care company, the markets tanked on that. Mostly the Health Insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies. Were going to watch that. People have been profit taking this week. Theres a lot of earnings. Lets broaden this out. When you look at the s p 500 which i like more than the dow, this has 500 stocks, this has 30 stocks and this looks more like your mutual funds, 401 ks if youve got it. This is down a little bit. This is interesting to look at when the markets are not in sync. Tech stocks are selling off a little bit. Thats why youre seeing this on the nasdaq. That brings it to a close for me. Ill see you back here tomorrow at 11 00 a. M. Eastern and 3 00 p. M. Eastern find me on social media all you want. For now, deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace right now. Hi, everyone. Its 4 00 in new york in what was described to me today as a game of chicken between the fbi and the white house by one source, and russian roulette with human lives at stake by another. The standoff between the fbi and the white house has entered its most dramatic chapter. The questions out number the answers so we will lay them out. If the redactions of the highly controversial memo that the fbi deems extraordinarily reckless are not made by the white house, will director chris wray resign over the bureaus grave concerns . Did the president say he would 100 release the memo before hed even read it because he already knew what was in it . If so, does that suggest a greater level of collaboration between the nunes staff and the white house staff . Which was kward nated in the past. And the gop war is meant to distract us from Donald Trumps true objective, to fire Rod Rosenstein who oversees the Mueller Investigation and will the release of the memo give him the political cover

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